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An outbreak of unexplained and severe kidney disease, “Mesoamerican Nephropathy,” in mostly young, male sugar cane workers emerged in Central America in the late 1990's. As a result, an estimated 20,000 individuals have died, to date. Unfortunately, and with great consequence to human life, the etiology of the outbreak has yet to be identified. The sugarcane fields in Chichigalpa, Chinandega, Nicaragua, have been involved in the outbreak, and during our initial investigation, we interviewed case patients who experienced fever, nausea and vomiting, arthralgia, myalgia, headache, neck and back pain, weakness, and paresthesia at the onset of acute kidney disease. We also observed a heavy infestation of rodents, particularly of Sigmodon species, in the sugarcane fields. We hypothesize that infectious pathogens are being shed through the urine and feces of these rodents, and workers are exposed to these pathogens during the process of cultivating and harvesting sugarcane. In this paper, we will discuss the epidemic in the Chichigalpa area, potential pathogens responsible for Mesoamerican Nephropathy, and steps needed in order to diagnose, treat, and prevent future cases from occurring.  相似文献   

A preliminary life table of the sugarcane cicada, Mogannia iwasakii, which became a pest of sugarcane in Okinawa recently, was presented based on the results of field survey. Mortality rates during egg and later nymphal stages were low but a remarkable reduction of the number of individuals in a cohort took place at the 1st nymphal instar, mainly due to predation by ants. Ants also killed the cicada during and just after the final ecdysis and birds concentrated their feeding on adults. Prenatal mortality of adults was, however, low in the infested area, suggesting the ‘escape’ of cicadas from the pressure of predators. This espace is considered to be a factor responsible to the maintainance of outbreak for a long time. Increase in the acreage of ratton canes and wide-use of organochlorine insecticides during the 1960's were assumed to be the factors responsible to the initial increase of this species.  相似文献   

1. Growth hormone (GH) treatment increases the growth rate and competitive ability of salmonids under laboratory conditions. Since fast growth should increase fitness, why is endogenous secretion of GH not higher in wild fish? To address this question, three hypotheses were suggested. H1: high GH levels reduce antipredator responses and may therefore increase mortality from predation. H2: high GH levels reduce long-term (e.g. over winter) survival by reducing allocation to critical energy reserves. H3: GH is not beneficial for growth under natural conditions.
2. To test these hypotheses, the performance of GH-treated juvenile Brown Trout ( Salmo trutta ) and control (placebo) trout was compared in an enclosed stream section subjected to natural predation. Four experiments were conducted during winter, spring, summer and autumn, respectively.
3. Mortality rates were not significantly different between GH-treated and control trout in any of the four experiments so H1 was not supported. Energy reserves were generally lower in GH-treated fish, which is consistent with H2, whereas growth rates in mass were higher in GH-treated fish than in controls so H3 was not supported. This suggests that GH promotes growth at the expense of investment in maintenance.
4. Judging from growth and mortality rates, the fitness of GH-treated and control trout appeared similar. Thus, escaped GH-manipulated fish may compete successfully with wild fish.
5. Hatchery-raised trout with higher initial condition index suffered higher mortality rates than more slender fish. This novel finding may be explained by reduced escape ability related to body morphology, reduced behavioural responses towards predators by high-condition trout, or predator preferences for high-condition fish.  相似文献   

Snowshoe hare demography during a cyclic population low   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1. Snowshoe hare ( Lepus americanus Erxleben) populations were studied in south-west Yukon during the low phase of the 10-year population cycle. Food availability and predator abundance were manipulated in a factorial design to determine the importance of each factor in hare dynamics during this phase.
2. Food was abundant during the low phase, and snowshoe hares were not food limited.
3. Survival of hares was higher than at any other phase of the cycle, and predators were scarce, but >75% of hare deaths resulted from predation.
4. Food addition resulted in higher hare densities and better body condition than on control sites. There were no observable effects of food addition on population rate of increase, recruitment, survival or age structure.
5. Mammalian predator reduction resulted in higher hare densities, higher survival, better body condition and an older age structure. Relative to control populations, recruitment was lower and population rates of increase similar.
6. The joint manipulation of food addition + predator reduction had greater positive effects on hare density and body condition than either single factor manipulation. Survival was better than on control sites, and the age structure was older than on control sites. Population rates of increase were similar, but recruitment was higher on the control areas.
7. We conclude that snowshoe hare dynamics at the low of the cycle are dominated by the interaction of food and predation. Risk of predation also had indirect effects on snowshoe hare age structure and body condition.  相似文献   

1. Recently, a small predatory beetle, Trechisibus antarcticus (Carabidae), was accidentally introduced onto the island of South Georgia, sub-Antarctic.
2. From the presumed site of introduction the beetle is invading the coastal lowland area, building up high densities locally in the tussock-forming grass Parodiochloa flabellata .
3. In the coastal area the endemic detritivorous/herbivorous beetle Hydromedion sparsutum (Perimylopidae) is common, especially in and beneath the tussocks.
4. The first three, out of six, larval instars of H. sparsutum are easily taken prey by the carabid.
5. In sites colonized by the carabid, total abundance and the ratio between larval and adult numbers of H. sparsutum are far lower, and its adult body size clearly larger, than in comparable sites where the carabid is absent.
6. Two hypotheses are proposed for explaining the increase in adult body size of H. sparsutum : (i) the increase is a direct effect of predation: selection by the predator favours large hatchlings and/or larvae with a high growth rate; and (ii) the increase is an indirect effect of predation: by lowering the density of H. sparsutum , predation has increased its per capita food supply, enabling a higher growth rate and a larger adult body size.
7. A food addition experiment in a carabid-free site showed availability of high quality food to be insufficient for sustaining the initial larval population.
8. In the laboratory, females from the predator-infested sites produced larger eggs and hatchlings than females from the carabid-free sites, but mass specific growth rates of the larvae were not higher.
9. Field and laboratory data give stronger support to the food hypothesis than to the size selectivity hypothesis.  相似文献   

1. Body size is positively correlated with fecundity in various animals, but the factors that counterbalance the resulting selection pressure towards large size are difficult to establish. Positively size-dependent predation risk has been proposed as a selective factor potentially capable of balancing the fecundity advantage of large size.
2. To construct optimality models of insect body size, realistic estimates of size-dependent predation rates are necessary. Moreover, prey traits such as colouration should be considered, as they may substantially alter the relationship between body size and mortality risk.
3. To quantify mortality patterns, we conducted field experiments in which we exposed cryptic and conspicuous artificial larvae of different sizes to bird predators, and recorded the incidence of bird attacks.
4. The average daily mortality rate was estimated to vary between 4% and 10%. In both cryptic and conspicuous larvae, predation risk increased with prey size, but the increase tended to be steeper in the conspicuous group. No main effect of colour type was found. All the quantitative relationships were reasonably consistent across replicates.
5. Our results suggest that the size dependence of mortality risk in insect prey is primarily determined by the probability of being detected by a predator rather than by a size-dependent warning effect associated with conspicuous colouration. Our results therefore imply that warningly coloured insects do not necessarily benefit more than the cryptic species from large body size, as has been previously suggested.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. We investigate the importance of a refuge from fish predation to the abundance, species composition and seasonal succession of zooplankton. Thirty lakes representing a range of depths were sampled twice in summer for physical/chemical parameters and zooplankton community structure.
2. We define the refuge from centrarchid predators to be that space between the thermocline and the zone of anoxia. As lakes vary in rate of oxygen depletion from the hypolimnion. the refuge size and lake depth are independent: refuge size decreases during the summer period.
3. Lake depth and refuge size independently explain variation among lakes in zooplankton species composition, but seasonal community change within lakes is best predicted by loss of refuge size.
4. Refuge size also explains the substantial variation in the relative dominance of the two major daphnid species. Lakes possessing a large refuge are dominated by D. pulicaria ; those with a small refuge are dominated by the smaller, D. galeata mendotae . We suggest that lakes of intermediate refuge size, which are characterized by high species diversity, represent a more equitable balance of predation and competition.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Predation risk to insects is often size- or stage-selective and usually decreases as prey grow. Any factor, such as food quality, that accelerates developmental and growth rates is likely to reduce the period over which prey are susceptible to size-dependent predation.
2. Using field experiments, several hypotheses that assess growth, development, and egg production rates of the rangeland grasshopper Ageneotettix deorum (Scudder) were tested in response to combinations of food quality and predation risk from wolf spiders to investigate performance variation manifested through a behaviourally mediated path affecting food ingestion rates.
3. Grasshoppers with nutritionally superior food completed development ≈ 8–18% faster and grew 15–45% larger in the absence of spiders, in comparison with those subjected to low quality food exposed to spider predators. Growth and development did not differ for grasshoppers feeding on high quality food when predators were present in comparison with lower quality food unimpeded by predators. Responses indicated a compensatory relationship between resource quality and predation risk.
4. Surviving grasshoppers produced fewer eggs compared with individuals not exposed to spiders. Because no differences were found in daily egg production rate regardless of predation treatment, lower egg production was attributed to delayed age of first reproduction. Results compare favourably with responses observed in natural populations.
5. Risk of predation from spiders greatly reduced growth, development, and ultimately egg production. Increased food quality counteracts the impact of predation risk on grasshoppers through compensatory responses, suggesting that bottom-up factors mediate effects of spiders.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Outbreaks of insect pest populations are common and can have devastating effects on natural communities and on agriculture. Little is known about the causes of these outbreaks or the causes of en masse migrations during outbreaks.
2. Flightless Mormon crickets ( Anabrus simplex ) were the focus of this study. They are a katydid species that forms large, dense, mobile groups (migratory bands) during outbreak periods, eating vegetation in their path.
3. Radiotelemetric methods were used to measure differences in movement rate and directionality in outbreak and non-outbreak populations, testing the hypothesis that these populations differ in their travel rate and consistency of direction.
4. Daily individual movement in outbreak populations differs substantially from non-outbreak populations that are at much lower density. In addition to large differences in distances travelled (1.6 km as compared with 1 m) and rates of travel, there is evidence for collective movement among individual Mormon crickets travelling in migratory bands.
5. These data suggest that the direction of group movement may be influenced by local environmental conditions such as wind direction and movement of nearby band members. This work forms the basis for ongoing work testing hypotheses about mass migrations in outbreak populations.  相似文献   

1. Traits that benefit males through sexual selection are simultaneously expected to impair males by provoking costs through natural selection. If we consider the two male fitness components, mating success and viability, then we may expect that the increase in male mating success resulting from a larger trait size will be counterbalanced by an increase in viability costs.
2. We studied the benefits and costs of male mate searching and sexual signalling activity in the wolf spider Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata . In the field, males search females actively and court them by drumming dry leaves with their abdomen. Females have been shown to prefer males with high drumming rate. Male moving and especially drumming is energetically highly demanding and drumming results in significant mortality costs.
3. Our objective in this study was to determine whether male mate-searching activity or drumming activity affect male mating success and the risk of males being predated.
4. It was evident that both higher mate-searching activity and higher drumming activity benefited males by increasing their mating success. Higher mate-searching activity clearly impaired males by causing direct increase in predation risk. There was also a slight tendency that more actively drumming males had higher risk of predation and from all of the predated males 13.3% were caught directly after they had drummed. Furthermore, male drumming activity decreased drastically in the presence of the predator.
5. We conclude that in H. rubrofasciata both increased mate-searching activity and drumming activity benefit males through sexual selection, but at the same time natural selection provokes direct balancing costs on the same traits.  相似文献   

1.  Nest predation negatively affects most avian populations. Studies of nest predation usually group all nest failures when attempting to determine temporal and parental activities, habitat or landscape predictors of success. Often these studies find few significant predictors and interpret patterns as essentially random.
2.  Relatively little is known about the importance of individual predator species or groups on observed patterns of nest success, and how the ecology of these predators may influence patterns of success and failure.
3.  In 2006 and 2007, time-lapse, infrared video systems were deployed at nests of Swainson's warblers ( Limnothlypis swainsonii Audubon) in east-central Arkansas to identify dominant nest predators and determine whether factors predicting predation differed among these predators.
4.  Analysis of pooled data yielded few predictors of predation risk, whereas separate analyses for the three major predator groups revealed clear, but often conflicting, patterns.
5.  Predation by ratsnakes ( Elaphe obsoleta ) and raptors was more common during the nestling period, whereas predation by brown-headed cowbirds ( Molothrus ater ) occurred more during incubation. Additionally, the risk of predation by raptors and cowbirds decreased throughout the breeding season, whereas ratsnake predation risk increased.
6.  Contrary to expectations, predation by ratsnakes and cowbirds was more common far from edges, whereas raptor predation was more common close to agricultural edges.
7.  Collectively, our results suggest that associating specific predators with the nests they prey on is necessary to understand underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Caves are often assumed to be predator-free environments for cave fishes. This has been proposed to be a potential benefit of colonising these otherwise harsh environments. In order to test this hypothesis, the predator–prey interaction of a belostomatid (predator) and a cave fish (prey) occurring in the Cueva del Azufre (Tabasco, Mexico) was investigated with two separate experiments.
2. In one experiment, individual Belostoma were given a chance to prey on a cave fish, the cave form of the Atlantic molly ( Poecilia mexicana ), to estimate feeding rates and size-specific prey preferences of the predator. In the other experiment, population density of Belostoma was estimated using a mark–recapture analysis in one of the cave chambers.
3. Belostomatids were found to heavily prey on cave mollies and to exhibit a prey preference for large fish. The mark–recapture analysis revealed a high population density of the heteropterans in the cave.
4. The absence of predators in caves is not a general habitat feature for cave fishes. None the less predation regimes differ strikingly between epigean and hypogean habitats. The prey preference of Belostoma indicates that cave-dwelling P. mexicana experience size-specific predation pressure comparable with surface populations, which may have implications for life-history evolution in this cave fish.  相似文献   

1. Environmentally-cued pupal colour in swallowtail butterflies has been hypothesized to evolve as a consequence of (a) the evolution of a preference for pupation sites above the ground that vary in colour and (b) natural selection for crypsis on such sites.
2. This hypothesis was tested by comparing the field survival of green and brown Papilio polyxenes Fabr. pupae placed on green or brown pupation sites that were either above the ground on near the ground.
3. Green pupae on green sites above the ground had a significantly higher probability of survival than did all other pupal colour and pupation site combinations.
4. Pupae on sites above the ground were more likely to be preyed upon during the day, whereas those on sites near the ground were more likely to be preyed upon during the night, suggesting that variation in nocturnal and diurnal predation influences the evolution of pupation site preference.
5. To the extent that diurnal predators use colour vision to locate prey, diurnal predation should favour environmentally-cued pupal colour.  相似文献   

We studied factors that affect prey selection by a generalist predator that opportunistically attacks prey species, and the associated inter- and intra-specific responses of prey to this type of predation. Our model system was a guild of ground-foraging birds that are preyed upon by magpies (Pica pica) during the breeding season. We found that magpies attacked up to 12 species during three consecutive breeding seasons. The overall capture success was estimated to be 4.9%. Magpies tended to attack from the air, targeting solitary prey, either on the ground or flying. Inter-specific prey responses to the risk of magpie predation included a reduction in the mean number of species occupying a foraging patch when magpies were present and a decrease in the distance between heterospecific neighbours. Intra-specific responses to magpie predation varied between species that were subject to different attack rates. Preferentially attacked prey enhanced their risk responses (increase in scanning time and scanning rate in the presence of magpies) relative to those species attacked in proportion to their abundance (increase only in scanning rate with magpies). Species attacked infrequently, relative to their abundance, showed no antipredator response. The probability of being attacked, rather than mortality rate, appears to be the factor to which prey species respond.  相似文献   

Abstract: Ant predation of natural field populations of larval sugarcane borers, Diatraea saccharalis , was evaluated by using insecticidal check techniques, and through survivorship studies of artificial high-density infestations, in plantations in Brazil. Areas of ant suppression had higher levels of D. saccharalis than unsuppressed areas, although both types of areas normally had extremely low D. saccharalis populations. Artifical infestations of D. saccharalis yielded significantly lower larval survivorship in unsuppressed areas than in suppressed areas. Fire ants ( Solenopsis spp.) were always the most abundant ant. This study has demonstrated that ants are important pest predators in Brazilian sugarcane fields.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. The effects of the carnivorous plant Utricularia ( bladderwort) on its microcrustacean and macroinvertebrate prey were studied under seminatural and natural conditions. The results suggest that Utricularia is a strong interactor in littoral communities that influences its prey populations by direct predation and indirect facilitation.
2. In an 8-week enclosure experiment, effects on prey density were compared in three treatments with (1) U. vulgaris with intact trapbladders, (2) U. vulgaris without bladders and (3) no Utricularia present.
3. Utricularia predation caused a decrease in prey density over time, whereas presence of Utricularia without bladders increased prey density. In the controls without Utricularia , prey density was relatively constant over time.
4. Field samples were collected to quantify predation rates of three Utricularia species on two natural prey populations. Daily consumption rates on prey peaked from mid-July to mid-August for all Utricularia species, but were low in June and September. This pattern was explained mainly by a high number of trapbladders at this time, but also by a slight increase in the number of prey caught per bladder. Per capita prey mortality rates caused by Utricularia were substantial and ranged between 0.14 and 0.43 day−1 for copepods, 0.1–0.27 day−1 for ostracods and 0.04–0.2 day−1 for chydorid cladocerans.
5. Predation and facilitation effects were observed for total prey and separately for epiphytic and benthic prey. Planktonic microcrustaceans showed no response to Utricularia presence.  相似文献   

The sex ratio in ectoparasitic insects   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. 1. The sex ratio in 379 collections, each consisting of more than 100 individuals, of 250 different species of ectoparasite belonging to seven orders of insects is recorded. The data are gathered from a broad survey of published literature.
2. In general, ectoparasitic insects emerge as adults in equal numbers of each sex, although there are certain exceptions.
3. The sex ratio in natural populations may alter with numerous factors, but in general it is unbalanced, females usually predominating. Out of 359 collections from the host's body or home, the sex ratio of 30% showed no significant departure from unity, 63% contained significantly more females, and 7% significantly more males.
4. These imbalances could be due to sampling methods but this is rare. Generally they are due to one sex, usually the male, being shorter lived than the other. This may be because males are often more active and smaller than females, and thus more likely to be separated from the host's body or home, succumb to host predation, or be killed by adverse climatic or nutritional conditions.  相似文献   

Community‐wide food pulses may ameliorate food constraints but may also result in increased competition for other resources and predation rates. In cavity‐nesting vertebrate communities, where the availability of tree cavities can limit reproduction and the reuse of cavities can increase nest predation by squirrels, excavators may maximize their fecundity by creating new cavities in competitor‐ and predator‐rich habitats that undergo food pulses. The reproductive cost associated with excavation (i.e. increased energy allocation early in the breeding season that often delays laying and thereby reduces clutch size), may be reduced if food pulses allow for a longer breeding season and larger clutches. A large‐scale mountain pine beetle Dendroctonus ponderosae outbreak that occurred during our long‐term study (1995–2009) provided a natural food supplementation experiment across 27 sites in British Columbia, Canada. We examined the effects of a reduction in food constraints accompanied with increases in excavation rates, conspecific density and nest predation risk on the fecundity of a facultative excavator, the red‐breasted nuthatch Sitta canadensis. We found a total of 420 nests in tree cavities. Nuthatch clutch sizes ranged from two to nine eggs, and broods from one to nine fledglings per nest. Later clutches were larger at sites and in years with high beetle abundance (mean clutch size of six eggs did not decline later in the season), second broods were produced in outbreak years (usually only one nesting attempt/normal year), and the number of fledglings per successful nest increased with increasing beetle abundance and nuthatch densities, but declined with increased squirrel densities. Since fecundity did not differ between new and reused cavities, the costs and benefits of excavation versus cavity reuse may be neutralized for nuthatches during strong resource pulses. Overall, the beetle outbreak reduced food constraints for nuthatches and provided alternate food for nest predators, allowing increased annual fecundity.  相似文献   

A five-year study on the microgeographical distribution pattern of a sugarcane cicada, Mogannia minuta (=iwasakii), in the Island of Okinawa revealed that the trapezoid type distribution was an unique feature of the distribution of this species. The rate of expansion of the distribution range was remarkably small despite the continuous occurrence of sugarcane plants. These facts can be explained well by the theory of escape. That is, the epidemic cicada populations should be free from predation pressure in the infested area, but those in peripheral zones could be eradicated by predators. The possible role of regulatory factor(s) which suppress further increase in the density in the infested area was suggested.  相似文献   

1. Survival rates and natalities for a population of snowshoe hares in the Yukon were estimated independently of and simultaneously with estimates of population change during the increase phase of a hare cycle.
2. Simple demographic models are used to show that even though the estimated survival rates and natalities were high relative to previously published estimates, the observed demographic parameters are unable to explain the extent of population increase, and we conclude that some of these parameters must be underestimates.
3. A sensitivity analysis is used to examine the potential influence of changes in these demographic parameters on the population growth rate. During most years of the hare cycle the population growth rate is potentially most sensitive to changes in juvenile postweaning survival. Only during crash years is adult survivorship likely to be a more important determinant of the rate of population change.
4. Examination of previously published data sets on two full population cycles suggests that while survival rates are positively correlated with population growth rates, their incorporation into demographic models results in frequent underestimation of the rate of population increase.  相似文献   

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