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Light modulation of the ability of three artificial quinones, 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone (DBMIB), 2,6-dichloro-p-benzoquinone (DCBQ), and tetramethyl-p-benzoquinone (duroquinone), to quench chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence photochemically or non-photochemically was studied to simulate the functions of endogenous plastoquinones during the thermal phase of fast Chl fluorescence induction kinetics. DBMIB was found to suppress by severalfold the basal level of Chl fluorescence (Fo) and to markedly retard the light-induced rise of variable fluorescence (Fv). After irradiation with actinic light, Chl fluorescence rapidly dropped down to the level corresponding to Fo level in untreated thylakoids and then slowly declined to the initial level. DBMIB was found to be an efficient photochemical quencher of energy in Photosystem II (PSII) in the dark, but not after prolonged irradiation. Those events were owing to DBMIB reduction under light and its oxidation in the dark. At high concentrations, DCBQ exhibited quenching behaviours similar to those of DBMIB. In contrast, duroquinone demonstrated the ability to quench Fv at low concentration, while Fo was declined only at high concentrations of this artificial quinone. Unlike for DBMIB and DCBQ, quenched Fo level was attained rapidly after actinic light had been turned off in the presence of high duroquinone concentrations. That finding evidenced that the capacity of duroquinone to non-photochemically quench excitation energy in PSII was maintained during irradiation, which is likely owing to the rapid electron transfer from duroquinol to Photosystem I (PSI). It was suggested that DBMIB and DCBQ at high concentration, on the one hand, and duroquinone, on the other hand, mimic the properties of plastoquinones as photochemical and non-photochemical quenchers of energy in PSII under different conditions. The first model corresponds to the conditions under which the plastoquinone pool can be largely reduced (weak electron release from PSII to PSI compared to PSII-driven electron flow from water under strong light and weak PSI photochemical capacity because of inactive electron transport on its reducing side), while the second one mimics the behaviour of the plastoquinone pool when it cannot be filled up with electrons (weak or moderate light and high photochemical competence of PSI).  相似文献   

Jérôme Lavergne 《BBA》1982,679(1):12-18
Chloroplasts were submitted to a sequence of saturating short flashes and then rapidly mixed with dichlorophenyldimethylurea (DCMU). The amount of singly reduced secondary acceptor (B?) present was estimated from the DCMU-induced increase in fluorescence in the dark caused by the reaction: QB?
Q?B. By varying the time interval between the preillumination and the mixing, the time course of B? reoxidation by externally added benzoquinone was investigated. It was found that benzoquinone oxidizes B? in a bimolecular reaction, and does not interact directly with Q?. When a sufficient delay after the preillumination was allowed in order to let benzoquinone reoxidize B? before the injection of DCMU, the fluorescence increase caused by one subsequent flash fired in the presence of DCMU was followed by a fast decay phase (t12 ? 100 μs). The amplitude of this phase was proportional to the amount of B? produced by the preillumination. This fast decay was observed only after the first flash in the presence of DCMU. These results are interpreted by assuming a binding of the singly reduced benzoquinone to Photosystem II where it acts as an efficient, DCMU-insensitive, secondary (exogenous) acceptor.  相似文献   

We performed picosecond fluorescence measurements on well-defined Photosystem II (PSII) supercomplexes from Arabidopsis with largely varying antenna sizes. The average excited-state lifetime ranged from 109 ps for PSII core to 158 ps for the largest C2S2M2 complex in 0.01% α-DM. Excitation energy transfer and trapping were investigated by coarse-grained modeling of the fluorescence kinetics. The results reveal a large drop in free energy upon charge separation (>700 cm−1) and a slow relaxation of the radical pair to an irreversible state (∼150 ps). Somewhat unexpectedly, we had to reduce the energy-transfer and charge-separation rates in complexes with decreasing size to obtain optimal fits. This strongly suggests that the antenna system is important for plant PSII integrity and functionality, which is supported by biochemical results. Furthermore, we used the coarse-grained model to investigate several aspects of PSII functioning. The excitation trapping time appears to be independent of the presence/absence of most of the individual contacts between light-harvesting complexes in PSII supercomplexes, demonstrating the robustness of the light-harvesting process. We conclude that the efficiency of the nonphotochemical quenching process is hardly dependent on the exact location of a quencher within the supercomplexes.  相似文献   

Wim F.J. Vermaas  Charles J. Arntzen   《BBA》1983,725(3):483-491
We have analyzed the binding of synthetic quinones and herbicides which inhibit electron transport at the acceptor side of Photosystem II (PS II) of the photosynthetic electron-transport chain in thylakoid membranes. These data show that quinones and PS II-directed herbicides compete for binding to a common binding environment within a PS II region which functions as the Q / PQ oxidoreductase. We observed that (1) synthetic quinones cause a parallel inhibition of electron transport and [14C]herbicide displacement, and (2) herbicide binding is affected both by the fully oxidized and fully reduced form of a quinone. Quinone function and inhibitor binding were also investigated in thylakoids isolated from triazine-resistant weed biotypes. We conclude the following. (1) The affinity of the secondary accepting quinone, B, is decreased in resistant thylakoids. (2) The observation that the equilibrium concentration of reduced Q after transferring one electron to the acceptor side of PS II is increased in resistant as compared to susceptible chloroplasts may be explained both by a decrease in the affinity of PQ for the herbicide / quinone binding environment, and by a decrease of the midpont redox potential of the B / B couple. (3) The binding environment regulating quinone and herbicide affinity may be divided roughly into two domains; we suggest that the domain regulating quinone head-group binding is little changed in resistant membranes, whereas the domain-regulating quinone side-group binding (and atrazine) is altered. This results in increased inhibitory activity of tetrachloro-p-benzoquinone and phenolic herbicides, which are hypothesized to utilize the quinone head-group domain. The two domains appear to be spatially overlapping because efficient atrazine displacement by tetrachloro-p-benzoquinone is observed.  相似文献   

NH2OH-treated, non-water-splitting chloroplasts can oxidize H2O2 to O2 through Photosystem II at substantial rates (100--250 muequiv . h-1 . mg-1 chlorophyll with 5 mM H2O2) using 2,5-dimethyl-p-benzoquinone as an electron acceptor in the presence of the plastoquinone antagonist dibromothymoquinone. This H2O2 leads to Photosystem II leads to dimethylquinone reaction supports phosphorylation with a P/e2 ratio of 0.25--0.35 and proton uptake with H+/e values of 0.67 (pH 8)--0.85 (pH 6). These are close to the P/e2 value of 0.3--0.38 and the H+/e values of 0.7--0.93 found in parallel experiments for the H2O leads to Photosystem II leads to dimethylquinone reaction in untreated chloroplasts. Semi-quantitative data are also presented which show that the donor leads to Photosystem II leads to dibromothymoquinone (leads to O2) reaction can support phosphorylation when the donor used is a proton-releasing reductant (benzidine, catechol) but not when it is a non-proton carrier (I-, ferrocyanide).  相似文献   

R.L. Pan  S. Izawa 《BBA》1979,547(2):311-319
NH2OH-treated, non-water-splitting chloroplasts can oxidize H2O2 to O2 through Photosystem II at substantial rates (100–250 μequiv · h?1 · mg?1 chlorophyll with 5 mM H2O2) using 2,5-dimethyl-p-benzoquinone as an electron acceptor in the presence of the plastoquinone antagonist dibromothymoquinone. This H2O2 → Photosystem II → dimethylquinone reaction supports phosphorylation with a Pe2 ratio of 0.25–0.35 and proton uptake with H+e values of 0.67 (pH 8)–0.85 (pH 6). These are close to the Pe2 value of 0.3–0.38 and the H+e values of 0.7–0.93 found in parallel experiments for the H2O → Photosystem II → dimethylquinone reaction in untreated chloroplasts. Semi-quantitative data are also presented which show that the donor → Photosystem II → dibromothymoquinone (→O2) reaction can support phosphorylation when the donor used is a proton-releasing reductant (benzidine, catechol) but not when it is a non-proton carrier (I?, ferrocyanide).  相似文献   

We propose yet another function for the unique appressed thylakoids of grana stacks of higher plants, namely that during prolonged high light, the non-functional, photoinhibited PS II centres accumulate as D1 protein degradation is prevented and may act as dissipative conduits to protect other functional PS II centres. The need for this photoprotective mechanism to prevent high D1 protein turnover under excess photons in higher plants, especially those grown in shade, is due to conflicting demands between efficient use of low irradiance and protection from periodic exposure to excessive irradiance.  相似文献   

The PsbS protein is a critical component in the regulation of non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) in higher plant photosynthesis. Electron microscopy and image analysis of grana membrane fragments from wild type and mutant Arabidopsis plants showed that the semi-crystalline domains of photosystem II supercomplexes were identical in the presence and absence of PsbS. However, the frequency of the domains containing crystalline arrays was increased in the absence of PsbS. Conversely, there was a complete absence of such arrays in the membranes of plants containing elevated amounts of this protein. It is proposed that PsbS controls the macro-organisation of the grana membrane, providing an explanation of its role in NPQ.  相似文献   

Structure and organisation of Photosystem I and Photosystem II isolated from red alga Cyanidium caldarium was determined by electron microscopy and single particle image analysis. The overall structure of Photosystem II was found to be similar to that known from cyanobacteria. The location of additional 20 kDa (PsbQ') extrinsic protein that forms part of the oxygen evolving complex was suggested to be in the vicinity of cytochrome c-550 (PsbV) and the 12 kDa (PsbU) protein. Photosystem I was determined as a monomeric unit consisting of PsaA/B core complex with varying amounts of antenna subunits attached. The number of these subunits was seen to be dependent on the light conditions used during cell cultivation. The role of PsaH and PsaG proteins of Photosystem I in trimerisation and antennae complexes binding is discussed.  相似文献   

Time-resolved spectroscopic techniques, including optical flash photolysis and electron spin resonance spectroscopy, have been utilized to monitor electron-transport activity in Photosystem II subchloroplast particles. These studies have indicated that in the presence of 100 microM linolenic acid (1) a high initial fluorescence yield (Fi) is observed upon steady-state illumination of the dark-adapted sample; (2) flash-induced absorption transients (t greater than 10 mus) in the region of 820 nm, attributed to P-680+, are first slowed, then abolished; and (3) electron spin resonance Signal IIs and Signal IIf (Z+) are not detectable. Upon reversal of linolenic acid inhibition by washing with bovine serum albumin, optical and electron spin resonance transients originating from the photooxidation of P-680 are restored. Similarly, the variable component of fluorescence is recovered with an accompanying restoration of Signal IIs and Signal IIf. The data indicate that linolenic acid affects two inhibition sites in Photosystem II: one located between pheophytin and QA on the reducing side, and the other between electron donor Z and P-680 on the oxidizing side. Since both sites are associated with bound quinone molecules, we suggest that linolenic acid interacts at the level of quinone binding proteins in Photosystem II.  相似文献   

Dissipation of absorbed excitation energy as heat, measured by its effect on the quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence, is induced under conditions of excess light in order to protect the photosynthetic apparatus of plants from light-dependent damage. The spectral characteristics of this quenching have been compared to that due to photochemistry in the Photosystem II reaction centre using leaves of Guzmania monostachia. This was achieved by making measurements at 77K when fluorescence emission bands from each type of chlorophyll protein complex can be distinguished. It was demonstrated that photochemistry and non-photochemical dissipation preferentially quench different emission bands and therefore occur by dissimilar mechanisms at separate sites. It was found that photochemistry was associated with a preferential quenching of emission at 688 nm whereas the spectrum for rapidly reversible non-photochemical quenching had maxima at 683 nm and 698 nm, suggesting selective quenching of the bands originating from the light harvesting complexes of Photosystem II. Further evidence that this was occurring in the light harvesting system was obtained from the fluorescence excitation spectra recorded in the quenched and relaxed states.Abbreviations pH transthylakoid pH gradient - Fo minimum level of chlorophyll fluorescence when Photosystem II reaction centres are open - Fm maximum level of fluorescence when Photosystem II reaction centres are closed - Fv variable fluorescence Fm minus Fo - F'o Fo in any quenched state - Fm Fm in any quenched state - LHCII light harvesting complexes of Photosystem II - PSI Photosystem I - PS II Photosystem II - qN non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence - qE non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence that occurs in the presence of a pH  相似文献   

G. Renger  B. Hanssum  H. Gleiter  H. Koike  Y. Inoue 《BBA》1988,936(3):435-446
The interaction of exogenous quinones with the Photosystem II (PS II) acceptor side has been analyzed by measurements of flash-induced 320 nm absorption changes, transient flash-induced variable fluorescence changes, thermoluminescence emission and oxygen yield in dark-adapted thylakoids and PS II membrane fragments. Two classes of 1,4-benzoquinones were shown to give rise to remarkably different reaction patterns. (A) Phenyl-p-benzoquinone (Ph-p-BQ) -type compounds give rise to a marked binary oscillation of the initial amplitudes of 320 nm absorption changes induced by a flash train in dark-adapted PS II membrane fragments and a retardation of the decay kinetics of the flash-induced variable fluorescence. The electron transfer reactions to these type of quinones are severely inhibited by 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU). (B) In the presence of tribromotoluquinone (TBTQ) a different oscillation pattern of the 320 nm absorption changes is observed characterized by a marked relaxation after the first flash in the 5 ms domain. This relaxation is insensitive to 10 μM DCMU. Likewise the decay of the flash-induced variable fluorescence in TBTQ-treated samples is much less sensitive to DCMU than in control. The thermoluminescence emission exhibits an oscillation in samples incubated for 5 min with TBTQ before addition of 30 μM DCMU. Under the same conditions a significant flash-induced oxygen evolution is observed only after the third and fourth flash, respectively, whereas in the presence of TBTQ alone a normal oscillation pattern is observed. The different functional patterns of PS II caused by the two types of classes of exogenous quinones are interpreted by their binding properties: a noncovalent association with the QB-site of Ph-p-BQ-type quinones versus a tight (covalent?) binding in the vicinity of QA (possibly also at the QB-site) in the case of halogenated 1,4-benzoquinones. The mechanistic implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Structure and organisation of Photosystem I and Photosystem II isolated from red alga Cyanidium caldarium was determined by electron microscopy and single particle image analysis. The overall structure of Photosystem II was found to be similar to that known from cyanobacteria. The location of additional 20 kDa (PsbQ′) extrinsic protein that forms part of the oxygen evolving complex was suggested to be in the vicinity of cytochrome c-550 (PsbV) and the 12 kDa (PsbU) protein. Photosystem I was determined as a monomeric unit consisting of PsaA/B core complex with varying amounts of antenna subunits attached. The number of these subunits was seen to be dependent on the light conditions used during cell cultivation. The role of PsaH and PsaG proteins of Photosystem I in trimerisation and antennae complexes binding is discussed.  相似文献   

Three fluorescent, lipophilic, heterocyclic antioxidants were incorporated into lipid bilayers and exposed to depth-dependent nitroxyl fatty acid quenchers. The Stern-Volmer plots curved upward at low quencher concentrations. Quantitative analysis of the results showed that this behavior is consistent with complex formation between quencher and fluorescent antioxidant, where the complex is 2-3 times more fluorescent than the parent fluorophore. At higher quencher concentrations, both free antioxidant and 'bright complex' are quenched dynamically, albeit quenching of the latter is less efficient. The complex probably results from ionic, hydrogen bond and pi-pi interactions. Formation of such a 'bright complex' is also observable in a homogeneous solution of the reactants in cyclohexane. Additional evidence for the complexation of these antioxidants with fatty acids in lipid bilayers is provided by the fact that energy transfer from the antioxidants to anthroyloxy fatty acids occurs at surface concentrations where radiative energy transfer between free molecules should be not be efficient. For directly probing the relative depths of these fluorophores in lipid bilayers we used the aqueous quenchers acrylamide and iodide. They showed that in terms of increasing depth in the bilayer, the order was U-78, 517f < U-78,518e < U-75,412e. Our results, in toto, demonstrate that the Lazaroid antioxidants are incorporated into the lipid bilayer where they occupy strictly defined positions and orientations. Complexation with fatty acyl chains should be mechanistically relevant, since it may enhance antioxidant activity by hindering free radical chain propagation.  相似文献   

The formation of grana in chloroplasts of higher plants is examined in terms of the subtle interplay of physicochemical forces of attraction and repulsion. The attractive forces between two adjacent membranes comprise (1) van der Waals attraction that depends on the abundance and type of atoms in each membrane, on the distance between the membranes and on the dielectric constant, (2) depletion attraction that generates local order by granal stacking at the expense of greater disorder (i.e. entropy) in the stroma, and (3) an electrostatic attraction of opposite charges located on adjacent membranes. The repulsive forces comprise (1) electrostatic repulsion due to the net negative charge on the outer surface of thylakoid membranes, (2) hydration repulsion that operates at small separations between thylakoid membranes due to layers of bound water molecules, and (3) steric hindrance due to bulky protrusions of Photosystem I (PSI) and ATP synthase into the stroma. In addition, specific interactions may occur, but they await experimental demonstration. Although grana are not essential for photosynthesis, they are ubiquitous in higher plants. Grana may have been selected during evolution for the functional advantages that they confer on higher plants. The functional consequences of grana stacking include (1) enhancement of light capture through a vastly increased area-to-volume ratio and connectivity of several PSIIs with large functional antenna size, (2) the ability to control the lateral separation of PSI from PSII and, therefore, the balanced distribution of excitation energy between two photosystems working in series, (3) the reversible fine-tuning of energy distribution between the photosystems by State 1-State 2 transitions, (4) the ability to regulate light-harvesting via controlled thermal dissipation of excess excitation energy, detected as non-photochemical quenching, (5) dynamic flexibility in the light reactions mediated by a granal structure in response to regulation by a trans-thylakoid pH gradient, (6) delaying the premature degradation of D1 and D2 reaction-centre protein(s) in PSII by harbouring photoinactived PSIIs in appressed granal domains, (7) enhancement of the rate of non-cyclic synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) as well as the regulation of non-cyclic vs. cyclic ATP synthesis, and (8) the potential increase of photosynthetic capacity for a given composition of chloroplast constituents in full sunlight, concomitantly with enhancement of photochemical efficiency in canopy shade. Hence chloroplast ultrastructure and function are intimately intertwined.  相似文献   

Upon illumination, a dark-adapted photosynthetic sample shows time-dependent changes in chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence yield, known as the Kautsky phenomenon or the OIDPS transient. Based on the differential effects of electron acceptors such as 2,5-dimethyl-p-benzoquinone (DMQ) and 2,6-dichloro-p-benzoquinone (DCBQ) on Chl a fluorescence transients of spinach thylakoids, we suggest that the OID phase reflects the reduction of the electron acceptor QA to QA- in the inactive PS II (see Graan, T. and Ort, D. (1986) Diochim. Biophys. Acta 852, 320-330). In spinach thylakoids, heat-induced increase of the Chl a fluorescence yield is also differentially sensitive to the addition of DMQ and DCBQ suggesting that this increase is mainly on the 'I' level, and thus heating is suggested to convert active PS II to inactive PS II centers. The kinetics of decay of QA-, calculated from variable Chl a fluorescence, was analyzed into three exponential components (365-395 microseconds; 6-7 ms; and 1.4-1.7 s). In heated samples, the decay rate of variable Chl a fluorescence is slower than the normal back-reaction rate; there is a preponderance of the slow component that may be due, partly, to the active centers undergoing slow back reaction between QA- and the S2 state of the oxygen-evolving complex.  相似文献   

Simultaneous fluorescence and photoacoustic measurements have been used to study the effects of metal ions (copper, lead, and mercury) during dark incubation of thylakoid membranes. The values of the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters Fo (initial fluorescence yield with the reaction centers in the open state), Fm (maximal fluorescence yield), Ft (steady state fluorescence yield) and the calculated parameters, o (maximal quantum yield of Photosystem II photochemistry) and t (actual quantum yield of Photosystem II photochemistry), strongly decreased in the presence of the metal ions coinciding with an increase in the non-photochemical deexcitation rate constant k(N). It was observed that photosynthetic energy storage measured by photoacoustic spectroscopy also decreased but a large portion of energy storage remained unaffected even at the highest metal ion concentrations used. A maximal inhibition of photosyntheti c energy storage of 80% and 50% was obtained with Hg2+ and Cu2+-treated thylakoids, respectively, while energy storage was insensitive to Pb2+. The results are consistent with the known predominant inhibition of the donor side of Photosystem II by the metal ions. The insensitive portion of energy storage is attributed to the possible recurrence of cyclic electron transport around Photosystem II that would depend on the extent of inhibition produced on the acceptor side by the metal ion used.  相似文献   

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