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The origin of amniotes was a key event in vertebrate evolution, enabling tetrapods to break their ties with water and invade terrestrial environments. Two pivotal clades of early tetrapods, the diadectomorphs and the seymouriamorphs, have played an unsurpassed role in debates about the ancestry of amniotes for over a century, but their skeletal morphology has provided conflicting evidence for their affinities. Using high-resolution X-ray microcomputed tomography, we reveal the three-dimensional architecture of the well preserved endosseous labyrinth of the inner ear in representative species belonging to both groups. Data from the inner ear are coded in a new cladistic matrix of stem and primitive crown amniotes. Both maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference analyses retrieve seymouriamorphs as derived non-crown amniotes and diadectomorphs as sister group to synapsids. If confirmed, this sister group relationship invites re-examination of character polarity near the roots of the crown amniote radiation. Major changes in the endosseous labyrinth and adjacent braincase regions are mapped across the transition from non-amniote to amniote tetrapods and include: a ventral shift of the cochlear recess relative to the vestibule and the semicircular canals; cochlear recess (primitively housed exclusively within the opisthotic) accommodated within both the prootic and the opisthotic; development of a distinct fossa subarcuata. The inner ear of seymouriamorphs foreshadows conditions of more derived groups, whereas that of diadectomorphs shows a mosaic of plesiomorphic and apomorphic traits, some of which are unambiguously amniote-like, including a distinct and pyramid-like cochlear recess.  相似文献   

The postcranial skeleton of the Devonian tetrapod Tulerpeton curtum Lebedev   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Postcranial remains of the Russian Late Devonian tetrapod Tulerpeton include the hexadactylous fore limb, hind limb, anocleithral pectoral girdle, squamation, and associated disarticulated postcranial bones. A cladistic analysis indicates that Tulerpeton is a reptiliomorph stem-group amniote and the earliest known crown-group tetrapod: Acanthostega and Ichthyostega are successively more derived plesion stem-group tetrapods and do not consititute a monophyletic ichthyostegalian radiation. Previous analyses suggesting a profound split in tetrapod phylogeny are thereby corroborated, and likewise the interpretation of Westlothiana as a stem-group amniote. The divergence of reptiliomorphs from batrachomorphs occurred before the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary. Tulerpeton originates from an entirely aquatic environment with a diverse fish fauna. The morphologies of its limbs and those of Devonian stem-tetrapods suggest that dactyly predates the elaboration of the carpus and tarsus, and that Polydactyly persisted after the evolutionary divergence of the principal lineages of living tetrapods. The apparent absence of a branchial lamina and gill skeleton suggests that Tulerpeton was primarily air-breathing, whereas contemporary stem-group tetrapods and more recent batrachomorphs retained greater emphasis on gill-breathing.  相似文献   

The 18S ribosomal RNAs of 21 tetrapods were sequenced and aligned with five published tetrapod sequences. When the coelacanth was used as an outgroup, Lissamphibia (living amphibians) and Amniota (amniotes) were found to be statistically significant monophyletic groups. Although little resolution was obtained among the lissamphibian taxa, the amniote sequences support a sister-group relationship between birds and mammals. Portions of the 28S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecule in 11 tetrapods also were sequenced, although the phylogenetic results were inconclusive. In contrast to previous studies, deletion or down- weighting of base-paired sites were found to have little effect on phylogenetic relationships. Molecular evidence for amniote relationships is reviewed, showing that three genes (beta-hemoglobin, myoglobin, and 18S rRNA) unambiguously support a bird-mammal relationship, compared with one gene (histone H2B) that favors a bird- crocodilian clade. Separate analyses of four other genes (alpha- crystallin A, alpha-hemoglobin, insulin, and 28S rRNA) and a combined analysis of all sequence data are inconclusive, in that different groups are defined in different analyses and none are strongly supported. It is suggested that until sequences become available from a broader array of taxa, the molecular evidence is best evaluated at the level of individual genes, with emphasis placed on those studies with the greatest number of taxa and sites. When this is done, a bird-mammal relationship is most strongly supported. When regarded in combination with the morphological evidence for this association, it must be considered at least as plausible as a bird-crocodilian relationship.   相似文献   

Claws are consistent components of amniote anatomy and may thus be implicated in the success of the amniote invasion of land. However, the evolutionary origin of these structures in tetrapods is unclear. Claws are present in certain extant non-amniotes, such as Xenopus laevis, the African clawed frog. The histology of the soft tissue component of the claws of X. laevis is described and compared with the amniote condition in order to gain new information on the question of homology of claws in these two groups based on patterns of keratinization.The X. laevis claw sheath is composed of a localized thickening of the corneous region of the epidermis that envelops the terminal phalanx. Noted differences between the non-cornified layers of the epidermis of the claw and non-claw region are the overall grainier appearance of the cells and an increased abundance of desmosomes in the intermediate spinosus cells. The biochemical identity of the sheath keratin(s) is inferred to be different from that of non-claw region epidermis, based on histological differences and differences in stain affinity between the two regions. The microstructure of the frog claw differs from that of amniotes in several respects, including the lack of a specified zone of growth near the base of the claw. Amphibians and amniotes, therefore, have very different patterns of claw sheath growth. Observations do not support homology of claws on a structural level in these two groups; however, further experimental work may confirm a conserved pattern of cornification in these structures in tetrapods.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(9):1262-1283
A variety of vertebral centrum morphologies have evolved within early tetrapods which range from multipartite centra consisting of intercentra and pleurocentra in stem‐tetrapods, temnospondyls, seymouriamorphs, and anthracosaurs up to monospondylous centra in lepospondyls. With the present study, we aim to determine the formation of both intercentrum and pleurocentrum and asked whether these can be homologized based on their bone histology. Both intercentra and pleurocentra ossified endochondrally and periosteal bone was subsequently deposited on the outer surface of the centra. Our observations indicate low histological variation between intercentrum and pleurocentrum in microstructural organization and growth which inhibits the determination of homologies. However, intercentrum and pleurocentrum development differs during ontogeny. As previously assumed, the intercentrum arises from ventrally located and initially paired ossification centers that fuse ventromedially to form the typical, crescentic, rhachitomous intercentrum. In contrast, presacral pleurocentra may be ancestrally represented by four ossification centers: a ventral and a dorsal pair. Subsequently, two divergent developmental patterns are observed: In stem‐tetrapods and temnospondyls, the pleurocentrum evolves from the two dorsally located ossification centers which may occasionally fuse to form a dorsal crescent. In some dvinosaurian temnospondyls, the pleurocentrum may even ossify to full rings. In comparison, the pleurocentrum of stem‐amniotes (anthracosaurs, chroniosuchids, seymouriamorphs, and lepospondyls) arises from the two ventrally located ossification centers whereby the ossification pattern is almost identical to that of temnospondyls but mirror‐inverted. Thus, the ring‐shaped pleurocentrum of Discosauriscus ossifies from ventral to dorsal. We also propose that the ossified portions of the intercentrum and pleurocentrum continued as cartilaginous rings or discs that surrounded the notochord in the living animals.  相似文献   

A broad phylogenetic review of fins, limbs, and girdles throughout the stem and base of the crown group is needed to get a comprehensive idea of transformations unique to the assembly of the tetrapod limb ground plan. In the lower part of the tetrapod stem, character state changes at the pectoral level dominate; comparable pelvic level data are limited. In more crownward taxa, pelvic level changes dominate and repeatedly precede similar changes at pectoral level. Concerted change at both levels appears to be the exception rather than the rule. These patterns of change are explored by using afternative treatments of data in phylogenetic analyses. Results highlight a large data gap in the stem group preceding the first appearance of limbs with digits. It is also noted that the record of morphological diversity among stem tetrapods is somewhat worse than that of basal crown group tetrapods. The pre-limbed evolution of stem tetrapod paired fins is marked by a gradual reduction in axial segment numbers (mesomeres); pectoral fins of the sister group to limbed tetrapods include only three. This reduction in segment number is accompanied by increased regional specialization, and these changes are discussed with reference to the phylogenetic distribution of characteristics of the stylopod, zeugopod, and autopod.  相似文献   

The evolution of the amniote egg is commonly regarded as an important milestone in the history of the vertebrates, an innovation that completed the transition from aquatic to fully terrestrial existence by permitting eggs to be laid away from standing water. This view derives ultimately from the recapitulationist theories of Haeckel, and rests on the assumption that extant frogs and salamanders are good models for the reproductive habits of early tetrapods and the ancestors of the amniotes. It also assumes that it is more difficult to lay eggs on land than in water, and that the amniote egg is an adaptation to the physical rigours that eggs encounter in terrestrial environments. Taken together, these assumptions comprise what may be termed the 'Haeckelian framework' for the origin of vertebrate terrestriality. Several independent lines of evidence suggest that the assumptions of the Haeckelian framework are false. There appear to be no theoretical reasons to assume that the evolution of terrestrial egg-laying was difficult, or required a structure as elaborate as the amniote egg. The physical conditions eggs encounter in the terrestrial environments where they are actually laid are quite mild. Land may in fact be an easier place to lay eggs than water. In addition, analysis of the distribution of key reproductive character states among vertebrates provides no evidence that the 'typical amphibian' reproductive mode is primitive for tetrapods. Amniotes are as likely as frogs or salamanders to retain primitive reproductive character states.  相似文献   

One of the most important physiological changes during the conquest of land by vertebrates was the increasing reliance on lung breathing, with the concomitant decrease in importance of gill breathing. The main problem involved here was to cope with the excessive accumulation of CO2 in the body and to avoid respiratory acidosis. In the past, several often mutually contradicting hypotheses of CO2‐elimination via skin, lungs and gills in early tetrapods have been proposed, based on theoretical physiological considerations and comparison with extant air‐breathing fishes and amphibians. This study proposes a revised scenario of CO2‐elimination in early tetrapods based on fossil evidence, that is recently identified osteological correlates of gills, skin structure and mode of lung ventilation. In stem tetrapods of the Devonian and Carboniferous, O2‐uptake via the lungs by buccal pumping was decoupled from CO2‐release via internal gills, and the rather gas‐impermeable skin played a minor role in gaseous exchange. The two main lineages of crown‐group tetrapods, the amphibian and amniote lineage, used different strategies of CO2‐elimination. As in stem tetrapods, O2‐uptake and CO2‐release remained always largely decoupled in temnospondyls, which ventilated their lungs via buccal pumping and relied mainly on their internal gills for CO2‐release. Temnospondyls were not able to reduce their internal gills before their skin became more gas permeable and their body size was reduced, to shift from internal gills to the skin as the major site of CO2‐elimination, a pattern that is retained in most lissamphibians. In contrast, internal gills were lost very early in stem amniote evolution. This was associated with the evolution of the more effective aspiration pump that allowed the elimination of the bulk of CO2 via the lungs, leading to a coupled O2‐uptake and CO2‐loss in stem amniotes and later in amniotes.  相似文献   

In an attempt to investigate differences between the most widely discussed hypotheses of early tetrapod relationships, we assembled a new data matrix including 90 taxa coded for 319 cranial and postcranial characters. We have incorporated, where possible, original observations of numerous taxa spread throughout the major tetrapod clades. A stem‐based (total‐group) definition of Tetrapoda is preferred over apomorphy‐ and node‐based (crown‐group) definitions. This definition is operational, since it is based on a formal character analysis. A PAUP* search using a recently implemented version of the parsimony ratchet method yields 64 shortest trees. Differences between these trees concern: (1) the internal relationships of aistopods, the three selected species of which form a trichotomy; (2) the internal relationships of embolomeres, with Archeria crassidisca and Pholiderpeton scutigerum collapsed in a trichotomy with a clade formed by Anthracosaurus russelli and Pholiderpeton attheyi; (3) the internal relationships of derived dissorophoids, with four amphibamid species forming an unresolved node with a clade consisting of micromelerpetontids and branchiosaurids and a clade consisting of albanerpetontids plus basal crown‐group lissamphibians; (4) the position of albenerpetontids and Eocaecilia micropoda, which form an unresolved node with a trichotomy subtending Karaurus sharovi, Valdotriton gracilis and Triadobatrachus massinoti;(5) the branching pattern of derived diplocaulid nectrideans, with Batrachiderpeton reticulatum and Diceratosaurus brevirostris collapsed in a trichotomy with a clade formed by Diplocaulus magnicornis and Diploceraspis burkei. The results of the original parsimony run ‐ as well as those retrieved from several other treatments of the data set (e.g. exclusion of postcranial and lower jaw data;character reweighting; reverse weighting) ‐ indicate a deep split of early tetrapods between lissamphibian‐ and amniote‐related taxa. Colosteids, Crassigyrinus, Whatcheeria and baphetids are progressively more crownward stemtetrapods. Caerorhachis, embolomeres, gephyrostegids, Solenodonsaurus and seymouriamorphs are progressively more crownward stem‐amniotes. Eucritta is basal to temnospondyls, with crown‐lissamphibians nested within dissorophoids. Westlothiana is basal to Lepospondyli, but evidence for the monophyletic status of the latter is weak. Westlothiana and Lepospondyli form the sister group to diadectomorphs and crown‐group amniotes. Tuditanomorph and microbrachomorph microsaurs are successively more closely related to a clade including proximodistally: (1) lysorophids; (2) Acherontiscus as sister taxon to adelospondyls; (3) scincosaurids plus diplocaulids; (4) urocordylids plus aïstopods. A data set employing cranial characters only places microsaurs on the amniote stem, but forces remaining lepospondyls to appear as sister group to colosteids on the tetrapod stem in several trees. This arrangement is not significantly worse than the tree topology obtained from the analysis of the complete data set. The pattern of sister group relationships in the crownward part of the temnospondyl‐lissamphibian tree re‐emphasizes the important role of dissorophoids in the lissamphibian origin debate. However, no specific dissorophoid can be identiffed as the immediate sister taxon to crown‐group lissamphibians. The branching sequence of various stem‐group amniotes reveals a coherent set of internested character‐state changes related to the acquisition of progressively more terrestrial habits in several Permo‐Carboniferous forms.  相似文献   

The reorganization of the ankle in basal amniotes has long been considered a key innovation allowing the evolution of more terrestrial and cursorial behavior. Understanding how this key innovation arose is a complex problem that largely concerns the homologizing of the amniote astragalus with the various ossifications in the anamniote tarsus. Over the last century, several hypotheses have been advanced homologizing the amniote astragalus with the many ossifications in the ankle of amphibian-grade tetrapods. There is an emerging consensus that the amniote astragalus is a complex structure emerging via the co-ossification of several originally separate elements, but the identities of these elements remain unclear. Here we present new fossil evidence bearing on this contentious question. A poorly ossified, juvenile astragalus of the large captorhinid Moradisaurus grandis shows clear evidence of four ossification centers, rather than of three centers or one center as posited in previous models of astragalus homology. Comparative material of the captorhinid Captorhinikos chozaensis is also interpretable as demonstrating four ossification centers. A new, four-center model for the homology of the amniote astragalus is advanced, and is discussed in the context of the phylogeny of the Captorhinidae in an attempt to identify the developmental transitions responsible for the observed pattern of ossification within this clade. Lastly, the broader implications for amniote phylogeny are discussed, concluding that the neomorphic pattern of astragalus ossification seen in all extant reptiles (including turtles) arose within the clade Diapsida.  相似文献   

Salamanders are infrequently mentioned in analyses of tetrapod limb formation, as their development varies considerably from that of amniotes. However, urodeles provide an opportunity to study how limb ontogeny varies with major differences in life history. Here we assess limb development in Desmognathus aeneus, a direct-developing salamander, and compare it to patterns seen in salamanders with larval stages (e.g., Ambystoma mexicanum). Both modes of development result in a limb that is morphologically indistinct from an amniote limb. Developmental series of A. mexicanum and D. aeneus were investigated using Type II collagen immunochemistry, Alcian Blue staining, and whole-mount TUNEL staining. In A. mexicanum, as each digit bud extends from the limb palette Type II collagen and proteoglycan secretion occur almost simultaneously with mesenchyme condensation. Conversely, collagen and proteoglycan secretion in digits of D. aeneus occur only after the formation of an amniote-like paddle. Within each species, Type II collagen expression patterns resemble those of proteoglycans. In both, distal structures form before more proximal structures. This observation is contrary to the proximodistal developmental pattern of other tetrapods and may be unique to urodeles. In support of previous findings, no cell death was observed during limb development in A. mexicanum. However, apoptotic cells that may play a role in digit ontogeny occur in the limbs of D. aeneus, thereby suggesting that programmed cell death has evolved as a developmental mechanism at least twice in tetrapod limb evolution.  相似文献   

The invertebrate fauna of New Zealand is of great interest as a geologically tractable model for the study of species diversification, but direct comparisons with closely related lineages elsewhere are lacking. Integrating population-level analyses with studies of taxonomy and clade diversification, we performed mtDNA analysis on Neocicindela (Cicindelidae, tiger beetles) for a broad sample of populations from 11 of 12 known species and 161 specimens (three loci, 1883 nucleotides), revealing 123 distinct haplotypes. Phylogenetic reconstruction recovered two main lineages, each composed of 5-6 Linnean species whose origin was dated to 6.66 and 7.26 Mya, while the Neocicindela stem group was placed at 10.82 ± 0.48 Mya. Species delimitation implementing a character-based (diagnostic) species concept recognized 19 species-level groups that were in general agreement with Linnean species but split some of these into mostly allopatric subgroups. Tree-based methods of species delimitation using a mixed Yule-coalescence model were inconclusive, and recognized 32-51 entities (including singletons), splitting existing species into up to 8 partially sympatric groups. These findings were different from patterns in the Australian sister genus Rivacindela, where character-based and tree-based methods were previously shown to produce highly congruent groupings. In Neocicindela, the pattern of mtDNA variation was characterized by high intra-population and intra-species haplotype divergence, the coexistence of divergent haplotypes in sympatry, and a poor correlation of genetic and geographic distance. These observations combined suggest a scenario of phylogeographic divergence and secondary contact driven by orogenetic and climatic changes of the Pleistocene/Pliocene. The complex evolutionary history of most species of Neocicindela due to the relative instability of the New Zealand biota resulted in populations of mixed ancestry but not in a general loss of genetic variation.  相似文献   

Comparative genome analysis of non-avian reptiles and amphibians provides important clues about the process of genome evolution in tetrapods. However, there is still only limited information available on the genome structures of these organisms. Consequently, the protokaryotypes of amniotes and tetrapods and the evolutionary processes of microchromosomes in tetrapods remain poorly understood. We constructed chromosome maps of functional genes for the Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis), the Siamese crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis), and the Western clawed frog (Xenopus tropicalis) and compared them with genome and/or chromosome maps of other tetrapod species (salamander, lizard, snake, chicken, and human). This is the first report on the protokaryotypes of amniotes and tetrapods and the evolutionary processes of microchromosomes inferred from comparative genomic analysis of vertebrates, which cover all major non-avian reptilian taxa (Squamata, Crocodilia, Testudines). The eight largest macrochromosomes of the turtle and chicken were equivalent, and 11 linkage groups had also remained intact in the crocodile. Linkage groups of the chicken macrochromosomes were also highly conserved in X. tropicalis, two squamates, and the salamander, but not in human. Chicken microchromosomal linkages were conserved in the squamates, which have fewer microchromosomes than chicken, and also in Xenopus and the salamander, which both lack microchromosomes; in the latter, the chicken microchromosomal segments have been integrated into macrochromosomes. Our present findings open up the possibility that the ancestral amniotes and tetrapods had at least 10 large genetic linkage groups and many microchromosomes, which corresponded to the chicken macro- and microchromosomes, respectively. The turtle and chicken might retain the microchromosomes of the amniote protokaryotype almost intact. The decrease in number and/or disappearance of microchromosomes by repeated chromosomal fusions probably occurred independently in the amphibian, squamate, crocodilian, and mammalian lineages.  相似文献   

Abstract— A cladistic analysis of chordates is presented, based on some 320 nested characters. All the principal higher taxa are defined by synapomorphies, including extinct acanthodians and placoderms. The data base draws broadly from adult anatomy (including osteological data for Recent and fossil taxa), embryology, physiology, and biochemistry. A conventional sequence of chordate higher taxa is generated (hemichordates, urochordates, cephalochordates, craniates). Among the craniates, cyclostomes are considered paraphyletic. Gnathostomes are monophyletic, but two fossil "agnathan" groups (galeaspids, osteostracans) are regarded as stem gnathostomes. Chondrichthyans and osteichthyans are monophyletic. New arguments for osteichthyan affinity of acanthodians are presented. The phylogenetic position of placoderms is still problematic, but they can no longer be perceived as stem chondrichthyans or even as "elasmobranchiomorphs." Recent dipnoans and tetrapods are sister groups, but new paleontological discoveries refute many of their supposed osteological synapomorphies, thereby reopening the possibility of a closer relationship between tetrapods and osteolepiform rhipidistians.  相似文献   

Individual trees are known to influence soil chemical properties, creating spatial patterns that vary with distance from the stem. The influence of trees on soil chemical properties is commonly viewed as the agronomic basis for low-input agroforestry and shifting cultivation practices, and as an important source of spatial heterogeneity in forest soils. Few studies, however, have examined the persistence of the effects of trees on soil after the pathways responsible for the effects are removed. Here, we present evidence from a Mexican dry forest indicating that stem-related patterns of soil nutrients do persist following slash-and-burn removal of trees and two years of cropping. Pre-disturbance concentrations of resin extractable phosphorus (P), bicarbonate extractable P, NaOH extractable P, total P, total nitrogen (N) and carbon (C), KCl extractable nitrate (NO3 -), and net N mineralization and nitrification rates were higher in stem than dripline soils under two canopy dominant species of large-stemmed trees with contrasting morphologies and phenologies (Caesalpinia eriostachys Benth. and Forchhammeria pallida Liebm.). These stem effects persisted through slash burning and a first growing season for labile inorganic and organic P, NaOH inorganic P, and plant-available P, and through a second growing season for labile organic P, NaOH organic P, and plant-available P. While stem effects for extractable NO3 -, net nitrification rates, total N and C disappeared after felling and slash burning, these stem effects returned after the first growing season. These results support the view that tree-influenced patterns of soil nutrients do persist after tree death, and that trees contribute to the long-term spatial heterogeneity of forest soils. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Evolution of the amphibian tympanic ear and the origin of frogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent anurans plus all but the most primitive temnospondyl labyrinthodont amphibians are proposed as a monophyletic taxon, based on shared stapedial characters which are derived with respect to all other tetrapods. Within temnospondyls, the mostly Lower Permian dissorophoids are proposed as most closely related to Recent anurans, based on interpretation of the dissorophoid dorsal quadrate process and the anuran tympanic annulus as sequential steps in a character transformation series. The otic features described here reinforce the concept of the amphibian tympanic ear as a prior "invention" with no genealogical relationship to amniote tympanic ears.  相似文献   

One of the major features of the aquatic-to-terrestrial transition in vertebrate evolution was the change in the mechanism used to transport prey from the jaws to the throat. Primarily, vertebrates use hydraulic transport, but the transition to terrestrial life was accompanied by modifications of the hyobranchial apparatus that permit tongue-based transport. Despite an extensive data base on amniote feeding systems and mechanisms of intraoral prey transport, few data are available on the mechanism of prey transport in anamniote tetrapods. Transport cycles of four Ambystoma tigrinum (Amphibia) feeding on worms and crickets were filmed at 150 flames per second to produce quantitative profiles of the intraoral transport cycles for the two prey types. During the transport cycle the head and body remain stationary relative to the background: transport in Ambystoma tigrinum thus does not involve inertial movements of the head or body. Prey type had little effect on the kinematics of prey transport. The process of prey transport may be divided into four phases: preparatory, fast opening, closing, and recovery. The preparatory phase itself is divided into two parts: an extended segment that may include slight slow opening and a static phase prior to mouth opening where no change in gape occurs. The kinematic profile of transport in terrestrial salamanders is extremely similar to that used by fishes during hydraulic (aquatic) prey transport. We hypothesize that the distinct recovery and preparatory phases in the transport cycle of anamniote tetrapods are together homologous to the slow opening phases of the amniote cycle, and that during the evolution of terrestrial prey processing systems the primitive extended preparatory phase has become greatly compressed and incorporated into the amniote gape cycle.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is a biological technique that uses short and standardized genes or DNA regions to facilitate species identification. DNA barcoding has been used successfully in several animal and plant groups. Ligustrum (Oleaceae) species occur widely throughout the world and are used as medicinal plants in China. Therefore, the accurate identification of species in this genus is necessary. Four potential DNA barcodes, namely the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and three chloroplast (cp) DNA regions (rbcL, marK, and trnH-psbA),were used to differentiate species within Ligustrum. BLAST, character-based method, tree-based methods and TAXONDNA analysis were used to investigate the molecular identification capabilities of the chosen markers for discriminating 92 samples representing 20 species of this genus. The results showed that the ITS sequences have the most variable information, followed by trnH-psbA, matK, and rbcL. All sequences of the four regions correctly identified the species at the genus level using BLAST alignment. At the species level, the discriminating power of rbcL, matK, trnH-psbA and ITS based on neighbor-joining (NJ) trees was 36.8%, 38.9%, 77.8%, and 80%,respectively. Using character-based and maximum parsimony (MP) tree methods together, the discriminating ability of trnH-psbA increased to 88.9%. All species could be differentiated using ITS when combining the NJ tree method with character-based or MP tree methods. Overall, the results indicate that DNA barcoding is an effective molecular identification method for Ligustrum species. We propose the nuclear ribosomal ITS as a plant barcode for plant identification and trnH-psbA as a candidate barcode sequence.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is a biological technique that uses short and standardized genes or DNA regions to facilitate species identification. DNA barcoding has been used successfully in several animal and plant groups. Ligustrum (Oleaceae) species occur widely throughout the world and are used as medicinal plants in China. Therefore, the accurate identification of species in this genus is necessary. Four potential DNA barcodes, namely the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and three chloroplast (cp) DNA regions (rbcL, matK, and trnH–psbA), were used to differentiate species within Ligustrum. BLAST, character-based method, tree-based methods and TAXONDNA analysis were used to investigate the molecular identification capabilities of the chosen markers for discriminating 92 samples representing 20 species of this genus. The results showed that the ITS sequences have the most variable information, followed by trnH–psbA, matK, and rbcL. All sequences of the four regions correctly identified the species at the genus level using BLAST alignment. At the species level, the discriminating power of rbcL, matK, trnH–psbA, and ITS based on neighbor-joining (NJ) trees was 36.8%, 38.9%, 77.8%, and 80%, respectively. Using character-based and maximum parsimony (MP) tree methods together, the discriminating ability of trnH–psbA increased to 88.9%. All species could be differentiated using ITS when combining the NJ tree method with character-based or MP tree methods. Overall, the results indicate that DNA barcoding is an effective molecular identification method for Ligustrum species. We propose the nuclear ribosomal ITS as a plant barcode for plant identification and trnH–psbA as a candidate barcode sequence.  相似文献   

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