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牡荆属Vitex植物系马鞭草科乔木或灌木,约250种,主要分布于热带和温带地区,我国有14种,7亚种,3种主产于长江以南.在我国有7种药用,即:灰毛牡荆V.canescens、黄荆V.negundo、蔓荆V.trifolia、单叶蔓荆V.rotundifolia、穗花牡荆V.agnus-castus、长序荆V.peduncularis和山牡荆V.quinata.现代药理研究表明,该属中一些植物或其组分具有镇痛、抗炎、抗菌、抗肿瘤、抑制淋巴细胞及激素调节、抗氧化、蜕皮、驱虫等功效.牡荆属植物所含的化学成分类型丰富,主要酚类成分有黄酮类、苯丙素类及有机酸类等化合物.本文就牡荆属植物提取物抗肿瘤作用综述如下:  相似文献   

芸香科柑橘属植物作为传统中药材一直受到普遍关注,尤其近年来对其在抗肿瘤方面的研究已成为国内外研究的热点.综述了近年来国内外学者对柑橘类植物所含抗肿瘤活性成分的最新的研究进展,并分别对它们抗肿瘤的作用机制进行了初步的探讨.  相似文献   

瑞香属植物生物活性研究进展   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
瑞香属植物分布广泛,在我国有35种。其中一些种类自古即供药用、观赏和作造纸原料。近几十年来,人们已从瑞香属植物中发现了60多种具不同作用的生物活性物质。药理学和毒理学研究表明,这些活性物质中,有的抗HIV、白血病、血栓形成和动脉粥样硬化,有的可抑制铜绿假单孢菌、细菌和疟原虫感染,有的可用于临床引产,还有的具杀虫和抑菌作用。说明这是一个大有开发前途的植物类群。  相似文献   

具有降血糖作用植物的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文概述了近二十年国内外报道的具有降血糖作用植物药的研究进展。  相似文献   

李健  王美娜  赵美丽  李鹤娟  胡玥  陈建兵 《广西植物》2021,41(10):1730-1745
石斛属(Dendrobium)是兰科植物中的第二大属,很多石斛属植物是传统的名贵药用植物,具有良好的抗肿瘤作用。近年来石斛属植物抗肿瘤研究取得了显著进展,该文对石斛属植物的抗肿瘤主要活性成分、提取方法以及抗肿瘤机制等方面进行了归纳。石斛属植物抗肿瘤主要活性成分有多糖、生物碱、菲类、联苄类、芴酮类化合物等,抗肿瘤作用机制主要有增强机体免疫力、抑制癌细胞增殖、促进癌细胞凋亡、调控或阻滞癌细胞周期、抗氧化和清除自由基、改变信号通路传导等。在此基础上,进一步提出加强对石斛属植物抗癌方面的深入研究,挖掘更多的石斛属药用资源及其特征成分,深入解析它们的抗肿瘤作用机制,建立全面的评价体系,为开发石斛属植物抗癌药物提供理论基础,为合理、有效地利用石斛属资源提供科学依据。  相似文献   

植物多糖抗肿瘤活性研究进展   总被引:31,自引:2,他引:31  
植物多糖抗肿瘤活性研究进展刘卫军顾振纶周文轩郭次仪*审校(苏州医学院药理学教研室,苏州215007)(苏州中药研究所)多糖是存在于自然界的醛糖和/或酮糖通过糖甙链连接在一起的多聚物,是构成生命的四大基本物质之一,具有多种生物活性。自从50年代发现酵...  相似文献   

中国毛茛科植物小志(十四)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

中国毛莨科植物小志(十三)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文发现了乌头属2新种、毛莨属1新种,铁线莲属1新种,1新变种,及1新同物异名;讨论了吴兴铁线莲的系统位置,和西南银莲花、西南毛莨、唐松草等种的地理分布现象,认为有关分布现象系由第四纪冰期影响所致。  相似文献   

本文描述了 8种国产毛茛科植物的地理分布新资料 ,并且在分类学上将铁线莲属锈花铁线莲毛变种归并入原变种。  相似文献   

秦岭毛茛属植物(毛茛科)的分类学研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
赵亮  田先华  任毅 《西北植物学报》2006,26(11):2360-2366
记载了产于秦岭的毛茛属植物共11种,4变种,其中含秦岭分布新记录4种、3变种,它们是:美丽毛茛、丽江毛茛(变种)、毛果毛茛(变种)、丝叶毛茛(变种)、褐鞘毛茛、愚毛茛、匍枝毛茛;另外,收录了《秦岭植物志》遗漏的另外2种,即太白山毛茛和细长喙毛茛。经研究认为,《秦岭植物志》原记载的小毛茛Ranunculus ternatusThunb.在秦岭无分布。给出了秦岭毛茛属植物分种(变种)检索表;对每一种及种下等级的产地及分布进行了详细的论述。  相似文献   

研究32种盆栽于佛山市污染区的城市园林绿化植物对大气二氧化硫(SO2)和氟化物的净化能力及其对大气污染的修复功能。结果显示,竹节树、傅园榕等14种植物对SO2、氟化物等污染气体不但具有较强的抗性,而且具有较高的吸收净化能力,叶片平均含硫量达17442(11754—27658mg kg^-1 DW),是清洁区(5988mg kg^-1 DW)的2.9倍;平均含氟量达3725.9(1954.9—5331.7mg kg^-1 DW),是清洁区(1703:mg kg^-1DW)的21倍。表明这些植物对大气SO2、HF复合污染具有很好的净化能力和修复功能。是值得推广的城市园林绿化树种。  相似文献   

The affinities and endemism of Kashmir HimalayaRanunculaceae andPaeoniceae reveal some interesting distribution patterns in some taxa. Isoflor maps, revealing the affinities ofAconitum, Aquilegia, Delphinium andRanunculus, are given. A high degree of endemism exists in the study area. About 41% of the total taxa show restricted distribution which is discussed. The floristic relationships of the wides show close links with Central Asia than any other phytogeographical unit. The significance of altitudinal amplitude of some taxa vis-a-vis their distribution pattern is discussed.  相似文献   

Solutions of sucrose, glucose, raffinose, and stachyose were fed via the petiole to detached leaves of plant species known to transfer sugars during photosynthesis into the phloem using either the apoplastic or the symplastic pathway of phloem loading. Symplastic phloem loaders, which translocate raffinose-type oligosaccharides and sucrose in the phloem, and apoplastic plants, translocating exclusively sucrose, were selected for this study. As the sugars arrived with the transpiration stream in the leaf blade within little more than a minute, dark respiration increased. Almost simultaneously, fluorescence of a potential-indicating dye, which had been infiltrated into the leaves, indicated membrane depolarization. Another fluorescent dye used to record the apoplastic pH revealed apoplastic alkalinization that occurred with a slight lag phase after respiration and membrane depolarization responses. Occasionally, alkalinization was preceded by transient apoplastic acidification. Whereas membrane depolarization and apoplastic acidification are interpreted as initial responses of the proton motive force across the plasma membrane to the advent of sugars in the leaf apoplast, the following apoplastic alkalinization showed that sugars were taken up from the apoplast into the symplast in cotransport with protons. This was true not only for glucose and sucrose, but also for raffinose and stachyose. Similar observations were made for sugar uptake not only in leaves of plants known to export sugars by symplastic phloem loading but also of plants using the apoplastic pathway. Increased respiration during sugar uptake revealed tight coupling between respiratory ATP production and ATP consumption by proton-translocating ATPase of the plasma membrane, which exports protons into the apoplast, thereby compensating for the proton loss in the apoplast when protons are transported together with sugars into the symplast. The extent of stimulation of respiration by sugars indicated that sugar uptake was not limited to phloem tissue. Ratios of the extra CO2 released during sugar uptake to the amounts of sugars taken up were variable, but lowest values were lower than 0.2. When a ratio of 0.2 is taken as a basis to calculate rates of sugar uptake from observed maxima of sugar-dependent increases in respiration, rates of sugar uptake approached 350 nmol/(m2 leaf surface s). Sugar uptake rates were half-saturated at sugar concentrations in the feeding solutions of about 10–25 mM indicating a low in vivo affinity of sugar uptake systems for sugars.  相似文献   

作为种子捕食者和种子扩散者, 啮齿动物对产坚果植物的自然更新有很大作用。然而, 对啮齿动物鉴别虫蛀种子的能力颇有争议。2001 年秋季在中国四川都江堰市实验林场, 以3 种比例(I1∶S = 1∶1 , I1∶S = 4∶1 和I1∶I2∶S = 1∶1∶1)供给啮齿动物4 种壳斗科种子: 栓皮栎( Quercus variabilis) 、枹树( Q. serrata) 、青冈( Cyclobalanopsis glauca) 和栲树( Castanopsis fargesii) 的3 种坚果型(即饱满种子(S) , 不含象虫的虫蛀种子(I1) 和含象虫的虫蛀种子( I2 ) 验证了啮齿动物能够准确地鉴别虫蛀种子这一假说。结果表明, 在3 种比例下4 种坚果的虫蛀种子的消失速率均慢于饱满种子。即使虫蛀种子的比例增加, 啮齿动物显著地搬走了更多的饱满种子(67%~92%) 。当虫蛀种子的比例增加时, 虫蛀种子就地消耗和拒绝的比例降低, 搬走比例增加。啮齿动物并不拒绝虫蛀种子, 这可能与它们的可利用性(如象虫可以作为蛋白质的补充) 和数量以及它们的觅食行为有关。结果证实啮齿动物能准确地鉴别虫蛀种子, 从而有区别地搬走并贮藏更多的饱满种子, 消耗一部分可以利用的虫蛀种子(包括其内的象虫) 。这样, 啮齿动物通过对饱满种子和虫蛀种子的鉴别和选择会影响不同种子的命运, 从而对这些坚果植物的自然更新产生影响。  相似文献   

The genus Dichocarpum is endemic to East Asia, and many species have been used to treat various diseases. However, phytochemical researches of this genus have been limited to date. In the present study, a metabolomic approach based on UPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS was used to explore the phytochemical profiles of 10 Chinese Dichocarpum species, and cannabinoid receptor (CB1/CB2) agonistic activities evaluation of these plants was performed. A total of 128 features were putatively annotated, belonging to alkaloids, flavonoids, triterpenes saponins, phenolic acids, and others. Semi-quantitative statistics demonstrated that alkaloids and flavonoids were widely distributed, with the former the most abundant, whereas triterpenes saponins were mainly distributed in D. fargesii and D. wuchuanense. The phylogenetic results obtained from DNA sequencing assigned the 10 species to three groups. Further results of in silico annotation revealed three chemical families and helped determine the characteristic features of the three groups. In addition, the plant extracts of nine species from this genus showed agonistic activity on CB2 receptors. This comprehensive analysis revealed the chemotype distribution and pharmacophylogenetic relationship, to provide clues for the prospective resource utilization of the medicinal plants from the genus Dichocarpum.  相似文献   

We used laser microsurgery to cut between the two sister kinetochores on bioriented prometaphase chromosomes to produce two chromosome fragments containing one kinetochore (CF1K). Each of these CF1Ks then always moved toward the spindle pole to which their kinetochores were attached before initiating the poleward and away-from-the-pole oscillatory motions characteristic of monooriented chromosomes. CF1Ks then either: (a) remained closely associated with this pole until anaphase (50%), (b) moved (i.e., congressed) to the spindle equator (38%), where they usually (13/19 cells) remained stably positioned throughout the ensuing anaphase, or (c) reoriented and moved to the other pole (12%). Behavior of congressing CF1Ks was indistinguishable from that of congressing chromosomes containing two sister kinetochores. Three-dimensional electron microscopic tomographic reconstructions of CF1Ks stably positioned on the spindle equator during anaphase revealed that the single kinetochore was highly stretched and/or fragmented and that numerous microtubules derived from the opposing spindle poles terminated in its structure. These observations reveal that a single kinetochore is capable of simultaneously supporting the function of two sister kinetochores during chromosome congression and imply that vertebrate kinetochores consist of multiple domains whose motility states can be regulated independently.  相似文献   

Several species of the Noccaea genus are known for their hyperaccumulation ability especially in the case of Cd, Ni, and Zn. However, ambiguous observations were previously published concerning their accumulation properties for Pb. The Pb accumulation properties of Noccaea rotundifolia, Noccaea montana, and Noccaea jankae hungarica plants were tested in field and pot experiments in soils differing in the mobile pool of Pb, as well as in soilless hydroponic culture. The Pb content in the dry biomass of plant shoots reached up to 54 mg/kg in field conditions and 84 mg/kg in pots regardless of the bioavailable pool of Pb in the pots. The hydroponic experiment showed a stepwise increase in Pb content in plant biomass with increasing Pb concentration in the solution, but the predominant proportion of plant Pb was retained in the roots. Although the hyperaccumulation ability of some of the Noccaea species is widely discussed in the literature, our results are in agreement with those suggesting no Pb hyperaccumulation potential in these plants.  相似文献   

Pulsatilla has been separated from Anemone by many authors. However, molecular phylogenies show that this genus, along with Barneoudia, Knowltonia, Hepatica and Oreithales, is nested with Anemone. For this reason, Pulsatilla is better treated as a section of Anemone. For the Chinese Pulsatilla species, nine species names are already available in Anemone, and the remaining names of three species and four infraspecific taxa are transferred to Anemone here.  相似文献   

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