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The turnover of cytochrome c was determined in the three skeletal-muscle fibre types of adult male rats by a kinetic analysis that followed the time course of cytochrome c content change. Confirming evidence was obtained with double-labelling studies using delta-aminolaevulinate. Cytochrome c turnover was most rapid in the low-oxidative fast-twitch white fibre [t1/2 (half-life) about 4 days], slowest in the high-oxidative fast-twitch red fibre (t1/2 9-10 days) and relatively rapid in the high-oxidative slow-twitch red fibre (t1/2 5-6 days). Thus cytochrome c turnover does not strictly conform to either the appearance (i.e. red or white) or the contractile characteristics (i.e. fast or slow) of the muscle fibres. The synthesis rates needed to maintain the corresponding cytochrome c concentrations, however, were similarly high in the two mitochondria-rich red fibre types. These data illustrate that both the synthesis and degradation processes are important in establishing the cytochrome c concentrations that distinguish the different skeletal-muscle fibre types.  相似文献   

Sindbis virus 26S RNA has been translated in a cell-free protein-synthesizing system from rabbit reticulocytes. When the system was supplemented with EDTA-stripped dog pancreas microsomal membranes, the following results were obtained: (a) Complete translation of 26S RNA, resulting in the production, by endoproteolytic cleavage, of three polypeptides that are apparently identical to those forms of C, PE2, and E1 that are synthesized in vivo by infected host cells during a 3-min pulse with [35S]methionine. (b) Correct topological deposition of the three viral polypeptides--in vitro-synthesized PE2 and E1 forms are inserted into dog pancreas microsomal membranes in a orientation which, by the criterion of their limited (or total) inaccessibility to proteolytic probes, is indistinguishable from that of their counterparts in the rough endoplasmic recticulum of infected host cells; in vitro-synthesized C is not inserted into membranes and therefore is accessible to proteolytic enzymes, like its in vivo-synthesized counterpart. (c) Core glycosylation of in vitro-synthesized PE2 and E1 forms, as indicated by binding to concanavalin A Sepharose and subsequent elution by alpha-methylmannoside.  相似文献   

A brief literature review shows that ionizing radiation in biological membranes and in pure lipid membranes causes malondialdehyde formation, indicating lipid peroxidation processes. With respect to membrane fluidization by ionizing radiation, in pure lipid membranes rigidization effects are always reported, whereas contradictory results exist for biological membranes. Starting from the assumption that membrane proteins at least partly compensate for radiation effects leading to a rigidization of membrane lipid regions, pig liver microsomes, as a representative protein-rich intracellular membrane system, were irradiated with X-rays or UV-C with doses up to 120 Gy at a dose rate of 0.67 Gy min–1 and up to 0.73 J cm–2 at an exposure rate of 16.2 mJ cm–2 min–1, respectively. For both irradiation types a weak but significant positive correlation between malondialdehyde formation and membrane fluidity is revealed throughout the applied dose ranges. We conclude that the membraneous protein lipid interface increases its fluidity under radiation conditions. Also, thymocyte ghosts showed an increased fluidity after X-ray irradiation. Fluidity measurements were performed by the pyrene excimer method.  相似文献   

Sialoproteins isolated from the soluble fraction of rat liver could be incorporated into microsomal membranes. This incorporation was dependent on protein concentration, time, and temperature. Sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis of membrane proteins after in vitro incorporation showed four major sugar-containing peaks and was similar to that found after in vivo labeling. Most of the incorporated protein was tightly bound to the microsomal membrane. Gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography revealed the presence of several cytosolic glycoproteins that could be incorporated into microsomes. During prolonged centrifugation in a KBr solution with a density of 1.21 a highly labeled ([3H]glucosamine) protein (mole wt approximately to 70,000) that was actively incorporated into microsomes could be recovered in the upper region of the tube. These results demonstrate that several cytoplasmic glycoproteins of rat liver are transferred into microsomal membranes and that one of these is a lipoprotein.  相似文献   

In the mouse β-glucuronidase is present in both microsomes and lysosomes and the enzyme at both sites is coded by the same structural gene. Electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels showed that liver, kidney and lung from normal strains contained five enzyme forms designated L, M1, M2, M3 and M4 in order of decreasing mobility toward the anode. Band L is found primarily in lysosomes and is a tetramer of 260,000 molecular weight. Bands M1 to M4 are found exclusively in microsomes and range in molecular weight from 310,000 to 470,000. The increase in molecular weight is due to sequential addition of an accessory protein chain. When glucuronidase is highly induced in kidneys of female mice by injection of dihydrotestosterone, a sixth electrophoretic form of glucuronidase, designated X, appears. Form X appears early in induction, is localized in microsomes, and has a molecular weight (260,000) equal to that of the tetramer form L.Mice homozygous for the eg ° mutation, and thus deficient in microsomal glucuronidase, completely lack the microsomal forms M1 to M4. They do contain form X, and this increases after testosterone induction in kidney. The form X present in eg ° mice is indistinguishable from the form X seen in normal induced kidney.It appears that mice synthesize two different tetrameric forms of glucuronidase from the same structural gene. One, form L, is lysosomal; the other, form X, gives rise to microsomal enzyme forms M1 to M4 by the successive addition of up to four accessory protein chains. The eg ° mutant is blocked in the conversion of X to M1.  相似文献   

The 100 A filament subunit proteins of chick fibroblasts and gizzard smooth muscle were compared. These proteins are major cellular components in these cell types, constituting up to 98% of the cell's total protein. Co-electrophoresis of cytoskeletal fractions of fibroblasts and smooth muscle revealed that the subunit proteins differed in their molecular weights: 58,000 daltons in fibroblasts and 55,000 daltons in smooth muscle. Cytoskeletal fractions from other cell types were also examined: chondroblasts contained the 58,000 dalton subunit, and cytoskeletons of skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle contained both 55,000 and 58,000 dalton proteins. Chick skin and rat kangaroo Pt K2 cells had more complex subunit patterns which resemble prekeratin. The peptide patterns resulting from proteolytic digestion of the 58,000 dalton protein of fibroblasts, the 55,000 dalton proteins of smooth muscle and PT K2 cells, and chick brain tubulin differed from one another. Two-dimensional electrophoresis of reconstituted gizzard smooth muscle 100 A filaments showed the 55,000 dalton subunit to be composed of two major components, differing in their isoelectric points. Antibodies prepared against electrophoretically purified 55,000 dalton subunit protein reacted in immunodiffusion against the original smooth muscle antigen and cytoskeletal fractions from skeletal and cardiac muscle, but not from fibroblasts, brain, liver, or skin cells. A specific antigenic determinant common to subunit proteins in smooth, skeletal, and cardiac muscle, is therefore indicated. A previously described antibody against fibroblast subunit protein reacted weakly against smooth muscle filament protein in immunodiffusion revealing the presence of a common antigenic determinant between the two subunit proteins. These data demonstrate striking antigenic and primary structural differences in 100 A filament subunits from even such closely related cell types as fibroblasts on the one hand and muscle cells on the other.  相似文献   

The membrane properties of cholesterol auto-oxidation products, 7-ketocholesterol, 7 beta-hydroxycholesterol, 7 alpha-hydroxycholesterol and 25-hydroxycholesterol were examined. Monolayer studies show that these oxysterols are perpendicularly orientated at the interphase. Only 7 beta-hydroxycholesterol and 7 alpha-hydroxycholesterol are tilted at low surface pressures. In mixed monolayers with dioleoylphosphatidylcholine, 7-ketocholesterol, 7 beta-hydroxycholesterol and 7 alpha-hydroxycholesterol show a condensing effect in this order, although to a lesser extent that that observed for cholesterol. In liposomes these oxysterols also reduce glucose permeability and in the same order as their condensing effect. On the other hand 25-hydroxycholesterol shows no condensing effect in monomolecular layers whereas glucose permeability in liposomes is enormously increased. The permeability increase is already maximal at 2.5 mol% 25-hydroxycholesterol. Differential scanning calorimetry experiments reveal that all four oxysterols tested reduce the heat content of the gel----liquid-crystalline phase transition. It is concluded that 7-ketocholesterol, 7 beta-hydroxycholesterol and 7 alpha-hydroxycholesterol have a cholesterol like effect, although less efficient than cholesterol, whereas 25-hydroxycholesterol showing no condensing effect acts as a spacer molecule. Packing defects in the hydrophobic core of the bilayer due to the presence of the C-25 hydroxyl group are believed to cause the permeability increase. The transfer of radiolabelled (oxy)sterols from the monolayer to lipoproteins or vesicles in the subphase was studied. The transfer rate increases in the following order 7-ketocholesterol, 7 beta-hydroxycholesterol, 7 alpha-hydroxycholesterol, 25-hydroxycholesterol. The difference in rate between 7-ketocholesterol and 25-hydroxycholesterol is 20-fold. A higher rate of transfer is observed in the presence of high density lipoproteins and small unilamellar vesicles. A transfer rate for cholesterol is hardly measurable under these conditions. The transfer measured is consistent with the involvement of a water-soluble intermediate.  相似文献   

Thermally induced phase separation was observed to occur in microsomal membranes of the ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis, using the technique of freeze-fracture electron microscopy. In the present study, we attempted to fractionate the phase-separated membranes which were produced by chilling cells by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. When Tetrahymena was grown in the presence of palmitic acid, cells rapidly incorporated the fatty acid into their phospholipids. The resulting endoplasmic reticulum containing a high level of palmitic acid was more susceptible to thermotropic phase separation. Despite the profound alterations in the fatty acid composition, the cells retained normal growth rate, appearance and cell motility. Smooth microsomes isolated from palmitic acid-supplemented Tetrahymena cells were sonicated and then fractionated into three major subfractions. Fraction-I with lower buoyant density was rich in phospholipids and saturated fatty acids, while Fraction-III with higher density was rather rich in proteins and contained more unsaturated fatty acids in the phospholipids. A significant change was also observed in the polar head composition of phospholipids in these fractions. ESR analysis demonstrated that the extracted lipids from Fraction-III were more fluid than those from Fraction-I. In addition, the motion of the spin probe in the native membranes was more restricted than in extracted lipids. These results indicate that the lipid phase separation causes "squeezing out" of the membrane proteins from the less fluid to the fluid areas. Furthermore, we examined the temperature dependence of the activities of glucose-6-phosphatase and palmitoyl CoA desaturase.  相似文献   

During senescence of cut carnation flowers, there is extensive breakdown of microsomal phospholipid. This is attributable, at least in part, to lipolytic activity associated directly with the microsomal membranes. Evidence indicating that one or more of the lipid-degrading enzymes in these membranes preferentially degrade phospholipid molecular species containing two diunsaturated acyl chains or at least one polyunsaturated acyl chain has been obtained by using radiolabeled phosphatidylcholine substrates. 16:0*/16:0*, 16:0/18:2*, and 18:1*/18:1* phosphatidylcholine were degraded only minimally over a 3 hour period by microsomes isolated from senescing flowers. By contrast, [U-14C]phosphatidylcholine, which comprises various molecular species including those containing polyunsaturated acyl chains, and 18:0/20:4* phosphatidylcholine were extensively degraded. Under identical conditions, but in the absence of added radiolabeled substrate, endogenous 18:2/18:2, 18:1/18:3, and 18:2/18:3 phosphatidylcholine were selectively depleted from the membranes. During natural senescence of the flowers, there was a sharp decline in microsomal 16:0/18:1 and 18:1/18:2 phosphatidylcholine, whereas molecular species containing two diunsaturated acyl chains or at least one polyunsaturated acyl chain remained unchanged or decreased only slightly. The data have been interpreted as indicating that provision of particular molecular species susceptible to lipase attack is a prerequisite to phospholipid catabolism in senescing membranes.  相似文献   

The presence in the Golgi fraction of glycoproteins destined to be incorporated into the microsomal membrane was investigated. When incubated in sucrose, washed Golgi vesicles released four major, weakly acidic glycoproteins, some of which could be incorporated into microsomal membranes by incubation. Double labeling with [3H]glucosamine and [14C]leucine demonstrated the incorporation of both protein and oligosaccharide moieties, and the main peak of radioactivity was associated with the 70,000 mol wt region after SDS-gel electrophoresis. The proteins that could be incorporated into microsomes were probably associated to a large extent with the outer surface of the Golgi membrane. Centrifugation of the proteins released from the Golgi in a KBr solution (p = 1.24) resulted in a separation of glycoproteins, those in the top layer most actively incorporated into microsomes. The lipoglycoproteins in the top layer that could be incorporated appeared in the 70,000 mol wt region after SDS-gel electrophoresis, as did the corresponding proteins isolated from the supernate. These results suggest that glycoproteins with completed oligosaccharide chains are released from the Golgi system to the cytosol and are subsequently transferred to microsomes as constitutive membrane components.  相似文献   

Enterobacteriaceae cells growing in liquid media shed fragments of their outer membranes. These fragments, which may constitute a biologically important form of gram-negative bacterial endotoxin, have been reported to contain proteins, phospholipids, and lipopolysaccharides (LPS). In this study we compared the sizes of LPS molecules in shed membrane fragments and outer membranes from cells growing in broth cultures. Using conditional mutants of Salmonella typhimurium which incorporate specific sugars into LPS, we analyzed radiolabeled LPS by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This technique revealed that S. typhimurium LPS are more heterogeneous than previously known; molecules possessing from 0 to more than 30 O-chain repeat units were identified in outer membranes, supernatant fragments, and purified LPS. The size distributions of LPS molecules in outer membranes and supernatant fragments were similar; supernatant fragments appeared to be slightly enriched in molecules with long O-polysaccharide chains. Our results indicate the LPS molecules of many sizes are synthesized, translocated to outer membranes, and released into culture supernatants. Since the hydrophilic O-polysaccharides extend from bacterial surfaces into the aqueous environment, our findings suggest that the cell surface topography of this bacterium may be very irregular. We also speculate that heterogeneity in the degree of polymerization of O-antigenic side chains may influence the interactions of the toxic moiety of LPS (lipid A) with host constituents.  相似文献   

A microsomal activity of baby hamster kidney cells which cleaves ester-type bound fatty acids from acyl proteins in vitro has been characterized. This activity is also present in microsomal membranes from pig liver, calf kidney, and human mucous cells. Cell free deacylation is described for the Semliki Forest virus acyl proteins E1 and E2 and the precursor of E2 designated p62. Acyl chain cleavage operates with both exogenous and endogenous viral acyl protein substrates. The in vitro cleavage requires microsomes solubilized by detergents of which various kinds are equally effective (Nonidet P-40, Tween 20, sodium deoxycholate, Triton X-100, or octyl-beta-D-glucoside). If microsomes are boiled for 15 min prior to the incubation, deacylation is abolished completely and no radioactivity is released from the palmitoylated acyl proteins during incubation with either detergents or microsomes alone. No changes in the molecular structure of the deacylated Semliki Forest virus proteins were detected, and the cleavage product was identified as free fatty acid. Deacylation is time- and temperature-dependent and can be enhanced by increasing the concentration of microsomal protein in the incubation mixture. It is completely inhibited under acidic conditions (pH 5) and at low temperature (4 degrees C). Deacylation also occurs in the presence of EDTA and bivalent cations such as Mg2+, Mn2+, and Ca2+ which influence the reaction marginally. On the other hand, fatty acid release is drastically reduced with a mixture of Co2+, Zn2+, and Hg2+ ions. The activity is not identical with protein fatty acyltransferase operating in the reverse direction, since a partially purified preparation of this acyltransferase failed to cleave fatty acids from fatty acylated substrate proteins. Taken together, these data lead us to postulate an enzymatic activity which cleaves fatty acids from ester-type fatty acylated proteins, and we propose to designate this enzyme a protein fatty acylesterase.  相似文献   

Using two independent methods, incorporation of radioactive amino-acid and quantitative immunoblotting, we have determined that the rate of synthesis of each of the Semliki Forest virus (SFV) proteins in infected baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells is 1.2 X 10(5) copies/cell/min. Given the absolute surface areas of the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex presented in the companion paper (Griffiths, G., G. Warren, P. Quinn , O. Mathieu - Costello , and A. Hoppeler , 1984, J. Cell Biol. 98:2133-2141), and the approximate time spent in these organelles during their passage to the plasma membrane (Green J., G. Griffiths, D. Louvard , P. Quinn , and G. Warren 1981, J. Mol. Biol. 152:663-698), the mean density of each viral protein in these organelles can be calculated to be 90 and 750 molecules/micron 2 membrane, respectively. In contrast, we have determined that the density of total endogenous integral membrane proteins in these organelles is approximately 30,000 molecules/micron 2 so that the spike proteins constitute only 0.28 and 2.3% of total membrane protein in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi, respectively. Quantitative immunoblotting was used to give direct estimates of the concentrations of one of the viral membrane protein precursors (E1) in subcellular fractions; these agreed closely with the calculated values. The data are discussed with respect to the sorting of transported proteins from those endogenous to the intracellular membranes.  相似文献   

Thylakoids are photosynthetically active membranes found in Cyanobacteria and chloroplasts. It is likely that they originated in photosynthetic bacteria, probably in close connection to the occurrence of photosystem II and oxygenic photosynthesis. In higher plants, chloroplasts develop from undifferentiated proplastids. These contain very few internal membranes and the whole thylakoid membrane system is built when chloroplast differentiation takes place. During cell and organelle division a constant synthesis of new thylakoid membrane material is required. Also, rapid adaptation to changes in light conditions and long term adaptation to a number of environmental factors are accomplished by changes in the lipid and protein content of the thylakoids. Thus regulation of synthesis and assembly of all these elements is required to ensure optimal function of these membranes.  相似文献   

As a first step in the biochemical analysis of membrane excitation in wild-type Paramecium and its behavioral mutants we have defined the protein composition of the ciliary membrane of wild-type cells. The techniques for the isolation of cilia and ciliary membrane vesicles were refined. Membranes of high purity and integrity were obtained without the use of detergents. The fractions were characterized by electron microscopy, and the proteins of whole cilia, axonemes, and ciliary membrane vesicles were resolved by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing in one and two dimensions. Protein patterns and EM appearance of the fractions were highly reproducible. Over 200 polypeptides were present in isolated cilia, most of which were recovered in the axonemal fraction. Trichocysts, which were sometimes present as a minor contaminant in ciliary preparations, were composed of a very distinct set of over 30 polypeptides of mol wt 11,000--19,000. Membrane vesicles contained up to 70 polypeptides of mol wt 15,000--250,000. The major vesicle species were a high molecular weight protein (the "immobilization antigen") and a group of acidic proteins with mol wt similar to or approximately 40,000. These and several other membrane proteins were specifically decreased or totally absent in the axoneme fraction. Tubulin, the major axonemal species, occurred only in trace amounts in isolated vesicles; the same was true for Tetrahymena ciliary membranes prepared by the methods described in this paper. A protein of mol wt 31,000, pI 6.8, was virtually absent in vesicles prepared from cells in exponential growth phase, but became prominent early in stationary phase in good correlation with cellular mating reactivity. This detailed characterization will provide the basis for comparison of the ciliary proteins of wild-type and behavioral mutants and for analysis of topography and function of membrane proteins. It will also be useful in future studies of trichocysts and mating reactions.  相似文献   

Rat pre-prosomatostatin. Structure and processing by microsomal membranes   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The tetradecapeptide hormone somatostatin arises from proteolytic processing of a large precursor, pre-prosomatostatin. Studies of other hormone precursors predict that the NH2 terminus of pre-prosomatostatin comprises a leader, or signal, region which is cleaved during its translation. Such co-translational cleavage would generate prosomatostatin. In these studies, we present the complete sequence of rat pre-prosomatostatin, deduced from the nucleotide sequence of cDNAs derived from a somatostatin-rich medullary thyroid carcinoma. These findings indicate that rat pre-prosomatostatin contains 116 amino acids (12,737 daltons). Cell-free translations of medullary thyroid carcinoma mRNA with dog pancreas microsomal membranes were performed to identify the cleavage point of the leader region from prosomatostatin. Partial microsequencing data indicates that the cleavage occurs between the glycine and alanine at positions 24 and 25 of pre-prosomatostatin. Thus, rat prosomatostatin contains 92 amino acids (10,388 daltons). Comparison of the amino acid sequences of the rat and human pre-prosomatostatins reveals only four amino acid substitutions. In view of the high degree of homology between rat and human pre-prosomatostatin, we expect a similar cleavage site and NH2-terminal structure for human prosomatostatin. The high level of conservation between rodents and humans of the entire pre-prosomatostatin molecule further suggests the possibility of biologic functions of the NH2-terminal portions of prosomatostatin.  相似文献   

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