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Question: Does the understorey vegetation of Norwegian boreal forests change in relation to broad‐scale, long‐term changes? Location: Norway. Methods: Permanently marked 1‐m2 vegetation plots from 17 monitoring reference areas in forests dominated by Picea abies (11 areas, 620 plots) and Betula spp. (six areas, 300 plots) were analysed twice, at the start in 1988–1997 and 5 yr later (1993–2002). Species subplot frequency data were analysed separately for each area by univariate and multivariate statistical methods; 5‐yr changes in single species abundances, species number per plot and species composition were tested. Results: Two distinct patterns of change were found: 1. Abundance of several vascular plant species decreased in SE Norwegian Picea forests, most noticeably of species with a preference for richer soils, such as Oxalis acetosella. 2. Abundance of many bryophyte species as well as bryophyte species number per plot increased in forests of both types over most of Norway. Conclusions: The pattern of vascular plant changes is probably a time‐delayed response of long‐lived, mainly clonal, populations to acidified soils resulting from deposition of long‐distance airborne pollutants. The pattern bryophyte changes, with reference to the close link between climatic conditions for growth and abundance changes for Hylocomium splendens established in previous demographic studies, is related to climatic conditions favourable for bryophyte growth. We conclude that many forest understorey plants are sensitive indicators of environmental change, and that the concept used for intensive monitoring of Norwegian forests enables early detection of changes in vegetation brought about by broad‐scale, regional, impact factors.  相似文献   

Tree species diversity of four tropical forest vegetation types was investigated in Xishuangbanna, southwestern China. These are: tropical seasonal rain forest, tropical montane rain forest, evergreen broad-leaved forest and monsoon forest over limestone. A total of 17 samples were taken and four species diversity indices were calculated: Shannon-Wiener's H, the complement of Simpson's index, d, Fisher's and evenness index E. The results reveal the long-tailed rank/abundance diagrams of these forests. However, this feature is greatly reduced in the samples of monsoon forest over limestone. Tropical seasonal rain forest shows the highest tree species diversity of all four vegetation types. Owing to the variation of microenvironment, diversity values within the same vegetation type vary between the samples from different patches. The tree species diversity of single-dominant rain forest is not significantly lower than that of mixed rain forest, because the dominant species of some single-dominant rain forests are principally in the emergent layer. This is composed of sparse and huge trees of one species and, consequently, creates a unique canopy architecture and more heterogeneous microenvironments for the more diversified species composition under the emergent layer. The occurrence of tree species with small population sizes, particularly of species represented by only one individual, is highly correlated with the tree species diversity of the local forest vegetation. They are crucial elements in the richness of local biodiversity.  相似文献   

南亚热带森林群落种-多度的对数正态分布模型研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
殷祚云  廖文波   《广西植物》1999,19(3):221-224
通过对地处南亚热带的广东省黑石顶自然保护区森林群落的定点研究结果的分析表明:当用1,2,3,…分组每种个体数r时,5个不同类型的群落样地的种一多度分布的直方图都呈明显的倒J-形;经Preston“倍程(octaves)”法分组r后,其种-多度都服从对数正态分布。由种-多度模型可以推出另一新的模型一个体一多度分布模型,即I(R)=2R0SOEXP[[1n2)2/4a2〕EXP{-a2(R-(RO+1n2/2a2)]2},它也符合对数正态分布。另外,还运用积分方法推导出估计总体(整个群落)中总种数S*和总个体数I*理论值的公式,用此公式估计的结果较为合理。  相似文献   

A study was carried out in Sariska Tiger Reserve in India to investigate the effects of anthropogenic disturbance caused by biomass extraction on the bird communities of tropical dry forests. The study was based on comparisons of the avifaunal community as well as vegetation structure between strictly protected ('undisturbed') and intensively used ('disturbed') sites that were demarcated a priori on the basis of disturbance indicators. There was no significant difference in the number of recorded species and bird abundance between disturbed and undisturbed sites. However, bird species diversity was significantly lower in disturbed sites. Bird species composition was found to differ significantly between disturbed and undisturbed sites and was associated with the measured disturbance indicators. Changes in bird species composition occurred because of seven of 26 locally abundant bird species (26.9%) responding significantly to the disturbance regime. All the affected bird species are primarily insectivorous. Bird species composition was significantly related to six vegetation structural variables, including two that were significantly altered by disturbance. Changes in vegetation structure accounted for all the changes in bird species composition caused by disturbance. However, vegetation structure had additional effects on bird species composition besides those caused simply by disturbance. Thus, our study indicates that forest use in the form of chronic biomass extraction can have significant effects upon bird diversity and species composition of tropical dry forest. There is a need to retain a proportion of natural ecosystems as inviolate if the full complement of biodiversity is to be conserved.  相似文献   

黄山是我国东部高山之一, 处于亚热带季风气候区, 属南北植物区系交替的过渡带, 是第四纪冰期动植物的避难所。其地带性植被为常绿阔叶林, 植被垂直分布明显, 是中国生物多样性保护优先区域, 也是世界文化与自然遗产地以及享誉全球的风景名胜区。2014年, 我们在黄山建立了10.24 ha的森林动态监测样地, 并完成了首次调查。本文从物种组成、区系特征、径级结构和空间分布格局等方面分析了样地中植物的群落特征。结果表明: 样地内有维管植物59科129属191种, 其中乔木层内胸径≥ 1 cm的木本植物46科97属153种; 热带性质的科、属分别占总科、属数的65.79%和45.36%, 温带性质的科、属分别占34.21%和51.55%。样地内珍稀濒危物种较多, 其中国家II级重点保护野生植物6种、《中国生物多样性红色名录——高等植物卷》中的近危物种7种、《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)附录II物种1种以及64种中国特有种, 这些物种具有较高的保护和研究价值。当取样面积小于2,150 m2时, 物种数随着面积的增加而急剧增加; 其后增加速率明显降低; 但大于57,950 m2时, 增加速率又略变大。稀有种69种, 占总树种数的45.10%。壳斗科和杜鹃花科的重要值占一半以上。建群种甜槠(Castanopsis eyrei)的重要值达26.25%, 其次分别为细齿叶柃(Eurya nitida) (7.63%)、马银花(Rhododendron ovatum) (7.60%)、马尾松(Pinus massoniana) (6.29%)和檵木(Loropetalum chinense) (4.83%)。样地平均胸径为4.10 cm, 小径木的数量占较大优势。乔木层可分为两个亚层, 甜槠在两个亚层的个体数量均最多, 马尾松数量也比较多。甜槠、细齿叶柃、马银花、马尾松等均呈较显著的聚集分布。  相似文献   

武英达  茆卫琳  员瑗 《生物多样性》2021,29(10):1369-14
多孔菌是木材腐朽菌的重要类群, 具有重要的生态功能和经济价值。本文比较分析了我国寒温带至亚热带的阿尔泰山脉、秦岭山脉和南岭山脉的多孔菌物种、生态习性和区系特征。经调查, 在三个山脉共发现多孔菌8目29科107属287种, 其中阿尔泰山、秦岭和南岭分别为84种、132种、160种, 优势科均为多孔菌科和锈革孔菌科。三个山脉的共有属和共有种分别为25个和14个。区系地理分析发现, 阿尔泰山脉和秦岭山脉以世界广布成分和北温带成分为主, 南岭山脉以世界广布和泛热带成分为主。在寄主选择性方面, 阿尔泰山脉的多孔菌偏好生长在裸子植物上, 其比例高于被子植物, 而秦岭和南岭则相反。在腐朽类型方面, 从寒温带至亚热带白腐真菌物种数量呈现逐渐上升的趋势, 而褐腐真菌数量逐渐下降。通过比较分析3个不同气候带的多孔菌物种多样性、寄主偏好性和引起的腐朽类型, 发现气候和植被类型是影响多孔菌区系组成的主要因素。  相似文献   

植物物种多度受功能性状和负密度依赖共同影响——以中国南亚热带黑石顶森林样地为例 影响植物群落中植物物种多度的因素较多,确定关键影响因素及阐明其具体机制一直是群落生态学的研究重点之一。目前确定性的影响因素主要有两大类:植物功能性状和负密度依赖。功能性状通过影响植物的竞争能力、资源的获取效率、对环境的适应能力等方面进而影响植物的多度;负密度依赖表现在同种或异种植物个体在空间上聚集,特异性的寄主(病原菌、昆虫等)传播容易导致植物个体(主要为幼苗和小树)死亡,种群发生自疏,进而影响植物的多度。到目前为止,单一探究植物功能性状或负密度依赖对植物多度影响机制的研究已有大量报道,而将两者结合来探讨对植物多度的影响的工作相对较少。为了更深入地探索影响植物多度的机制,本研究中我们综合分析了功能性状与负密度依赖对植物多度的影响。研究地点为广东省黑石顶亚热带森林50 ha大样地;功能性状方面选取了叶面积(LA)、比叶面 积(SLA)、叶片干物质含量(LDMC)、叶片氮含量(LNC)和最大电子传输速率(ETRmax);植物物种所受负密度依赖强度通过构建小树在样地两次普查期间的存活状况受邻体密度影响的层次贝叶斯模型计算;通过结构方程模型构建功能性状-负密度依赖-物种多度的内在联系框架。结构方程模型结果显示,物种多度受功能性状和负密度依赖共同作用,其中功能性状对物种多度的影响包括直接作用和通过负密度依赖的间接作用。具体来说,SLA对多度的影响包括直接和间接两种;LDMC和LNC仅间接影响物种多度;LA和ETRmax对多度只有直接影响;负密度依赖与物种多度之间存在直接的负相关关系,说明多度较高的物种受到的负密度依赖效应更强。结构方程模型对物种多度差异的解释度达到20%。以上结果表明,黑石顶植物多度分布是功能性状与负密度依赖共同作用的结果;比叶面积在所研究的因素中贡献最大。该项工作有助于提高我们对亚热带森林植物常见种和稀有种分布格局的理解。  相似文献   

Aims In the context of global change, the impacts of forest structure alteration on climbing plants in extra-tropical ecosystems are poorly understood. It also remains little explored, the functional strategies among climbing plant species and its relationship with the local-scale distribution of climbing plant communities. Here, we aimed at three goals: (i) we studied how climbing plant community composition responds to the modification of the original forest structure in a subtropical dry forest; (ii) we characterized climbing plant species according to functional traits related to the acquisition and use of resources; and (iii) we examined whether functional strategies at the community level are also responding to vegetation structure change, a much less addressed topic in the ecology of climbing plants.  相似文献   

The deposition of nitrogen (N) is high in subtropical forest in South China and it is expected to increase further in the coming decades. To assess effects of increasing deposition on N cycling, we investigated the current N status of two selected 40–45-year-old masson pine-dominated Chinese subtropical forest stands at Tieshanping (TSP, near Chongqing City) and Caijiatang (CJT in Shaoshan, Hunan province), and explored the applicability of several indicators for N status and leaching, suggested for temperate and boreal forest ecosystems. Current atmospheric N deposition to the systems is from 25 to 49 kg ha−1 year−1. The concentration of total N in the upper 15 cm of the soil is from as low as 0.05% in the B2 horizon to as high as 0.53% in the O/A horizon. The concentration of organic carbon (C) varies from 0.74 (B2) to 9.54% (O/A). Pools of N in the upper 15 cm of the soils range from 1460 to 2290 kg N ha−1, where 25–55% of the N pool is in the O/A horizon (upper 3 cm of the soil). Due to a lack of a well-developed continuous O horizon (forest floor), the C/N ratio of this layer cannot be used as an indicator for the N status, as is commonly done in temperate and boreal forests. The net N mineralization rate (mg N g−1 C year−1) in individual horizons correlates significantly with the C/N ratio, which is from as high as 18.2 in the O/A horizon to as low as 11.2 in the B2 horizon. The N2O emission flux from soil is significantly correlated with the KCl extractable NH4+–N in the O/A horizon and with the net nitrification in the upper 15 cm of the soil. However, the spatial and temporal variation of the N2O emission rate is high and rates are small and often difficult to detect in the field. The soil flux density of mineral N, defined as the sum of the throughfall N input rate and the rate of in situ net N mineralization in the upper 15 cm of the soil, i.e., the combination of deposition input and the N status of the system, explains the NO3 leaching potential at 30 cm soil depth best. The seasonality of stream water N concentration at TSP and CJT is climatic and hydrologically controlled, with highest values commonly occurring in the wet growing season and lowest in the dry dormant season. This is different from temperate forest ecosystems, where N saturation is indicated by elevated NO3 leaching in stream water during summer.  相似文献   

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