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Phospholipid acyl group retention of normal and mouse sarcoma virus transformed cell lines has been examined. The cells were fed [1-14C]oleate for 24 h and then grown to non-radioactive medium for 4 days. Both the transformed rat and mouse cell lines continued to release 14C-labeled fatty acids and phospholipids into the culture medium similarly to the uninfected cells, and showed shifts in 14C between phospholipid subclasses. Thus, the phospholipid acyl group stability reported for L cells is not characteristic of oncogenic cells in culture.  相似文献   

Exogenous oleic or linoleic acid, given at a high but nontoxic level (1 mg fatty acid/day for 20 . 10(6) cells in 50 ml medium), caused substantial redistribution of the otherwise permanently retained phospholipid acyls in mouse L fibroblasts. 18--40% of the preformed phospholipid acyls were shifted to triglycerides but most returned to phospholipids when the supply of exogenous fatty acid was removed. The phospholipid acyls could be reshuttled back to triglycerides again whenever an adequate amount of exogenous fatty acid was provided. Daily changes of medium containing oleic acid bound to bovine serum albumin caused a still greater total loss of phospholipid acyls into the medium. The removal of the prelabeled phospholipid acyls also occurred with phospholipid acyls which had been synthesized from [1-(14C)]acetate 3 days earlier. The results demonstrate the fact that the apparent permanently retained phospholipid acyl groups found in L-cells could in fact be displaced through experimental manipulations.  相似文献   

Human diploid fibroblasts incorporate [1-14C]oleate primarily into phospholipids; this radioactivity is gradually lost by cells of adult origin, but retained, after an initial loss, by fetal cells during growth in unlabeled unchanged medium. [1-14C]oleate is released from fetal cells after each subsequent medium change even when conditioned medium is used. Unlabeled cells readily incorporate medium radioactivity previously released by labeled cells. Raising the serum concentration of the medium increases acyl group release. The apparent retention of acyl groups by fetal cells in the absence of medium changes results from a dynamic equilibrium of fatty acid moieties between cellular phospholipids and the culture medium.  相似文献   

Phospholipid acyl turnover was assessed in mouse peritoneal exudate cells which consisted primarily of macrophages. The cells were incubated for up to 5 h in media containing 40% H218O, and uptake of 18O into ester carbonyls of phospholipids was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of hydrogenated methyl esters. The uptake was highest in choline phospholipids and phosphatidylinositol, less in ethanolamine phospholipids, and much less in phosphatidylserine. Acyl groups at the sn-1 and sn-2 positions of diacyl glycerophospholipids, including arachidonic and other long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, acquired 18O at about the same rate. Acyl groups of alkylacyl glycerophosphocholine exhibited lower rates of 18O uptake, and acyl groups of ethanolamine plasmalogens (alkenylacyl glycerophosphoethanolamines) acquired only minimal amounts of 18O within 5 h, indicating a low average acyl turnover via free fatty acids. Pulse experiments with exogenous 3H-labeled arachidonic acid supported the concept that acylation of alkenyl glycerophosphoethanolamine occurs by acyl transfer from other phospholipids rather than via free fatty acids and acyl-CoA. The 18O content of intracellular free fatty acids increased gradually over a 5-h period, whereas in extracellular free fatty acids it reached maximal 18O levels within the first hour. Arachidonate and other long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids were found to participate readily in deacylation-reacylation reactions but were present only in trace amounts in the free fatty acid pools inside and outside the cells. We conclude that acyl turnover of macrophage phospholipids through hydrolysis and reacylation is rapid but tightly controlled so that appreciable concentrations of free arachidonic acid do not occur.  相似文献   

The concept of exponential growth by mammalian cells in culture is based upon the apparent linearity of semilogarithmic data plots. This method of graphical analysis is known to be an unreliable test of the exponential hypothesis. We have re-examined the question of growth exponentiality using the more sensitive method of Smith plots, in which specific growth rate is plotted against either time or density on transformed graphical coordinates which linearize the mathematical expression of the growth hypothesis being tested. With exponential growth, data points fall on a horizontal straight line when specific growth rate is plotted against time or density. Using both our own and literature data, we have performed Smith plot analyses on the growth of 125 different mammalian and avian cell lines. Of these, only eleven exhibited an exponential phase. The remaining cell lines all had non-exponential growth patterns. The most common of these consisted of an initial period of growth acceleration followed by a later phase of deceleratory growth. A smaller number of lines exhibited deceleratory kinetics at all times after plating. We conclude that mammalian cell growth in culture is predominantly non-exponential, and that the apparent exponentiality of semilogarithmic data plots is usually a methodological artifact.  相似文献   

M A Nathanson  S Binkley  R Hilfer 《In vitro》1977,13(12):843-848
By means of a newly developed method of cultivating pineal tissue in vitro, the types of cells which comprise rat pineal glands have been identified. Previous in vitro studies have involved short-term culture more suitably called "organ culture" and provide no means of assessing the contribution of a putative "pineal" cell versus any other cell type found in the cultures. Short-term outgrowths of minced rat pineal glands provided a reproducible and easily dissociated source of pineal-derived cells. In monolayer culture these cells continued to have pineal enzyme activities which were sensitive to pineal-activating substances, and the cells aggregated to mimic the lobular organization of intact glands. Two types of aggregates were found, each composed of a single morphological cell type. In addition to the transient appearance of skeletal muscle straps, connective tissue and neural/glial tissue was consistently found. The cell types are discussed in relation to their in vivo counterparts.  相似文献   

A series of intraspecific, interspecific and interorder somatic cell cybrids and hybrids have been prepared by fusions in which one of the parents contained the cytoplasmically inherited marker for chloramphenicol (CAP) resistance. A clear relationship has been established between the expression of the CAP-resistant (CAP-R) determinants in the fusion products and the genetic homology of the parents. With increased genetic divergence, the acceptability of the CAP-R mitochondria decreased. Intraspecific cybrids and hybrids of the same strain were stable for the CAP-R marker, while those between strains were stable only in CAP. Intergeneric mouse-hamster cybrids occurred at a high frequency but were unstable in CAP, while CAP suppressed hybrid formation 100-fold. Interorder cybrids (CAP-R human X CAP-S mouse) occurred either at a moderate frequency and were stable at a low frequency and were unstable in CAP. Interorder hybrids could only be formed by challenging HAT-selected hybrids with CAP or by direct selection in ouabain and CAP. Reciprocal interorder crosses between CAP-R mouse and CAP-S human cells were unsuccessful. Interspecific cybrids contain only the chromosomes of the CAP-S parent. Interspecific hybrids selected directly in CAP segregated the chromosomes of the CAP-S parent, while hybrids selected in HAT and then CAP segregated those of the CAP-R parent. The mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) of all mouse-human cybrids and most HAT and then CAP-selected hybrids contain only the mtDNA of the CAP-S mouse parent. However, preliminary evidence suggests that one of these hybrids contains both mouse and human mtDNA sequences.  相似文献   

Quadrat analysis was used to investigate the spatial distribution of seven mammalian cell lines in culture. The number of cells in replicate unit areas of the culture was determined, and the variance to mean ratio used as an index of random and nonrandom spatial distribution. Only mouse SV3T3 cells distributed themselves randomly throughout the entire culture growth cycle. The remaining six lines all assumed a nonrandom distribution at some point in their growth cycles. Mouse L929 cells displayed avoidance behavior, and spaced themselves at regular intervals in a uniform spatial distribution. The five remaining lines (mouse S180, rat C6, hamster CHO, canine MDCK, and human BeWo) formed multicellular clusters, and were distributed aggregatively rather than randomly. Random walk migration can account for the random distribution of SV3T3 cells. Random walk combined with contact inhibition of movement provides a satisfactory explanation for the uniform distribution of L929 cells. Random walk and contact inhibition are incompatible with cell clustering, however. Thus other mechanisms of motility or adhesiveness must contribute to cell clustering. It is possible that random walk and contact inhibition may be less common components of cell movement than generally assumed.  相似文献   

Strain L mouse fibroblasts grown in medium supplemented with 2.5% delipidized horse serum were found capable of desaturating oleic and linoleic acid to dienoic and trienoic acid(s), respectively. Although 40-60% of de novo fatty acid synthesis from [2-3H]acetate was inhibited by the administration of exogenous oleic or linoleic acid, sterole synthesis was only slightly affected. Within 24-48 h after incorporation, phospholipid fatty acyl groups could undergo active exchange between phospholipids. After this dynamic transition period was over, not only were the phospholipid acyls retained but some vicinal fatty acyl pairs of phospholipid also appeared to be stable and remained together throughout the depletion period. At any time in the experiment, however, introduction of exogenous fatty acid perturbed this phospholipid acyl retention, delayed the time at which the phospholipid acyl groups no longer moved between phospholipids and also decreased the ultimate number of phospholipid acyl groups retained by strain L mouse fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Summary For the past 60 years, fundamental discoveries in eukaryotic biology using mammalian cell cultures have been significant but modest relative to the enormous potential. Combined with advances in technologies of cell and molecular biology, mammalian cell culture technology is becoming a major, if not essential tool, for fundamental discovery in eukaryotic biology. Reconstruction of the milieu for cells has progressed from simple salt solutions supporting brief survival of tissues outside the body to synthesis of the complete set of structurally defined nutrients, hormones and elements of the extracellular matrix needed to reconstruct complex tissues from cells. The isolation of specific cell types in completely defined environments reveals the true complexity of the mammalian cell and its environment as a dynamic interactive physiological unit. Cell cultures provide the tool for detection and dissection of the mechanism of action of cellular regulators and the genes that determine individual aspects of cell behavior. The technology underpins advances in virology, somatic cell genetics, endocrinology, carcinogenesis, toxicology, pharmacology, hematopoiesis and immunology, and is becoming a major tool in develomental biology, complex tissue physiology and production of unique mammalian cell-derived biologicals in industry. This article is the first of a series of invited reviews aimed at identifying fundamental contributions and current challenges associated with research activities in subdiscriplines of cell and developmental biology in vitro. This treatise is dedicated to Dr. Brian Kimes, Program Director at the National Cancer Institute, whose vision, encouragement and support have contributed significantly to modern developments in mammalian cell culture.  相似文献   

This review focuses on cultivation of mammalian cells in a suspended perfusion mode. The major technological limitation in the scaling-up of these systems is the need for robust retention devices to enable perfusion of medium as needed. For this, cell retention techniques available to date are presented, namely, cross-flow filters, hollow fibers, controlled-shear filters, vortex-flow filters, spin-filters, gravity settlers, centrifuges, acoustic settlers, and hydrocyclones. These retention techniques are compared and evaluated for their respective advantages and potential for large-scale utilization in the context of industrial manufacturing processes. This analysis shows certain techniques have a limited range of perfusion rate where they can be implemented (most microfiltration techniques). On the other hand, techniques were identified that have shown high perfusion capacity (centrifuges and spin-filters), or have a good potential for scale-up (acoustic settlers and inclined settlers). The literature clearly shows that reasonable solutions exist to develop large-scale perfusion processes.  相似文献   

The Na+-dependent transport of alanine has been examined in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells as a function of the fatty acid composition of their membrane lipids. Significant changes in the fatty acid composition of the CHO cell phospholipids were achieved by supplementation of the growth medium with specific saturated (palmitate) or monoenoic (oleate) free fatty acids. Arrhenius plots of the temperature-dependent uptake of alanine were constructed for cells of altered fatty acid composition. Alanine uptake was characterized by a single discontinuity in the Arrhenius plot. The temperature of this break was observed to be dependent upon the fatty acid composition of the cell phospholipids, ranging from 16 degrees C for cells enriched with oleate to 32 degrees C for cells enriched in palmitate. Calculation of the Km value for the uptake process showed no significant change with temperature or fatty acid supplementation. Correlations are made between the physical state of the membrane lipids and the temperature-dependence for alanine transport. The results are discussed in terms of membrane fatty acid composition, ordered in equilibrium fluid phase transitions and amino acid transport.  相似文献   

The lethal consequences of imbalances in lipid and sterol metabolism in human diseases such as atherosclerosis and lipid storage disorders underscores our need to know how cholesterol, phospholipid and sphingolipid metabolism is integrated. Accumulation and abnormal localization of lipids and sterol affects cellular function not only by perturbing membrane activity but also by increasing production of bioactive lipids derived from cholesterol, phospholipids and sphingolipids. For example in the NPC mouse model, accumulation of intracellular cholesterol and sphingomyelin is accompanied by increased sphingosine [187], a potent regular of protein kinase C and cell proliferation [152]. Oxidized LDL has an important role in the pathology of atherosclerosis by promoting foam cell formation and cytotoxicity [65]. 7-Hydroxycholesterol and 7-ketocholesterol are involved in many aspects of oxidized LDL activity including initiation of apoptosis in a number of cell types [188, 189] and enhancing cholesterol accumulation by inhibiting efflux [190]. Oxysterols formed intracellularly or from oxidized lipoproteins could have an important role in regulating lipid metabolism in the foam cell. Bioactive metabolites of phospholipids, such as diglyceride, phosphatidic acid and lysolipids, could also increase in circumstances of elevated deposition and have profound and varied effects on cell physiology. In addition to elucidating mechanisms for integration of lipid metabolism, we should determine when these responses go awry and assess the influence of bioactive compounds formed under these circumstances on cell viability and growth.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of the acyl moieties in murein lipoprotein was studied by fusion of [3H]palmitate-labeled phospholipid vesicles with intact cells of an fadD mutant of Escherichia coli. A linear increase in the incorporation of [3H]palmitate radioactivity into both the ester- and amide-linked fatty acids in lipoprotein was observed during a 3-h chase after the fusion. Addition of chloramphenicol completely prevented the incorporation of [3H]palmitate from phospholipids to lipoprotein. These results strongly support our hypothesis that the acyl moieties in phospholipids are the precursors for the fatty acids in murein lipoprotein of E. coli. Among the major glycerophosphatides in E. coli, no specificity was observed regarding the efficacy of the donor.  相似文献   

In organic solvents gramicidin A (gA) occurs as a mixture of slowly interconverting double-stranded dimers. Membrane-spanning gA channels, in contrast, are almost exclusively single-stranded beta(6,3)-helical dimers. Based on spectroscopic evidence, it has previously been concluded that the conformational preference of gA in phospholipid bilayers varies as a function of the degree of unsaturation of the acyl chains. Double-stranded pi pi(5,6)-helical dimers predominate (over single-stranded beta(6,3)-helical dimers) in lipid bilayer membranes with polyunsaturated acyl chains. We therefore examined the characteristics of channels formed by gA in 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine/n-decane, 1,2-dioleoylphosphatidylcholine/n-decane, and 1,2-dilinoleoylphosphatidylcholine/n-decane bilayers. We did not observe long-lived channels that could be conducting double-stranded pi pi(5,6)-helical dimers in any of these different membrane environments. We conclude that the single-stranded beta(6,3)-helical dimer is the only conducting species in these bilayers. Somewhat surprisingly, the average channel duration and channel-forming potency of gA are increased in dilinoleoylphosphatidylcholine/n-decane bilayers compared to 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine/n-decane and dioleoylphosphatidylcholine/n-decane bilayers. To test for specific interactions between the aromatic side chains of gA and the acyl chains of the bilayer, we examined the properties of channels formed by gramicidin analogues in which the four tryptophan residues were replaced with naphthylalanine (gN), tyrosine (gT), and phenylalanine (gM). The results show that all of these analogue channels experience the same relative stabilization when going from dioleoylphosphatidylcholine to dilinoleoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers.  相似文献   

A number of mammalian cell surface proteins are anchored by glycoinositol phospholipid (GPI) structures that are preassembled and transferred to them in the endoplasmic reticulum. The GPIs in these proteins contain linear ethanolamine (EthN)-phosphate (P)-6ManManManGlcN core glycan sequences bearing an additional EthN-P attached to the Man residue (Man 1) proximal to GlcN. The biochemical precursors of mammalian GPI anchor structures are incompletely characterized. In this study, putative [3H]Man-labeled GPI precursors were obtained by in vitro GDP-[3H] Man labeling of HeLa cell microsomes and by in vivo [3H]Man labeling of class B and F Thy-1 negative murine lymphoma mutants known to accumulate incomplete GPIs. The high performance liquid chromatography-purified in vitro and accumulated in vivo GPI products were structurally analyzed by nitrous acid deamination, hydrofluoric acid, trifluoroacetic acid hydrolysis, biosynthetic labeling, and exoglycosidase treatment. The data were consistent with a biosynthetic scheme in which Man and EthN-P are added stepwise to the developing glycan. Several additional points were demonstrated: 1) putative mammalian GPI precursors contain incomplete core glycans corresponding to those in previously characterized trypanosome GPI precursors. 2) The proximal EthN-P found in mature mammalian GPI anchor structures is added to Man 1 prior to incorporation of Man 2 and Man 3. 3) Glycans in the incomplete GPIs that accumulate in classes B and F lymphoma mutants consist of Man2- and Man3GlcN in which EthN-P is linked to Man 1. 4) Distal EthN-P linked to the 6-position of Man, characteristic of the complete GPI core, is found both in a subsequent GPI species with the glycan sequence EthN-P-6ManMan(EthN-P----)ManGlcN and in a more polar GPI product.  相似文献   

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