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Metacommunity theory has advanced our understanding of how local and regional processes affect the structure of ecological communities. While parasites have largely been omitted from metacommunity research, parasite communities can provide the large sample sizes and discrete boundaries often required for evaluating metacommunity patterns. Here, we used assemblages of flatworm parasites that infect freshwater snails (Helisoma trivolvis) to evaluate three questions: 1) what factors affect individual host infections within ponds? 2) Is the parasite metacommunity structured among ponds? And 3) what is the relative role of local versus regional processes in determining metacommunity structure and species richness among ponds? We examined 10 821 snails from 96 sites in five park complexes in the San Francisco Bay area, California, and found 953 infections from six parasite groups. At the within‐pond level, infection status of host snails correlated positively with individual snail size and pond infection prevalence for all six parasite groups. Using an ordination method to test for metacommunity structure, we found that the parasite metacommunity was organized in a non‐random pattern with species responding individually along an environmental gradient. Based on a model selection approach involving local and regional predictors, parasite species richness and metacommunity structure correlated with both local abiotic (pH and total dissolved nitrogen) and biotic (non‐host mollusk density, and H. trivolvis biomass) factors, with little support for regional predictors. Overall, this trematode metacommunity most closely followed the predictions from the species sorting or mass effects metacommunity paradigm, in which community diversity is filtered by local site characteristics.  相似文献   

1. The structure of biological communities reflects the influence of both local environmental conditions and processes such as dispersal that create patterns in species’ distribution across a region. 2. We extend explicit tests of the relative importance of local environmental conditions and regional spatial processes to aquatic plants, a group traditionally thought to be little limited by dispersal. We used partial canonical correspondence analysis and partial Mantel tests to analyse data from 98 lakes and ponds across Connecticut (northeastern United States). 3. We found that aquatic plant community structure reflects the influence of local conditions (pH, conductivity, water clarity, lake area, maximum depth) as well as regional processes. 4. Only 27% of variation in a presence/absence matrix was explained by environmental conditions and spatial processes such as dispersal. Of the total explained, 45% was related to environmental conditions and 40% to spatial processes. 5. Jaccard similarity declined with Euclidean distance between lakes, even after accounting for the increasing difference in environmental conditions, suggesting that dispersal limitation may influence community composition in the region. 6. The distribution of distances among lakes where species occurred was associated with dispersal‐related functional traits, providing additional evidence that dispersal ability varies among species in ways that affect community composition. 7. Although environmental and spatial variables explained a significant amount of variation in community structure, a substantial amount of stochasticity also affects these communities, probably associated with unpredictable colonisation and persistence of the plants.  相似文献   

We studied anuran assemblage composition from 1st to 4th orders along two rivers in the Rio Preto State Park, southeastern Brazil. We aimed to understand how species distribution relates to local features/longitudinal gradients within a river, and to differences between rivers. We assessed climatic (temperature, humidity), chemical (water pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity), physical (river bottom type, current), and biotic (vegetation structure) features thought to affect anuran distribution. Cluster analyses showed that species assemblages tended to be more similar among sections of the same river than between corresponding sections of different rivers, and Mantel tests showed assemblages to be spatially structured, although river features were not. The river with a mixture of open vegetation and forest at its margins sheltered higher species diversity than the one bordered by forest. Using Canonical Correspondence Analyses, we found variables related to microhabitat availability to be the best ones to explain species distribution in the adult stage, and conductivity to be the best one for the tadpole stage. The river seasonal flood pulse seems to influence availability of additional reproductive sites and tadpole dispersal. We found no evidence of gradients of tadpole abundance responding to river size or predator abundance. Considering that anuran species are spatially structured and influenced by variables that change both locally and regionally, we recommend that the whole longitudinal gradient along permanent lotic ecosystems, together with its original limnological and structural attributes, is preserved in order to ensure conservation of anuran diversity in both local and regional scales.  相似文献   

Habitat associations of 40 bird species were analysed using data from a survey of 12892 garden sites throughout the United Kingdom between 1995 and 2002. Gradients in 20 garden habitat variables and 25 variables describing the surrounding local habitat were derived from Detrended Correspondence Analysis. The main garden axis explained 13.3% of variation in the data and described a gradient from sites containing and bounded by high levels of vegetation cover to open sites bounded by walls and fences. The main local axis explained 29.9% of variation in the data and described a gradient from rural to urban habitats. Higher probability of occurrence was detected in larger sites in 25 species and in smaller sites in four (urban-associated) species. Many species (22 out of 40) were significantly associated with the local gradient: seven species showed the highest probability of occurrence in sites within more urbanised habitats. Other species were most likely to occur in sites within rural or suburban habitats. Only five species showed a significant association with garden habitat gradient, four of these being most likely to occur in sites with highest vegetation cover. These associations were similar when controlling for garden size and for food provision in gardens. The results imply that the likelihood of many species occurring in gardens is dependent on the surrounding local habitat rather than the garden habitat. However, survey participants were likely to have "bird-friendly" gardens which may have reduced the variation in garden habitat across the sample. An assessment of the representativeness of survey sites is needed to further understand habitat associations of garden birds.  相似文献   

Establishment of Microstegium vimineum, an invasive exotic grass, in closed-canopy U.S. eastern forests was evaluated across a local (roadside to forest interior) and regional (across two geographic provinces) environmental gradient in West Virginia. The two geographic provinces were the Allegheny Plateau (more mesic) and the Ridge and Valley Province (more xeric). Biotic, abiotic, and disturbance variables were measured in (1) systematically located plots, starting from the roadside and extending 50 m into the forests, and (2) randomly selected, forest interior plots, with equal numbers of plots containing or not containing M. vimineum. Associations between the variables and the presence of M. vimineum at both scales were evaluated using generalized linear models. Relative importance of the variables related to M. vimineum establishment in the forest interior plots at the regional scale was determined using logistic regression. Results confirmed Microstegium vimineum’s reduced reproductive capacity in the forest interior compared to the roadside. Patches of M. vimineum in the forest interiors across the regional gradient were best defined by high native plant richness and diversity. Greater canopy opening, more moss, and shallower litter depths were also positively and significantly associated with M. vimineum presence, but only during the driest sample year.  相似文献   

Establishment of Microstegium vimineum, an invasive exotic grass, in closed-canopy U.S. eastern forests was evaluated across a local (roadside to forest interior) and regional (across two geographic provinces) environmental gradient in West Virginia. The two geographic provinces were the Allegheny Plateau (more mesic) and the Ridge and Valley Province (more xeric). Biotic, abiotic, and disturbance variables were measured in (1) systematically located plots, starting from the roadside and extending 50 m into the forests, and (2) randomly selected, forest interior plots, with equal numbers of plots containing or not containing M. vimineum. Associations between the variables and the presence of M. vimineum at both scales were evaluated using generalized linear models. Relative importance of the variables related to M. vimineum establishment in the forest interior plots at the regional scale was determined using logistic regression. Results confirmed Microstegium vimineum’s reduced reproductive capacity in the forest interior compared to the roadside. Patches of M. vimineum in the forest interiors across the regional gradient were best defined by high native plant richness and diversity. Greater canopy opening, more moss, and shallower litter depths were also positively and significantly associated with M. vimineum presence, but only during the driest sample year.  相似文献   

Many species have shown recent shifts in their distributions in response to climate change. Patterns in species occurrence or abundance along altitudinal gradients often serve as the basis for detecting such changes and assessing future sensitivity. Quantifying the distribution of species along altitudinal gradients acts as a fundamental basis for future studies on environmental change impacts, but in order for models of altitudinal distribution to have wide applicability, it is necessary to know the extent to which altitudinal trends in occurrence are consistent across geographically separated areas. This was assessed by fitting models of bird species occurrence across altitudinal gradients in relation to habitat and climate variables in two geographically separated alpine regions, Piedmont and Trentino. The ten species studied showed non-random altitudinal distributions which in most cases were consistent across regions in terms of pattern. Trends in relation to altitude and differences between regions could be explained mostly by habitat or a combination of habitat and climate variables. Variation partitioning showed that most variation explained by the models was attributable to habitat, or habitat and climate together, rather than climate alone or geographic region. The shape and position of the altitudinal distribution curve is important as it can be related to vulnerability where the available space is limited, i.e. where mountains are not of sufficient altitude for expansion. This study therefore suggests that incorporating habitat and climate variables should be sufficient to construct models with high transferability for many alpine species.  相似文献   

Improving predictions of ecological responses to climate change requires understanding how local abundance relates to temperature gradients, yet many factors influence local abundance in wild populations. We evaluated the shape of thermal‐abundance distributions using 98 422 abundance estimates of 702 reef fish species worldwide. We found that curved ceilings in local abundance related to sea temperatures for most species, where local abundance declined from realised thermal ‘optima’ towards warmer and cooler environments. Although generally supporting the abundant‐centre hypothesis, many species also displayed asymmetrical thermal‐abundance distributions. For many tropical species, abundances did not decline at warm distribution edges due to an unavailability of warmer environments at the equator. Habitat transitions from coral to macroalgal dominance in subtropical zones also influenced abundance distribution shapes. By quantifying the factors constraining species’ abundance, we provide an important empirical basis for improving predictions of community re‐structuring in a warmer world.  相似文献   

The object of our study was to determine the effect of distribution and habitat specialization of odonate species on local extinction in streams in central Finland. We studied the local extinction of the 20 most abundant dragonfly (Odonata) species in 34 small creeks and brooks in central Finland. The historical presence of each studied species in our research area was confirmed using existing records gathered between 1930 and 1975. A minimum of five records was available for each species. During the summers of 1995 and 1996, we investigated the current persistence of 219 separate populations with historical presence. In total, 98 historical populations were vanished. As predicted, we found that species with a narrow distribution were less persistent than species with a broad distribution. Therefore, the extinction risk of a species was inversely related to the width of its regional distribution. Using reference works, species were categorized into two main breeding habitat types: lotic species or lentic species. The species main habitat type was a significant predictor of local extinction risk after statistical removal of the effect of regional distribution on extinction risk. The lotic species had lower local extinction risk than other species. Altogether, the highest extinction risk was found in habitat-specialist species associated with peatlands, probably due to loss of natural breeding habitat. On the other hand, extinction risk was lower in widely distributed habitat generalist species than true lotic species. The local extinction within species was more common in small dynamic upstream than in larger stable downstream habitats. The results of this study are consistent with meta-population theory.  相似文献   

The effects of habitat connectivity on food webs have been studied both empirically and theoretically, yet the question of whether empirical results support theoretical predictions for any food web metric other than species richness has received little attention. Our synthesis brings together theory and empirical evidence for how habitat connectivity affects both food web stability and complexity. Food web stability is often predicted to be greatest at intermediate levels of connectivity, representing a compromise between the stabilizing effects of dispersal via rescue effects and prey switching, and the destabilizing effects of dispersal via regional synchronization of population dynamics. Empirical studies of food web stability generally support both this pattern and underlying mechanisms. Food chain length has been predicted to have both increasing and unimodal relationships with connectivity as a result of predators being constrained by the patch occupancy of their prey. Although both patterns have been documented empirically, the underlying mechanisms may differ from those predicted by models. In terms of other measures of food web complexity, habitat connectivity has been empirically found to generally increase link density but either reduce or have no effect on connectance, whereas a unimodal relationship is expected. In general, there is growing concordance between empirical patterns and theoretical predictions for some effects of habitat connectivity on food webs, but many predictions remain to be tested over a full connectivity gradient, and empirical metrics of complexity are rarely modeled. Closing these gaps will allow a deeper understanding of how natural and anthropogenic changes in connectivity can affect real food webs.  相似文献   

The transmission dynamics of the trematode Halipegus occidualis in its definitive host, Rana clamitans, have been examined over a 5-yr period in a North Carolina pond. The breeding season of green frogs coincides with the period of worm recruitment, during which time male frogs are territorial and females show strong site fidelity. This site fidelity allows inferences to be made regarding the suitability of a particular habitat for worm transmission based on frog infection intensities within that habitat. Four foci of infection were identified in the pond by plotting worm infrapopulation size against site of host capture. Sites within infection foci are characterized by shallow water and emergent vegetation, factors favorable for overlapping distributions of the 4 hosts in the life cycle of H. occidualis. Consistent year-to-year worm prevalences and intensities, despite fluctuations in frog population size, are thought to be the result of a relatively constant proportion of the frog population being present in infection foci each year. Removal of worms from heavily infected frogs in the fifth year resulted in further heavy worm recruitment by treated frogs suggesting that site selection can predispose a frog to heavy infection. Further, the sum of removed parasites and those recruited after parasite removal by treated frog hosts was higher than worm infrapopulations observed in previous years, indicating that worm density regulates parasite infrapopulation size in heavily infected frogs.  相似文献   

Quantifying the role of spatial patterns is an important goal in ecology to further understand patterns of community composition. We quantified the relative role of environmental conditions and regional spatial patterns that could be produced by environmental filtering and dispersal limitation on fish community composition for thousands of lakes. A database was assembled on fish community composition, lake morphology, water quality, climatic conditions, and hydrological connectivity for 9885 lakes in Ontario, Canada. We utilized a variation partitioning approach in conjunction with Moran's Eigenvector Maps (MEM) and Asymmetric Eigenvector Maps (AEM) to model spatial patterns that could be produced by human‐mediated and natural modes of dispersal. Across 9885 lakes and 100 fish species, environmental factors and spatial structure explained approximately 19% of the variation in fish community composition. Examining the proportional role of spatial structure and environmental conditions revealed that as much as 90% of the explained variation in native species assemblage composition is governed by environmental conditions. Conversely on average, 67% of the explained variation in non‐native assemblage composition can be related to human‐mediated dispersal. This study highlights the importance of including spatial structure and environmental conditions when explaining patterns of community composition to better discriminate between the ecological processes that underlie biogeographical patterns of communities composed of native and non‐native fish species.  相似文献   

Rodil IF  Compton TJ  Lastra M 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e39609
Exposed sandy beaches are highly dynamic ecosystems where macroinvertebrate species cope with extremely variable environmental conditions. The majority of the beach ecology studies present exposed beaches as physically dominated ecosystems where abiotic factors largely determine the structure and distribution of macrobenthic communities. However, beach species patterns at different scales can be modified by the interaction between different environmental variables, including biotic interactions. In this study, we examined the role of different environmental variables for describing the regional and local scale distributions of common macrobenthic species across 39 beaches along the North coast of Spain. The analyses were carried out using boosted regression trees, a relatively new technique from the field of machine learning. Our study showed that the macroinvertebrate community on exposed beaches is not structured by a single physical factor, but instead by a complex set of drivers including the biotic compound. Thus, at a regional scale the macrobenthic community, in terms of number of species and abundance, was mainly explained by surrogates of food availability, such as chlorophyll a. The results also revealed that the local scale is a feasible way to construct general predictive species-environmental models, since relationships derived from different beaches showed similar responses for most of the species. However, additional information on aspects of beach species distribution can be obtained with large scale models. This study showed that species-environmental models should be validated against changes in spatial extent, and also illustrates the utility of BRTs as a powerful analysis tool for ecology data insight.  相似文献   

We examine whether rain forest dung beetle species found in plantations in Sabah, northern Borneo, tend to be endemic or geographically widespread. In addition, linear regressions of abundance vs. distance from a major river in primary rain forest are calculated to see if species found in plantation forest show affinity to one specific biotope (riverine vs. interior forest) in their natural habitat. Results show that 14 of the 40 species recorded from plantations are endemic to Borneo. Only edge‐specialist endemic species are found in plantation forest, with no interior‐forest specialists recorded. Data suggest that endemic species that are adapted to more exposed conditions in primary rain forest, such as riverine species, can in some instances tolerate man‐made habitats. Twenty‐nine species (±SE 4.0) per transect are recorded from plantation transects, whereas 44.2 (±1.7 SE) are recorded in primary rain forest. As species richness is much lower in plantations than natural forest, implying loss of biodiversity, we conclude that measures of biogeographic distinctiveness, whereby endemic species confer higher values, may be misleading unless they take into account edge‐affinity. Local‐ as well as regional‐distributional data may therefore be needed to interpret correctly patterns of species assemblages in derived forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Abstract. 60 of the 75 Banksia species are confined to southwestern Australia where five or six species often coexist. We explored the role of regional species richness, niche differentiation, and habitat specialization in structuring banksia assemblages. The diversity of growth forms and categories of seed production and response to fire were assessed in actual assemblages at 40 sites throughout southwestern Australia. Diversity indices at each site were compared with those from null communities assembled on the basis of the abundance and sociability of taxa in regional species pools. The relationship between local and regional species richness suggests that processes at the scale of 100-m2 quadrats limit local richness and therefore coexistence. However, there was no consistent evidence that taxa are differentiated by growth form or regeneration strategy. No particular biological profile makes a banksia adept at coexisting with a wide range of other taxa. Habitat specialization is an important factor contributing to lower local richness than would be predicted from niche differentiation of taxa in regional pools. There is recent empirical evidence of several mechanisms whereby the number of coexisting banksias is increased beyond the limits suggested by simple niche theories. Variability in the fire regime also provides a mechanism for maintaining local species richness because different fires favour recruitment of different taxa.  相似文献   

Much recent research explaining plant community diversity has focused on comparing the relative impacts of regional and local processes. We employed a novel analysis to quantify the effects of multiple regional and local processes on species richness, and to make quantitative comparisons of those effects across two sites that differ in plot-level species richness, productivity and environmental conditions. While abiotic stress and competition limited richness within the communities at both sites, only differences in the overall pool of species at the site, likely resulting from long-distance dispersal and climate fluctuations, explained the differences in plot-level richness between sites. Patterns in local richness may be driven by a temporal storage effect, with greater richness in the site with greater climatic variability. By identifying both the factors that impact diversity within communities and those that vary systematically across communities, our integrated approach provides a better understanding of regional diversity patterns.  相似文献   

1. The structure of bryophyte communities in streams in relation to habitat characteristics, especially disturbance, is described. Disturbance in rivers is quantified as movement of the stream bed, whereas in small streams water level fluctuation is used as an indicator of disturbance frequency. 2. Canonical correspondence analysis differentiated frequently disturbed sites from more stable ones. The existence of a disturbance gradient was confirmed in a subset of the study sites using long-term records of discharge variation. A parallel change was detected in the species composition of bryophyte communities with low-statured, potentially fast colonizers dominating the disturbed end and large perennial species the stable end of the gradient. 3. A consistent pattern of zonation of bryophyte species was found along the gradient from continually submersed to persistently dry conditions in small streams and lake outlets. An abrupt increase in species richness occurred at or just above the water line, where facultatively aquatic species tolerant of both conditions formed the bulk of the community. 4. The relationship between species richness and standing crop in stream bryophyte communities was consistent with the hump-backed model of Grime (1979), especially at the within-habitat scale. Quadrats of low and very high standing crop were characterized by low species richness, while peak richness was observed at intermediate standing crops. 5. A few perennial species (e.g. Fontinalis spp. and Rhynchostegium riparioides) capable of monopolizing space dominated the most stable habitats. Species composition in low biomass sites was more variable, yet only one basic growth-form (small-statured species with high allocation to spore production) seemed possible in these highly disturbed streams. In habitats of intermediate biomass, small-scale disturbances apparently allow the formation of a more varied bryophyte community. 6. A habitat templet for stream bryophyte life strategies and community structure is presented. Disturbance is proposed to be the factor filtering out traits unsuitable for a given environment. The potential of stream bryophytes for testing and developing general ecological theory is emphasized.  相似文献   

There is a long tradition in ecology of evaluating the relative contribution of the regional species pool and local interactions on the structure of local communities. Similarly, a growing number of studies assess the phylogenetic structure of communities, relative to that in the regional species pool, to examine the interplay between broad-scale evolutionary and fine-scale ecological processes. Finally, a renewed interest in the influence of species source pools on communities has shown that the definition of the source pool influences interpretations of patterns of community structure. We use a continent-wide dataset of local ant communities and implement ecologically explicit source pool definitions to examine the relative importance of regional species pools and local interactions for shaping community structure. Then we assess which factors underlie systematic variation in the structure of communities along climatic gradients. We find that the average phylogenetic relatedness of species in ant communities decreases from tropical to temperate regions, but the strength of this relationship depends on the level of ecological realism in the definition of source pools. We conclude that the evolution of climatic niches influences the phylogenetic structure of regional source pools and that the influence of regional source pools on local community structure is strong.  相似文献   

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