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Malaria is a major mosquito-borne public health problem especially in tropical countries. The authors report a malaria infection in a 31-year-old man who had returned from East Africa with developed fever and rigor. Because of his thrombocytopenia, decreased hemoglobin, elevated liver enzymes, and splenomegaly, and because of failure to question about recent travel history, he was initially referred to the hematological hospital and medical staff suspected a hematological problem, so he was investigated for bone marrow aspirate and biopsy. As he progressively deteriorated, and after retaking history, his relatives eventually came to mention their travel to Africa. Blood samples were sent to detect malarial parasites, but the results were negative. When an internist was consulted, the patient was drowsy with low oxygen saturation (SpO2), so he was intubated and put on continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). The internist suggested empirical anti-malarial treatment, which improved the clinical and hematological conditions of the patient. However, the repeated thin blood film showed falciparum malaria ring-shaped trophozoites. The patient persisted with the same treatment for 1 week until his condition improved gradually and completely stabilized, and then he was discharged. Presentation of this case of malaria is crucial to outpatient clinics’ proper referral of cases, as is encouraging the physician to think of malaria as a cause of fever and rigor even in countries with eradicated malaria and to insist on mentioning travel history. It is also imperative, in the case of sustaining fever with further deterioration of the patient after proper antibiotic use, to start empirical anti-malarial treatment immediately.  相似文献   

A case is reported in which an immense cranial vault was reduced as part of the rehabilitation of a patient with severe hydrocephalus who had preservation of the intellect. This patient was selected carefully, and we do not advocate such procedures on every hydrocephalic. This patient was recumbent and bedridden prior to the procedure because of the size and weight of his head, but he was able to move freely in a wheelchair and attend a special school after the reduction of the skull.  相似文献   

A 49-year-old patient with known tetralogy of Fallot for which an aortopulmonary anastomosis (Pott's shunt) had been performed 23 years previously, underwent simultaneous myocardial revascularization for severe coronary occlusive disease and total correction of his congenital anomaly. The operation and postoperative course were uneventful, and he made a full recovery.  相似文献   

A 40-year-old man, who had collapsed while running and was resuscitated successfully by bystanders, was referred. An automated external defibrillator had shown ventricular fibrillation before a single shock restored sinus rhythm. On arrival, the patient was alert and haemo-dynamically stable. He reported that he had recently suffered from chest pain during exercise but had not visited his general practitioner; before collapsing he had no complaints. Physical examination showed a moderately tender abdomen with normal peristalsis.  相似文献   

Alcoholism is an illness that constitutes a major health problem at all levels of society. The physician should accept his responsibility to prevent it and to care for the alcoholic. If he knows that one of his patients is drinking immoderately, he should warn him of the outlook. A patient''s acquired dependence on alcohol may be overt, or revealed only on examination for organic disease or emotional disturbance. The diagnosis may be accepted reluctantly, or denied despite positive evidence, but the patient should be persuaded to give up drinking. He may require psychiatric help or advice from a social worker. He may be so ill as to require treatment in hospital, and hospitals must recognize the urgency of such admissions. Discharge from hospital does not end treatment, for alcoholism is a chronic disease, requiring long-term planning, persistent follow-up and enduring sympathy by the physician, who must always be as available to his alcoholic patient as he is to his patient with diabetes, epilepsy or cardiac disease.  相似文献   

Renal failure was found in a five-year-old patient who had been treated with insulin since he was diagnosed as having insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) at 3 years of age. Laboratory data showed that his renal failure was caused by a renal tubular dysfunction. The autopsy findings of his pancreas were compatible with those of IDDM. The kidneys were atrophied with an innumerable number of crystals in the proximal tubuli. Staining by Kossa indicated that the crystals contained calcium salt. The calcium content of his kidneys was significantly higher than that of control. The nephrocalcinosis seems to be caused by hypercalciuria associated with IDDM.  相似文献   

A patient who had shown some evidence of immunological sensitivity underwent several operations under general anaesthesia for otitis media without ill effect. On his second exposure to Althesin, however, he suffered a severe reaction. Facial angioneurotic oedema was accompanied by peripheral vasodilatation and sweating, and C3 conversion was observed in his plasma. Subsequent anaesthetics produced no reactions until four years later, when thiopentone and suxamethonium were given. This reaction was much milder, but C3 conversion again occurred. Although the clinical signs indicated an anaphylactoid reaction, the laboratory findings suggested that this patient had an underlying immunopathological condition involving complement activation, which could be triggered by any intravenous agent that activated complement. The judgment that a reaction to a particular drug is anaphylactic cannot be made on the basis of clinical signs alone. Simple laboratory analysis will show whether the reaction is due to an underlying immunopathological condition that may be triggered by any of several drugs.  相似文献   

We present here a 13-year-old male with hypopituitarism which accompanied an insidious and gradual progress of ACTH deficiency. ACTH deficiency finally led to an overt crisis of adrenal insufficiency at the age of 12 years and 7 months. This patient is unique because the insidious and gradual progress has been proved by not only the laboratory results but also the clinical course for over 13 years. The cause of panhypopituitarism including ACTH deficiency is thought to have existed before or at the delivery because of the stalk transection seen on the magnetic resonance image (MRI). At the crisis, his laboratory results suggested that he had secondary adrenal insufficiency, whereas he showed normal adrenal function proved by the insulin tolerance test (ITT) at the age of 4 years. Abrupt crisis of secondary adrenal insufficiency developed at the age of 12 years, although he had been well until the crisis.  相似文献   

Mr M, a patient with semantic dementia--a neurodegenerative disease that is characterized by the gradual deterioration of semantic memory--was being driven through the countryside to visit a friend and was able to remind his wife where to turn along the not-recently-travelled route. Then, pointing at the sheep in the field, he asked her "What are those things?" Prior to the onset of symptoms in his late 40s, this man had normal semantic memory. What has gone wrong in his brain to produce this dramatic and selective erosion of conceptual knowledge?  相似文献   

A representative case in which a polymicrobial infection involving Fusobacterium nucleatum, Actinomyces israelii and Aggregatibacter (formerly Actinobacillus) actinomycetemcomitans was initially diagnosed as malignancy in an edentulous patient. Additional history obtained after the nature of the syndrome was elucidated revealed that he had had his two remaining teeth extracted four months prior to this episode.  相似文献   

In the Center for the Study and Treatment of Male Sexual Dysfunction (CETISM) of our University Department of Urology, a psychological consultation is systematically provided when penile prosthesis implantation is considered by the patient ?? and the urologist ?? as a possible solution to his erectile dysfunction. This consultation has three key objectives: to identify ?? rare ?? cases of psychological contraindication, to complete the information already given to the patient during urologic consultations, and to explore the relational, emotional, cognitive and erotic aspects that could influence the decision-making and the integration of the prosthetic solution. It is also and especially to give to the man a central position, an active position, not only for the decision-making, but also for developing a life project which takes into account the decision (positive or negative), a position he often lost from the time he had become ??powerless??.  相似文献   

Conclusion My conclusion is that Mendel deliberately, though without any real falsification, tried to suggest to his audience and readers an unlikely and substantially wrong reconstruction of the first and most important phase of his research. In my book I offer many reasons for this strange and surprising behavior,53 but the main argument rests on the fact of linkage. Mendelian genetics cannot account for linkage because it was based on the idea of applying probability theory to the problem of species evolution. Central to the theory is the law of probability according to which the chance occurrence of a combination of independent events is the product of their separate probabilities. This is the common basis of Mendel's first and second laws, but this is why Mendel's second law on independent assortment is enunciated in too general a way. From Morgan's work we now know that characters may not always be independent if their genes are located very close one to the other on the same chromosome. And this was also the basis of Mendel's personal drama: he surely observed the effects of linkage, but he had no theoretical tools with which to explain it. So he presented his results in a logical structure consistent with the central idea of his theory. Had he described the real course of his experiments he would have had to admit that his law worked for only a few of the hundreds of Pisum characters — and it would thus have been considered more of an exception than a rule. This is why he insisted on the necessity of testing the law on other plants, and this is why in his second letter to Carl Nägeli he admits that the publication of his data was untimely and dangerous.54.We can argue that already in 1866 Mendel was less confident that his so-called second law had the same general validity as the first — and that later he lost his confidence altogether. Contemporary testimony indicates that in the end he became as skeptical as all his contemporaries as to the scientific relevance of his theory.55 But he was wrong. His research is in no way the fruit of methodological mistakes or forgery, and it remains a landmark in the history of science. He was only the victim of a strange destiny in which the use of probability theory was responsible, at the same time, for the strength and for the weakness of his theory. We must still consider him the father and founder of genetics.  相似文献   

We present a case report of a man who had an abscess-like lesion on his left foot. The lesion discharged pus, enlarged, and became thicker, so that we could not differentiate the real toes from the out-growths. Moraxella phenylpyruvica and Pseudomonas putrefaciens were identified; direct agglutination tests were postive M. phyenylpyruvica. He was given antibiotics and antituberculosis therapy and had topical treatments. The foul odor disappeared with treatment, and the lesions were removed surgically 3 months later. The M. phenylpyruvica finally disappeared after the surgery. The final condition of this patient was markedly improved, although he had some residual scar contracture.  相似文献   



Hypernatremia is a very common electrolyte disorder and is frequently encountered in out-patient as well as in-hospital settings. We describe an adult who was found to have unexplained relative polycythemia and episodic hypernatremia. A diagnosis of idiopathic hypodipsic-hypernatremia syndrome was made and the patient was managed with a water-drinking schedule.

Case presentation

A 24-year-old South African-Indian man was found to have polycythemia in association with episodes of hypernatremia. Investigations indicated that he had relative polycythemia. He experienced no thirst at a time when his serum sodium concentration was found to be 151?mmol/L. Further testing indicated that his renal response to arginine vasopressin was intact and magnetic resonance imaging of his brain revealed no hypothalamic lesions. A diagnosis of idiopathic hypodipsic-hypernatremia syndrome was made and he was managed with a water-drinking schedule that corrected his hypernatremia.


Hypodipsia should always be considered when a patient without physical or cognitive disability presents with unexplained episodic hypernatremia or with relative polycythemia.

After a cerebral infarction, some patients acutely demonstrate contralateral hemiplegia, or aphasia. Those are the obvious symptoms of a cerebral infarction. However, less visible but burdensome consequences may go unnoticed without closer investigation. The importance of a thorough clinical examination is exemplified by a single case study of a 72-year-old, right-handed male. Two years before he had suffered from an ischemic stroke in the territory of the left posterior cerebral artery, with right homonymous hemianopia and global alexia (i.e., impairment in letter recognition and profound impairment of reading) without agraphia. Naming was impaired on visual presentation (20%-39% correct), but improved significantly after tactile presentation (87% correct) or verbal definition (89%). Pre-semantic visual processing was normal (correct matching of different views of the same object), as was his access to structural knowledge from vision (he reliably distinguished real objects from non-objects). On a colour decision task he reliably indicated which of two items was coloured correctly. Though he was unable to mime how visually presented objects were used, he more reliably matched pictures of objects with pictures of a mime artist gesturing the use of the object. He obtained normal scores on word definition (WAIS-III), synonym judgment and word-picture matching tasks with perceptual and semantic distractors. He however failed when he had to match physically dissimilar specimens of the same object or when he had to decide which two of five objects were related associatively (Pyramids and Palm Trees Test). The patient thus showed a striking contrast in his intact ability to access knowledge of object shape or colour from vision and impaired functional and associative knowledge. As a result, he could not access a complete semantic representation, required for activating phonological representations to name visually presented objects. The pattern of impairments and preserved abilities is considered to be a specific difficulty to access a full semantic representation from an intact structural representation of visually presented objects, i.e., a form of visual object agnosia.  相似文献   

In contemporary texts in biology and genetics, Mendel is frequently portrayed as a theorist who was the father of classical genetics. According to some authors, he created his theory of inheritance to explain the results of his experimental hybridizations of peas. Others have proposed that he designed and carried out his experiments to demonstrate the correctness of a theory of inheritance he had already developed. We disagree strongly with these views of Mendel. Instead, we have come to regard him as an empirical investigator trying to discover the empirical natural laws describing the formation of hybrid peas and the development of their offspring over several generations. We have supported our view with an analysis of portions of Mendel's paper and his letters to Carl N ageli.  相似文献   

D B Hogan  A M Clarfield 《CMAJ》1997,156(11):1559-1562
In his writings and actions, Sir William Osler betrayed no evidence of anti-Semitism. In his era, this trait was unusual. Two of his articles, "Letter from Berlin" and "Israel and medicine," dealt directly with his thoughts on the Jewish people. In both he spoke out against anti-Semitism. Osler had friendships with Jewish colleagues--an example is the great regard in which he held US pediatrician Dr. Abraham Jacobi. Osler was not a saint, and he had his "rough side," but in his relationships with Jewish colleagues his example remains relevant.  相似文献   

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in adult identical twins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
T Hecht  M Henke  W Schempp  K J Bross  G W L?hr 《Blut》1988,56(6):261-264
The development of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (c-ALL) in identical twins is reported. The first born had ALL in 1982 and bone marrow transplantation was performed in first complete remission (CR) from his healthy twin-brother the same year. The bone marrow donor developed ALL in 1985; he received an autologous bone marrow transplantation in first CR in 1986. Unfortunately, both patients relapsed in 1986. Cytogenetic studies of the first born revealed multiple chromosomal abnormalities and a marker chromosome whereas the second patient had a Philadelphia chromosome. Genetic reasons or exposure to leukemogenic agents may be responsible for the onset of these leukemias.  相似文献   

An examination of Tschermak's two papers of 1900 not only reinforces our conclusion cited in our first paper on Tschermak that he was not a rediscoverer of Mendelism, but also he did not understand Mendel when he had read it. His concept of dominance differed from that of Mendel, and his use of his own concept is inconsistent and contradictory. His discussion of his backcross data indicated that he had no idea of the nature of Mendelian ratios. Nowhere did he develop the ideas of segregation and independent assortment.  相似文献   

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