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Many factors may influence the structure of invertebrate communities. Among these is the presence of parasites which attack some or all members of a guild and potentially promote coexistence of competitor species. We assessed the prevalence of nematode (Allantonematidae) parasitism in Dutch woodland drosophilids (Diptera). Nematodes were found in 6 of the 18 drosophilid species sampled (percentage parasitism in parentheses): Drosophila phalerata (16%), D. kuntzei (5.1%), D. immigrans (0.5%), D. testacea (1.2%) and D. transversa (2.8%) were all parasitized by Howardula aoronymphium and D. subobscura (3%) was parasitized by Parazitylenchus diplogenus. This is the first report of nematode parasitism of D. immigrans and D. transversa. There were no important seasonal trends in percentage parasitism. We explored the consequences of nematode parasitism for individual drosophilids. Nematodes did not exert an important influence on the wing length (adult body size) of the drosophilids we sampled, but egg loads (fecundities) of female D. phalerata, D. subobscura and D. kuntzei were reduced by nematode parasitism. Parasitism rates were positively correlated with relative host abundance, in Dutch and other communities, suggesting that species diversity is promoted by a disproportionately high parasitism of more common host species.  相似文献   

In a host–parasitoid system comprising mycophagous drosophilids and their parasitoids, the drosophilid and parasitoid species assemblages, host use, and the prevalence of parasitism were assessed, and the “disproportionate parasitism hypothesis” was examined with consideration given to yearly variations. The mycophagous drosophilids, their fungal food resources and parasitoids were studied by carrying out an intensive census throughout the activity seasons of 4 years (2000–2003) in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Five hymenopterous parasitoid species, four braconids and one eucoilid, were found. Parasitoids of mycophagous drosophilids are reported for the first time from Asia. Most parasitism (99.2%) was by braconids, in contrast to the dominance of eucoilids in Europe. Parasitism was restricted to the summer, and the rate was high from early July to early August every year. There was considerable yearly variation in the composition of abundant fungus, drosophilid and parasitoid species, especially between 2000 and 2001. The alternation of dominant host species was coupled with the alternation of dominant parasitoid species that differed in host use. Despite the yearly variation in the system, the most dominant host species suffered disproportionately heavy parasitism by the correspondingly dominant parasitoid species every year. The parasitism rate was positively correlated with the relative host abundance. This thus indicates that the disproportionate parasitism mechanism may operate, via which species coexistence is promoted by a higher rate of parasitism of the dominant species.  相似文献   

We carried out field experiments to investigate the coexistence of Drosophila species in domestic and forest areas on the basis of the aggregation model. Three cosmopolitan species Drosophila simulans Sturtevant, Drosophila melanogaster Meigen and Drosophila immigrans Sturtevant, and a native species, Drosophila auraria Peng, emerged abundantly from banana placed at the domestic station, while Drosophila immigrans and five native species, Drosophila lutescens Okada, Drosophila rufa Kikkawa and Peng, Drosophila bizonata Kikkawa and Peng, Drosophila sternopleuralis Okada and Kurokawa and Scaptodrosophila coracina (Kikkawa and Peng), were abundant at the forest station. The present analysis suggests that their coexistence was facilitated by the aggregation mechanism. In the cosmopolitan species, the density of individuals that emerged from patches increased with the increase of patch size, but the relationship between fly density and patch size was not clear in the native species. This difference in distribution patterns between the cosmopolitan and native species is likely to be due to the difference in the female visiting behavior. In the present analysis, however, it was not clear whether patch size diversity facilitated their coexistence or not. The effect of patch size diversity may have been masked, because the effect of aggregation was more prominent. The rate of parasitism by wasps was high in October at the domestic station, and in May and June at the forest station. The present result suggests that the rate of parasitism was density-dependent, at least at the domestic station, and therefore parasitism facilitates the coexistence of drosophilid species in domestic areas.  相似文献   

Mounting evidence suggests that the transmission of certain parasites is facilitated by increasing temperatures, causing their host population to decline. However, no study has yet addressed how temperature and parasitism may combine to shape the functional structure of a whole host community in the face of global warming. Here, we apply an outdoor mesocosm approach supported by field surveys to elucidate this question in a diverse intertidal community of amphipods infected by the pathogenic microphallid trematode, Maritrema novaezealandensis. Under present temperature (17°C) and level of parasitism, the parasite had little impact on the host community. However, elevating the temperature to 21°C in the presence of parasites induced massive structural changes: amphipod abundances decreased species‐specifically, affecting epibenthic species but leaving infaunal species largely untouched. In effect, species diversity dropped significantly. In contrast, four degree higher temperatures in the absence of parasitism had limited influence on the amphipod community. Further elevating temperatures (19–25°C) and parasitism, simulating a prolonged heat‐wave scenario, resulted in an almost complete parasite‐induced extermination of the amphipod community at 25°C. In addition, at 19°C, just two degrees above the present average, a similar temperature–parasite synergistic impact on community structure emerged as seen at 21°C under lower parasite pressure. The heat‐wave temperature of 25°C per se affected the amphipod community in a comparable way: species diversity declined and the infaunal species were favoured at the expense of epibenthic species. Our experimental findings are corroborated by field data demonstrating a strong negative relationship between current amphipod species richness and the level of Maritrema parasitism across 12 sites. Hence, owing to the synergistic impact of temperature and parasitism, our study predicts that coastal amphipod communities will deteriorate in terms of abundance and diversity in face of anticipated global warming, functionally changing them to be dominated by infaunal species.  相似文献   

The influence of soil matric potential on nematode community composition and grazing associations were examined. Undisturbed cores (5 cm diameter, 10 cm depth) were collected in an old field dominated by perennial grasses on a Hinckley sandy loam at Peckham Farm near Kingston, Rhode Island. Ten pairs of cores were incubated at −3, −10, −20 and −50 kPa matric potential after saturation for 21–28 or 42–58 days. Nematodes were extracted using Cobb's decanting and sieving method followed by sucrose centrifugal-flotation and identified to family or genus. Collembola and enchytraeids present were also enumerated because they are grazers that reside in air-filled spaces. Direct counts of bacteria and fungi were made to estimate biovolume using fluorescein isothiocyanate and fluorescein diacetate stains, respectively. Trophic diversity and maturity indices were calculated for nematode communities. Three patterns of matric potential effect were observed for nematode taxa. One, there was a consistent effect of matric potential for all seasons for Alaimus, Monhysteridae, Prismatolaimus, Paraxonchium and Dorylaimoides. Two, some effects of matric potential were consistent among seasons and other effects were inconsistent for Aphelenchoides, Aphelenchus, Cephalobidae, Coomansus, Eudorylaimus, Huntaphelenchoides, Panagrolaimidae, Paraphelenchus, Sectonema, and Tripyla. Third, effects of matric potential were always inconsistent among seasons for Aphanolaimus, Aporcelaimellus, Bunonema, Rhabditidae, and Tylencholaimus. As predicted, fungal and bacterial biomass responded oppositely to matric potential. Total bacterial biomass was greater at −3 kPa than −10, −20 and −50 kPa (P=0.0095). Total fungal biomass was greater at −50, −20 and −10 kPa than −3 kPa (P=0.0095). Neither bacterial-feeding, fungal-feeding nor predacious nematodes correlated significantly with bacterial or fungal biomass. Omnivorous and predacious nematodes correlated positively with number of bacterial-feeding nematodes; predacious nematodes also correlated positively with fungal-feeding nematodes. Numbers of Collembola and enchytraeids were more often correlated positively with microbial-grazing nematode numbers in drier than moist soils. From this study, we propose two mechanisms that may explain nematode community structure changes with matric potential: differential anhydrobiosis and/or enclosure hypotheses. The later suggests that drying of soil generates pockets of moisture in aggregates that become isolated from one another enclosing nematodes and their food in relatively high concentrations creating patches of activity separated by larger areas of inactivity. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

If the concepts of biological indices and biomonitoring at the multi-species level are to prove viable, then meiofauna and marine nematodes in particular should be an ideal group with which to test the hypothesis. Many attempts to assess the structure of species assemblages, such as the use of diversity indices, nematode: copepod ratios and the graphical method of log normal plots, have been shown to be theoretically unsound and/or impractical, especially for routine use by extension workers. A method of assessing shifts in dominance patterns which involves all the proportional species abundances is suggested as a better means of comparing diversity. A modified method of rapidly assessing Simpson's dominance-weighted diversity index is also advocated as being of practical use. In combination, they should enable the diversity aspect of the multi-species approach to biomonitoring to be rigorously and exhaustively evaluated.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional dispersion of drosophilid flies was studied within a secondary broad-leaved forest in relation to forest structure. The survey area included the forest margin and old canopy gaps and varied in the foliage height profile from place to place. Using multivariate analyses on the data of drosophilid dispersion, five microhabitats which were different from one another for drosophilids were recognized: (i) canopy layer; (ii) middle layer; (iii) floor layer of forest interior; (iv) upper layer of forest margin; and (v) herbaceous layer of forest margin and gap. The height of living space of canopy species was remarkably lowered at the forest margin. The forest edge was richer in both numbers of individuals and species than the forest interior from the overlap of the grassland and the forest canopy subcommunities and the addition of invaders from other habitats. However, no ‘edge’ species, which were mostly restricted to or spend most of their time in ecotones, were found. It is hypothesized that the above-ground forest structure consists fundamentally of three zones: (i) the canopy; (ii) the floor; and (iii) the edge. A significant positive correlation was found between the foliage height diversity and the degree of vertical habitat segregation among drosophilid species. The patchiness of vegetation structure influential to the three-dimensional dispersion in a forest drosophilid community was estimated to be on the scale of 110–450 m2. This scale of subjective habitat patchiness or ‘ecological neighbourhood’ corresponds well with the most prevalent size of canopy gaps occurring in various forests.  相似文献   

A fundamental question in biology is how diversity evolves and why some clades are more diverse than others. Phenotypic diversity has often been shown to result from morphological adaptation to different habitats. The role of behavioral interactions as a driver of broadscale phenotypic diversity has received comparatively less attention. Behavioral interactions, however, are a key agent of natural selection. Antagonistic behavioral interactions with predators or with parasites can have significant fitness consequences, and hence act as strong evolutionary forces on the phenotype of species, ultimately generating diversity between species of both victims and exploiters. Avian obligate brood parasites lay their eggs in the nests of other species, their hosts, and this behavioral interaction between hosts and parasites is often considered one of the best examples of coevolution in the natural world. In this review, we use the coevolution between brood parasites and their hosts to illustrate the potential of behavioral interactions to drive evolution of phenotypic diversity at different taxonomic scales. We provide a bridge between behavioral ecology and macroevolution by describing how this interaction has increased avian phenotypic diversity not only in the brood parasitic clades but also in their hosts.  相似文献   

The optimum temperatures for population development were determined for six species of bacterial-feeding nematodes from among eight temperatures, ranging from 5 to 40 C. Four of the species are cohabiting species. The range of temperatures over which population development occurs (temperature niche breadth) is different for the cohabiting species. This difference may be a means of reducing competition between species, thus increasing temperatures over which habitats can be exploited.  相似文献   

本文分析归纳了东亚叶蜂总科特有属的分布式样及迁移路线。东亚区分布的179个叶蜂总科特有属可归纳为1个主要特化中心:川滇缅高原;5个小型次级特化中心:喜马拉雅中段小中心、浙闽山地小中心、秦巴山地小中心、燕山山地小中心和长白山地小中心;4条主要迁移演化路线:从主要中心沿喜马拉雅山脉走廊向西发展的西线,从主要中心沿缅-马走廊向南发展的南线,从主要中心沿南岭走廊向东发展的东线,从主要中心向北沿第二阶梯东缘走廊(大娄山-伏牛山-太行山-燕山)及西部走廊(第一阶梯东缘走廊)发展的北线,其中北线因四川盆地隔离可分为东西两支,但东西两支从秦岭山脉始重新部分融合;一个中心区域类型和38种分布式样。  相似文献   

1. This study investigated inter‐specific variation in parasitism by gregarines (Eugregarinorida: Actinocephalidae), among sibling species of damselflies (Odonata: Zygoptera), in relation to relative size of geographical ranges of host species. 2. Gregarines are considered generalist parasites, particularly for taxonomically related host species collected at the same sites or area. Prevalence and median intensity of gregarine parasitism was obtained for 1338 adult damselflies, representing 14 species (7 sibling species pairs) across 3 families within the suborder Zygoptera. Damselflies were collected at three local sites in Southeastern Ontario, during the same periods over the season. 3. Five out of seven species pairs had significant differences in parasitism between sibling species. The less widespread host species was the more parasitised for three species pairs with significant differences in gregarine prevalence, and for two species pairs with differences in median intensity. The more widespread host had a higher intensity of infection as expected, in two species pairs. 4. Future studies on ecological determinants of parasitism among related species should examine robust measures of abundance of species and representation of species regionally.  相似文献   

On the origin of brood parasitism in altricial birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The probability that obligate interspecific brood parasitism(OP), among altricial birds evolved directly from the normalbreeding (no parasitism, NP) mode or indirectly through intraspecificnest parasitism (INP) was examined by using maximum-likelihoodand parsimony approaches. We examined the probability of ancestralstates at 24 key nodes in order to test our hypotheses. Thestate of the most basal node in a tree of 565 genera of altricialbirds is equivocal; however, the state probability of NP atthis node is about 5.5-fold more likely than the state of obligateparasite. A similar trend was observed for basal nodes of mostfamilies examined. The INP state was supported only in the Hirundinidae.The high incidence of INP among martins and swallows explainsthis finding. Contrary to our predictions, even in other groupswhere there is a high incidence of INP and OP, such as in thetribe Icteri and the Old World finches, the probability of NPbeing ancestral was very high. We conclude that in all casesbut one (Hirundinidae) obligate, and probably facultative, broodparasitism evolved directly from normal breeding mode ratherthan indirectly through some other form of parasitism.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding with the mitochondrial COI gene reveals distinct haplotype subgroups within the monophyletic and parthenogenetic nematode species, Mesocriconema xenoplax. Biological attributes of these haplotype groups (HG) have not been explored. An analysis of M. xenoplax from 40 North American sites representing both native plant communities and agroecosystems was conducted to identify possible subgroup associations with ecological, physiological, or geographic factors. A dataset of 132 M. xenoplax specimens was used to generate sequences of a 712 bp region of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene. Maximum-likelihood and Bayesian phylogenies recognized seven COI HG (≥99/0.99 posterior probability/bootstrap value). Species delimitation metrics largely supported the genetic integrity of the HG. Discriminant function analysis of HG morphological traits identified stylet length, total body length, and stylet knob width as the strongest distinguishing features among the seven groups, with stylet length as the strongest single distinguishing morphological feature. Multivariate analysis identified land cover, ecoregion, and maximum temperature as predictors of 53.6% of the total variation (P = 0.001). Within land cover, HG categorized under “herbaceous,” “woody wetlands,” and “deciduous forest” were distinct in DAPC and RDA analyses and were significantly different (analysis of molecular variance P = 0.001). These results provide empirical evidence for molecular, morphological, and ecological differentiation associated with HG within the monophyletic clade that represents the species Mesocriconema xenoplax.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of host sex in parasite transmission and questioned: ‘Is host sex important in influencing the dynamics of infection in free living animal populations?’ We experimentally reduced the helminth community of either males or females in a yellow‐necked mice (Apodemus flavicollis) population using an anthelmintic, in replicated trapping areas, and subsequently monitored the prevalence and intensity of macroparasites in the untreated sex. We focussed on the dominant parasite Heligmosomoides polygyrus and found that reducing parasites in males caused a consistent reduction of parasitic intensity in females, estimated through faecal egg counts, but the removal of parasites in females had no significant influence on the parasites in males. This finding suggests that males are responsible for driving the parasite infection in the host population and females may play a relatively trivial role. The possible mechanisms promoting such patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

We analysed the spatial and temporal pattern of egg laying in great spotted cuckoo females using microsatellite typing to determine parentage of the eggs and nestlings found in host (magpie) nests. The results showed that there were no exclusive laying territories in the study area. Cases of multiparasitism could be due to single females laying two or more eggs in a nest, or to several females using the same nest. In the latter case multiparasitism was due to a shortage of available host nests. We argue that the need for very large laying areas and the likely small cost of sharing parental care for chicks make the costs of defending territories higher than the benefits, which has constrained the evolution of territoriality in this species. Received: 16 March 1998 / Accepted: 15 June 1998  相似文献   

Male Telmatochromis vittatus, a substrate-brooding Tanganyikan cichlid, exhibit two parasitic reproductive tactics: takeover of spawning by larger males (pirates) and sneaking by smaller males (sneakers). Medium-sized males are territorial and pair-spawn within nests of clumped shells that harbor several resident females that are potential mates of the territory owner. To study nest use by territorial males, we analyzed the relationship between the body size of territorial males and nest quality, the number of females per nest, the distance between nests, and the frequency and intensity of reproductive parasitism. The size of males was not correlated with nest quality, the number of females, or the number of sneakers, but was negatively correlated with the frequency of intrusion by pirates and was positively correlated with the distance between nests. Territorial males effectively defended nests against sneakers but failed to defend against pirates. These results suggest that larger territorial males selected nests that have a lower risk of usurpation of spawning. We hypothesize that the risk of intrusion by pirate males affects the selection of nests by territorial males in this species.  相似文献   

A combination of traditional and emerging methodologies was used to assess the trade-offs between several life-history traits (linked to reproduction and condition) and parasitism in a commercially-exploited cold-water species, blue whiting Micromesistius poutassou, in the Mediterranean Sea. The use of histological and gravimetric methods revealed conflicting evidence as to the fecundity type (indeterminate or determinate) of this species. Moreover, there seem to be condition-mediated compensations between egg quality and egg quantity. The effects of parasitism on reproduction and condition are species-specific and occur mainly at high intensities of infection; they include a lower batch fecundity (affecting reproductive potential), a higher hepatosomatic index and a higher spleen-somatic index. Considering the fact that larger fish spawn more eggs and that the minimum landing size is lower than the size at maturity, these results may have implications for the future management of M. poutassou stocks in the Mediterranean Sea. Local environmental conditions may account for geographical differences regarding infection in M. poutassou. Altogether, the results support the idea that the complex trade-offs between parasitism, reproduction and condition need to be considered in order to understand the status of cold-water species such as M. poutassou.  相似文献   

Broad ecological shifts can render previously adaptive traits nonfunctional. It is an open question as to how and how quickly nonfunctional traits decay once the selective pressures that favored them are removed. The village weaverbird (Ploceus cucullatus) avoids brood parasitism by rejecting foreign eggs. African populations have evolved high levels of within-clutch uniformity as well as individual distinctiveness in egg color and spotting, a combination that facilitates identification of foreign eggs. In a companion study, I showed that these adaptations in egg appearance declined following introductions of weavers into habitats devoid of egg-mimicking brood parasites. Here, I use experimental parasitism in two ancestral and two introduced populations to test for changes in egg rejection behavior while controlling for changes in egg appearance. Introduced populations reject foreign eggs less frequently, but the ability of source and introduced populations to reject foreign eggs does not differ after controlling for the evolution of egg color and spotting. Therefore, egg rejection behavior in introduced populations of the village weaver has been compromised by changes in egg appearance, but there has been no significant decline in the birds' ability to recognize foreign eggs. This result reconciles earlier studies on this system and provides insights into the ways behavior can change over generations, especially in the context of recognition systems and the avoidance of brood parasitism.  相似文献   

In male vertebrates, two conflicting paradigms—the energetic costs of high dominance rank and the chronic stress of low rank—have been proposed to explain patterns of immune function and parasitism. To date, neither paradigm has provided a complete explanation for status-related differences in male health. Here, we applied meta-analyses to test for correlations between male social status, immune responses and parasitism. We used an ecoimmunological framework, which proposes that males should re-allocate investment in different immune components depending on the costs of dominance or subordination. Spanning 297 analyses, from 77 studies on several vertebrate taxa, we found that most immune responses were similar between subordinate and dominant males, and neither dominant nor subordinate males consistently invested in predictable immune components. However, subordinate males displayed significantly lower delayed-type hypersensitivity and higher levels of some inflammatory cytokines than dominant males, while dominant males exhibited relatively lower immunoglobulin responses than subordinate males. Despite few differences in immunity, dominant males exhibited consistently higher parasitism than subordinate males, including protozoan blood parasites, ectoparasites and gastrointestinal helminths. We discuss our results in the context of the costs of dominance and subordination and advocate future work that measures both parasitism and immune responses in wild systems.  相似文献   

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