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As an approach to understanding the structures and mechanisms which determine mRNA decay rates, we have cloned and begun to characterize cDNAs which encode mRNAs representative of the stability extremes in the poly(A)+ RNA population of Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae. The cDNA clones were identified in a screening procedure which was based on the occurrence of poly(A) shortening during mRNA aging. mRNA half-lives were determined by hybridization of poly(A)+ RNA, isolated from cells labeled in a 32PO4 pulse-chase, to dots of excess cloned DNA. Individual mRNAs decayed with unique first-order decay rates ranging from 0.9 to 9.6 h, indicating that the complex decay kinetics of total poly(A)+ RNA in D. discoideum amoebae reflect the sum of the decay rates of individual mRNAs. Using specific probes derived from these cDNA clones, we have compared the sizes, extents of ribosome loading, and poly(A) tail lengths of stable, moderately stable, and unstable mRNAs. We found (i) no correlation between mRNA size and decay rate; (ii) no significant difference in the number of ribosomes per unit length of stable versus unstable mRNAs, and (iii) a general inverse relationship between mRNA decay rates and poly(A) tail lengths. Collectively, these observations indicate that mRNA decay in D. discoideum amoebae cannot be explained in terms of random nucleolytic events. The possibility that specific 3'-structural determinants can confer mRNA instability is suggested by a comparison of the labeling and turnover kinetics of different actin mRNAs. A correlation was observed between the steady-state percentage of a given mRNA found in polysomes and its degree of instability; i.e., unstable mRNAs were more efficiently recruited into polysomes than stable mRNAs. Since stable mRNAs are, on average, "older" than unstable mRNAs, this correlation may reflect a translational role for mRNA modifications that change in a time-dependent manner. Our previous studies have demonstrated both a time-dependent shortening and a possible translational role for the 3' poly(A) tracts of mRNA. We suggest, therefore, that the observed differences in the translational efficiency of stable and unstable mRNAs may, in part, be attributable to differences in steady-state poly(A) tail lengths.  相似文献   

We have examined the phosphorylation of the cyclic adenosine 3':5' monophosphate (cAMP) cell surface chemotactic receptor and a 36 kDa membrane-associated protein (p36) in Dictyostelium discoideum. The activity of CAR-kinase, the enzyme responsible for the phosphorylation of the cAMP receptor, was studied in plasma membrane preparations. It was found that, as in intact cells, the receptor was rapidly phosphorylated in membranes incubated with [gamma 32P] adenosine triphosphate (ATP) but only in the presence of cAMP. This phosphorylation was not observed in membranes prepared from cells which did not display significant cAMP binding activity. cAMP could induce receptor phosphorylation at low concentrations, while cyclic guanosine 3':5' monophosphate (cGMP) could elicit receptor phosphorylation only at high concentrations. Neither ConA, Ca2+, or guanine nucleotides had an effect on CAR-kinase. It was also observed that 2-deoxy cAMP but not dibutyryl cAMP induced receptor phosphorylation. The data suggest that the ligand occupied form of the cAMP receptor is required for CAR-kinase activity. Although the receptor is rapidly dephosphorylated in vivo, we were unable to observe its dephosphorylation in vitro. In contrast, p36 was rapidly dephosphorylated. Also, unlike the cAMP receptor, the phosphorylation of p36 was found to be regulated by the addition of guanine nucleotides. Guanosine diphosphate (GDP) enhanced the phosphorylation while guanosine triphosphate (GTP) decreased the radiolabeling of p36 indicating that GTP can compete with ATP for the nucleotide triphosphate binding site of p36 kinase. Thus was verified using radiolabeled GTP as the phosphate donor. Competition experiments with GTP gamma S, ATP, GTP, CTP, and uridine triphosphate (UTP) indicated that the phosphate donor site of p36 kinase is relatively non-specific.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In the present study D. discoideum has been used as a model organism to understand the role of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) in caspase independent paraptotic cell death pathways. D. discoideum lacks caspases and Bcl-2 family proteins; nevertheless it has 9 potential genes for PARP. PARP has been known to get activated in various cell death associated diseases. In this study kinetics of cell death induced by staurosporine (STS), a bacterial alkaloid, was established to unravel the role of PARP. It was found that STS induced cell death in D. discoideum did not involve PARP activation, however it involved cathepsin D. Results indicated that an alternative mechanism may be existing in D. discoideum that lacks Bcl-2 family proteins for STS induced cell death that evades Bax involvement.  相似文献   

Acid phosphatase–2, as characterized by gel electrophoresis under non-denaturing conditions, is a convenient marker for prestalk cells in Dictyostelium discoideum . We have purified this prestalk-specific enzyme and have examined its regulation during development. Under denaturing conditions, the enzyme has a molecular weight of 50,000 and an isoelectric point of 4.0. On the other hand, acid phosphatase-I have a Mr-55,000 polypeptide (AP1–55) and a minor Mr-50,000 polypeptide (AP1–50) and both have diffuse isoelectric point from 3.4 to 4.1. Using monoclonal antibodies directed against acid phosphatase-2 as probes, we showed that some acid phosphatase-2 are newly synthesized at slug stage and some are converted from AP1–50 which was synthesized during ealy development.  相似文献   

Rajawat J  Vohra I  Mir HA  Gohel D  Begum R 《The FEBS journal》2007,274(21):5611-5618
Dictyostelium discoideum, a unicellular eukaryote, exhibits multicellularity upon nutrient starvation and is a good model system for developmental studies, and for the study of various signal transduction pathways. Reactive oxygen species at low doses act as signaling molecules; however, at high doses they are known to cause DNA damage that results in the activation of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP). We have earlier reported the high resistance of the unicellular stage of D. discoideum to oxidative stress, and we now show the response of this organism to oxidative stress and the role of PARP during development. We used hydroxylamine (HA) to induce in situ generation of H(2)O(2) and monitored the effect of benzamide, a PARP inhibitor, on oxidative stress-induced changes in D. discoideum development. Interestingly, oxidative stress resulted in PARP activation within 5 min that was inhibited by benzamide. Oxidative stress-induced delay in developmental pattern was also partially restored by benzamide. We studied the long-term effects of PARP inhibition under oxidative stress, and our results demonstrated that spores formed under HA stress exhibited significant delay in germination in comparison to benzamide-pretreated HA-stressed cells. However, second-generation cells showed normal development, signifying that PARP inhibition has no deleterious effect on D. discoideum development under oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The role of poly(A) in the translation and stability of mRNA   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  

The unicellular, as well as multicellular stages of Dictyostelium discoideum’s life cycle, make it an excellent model system for cell type determination, differentiation, development, and cell death studies. Our preliminary results show the involvement of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) during D. discoideum growth by its constitutive downregulation as well as by its ortholog overexpression. The current study now analyzes and strengthens the role of the PARP-1 ortholog in cellular proliferation of D. discoideum. ADPRT1A was knocked out (KO) from D. discoideum and studied for its effect on cell growth, cell cycle, morphology, and oxidative stress. The present findings show that ADPRT1A KO ( A KO) cells exhibited reduced cellular proliferation, stressed phenotype, and cell cycle arrest in G2-M phase. Under oxidative stress, A KO cells exhibited slower growth and DNA damage. This is the first report where the involvement of ADPRT1A in growth in D. discoideum is established.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis, a critically important process employed by leukocytes against invading pathogens, is an actin-dependent clathrin-independent process that results in the internalization of particles >0.5 microm in diameter. Phagocytosis consists of a number of stages, including the binding of particles to the cell surface via interaction with a receptor, engulfment of the particle by pseudopod extension, and fission and fusion reactions to form phago-lysosomes. Much remains to be learned concerning the molecular mechanisms that regulate particle internalization and phagosome maturation. Dictyostelium is a genetically tractable professional phagocyte that has proven useful in determining the molecular steps involved in these processes. We will summarize, in this chapter, what we currently understand concerning the molecular mechanisms that regulate the process of phagocytosis in Dictyostelium, and we will compare and contrast this body of information with that available describing phagocytosis in higher organisms. We will also present current information that suggests that macropinocytosis, a process morphologically similar to phagocytosis, utilizes a different signaling pathway than phagocytosis. Finally, we will discuss the process of maturation of phagosomes, which requires membrane trafficking events, and we will summarize data that support the use of Dictyostelium as a model to determine how intracellular pathogens survive.  相似文献   

Regulation of poly(A) tail size of vasopressin mRNA   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Poly(A), poly(A) binding protein and the regulation of mRNA stability   总被引:48,自引:0,他引:48  
This review has focused on the possibility that interactions between mRNA sequences and the poly(A)-nucleoprotein complex play important roles in mRNA turnover. It is important to stress that additional genetic and biochemical tests are necessary to characterize how PABP interacts with mRNA in cells and to determine whether the poly(A) protection hypothesis is accurate. Moreover, there may be a significant number of mRNAs whose half-lives are independent of polyadenylation. For example, the stabilities of poly(A)-containing and deadenylated alpha 2u-globulin and interferon mRNAs are similar in microinjected oocytes. Thus, an important challenge in this field will be to analyse the complex and interactive factors that determine the half-lives of specific mRNAs.  相似文献   

We have isolated cDNA clones derived from three mRNA sequences which are inducible by DIF, the putative stalk-specific morphogen of Dictyostelium. The three mRNA sequences are selectively expressed in cells on the stalk cell pathway of differentiation and we have compared them with previously characterized prestalk-enriched mRNA sequences. We find these latter sequences are expressed without a dependence on DIF, are much less highly enriched in prestalk over prespore cells and are expressed earlier during development than the DIF-inducible mRNA sequences. We propose two distinct mechanisms whereby a mRNA may become enriched in prestalk cells. An apparently small number of genes, represented by those we have isolated, is inducible by DIF and accumulates only in prestalk cells. We suggest that a second class of prestalk-enriched mRNA sequences are induced by cAMP to accumulate in all cells during aggregation and then become enriched in prestalk cells by selective loss from prespore cells.  相似文献   

The relative rate of de novo synthesis of two membrane-associated carbohydrate-binding proteins (CBP) has been examined during Dictyostelium development. The results show that the relative rate of CBP synthesis is minimal during the vegetative stage and increases to represent approximately 3.5 to 5% of newly synthesized protein during the aggregation stage after which the relative rate decreases. Analysis of the relative rates of synthesis of CBP-26 and CBP-24 indicate that at the peak period of synthesis (approximately 5 to 9 h of development) CBP-26 is synthesized at a rate which is approximately eight times greater than CBP-24. In addition, we have examined the relative amount of CBP-26 and CBP-24 mRNA during development as assayed by its ability to direct CBP synthesis in in vitro protein-synthesizing systems. We show that there is no detectable CBP mRNA in vegetative cells and that during the pre-aggregating stages, assayable CBP mRNA appears and accumulates with a maximal level at the period of peak in vivo CBP synthesis. These results suggest that the rate at CBP synthesis in vivo is controlled by the relative amount of functional mRNA.  相似文献   

Ammonia appears to be an important regulatory signal for several aspects of the Dictyostelium life cycle. The postulated role of ammonia in the determination of the prespore pathway in cells of the slug stage has led us to examine the effect of ammonia on the prestalk/prespore ratio of migrating slugs. In the presence of 10(-3) M ammonium chloride, the volume of the prestalk region decreases by 40.8%. The kinetics of the process make it unlikely that this is due to a shift in the differentiation pathway. A test of the hypothesis that the decrease in volume of the prestalk region is due to the conversion of prestalk cells to anterior-like cells shows that the percent of anterior-like cells in the posterior region increases by the amount predicted by the hypothesis. This suggests that ammonia may be the molecular signal, produced by the tip, that prevents anterior-like cells from chemotactically migrating to the tip and thereby becoming anterior cells. The effect of enzymatic removal of ammonia from vitally stained migrating slugs is the appearance of a series of dark stripes beginning at the posterior end and progressing forward. We interpret this as a result of progressive removal of anterior-like cells from tip dominance and essentially as the formation of new potential tips. Indeed, in a few cases one or even two of the stripes separate from the posterior of the cell mass and form small fruiting bodies. We consider the phenomenon of stripe formation further evidence that the tip acts on anterior-like cells through ammonia.  相似文献   

We tested the effects of inhibitors of protein and RNA synthesis on the disaggregation-mediated destabilization of prespore mRNAs in Dictyostelium discoideum. Incubating disaggregated cells with daunomycin to inhibit RNA synthesis prevented the loss of prespore mRNAs, whereas the inhibitor decreased or did not affect levels of the common mRNAs CZ22 and actin. Protein synthesis inhibitors varied in their effects. Cycloheximide, which inhibited protein synthesis almost completely, prevented the loss of the prespore mRNAs, but puromycin, which inhibited protein synthesis less well, did not. These results indicate that the process of specific mRNA destabilization requires the synthesis of RNA and possibly of protein.  相似文献   

In Dictyostelium discoideum cells the enzyme adenylate cyclase is functionally coupled to cell surface receptors for cAMP. Coupling is known to involve one or more G-proteins. Receptor-mediated activation of adenylate cyclase is subject to adaptation. In this study we employ an electropermeabilized cell system to investigate regulation of D. discoideum adenylate cyclase. Conditions for selective permeabilization of the plasma membrane have been described by C.D. Schoen, J. C. Arents, T. Bruin, and R. Van Driel (1989, Exp. Cell Res. 181, 51-62). Only small pores are created in the membrane, allowing exchange of exclusively low molecular weight substances like nucleotides, and preventing the loss of macromolecules. Under these conditions functional protein-protein interactions are likely to remain intact. Adenylate cyclase in permeabilized cells was activated by the cAMP receptor agonist 2'-deoxy cAMP and by the nonhydrolyzable GTP-analogue GTP gamma S, which activates G-proteins. The time course of the adenylate cyclase reaction in permeabilized cells was similar to that of intact cells. Maximal adenylate cyclase activity was observed if cAMP receptor agonist or GTP-analogue was added just before cell permeabilization. If these activators were added after permeabilization adenylate cyclase was stimulated in a suboptimal way. The sensitivity of adenylate cyclase activity for receptor occupation was found to decay more rapidly than that for G-protein activation. Importantly, the adenylate cyclase reaction in permeabilized cells was subject to an adaptation-like process that was characterized by a time course similar to adaptation in vivo. In vitro adaptation was not affected by cAMP receptor agonists or by G-protein activation. Evidently electropermeabilized cells constitute an excellent system for investigating the positive and negative regulation of D. discoideum adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

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