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The direct discharge of wastes from agricultural fields and livestock feedlots increases the concentration of nitrogen (N) in streams. This study was conducted to determine the impact of farm N budgets on stream water quality. In 1999–2000, we investigated an experimental livestock farm of 457 ha in the Kepau River watershed in Shizunai, Southern Hokkaido, Japan, where grasslands and maize fields account for 33% of the farm's total area. Annual N flow was calculated on the basis of the farm's land management records. Livestock was supplied with 15.2 t N yr−1 from agricultural lands, which made the farm 81% self-sufficient. Livestock excreta produced 17.2 t N yr−1, of which 4 t N yr−1 was lost, probably by ammonia volatilization during decomposition. Apart from manure, the major N inputs were 9.1 t N yr−1 of chemical fertilizers, 6.4 t N yr−1 of atmospheric deposition, and 12.6 t N yr−1 biological N fixation. The major outputs were uptake by forest vegetation of 11.0 t N yr−1, denitrification of 1.5 t N yr−1, and livestock feed production. Consequently, the annual surplus N on the whole farm was estimated to be 12.7 t N yr−1, which corresponds to 28 kg N ha−1 of agricultural land.The annual N load from the farm to the Kepau River was measured at 14.4 t N yr−1. Ninety percent of this load, however, occurred during rainfall and spring snowmelt. Within one 2-week snowmelt period, 5.0 t N was discharged, which corresponds to 35% of the annual load. Although the average N concentration of stream water below the farm was 2.8 mg N L−1, the maximum concentration recorded during the snowmelt season was 13.5 mg N L−1. The N concentration of the stream water increased and the silica (Si) concentration decreased as the stream flow rate increased. Consequently, the molar ratio of Si/N frequently dropped below 2.7, the critical level for the occurrence of eutrophication. The large N load during rainfall and snowmelt could be ascribed to open ditches, which collect tile drainage and surface runoff from the fields, discharging it directly to the river, bypassing the forested riparian zone.  相似文献   

肇庆星湖水质现状与变化趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在2002年对星湖四个子湖进行采样调查,运用相关加权综合营养状态指数来评价水质营养状态,结果富营养化程度由高到低依次为波海湖、中心湖、青莲湖、仙女湖。与1996~1997年的调查结果比较,波海湖仍处于富营养化状态,中心湖富营养化程度加剧,其富营养化程度超过了青莲湖和仙女湖,由中营养型过渡到了中富营养型。营养盐与叶绿素a的相关分析表明,硝态氮与叶绿素有正相关关系,与磷盐没有明显相关性,说明了硝态氮是星湖初级生产力的主要限制因子之一,而磷的含量充足,对初级生产力没有明显的限制作用。与1996~1997年比较,星湖总氮负荷增加46.5%,总磷负荷下降40.8%,而叶绿素a由6.0mg·m-3升高到16.9mg·m-3,说明星湖的富营养化仍在进一步加剧。  相似文献   

The bacterioplankton of Lake Taihu,China: abundance,biomass, and production   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abundance, biomass and production of pelagic bacteria were examined over one year at monthly sampling intervals across a trophic profile in Meiliang Bay, Lake Taihu. With the lowest density in the open lake, the bacterial abundance showed a clear trend in relation to trophic status. The carbon content per cell was higher in autumn and winter, and the opposite was true for bacterial biomass. Bacterial 3[H]-TdR and 14[C]-Leu incorporation rates, cell production, turnover times and carbon production varied during the annual cycle at different sites. The ratio of bacterial production to primary production was high, independently of the method used, indicates that the microbial food web in Lake Taihu is an important component of the total food web of the lake and dominated by external inputs. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users  相似文献   

Miyashita  Yohei  Hagiwara  Takumi  Imai  Ichiro 《Limnology》2019,20(1):39-53
Limnology - Microorganisms such as bacteria are considered to be control agents against toxic cyanobacterial blooms such as Microcystis aeruginosa. We investigated cyanobactericidal bacteria and...  相似文献   

Benthic macroinvertebrate distribution was studied on April 9, 1994, and March 2, 2003, in Lake Yamanakako. The average density of the benthic community for the entire lake was 3168ind.m–2, comprising principally oligochaetes (41.0%) and chironomids (59.0%) in 1994. In 2003, the benthic community for the entire lake was 1847ind.m–2, principally consisting of oligochaetes (69.9%) and chironomids (30.1%). In 1994, the larval density of Propsilocerus akamusi was 3.5 times that of Chironomus nipponensis and in 2003 the figure was 5.7 times. However, the larval biomass of P. akamusi was 2.1 times greater than that of C. nipponensis in 1994 and 2.8 times greater in 2003. The larval density of Tanypodinae decreased drastically, by about 12-fold, from 1994 to 2003. P. akamusi larvae were particularly abundant at the lake center in 1994, but they inhabited the entire lake bottom in 2003. P. akamusi density was closely related to water depth and ignition loss. C. nipponensis larvae also showed the widest distribution pattern in 2003, whereas their larvae had inhabited the northeastern parts and the lake center in 1994. Recently, the number of C. nipponensis larvae in Lake Yamanakako is tending to decrease, whereas that of P. akamusi larvae is increasing, suggesting ongoing eutrophication.  相似文献   

Lake Manzala remains the largest of the Nile Delta lakes and has undergone substantial recent changes particularly over the last 30 years due to regulation of freshwater inflows, land reclamation and increasing loads of BOD and nutrients. The latter are particularly associated with polluted drains flowing into the lake. An increasing fraction of the N load may also come from the expanding fish farming industry within and around the lake. Over the past 20–25 years, the N load from the drains has increased three times whilst the P load has remained approximately constant. This is despite a 40% reduction in freshwater inflows due to diversion of water towards the Sinai for land development. As a result of these changes, the concentration of total N in the drains has increased 4.5 times while the total P concentration has increased by 50% over the same period. Increases in nutrient concentrations can be attributed to increase in the use of fertilizer combined with an expanding population served by sewers, improved living standards and increased industrial production. Nutrient enrichment has resulted in declining water quality and eutrophication, especially in the southern parts of Lake Manzala. A combined hydrodynamic-ecological model has been set up for the lake and is used to analyse the development of water quality as a function of the load of organic material and nutrients. Model results show that 86% of the N load and 59% of the P load are retained within the lake. Despite the efficient treatment of wastewater by the lake ecosystem, approximately 6,000 tonnes of N and 1,300 tonnes of P are exported to the Mediterranean through the two main lake–sea connections. This nutrient export has important implications for coastal fisheries production. The present investigation suggests that the current anthropogenic nutrient load to the coastal zone exceeds that of pre-Aswan High Dam conditions despite large reductions in the annual pulse of water and nutrients brought about by the dam. A series of model simulations with reduced nutrient load are investigated in order to identify the conditions required to enable the propagation of vegetation throughout the lake. Submerged rooted vegetation is used as an indicator for water quality as it needs light for growth and in polluted, eutrophicated waters turbidity increases hampering vegetation growth. Simulation results indicate that the nutrient load has to be reduced to approximately 25% of the present loads if submerged rooted vegetation is to become re-established in the more polluted south eastern parts of the lake. Guest editors: J. R. Thompson & R. J. Flower Hydro-ecological Monitoring and Modelling of North African Coastal Lagoons  相似文献   

Borum and Sand-Jensen (1996) described empirical relationships between nitrogen (N) loadings from land and total (benthic + pelagic) primary production rates in shallow coastal marine waters. We applied these relationships to N loadings of the western Wadden Sea system, and compared the production estimates with actually observed primary production rates of autotrophic components (phytoplankton, microphytobenthos, macroalgae and seagrasses) for those years for which field data were available. During the 1980s and early 1990s, primary production values appear in good agreement with those derived from the empirical relationships. During the 1960s and early 1970s, however, these relationships substantially overestimated the total primary production in the western Wadden Sea. Based on ambient nutrient concentrations and the Redfield ratio, production in that period was considered not to be limited by N but by phosphorus (P) during most of the time. It is concluded that primary production is not invariably stimulated by N loading from land. If other factors (i.e. additional nutrient sources, N:P ratios, internal nutrient dynamics and co-limiting effects of nutrients and light) are not taken into account, management regulations that are targeted at diminishing the effects of eutrophication hold the risk of seriously under- or overestimating nutrient reductions that are thought necessary to achieve their goals. Received: 30 November 1998 / Received in revised form: 12 July 1999 / Accepted: 15 July 1999  相似文献   

Rainwater: Nutrient additions to a hypereutrophic lake   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
David F. Brakke 《Hydrobiologia》1977,52(2-3):159-163
Rainwater was collected near culturally eutrophic Lake Sallie, Minnesota. Rain pH was low, but sulphuric acid did not appear to be the causative agent. Nitrogen varied greatly in single rainfalls. Ammonia was normally more concentrated than nitrate; both fell in sufficient quantitites to enrich surface waters. Atmospheric N loading may stimulate algal production. Rainwater phosphorus was normally less than 40 µg/l and insignificant in contrast to cultural influences. Calculations of rainfall nutrient contributions are given.  相似文献   

Forty-eight-hour experimental manipulations of zooplankton biomass were performed to examine the potential effects of zooplankton on nutrient availability and phytoplankton biomass (as measured by seston concentration) and C : N : P stoichiometry in eutrophic nearshore waters of Lake Biwa, Japan. Increasing zooplankton, both mixed-species communities and Daphnia alone, consistently reduced seston concentration, indicating that nearshore phytoplankton were generally edible. The zooplankton clearance rates of inshore phytoplankton were similar to rates measured previously for offshore phytoplankton. Increased zooplankton biomass led to increased concentrations of nutrients (NH4-N, soluble reactive phosphorus [SRP]). Net release rates were higher than those found in previous measurements made offshore, reflecting the nutrient-rich nature of inshore seston. Zooplankton nutrient recycling consistently decreased TIN : SRP ratios (TIN = NH4 + NO3 + NO2). This effect probably resulted from the low N : P ratios of nearshore seston, which were lower than those commonly found in crustacean zooplankton and thus resulted in low retention efficiency of P (relative to N) by the zooplankton. Thus, zooplankton grazing inshore may ameliorate algal blooms due to direct consumption but tends to create nutrient supply conditions with low N : P, potentially favoring cyanobacteria. In comparison with previous findings for offshore, it appears that potential zooplankton effects on phytoplankton and nutrient dynamics differ qualitatively in inshore and offshore regions of Lake Biwa. Received: September 4, 2000 / Accepted: January 23, 2001  相似文献   

引水和疏浚工程对杭州西湖轮虫群落结构的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1990年、1995年和2003年观察了引水和疏浚工程支配下浅水、富营养化杭州西湖(Ⅰ-Ⅲ站)浮游轮虫的群落变化,研究内容包括种类组成和优势种演变、密度和生物量、以及生物多样性指数。西湖轮虫的第一优势种由引水前的螺形龟甲轮虫(Keratella cochelearis),引水后演变为1990年的裂痕龟纹轮虫(Anuraeopsis fissa)和1995年的暗小异尾轮虫(Trichocerca pusilla),疏浚工程后针簇多肢轮虫(Polyarthra trigla)上升为西湖轮虫第一优势种。不同采样站中,引水促使了Ⅰ站(进水口)轮虫优势种的演变和轮虫丰度的显著下降,并使轮虫生物量与水体叶绿素a含量之间的相关性最强(相关系数达0.7080,p〈0.01);疏浚促使了Ⅲ站(出水口)轮虫优势种的演变和抑制了轮虫丰度的快速增加,并使轮虫生物量与水体高锰酸盐指数之间的相关性最强(相关系数0.5440,p〈0.25)。Ⅰ-Ⅲ站轮虫生物量与水体综合营养状态指数之间均有显著的正相关性。随着引入西湖水量的显著减少、疏浚工程的实施和西湖自身富营养化的推进,Ⅰ站和Ⅱ站轮虫的丰度急剧增加,生物多样性持续下降,Ⅲ站轮虫丰度增加较缓。这预示着Ⅰ站和Ⅱ站水体的富营养化进程快于Ⅲ站。  相似文献   

To understand the effect of hydrodynamical process on water phosphorus concentration, wind, wave, and several water quality indices were observed in Meiliang Bay, a shallow and eutrophic bay locates in north of Lake Taihu. During the 7 day observation period, wind speed and significant wave height were recorded more than 3 h per day, and water samples were collected in five water-depth layers once a day. Hydrodynamical disturbance had no significant correlationship with the water quality at the top layer when the significant wave height was smaller than 30 cm, but it significantly increased suspended solids (SS) concentration of the bottom water layer. Concentrations of nutrients showed no positive correlationship with SS concentration in the water body. Intensive sediment resuspension may not have occurred when the hydrodynamic stress on sediment was only a little higher than the critical stress for sediment resuspension. A new method for confirming the critical stress for intensive sediment resuspension and nutrient release still needs to be developed. The range of the water quality indices was quite high during the seven days of observation. High variation seems to be a common character of large shallow lakes like Taihu.  相似文献   

A benthological survey in a deep caldera, Lake Ikeda, southern Kyushu, Japan, in 1998 revealed that no zoobenthos were found in the deep profundal, although two tubificid oligochaetes, Tubifex tubifex and Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, and a chironomid, Procladius sp., were distributed in the upper profundal zone. This is the first record of oligochaete composition in the lake. Lake Ikeda had been typically oligotrophic until the 1940s, and zoobenthic assemblages were recorded throughout the profundal bottom in the 1920s and 1970s. Recent disappearance of the deep profundal zoobenthos could be caused by the stagnation of anoxic waters in the hypolimnion, in connection with eutrophication triggered by nutrient loading, as well as change in the thermal circulation system presumably caused by global warming.  相似文献   

Lake Timsah is considered as the biggest water body at Ismailia City with a surface area of 14?km2. It is a saline shallow water basin lies approximately mid-way between the south city of Suez and the north city of Port Said at 30o35′46.55“N and 32o19′30.54″E. Because it receives water with high and low salinities, salinity stratification is producing in the Lake Timsah, with values of 14–40‰ for the surface water and over 40‰ for the bottom water. The temperature of the lake water decreased to below 19 °C in the winter and rose to above 29?°C in the summer; the concentration of dissolved oxygen ranged between 6.5 and 12.2?l?1 and the pH fluctuated between 7.9 in its lower value and 8.2 in its higher value. Water transparency was very low as indicated by Secchi disc readings recorded during this study and varied between 0.3 and 2.7?m. The main chemical nutrient (phosphorus) reached its highest levels of 96?µg?l?1 in winter and their lowest values of 24?µg?l?1 during summer. This nutrient concentration is high especially by comparing with those of unpolluted marine waters, but is typical of the more eutrophic coastal waters worldwide. The composition and abundance of phytoplankton with dominancy of diatoms and increased population density (20,986 cell l?1) reflect the eutrophic condition of the lake. The intensive growth of phytoplankton was enriched by high concentration of chlorophyll a with annual values ranged between 6.5 and 56?µg?l?1. The objective of the present work was quantitative assessment of the quality of the water of the Lake Timsah using different approaches. During the present study, three different approaches were applied for the quantitative assessment of Lake Timsah water quality: the trophic state index (TST); trophic level index (TLI) and water quality index (WQI). Application of the trophic state and trophic level indices (TSI & TLI) revealed that the Lake Timsah has trophic indices of 60 and 5.2 for TSI and TLI, respectively. Both indices reflected the eutrophic condition of the lake waters and confirmed that the eutrophication is a major threat in the Lake Timsah. On the other hand, the WQI calculated for the Lake Timsah during the present study with an average of 49 demonstrated that the water of the Lake Timsah is bad and unsuitable for main and/or several uses. Moreover, WQI allows accounting for several water resource uses and can serve a more robust than TSI and/or TLI and can be used effectively as a comprehensive tool for water quality quantification. In conclusion, the three subjective indices used for the assessment process for the lake water are more suitable and effective for needs of the sustainable water resources protection and management of the Lake Timsah.  相似文献   

A restoration program for the control of cyanobacterial blooms and the re-establishment of submerged macrophytes was conducted in Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu since 2003. The effect of this ecological projects on plankton community and water quality, and factors regulating phytoplankton community were investigated in 2005. In general, some improvements of water quality occurred in the ecological restoration region, especially in the region of restoring aquatic macrophytes, where we detected significant reduction of nutrients. However, it seems the abundance of phytoplankton cannot be effectively control by the present ecological engineering. The phytoplankton abundance was high in the target restoration zone. Results of CCA and correlation analysis indicate that the phytoplankton community was mainly controlled by physico-chemical factors. Cyanobacteria species were positively related with pH, temperature, TP and TSS, while negatively related with TN, TN/TP and conductivity. The most discriminant variable was TN/TP, which explained 15% of the total variance of phytoplankton. However, TN was more important for the fluctuation of TN/TP than TP. It suggested that TN may be the ultimate factor controlling the phytoplankton community in Lake Taihu. Variation partitioning analysis showed that the pure contribution of crustacean was low for the variation of phytoplankton, suggesting that top-down control by crustacean zooplankton was weak in Lake Taihu. In general, this study suggested the reduction of nutrient load should be more important than top-down control using zooplankton for the ecosystem restoration in Lake Taihu.  相似文献   

Water quality experienced changes throughout the 3-year ecological engineering experiment in the drinking water source in Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu. Average concentrations of TN, TP, NH4+, BOD5 and transparency in the drinking water source during the period of July–December 2005 were 1.85, 0.13, 0.23, 3.03 mg L−1 and 27.5 cm, respectively, decreasing by 47.9%, 21.2%, 83.3%, 54.4% and 24.2%, compared to concentrations from the same period in 2003. Concentrations of chlorophyll a and COD were 89.9 μg L−1 and 6.45 mg L−1, increasing by 27.9% and 17.7%, compared to the values in 2003. Cyanobacteria (mainly Microcystis) dominated the phytoplankton community in the ecological engineering area during July–December 2005. Densities of cyanobacteria and Microcystis were higher in 2005 than in 2004 and higher inside the engineering area than outside. Density percentages of cyanobacteria and Microcystis to total algae were above 90% and 60% during the bloom period. Average density of flagellate algae was higher during July–December 2005 than in 2004. Changes in water quality in the engineering area resulted mainly from the weakening of waves, decrease in concentrations of suspended solids, and assimilation of mass algae and periphytons. In spite of initial improvement of water quality, cyanobacterial bloom still determined the phytoplankton dynamics and variations. Additionally, nutrient concentration still remained at a high level without control of external loading. Therefore, a more holistic approach and long-term management should be adopted in Lake Taihu.  相似文献   

1988年4月—1989年4月西湖各湖区浮游藻类逐月分析资料表明,引水冲污后西湖蓝藻个体数量比例从1981年的84.4%下降到69.7%,藻种数118种增至192种;以蓝藻占绝对优势的群落结构特征及多项水质指标的TSI均值表明,西湖水体依然属富营养类型,且有缓慢发展趋势,引水并未根本改变西湖水质特性。根据藻量及多样性指数的方差分析,对各湖区污染及富营养程度进行了多重比较。  相似文献   

Modelling the influence of nutrient loads on Portuguese estuaries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of implementing Directive 91/271/EEC of 21 May 1991 (Waste Water Treatment Plan Directive) and Directive 91/676/EEC of 12 December (Nitrates Directive) are analysed in 7 Portuguese estuaries (Minho, Lima, Douro, Mondego, Tagus, Sado and Guadiana) and two coastal lagoons (Ria de Aveiro and Ria Formosa), with a modelling approach. MOHID Water Modelling System was used to perform simulations with three nitrogen load scenarios for each system: a reference scenario, a 50% nitrate removal by agriculture scenario and another with a 100% nutrients removal by waste water treatment plants (WWTP). It is shown that the interaction between hydrodynamic and ecological processes is an important feature to study trophic problems in estuaries. Ecological processes such as primary production only occur inside the system if the residence time of water is high enough to enable organismal activity and if the adequate conditions are found (e.g. light, nutrients, temperature). From the model results it is possible to conclude: (i) in systems with short residence time a reduction in nutrient load will only produce a decrease in nutrient transit and will not affect the system’s global ecological status (e.g. Douro Estuary); (ii) in systems with long residence time the effects will range from significant, when primary production is mostly limited by nutrients (e.g. Ria de Aveiro), to non-significant, when primary production in the system is light-limited (e.g. Tagus Estuary).  相似文献   

Stratified eutrophic lakes often suffer from hypolimnetic oxygen depletion during summer. This may lead to low redox conditions and accumulation of phosphate and ammonia in the hypolimnion. Hypolimnetic oxygenation has been used as a lake management strategy to improve the water quality in five eutrophic dimictic Danish lakes where oxygenation was conducted for 4–20 years. In one lake, the hypolimnetic oxygen concentration clearly improved by oxygenation, whereas the other four lakes still exhibited low mean summer levels (<2.2 mg O2 l−1). Oxygenation generally increased the hypolimnetic water temperature by 0.5–2°C, but in one lake it increased by 4–6°C. In all lakes, oxygenation significantly reduced the hypolimnetic concentrations of phosphorus and ammonia during stratification. The accumulation of phosphorus and ammonia typically decreased by 40–88%. In two lakes oxygenation was stopped for 1–2 years and here hypolimnion concentrations of both phosphorus and ammonia increased again. Surface water quality only improved in one lake, but was likely also influenced by simultaneously occurring changes in external nutrient loading. Overall, it is concluded that hypolimnetic oxygenation reduces the hypolimnetic accumulation of phosphorus and ammonia and may prevent anoxia in the deeper parts of the lake. However, long-term oxygenation is required and it is uncertain whether the overall lake water quality can be improved by oxygenation. Reduction of the external nutrient loading is still essential to improve lake water quality. Handling editor: Luigi Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

疏浚后杭州西湖浮游动物群落的变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
2003年1-12月调查了疏浚后杭州两湖(小型、浅水、富营养化湖泊)四个采样站(Ⅰ-Ⅳ)浮游动物群落的变化。研究包括优势种组成、密度和生物量,以及浮游动物生物量与水体叶绿素a、有机物耗氧量、总氮和总磷含量之间的相关分析。疏浚后,Ⅲ-Ⅳ站原生动物第一优势种由似铃壳虫(Tintinnopsis sp.)变为筒壳虫(Tintinnidium sp.);Ⅲ-Ⅳ站轮虫第一优势种由暗小异尾轮虫(Trichocerca pusilla)变为针簇多肢轮虫(Polyarthra trigla);Ⅰ站的长额象鼻溞(Bosmina longirostris)和Ⅲ站的微型裸腹溞(Moina micrura)分别取代了长肢秀体溞(Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum)第一优势种的地位;桡足类中,剑水蚤优势种为粗壮温剑水蚤(Thermocyclops dybowskii),哲水蚤优势种为汤匙华哲水蚤(Sinocalanus dorrii)。疏浚后,西湖浮游动物平均密度增加了80.5%,其中原生动物密度增量贡献57.3%。平均生物量增加了49.7%,其中轮虫生物量增量贡献36.5%。西湖浮游动物生物量与水体叶绿素a、有机物耗氧量和总磷含量之间均呈垃著的正相关关系。不同采样站中,以Ⅳ站环境生态因子与浮游动物生物量之间的相关程度最高,其次为Ⅲ站、Ⅰ站和Ⅱ站,水体环境生态因子对浮游动物的影响程度与其优势利演变的体现相一致。在不同浮游动物类群中,枝角类生物量与水质生态因子之间的相关程度最高,其次为轮虫、桡足类和原生动物。  相似文献   

Water and dissolved nitrogen flows through the hyporheic zone of a 3rd-order mountain stream in Hokkaido, northern Japan were measured during a small storm in August 1997. A network of wells was established to measure water table elevations and to collect water samples to analyze dissolved nitrogen concentrations. Hydraulic conductivity and the depth to bedrock were surveyed. We parameterized the groundwater flow model, MODFLOW, to quantify subsurface flows of both stream water and soil water through the hyporheic zone. MODFLOW simulations suggest that soil water inflow from the adjacent hill slope increased by 1.7-fold during a small storm. Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and ammonium (NH 4 + ) in soil water from the hill slope were the dominant nitrogen inputs to the riparian zone. DON was consumed via mineralization to NH 4 + in the hyporheic zone. NH 4 + was the dominant nitrogen species in the subsurface, and showed a net release during both base and storm flow. Nitrate appeared to be lost to denitrification or immobilized by microorganisms and/or vegetation in the riparian zone. Our results indicated that the riparian and hyporheic system was a net source of NH 4 + to the stream.  相似文献   

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