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DNA polymerase mu (Pol mu) is a family X enzyme with unique substrate specificity that contributes to its specialized role in nonhomologous DNA end joining (NHEJ). To investigate Pol mu's unusual substrate specificity, we describe the 2.4 A crystal structure of the polymerase domain of murine Pol mu bound to gapped DNA with a correct dNTP at the active site. This structure reveals substrate interactions with side chains in Pol mu that differ from other family X members. For example, a single amino acid substitution, H329A, has little effect on template-dependent synthesis by Pol mu from a paired primer terminus, but it reduces both template-independent and template-dependent synthesis during NHEJ of intermediates whose 3' ends lack complementary template strand nucleotides. These results provide insight into the substrate specificity and differing functions of four closely related mammalian family X DNA polymerases.  相似文献   

Human maltase-glucoamylase (MGAM) hydrolyzes linear alpha-1,4-linked oligosaccharide substrates, playing a crucial role in the production of glucose in the human lumen and acting as an efficient drug target for type 2 diabetes and obesity. The amino- and carboxyl-terminal portions of MGAM (MGAM-N and MGAM-C) carry out the same catalytic reaction but have different substrate specificities. In this study, we report crystal structures of MGAM-C alone at a resolution of 3.1 ?, and in complex with its inhibitor acarbose at a resolution of 2.9 ?. Structural studies, combined with biochemical analysis, revealed that a segment of 21 amino acids in the active site of MGAM-C forms additional sugar subsites (+2 and+3 subsites), accounting for the preference for longer substrates of MAGM-C compared with that of MGAM-N. Moreover, we discovered that a single mutation of Trp1251 to tyrosine in MGAM-C imparts a novel catalytic ability to digest branched alpha-1,6-linked oligosaccharides. These results provide important information for understanding the substrate specificity of alpha-glucosidases during the process of terminal starch digestion, and for designing more efficient drugs to control type 2 diabetes or obesity.  相似文献   

Phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) are implicated in a variety of fundamental cellular processes. These enzymes catalyse phosphorylation of the 3'-OH position of myo-inositol lipids that serve as secondary messengers. The catalytic subunit for one of the family members, PI3K gamma, has been structurally characterized, independently, in complexes with kinase inhibitors and with the p21(Ras) GTPase. These atomic structures provide a basis for the rationalization of some PI3K substrate specificities and regulatory mechanisms, establishing links to functional and cellular data. Ongoing comprehensive structural and functional studies are essential to realize the promise of PI3K isozyme-specific therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Human kynurenine aminotransferase I/glutamine transaminase K (hKAT-I) is an important multifunctional enzyme. This study systematically studies the substrates of hKAT-I and reassesses the effects of pH, Tris, amino acids and alpha-keto acids on the activity of the enzyme. The experiments were comprised of functional expression of the hKAT-I in an insect cell/baculovirus expression system, purification of its recombinant protein, and functional characterization of the purified enzyme. This study demonstrates that hKAT-I can catalyze kynurenine to kynurenic acid under physiological pH conditions, indicates indo-3-pyruvate and cysteine as efficient inhibitors for hKAT-I, and also provides biochemical information about the substrate specificity and cosubstrate inhibition of the enzyme. hKAT-I is inhibited by Tris under physiological pH conditions, which explains why it has been concluded that the enzyme could not efficiently catalyze kynurenine transamination. Our findings provide a biochemical basis towards understanding the overall physiological role of hKAT-I in vivo and insight into controlling the levels of endogenous kynurenic acid through modulation of the enzyme in the human brain.  相似文献   

The araBAD operon encodes three different enzymes required for catabolism of L-arabinose, which is one of the most abundant monosaccharides in nature. L-ribulokinase, encoded by the araB gene, catalyzes conversion of L-ribulose to L-ribulose-5-phosphate, the second step in the catabolic pathway. Unlike other kinases, ribulokinase exhibits diversity in substrate selectivity and catalyzes phosphorylation of all four 2-ketopentose sugars with comparable k(cat) values. To understand ribulokinase recognition and phosphorylation of a diverse set of substrates, we have determined the X-ray structure of ribulokinase from Bacillus halodurans bound to L-ribulose and investigated its substrate and ATP co-factor binding properties. The polypeptide chain is folded into two domains, one small and the other large, with a deep cleft in between. By analogy with related sugar kinases, we identified (447)GGLPQK(452) as the ATP-binding motif within the smaller domain. L-ribulose binds in the cleft between the two domains via hydrogen bonds with the side chains of highly conserved Trp126, Lys208, Asp274, and Glu329 and the main chain nitrogen of Ala96. The interaction of L-ribulokinase with L-ribulose reveals versatile structural features that help explain recognition of various 2-ketopentose substrates and competitive inhibition by L-erythrulose. Comparison of our structure to that of the structures of other sugar kinases revealed conformational variations that suggest domain-domain closure movements are responsible for establishing the observed active site environment.  相似文献   

The enzymes involved in the lysine biosynthetic pathway have long been considered to be attractive targets for novel antibiotics due to the absence of this pathway in humans. Recently, a novel pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) dependent enzyme called LL-diaminopimelate aminotransferase (LL-DAP-AT) was identified in the lysine biosynthetic pathway of plants and Chlamydiae. Understanding its function and substrate recognition mechanism would be an important initial step toward designing novel antibiotics targeting LL-DAP-AT. The crystal structures of LL-DAP-AT from Arabidopsis thaliana in complex with various substrates and analogues have been solved recently. These structures revealed how L-glutamate and LL-DAP are recognized by LL-DAP-AT without significant conformational changes in the enzyme's backbone structure. This review article summarizes the recent developments in the structural characterization and the inhibitor design of LL-DAP-AT from A. thaliana. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Pyridoxal Phospate Enzymology.  相似文献   

Human P450 2A6 displays a small active site that is well adapted for the oxidation of small planar substrates. Mutagenesis of CYP2A6 resulted in an increased catalytic efficiency for indole biotransformation to pigments and conferred a capacity to oxidize substituted indoles (Wu, Z.-L., Podust, L.M., Guengerich, F.P. J. Biol. Chem. 49 (2005) 41090-41100.). Here, we describe the structural basis that underlies the altered metabolic profile of three mutant enzymes, P450 2A6 N297Q, L240C/N297Q and N297Q/I300V. The Asn297 substitution abolishes a potential hydrogen bonding interaction with substrates in the active site, and replaces a structural water molecule between the helix B'-C region and helix I while maintaining structural hydrogen bonding interactions. The structures of the P450 2A6 N297Q/L240C and N297Q/I300V mutants provide clues as to how the protein can adapt to fit the larger substituted indoles in the active site, and enable a comparison with other P450 family 2 enzymes for which the residue at the equivalent position was seen to function in isozyme specificity, structural integrity and protein flexibility.  相似文献   

KAT (kynurenine aminotransferase) II is a primary enzyme in the brain for catalysing the transamination of kynurenine to KYNA (kynurenic acid). KYNA is the only known endogenous antagonist of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor. The enzyme also catalyses the transamination of aminoadipate to alpha-oxoadipate; therefore it was initially named AADAT (aminoadipate aminotransferase). As an endotoxin, aminoadipate influences various elements of glutamatergic neurotransmission and kills primary astrocytes in the brain. A number of studies dealing with the biochemical and functional characteristics of this enzyme exist in the literature, but a systematic assessment of KAT II addressing its substrate profile and kinetic properties has not been performed. The present study examines the biochemical and structural characterization of a human KAT II/AADAT. Substrate screening of human KAT II revealed that the enzyme has a very broad substrate specificity, is capable of catalysing the transamination of 16 out of 24 tested amino acids and could utilize all 16 tested alpha-oxo acids as amino-group acceptors. Kinetic analysis of human KAT II demonstrated its catalytic efficiency for individual amino-group donors and acceptors, providing information as to its preferred substrate affinity. Structural analysis of the human KAT II complex with alpha-oxoglutaric acid revealed a conformational change of an N-terminal fraction, residues 15-33, that is able to adapt to different substrate sizes, which provides a structural basis for its broad substrate specificity.  相似文献   

X-Ray structural data concerning the substrate binding site of cytosolic chicken aspartate aminotransferase (AspAT) are reported. The structure of the complex of AspAT with the substrate-like inhibitor maleate has been refined at 2.2 A resolution. The lengths of hydrogen bonds between a bound molecule of maleate and side chains of amino acid residues in the active site are presented as well as other interatomic distances in the substrate binding site. The data obtained for the cytosolic AspAT have been compared with those for the mitochondrial chicken AspAT. It has been inferred that differences in substrate specificity of the AspAT isoenzymes are determined by interactions involving amino acid residues which are situated in the immediate vicinity of the active site and influence ionization or orientation of functional groups interacting with substrate. An explanation is suggested for different rates of transamination of aromatic amino acids in the active sites of the cytosolic and mitochondrial isoenzymes.  相似文献   

HD-domain phosphohydrolases have nucleotidase and phosphodiesterase activities and play important roles in the metabolism of nucleotides and in signaling. We present three 2.1-Å-resolution crystal structures (one in the free state and two complexed with natural substrates) of an HD-domain phosphohydrolase, the Escherichia coli 5′-nucleotidase YfbR. The free-state structure of YfbR contains a large cavity accommodating the metal-coordinating HD motif (H33, H68, D69, and D137) and other conserved residues (R18, E72, and D77). Alanine scanning mutagenesis confirms that these residues are important for activity. Two structures of the catalytically inactive mutant E72A complexed with Co2+ and either thymidine-5′-monophosphate or 2′-deoxyriboadenosine-5′-monophosphate disclose the novel binding mode of deoxyribonucleotides in the active site. Residue R18 stabilizes the phosphate on the Co2+, and residue D77 forms a strong hydrogen bond critical for binding the ribose. The indole side chain of W19 is located close to the 2′-carbon atom of the deoxyribose moiety and is proposed to act as the selectivity switch for deoxyribonucleotide, which is supported by comparison to YfdR, another 5′-nucleotidase in E. coli. The nucleotide bases of both deoxyriboadenosine-5′-monophosphate and thymidine-5′-monophosphate make no specific hydrogen bonds with the protein, explaining the lack of nucleotide base selectivity. The YfbR E72A substrate complex structures also suggest a plausible single-step nucleophilic substitution mechanism. This is the first proposed molecular mechanism for an HD-domain phosphohydrolase based directly on substrate-bound crystal structures.  相似文献   

Polysaccharide lyases (PLs) are a broad class of microbial enzymes that degrade anionic polysaccharides. Equally broad diversity in their polysaccharide substrates has attracted interest in biotechnological applications such as biomass conversion to value-added chemicals and microbial biofilm removal. Unlike other PLs, Smlt1473 present in the clinically relevant Stenotrophomonas maltophilia strain K279a demonstrates a wide range of pH-dependent substrate specificities toward multiple, diverse polysaccharides: hyaluronic acid (pH 5.0), poly-β-D-glucuronic (celluronic) acid (pH 7.0), poly-β-D-mannuronic acid, and poly-α-L-guluronate (pH 9.0). To decode the pH-driven multiple substrate specificities and selectivity in this single enzyme, we present the X-ray structures of Smlt1473 determined at multiple pH values in apo and mannuronate-bound states as well as the tetra-hyaluronate-docked structure. Our results indicate that structural flexibility in the binding site and N-terminal loop coupled with specific substrate stereochemistry facilitates distinct modes of entry for substrates having diverse charge densities and chemical structures. Our structural analyses of wild-type apo structures solved at different pH values (5.0–9.0) and pH-trapped (5.0 and 7.0) catalytically relevant wild-type mannuronate complexes (1) indicate that pH modulates the catalytic microenvironment for guiding structurally and chemically diverse polysaccharide substrates, (2) further establish that molecular-level fluctuation in the enzyme catalytic tunnel is preconfigured, and (3) suggest that pH modulates fluctuations resulting in optimal substrate binding and cleavage. Furthermore, our results provide key insight into how strategies to reengineer both flexible loop and regions distal to the active site could be developed to target new and diverse substrates in a wide range of applications.  相似文献   

The endonuclease activity within the influenza virus cap-snatching process is a proven therapeutic target. The anti-influenza drug baloxavir is highly effective, but is associated with resistance mutations that threaten its clinical efficacy. The endonuclease resides within the N-terminal domain of the PA subunit (PAN) of the influenza RNA dependent RNA polymerase, and we report here complexes of PAN with RNA and DNA oligonucleotides to understand its specificity and the structural basis of baloxavir resistance mutations. The RNA and DNA oligonucleotides bind within the substrate binding groove of PAN in a similar fashion, explaining the ability of the enzyme to cleave both substrates. The individual nucleotides occupy adjacent conserved pockets that flank the two-metal active site. However, the 2′ OH of the RNA ribose moieties engage in additional interactions that appear to optimize the binding and cleavage efficiency for the natural substrate. The major baloxavir resistance mutation at position 38 is at the core of the substrate binding site, but structural studies and modeling suggest that it maintains the necessary virus fitness via compensating interactions with RNA. These studies will facilitate the development of new influenza therapeutics that spatially match the substrate and are less likely to elicit resistance mutations.  相似文献   

Acyl-CoA oxidase (ACOX) plays an important role in fatty acid degradation. The enzyme catalyzes the first reaction in peroxisomal fatty acid β-oxidation by reducing acyl-CoA to 2-trans-enoyl-CoA. The yeast Yarrowia lipolytica is able to utilize fatty acids, fats, and oil as carbon sources to produce valuable bioproducts. We determined the crystal structure of ACOX1 from Y. lipolytica (YlACOX1) at a resolution of 2.5 Å. YlACOX1 forms a homodimer, and the monomeric structure is composed of four domains, the Nα, Nβ, Cα1, and Cα2. The FAD cofactor is bound at the dimerization interface between the Nβ- and Cα1-domains. The substrate-binding tunnel formed by the interface between the Nα-, Nβ-, and Cα1-domains is located proximal to FAD. Amino acid and structural comparisons of YlACOX1 with other ACOXs show that the substrate-binding pocket of YlACOX1 is much smaller than that of the medium- or long-chain ACOXs but is rather similar to that of the short-chain ACOXs. Moreover, the hydrophilicity of residues constituting the end region of the substrate-binding pocket in YlACOX1 is quite similar to those in the short-chain ACOXs but different from those of the medium- or long-chain ACOXs. These observations provide structural insights how YlACOX1 prefers short-chain dicarboxylyl-CoAs as a substrate.  相似文献   

A glucodextranase (iGDase) from Arthrobacter globiformis I42 hydrolyzes alpha-1,6-glucosidic linkages of dextran from the non-reducing end to produce beta-D-glucose via an inverting reaction mechanism and classified into the glycoside hydrolase family 15 (GH15). Here we cloned the iGDase gene and determined the crystal structures of iGDase of the unliganded form and the complex with acarbose at 2.42-A resolution. The structure of iGDase is composed of four domains N, A, B, and C. Domain A forms an (alpha/alpha)(6)-barrel structure and domain N consists of 17 antiparallel beta-strands, and both domains are conserved in bacterial glucoamylases (GAs) and appear to be mainly concerned with catalytic activity. The structure of iGDase complexed with acarbose revealed that the positions and orientations of the residues at subsites -1 and +1 are nearly identical between iGDase and GA; however, the residues corresponding to subsite 3, which form the entrance of the substrate binding pocket, and the position of the open space and constriction of iGDase are different from those of GAs. On the other hand, domains B and C are not found in the bacterial GAs. The primary structure of domain C is homologous with a surface layer homology domain of pullulanases, and the three-dimensional structure of domain C resembles the carbohydrate-binding domain of some glycohydrolases.  相似文献   

Bossi RT  Negri A  Tedeschi G  Mattevi A 《Biochemistry》2002,41(9):3018-3024
L-Aspartate oxidase (Laspo) catalyzes the conversion of L-Asp to iminoaspartate, the first step in the de novo biosynthesis of NAD(+). This bacterial pathway represents a potential drug target since it is absent in mammals. The Laspo R386L mutant was crystallized in the FAD-bound catalytically competent form and its three-dimensional structure determined at 2.5 A resolution in both the native state and in complex with succinate. Comparison of the R386L holoprotein with the wild-type apoenzyme [Mattevi, A., Tedeschi, G., Bacchella, L., Coda, A., Negri, A., and Ronchi, S. (1999) Structure 7, 745-756] reveals that cofactor incorporation leads to the ordering of two polypeptide segments (residues 44-53 and 104-141) and to a 27 degree rotation of the capping domain. This motion results in the formation of the active site cavity, located at the interface between the capping domain and the FAD-binding domain. The structure of the succinate complex indicates that the cavity surface is decorated by two clusters of H-bond donors that anchor the ligand carboxylates. Moreover, Glu121, which is strictly conserved among Laspo sequences, is positioned to interact with the L-Asp alpha-amino group. The architecture of the active site of the Laspo holoenzyme is remarkably similar to that of respiratory fumarate reductases, providing strong evidence for a common mechanism of catalysis in Laspo and flavoproteins of the succinate dehydrogenase/fumarate reductase family. This implies that Laspo is mechanistically distinct from other flavin-dependent amino acid oxidases, such as the prototypical D-amino acid oxidase.  相似文献   

UDP-galactopyranose mutase (UGM) is a flavin-containing enzyme that catalyzes the reversible conversion of UDP-galactopyranose (UDP-Galp) to UDP-galactofuranose (UDP-Galf). As in prokaryotic UGMs, the flavin needs to be reduced for the enzyme to be active. Here we present the first eukaryotic UGM structures from Aspergillus fumigatus (AfUGM). The structures are of UGM alone, with the substrate UDP-Galp and with the inhibitor UDP. Additionally, we report the structures of AfUGM bound to substrate with oxidized and reduced flavin. These structures provide insight into substrate recognition and structural changes observed upon substrate binding involving the mobile loops and the critical arginine residues Arg-182 and Arg-327. Comparison with prokaryotic UGM reveals that despite low sequence identity with known prokaryotic UGMs the overall fold is largely conserved. Structural differences between prokaryotic UGM and AfUGM result from inserts in AfUGM. A notable difference from prokaryotic UGMs is that AfUGM contains a third flexible loop (loop III) above the si-face of the isoalloxazine ring that changes position depending on the redox state of the flavin cofactor. This loop flipping has not been observed in prokaryotic UGMs. In addition we have determined the crystals structures and steady-state kinetic constants of the reaction catalyzed by mutants R182K, R327K, R182A, and R327A. These results support our hypothesis that Arg-182 and Arg-327 play important roles in stabilizing the position of the diphosphates of the nucleotide sugar and help to facilitate the positioning of the galactose moiety for catalysis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Backround Aspartyl aminopeptidase (DNPEP), with specificity towards an acidic amino acid at the N-terminus, is the only mammalian member among the poorly understood M18 peptidases. DNPEP has implicated roles in protein and peptide metabolism, as well as the renin-angiotensin system in blood pressure regulation. Despite previous enzyme and substrate characterization, structural details of DNPEP regarding ligand recognition and catalytic mechanism remain to be delineated. RESULTS: The crystal structure of human DNPEP complexed with zinc and a substrate analogue aspartate-beta-hydroxamate reveals a dodecameric machinery built by domain-swapped dimers, in agreement with electron microscopy data. A structural comparison with bacterial homologues identifies unifying catalytic features among the poorly understood M18 enzymes. The bound ligands in the active site also reveal the coordination mode of the binuclear zinc centre and a substrate specificity pocket for acidic amino acids. CONCLUSIONS: The DNPEP structure provides a molecular framework to understand its catalysis that is mediated by active site loop swapping, a mechanism likely adopted in other M18 and M42 metallopeptidases that form dodecameric complexes as a self-compartmentalization strategy. Small differences in the substrate binding pocket such as shape and positive charges, the latter conferred by a basic lysine residue, further provide the key to distinguishing substrate preference. Together, the structural knowledge will aid in the development of enzyme-/family-specific aminopeptidase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Ribonucleotide reductases (RNRs) catalyze the reduction of ribonucleotides into deoxyribonucleotides, which constitute the precursor pools used for DNA synthesis and repair. Imbalances in these pools increase mutational rates and are detrimental to the cell. Balanced precursor pools are maintained primarily through the regulation of the RNR substrate specificity. Here, the molecular mechanism of the allosteric substrate specificity regulation is revealed through the structures of a dimeric coenzyme B12-dependent RNR from Thermotoga maritima, both in complexes with four effector-substrate nucleotide pairs and in three complexes with only effector. The mechanism is based on the flexibility of loop 2, a key structural element, which forms a bridge between the specificity effector and substrate nucleotides. Substrate specificity is achieved as different effectors and their cognate substrates stabilize specific discrete loop 2 conformations. The mechanism of substrate specificity regulation is probably general for most class I and class II RNRs.  相似文献   

The bacterial flagellar motor can rotate either clockwise (CW) or counterclockwise (CCW). Three flagellar proteins, FliG, FliM, and FliN, are required for rapid switching between the CW and CCW directions. Switching is achieved by a conformational change in FliG induced by the binding of a chemotaxis signaling protein, phospho-CheY, to FliM and FliN. FliG consists of three domains, FliG(N), FliG(M), and FliG(C), and forms a ring on the cytoplasmic face of the MS ring of the flagellar basal body. Crystal structures have been reported for the FliG(MC) domains of Thermotoga maritima, which consist of the FliG(M) and FliG(C) domains and a helix E that connects these two domains, and full-length FliG of Aquifex aeolicus. However, the basis for the switching mechanism is based only on previously obtained genetic data and is hence rather indirect. We characterized a CW-biased mutant (fliG(ΔPAA)) of Salmonella enterica by direct observation of rotation of a single motor at high temporal and spatial resolution. We also determined the crystal structure of the FliG(MC) domains of an equivalent deletion mutant variant of T. maritima (fliG(ΔPEV)). The FliG(ΔPAA) motor produced torque at wild-type levels under a wide range of external load conditions. The wild-type motors rotated exclusively in the CCW direction under our experimental conditions, whereas the mutant motors rotated only in the CW direction. This result suggests that wild-type FliG is more stable in the CCW state than in the CW state, whereas FliG(ΔPAA) is more stable in the CW state than in the CCW state. The structure of the TM-FliG(MC)(ΔPEV) revealed that extremely CW-biased rotation was caused by a conformational change in helix E. Although the arrangement of FliG(C) relative to FliG(M) in a single molecule was different among the three crystals, a conserved FliG(M)-FliG(C) unit was observed in all three of them. We suggest that the conserved FliG(M)-FliG(C) unit is the basic functional element in the rotor ring and that the PAA deletion induces a conformational change in a hinge-loop between FliG(M) and helix E to achieve the CW state of the FliG ring. We also propose a novel model for the arrangement of FliG subunits within the motor. The model is in agreement with the previous mutational and cross-linking experiments and explains the cooperative switching mechanism of the flagellar motor.  相似文献   

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