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Accelerated endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated degradation (ERAD) of the cholesterol biosynthetic enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase results from its sterol-induced binding to ER membrane proteins called Insig-1 and Insig-2. This binding allows for subsequent ubiquitination of reductase by Insig-associated ubiquitin ligases. Once ubiquitinated, reductase becomes dislocated from ER membranes into the cytosol for degradation by 26 S proteasomes through poorly defined reactions mediated by the AAA-ATPase valosin-containing protein (VCP)/p97 and augmented by the nonsterol isoprenoid geranylgeraniol. Here, we report that the oxysterol 25-hydroxycholesterol and geranylgeraniol combine to trigger extraction of reductase across ER membranes prior to its cytosolic release. This conclusion was drawn from studies utilizing a novel assay that measures membrane extraction of reductase by determining susceptibility of a lumenal epitope in the enzyme to in vitro protease digestion. Susceptibility of the lumenal epitope to protease digestion and thus membrane extraction of reductase were tightly regulated by 25-hydroxycholesterol and geranylgeraniol. The reaction was inhibited by RNA interference-mediated knockdown of either Insigs or VCP/p97. In contrast, reductase continued to become membrane-extracted, but not cytosolically dislocated, in cells deficient for AAA-ATPases of the proteasome 19 S regulatory particle. These findings establish sequential roles for VCP/p97 and the 19 S regulatory particle in the sterol-accelerated ERAD of reductase that may be applicable to the ERAD of other substrates.  相似文献   

The voltage-gated sodium channel (Nav) 1.8 contributes substantially to the rising phase of action potential in small dorsal root ganglion neurons. Nav1.8 is majorly localized intracellularly and its expression on the plasma membrane is regulated by exit from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Previous work has identified an ER-retention/retrieval motif in the first intracellular loop of Nav1.8, which prevents its surface expression. Here we report that the transmembrane segments of Nav1.8 also cause this channel retained in the ER. Using transferrin receptor and CD8α as model molecules, immunocytochemistry showed that the first, second, and third transmembrane segments in each domain of Nav1.8 reduced their surface expression. Alanine-scanning analysis revealed acidic amino acids as critical factors in the odd transmembrane segments. Furthermore, co-immunoprecipitation experiments showed that calnexin interacted with acidic amino acid-containing sequences through its transmembrane segment. Overexpression of calnexin resulted in increased degradation of those proteins through the ER-associated degradation pathway, whereas down-regulation of calnexin reversed the phenotype. Thus our results reveal a critical role and mechanism of transmembrane segments in surface expression and degradation of Nav1.8.  相似文献   

The tandem pore domain halothane-inhibited K+ channel 1 (THIK1) produces background K+ currents. Despite 62% amino acid identity with THIK1, THIK2 is not active upon heterologous expression. Here, we show that this apparent lack of activity is due to a unique combination of retention in the endoplasmic reticulum and low intrinsic channel activity at the plasma membrane. A THIK2 mutant containing a proline residue (THIK2-A155P) in its second inner helix (M2) produces K+-selective currents with properties similar to THIK1, including inhibition by halothane and insensitivity to extracellular pH variations. Another mutation in the M2 helix (I158D) further increases channel activity and affects current kinetics. We also show that the cytoplasmic amino-terminal region of THIK2 (Nt-THIK2) contains an arginine-rich motif (RRSRRR) that acts as a retention/retrieval signal. Mutation of this motif in THIK2 induces a relocation of the channel to the plasma membrane, resulting in measurable currents, even in the absence of mutations in the M2 helix. Cell surface delivery of a Nt-THIK2-CD161 chimera is increased by mutating the arginines of the retention motif but also by converting the serine embedded in this motif to aspartate, suggesting a phosphorylation-dependent regulation of THIK2 trafficking.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, the thyroglobulin (Tg) gene product must be exported to the lumen of thyroid follicles for thyroid hormone synthesis. In toto, Tg is composed of multiple type-1 repeats connected by linker and hinge (altogether considered as "region I," nearly 1,200 residues); regions II-III (~720 residues); and cholinesterase-like (ChEL) domain (~570 residues). Regions II-III and ChEL rapidly acquire competence for secretion, yet regions I-II-III require 20 min to become a partially mature disulfide isomer; stabilization of a fully oxidized form requires ChEL. Transition from partially mature to mature Tg occurs as a discrete "jump" in mobility by nonreducing SDS-PAGE, suggesting formation of at most a few final pairings of Cys residues that may be separated by significant intervening primary sequence. Using two independent approaches, we have investigated which portion of Tg is engaged in this late stage of its maturation. First, we demonstrate that this event is linked to oxidation involving region I. Introduction of the Tg-C1245R mutation in the hinge (identical to that causing human goitrous hypothyroidism) inhibits this maturation, although the Cys-1245 partner remains unidentified. Second, we find that Tg truncated after its fourth type-1 repeat is a fully independent secretory protein. Together, the data indicate that final acquisition of secretory competence includes conformational maturation in the interval between linker and hinge segments of region I.  相似文献   

Luminal calcium released from secretory organelles has been suggested to play a regulatory role in vesicle transport at several steps in the secretory pathway; however, its functional roles and effector pathways have not been elucidated. Here we demonstrate for the first time that specific luminal calcium depletion leads to a significant decrease in endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-to-Golgi transport rates in intact cells. Ultrastructural analysis revealed that luminal calcium depletion is accompanied by increased accumulation of intermediate compartment proteins in COPII buds and clusters of unfused COPII vesicles at ER exit sites. Furthermore, we present several lines of evidence suggesting that luminal calcium affected transport at least in part through calcium-dependent interactions between apoptosis-linked gene-2 (ALG-2) and the Sec31A proline-rich region: 1) targeted disruption of ALG-2/Sec31A interactions caused severe defects in ER-to-Golgi transport in intact cells; 2) effects of luminal calcium and ALG-2/Sec31A interactions on transport mutually required each other; and 3) Sec31A function in transport required luminal calcium. Morphological phenotypes of disrupted ALG-2/Sec31A interactions were characterized. We found that ALG-2/Sec31A interactions were not required for the localization of Sec31A to ER exit sites per se but appeared to acutely regulate the stability and trafficking of the cargo receptor p24 and the distribution of the vesicle tether protein p115. These results represent the first outline of a mechanism that connects luminal calcium to specific protein interactions regulating vesicle trafficking machinery.  相似文献   

The human selenoprotein VIMP (VCP-interacting membrane protein)/SelS (selenoprotein S) localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane and is involved in the process of ER-associated degradation (ERAD). To date, little is known about the presumed redox activity of VIMP, its structure and how these features might relate to the function of the protein in ERAD. Here, we use the recombinantly expressed cytosolic region of VIMP where the selenocysteine (Sec) in position 188 is replaced with a cysteine (a construct named cVIMP-Cys) to characterize redox and structural properties of the protein. We show that Cys-188 in cVIMP-Cys forms a disulfide bond with Cys-174, consistent with the presence of a Cys174-Sec188 selenosulfide bond in the native sequence. For the disulfide bond in cVIMP-Cys we determined the reduction potential to -200 mV, and showed it to be a good substrate of thioredoxin. Based on a biochemical and structural characterization of cVIMP-Cys using analytical gel filtration, CD and NMR spectroscopy in conjunction with bioinformatics, we propose a comprehensive overall structural model for the cytosolic region of VIMP. The data clearly indicate the N-terminal half to be comprised of two extended α-helices followed by a C-terminal region that is intrinsically disordered. Redox-dependent conformational changes in cVIMP-Cys were observed only in the vicinity of the two Cys residues. Overall, the redox properties observed for cVIMP-Cys are compatible with a function as a reductase, and we speculate that the plasticity of the intrinsically disordered C-terminal region allows the protein to access many different and structurally diverse substrates.  相似文献   

Membrane trafficking is dictated by dynamic molecular interactions involving discrete determinants in the cargo proteins and the intracellular transport machineries. We have previously reported that cell surface expression of GPR15, a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) that serves as a co-receptor for HIV, is correlated with the mode III binding of 14-3-3 proteins to the receptor C terminus. Here we provide a mechanistic basis for the role of 14-3-3 in promoting the cell surface expression of GPR15. The Ala mutation of penultimate phospho-Ser (S359A) that abolishes 14-3-3 binding resulted in substantially reduced O-glycosylation and the cell surface expression of GPR15. The surface membrane protein CD8 fused with the C-terminal tail of GPR15(S359A) mutant was re-localized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In the context of S359A mutation, the additional mutations in the upstream stretch of basic residues (RXR motif) restored O-glycosylation and the cell surface expression. The RXR motif was responsible for the interaction with coatomer protein I (COPI), which was inversely correlated with the 14-3-3 binding and cell surface expression. These results suggest that 14-3-3 binding promotes cell surface expression of GPR15 by releasing the receptor from ER retrieval/retention pathway that is mediated by the interaction of RXR motif and COPI. Moreover, 14-3-3 binding substantially increased the stability of GPR15 protein. Thus 14-3-3 proteins play multiple roles in biogenesis and trafficking of an HIV co-receptor GPR15 to control its cell surface density in response to the phosphorylation signal.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is organized in part by adapter proteins that nucleate the formation of large protein complexes. Tetratricopeptide repeats (TPR) are well studied protein structural motifs that support intermolecular protein-protein interactions. TMTC1 and TMTC2 were identified by an in silico search as TPR-containing proteins possessing N-terminal ER targeting signal sequences and multiple hydrophobic segments, suggestive of polytopic membrane proteins that are targeted to the secretory pathway. A variety of cell biological and biochemical assays was employed to demonstrate that TMTC1 and TMTC2 are both ER resident integral membrane proteins with multiple clusters of TPR domains oriented within the ER lumen. Proteomic analysis followed by co-immunoprecipitation verification found that both proteins associated with the ER calcium uptake pump SERCA2B, and TMTC2 also bound to the carbohydrate-binding chaperone calnexin. Live cell calcium measurements revealed that overexpression of either TMTC1 or TMTC2 caused a reduction of calcium released from the ER following stimulation, whereas the knockdown of TMTC1 or TMTC2 increased the stimulated calcium released. Together, these results implicate TMTC1 and TMTC2 as ER proteins involved in ER calcium homeostasis.  相似文献   

Thyroglobulin (precursor for thyroid hormone synthesis) is a large secreted glycoprotein comprising contiguous region I (multiple type-1 repeating units engaging the first ~1,191 residues, followed by a ~245-residue hinge region), regions II-III (multiple type-2 and 3 repeating units, comprising ~720 residues), and the C-terminal cholinesterase-like (ChEL) domain (~570 residues). A signal peptide attached to ChEL makes an independent secretory protein that binds to I-II-III, stabilizing it and rescuing the secretion of I-II-III that would otherwise be trapped in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In this study, we found that a signal peptide attached to regions II-III also makes for an efficient secretory protein that neither demonstrably interacts nor has its secretion enhanced by the presence of secretory ChEL. By contrast, region I, either with or without the hinge region, cannot be secreted on its own and remains in the ER where it is bound to ER chaperones BiP and GRP94. Whereas ChEL can rescue secretion of I-II-III, it can rescue I-II only very weakly, and region I not at all. Yet, ChEL begins to rescue region I in cells that also co-express secretory II-III. The data suggest that conformational maturation of region I is a limiting step in the thyroglobulin maturation process, and this step is facilitated by the presence of both regions II-III and ChEL. Mutations causing hypothyroidism might induce solely local/regional misfolding or may interfere more globally by impeding interactions between regions that are required for thyroglobulin secretion.  相似文献   

p24 family proteins are evolutionarily conserved transmembrane proteins involved in the early secretory pathway. Saccharomyces cerevisiae has 8 known p24 proteins that are classified into four subfamilies (p24α, -β, -γ, and -δ). Emp24 and Erv25 are the sole members of p24β and -δ, respectively, and deletion of either destabilizes the remaining p24 proteins, resulting in p24 null phenotype (p24Δ). We studied genetic and physical interactions of p24α (Erp1, -5, and -6) and γ (Erp2, -3, and -4). Deletion of the major p24α (Erp1) partially inhibited p24 activity as reported previously. A second mutation in either Erp5 or Erp6 aggravated the erp1Δ phenotype, and the triple mutation gave a full p24Δ phenotype. Similar genetic interactions were observed among the major p24γ (Erp2) and the other two γ members. All the p24α/γ isoforms interacted with both p24β and -δ. Interaction between p24β and -δ was isoform-selective, and five major α/γ pairs were detected. These results suggest that the yeast p24 proteins form functionally redundant αβγδ complexes. We also identified Rrt6 as a novel p24δ isoform. Rrt6 shows only limited sequence identity (∼15%) to known p24 proteins but was found to have structural properties characteristic of p24. Rrt6 was induced when cells were grown on glycerol and form an additional αβγδ complex with Erp3, Erp5, and Emp24. This complex was mainly localized to the Golgi, whereas the p24 complex containing Erv25, instead of Rrt6 but otherwise with the same isoform composition, was found mostly in the ER.  相似文献   

We study the amino acid transport system b(0,+) as a model for folding, assembly, and early traffic of membrane protein complexes. System b(0,+) is made of two disulfide-linked membrane subunits: the carrier, b(0,+) amino acid transporter (b(0,+)AT), a polytopic protein, and the helper, related to b(0,+) amino acid transporter (rBAT), a type II glycoprotein. rBAT ectodomain mutants display folding/trafficking defects that lead to type I cystinuria. Here we show that, in the presence of b(0,+)AT, three disulfides were formed in the rBAT ectodomain. Disulfides Cys-242-Cys-273 and Cys-571-Cys-666 were essential for biogenesis. Cys-673-Cys-685 was dispensable, but the single mutants C673S, and C685S showed compromised stability and trafficking. Cys-242-Cys-273 likely was the first disulfide to form, and unpaired Cys-242 or Cys-273 disrupted oxidative folding. Strikingly, unassembled rBAT was found as an ensemble of different redox species, mainly monomeric. The ensemble did not change upon inhibition of rBAT degradation. Overall, these results indicated a b(0,+)AT-dependent oxidative folding of the rBAT ectodomain, with the initial and probably cotranslational formation of Cys-242-Cys-273, followed by the oxidation of Cys-571-Cys-666 and Cys-673-Cys-685, that was completed posttranslationally.  相似文献   

Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) protein complexes play essential roles in catalyzing intracellular membrane fusion events although the assembly pathway and molecular arrangement of SNARE complexes in membrane fusion reactions are not well understood. Here we monitored interactions of the R-SNARE protein Sec22 through a cysteine scanning approach and detected efficient formation of cross-linked Sec22 homodimers in cellular membranes when cysteine residues were positioned in the SNARE motif or C terminus of the transmembrane domain. When specific Sec22 cysteine derivatives are present on both donor COPII vesicles and acceptor Golgi membranes, the formation of disulfide cross-links provide clear readouts on trans- and cis-SNARE arrangements during this fusion event. The Sec22 transmembrane domain was required for efficient homodimer formation and for membrane fusion suggesting a functional role for Sec22 homodimers. We propose that Sec22 homodimers promote assembly of higher-order SNARE complexes to catalyze membrane fusion. Sec22 is also reported to function in macroautophagy and in formation of endoplasmic reticulum-plasma membrane contact sites therefore homodimer assembly may regulate Sec22 activity across a range of cellular processes.  相似文献   

Adiponectin is an adipokine with insulin-sensitizing and anti-inflammatory functions. We previously reported that adiponectin multimerization and stability are promoted by the disulfide bond A oxidoreductase-like protein (DsbA-L) in cells and in vivo. However, the precise mechanism by which DsbA-L regulates adiponectin biosynthesis remains elusive. Here we show that DsbA-L is co-localized with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) marker protein disulfide isomerase and the mitochondrial marker MitoTracker. In addition, DsbA-L interacts with the ER chaperone protein Ero1-Lα in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. In silico analysis and truncation mapping studies revealed that DsbA-L contains an ER targeting signal at its N terminus. Deletion of the first 6 residues at the N terminus greatly impaired DsbA-L localization in the ER. Overexpression of the wild type but not the ER localization-defective mutant of DsbA-L protects against thapsigargin-induced ER stress and adiponectin down-regulation in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. In addition, overexpression of the wild type but not the ER localization-defective mutant of DsbA-L promotes adiponectin multimerization. Together, our results reveal that DsbA-L is localized in both the mitochondria and the ER in adipocytes and that its ER localization plays a critical role in suppressing ER stress and promoting adiponectin biosynthesis and secretion.  相似文献   

Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP(3)) receptors are endoplasmic reticulum membrane calcium channels that, upon activation, are degraded via the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. While searching for novel mediators of IP(3) receptor processing, we discovered that RNF170, an uncharacterized RING domain-containing protein, associates rapidly with activated IP(3) receptors. RNF170 is predicted to have three membrane-spanning helices, is localized to the ER membrane, and possesses ubiquitin ligase activity. Depletion of endogenous RNF170 by RNA interference inhibited stimulus-induced IP(3) receptor ubiquitination, and degradation and overexpression of a catalytically inactive RNF170 mutant suppressed stimulus-induced IP(3) receptor processing. A substantial proportion of RNF170 is constitutively associated with the erlin1/2 (SPFH1/2) complex, which has been shown previously to bind to IP(3) receptors immediately after their activation. Depletion of RNF170 did not affect the binding of the erlin1/2 complex to stimulated IP(3) receptors, whereas erlin1/2 complex depletion inhibited RNF170 binding. These results suggest a model in which the erlin1/2 complex recruits RNF170 to activated IP(3) receptors where it mediates IP(3) receptor ubiquitination. Thus, RNF170 plays an essential role in IP(3) receptor processing via the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway.  相似文献   

Proteins misfolded in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are cleared by the ubiquitin-dependent proteasome system in the cytosol, a series of events collectively termed ER-associated degradation (ERAD). It was previously shown that SEL1L, a partner protein of the E3 ubiquitin ligase HRD1, is required for degradation of misfolded luminal proteins (ERAD-Ls substrates) but not misfolded transmembrane proteins (ERAD-Lm substrates) in both mammalian and chicken DT40 cells. Here, we analyzed ATF6, a type II transmembrane glycoprotein that serves as a sensor/transducer of the unfolded protein response, as a potential ERAD-Lm substrate in DT40 cells. Unexpectedly, degradation of endogenous ATF6 and exogenously expressed chicken and human ATF6 by the proteasome required SEL1L. Deletion analysis revealed that the luminal region of ATF6 is a determinant for SEL1L-dependent degradation. Chimeric analysis showed that the luminal region of ATF6 confers SEL1L dependence on type I transmembrane protein as well. In contrast, degradation of other known type I ERAD-Lm substrates (BACE457, T-cell receptor-α, CD3-δ, and CD147) did not require SEL1L. Thus, ATF6 represents a novel type of ERAD-Lm substrate requiring SEL1L for degradation despite its transmembrane nature. In addition, endogenous ATF6 was markedly stabilized in wild-type cells treated with kifunensine, an inhibitor of α1,2-mannosidase in the ER, indicating that degradation of ATF6 requires proper mannose trimming. Our further analyses revealed that the five ERAD-Lm substrates examined are classified into three subgroups based on their dependence on mannose trimming and SEL1L. Thus, ERAD-Lm substrates are degraded through much more diversified mechanisms in higher eukaryotes than previously thought.  相似文献   

The evolutionarily conserved Sec61 translocon mediates the translocation and membrane insertion of proteins. For the integration of proteins into the membrane, the Sec61 translocon opens laterally to the lipid bilayer. Previous studies suggest that the lateral opening of the channel is mediated by the helices TM2b and TM7 of a pore-forming subunit of the Sec61 translocon. To map key residues in TM2b and TM7 in yeast Sec61 that modulate lateral gating activity, we performed alanine scanning and in vivo site-directed photocross-linking experiments. Alanine scanning identified two groups of critical residues in the lateral gate, one group that leads to defects in the translocation and membrane insertion of proteins and the other group that causes faster translocation and facilitates membrane insertion. Photocross-linking data show that the former group of residues is located at the interface of the lateral gate. Furthermore, different degrees of defects for the membrane insertion of single- and double-spanning membrane proteins were observed depending on whether the mutations were located in TM2b or TM7. These results demonstrate subtle differences in the molecular mechanism of the signal sequence binding/opening of the lateral gate and membrane insertion of a succeeding transmembrane segment in a polytopic membrane protein.  相似文献   

Exit of cargo molecules from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) for transport to the Golgi is the initial step in intracellular vesicular trafficking. The coat protein complex II (COPII) machinery is recruited to specialized regions of the ER, called ER exit sites (ERES), where it plays a central role in the early secretory pathway. It has been known for more than two decades that calcium is an essential factor in vesicle trafficking from the ER to Golgi apparatus. However, the role of calcium in the early secretory pathway is complicated and poorly understood. We and others previously identified Sec31A, an outer cage component of COPII, as an interacting protein for the penta-EF-hand calcium-binding protein ALG-2. In this study, we show that another calcium-binding protein, annexin A11 (AnxA11), physically associates with Sec31A by the adaptor function of ALG-2. Depletion of AnxA11 or ALG-2 decreases the population of Sec31A that is stably associated with the ERES and causes scattering of juxtanuclear ERES to the cell periphery. The synchronous ER-to-Golgi transport of transmembrane cargoes is accelerated in AnxA11- or ALG-2-knockdown cells. These findings suggest that AnxA11 maintains architectural and functional features of the ERES by coordinating with ALG-2 to stabilize Sec31A at the ERES.  相似文献   

The protein-disulfide isomerase (PDI) family member anterior gradient 2 (AGR2) is reportedly overexpressed in numerous cancers and plays a role in cancer development. However, to date the molecular functions of AGR2 remain to be characterized. Herein we have identified AGR2 as bound to newly synthesized cargo proteins using a proteomics analysis of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane-bound ribosomes. Nascent protein chains that translocate into the ER associate with specific ER luminal proteins, which in turn ensures proper folding and posttranslational modifications. Using both imaging and biochemical approaches, we confirmed that AGR2 localizes to the lumen of the ER and indirectly associates with ER membrane-bound ribosomes through nascent protein chains. We showed that AGR2 expression is controlled by the unfolded protein response and is in turn is involved in the maintenance of ER homeostasis. Remarkably, we have demonstrated that siRNA-mediated knockdown of AGR2 significantly alters the expression of components of the ER-associated degradation machinery and reduces the ability of cells to cope with acute ER stress, properties that might be relevant to the role of AGR2 in cancer development.  相似文献   

N-Glycosylation of membrane proteins is critical for their proper folding, co-assembly and subsequent matriculation through the secretory pathway. Here, we examine the kinetics of N-glycan addition to type I transmembrane KCNE1 K(+) channel β-subunits, where point mutations that prevent N-glycosylation at one consensus site give rise to disorders of the cardiac rhythm and congenital deafness. We show that KCNE1 has two distinct N-glycosylation sites: a typical co-translational site and a consensus site ~20 residues away that unexpectedly acquires N-glycans after protein synthesis (post-translational). Mutations that ablate the co-translational site concomitantly reduce glycosylation at the post-translational site, resulting in unglycosylated KCNE1 subunits that cannot reach the cell surface with their cognate K(+) channel. This long range inhibition is highly specific for post-translational N-glycosylation because mutagenic conversion of the KCNE1 post-translational site into a co-translational site restored both monoglycosylation and anterograde trafficking. These results directly explain how a single point mutation can prevent N-glycan attachment at multiple sites, providing a new biogenic mechanism for human disease.  相似文献   

N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors are glutamate ionotropic receptors that play critical roles in synaptic transmission, plasticity, and excitotoxicity. The functional NMDA receptors, heterotetramers composed mainly of two NR1 and two NR2 subunits, likely pass endoplasmic reticulum quality control before they are released from the endoplasmic reticulum and trafficked to the cell surface. However, the mechanism underlying this process is not clear. Using truncated and mutated NMDA receptor subunits expressed in heterologous cells, we found that the M3 domains of both NR1 and NR2 subunits contain key amino acid residues that contribute to the regulation of the number of surface functional NMDA receptors. These key residues are critical neither for the interaction between the NR1 and NR2 subunits nor for the formation of the functional receptors, but rather they regulate the early trafficking of the receptors. We also found that the identified key amino acid residues within both NR1 and NR2 M3 domains contribute to the regulation of the surface expression of unassembled NR1 and NR2 subunits. Thus, our data identify the unique role of the membrane domains in the regulation of the number of surface NMDA receptors.  相似文献   

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