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记述了云南曲靖潇湘区关底组(志留系罗德洛统)真盔甲鱼类一新属、新种——长孔盾鱼(Dunyu longiforus gen.et sp.nov.),丰富了以梦幻鬼鱼为代表的潇湘脊椎动物群的组成.该新属具真盔甲鱼科的鉴别特征:后眶上管和中背管二者连续过渡,后端两侧辏合呈“U”字形,侧背管仅发出3条侧横管.新属内角缺如,这一特征过去在真盔甲鱼科中仅见于真盔甲鱼属.新属区别于真盔甲鱼属的主要特征有:角向后方延伸,呈棘状或叶状;头甲最宽处位于角末端之前,宽长比小于1.1;中背孔末端超越眶孔后缘连线.基于对秀山真盔甲鱼头甲标本的重新观察,将秀山真盔甲鱼归入盾鱼属.新种区别于秀山盾鱼(Dunyu xiushanensis)的特征有:个体较大,头甲长大于宽;角呈棘状;眶孔位置相对靠前,头甲眶前区与眶后区的长度之比小于0.75;多边形崮状瘤点,较大,长可超过2 mm.  相似文献   

记述了云南曲靖潇湘区关底组(志留系罗德洛统)真盔甲鱼类一新属、新种——长孔盾鱼(Dunyu longiforus gen.et sp.nov.),丰富了以梦幻鬼鱼为代表的潇湘脊椎动物群的组成。该新属具真盔甲鱼科的鉴别特征:后眶上管和中背管二者连续过渡,后端两侧辏合呈"U"字形,侧背管仅发出3条侧横管。新属内角缺如,这一特征过去在真盔甲鱼科中仅见于真盔甲鱼属。新属区别于真盔甲鱼属的主要特征有:角向后方延伸,呈棘状或叶状;头甲最宽处位于角末端之前,宽长比小于1.1;中背孔末端超越眶孔后缘连线。基于对秀山真盔甲鱼头甲标本的重新观察,将秀山真盔甲鱼归入盾鱼属。新种区别于秀山盾鱼(Dunyu xiushanensis)的特征有:个体较大,头甲长大于宽;角呈棘状;眶孔位置相对靠前,头甲眶前区与眶后区的长度之比小于0.75;多边形崮状瘤点,较大,长可超过2mm。  相似文献   

大叉飞虱属Ecdelphax Yang种类主要分布在我国,目前已知有5种,其中包括1新种.本文编有分种检索表,并对新种钩突大叉飞虱E.anconaea sp.nov.进行了记述.新种阳茎鞭节端部分岔,显示与大叉飞虱Ecervina (Muir)近缘,但前者根据臀刺突呈钩状可与后者和属内的其它种类区别.提供了成虫和雄虫外生殖器特征的照片.新种模式标本采自西藏墨脱上亚东村;保存在南京农业大学昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

印象初  郑方强  印展 《昆虫学报》2014,57(9):1075-1083
记述了采自中国台湾斑腿蝗科秃蝗亚科1新属台秃蝗属Taipoodisma gen. nov. 和4新种:红股台秃蝗Taipodisma rufifemora sp. nov., 谢氏台秃蝗Taipodisma hsiehi sp. nov., 周氏台秃蝗Taipodisma chowi sp. nov., 黑胫台秃蝗Taipodisma nigritibia sp. nov.。新属台秃蝗属Taipoodisma gen. nov.同蹦蝗属Sinopodisma Chang, 1940近似,不同之处为前胸背板后缘中央缺凹口,中隆线在沟前区不显,在沟后区留有痕迹。新属同辽秃蝗属Liaopodisma Zheng, 1990也近似,不同之处为雄性后胸腹板两侧叶分开,不毗连。新种红股台秃蝗T. rufifemora sp. nov. 后足股节内侧和下方红色可与同属其他种相区别。新种谢氏台秃蝗T. hsiehi sp. nov. 缺黑色眼后带可与同属其他种相区别。新种周氏台秃蝗T. chowi sp. nov. 同红股台秃蝗T. rufifemora sp. nov.近似,不同之处为后足股节内侧和下方非红色。新种黑胫台秃蝗T. nigritibia sp. nov. 同周氏台秃蝗T. chowi sp. nov.近似,不同之处为前胸背板沿中隆线缺黑色纵带和前翅黄褐色,缺黑色带纹。列出了该属的种检索表。  相似文献   

All species of the genus Alphitobius Stephens, 1829 (Alphitobiini Reitter, 1917, subfamily Tenebrioninae Latreille, 1802) from Africa and adjacent islands are revised. New species: Alphitobius capitaneus sp. n. from Kenya. New synonyms: Cryptops ulomoides Solier, 1851, syn. n. of Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer, 1796); Alphitobius rufus Ardoin, 1976, syn. n. of Alphitobius hobohmi Koch, 1953); Peltoides (Micropeltoides) crypticoides Pic, 1916, syn. n. of Peltoides (Micropeltoides) opacus (Gerstaecker, 1871), comb. n. Homonym: Alphitobius ulomoides Koch, 1953 = Alphitobius arnoldi nom. n. New combinations from Alphitobius: Ulomoides basilewskyi (Ardoin, 1969), comb. n.; Peltoides (Micropeltoides) opacus (Gerstaecker, 1871), comb. n. Figures of all examined species are added and a species key is compiled.  相似文献   

The genus Microcriodes Breuning is newly recorded from China upon the discovery of M. sikkimensis Breuning, 1943 and M. wuchaoi sp. n. from Motuo, Southeast Xizang. Illustrations of the habitus, genitalia including non-everted endophallus, as well as diagnostic features are provided.  相似文献   

记述了采自云南的冲绳蛛属Okileucauge Tanikawa,2001 2新种:贡山冲绳蛛Okileucauge gongshan sp.nov.和长冲绳蛛Okileucauge elongatus sp.nov..并提供了详细的文字描述,鉴别特征图和地理分布数据.模式标本保存在湖南师范大学生命科学学院,部分副模标本保存于美国加州科学院.贡山冲绳蛛,新种Okileucauge gongshan sp.nov.(图1~5, 10)正模♂,云南福贡阿路底,海拔1 250 m,2004-04-23,彭光旭采,保存于湖南师范大学.副模2♀♀,数据同正模,保存于湖南师范大学.新种与谷川冲绳蛛O.tanikawa(Zhu,Song et Zhang,2003:281,图156)相似,但可从以下区别:1)其腹部背面中部具1由若干个不连续的梯形黑斑组成的黑色纵带,而后者的为“T”字形暗色斑;2)其生殖厣后部有4个对称的银色斑点,而后者无;3)触肢器盾片板状,而后者的触肢器盾片球形;4)贮精管不盘曲,后者贮精管盘曲.词源:新种种名因模式标本的产地而命名.分布:中国(云南).长冲绳蛛,新种Okileucauge elongatus sp.nov.(图6~9)正模♂,云南泸水县片马镇产盐河,海拔2470m,2005 -05-13,C.Griswold采.副模:11♂♂,保存于湖南师范大学;11♂♂,保存于美国加州科学院,信息同正模.鉴别特征该种雄蛛触肢器盾片大且横向延伸,宽约为跗舟的3倍,尾部逐渐变细,与该属其他种类明显不同.词源:新种种名因雄蛛触肢器盾片长而得名.分布:中国(云南).  相似文献   

中国畦克蚋属分类纪要报告5已知种并记述1新种,模式标本存放于贵阳医学院生物学教研室.短颈畦克蚋Suldozphia brevineckoi sp.nov.,新种与黄足畦克蚋极为相似,但可根据足的着色、生殖腹板、生殖叉骨和生殖刺突特征,雄性后足基跗节跗突小,蛹茧鞋状,颈极短,幼虫头扇梳状毛数量与上述近缘种相区别.  相似文献   

Liu J  Li H 《ZooKeys》2012,(180):41-51
The genus Prorophora Ragonot, 1887 is newly recorded for China. Of the three species treated here, Prorophora (Reisserempista) binacanthasp. n. is described as new; Prorophora (Prorophora) albidogilvella Roesler, 1970 and Prorophora (Reisserempista) mongolica Roesler, 1970 are diagnosed and newly recorded for China. Images of adults and illustrations of genital structures are provided, along with a key to the known species.  相似文献   

The genus Micatagla Argaman (Bradynobaenidae: Apterogyninae) is reviewed from Egypt, based on specimens collected from Wadi Allaqi (Aswan, Southern Egypt) and Kom Osheim (Fayoum) and those deposited in Egyptian insect collections as well as recorded data from the literature. A single species, Micatagla klugi (André), was previously recorded from Egypt. Micatagla allaqiensis sp. n., Micatagla ezzati sp. n. and Micatagla pseudorainerii sp. n. are described here. Micatagla antropovi Pagliano is also newly recorded from the Egyptian fauna. An illustrated key and a faunistic list comprising all Micatagla species recorded from Egypt are given.  相似文献   

记述中国四川寡节隐翅虫属Micropeplus Latreille 1新种,肖氏寡节隐翅虫Micropeplus xiaoae sp.nov.,提供了它的体形、头部、前胸、鞘翅、后胸腹板,腹部第3~7背板、第8腹板和雄性外生殖器的彩图.新种采自四川冕宁县的冶勒自然保护区的已死杂草中.编制了这个属的中国种检索表.模式标本保存在西华师范大学生命科学学院.肖氏寡节隐翅虫,新种M切印峥如xiaoae sp.nov.(图1~13)新种与来自台湾的Micropeplus spinatus Campbell很相似,但这个种的前胸中部有16个由脊范围的室,后胸腹板的中凹稍宽并超过后胸腹板长度之半,肩脊和伪缘脊之间无刻点,雄性外生殖器的侧叶端部仅有1根短刚毛.这个种也与日本的M.hiromasai Watanabe甜Shibata相似,但新种的前胸有16室,鞘翅刻点粗,肩脊和伪缘脊之间无刻点,以及雄性外生殖器内囊的结构不同,与之有别.正模♂,四川冕宁县冶勒自然保护区,2005-07-19 ~ 20,肖凡、周敏、宋甸远采.副模:21♂♂,15♀♀,采集记录同正模.词源:新种种名源自正模采集者肖凡的姓氏.  相似文献   

Khuat Dang Long 《ZooKeys》2014,(428):79-96
The genus Iporhogas Granger, 1949 (Braconidae: Rogadinae) is recorded for the first time for Vietnam. Four new species of the genus Iporhogas, viz. Iporhogas albilateralis sp. n., I. contrastus sp. n., I. simulatus sp. n. and I. tricoloratus sp. n., from Vietnam are described and illustrated, and additionally, one species, Iporhogas guangxiensis Chen & He, 1997, is newly recorded for Vietnam’s fauna of the family Braconidae. A key to the five Vietnamese species of the genus Iporhogas and a checklist with distributions of the ten species are provided.  相似文献   

The genus Pseudorthocladius Goetghebuer, 1943 from China, including 12 species, is reviewed. Five new species, P. (P.) binarius sp. n., P. (P.) cylindratus sp. n., P. (P.) digitus sp. n., P. (P.) ovatus sp. n. and P. (P.) paucus sp. n. are described and illustrated as adult males. P. (P.) cristagus Stur & Sæther, 2004, P. (P.) jintutridecima (Sasa, 1996), P. (P.) macrovirgatus Sæther & Sublette, 1983, P. (P.) morsei Sæther & Sublette, 1983, P. (P.) uniserratus Sæther & Sublette, 1983, P. (L.) wingoi Sæther & Sublette, 1983 are newly recorded in Oriental Region. A key to the males of Pseudorthocladius in China is presented.  相似文献   

Zhang A  Li H 《ZooKeys》2011,(81):39-50
Species of the genus Fibuloides Kuznetsov that occur in China are reviewed. Fibuloides trapezoidea, sp. n.is described as new; Fibuloides levatana (Kuznetsov) and Fibuloides modificana Kuznetsov are newly recorded for China; Acroclita nigrovenana Kuznetsov, syn. n. is considered as a synonym of Fibuloides corinthia (Meyrick); and Eucoenogenes elongata Zhang & Li and Eucoenogenes wuyiensis Zhang & Li are transferred to Fibuloides, resulting in two new combinations. A key to the nine Chinese species of Fibuloides is given.  相似文献   

Chen J  Sorin M  Qiao GX 《ZooKeys》2011,(111):1-10
The aphid genus Asiphonipponaphisgen. n. from China is new to science. Asiphonipponaphis vasigallasp. n. causing galls on Distylium chinense from Hunan, China is described and illustrated. Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the National Zoological Museum of China, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China (NZMCAS) and Kogakkan University, Japan.  相似文献   

记述采自四川峨眉山夏蚱属Xidtettix 1新种,峨眉山夏蚱Xiaitrttix emeishanensis sp.nov..模式标本保存在陕西师范大学动物所标本室.峨眉山夏蚱,新种Xidtettix emeishanensis sp.nov.(图1 ~4)本种因其头顶侧缘明显反折,略高于复眼;前胸背板后突末端钝角形;后足股节外侧下隆线具3个片状突起;体暗绿色;后足胫节黑色,端部和基部具淡色环区别属内其它种.正模♀,四川峨眉山(雷音寺),海拔800m,2011-08-04,杨瑞刚采.副模1♀,同正模.词源:新种种名源自模式产地峨眉山.  相似文献   

Three new species of Salganea Stål, 1877 are described and illustrated: S. quinquedentata sp. n., S. anisodonta sp. n. and S. flexibilis sp. n. S. taiwanensis Roth, 1979, S. guangxiensis (Feng & Woo, 1990), S. incerta (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893) and S. raggei Roth, 1979 are redescribed. Panesthia concinna Feng & Woo, 1990 is synonymized with S. taiwanensis Roth, 1979 and Panesthia guangxiensis Feng & Woo, 1990 is transferred to the genus Salganea for the first time. As well, a key to species from China is presented.  相似文献   

Sheng ML  Sun SP 《ZooKeys》2010,(73):61-71
Carinityla Sheng & Sun gen. n., Carinityla punctulata Sheng & Sun sp. n. and Carinityla pilosa Sheng & Sun sp. n. belonging to the tribe Phygadeuontini of the subfamily Cryptinae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae), collected from Jiangxi Province, China, are described. A key to the species of the new genus, Carinityla Sheng & Sun, gen. n., is provided and the genus is placed in Townes' key to genera of Endaseina.  相似文献   

Twenty two species of the paper wasp genus Ropalidia Guérin-Méneville, 1831, are listed from China. Among them, R. malaisei van der Vecht, 1962, R. cyathiformis (Fabricius, 1804), R. santoshae Das & Gupta, 1989, R. scitula (Bingham, 1897), R. obscura Gusenleitner, 1996 and R. ornaticeps (Cameron, 1900) are new records from China. A new species, R. parartifex Tan & van Achterberg, is described. Their diagnostic characteristics are summarized in an illustrated key and 36 colourplates.  相似文献   

Harpapion safranum sp. n. and Harpapion borisi sp. n. are described and figured. Harpapion vietnamense (Korotyaev, 1987) is recorded as new for China. The genitalia andterminalia of H. considerandum, H. coelebs andH. vietnamense are redescribed and redrawn. The diagnostic characters of Harpapion are defined. A key to the known species of the genus Harpapion from China is provided. Affinities with the genus Flavopodapion Korotyaev, 1987 are discussed.  相似文献   

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