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濒危物种保护方法研究进展   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
对濒危物种的科学内涵、濒危机制和物种保护方法进行综述。具体阐述了种群生存力分析 (PVA)技术和复合种群理论(Meta- population)在濒危物种保护中的应用 ;总结了分子生物学方法在濒危物种保护中的作用 ;探讨了“3S”技术在濒危物种保护中的应用前景。分析和评价了各种保护方法的实用性和局限性 ,提出了各种保护方法在濒危物种保护中的应用前景和发展趋势。总之 ,物种保护方法的不断发展开创了保护生物学研究的新篇章 ,怎样运用交叉学科理论和综合应用各种保护方法探讨物种濒危机制、制定濒危物种有效管理和保护措施 ,是需要进一步解决的科学问题。  相似文献   

Dry grasslands are of great interest for nature conservation in Europe, because they have a central role in the conservation of numerous rare and endangered species. In this study carried out in the Brenta mountain group (Italian alps), we investigated the effect of environmental factors mainly controlled by topography, on the biodiversity trends across different dry grassland habitats where the threatened alpine stenoendemic Erysimum aurantiacum grows. Plant community data and ecological factors were analysed by means of a multi‐habitat CCA approach and by analysis of biodiversity gradients in 7 natural and semi‐natural habitats. We found that species turnover and biodiversity patterns vary as a function of multi‐factorial ecological gradients. For the single habitats, elevation gradient was the main factor explaining compositional variation, followed by inclination and proportion of exposed rock surface. Despite its endangered status, E. aurantiacum showed a relatively high degree of ecological plasticity across these semiarid grassland habitats that probably allows it to survive in different environments, including in some cases those impacted by human activities. This prompts for habitat‐ more than species‐level conservation actions. According to their characteristics and threats, habitat‐specific management practices are recommended for long term conservation of plant species communities in the different ecological niches.  相似文献   

(This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.)  相似文献   

Cercidiphyllum japonicum, a Tertiary relict, recolonized areas north of the Yangtze River after the last glacial; however, little is known about its specific colonization corridors. Together with distribution models, the least cost path (LCP) analysis has been used to reveal the landscape connectivity of species. In this study, we utilized the categorical LCP method, combining the species distribution with genetic data from cpDNA and nuclear markers, to identify the possible dispersal routes of C. japonicum after the LGM. Across time periods and genetic markers, the results revealed that the species generally spread from the western edge of the Sichuan Basin, while the highest degree of dispersal potential corresponds with the year 2080 and the cpDNA haplotype. Furthermore, shifts in the species' range and the indication of an area of low genetic divergence further support the existence of a dispersal corridor. Overall, we believe that a dispersal route from the western edge of the Sichuan Basin through the Qinling Mountains and further to the northeast could exist, and therefore, the results are an important supplement to the evolutionary history of C. japonicum. In the future, we believe species distribution models (SDM) and connectivity assessment in relation to climate change will provide increasingly useful information and new implications for prioritizing the conservation of the endangered species.  相似文献   

The measurement of genetic variation is often an important component of endangered species management programs. Each of several tools available to measure genetic diversity has positive and negative attributes. Quantitative genetic techniques have not received much attention in the conservation field, yet they are likely to reveal variation that is most closely associated with components of fitness. In addition, quantitative genetics may not be as logistically difficult for threatened populations as was once thought. Finally, quantitative genetic models provide a better outlook for conservation programs than single-locus models.  相似文献   

Very little information is known of the recently described Microcebus tavaratra and Lepilemur milanoii in the Daraina region, a restricted area in far northern Madagascar. Since their forest habitat is highly fragmented and expected to undergo significant changes in the future, rapid surveys are essential to determine conservation priorities. Using both distance sampling and capture-recapture methods, we estimated population densities in two forest fragments. Our results are the first known density and population size estimates for both nocturnal species. In parallel, we compare density results from four different approaches, which are widely used to estimate lemur densities and population sizes throughout Madagascar. Four approaches (King, Kelker, Muller and Buckland) are based on transect surveys and distance sampling, and they differ from each other by the way the effective strip width is estimated. The fifth method relies on a capture-mark-recapture (CMR) approach. Overall, we found that the King method produced density estimates that were significantly higher than other methods, suggesting that it generates overestimates and hence overly optimistic estimates of population sizes in endangered species. The other three distance sampling methods provided similar estimates. These estimates were similar to those obtained with the CMR approach when enough recapture data were available. Given that Microcebus species are often trapped for genetic or behavioral studies, our results suggest that existing data can be used to provide estimates of population density for that species across Madagascar.  相似文献   

Reproductive biotechnologies for endangered mammalian species   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Assisted reproductive techniques (gamete cryopreservation, artificial insemination, embryo transfer, and in vitro fertilization) allow to propagate small fragmented populations of wild endangered species or domestic breeds. There are the best way for producing several offspring from selected genitors in order to avoid inbreeding depression. However, few mammalian species have been well studied for their reproductive biology whereas huge differences have been observed between these species. Furthermore, materials, methods and experimental designs have to be adapted for each case and each limiting factor (wildness, poor quantity of biological material, disparate locations). Genome resource banking is currently arising and the most applied reproductive biotechnology remains artificial insemination. Assisted reproductive techniques currently developed in domestic species (intracytoplasmic sperm injection, nuclear transfer) may offer new opportunities for the propagation of endangered species.  相似文献   

Two Puffinus shearwater species are endemic to the Mediterranean region: the Yelkouan shearwater P.␣yelkouan breeding in the central and eastern, and the critically endangered Balearic shearwater P.␣mauretanicus in the western, exclusively breeding at the Balearic archipelago. All individuals caught in Minorca, a Balearic breeding site, showed phenotypic traits of Yelkouan shearwaters. Ten birds from that colony were sampled and genetically analysed. A fragment of 857 base pairs of the cytochrome b was sequenced and compared to published sequences of both species obtained from GenBank. A Neighbor-Joining (NJ) reconstruction distinguished two clades with high bootstrap support, showing that both species bred sympatrically in that colony. This result was unexpected since shearwaters do not usually form mixed colonies. New conservation concerns arise also from our study: at first, breeding population of Yelkouan shearwaters is even smaller than previously thought; additionally, other potential threats emerge, such as hybridization and ecological competition.  相似文献   

Ranunculus cabrerensis is an endemic and endangered species of the Northwestern Iberian Peninsula. The molecular markers AFLP and ISSR were used to investigate the genetic diversity and population structure of four populations across its known distribution. Fifteen selective primer combinations of AFLP and seventeen ISSR primer combinations produced a total of 2830 and 103 unambiguously repeatable fragments respectively, of which 97.57 and 81.38% were polymorphic for both markers. The genetic diversity of R. cabrerensis at species level was high (H E = 0.294 by ISSR and H E = 0.191 by AFLP) and differentiation between sampled locations was also relatively high (G ST = 0.316 and 0.158 by ISSR and AFLP analysis respectively) compared to other studies of endangered and rare species using the same techniques. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated that the main genetic variation was within sampled locations (73% by AFLP; 52% by ISSR), even though the variation among locations was also significant. Principal Coordinates, NeighborNet and Bayesian analyses revealed a weak but significant relationship between the genetic structures of different populations in R. cabrerensis, with gene flow acting as a homogenizing force that prevents stronger differentiation of populations. Finally, suggestions for conservation strategies to preserve the genetic resources of this species are outlined.  相似文献   

Rosa rugosa Thunb. is one of the dominant and important shrub species in estuary dunes and shingle beaches of northern China. However, its area of distribution, the number of populations, and the size of each population have decreased rapidly in the past two decades because of habitat degradation and loss. Random amplified polymorphic DNA markers were used to determine the genetic diversity of four remaining large natural populations of R. rugosa and to discuss an effective conservation strategy for this endangered species in China. High genetic variations were detected in R. rugosa populations in China. The mean percentage of polymorphic loci (P%) within four local populations was 57.99%, with the P% of the total population being 75.30%. Mean Shannon's information index (H0) was 0.2826, whereas total Ho was 0.3513. The genetic differentiation among populations was 0.1878, which indicates that most genetic diversity occurs within populations. Population Tumenjiang (TMJ) showed the highest genetic diversity (P% = 66.27%; H0 = 0.3117) and contained two exclusive bands. Population Changshandao (CSD) showed higher genetic diversity (P% =59.04%; H0 = 0.3065). Populations TMJ and CSD contained 95.33% and 99.33%, respectively, of loci with moderate to high frequency (P〉0.05) of the total population. These results indicate that populations TMJ and CSD should be given priority for in situ conservation and regarded as seed or propagule sources for ex situ conservation. The results of the present study also suggest that R. rugosa in China has become endangered as a result of human actions rather than genetic depression of populations; thus, human interference should be absolutely forbidden in R. rugosa habitats.  相似文献   

物种濒危等级划分与物种保护   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍了国际与国内濒危物种等级最新标准。探讨了濒危物处等级的划分标准存在的问题和物种的保护优先序。介绍了确定物种保护优先序时的两种不同观点。  相似文献   

The Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) is a critically endangered aquatic fish. Health monitoring and welfare assessments are critical for the conservation of Chinese sturgeon. In this study, biochemical parameters of serum and skin mucus in Chinese sturgeon were examined to evaluate the potential biomarkers. Serum and mucous samples were obtained from Chinese sturgeon, and the levels of total protein (TP), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), creatine kinase (CK), lactic acid (LD), acid phosphatase (ACP), lysozyme (LYZ), glucose (GLU), and cortisol were determined. The concentrations of ALT, AST, cortisol, and LYZ were significantly higher in the mucous group than those in the serum group (p < 0.05). In addition, the concentrations of ALP, ACP, LD, LDH, CK, and TP were significantly higher level in the serum group than those in the mucous group (p < 0.05). Moreover, the correlations between serum and mucous biochemical parameters were established. Statistical analysis showed a positive correlation between serum and skin mucous markers (ACP, cortisol, and LYZ). AST versus ALT in serum and mucus showed a significant positive correlation (p < 0.01). A significant positive correlation was found between cortisol and CK in mucus (p < 0.01). Moreover, LD versus LDH in serum showed a significant but weak positive correlation (p < 0.01). Principal component analysis revealed a complete separation between the serum and mucous groups, with the biomarkers that contributed the most being ALP, TP, ALT, and AST. This study provides baseline data and reference intervals for serum and mucous biochemical parameters in presumably healthy Chinese sturgeons. The current study has important implications for the development of conservation strategies and the conservation status of critically endangered species.  相似文献   

The great scallop is a highly valued marine species. It makes its home on rocky seabeds around the British Isles and has been heavily exploited. Fears that natural stocks are showing signs of over fishing are being remedied by strict enforcement of fisheries legislation and by the development of stock enhancement practices.  相似文献   

Mandragora turcomanica Mizg. is reported from gardens of Dahaneh village c.7 km north of Kalaleh in Golestan Province (NE Iran). The plants were transplanted from wild populations by the local people many years ago, because of their highly aromatic leaves and fruits. Current information suggests the species is extinct or extremely rare in natural habitats in Iran and protection of extant stands in this village is urgently recommended. It is already known to be endangered in Turkmenistan. The detailed morphological characteristics are discussed and compared with the Mediterranean M. officinarum L., and photographs of the plant are provided.  相似文献   


Few studies have evaluated the genetic status of medicinal plants exposed to commercial harvesting. Here, we examine the genetic variability of Pilocarpus microphyllus, an endemic and threatened medicinal plant species from the eastern Amazon, across its largest remaining wild population. Popularly known as jaborandi, species of Pilocarpus genus are the unique known natural source of pilocarpine, an alkaloid used to treat glaucoma and xerostomia. However, Populations of P. microphyllus has experienced a severe decline in the last decades. Using RAD sequencing, we identified a total of 5,266 neutral and independent SNPs in 277 individuals collected from the Carajás National Forest (CNF). We quantified genetic diversity and gene flow patterns and estimated the minimum number of individuals necessary to establish a germplasm bank. Our results revealed high genetic diversity and four spatially distinct clusters of P. microphyllus with substantial admixture among them. Geographic distance and temperature dissimilarity were the factors that best explained the relatedness patterns among individuals. Additionally, our findings indicate that at least 40 matrices sampled randomly from each population would be required to conserve genetic diversity in the long term. In short, P. microphyllus showed high levels of genetic diversity and an effective population size (NE) sufficient to reduce the likelihood of extinction due to inbreeding depression. Our results indicate that diversity has been maintained despite the continuous harvesting of raw leaf material in the area over recent decades. Finally, the results provide information essential for the design of a germplasm bank to protect the endangered medicinal plant species.


Although well known as a widespread parasitic disease of columbids and birds of prey, there have been few studies of trichomonosis in populations of wild birds. In Mauritius, trichomonosis has been highlighted as a major threat to an endangered endemic, the Pink Pigeon (Neosoenas [Columba] mayeri). In this study, we examined the role that populations of other columbids in Mauritius might be playing as infectious reservoirs of the causal flagellate protozoan, Trichomonas gallinae. We screened 296 wild individuals of three columbid species (Madagascan Turtle Dove [Streptopelia picturata], Spotted Dove [Streptopelia chinensis], and Zebra Dove [Geopelia striata]) between September 2002 and April 2004. Prevalence varied significantly among species (ranging from 19% in S. chinensis to 59% in G. striata) and between S. picturata sampled from upland and coastal sites; S. picturata from upland sites (>500 m) were significantly less likely to be infected with T. gallinae than those from lowland sites (<50 m; 62% and 27% prevalence, respectively). There was no significant difference in the prevalence of T. gallinae at sites where Pink Pigeons were also present compared to those sampled at sites without Pink Pigeons. We show that T. gallinae infection prevalence is higher at sites and times of warmer temperatures and lower rainfall.  相似文献   

王芮  朱国平 《应用生态学报》2018,29(8):2778-2786
目前甲壳类生物资源,如蟹、龙虾、对虾及南极磷虾等组成了全球庞大且极具商业价值的渔业.虽然这些渔业的重要性逐步提升,规模也在扩大,但相对于其他渔业,适合且有效的海洋甲壳类资源评估与管理方法仍需进一步发展.本文回顾和评价了各种用于甲壳类生物资源评估的方法与模型,对剩余产量模型、时滞差分模型、损耗模型及体长结构模型等应用到甲壳类生物资源评估的4种主要模型进行了归纳和分析,简要地总结了这几种模型在应用时所需要的假设前提以及对所需数据的要求等,并对比分析了几种模型的优、缺点.此外,本文还列举了关于资源评估方法中模型的假设要求.参数的估算方法、不确定性来源及一般性解决办法等.最后,本文对甲壳类资源评估方法的发展方向和前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

In order to improve the genetic management of bird species within the European Endangered Programs (EEP), a research project on artificial insemination and cryopreservation of Galliformes semen has been developed. The aim of the program is to create a sperm cryobank for threatened bird species. During this study, semen was collected from 17 pheasant species and specific characteristics of ejaculates were analyzed (volume, sperm concentration, motility, pH). Artificial insemination with fresh semen was performed in nine species and with frozen semen in eight species. Inseminations with frozen and thawed semen were made in 17 species. Viability of fresh and frozen semen was assessed in vitro using double stains, eosin and nigrosin. The effect of pH (7-8.5) on viability of fresh and frozen/thawed spermatozoa was also studied. Chicks hatched in eight and three species after insemination with fresh and frozen/thawed semen, respectively. Species varied widely in semen viability: 1-30% of spermatozoa survived freezing and thawing. There was a negative correlation between the viability of frozen spermatozoa and semen pH. In our experimental conditions, the pH of diluents had no effect on semen viability. However, semen with the highest pH had the lowest quality after freezing and thawing. These experiments demonstrated the feasibility of using a very simple and inexpensive method to achieve artificial insemination and cryopreservation of semen in endangered pheasant species.  相似文献   

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