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An engineered class I transfer RNA with a class II tertiary fold   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Structure-based engineering of the tertiary fold of Escherichia coli tRNA(Gln)2 has enabled conversion of this transfer RNA to a class II structure while retaining recognition properties of a class I glutamine tRNA. The new tRNA possesses the 20-nt variable stem-loop of Thermus thermophilus tRNA(Ser). Enlargement of the D-loop appears essential to maintaining a stable tertiary structure in this species, while rearrangement of a base triple in the augmented D-stem is critical for efficient glutaminylation. These data provide new insight into structural determinants distinguishing the class I and class II tRNA folds, and demonstrate a marked sensitivity of glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase to alteration of tRNA tertiary structure.  相似文献   

The effect of manganese on both the low field (10--15 ppm) and the high field (o--3 ppm) NMR spectra of unfractionated tRNA and yeast tRNAPhe has been investigated. Trace amounts of Mn2+ cause selective broadening of resonances which are assigned to specific tertiary interactions. The order in which resonances broaden is the same as the order in which they are stabilized by the addition of magnesium, namely s4U8 - A14, U33 and A58 - T54. From this we conclude that three of the strong binding sites probably are the same for both Mn2+ and Mg2+, and that these sites are located close to the tertiary interactions which are stabilized by the strongly bound metals. The broadening data, taken in conjunction with published X-ray data on yeast tRNAPhe, permit us to suggest some plausible locations for the strong binding sites.  相似文献   

Short hairpin RNA (shRNA)-mediated RNA interference has become a basic technique in modern molecular biology and biochemistry for studying gene function and biological pathways. Here, we report two alternative and efficient methods to construct shRNA expression vectors based respectively on multiple-step sequential PCR and primer extension–homologous recombination (PE-HR). Neither method requires synthesizing long oligonucleotides containing hairpin sequences as used in traditional approaches. The hairpin sequences may produce mutations during oligo synthesis, pose problems in annealing, and lead to inefficient cloning. The PE-HR method further provides rapid and economical construction of shRNA expression vectors without needing the ligation procedure.  相似文献   

Qin H  Sosnick TR  Pan T 《Biochemistry》2001,40(37):11202-11210
The structure of the specificity domain (S-domain) of the Bacillus subtilis RNase P RNA has been proposed to be composed of a core and a buttress module, analogous to the bipartite structure of the P4-P6 domain of the Tetrahymena group I ribozyme. The core module is the functional unit of the S-domain and contains the binding site for the T stem-loop of a tRNA. The buttress module provides structural stability to the core module and consists of a GA3 tetraloop and its receptor. To explicitly test the hypothesis that modular construction can describe the structure of the S-domain and is a useful RNA design strategy, we analyzed the equilibrium folding and substrate binding of three classes of S-domain mutants. Addition or deletion of a base pair in the helical linker region between the modules only modestly destabilizes the tertiary structure. tRNA binding selectivity is affected in one but not in two other mutants of this class. Elimination of the GA3 tetraloop-receptor interactions significantly destabilizes the core module and results in the loss of tRNA binding selectivity. Replacing the buttress module with that of a homologous RNase P RNA maintains the tRNA binding selectivity. Overall, we have observed that the linker regions between the two modules can tolerate moderate structural changes and that the buttress modules can be shuffled between homologous S-domains. These results suggest that it is feasible to design an RNA using a buttress module to stabilize a functional module.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Liquid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has now been well established as a method for RNA tertiary structure determination. Most of the steps involved in the determination of RNA molecules are performed using computer programs. They however, do not apply to resonance assignment being the starting point of the whole procedure. We propose a tabu search algorithm as a tool for automating this step. Nuclear overhause effect (NOE) pathway, which determines the assignment, is constructed during an analysis of possible connections between resonances within aromatic/anomeric region of two-dimensional NOESY spectrum resulting from appropriate NMR experiment. RESULTS: Computational tests demonstrate the superior performance of the tabu search algorithm as compared with the exact enumerative approach and genetic procedure applied to the experimental and simulated spectral data for RNA molecules. AVAILABILITY: The software package can be obtained upon request from Marta Szachniuk.  相似文献   

B E Storer 《Biometrics》1992,48(1):55-60
In the Phase II design of Fleming (1982, Biometrics 38, 143-151), the possible outcomes are to reject H1:p less than or equal to p1 or to reject H2: p greater than or equal to p2, where p1 less than p2. The design is constrained by specifying that Pr(reject H1[p1) less than or equal to alpha and Pr(reject H2[p2) less than or equal to beta. This can lead to some ambiguity as to the appropriate practical decision at the end of the trial, as the confidence region for p may include a substantial part of the interval between p1 and p2. We propose a class of designs wherein an allowable outcome is not to reject either H1 or H2. An additional constraint is placed on the design by specifying Pr(reject Hj[pm) less than or equal to gamma (j = 1, 2), where p1 less than pm less than p2. This type of design can provide a more realistic basis for decision making following the trial, although traditional values of alpha and/or beta need to be viewed from a somewhat different perspective in order to maintain a reasonable sample size. Some optimal single-stage and sequential multistage designs are presented.  相似文献   

According to conventional wisdom, functional diversity is exclusively a consequence of species having evolved adaptations to fill different niches within a heterogeneous environment. This view anticipates only one optimal combination of trait values in a given environment, but it is also conceivable that alternative designs of equal fitness in the same environment might evolve. To investigate that possibility, we use a genetic algorithm to search for optimal combinations of 34 functional traits in a realistic model of tree seedling growth and survival. We show that separate lineages of seedlings evolving in identical environments result in many alternative functional designs of approximately equal fitness.  相似文献   

Tertiary core rearrangements in a tight binding transfer RNA aptamer   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Guided by an in vitro selection experiment designed to obtain tight binding aptamers of Escherichia coli glutamine specific tRNA (tRNAGln) for glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (GlnRS), we have engineered a tRNA mutant in which the five-nucleotide variable loop sequence 5'-44CAUUC48-3' is replaced by 5'-44AGGU48-3'. This mutant tRNA binds to GlnRS with 30-fold improved affinity compared to the wild type. The 2.7 A cocrystal structure of the RNA aptamer-GlnRS complex reveals major rearrangements in the central tertiary core of the tRNA, while maintaining an RNA-protein interface identical to the wild type. The repacked RNA core features a novel hydrogen bonding arrangement of the trans Levitt pair G15-U48, a new sulfate binding pocket in the major groove, and increased hydrophobic stacking interactions among the bases. These data suggest that enhanced protein binding to a mutant globular RNA can arise from stabilization of RNA tertiary interactions rather than optimization of RNA-protein contacts.  相似文献   

A self-cleaving satellite RNA associated with barley yellow dwarf virus (sBYDV) contains a sequence predicted to form a secondary structure similar to catalytic RNA molecules (ribozymes) of the 'hammerhead' class (Miller et al., 1991, Virology 183, 711-720). However, this RNA differs from other naturally occurring hammerheads both in its very slow cleavage rate, and in some aspects of its structure. One striking structural difference is that an additional helix is predicted that may be part of an unusual pseudoknot containing three stacked helices. Nucleotide substitutions that prevent formation of the additional helix and favor the hammerhead increased the self-cleavage rate up to 400-fold. Compensatory substitutions, predicted to restore the additional helix, reduced the self-cleavage rate by an extent proportional to the calculated stability of the helix. Partial digestion of the RNA with structure-sensitive nucleases supported the existence of the proposed alternative structure in the wildtype sequence, and formation of the hammerhead in the rapidly-cleaving mutants. This tertiary interaction may serve as a molecular switch that controls the rate of self-cleavage and possibly other functions of the satellite RNA.  相似文献   

The sequences of three promoters recognized by the bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase in the class II region of T7 DNA are reported. They are located at 27.9, 33.3 and 34.7 T7 units. The sequences of these promoters are compared with those of other previously characterized late T7 promoters.  相似文献   

Comparison of microarray designs for class comparison and class discovery   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
MOTIVATION: Two-color microarray experiments in which an aliquot derived from a common RNA sample is placed on each array are called reference designs. Traditionally, microarray experiments have used reference designs, but designs without a reference have recently been proposed as alternatives. RESULTS: We develop a statistical model that distinguishes the different levels of variation typically present in cancer data, including biological variation among RNA samples, experimental error and variation attributable to phenotype. Within the context of this model, we examine the reference design and two designs which do not use a reference, the balanced block design and the loop design, focusing particularly on efficiency of estimates and the performance of cluster analysis. We calculate the relative efficiency of designs when there are a fixed number of arrays available, and when there are a fixed number of samples available. Monte Carlo simulation is used to compare the designs when the objective is class discovery based on cluster analysis of the samples. The number of discrepancies between the estimated clusters and the true clusters were significantly smaller for the reference design than for the loop design. The efficiency of the reference design relative to the loop and block designs depends on the relation between inter- and intra-sample variance. These results suggest that if cluster analysis is a major goal of the experiment, then a reference design is preferable. If identification of differentially expressed genes is the main concern, then design selection may involve a consideration of several factors.  相似文献   

An endogenous RNA (designated as PIVB RNA), which is capable of associating with the 4 S glucocorticoid receptor (GR) to generate the 6 S form, has been purified from AtT-20 cells (Ali, M., and Vedeckis, W. V. (1987) J. Biol. Chem., 262, 6771-6777). We describe here the physiochemical properties, GR-RNA interaction characteristics, and the chemical identification of PIVB RNA. 32P-Labeled PIVB RNA was similar to transfer RNA (tRNA) in its sedimentation coefficient (4 S) on sucrose gradients, electrophoretic mobility on formaldehyde-agarose gels, and receptor binding characteristics. The amino acid acceptor activity of PIVB RNA displayed a typical tRNA-dependent saturation curve and was 2-3-fold higher than that of homologous rabbit liver tRNA when tested using rabbit liver aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase. The purified [3H] aminoacyl-PIVB complex was also capable of binding to the 4 S GR to generate the 6 S form. The analysis of PIVB RNA on an acrylamide-urea sequencing gel revealed that it contained a major tRNA of 76 nucleotides and other minor tRNA species of 74 and 78 nucleotides. The identity of the tRNA present in the PIVB RNA was indirectly deduced by analyzing the 3H-amino acids, liberated from the [3H]aminoacyl-PIVB RNA (tRNA) complex, and subsequent analysis on an amino acid analyzer. PIVB RNA mainly contained tRNAArg (51.8%), tRNALys (17.1%), and tRNAHis (9.2%) which together accounted for 78% of the total PIVB tRNA. The remaining 22% of tRNA was contributed by threonine, valine, aspartic acid, alanine, and phenylalanine tRNAs. The GR displayed no species specificity, and tRNA samples from mouse, cow, rabbit, yeast, and Escherichia coli can bind to the mouse 4 S GR to generate the 6 S form. However, PIVB RNA did not affect the sedimentation profiles of albumin, chymotrypsinogen, and histone, indicating that PIVB RNA does not bind to all proteins. Thus, there may exist some specificity both at the level of protein (GR) and the selection of RNA (tRNA). The GR binding to PIVB RNA occurred at low (nM) receptor concentration, and PIVB RNA showed limited capacity to shift 4 S GR to the 6 S form. 22.4 X 10(-11) mol of PIVB RNA can completely shift 4.8 X 10(-13) mol of 4 S GR to 6 S. That is, PIVB RNA has to be in a 500-600-fold excess over the amounts of GR to observe a stable 6 S GR X RNA complex on sucrose gradients. These results conclusively demonstrate that the transformed GR specifically binds to endogenous tRNA.  相似文献   

The core of Escherichia coli tRNA(Cys) is important for aminoacylation of the tRNA by cysteine-tRNA synthetase. This core differs from the common tRNA core by having a G15:G48, rather than a G15:C48 base-pair. Substitution of G15:G48 with G15:C48 decreases the catalytic efficiency of aminoacylation by two orders of magnitude. This indicates that the design of the core is not compatible with G15:C48. However, the core of E. coli tRNA(Gln), which contains G15:C48, is functional for cysteine-tRNA synthetase. Here, guided by the core of E. coli tRNA(Gln), we sought to test and identify alternative functional design of the tRNA(Cys) core that contains G15:C48. Although analysis of the crystal structure of tRNA(Cys) and tRNA(Gln) implicated long-range tertiary base-pairs above and below G15:G48 as important for a functional core, we showed that this was not the case. The replacement of tertiary interactions involving 9, 21, and 59 in tRNA(Cys) with those in tRNA(Gln) did not construct a functional core that contained G15:C48. In contrast, substitution of nucleotides in the variable loop adjacent to 48 of the 15:48 base-pair created functional cores. Modeling studies of a functional core suggests that the re-constructed core arose from enhanced stacking interactions that compensated for the disruption caused by the G15:C48 base-pair. The repacked tRNA core displayed features that were distinct from those of the wild-type and provided evidence that stacking interactions are alternative means than long-range tertiary base-pairs to a functional core for aminoacylation.  相似文献   

Computational prediction of RNA tertiary structures is a significant challenge, especially for longer RNA and pseudoknots. At present it is still difficult to do this by pure all-atom molecular dynamics simulation. One of possible approaches is through hierarchical steps: from sequence to secondary structure and then to tertiary structure. Here we present improvements of two key steps of this approach, the manual adjustment of atom clashes and bond stretches and molecular dynamics refinement. We provide an energy function to find the locations of atom clashes and bond stretches and to guide their manual adjustment and a new scheme of molecular dynamics refinement using a tested combination of solvent model and the ff98 Amber force field suitable for RNA. We predicted with higher accuracy the tertiary structures of nine typical RNA molecules of lengths from 12 to 52, including hairpins, duplex helices and pseudoknots.  相似文献   

The position of the tertiary Levitt pair between nucleotides 15 and 48 in the transfer RNA core region suggests a key role in stabilizing the joining of the two helical domains, and in maintaining the relative orientations of the D and variable loops. E. coli tRNA(Gln) possesses the canonical Pu15-Py48 trans pairing at this position (G15-C48), while the tRNA(Cys) species from this organism instead features an unusual G15-G48 pair. To explore the structural context dependence of a G15-G48 Levitt pair, a number of tRNA(Gln) species containing G15-G48 were constructed and evaluated as substrates for glutaminyl and cysteinyl-tRNA synthetases. The glutaminylation efficiencies of these mutant tRNAs are reduced by two to tenfold compared with native tRNA(Gln), consistent with previous findings that the tertiary core of this tRNA plays a role in GlnRS recognition. Introduction of tRNA(Cys) identity nucleotides at the acceptor and anticodon ends of tRNA(Gln) produced a tRNA substrate which was efficiently aminoacylated by CysRS, even though the tertiary core region of this species contains the tRNA(Gln) G15-C48 pair. Surprisingly, introduction of G15-G48 into the non-cognate tRNA(Gln) tertiary core then significantly impairs CysRS recognition. By contrast, previous work has shown that CysRS aminoacylates tRNA(Cys) core regions containing G15-G48 with much better efficiency than those with G15-C48. Therefore, tertiary nucleotides surrounding the Levitt pair must significantly modulate the efficiency of aminoacylation by CysRS. To explore the detailed nature of the structural interdependence, crystal structures of two tRNA(Gln) mutants containing G15-G48 were determined bound to GlnRS. These structures show that the larger purine ring of G48 is accommodated by rotation into the syn position, with the N7 nitrogen serving as hydrogen bond acceptor from several groups of G15. The G15-G48 conformations differ significantly compared to that observed in the native tRNA(Cys) structure bound to EF-Tu, further implicating an important role for surrounding nucleotides in maintaining the integrity of the tertiary core and its consequent ability to present crucial recognition determinants to aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases.  相似文献   

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