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To investigate the role of competitor density in influencing space use patterns of juvenile striped plateau lizards (Sceloporus virgatus), a density manipulation experiment was conducted within large (800 m2) field enclosures treated with low (20) and high (60) densities of hatchlings. Enclosures were monitored for 10 months, after which the experiment was replicated. Home range and core area sizes after release of lizards and initial establishment in the fall were significantly reduced in the high-density treatments; fall home range shape, measured as the perimeter-to-area ratio, was significantly reduced in low-density treatments; no significant differences were detected between treatments in core area shape or overlap. During the spring/early summer activity season after the lizard's first winter, no significant differences between density treatments were detected for any of these variables, as enclosure densities had converged between treatments. Individuals in high-density enclosures had increased their space use as competitor density had declined. These results illustrate that competitor density has significant influence on space use by juvenile lizards. 相似文献
Prevalence of coccidia parasites (Protozoa) in red squirrels ( Sciurus vulgaris): effects of host phenotype and environmental factors 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
We investigated the relative importance of environmental factors versus host phenotype in determining parasite prevalence in Eurasian red squirrels ( Sciurus vulgaris). One hundred and forty-three fecal samples of 116 different squirrels collected in 2000 and 2001 from five study areas in the Italian Alps, were examined for intestinal protozoans. Two species of Eimeria were present with a medium to high prevalence in both years and in all areas, while two other species were rare, occurring only in some areas and not in all years. Cryptosporidium parvum had a high prevalence in the two study areas of the Western Alps, while in the three areas of the Central Alps it was recorded only once. The prevalence of Eimeria sciurorum and C. parvum fluctuated in parallel with squirrel density, suggesting a possible correlation between the presence of these protozoans and host density. A gender effect on E. sciurorum prevalence at low density could be explained by different space use patterns and social organization of males and females. C. parvum occurred more frequently in young squirrels, suggesting an acquired immunity in adults, but age-related susceptibility was not found for eimerian species. The coccidian community was more similar within than between regions, and study area and year were key parameters in predicting coccidia infection. There was no evidence of competition between coccidian species, but one positive interaction between E. sciurorum and E. andrewsi was observed. Our results suggest that the effects of geographic region, area features, and year effects probably related to fluctuations in host population density, were more important than individual phenotypic host characteristics in structuring the coccidian assemblage and determining levels of parasite prevalence in red squirrel populations. 相似文献
Food Shortage Disrupts Social Organization: The Case of Red Squirrels in Conifer Forests 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A recent conceptual model of spatial organization in vertebrates, based upon changes in home range overlap with habitat quality, ‘the space-use model’, predicts large and strongly overlapping home ranges and absence of territorial behaviour in habitats with poor food availability. We investigated whether the model can be extended to predict intra-population variation in space-use in a habitat with strong temporal variation in resource abundance. We studied space use of Eurasian red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) in subalpine conifer forests over 4 years with strong fluctuations in seed production. Norway spruce dominated forests are resource limited habitats for squirrels, and tree seed availability is gradually depleted in the year following a poor seed-crop. Male and female squirrels responded to spruce seed-crop failure in 2000 by strongly increasing their home ranges and core-areas in the following year (mean MCP ± SE in summer and autumn, respectively: 2001, 122.9±14.1 ha and 84.3±9.4 ha, against 43.0±6.4 ha and 20.8±3.8 ha in 2002, and 22.7±1.5 ha and 21.4±2.0 ha in 2003). In 2001, half of the animals, those with the poorest quality pre-dispersal home ranges, emigrated to areas with more larch. Residents had multi-nuclear core-areas. Also, intra-sexual core-area overlap (males by males, females by females) was higher in 2001 and summer 2002, than in autumn 2002 and in 2003 (means ± SE in summer and autumn, respectively: males by males, 2001, 52±8 and 44±7%, 2002, 80±30 and 15±11%, 2003, 37±19 and 26±14%; females by females 2001, 52±10 and 112±32%, 2002, 55±27 and 0±0%, 2003, 12±8 and 0.1±0%). Red squirrels responded to food shortage by moving to patches with other food resources and abandoned the spacing pattern of reduced core-area overlap among males and nearly exclusive core-areas among females, found in less variable habitats. After richer seed-crops in 2001 and 2002, it took squirrels about a year to reduce the size of their home ranges and core-areas and return to a spacing pattern of stable home ranges and intra-sexual territoriality of adult females. These results are consistent with the space-use model and show that spacing behaviour in red squirrels is a plastic, conditional strategy with individuals adapting the size and/or location of their home ranges in relation to local distribution and abundance of food resources.Co-ordinating editor: R. Härdling 相似文献
Home range and habitat use by the sable<Emphasis Type="Italic"> Martes zibellina brachyura</Emphasis> in a Japanese cool-temperate mixed forest 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Home range and habitat use of the sable Martes zibellina brachyura were studied in a cool-temperate mixed forest in northernmost Japan. In both sexes, some sables showed a wide range of migration without establishing home ranges and the others had home ranges of 0.50–1.78 km2 (mean: 1.12±SD 0.495 km2, n =6) which were not significantly correlated with body weight or age. The analysis of canine tooth annuli revealed that the maximum age was 5.5 years. The home ranges of some sables overlapped so extensively that the home ranges and even the core areas did not appear exclusive to other sables. We determined resting sites and foraging routes in snow in winter. Comparison of vegetation at the resting sites and foraging routes with habitat availability suggested that the sables preferred resting in dense-tree forests with many tree species and debris probably in order to avoid predators (red foxes) and strong wind and foraging in forests of climax succession which are usually rich in their prey such as voles and mice. 相似文献
J. Halfar L. Godinez-Orta B. Riegl J.E. Valdez-Holguin J.M. Borges 《Coral reefs (Online)》2005,24(4):582-592
Non-framework building high-latitude coral communities have recently received increased attention as a result of their potential
to act as refugia during global change, as proxies for such change and for testing the environmental tolerance limits of various
species of coral. In this study, we report on high-resolution in situ measured environmental factors influencing the development of monospecific (Porites panamensis) non-framework building coral communities and the resulting coral-derived carbonate sediment production in the northern Gulf
of California, Mexico (Bahía de Los Angeles, 29°N, 113°E). Half-hourly measurements of temperature and chlorophyll a (a nutrient proxy) for a 1-year period indicate temperature extremes ranging from 14°C to 30°C, and average chlorophyll a values of 2.2 mg Chl a/m3 (eutrophic). Even though P. panamensis only occur as small massive and encrusting colonies, they nonetheless show a significant carbonate sediment production potential
(0.14 kg CaCO3/m2/year). A calculation of carbonate production rates vs amount of coral found in the sediment shows that this high-latitude
community must have persisted for an extended period of time. 相似文献
Y. Melero S. Palazón E. Revilla J. Martelo J. Gosàlbez 《European Journal of Wildlife Research》2008,54(4):609-617
Space use, intra-territorial habitat preferences, and factors affecting both were studied in an invading population of American
mink, Mustela vison, in two rivers of a Mediterranean region of Spain. Average linear home range was 1.19 ± 0.73 km (±SD) and core area was 0.21 ± 0.08 km
for resident males (n = 10); while for females (n = 5) they were 0.54 ± 0.14 and 0.19 ± 0.11 km, respectively. Overlapping between the home ranges of residents was low. In
no case their core areas overlapped. Home ranges were small in comparison to other study areas and in general the resident
minks were territorial. Linear home range length was related to individual weight and to the river. Weight had a positive
effect indicating a potential body condition effect, while river may be showing a habitat quality effect. Habitat preferences
were positively affected by the abundance of helophytic vegetation and negatively by the presence of human activity. Helophytic
vegetation offers both food and refuges, while human activity may represent a potential danger. Percentage of captures was
higher inside the core areas and was slightly influenced positively by abundance of helophytic vegetation. All this information
should be considered when designing and implementing measures to control the expansion of American minks. We recommend keeping
going with the trapping sessions but, given the results obtained, reducing the distance between traps down to 200 m to maximize
capturability (i.e., about doubling the trapping effort), and, when available, placing them near helophytic vegetation. In
the absence of helophytic vegetation, traps should be located near any kind of vegetation providing coverage for mink and
far from human activity. 相似文献
Massimo Favaron Giovanni C. Scherini Damiano Preatoni Guido Tosi Luc A. Wauters 《Journal of Ornithology》2006,147(4):618-628
Studies of rock ptarmigan Lagopus mutus in northern latitudes have shown that, in the breeding season, the majority of cocks pair monogamously and defend small territories, whilst in most populations, a small proportion of cocks are polygynous or remain unmated. Little is known, however, on spacing behaviour and habitat use of alpine rock ptarmigan populations occurring at low densities at the southern edge of the species’ range. From 1995 to 1997, we trapped, radio-tracked and observed birds in the Central Italian Alps (elevation 2,000–3,000 m) in order to investigate spacing behaviour and habitat use in alpine landscapes where habitats offering rich food and cover are patchy. Both sexes were selective in their habitat use, and cocks did not establish territories on bare ground, artificial or nutrient rich grasslands or bogs. In the breeding season, cocks had larger home ranges than hens (cocks 99 ± 57 ha, hens 50 ± 25 ha) that overlapped with the ranges of neighbouring cocks and hens. Cocks were monogamous and defended relatively large territories (core areas of home ranges: cocks 37 ± 26 ha, hens 24 ± 12 ha), which corresponded with low spring densities (0.47–2.29 cocks km−2 and 0.35–1.60 pairs km−2). Territory size of individual cocks was negatively correlated with the amount of high quality habitat in the core-area. Our results suggest increased home ranges and large breeding territories in low density alpine rock ptarmigan populations, compared to populations occurring at higher densities in the central and northern alps, and on subarctic and arctic grounds at northern latitudes, confirming the predictions of models on food-based territoriality. 相似文献
In the Waddensea, musselbed distribution and abundance has decreased. Management is aiming at increase of area of beds. Fisheries have been regulated. Mussel beds are slowly recovering, and localities where recovery occurs can be predicted reasonably well. Active restoration of beds has not been necessary, as long as newly formed beds are protected from fisheries. Potential suitable sites should be protected from bottom-disturbing activities which might influence the substrate for spatfall such as cockle beds and tube-building polycheates. 相似文献
Knowledge of genetic relationships among wildlife populations is fundamental to their conservation, particularly where translocations
are concerned. This study involved a survey of mitochondrial DNA variation in the Irish red squirrel population. Our main
aims were: (1) to determine whether the Irish red squirrel population is distinct from that found in Britain, given known
translocations that took place from Britain in the 1800’s; and (2) whether inclusion of Irish data into a reanalysis of European
red squirrel data could reveal patterns of postglacial spread in Ireland. We found evidence that the current Irish red squirrel
population may be a mixture of native and translocated stock, and relationships between Irish and European haplotypes supported
a number of colonisation events of the island. Although only one haplotype was common to both Ireland and Britain, it is probable
that the most common haplotypes in Ireland are British introductions that have since become extinct in Britain. There was
a significant regional genetic structure in Ireland (P < 0.001), as well as between all Irish and British regions. Although it is likely that the red squirrel will not be fundamental
in tracing the colonisation of Ireland by mammals, the data demonstrated that individual regions within Ireland, as well as
the Irish population as a whole, are distinct both from the British population and from each other and, therefore, these populations
should be treated as separate Management Units (MU) in conservation strategies. 相似文献
Home range (HR) size and overlap, movements, and nest site use of fat dormice Glis glis (Linnaeus, 1766) were studied by live-trapping and radiotracking in the Bialowieza Forest in north-eastern Poland. The study was conducted during a mast year of oak Quercus robur (2001) and hornbeam Carpinus betulus (2002). Average HR size measured by 100% minimum convex polygons varied from 3.6 to 7.0 ha in males and from 0.55 to 0.76 ha in females. HR size in males was significantly larger in the hornbeam mast year than in the oak mast year, which was probably due to the lower energy value of hornbeam mast. Males had significantly larger HRs and used more nest sites than females. In contrast to females, HRs of males overlapped extensively. In the mating season, core areas of males overlapped significantly more and they shared their core areas with more males than in the post-mating season. During the mating season, males were found to share nest sites with other males or with a single female. Additionally, groups of 2–3 males were observed aggregating around a female during the mating season. Our data suggest that fat dormice have a promiscuous mating system where the females are territorial, and the non-territorial males directly compete for access to receptive females during the mating season. 相似文献
Diurnal shifts in habitat use by age-0 (< 50 mm total length) brown trout (Salmo trutta) were observed from June to July 1989 and 1990 in low-gradient (< 1% channel slope) reaches of Douglas Creek, Medicine Bow National Forest, Wyoming. Fish were visually located during day and night, and water depth, water velocity, distance from the stream edge, substrate, habitat type, and cover were determined at each location. The fish were found predominantly in locations with slow water velocities in stream-margin and backwater-pool habitats. They were observed in slower water, closer to the stream edge at night than during the day. 相似文献
Laboratory experiments were performed to determine behavioral preferences of Gambusia affinis for habitat variables in partitioned aquaria. The fish preferred calm water, dark-colored substrates and subsurface vegetation providing lateral concealment. Floating cover, which obstructed access to the surface, was avoided. Lack of preference for real over plastic plant cover indicates that visual rather than chemical cues are involved. These laboratory preferences correspond to the reported microhabitat distribution of G. affinis in nature and indicate the presence of an active habitat preference, as opposed to passive habitat correlation, in this species. Species-specific habitat preferences, which may be narrower where a species occurs sympatrically with its congeners, probably form part of a reproductive isolating mechanism. 相似文献
Luc Barbaro Laurent Couzi Vincent Bretagnolle Julien Nezan Fabrice Vetillard 《Biodiversity and Conservation》2008,17(5):1073-1087
Bird conservation can be challenging in landscapes with high habitat turnover such as planted forests, especially for species
that require large home ranges and juxtaposition of different habitats to complete their life cycle. The eurasian hoopoe (Upupa epops) has declined severely in western Europe but is still abundant in south-western France. We studied habitat selection of hoopoes
in pine plantation forests using a multi-scale survey, including point-counts at the landscape level and radio-tracking at
the home-range scale. We quantified habitat use by systematically observing bird behaviour and characterized foraging sites
according to micro-habitat variables and abundance of the main prey in the study area, the pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa). At the landscape scale, hoopoes selected habitat mosaics of high diversity, including deciduous woods and hedgerows as
main nesting sites. At the home-range scale, hoopoes showed strong selection for short grassland vegetation along sand tracks
as main foraging habitats. Vegetation was significantly shorter and sparser at foraging sites than random, and foraging intensity
appeared to be significantly correlated with moth winter nest abundance. Hoopoe nesting success decreased during the three
study years in line with processionary moth abundance. Thus, we suggest that hoopoes need complementation between foraging
and breeding habitats to establish successfully in pine plantations. Hoopoe conservation requires the maintenance of adjacent
breeding (deciduous woods) and foraging habitats (short swards adjacent to plantation edges), and consequently depends on
the maintenance of habitat diversity at the landscape scale. 相似文献
Concern over amphibian population declines and loss of terrestrial and aquatic habitat have emphasized the need to define habitat requirements for each stage in a species' life history. The realization that pond-breeding amphibians spend most of their lives in the terrestrial environment suggests the need to protect terrestrial as well as aquatic habitat. Many studies on amphibian populations have focused on emigration from breeding sites to define habitat use; however these studies do not typically elucidate terrestrial activities of adults within the breeding season. We measured colonization rates of artificial pools by gray treefrogs (Hyla versicolor) at multiple distances from natural breeding ponds. We found a non-random distribution of egg deposition among distances, with 95% of eggs deposited within 15 m of the breeding pond. Additionally, we found that the time to first colonization of artificial pools increased with respect to distance. Our results indicate that adult gray treefrogs may travel up to 200 m within a breeding season, and that multiple breeding ponds may be considered part of a single population. We suggest that a minimum core terrestrial habitat of 60 m surrounding breeding sites is appropriate for protection of local populations of gray treefrogs. 相似文献
Barbara Sigman Decker 《International journal of primatology》1994,15(5):703-737
Annual surveys in 1985–1987 revealed that, since 1975, the total population of the Tana River red colobus (Colobus badius rufomitratus)declined by approximately 80%. An intensive study in 1986–1988 of two groups of colobus in the Tana River Primate National
Reserve indicated that habitat disturbance from the changing river course and shifting agricultural practices were primarily
responsible for the decline. Clearcutting around Mchelelo forest in the late 1960s compressed colobus populations to levels
probably above the carrying capacity. Between 1975 and 1986 primate population density declined dramatically, the number of
red colobus groups in Mchelelo forest decreased by half, and the size of the remaining group was greatly reduced. In 1986,
there were fewer solitary colobus and small parties in the forest, harem male takeovers did not occur, infant survivorship
increased, and demographic parameters generally had improved. The colobus groups in Mchelelo in 1973–1975, living at higher
densities, showed different feeding and ranging behaviors than 1986–1988 groups. Range size was smaller in 1975, range overlap
occurred, and a greater portion of the forest was used per day and per month. Mature leaves accounted for a much higher proportion
of the diet. Time spent feeding and resting was the same in both studies. Social organization in predominantly one- male groups
was maintained and adult and subadult females transferred between groups. 相似文献
Scrub mangrove wetlands colonize the intertidal zone of fossil lagoons located in carbonate continental margins along the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. These unique ecological types were investigated in October, 1994, by locating transects in several mangrove forests along the Caribbean coast of the peninsula. Four species of mangrove occurred at these sites including Rhizophora mangle, Avicennia germinans, Laguncularia racemosa, Conocarpus erecta. This is one of the first examples of a species rich scrub forest. The mangroves fell into three height categories: short scrub less than 1.5 m, tall scrub to 3.0 m, and basin forests between 4.5 and 6 m. Average height, diameter (dbh), basal area, and complexity index generally increased from short scrub to basin forests. Basal area, ranged from 0.16 m2 ha–1 in a short scrub forest intermixed with Cladium jamaicense to 12.9 m2 ha–1 in a basin forest. Density ranged from 1520 trees ha–1 to over 25,000 trees ha–1 in a short scrub forest dominated by R. mangle. The complexity index ranged from 0.01 to 8.3. Height, dbh, basal area, and complexity index were positively related. A number of trees were growing as sprouts from larger downed trunks, suggesting that hurricanes, such as Gilbert that occurred in 1988, are important in controlling the structure of these forests. These forests appear isolated from the sea, but are influenced by groundwater exchange occurring at the land-margin zone. 相似文献
Effects of reproductive resource supplementation on space-use patterns in Dendrobates pumilio 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Maureen A. Donnelly 《Oecologia》1989,81(2):212-218
Summary I increased the availability of tadpole-rearing sites (bromeliads) and oviposition sites (leaf litter) and examined the effects on space-use patterns in adult Dendrobates pumilio at the La Selva Biological Reserve in northeastern Costa Rica. I made 4158 observations of 986 marked adults during the seven-month study period. The addition of leaf litter did not result in increased density, but the addition of bromeliads did. The addition of leaf litter resulted in increased home-range size, but the effect depended on bromelial addition and sex. Home-range size was greater for females than males, and may be related to parental care and/or mate selection. Home-range size was not correlated with density. Spatio-temporal overlap was not affected by resource supplementation but the proportion of females captured in sites shared with males varied temporally. Dispersion was no affected by bromeliad supplementation but males on litter-addition plots were less clumped than males on other plots. These results indicate that the density increase observed on bromeliad-addition plots was accommodated by frogs utilizing previously unoccupied space. Frogs were captured more frequently at bromeliads on bromeliad-supplemented plots than on litter-addition and control plots. The size of the area defended by territorial males is smaller than home-range size indicating the absence of home-range defense. 相似文献
Ultrasonic telemetry was used to assess habitat features utilized by 36 endangered juvenile white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus, in the lower 120 km of the Kootenai River of Idaho, USA and British Columbia, Canada during the summer and early fall of 1999 and 2000. All 36 fish were initially captured in pools using gillnets and released there, but most of the subsequent telemetry contacts were in glides, indicating these fish moved freely between the two macro-habitats. The low electivity indices indicated little preference between glides and pools. Most contacts were in glides, in the outside bend of the river channel (50), and in or near a visually defined thalweg. Contacts were most often associated with sand substrates and no cover. Physical habitat characteristics (nose [bottom] water velocity, depth, substrate, and cover) were recorded at 168 contact locations. The combination of significantly greater velocities and depths at contact sites vs. non-contact sites (p < 0.01) indicated these fish actively found and used areas of higher velocity and greater depth within the Kootenai River. There was little cover found for fish in the river other than large sand dunes and depth. The combination of depth and nose velocity data supported the idea that large sand dunes are providing refugia in the form of velocity breaks. 相似文献