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Summary Afferent connections to the ventrobasal complex (VB) of the thalamus were studied by means of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and by the Golgi-method. After HRP-injection into the VB, peroxidase-positive cells were observed contralaterally in the dorsal column nuclei (DCN), in the trigeminal nuclei and in the lateral cervical nucleus (LCN), and ipsilaterally in the somatosensory I (SI) and II (SII) cortical areas. Labeled cells of different shape and size were compared with neurons impregnated by the Golgi-technique. On the basis of HRP-labeling it is concluded that cells projecting to the VB are different in size and shape even within one region and that they correspond to the relay or efferent neurons observed in the Golgimaterial.  相似文献   

Efferent connections of the centrum medianum and parafascicular nucleus of the thalamus (CM-Pf complex) in cats were studied by the method of anterograde axonal transport of tritiated amino acids followed by autoradiography. Projections from CM-Pf ascend to nuclei of the ventral group and nonspecific nuclei of the thalamus, preoptic, dorsal, lateral, and posterior areas of the hypothalamus, and also into the subthalamic region. Descending pathways are formed only by neurons of the caudomedial part of CM-Pf. They project into the pretectal region, superior colliculus, reticular formation, locus coeruleus, region of the ramus communicans, and substantia grisea centralis of the mesencephalon and pons, and also into the nuclei raphe, magnocellular reticular area, and inferior olivary nucleus of the medulla. In agreement with previous observations it was found that the caudomedial part of CM-Pf does not send direct projections into the cortex and striatum.I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 224–230, March–April, 1984.  相似文献   

During development precise thalamocortical connections are established, with reciprocal connections forming correctly in a laminar pattern as well as between the correct thalamic and cortical areas. Recent evidence suggests that both spatial and temporal cues may account for this specificity.  相似文献   

A self-organizing neural network model called LISSOM for the synergetic development of afferent and lateral connections in cortical feature maps is presented. The weight adaptation process is purely activity-dependent, unsupervised, and local. The afferent input weights self-organize into a topological map of the input space. At the same time, the lateral interconnection weights adapt, and a unique lateral interaction profile develops for each neuron. Weak lateral connections die off, leaving a pattern of connections that represents the significant long-term correlations of activity on the feature map. LISSOM demonstrates how self-organization can bootstrap based on input information only, without global supervision or predetermined lateral interaction. The model gives rise to a nontopographically organized lateral connectivity similar to that observed in the mammalian neocortex as illustrated by a LISSOM model of ocular dominance column formation in the primary visual cortex. In addition, LISSOM can potentially account for the development of multiple maps of different modalities on the same undifferentiated cortical architecture. Received: 12 May 1993/Accepted in revised form: 22 September 1993  相似文献   

In this study we have examined the physiological and neurochemical development of the cutaneous afferent pathways from the hindlimb to the spinal cord in fetal sheep. We have shown that somatosensory input from the hindlimb evokes activity in DRG neurons at 87d gestation and in cells in the dorsal horn at 92d (term, 146d). There is evidence of immunoreactivity for substance P, calcitonin gene-related peptide and glutamine several days prior to this at 77-80 days. The implication of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments on chloralose-anaesthetized cats have shown that cells in the superior colliculus may be antidromically activated either from the pontomedullary reticular formation or the ventral cervical spinal cord, or from both sites. In tests on 111 units this has provided a basis for differentiating between cells of origin of the tectospinal tract and the tectoreticular system within the superior colliculus. Tectospinal cells may be activated both by spinal and pontine stimulation; tectoreticular cells cannot be activated by spinal stimulation. Both tectoreticular and tectospinal cells respond to visual and muscle afferent stimulation. The afferent connections may be strongly inhibitory as afferent input to the superior colliculus ofter prevented subsequent antidromic invasion. This was more commonly seen in tectospinal cells than tectoreticular cells. The distribution of the two cell populations within the superior colliculus was also found to be dissimilar. Evidence has also been obtained to suggest that the tectoreticular system, in part, consists of collaterals of the tectospinal tract.  相似文献   

The transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) out of the injection site in the dorsal ventricular ridge was studied in turtles Emys orbicularis. Labeled cells in the forebrain were observed in the paleostriatum among fibers of the lateral forebrain bundle. In the thalamus most of cells containing the granular HRP reaction product were located in the n. rotundus, n. reuniens and perirotundal nuclei (n. dorso-medialis anterior, n. magnocellularis thalami, n (centralis) lateralis, n. dorso-medialis). Fewer labeled cells were revealed in the n. anterior and n. ventralis. The density of labeled cells in the majority of all thalamic nuclei increased if the HRP was extended from the dorsal ventricular ridge into the neostriatum and the pallial thickening with adjacent general cortex. HRP positive cells in the pretectal area, nuclei of the posterior commissura and mesencephalic ventro-lateral tegmentum were observed only in cases when the enzyme was diffused from the injection site into the neostriatum, while the HRP retrograde transport to n. geniculatus lateralis, pars dorsalis was revealed only when HRP was extended into the pallial thickening and adjacent general cortex. Ascending connections of the paleostriatum, thalamic nuclei and mesencephalic tegmentum with telencephalic structures, mainly with the dorsal ventricular ridge, were discussed.  相似文献   

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