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To date, the lack of a suitable human cardiac cell source has been the major setback in regenerating the human myocardium, either by cell-based transplantation or by cardiac tissue engineering. Cardiomyocytes become terminally-differentiated soon after birth and lose their ability to proliferate. There is no evidence that stem/progenitor cells derived from other sources, such as the bone marrow or the cord blood, are able to give rise to the contractile heart muscle cells following transplantation into the heart. The need to regenerate or repair the damaged heart muscle has not been met by adult stem cell therapy, either endogenous or via cell delivery. The genetically stable human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) have unlimited expansion ability and unrestricted plasticity, proffering a pluripotent reservoir for in vitro derivation of large supplies of human somatic cells that are restricted to the lineage in need of repair and regeneration. Due to the prevalence of cardiovascular disease worldwide and acute shortage of donor organs, there is intense interest in developing hESC-based therapies as an alternative approach. However, how to channel the wide differentiation potential of pluripotent hESCs efficiently and predictably to a desired phenotype has been a major challenge for both developmental study and clinical translation. Conventional approaches rely on multi-lineage inclination of pluripotent cells through spontaneous germ layer differentiation, resulting in inefficient and uncontrollable lineage-commitment that is often followed by phenotypic heterogeneity and instability, hence, a high risk of tumorigenicity (see a schematic in Fig. 1A). In addition, undefined foreign/animal biological supplements and/or feeders that have typically been used for the isolation, expansion, and differentiation of hESCs may make direct use of such cell-specialized grafts in patients problematic. To overcome these obstacles, we have resolved the elements of a defined culture system necessary and sufficient for sustaining the epiblast pluripotence of hESCs, serving as a platform for de novo derivation of clinically-suitable hESCs and effectively directing such hESCs uniformly towards clinically-relevant lineages by small molecules (see a schematic in Fig. 1B). After screening a variety of small molecules and growth factors, we found that such defined conditions rendered nicotinamide (NAM) sufficient to induce the specification of cardiomesoderm direct from pluripotent hESCs that further progressed to cardioblasts that generated human beating cardiomyocytes with high efficiency (Fig. 2). We defined conditions for induction of cardioblasts direct from pluripotent hESCs without an intervening multi-lineage embryoid body stage, enabling well-controlled efficient derivation of a large supply of human cardiac cells across the spectrum of developmental stages for cell-based therapeutics.  相似文献   

近年来,内皮细胞的应用价值不断提高,应用领域不断拓宽,但其来源有限,成为研究应用的主要障碍.胚胎干细胞在体外可分化为多种组织细胞系,有可能成为获取内皮细胞的另一来源.就人胚胎干细胞向内皮祖细胞分化、分离方法、相关分子机制及内皮祖细胞应用价值等进行阐述,以期能够引起更多的关注,推动其研究的进展.  相似文献   

Pluripotent stem cells derived from somatic cells through such processes as nuclear transfer or induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells present an important model for biomedical research and provide potential resources for cell replacement therapies. However, the overall efficiency of the conversional nuclear transfer is very low and the safety issue remains a major concern for iPS cells. Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) generated from parthenogenetic embryos are one attractive alternative as a source of histocompatible cells and tissues for cell therapy. Recent studies on human parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells (hPG ESCs) have revealed that these ESCs are very similar to the hESCs derived from IVF or in vivo produced blastocysts in gene expression and other characteristics, but full differentiation and development potential of these hPG ESCs have to be further investigated before clinical research and therapeutic interventions. To generate various pluripotent stem cells, diverse reprogramming techniques and approaches will be developed and integrated. This may help elucidate the fundamental mechanisms underlying reprogramming and stem cell biology, and ultimately benefit cell therapy and regenerative medicine. Supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2006AA02A101).  相似文献   

In the past years, cardiovascular progenitor cells have been isolated from the human heart and characterized. Up to date, no studies have been reported in which the developmental potential of foetal and adult cardiovascular progenitors was tested simultaneously. However, intrinsic differences will likely affect interpretations regarding progenitor cell potential and application for regenerative medicine. Here we report a direct comparison between human foetal and adult heart‐derived cardiomyocyte progenitor cells (CMPCs). We show that foetal and adult CMPCs have distinct preferences to differentiate into mesodermal lineages. Under pro‐angiogenic conditions, foetal CMPCs form more endothelial but less smooth muscle cells than adult CMPCs. Foetal CMPCs can also develop towards adipocytes, whereas neither foetal nor adult CMPCs show significant osteogenic differentiation. Interestingly, although both cell types differentiate into heart muscle cells, adult CMPCs give rise to electrophysiologically more mature cardiomyocytes than foetal CMPCs. Taken together, foetal CMPCs are suitable for molecular cell biology and developmental studies. The potential of adult CMPCs to form mature cardiomyocytes and smooth muscle cells may be essential for cardiac repair after transplantation into the injured heart.  相似文献   

本文通过定向诱导人胚胎干细胞分化为心肌细胞,对分化过程中胚胎干细胞、心肌祖细胞和心肌细胞糖酵解能力和线粒体氧化磷酸化能力进行实时定量检测,旨在探索分化过程中细胞能量代谢表型的转换机制.用GSK3抑制剂CHIR99021和Wnt信号通路小分子抑制剂IWP2的方法定向分化人胚胎干细胞为心肌祖细胞和心肌细胞;细胞免疫荧光检测人胚胎干细胞标志物,流式细胞术检测人心肌祖细胞和心肌细胞标志物;应用细胞外流量分析(extracellular flux analysis)方法检测人胚胎干细胞、心肌祖细胞和心肌细胞能量代谢情况.研究发现,人胚胎干细胞干性保持稳定,均表达Nanog、OCT4、SOX2细胞标志物;在向心肌分化过程中,第7 d心肌祖细胞标志物Isl1表达99%以上,分化第14 d心肌细胞标志物cTnT表达83%以上;人胚胎干细胞糖酵解代谢能力最强,心肌细胞线粒体功能最强,心肌祖细胞处于两种代谢方式的过度阶段.因此推断,在人胚胎干细胞向心肌细胞分化的过程中,细胞糖酵解能力逐渐减弱,线粒体氧化磷酸化能力逐渐增强,细胞的能量代谢类型发生转变.本研究旨在优化人胚胎干细胞定向分化为心肌细胞的方法,揭示...  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSC) are currently the best candidate therapeutic cells for regenerative medicine related to osteoarticular, muscular, vascular and inflammatory diseases, although these cells remain heterogeneous and necessitate a better biological characterization. We and others recently described that MSC originate from two types of perivascular cells, namely pericytes and adventitial cells and contain the in situ counterpart of MSC in developing and adult human organs, which can be prospectively purified using well defined cell surface markers. Pericytes encircle endothelial cells of capillaries and microvessels and express the adhesion molecule CD146 and the PDGFRβ, but lack endothelial and haematopoietic markers such as CD34, CD31, vWF (von Willebrand factor), the ligand for Ulex europaeus 1 (UEA1) and CD45 respectively. The proteoglycan NG2 is a pericyte marker exclusively associated with the arterial system. Besides its expression in smooth muscle cells, smooth muscle actin (αSMA) is also detected in subsets of pericytes. Adventitial cells surround the largest vessels and, opposite to pericytes, are not closely associated to endothelial cells. Adventitial cells express CD34 and lack αSMA and all endothelial and haematopoietic cell markers, as for pericytes. Altogether, pericytes and adventitial perivascular cells express in situ and in culture markers of MSC and display capacities to differentiate towards osteogenic, adipogenic and chondrogenic cell lineages. Importantly, adventitial cells can differentiate into pericyte‐like cells under inductive conditions in vitro. Altogether, using purified perivascular cells instead of MSC may bring higher benefits to regenerative medicine, including the possibility, for the first time, to use these cells uncultured.  相似文献   

Corneal opacities are a leading cause of global blindness. They are conventionally treated by the transplantation of donor corneal tissue, which is, restricted by a worldwide donor material shortage and allograft rejection. Autologous adult stem cells with a potential to differentiate into corneal stromal keratocytes (CSKs) could offer a suitable choice of cells for regenerative cell therapy. Postnatal periodontal ligament (PDL) contains a population of adult stem cells, which has a similar embryological origin as CSK, that is cranial neural crest. We harvested PDL cells from young adult teeth extracted because of non‐functional or orthodontic reason and differentiated them towards CSK phenotype using a two‐step protocol with spheroid formation followed by growth factor and cytokine induction in a stromal environment (human amnion stroma and porcine corneal stroma). Our results showed that the PDL‐differentiated CSK‐like cells expressed CSK markers (CD34, ALDH3A1, keratocan, lumican, CHST6, B3GNT7 and Col8A2) and had minimal expression of genes related to fibrosis and other lineages (vasculogenesis, adipogenesis, myogenesis, epitheliogenesis, neurogenesis and hematogenesis). Introduction of PDL spheroids into the stroma of porcine corneas resulted in extensive migration of cells inside the host stroma after 14‐day organ culture. Their quiescent nature and uniform cell distribution resembled to that of mature CSKs inside the native stroma. Our results demonstrated the potential translation of PDL cells for regenerative corneal cell therapy for corneal opacities.  相似文献   

Neurogenesis in the adult human brain occurs within two principle neurogenic regions, the hippocampus and the subventricular zone (SVZ) of the lateral ventricles. Recent reports demonstrated the isolation of human neuroprogenitor cells (NPCs) from these regions, but due to limited tissue availability the knowledge of their phenotype and differentiation behavior is restricted. Here we characterize the phenotype and differentiation capacity of human adult hippocampal NPCs (hNPCs), derived from patients who underwent epilepsy surgery, on various feeder cells including fetal mixed cortical cultures, mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) and PA6 stromal cells. Isolated hNPCs were cultured in clonal density by transferring the cells to serum-free media supplemented with FGF-2 and EGF in 3% atmospheric oxygen. These hNPCs showed neurosphere formation, expressed high levels of early neuroectodermal markers, such as the proneural genes NeuroD1 and Olig2, the NSC markers Nestin and Musashi1, the proliferation marker Ki67 and significant activity of telomerase. The phenotype was CD15low/-, CD34-, CD45- and CD133-. After removal of mitogens and plating them on poly D-lysine, they spontaneously differentiated into a neuronal (MAP2ab+), astroglial (GFAP+), and oligodendroglial (GalC+) phenotype. Differentiated hNPCs showed functional properties of neurons, such as sodium channels, action potentials and production of the neurotransmitters glutamate and GABA. Co-culture of hNPCs with fetal cortical cultures, MEFs and PA6 cells increased neurogenesis of hNPCs in vitro, while only MEFs and PA6 cells also led to a morphological and functional neurogenic maturation. Together we provide a first detailed characterization of the phenotype and differentiation potential of human adult hNPCs in vitro. Our findings reinforce the emerging view that the differentiation capacity of adult hNPCs is critically influenced by non-neuronal mesodermal feeder cells.  相似文献   

Many cell types are currently being studied as potential sources of cardiomyocytes for cell transplantation therapy to repair and regenerate damaged myocardium. The question remains as to which progenitor cell represents the best candidate. Bone marrow-derived cells and endothelial progenitor cells have been tested in clinical studies. These cells are safe, but their cardiogenic potential is controversial. The functional benefits observed are probably due to enhanced angiogenesis, reduced ventricular remodeling, or to cytokine-mediated effects that promote the survival of endogenous cells. Human embryonic stem cells represent an unlimited source of cardiomyocytes due to their great differentiation potential, but each step of differentiation must be tightly controlled due to the high risk of teratoma formation. These cells, however, confront ethical barriers and there is a risk of graft rejection. These last two problems can be avoided by using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS), which can be autologously derived, but the high risk of teratoma formation remains. Cardiac progenitor cells have the advantage of being cardiac committed, but important questions remain unanswered, such as what is the best marker to identify and isolate these cells? To date the different markers used to identify adult cardiac progenitor cells also recognize progenitor cells that are outside the heart. Thus, it cannot be determined whether the cardiac progenitor cells identified in the adult heart represent resident cells present since fetal life or extracardiac cells that colonized the heart after cardiac injury. Developmental studies have identified markers of multipotent progenitors, but it is unknown whether these markers are specific for adult progenitors when expressed in the adult myocardium. Cardiac regeneration is dependent on the stability of the cells transplanted into the host myocardium and on the electromechanical coupling with the endogenous cells. Finally, the promotion of endogenous regenerative processes by mobilizing endogenous progenitors represents a complementary approach to cell transplantation therapy.  相似文献   

Cardiomyocytes are generated from the precardiac mesoderm and the size of the heart increases dramatically during embryogenesis. However, it is unclear how differentiation and proliferation correlate in the cardiac cell line during development. Here, we show that cardiomyocytes re-entered into a proliferative state after differentiation with a concomitant cell cycle arrest in chick embryo. The cells in the course of differentiation from Isl1-positive cardiac precursors to cardiomyocytes did not proliferate, but differentiated cardiomyocytes proliferated even after the acquisition of contractile function. After differentiation, cardiomyocytes developed a proliferative potential to contribute to the increase in cell numbers during heart development. Almost all differentiated cardiomyocytes (82.8%) incorporated bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) in vitro, indicating the ability of DNA replication. Furthermore, mitotic chromosomes were observed in the cardiomyocytes in which a sarcomeric structure was sustained in the cytoplasm. We conclude that the sequential events of the differentiation to contractile myocytes and the re-entry into the cell cycle are strictly regulated during cardiac cell maturation. These results provide an insight into the maturation mechanism of the cardiac cell line.  相似文献   

Cell therapy has been intensely studied for over a decade as a potential treatment for ischaemic heart disease. While initial trials using skeletal myoblasts, bone marrow cells and peripheral blood stem cells showed promise in improving cardiac function, benefits were found to be short‐lived likely related to limited survival and engraftment of the delivered cells. The discovery of putative cardiac ‘progenitor’ cells as well as the creation of induced pluripotent stem cells has led to the delivery of cells potentially capable of electromechanical integration into existing tissue. An alternative strategy involving either direct reprogramming of endogenous cardiac fibroblasts or stimulation of resident cardiomyocytes to regenerate new myocytes can potentially overcome the limitations of exogenous cell delivery. Complimentary approaches utilizing combination cell therapy and bioengineering techniques may be necessary to provide the proper milieu for clinically significant regeneration. Clinical trials employing bone marrow cells, mesenchymal stem cells and cardiac progenitor cells have demonstrated safety of catheter based cell delivery, with suggestion of limited improvement in ventricular function and reduction in infarct size. Ongoing trials are investigating potential benefits to outcome such as morbidity and mortality. These and future trials will clarify the optimal cell types and delivery conditions for therapeutic effect.  相似文献   

The latest discoveries and advanced knowledge in the fields of stem cell biology and developmental cardiology hold great promise for cardiac regenerative medicine, enabling researchers to design novel therapeutic tools and approaches to regenerate cardiac muscle for diseased hearts. However, progress in this arena has been hampered by a lack of reproducible and convincing evidence, which at best has yielded modest outcomes and is still far from clinical practice. To address current controversies and move cardiac regenerative therapeutics forward, it is crucial to gain a deeper understanding of the key cellular and molecular programs involved in human cardiogenesis and cardiac regeneration. In this review, we consider the fundamental principles that govern the “programming” and “reprogramming” of a human heart cell and discuss updated therapeutic strategies to regenerate a damaged heart.  相似文献   

Tradition considers that mammalian heart consists of about 70% non‐myocytes (interstitial cells) and 30% cardiomyocytes (CMs). Anyway, the presence of telocytes (TCs) has been overlooked, since they were described in 2010 (visit www.telocytes.com ). Also, the number of cardiac stem cells (CSCs) has not accurately estimated in humans during ageing. We used electron microscopy to identify and estimate the number of cells in human atrial myocardium (appendages). Three age‐related groups were studied: newborns (17 days–1 year), children (6–17 years) and adults (34–60 years). Morphometry was performed on low‐magnification electron microscope images using computer‐assisted technology. We found that interstitial area gradually increases with age from 31.3 ± 4.9% in newborns to 41 ± 5.2% in adults. Also, the number of blood capillaries (per mm2) increased with several hundreds in children and adults versus newborns. CMs are the most numerous cells, representing 76% in newborns, 88% in children and 86% in adults. Images of CMs mitoses were seen in the 17‐day newborns. Interestingly, no lipofuscin granules were found in CMs of human newborns and children. The percentage of cells that occupy interstitium were (depending on age): endothelial cells 52–62%; vascular smooth muscle cells and pericytes 22–28%, Schwann cells with nerve endings 6–7%, fibroblasts 3–10%, macrophages 1–8%, TCs about 1% and stem cells less than 1%. We cannot confirm the popular belief that cardiac fibroblasts are the most prevalent cell type in the heart and account for about 20% of myocardial volume. Numerically, TCs represent a small fraction of human cardiac interstitial cells, but because of their extensive telopodes, they achieve a 3D network that, for instance, supports CSCs. The myocardial (very) low capability to regenerate may be explained by the number of CSCs, which decreases fivefold by age (from 0.5% to 0.1% in newborns versus adults).  相似文献   

The study of the differentiation potential of multipotent stromal progenitor cells (PC) in embryogenesis is a crucial issue for understanding their biology and role in the tissue regeneration of an adult organism. In this study, in monolayer culture, osteogenic and adipogenic potencies of fibroblast-like PCs derived from human fetal liver of 8–11 gestation weeks were investigated before and after exposure to cryoprotectant dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO). It was shown that the primary suspension of human fetal liver cells includes immature stromal fibroblast-like PCs, which were able to induce osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation. The short-term exposure of recently isolated human fetal liver cells to cryoprotectant DMSO led to alterations in the properties of fibroblast-like PCs. Under subculture conditions, an increase in the number of fibroblast-like PCs capable of inducing osteogenic differentiation in vitro was discovered. It is necessary to take this established fact of DMSO influence on the differentiation capacity of fetal fibroblast-like PCs into consideration when developing cryopreservation methods for stem cells.  相似文献   

Cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs) have the capacity to differentiate into cardiomyocytes, smooth muscle cells (SMC), and endothelial cells and hold great promise in cell therapy against heart disease. Among various methods to isolate CPCs, differentiation of embryonic stem cell (ESC) into CPCs attracts great attention in the field since ESCs can provide unlimited cell source. As a result, numerous strategies have been developed to derive CPCs from ESCs. In this protocol, differentiation and purification of embryonic CPCs from both mouse and human ESCs is described. Due to the difficulty of using cell surface markers to isolate embryonic CPCs, ESCs are engineered with fluorescent reporters activated by CPC-specific cre recombinase expression. Thus, CPCs can be enriched by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). This protocol illustrates procedures to form embryoid bodies (EBs) from ESCs for CPC specification and enrichment. The isolated CPCs can be subsequently cultured for cardiac lineage differentiation and other biological assays. This protocol is optimized for robust and efficient derivation of CPCs from both mouse and human ESCs.  相似文献   

Processes involving conversion of mature adult cells into undifferentiated cells have tremendous therapeutic potential in treating a variety of malignant and non-malignant disorders, including degenerative diseases. This can be achieved in autologous or allogeneic settings, by replacing either defective cells or regenerating those that are in deficit through reprogramming more committed cells into stem cells. The concept behind reprogramming differentiated cells to a stem cell state is to enable the switching of development towards the required cell lineage that is capable of correcting the underlying cellular dysfunction. The techniques by which differentiated cells can reverse their development, become pluripotent stem cells and transdifferentiate to give rise to new tissue or an entire organism are currently under intense investigation. Examples of reprogramming differentiation in mature adult cells include nuclear reprogramming of more committed cells using the cytoplasm of empty oocytes obtained from a variety of animal species, or cell surface contact of differentiated cells through receptor ligand interaction. Such ligands include monoclonal antibodies, cytokines or synthetic chemical compounds. Despite controversies surrounding such techniques, the concept behind identification and design/screening of biological or pharmacological compounds to enable re-switching of cell fate in-vivo or ex-vivo is paramount for current drug therapies to be able to target more specifically cellular dysfunction at the tissue/organ level. Herein, this review discusses current research in cellular reprogramming and its potential application in regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

Tissue engineering is an increasingly expanding area of research in the cardiovascular field that involves engineering, chemistry, biology and medicine. Cardiac tissue engineering (CTE) aims to regenerate myocardial damage by combining cells, matrix, biological active molecules and physiological stimuli. The rationale behind CTE applications is that in order to regenerate the ventricular wall after a myocardial infarction it is necessary to combine procedures that regenerate both cardiomyocytes and the extracellular matrix. The application of (stem) cells together with a matrix could represent an environment protected from the inflammatory and pro-apoptotic signals, a stemness/survival reservoir slowly releasing cells and factors promoting tissue regeneration and angiogenesis. This review will focus on the applications and advantages that CTE application could offer compared to conventional cell therapy.  相似文献   

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