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In the subterranean termite Reticulitermes flavipes, allatostatins (ASTs) with the C-terminus Phe-Gly Leu-amide were localized by immunocytochemistry with antibody against a cockroach AST, Dippu AST-7. AST-immunoreactivity occurred in the corpus cardiacum and corpus allatum and in the lateral and medial neurosecretory cells of the brain that innervate these organs as well as in many other nerve cells of the brain. This was observed in workers, nymphs, soldiers and secondary reproductives. A radioimmunoassay, using anti-Dippu AST-11, demonstrated about 40 fmole equivalents of AST in brains of soldiers and secondary reproductives. The product of the corpora allata in this species was determined to be juvenile hormone III. Its synthesis by corpora allata of secondary reproductives, determined by in vitro radiochemical assay, was inhibited in a dose-dependent fashion by two cockroach allatostatins, Dippu AST-7 and Dippu AST-11. Thus, as in cockroaches and crickets, allatostatin-containing nerves innervate the corpora allata of this termite species and their production of juvenile hormone is inhibited by these neuropeptides.  相似文献   

Workers of Reticulitermes flavipes were isolated in groups of increasing numbers to determine the in vitro rates of juvenile hormone (JH) synthesis by individual pairs of corpora allata (CA) as other castes differentiated. Only neotenic reproductives developed in groups of 12. Mean JH synthesis rates increased after 5 weeks but only a few individuals had significantly higher rates, about 0.4 pmol/pair/h, which occurred at about 3 weeks before neotenics developed. Soldiers and neotenics developed in groups of 50. Mean rates increased to a peak at week 6 after isolation, but only a few individuals had rates approaching 1 pmol/pair/h, which occurred at the same time after isolation as the development of pre-soldiers. JH synthesis by CA of pharate pre-soldiers and soldiers was low compared to that of pharate workers and neotenics. CA of pre-soldiers attained a peak mean rate of JH synthesis of 0.9 pmol/pair/h at 6 days of age, whereas CA of soldiers attained only a peak mean rate of 0.3 pmol/pair/h. These measurements of JH synthesis by individual pairs of CA suggest that the few workers destined to become pre-soldiers have 2.5-fold higher JH synthesis than the few that would develop into neotenic reproductives, and show that a cycle of synthesis accompanies the development of pre-soldiers into soldiers.  相似文献   

Caste systems and the division of labor they make possible are common underlying features of all social insects. Multiple extrinsic factors have been shown to impact caste composition in social insect colonies. Primer pheromones are one type of extrinsic caste-regulatory factor; they are chemical signaling molecules produced by certain colony members to impact developmental physiology of recipient nestmates. However, only limited evidence exists regarding primer pheromones and their actions in eusocial termites. In previous research we identified two soldier-produced terpenes, γ-cadinene (CAD) and γ-cadinenal (ALD), as candidate primer pheromones of the lower termite Reticulitermes flavipes. In the present study we tested hypotheses related to CAD and ALD action in recipient individuals. We examined the influences of terminally developed soldier termites on (1) CAD and ALD levels and (2) caste differentiation in developmentally totipotent workers. Our findings show CAD and ALD (respectively) are caste stimulatory and inhibitory components of chemical blends present in soldier heads, ALD levels increase significantly (10.9×) in workers only in the presence of soldiers, and soldiers can reduce developmental-hormone response thresholds of workers, presumably via ALD action. These findings provide novel evidence supporting that CAD and ALD are authentic caste-regulatory primer pheromones in Reticulitermes.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone analogs are known to inhibit the production of juvenile hormone (JH) by the corpora allata (CA). However, the mechanism of this inhibition remains undefined. We have used two JH mimics, fenoxycarb and pyriproxyfen, to examine the mechanism of suppression in the cockroach, Diploptera punctata. Denervation experiments demonstrated the importance of nervous connections between the brain and CA for the inhibition of JH biosynthesis by fenoxycarb. Fenoxycarb treatment alters the sensitivity of CA to allatostatin treatment in vitro. Suppression of JH biosynthesis by fenoxycarb following denervation of the CA showed that innervation was in part responsible for the inhibition. Similarly, maximal inhibition by Dippu-AST7 requires intact nervous connections between the brain and CA, particularly during rapid vitellogenesis. qPCR analysis of brain, CA, ovary and midgut extracts revealed that both allatostatin and its receptor Dippu-ASTR2 show increased levels of expression following topical fenoxycarb treatment, particularly in brain tissue on days 4 and 5 of the first gonadotrophic cycle and in CA on day 4. The correlation between inhibition of JH biosynthesis and increased expression of AST and ASTR2 in brains and CA, together with increased sensitivity of CA to allatostatin in vitro, suggests that allatostatin may be one of the effectors by which fenoxycarb inhibits JH biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to examine competitive interactions between the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki (FST), and the eastern subterranean termite, Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) (EST), using groups of termites with different worker:soldier proportions. Experiments were conducted using three connected test chambers: an FST chamber, an unoccupied center chamber, and an EST chamber. When groups of FST were comprised of 20% soldiers versus 2% EST soldiers, only 8% of center chambers were occupied exclusively by EST. When groups of FST were comprised of 10% soldiers versus 1% EST soldiers, 44% of center chambers were occupied exclusively by EST. When the only food source was located in the center chamber, 60% of center chambers were occupied by both species. FST did not completely displace EST in any of these experiments.  相似文献   

The transport of lipids constitutes a vital function in insects and requires the plasma lipoprotein lipophorin. In all insects examined to date, cuticular hydrocarbons are also transported through the hemolymph by lipophorin, and in social insects they play important roles not only in water proofing the cuticle but also in nestmate recognition. High-density lipophorin (HDLp), isolated from Reticulitermes flavipes plasma by KBr gradient ultracentrifugation, contains 66.2% protein and 33.8% lipids; hydrocarbons constitute its major neutral lipid (20.4% of total lipids). Anti-lipophorin serum was generated in rabbit and its specific association with lipophorin, and not with any other plasma proteins, was verified with Western blotting. Immunoprecipitation also confirmed that this antibody specifically recognizes lipophorin, because all hemolymph hydrocarbons of the termites R. flavipes and R. lucifugus and the cockroach Supella longipalpa, which associate only with lipophorin, were recovered in the immunoprecipitated protein. Cross-reactivity of the antiserum with lipophorin from related species was investigated by double immunodiffusion with 10 termite species in the genera Reticulitermes, Coptotermes, Zootermopsis, and Kalotermes, and with five cockroach species. Involvement of lipophorin in hydrocarbon transport was shown by injecting HDLp antiserum into Zootermopsis nevadensis and then monitoring the de novo biosynthesis of hydrocarbons and their transport to the cuticular surface; the antiserum significantly disrupted hydrocarbon transport. ELISA revealed a gradual increase in the lipophorin titer in successively larger R. flavipes workers, and differences among castes in lipophorin titers were highest between nymphs and first instar larvae.  相似文献   

Alates of the Eastern subterranean termite, Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) were collected over two flight seasons (2002 and 2004) and flown on flight mills. Data were collected to test if alate mass, colony origin, or gender influenced flight speed. Flight speed ranged from 3.14 to 69.12 cm s−1 and the maximum distance flown by an alate was 458.3 m. Alate mass (P = 0.9406), gender (P = 0.3976), colony origin (P = 0.1244), and the interaction of gender and colony (P = 0.7093) did not significantly influence flight speed. Additionally, an electronic counting device was used to provide instantaneous flight speeds and allowed flight speed to be modeled during acceleration, cruising, and deceleration periods of flight. Mean (±SEM) flight speeds in 2004 were 20.64 (±2.21) cm s−1 (n = 13) for males and 17.76 cm s−1 (n = 1) for the single female flown, falling within the range of the 2002 values.  相似文献   

This is a study of a feedback loop from a stimulated organ to glands that produce the stimulatory hormone in the cockroach Diploptera punctata. In this insect as in many others, juvenile hormone (JH) produced by corpora allata (CA) stimulates vitellogenesis. In our previous studies, transplantations of ovaries at certain stages of development into ovariectomized mated females stimulated JH synthesis within 24h. An in vitro study by other investigators showed that all stages of ovaries release a stimulatory factor into culture medium that was not retained on a solid-phase extraction column but occurred in the aqueous flow-through. The present study is a comparison of the effect of medium conditioned with ovaries from days 1-4 and 8 of the first reproductive cycle, to the effect of the flow-through of that medium on members of a pair of CA from day 3 females. Results provide evidence for an ovarian factor that stimulates JH synthesis by CA in vitro after removal from the conditioning medium (i.e., stable stimulation). Only medium conditioned with ovaries from days 2 or 3 females significantly stimulated CA more than flow-through. Stimulation was dose dependent, sensitive to trypsin, and survived freezing. These results indicate that CA can be directly and stably stimulated by a stage-specific peptidergic ovarian factor.  相似文献   

The social organization of termites, unlike that of other social insects, is characterized by a highly plastic caste system. With the exception of the alates, all other individuals in a colony remain at an immature stage of development. Workers in particular remain developmentally flexible; they can switch castes to become soldiers or neotenics. Juvenile hormone (JH) is known to play a key role in turning workers into soldiers. In this study, we analyzed differences in cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profiles among castes, paying particular attention to the transition of workers to soldiers, in the subterranean termite species Reticulitermes flavipes. CHCs have a fundamental function in social insects as they serve as cues in inter- and intraspecific recognition. We showed that (1) the CHC profiles of the different castes (workers, soldiers, nymphs and neotenics) are different and (2) when workers were experimentally exposed to a JH analog and thus induced to become soldiers, their CHC profiles were modified before and after the worker-presoldier molt and before and after the presoldier-soldier molt.  相似文献   

Tunneling behavior of laboratory-maintained cultures of Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) and R. virginicus (Banks) was examined to determine (1) if the termites build tunnels along preexisting wires or tunnels, and (2) whether tunnels are arranged to optimize search efficiency. Tunnel patterns were considered optimal if, for the number of tunnels present, the maximum area was explored. Termites entered either control arenas or arenas in which they encountered a wire or a pre-formed tunnel. Analyses revealed that R. flavipes and R. virginicus almost always follow pre-formed tunnels, but do not follow wires as readily. Within each species, the distributions of tunnels in treatment arenas were different from distributions in control arenas, most often when pre-formed tunnels were the treatment. Optimal tunnel arrangements in control arenas were found in 62% of R. flavipes patterns with 2 tunnels and in 43% of R. virginicus patterns with 2 tunnels. None of the 3-tunnel patterns from control arenas of R. flavipes and 29% of those of R. virginicus had optimal arrangements. Overall, the spatial arrangement of tunnels in control arenas was significantly different between R. flavipes and R. virginicus.  相似文献   

Aedes aegypti allatostatin-C (AeaAST-C or PISCF-AST) is a strong and fast reversible inhibitor of juvenile hormone III (JH III) synthesis by the corpora allata (CA) of mosquitoes; however, its mechanism of action remains poorly understood. AeaAST-C showed no inhibitory activity in the presence of any of the intermediate precursors of JH III indicating that the AeaAST-C target is located before the entry of acetyl-CoA in the pathway. Stimulation experiments using different sources of carbon (glucose, pyruvate, acetate and citrate) suggest that AST-C acts after pyruvate is transformed to citrate in the mitochondria. In vitro inhibition of the citrate mitochondrial carrier (CIC) mimicked the effect of AeaAST-C, and was overridden by addition of citrate or acetate. Our results provide compelling evidence that AeaAST-C inhibits JH III synthesis by blocking the CIC carrier that transports citrate from the mitochondria to the cytosol, obstructing the production of cytoplasmic acetyl-CoA that sustains JH III synthesis in the CA of mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Summary Juvenile hormone production by the corpora allata of the adult female cockroach, Diploptera punctata, can be modulated by treatment with the biogenic amine, octopamine. Endogenous octopamine has been identified within the CA, using HPLC and electrochemical detection. Treatment with octopamine results in a sinusoidal, dose-dependent inhibition of JH biosynthesis by CA from day 2 virgin females, with maximal inhibition occurring at 10-10 M and 10-4 M. In day 4 and day 8 mated female corpora allata octopamine inhibited JH biosynthesis at 5·10-5 M. Although the elevation of either cAMP or cGMP within the CA is known to be associated with an inhibition of JH biosynthesis, treatment with high concentrations of octopamine results in an increase in the level of cAMP but not cGMP. This effect is both dose- and time-dependent.Octopamine treatment also initiates changes in the passive membrane responses of the CA. Superfusion of CA with octopamine results in a pronounced hyperpolarization of CA cells and an increase in the electrotonic potential (indicative of the degree of electrical coupling between CA cells). This effect could be blocked by the octopamine receptor blocker phentolamine. Treatment with octopamine or phentolamine also blocked the hyperpolarization of CA cells normally associated with electrical stimulation of the axon tracts innervating the CA.We hypothesize that octopamine may be a natural neuromodulator of JH production by CA, regulating ion channels in CA cells themselves as well as release of the inhibitory neuropeptide, allatostatin, from the terminals within the CA.Abbreviations 4-AP 4-aminopyridine - CA corpora allata - CC corpora cardiaca - cAMP cyclic adenosine monophosphate - cGMP cyclic guanosine monophosphate - EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid - HEPES N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N2-ethanesulfonic acid - HPLC high pressure liquid chromatography - IBMX 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine - JH juvenile hormone - ms millisecond - nA nanoampere - NCA I nervi corporis allati I - OCT octopamine - TEA tetraethyl ammonium  相似文献   

Stingl U  Brune A 《Protist》2003,154(1):147-155
SSU rRNA genes of oxymonad protists from the hindgut of the wood-feeding termite Reticulitermes flavipes were PCR-amplified using a newly designed oxymonad-specific forward primer and a newly designed reverse primer specific for termite gut flagellates. After cloning, the clone library was sorted into four groups by RFLP analysis and nearly full-length SSU rRNA gene sequences were obtained for representative clones from each group. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that sequences of all four groups formed a monophyletic cluster with the only other existing SSU rRNA gene sequence of oxymonads. Using whole-cell hybridization with clone-specific fluorescently labeled probes, each of the four clone groups could be assigned to a specific morphotype, which were identified as Dinenympha gracilis, Dinenympha fimbriata, and so-far undescribed species of Pyrsonympha and Dinenympha. Our results demonstrate that the morphological variety of oxymonads is not caused by the presence of different developmental stages of the same organism, but that the various morphotypes represent different species.  相似文献   

Elliott KL  Chan KK  Teesch L  Clor O  Stay B 《Peptides》2009,30(3):495-506
The allatostatins (ASTs), with a Tyr/Phe-Xaa-Phe-Gly-Leu/Ile-amide C-terminus, are neuropeptides that occur in many orders of insects, but are known to inhibit juvenile hormone (JH) synthesis by corpora allata (CA) only in cockroaches, crickets, and termites. 5 AST peptides with similar sequences to those of 6 species of cockroaches have been isolated and sequenced from extract of brain tissue of the termite Reticulitermes flavipes. The amino acid sequence of a 6th peptide, R. flavipes AST-7, determined by LC-MS/MS following HPLC fractionation of brain extract, is S-P-S-S-G-N-Q-R-L-Y-G-F-G-L-NH(2). The 8 terminal amino acids are identical to AST-7 of the cockroach Diploptera punctata. R. flavipes and D. punctata AST-7s inhibited JH synthesis by CA of both species equally and their affinity for antibody against D. punctata AST-7 is similar. Immunoreactivity of termite tissue with this antibody indicates neuro- and myomodulatory activity of the peptide in addition to its demonstrated allatostatic function. The density of AST immunostaining in axons within the CA of R. flavipes and the rate of JH synthesis by similar glands were negatively correlated. This is evidence that when AST is abundant in the glands it is being released in vivo to limit JH production.  相似文献   

Allatostatins (ASTs) are a class of regulatory neuropeptides, with diverse functions, found in an array of invertebrate phyla. ASTs have complex gene structure, in which individual ASTs are cleaved from a precursor peptide. Little is known about the molecular evolution of AST structure and function, even in extensively studied groups such as cockroaches. This paper presents the application of a novel technique for the analysis of this system, that of ancestral reconstruction, whereby ancestral amino acid sequences are resurrected in the laboratory. We inferred the ancestral sequences of a well-characterized peptide, AST 7, for the insect ancestor, as well as several cockroach ancestors. Peptides were assayed for in vitro inhibition of JH production in Diploptera punctata and Periplaneta americana. Our results surprisingly, indicate a decrease in potency of the ancestral cockroach AST7 peptide in comparison with more ancient ones such as the ancestral insect peptide, as well as more recently evolved cockroach peptides. We propose that this unexpected decrease in peptide potency at the cockroach ancestor may be related to the concurrent increase in peptide copy number in the lineages leading to cockroaches. This model is consistent with current physiological data, and may be linked to the increased role of ASTs in the regulation of reproductive processes in the cockroaches.  相似文献   

For the cockroach Leucophaea maderae the developmental profile of lipophorin (Lp) concentrations in the hemolymph was determined through the entire vitellogenic period. At mid-vitellogenesis the concentrations of Lp had risen to 6 times the level at emergence and then declined to 2/3 of such high values at ovulation. The racemic 10R,10S-JH-III bound to Lp with an affinity of K(d) = 5.76 nM and the natural enantiomer 10R-JH-III with a K(d) = 1.60 nM. Injections of anti-Lp into mated females caused a significantly reduced rate of oocyte growth and a substantial degree of oosorption. Injections of gamma-globulin did not significantly reduce oocyte growth and caused only a small number of oocytes to resorb. Starvation after mating had similar effects as treatment with anti-Lp. Because of the high affinity of JH to Lp and since Lp occurs in micromolar concentrations during vitellogenesis one can assume that practically all JH is bound and not available for hydrolysis by the JH esterases. Lp appears to function as an inhibitor of JH metabolism by the JHEs through substrate depletion. One may conclude that a normal rate of egg growth is only achieved when titers of Lp exceed those of JH and remove major portions of this substrate from degradation by the JHEs.  相似文献   

Our previous study [Kou et al., 2008. Juvenile hormone levels are increased in winners of cockroach fights. Horm. Behav. 52, 252–260] showed that the basic principle of the challenge hypothesis (hormone levels can respond to social stimuli to modulate aggression in vertebrates] could be applied to juvenile hormone (JH) levels and aggression in the lobster cockroach Nauphoeta cinerea. In that study, 80- to 85-day-old socially naïve males were used, as fighting is much more easily initiated in these older animals than in younger males, and JH III levels in the dominant were found to be significantly increased after an encounter compared to before the encounter and were significantly higher than those in the subordinates. In N. cinerea, newly emerged males usually show no aggressiveness towards each other and aggression is only initiated after several days of close contact. To investigate the development of aggression from an early age, in the present study, newly emerged males were paired to investigate the relationship between JH levels and aggression. The results showed that injection of JH III significantly increased the probability of the young males being fight winners. In each age group in which aggression was initiated, the dominants had significantly higher JH levels than either the subordinates or the same aged non-fighters. JH injection of subordinates on the day of rank establishment had no effect on the probability of rank switch. These results indicate that, (i) in newly emerged male pairs, JH plays a decisive role in rank establishment and the fact that dominant status is significantly associated with a higher JH titer and subordinate status with a lower JH titer is consistent with the basic principle of the challenge hypothesis, and (ii) after rank establishment, the lack of effect of JH treatment on rank change is consistent with the idea of “social inertia” in vertebrates.  相似文献   

The viviparous cockroach, Diploptera punctata, has been a valuable model organism for studies of the regulation of reproduction by juvenile hormone (JH) in insects. As a result of its truly viviparous mode of reproduction, precise regulation of JH biosynthesis and reproduction is required for production of offspring, providing a model system for the study of the relationship between JH production and oocyte growth and maturation. Most studies to date have focused on individuals isolated from a Hawaiian population of this species. A new population of this cockroach was found in Nakorn Pathom, Thailand, which demonstrated striking differences in cuticle pigmentation and mating behaviours, suggesting possible physiological differences between the two populations. To better characterize these differences, rates of JH release and oocyte growth were measured during the first gonadotrophic cycle. The Thai population was found to show significantly earlier increases in the rate of JH release, and oocyte development as compared with the Hawaiian population. Breeding experiments to determine the degree of interfertility between the two populations demonstrated greatly reduced fertility in crosses between the two populations. Additionally, levels of genetic divergence between the two populations estimated by sequencing a fragment of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene were surprisingly high. The significant differences in physiology and mating behaviours, combined with the reduced interfertility and high levels of sequence divergence, suggest that these two populations of D. punctata are quite distinct, and may even be in the process of speciation. Moreover, these studies have important implications for the study of JH function in the reproductive cycle of insects, as differences in timing of rates of JH biosynthesis may suggest a process of heterochrony in reproduction between the two populations.  相似文献   

Summary Juvenile hormone synthesis in drone larvae of the honey bee was measured by an in vitro radiochemical assay. The developmental profile of corpora allata activity in male larvae showed considerable differences from queen larvae, the presumptive reproductive females, and was comparable to workers, the sterile female morph. Drone and worker larvae, however, differed drastically in the regulation of juvenile hormone biosynthesis, as revealed by the addition of farnesoic acid to the culture medium. This precursor stimulated juvenile hormone synthesis of drone glands nearly eightfold, whereas in worker larvae it is known to lead to an accumulation of methyl farnesoate. The sex-specific differences in endocrine activity indicate a role for juvenile hormone in the expression of genetically determined sexually dimorphic characters during metamorphosis, a role not currently accounted for in models describing endocrine regulation of insect development. Correspondence to: K. Hartfelder  相似文献   

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