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Considerable controversy exists concerning possible effects of sexually selected phenotypes via intermale competition on reproductive success. The mandrill ( Mandrillus sphinx ) is an extreme example of evolution by sexual selection, and hence we have studied a semi-free-ranging colony of mandrills in Gabon to gather information on male rank, mating success and paternity, as determined by DNA fingerprinting. Two morphological variants or adult male were identified; 'fatted' males, with maximum secondary sexual coloration, which occupied dominant positions in the social group, and 'non-fatted' males, with muted secondary sexual adornments, smaller testes and lower plasma testosterone levels, which lived as peripheral/solitary individuals. DNA fingerprinting analyses on infants born over five successive years showed that only the two most dominant, fatted males in the group had fathered off spring. Throughout the annual mating season these males attempted to mate-guard and copulate with females during periods of maximal sexual skin tumescence. Male rank and mating success were strongly positively related and the alpha male sired 80–100% of the resulting offspring during three consecutive years. Non-fatted adult males and group associated subadult males engaged in infrequent, opportunistic matings and did not guard females. Loss of alpha status resulted in a fall in reproductive success, but the effect was gradual; the deposed alpha male continued to father 67% and 25% of infants born during the next two years. Thus these results of behavioural and genetic studies on mandrills demonstrate unequivocally that clear-cut relationships exist between male secondary sexual development, social dominance, copulatory behaviour and reproductive success in the social group.  相似文献   

Darwin referred to the adult male mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx) as the most brightly coloured of all mammals, citing the brilliant red and blue pigmentation of the face, rump, and genitalia as extreme examples of evolution by sexual selection. Considerable controversy exists concerning possible effects of sexually selected phenotypes via intermale competition on reproductive success. Behavioural and genetic studies of a large, semi-free ranging mandrill colony in Gabon have now demonstrated that clear-cut relationships exist between male secondary sexual development, social dominance, copulatory behaviour, and reproductive success in this primate species. Two morphological variants of adult male were identified; “fatted” males, with maximum secondary sexual coloration, which occupied dominant positions in the social group, and “non-fatted” males, with muted secondary sexual adornments, smaller testes and lower plasma testosterone levels, which lived as peripheral/solitary individuals. DNA fingerprinting analyses on infants born over five successive years showed that only the two most dominant, fatted males in the group had fathered offspring. Throughout the annual mating season these males attempted to mate-guard and copulate with females during periods of maximal sexual skin tumescence. Male rank and mating success were strongly positively related and the alpha male sired 80 – 100% of the resulting offspring during three consecutive years. Non-fatted adult males and group associated subadult males engaged in infrequent, opportunistic matings and did not guard females. Loss of alpha status resulted in a fall in reproductive success, but the effect was gradual; the deposed alpha male continued to father 67% and 25% of infants born during the next two years. Thus, whilst claims that male dominance determines mating success and paternity in primates have caused considerable debate, these results on mandrills provide unequivocal evidence for the existence of such effects.  相似文献   

Previous studies of semifree-ranging mandrills identified two morphological and social variants of the adult male, based on behavioral and secondary sexual characteristics. "Fatted" males are social, with highly developed sex skin coloration, large testes, high plasma testosterone levels, and fat rumps; while "nonfatted" males are peripheral or solitary, with paler sex skin, smaller testes, lower plasma testosterone, and slimmer rumps. We present a detailed study of morphology and group association for 10 adult male mandrills, living in two semifree-ranging groups in Gabon, in order to relate differences between males to dominance rank. The results show that rather than existing as two distinct morphotypes, male mandrills represent a continuous spectrum of possibilities between social males with fully developed secondary sexual characteristics, and solitary males with muted secondary sexual characteristics. Alpha males (N = 2) had the highest testosterone levels, the most colorful sex skin, and the most active sternal glands, and were the only males to spend 100% of their time with the social group. Rank relationships between nonalpha males (N = 8) were not always clear, but all subordinate males had lower testosterone levels and less development of the secondary sexual adornments, and were less group-associated than alpha males. These findings suggest that only alpha males have sufficient testosterone to develop full secondary sexual characteristics, and we propose possible socioendocrine mechanisms underlying the suppression of testosterone and secondary sexual development in subordinate adults. We discuss differences in secondary sexual development in relation to reproductive strategies, and discuss the evolution of alternative reproductive morphs in primates.  相似文献   

Previous research on semifree-ranging mandrills has shown that the degree of secondary sexual development differs among adult males. While some males are social, brightly colored, and have large testes and high levels of plasma testosterone, other males are peripheral or solitary, and lack fully developed secondary sexual features. In order to determine how these differences among males arise, and to investigate the influence of social factors, we examined the adolescent development of 13 semifree-ranging male mandrills of known age. Testicular volume began to increase markedly at 5.5 yr, and males began to develop secondary sexual adornments at the age of 6 yr. Males attained adult size and secondary sexual development at an average age of 9 yr. As males developed, they peripheralized, decreasing from 100% group-associated at 5 yr to 20% at 8 yr. At 9 yr some males reentered the social group and attained alpha rank, while others remained peripheral or solitary. Within this average development, there was marked variation among males in the timing of development. Adolescent males that were dominant for their age had higher testosterone levels, larger testes, and more advanced secondary sexual development than subordinate males. The implications of these findings are discussed in the light of differences that occur among adult males, male-male competition, and the evolution of secondary sexual adornments in this species.  相似文献   

Although secondary sexual adornments are widespread in male primates, few studies have examined female choice for these characters. Mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) present an extreme example of sexual dimorphism, with males exhibiting an array of striking adornments. The most dominant adult male in a group exhibits the brightest and most extensive red coloration, while the other males are less brightly colored. I examined whether female mandrills prefer brightly colored males using data on periovulatory sexual behavior during the 1996 mating season for all males 8 years old (n = 5) and all parous females (n = 9) in a semifree-ranging colony at CIRMF, Gabon. Brightness of male coloration is significantly positively correlated with time spent within 2 m of females, female responsibility for proximity, number of sexual presentations received, % approaches accepted by females, and % inspections with which females cooperated. Females also groomed only the brightest male. Behaviors indicating female preference are not correlated significantly with male dominance rank, and partial correlations confirm that the influence of male color on female behavior is stronger than that of male rank. With the influence of male dominance rank controlled, correlation coefficients between female behaviors and male mating success are high and positive. In further support of the hypothesis that females show mate choice for brightly colored males, independent of dominance rank, I report an unusual case wherein the alpha male fell in rank without loss of coloration. He experienced no significant change in female responsibility for proximity, sexual presentations received, or female reaction to approaches or inspections, though he was no longer observed to mate. Accordingly, female mandrills attend to differences in male secondary sexual characters and favor brightly colored males. As brightly colored males are also dominant this reinforces the influence of male-male competition on male reproductive success and may explain the very high reproductive skew in mandrill males and their extraordinary appearance.  相似文献   

Fecal testosterone and cortisol levels were analyzed from six wild male muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides) over a 19-month period at the Esta??o Biológica de Caratinga in Minas Gerais, Brazil, to investigate the hormonal correlates of seasonal sexual behavior and environmental conditions. Group mean testosterone levels based on weekly samples from the six males did not differ between copulatory and noncopulatory periods or between rainy and dry seasons. Cortisol levels did change with copulatory periods, and were significantly higher during the second dry season, when mating continued following an exceptionally heavy rainy season, than during the first dry season, when mating ceased. Males exhibited individual variation in the timing of their hormone shifts relative to their sexual activity, but neither hormone levels nor sexual activity were related to male age. Despite individual differences in the timing of testosterone fluctuations around the onset and offset of the copulatory season, all males exhibited elevated cortisol concentrations following a slight increase in testosterone at the beginning of the copulatory season. Both the lack of significant changes in testosterone levels with the onset of the rainy and copulatory season and the lack of prebreeding increases in cortisol may be related to the low levels of overt aggression displayed by male muriquis over access to mates.  相似文献   

Two semifree-ranging mandrill groups, inhabiting large, naturally rainforested enclosures in Gabon, were studied to measure morphological, endocrine, and behavioral changes that occurred when adult males rose, or fell, in dominance rank. Gaining alpha rank (N = 4 males) resulted in increased testicular size and circulating testosterone, reddening of the sexual skin on the face and genitalia, and heightened secretion from the sternal cutaneous gland. Blue sexual skin coloration was unaffected. New alpha males increased in rump "fattedness," but not in body mass, and spent more time associated with other group members, rather than ranging alone. Loss of alpha position (N = 4 males) resulted in less pronounced effects than those that occurred after males had risen to alpha positions. Deposed alpha males showed decreased testicular volume, decreased body mass, a reduction in the extent of red (but not blue) sexual skin coloration, and decreased sternal gland activity. Deposed males did not decrease in the brightness of sex skin coloration. These results demonstrate that male-male competition and rank reversals have remarkable effects upon testicular function, secondary sexual traits, and behavior in the adult male mandrill. Secondary sexual traits respond to changes in male social status and therefore may be important as intrasexual signals of dominance rank.  相似文献   

We examined variation in glucocorticoid levels in the mandrill, a brightly coloured primate species, to identify major social influences on stress hormones, and investigate relationships among glucocorticoid levels, testosterone and secondary sexual ornamentation. We collected a total of 317 fecal samples for 16 adult male mandrills over 13 months, including mating and non-mating periods and periods of both dominance rank stability and instability, and compared fecal glucocorticoid levels with dominance rank, rank stability, presence of receptive females, gastro-intestinal parasite infection, fecal testosterone and facial red coloration. Glucocorticoid levels did not vary systematically with dominance rank, but increased when the dominance hierarchy was unstable, and increased in the presence of receptive females. The relationship between dominance rank and glucocorticoid levels changed direction according to the stability of the dominance hierarchy: glucocorticoid levels were higher in subordinate males under stable conditions, but under conditions of instability higher ranking males had higher glucocorticoid levels. The influence of dominance rank also interacted with the presence of receptive females: glucocorticoids were higher in dominant males than in subordinates, but only during mating periods, suggesting that dominant males are more stressed than subordinates during such periods. These findings support previous studies showing that the relationship between glucocorticoids and dominance rank in male baboons is dependent on the social environment. We also found that males with higher glucocorticoids suffered a higher diversity of gastrointestinal parasite infection, in line with evidence that glucocorticoids suppress the immune system in other species. However, we found no support for the stress-mediated immunocompetence handicap hypothesis for the evolution of condition-dependent ornaments: glucocorticoid and testosterone levels were positively related, rather than the negative relationship predicted by the hypothesis, and we found no relationship between red colour and glucocorticoid levels, suggesting that glucocorticoids do not play a role in translating social conditions or physical health into ornament expression in this species.  相似文献   

The authors examined testis tissues and blood which were collected from free-ranging Japanese monkeys of the Takasakiyama troop during four periods in 1971 (mating season: late January-early February; early birth season: June; late birth season: August; and intermediate season between birth season and mating season: October), and studied their sexual maturation and seasonal changes in reproductive phenomena. Results of observations on the testis and plasma testosterone concentration were in agreement with each other. Except in a few cases, the testis was infantile until October at 4 years old and developed rapidly during the following two months, and spermatogenesis started in the mating season at 4 years old (in exceptional cases, it started one year earlier). After the following two-year process of sexual maturation, monkeys attained full maturation in the mating season at 6 years old. For seasonal changes in reproductive phenomena also, results of observations on the testis and the plasma testosterone were in agreement with each other. Activity of the testis repeated an annual cycle of being maximal in the mating season, regressing in the birth season, and redeveloping toward the following mating season. Such seasonal changes were noticeably observed with 4- to 6-year-old animals, which are in the process of sexual maturation.  相似文献   

This report presents information collected over 7 years (1983-1990) in Gabon, on a breeding group of 14, increasing to 45, mandrills maintained in a rainforest enclosure. Under these conditions, a seasonal cycle of mating (June-October) and birth (January-May) occurred. Females began to exhibit sexual skin swellings at age 2.75-4.5 years (3.6 +/- 0.6 years, mean +/- SD; n = 10) and first delivered offspring when 3.25-5.5 years old (4.4 +/- 0.8 years; n = 9). Gestation periods ranged from 152 to 176 days (167 +/- 9 days; n = 6 accurately dated pregnancies) and interbirth intervals from 11 to 15 months (12.4 +/- 1.3 months; n = 15). Females could reproduce 2 years before attaining adult body weight (10-15 kg) and complete dental eruption by 5.0-5.5 years. Males, by contrast, developed more slowly, reaching adult body weight (30-35 kg) and testicular volume (volume of left testis: 25-30 ml) at 8 years. Consistently high circulating testosterone concentrations (8.17 +/- 2.0 ng ml-1) could be measured by 9 years of age. Fully developed males exhibited fatting of the rump and flanks, as well as striking sexual skin coloration and an active sternal cutaneous gland; little expression of these features was evident during pubertal development. Marked individual age differences occurred with regard to the onset and complete development of these features, suggesting possible interactions between social environment and physical maturation.  相似文献   

Six adult male rhesus monkeys were introduced individually to an all-female group for 10 days during the mating season. The initial aggressive responses of the females were rapidly replaced by positive social behaviour, and each male achieved alpha status and had access to social and sexual partners. A repetition of this paradigm in the non-breeding season produced significantly more female aggression, and no male attained high rank or engaged in sexual or other social behaviour. Male testosterone levels rose following introduction to the females in both seasons, but were significantly higher during the breeding season. Hormonal levels following removal from the females suggest a complex interplay between social, sexual and seasonal variables and recent social experiences. The differences in female social behaviour with newly introduced males, as a function of season, suggest an explanation for the seasonal limitation of male troop transfers.  相似文献   

雄性黄山短尾猴攻击行为和粪便睾酮水平季节性变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈燃  李进华  朱勇  夏东坡 《动物学报》2008,54(3):393-398
睾酮对启动和维持雄性动物的性行为及保持雄性第二性征有重要作用,高浓度的睾酮还可促进雄性的攻击性。但是长时期维持高的睾酮水平还会使雄性付出很高的能量代价,所以雄性不会长时期地维持高的睾酮水平。本研究对黄山短尾猴鱼鳞坑YA2群雄性个体交配期(2006年9月-12月)与产仔期(2007年1月-4月)攻击行为进行研究,同时收集研究个体的新鲜粪便,并用放射免疫分析法测定粪便睾酮水平,以探讨雄性黄山短尾猴不同时期睾酮水平差异及睾酮水平与攻击行为的关系。结果表明,成年雄性黄山短尾猴攻击行为发生频次在交配期显著高于非交配期;成年雄性粪便睾酮水平在交配期显著高于非交配期;交配期成年雄性的粪便睾酮水平与攻击行为发生频次有较显著的正相关关系,而在非交配期无显著相关;低顺位个体在交配期和非交配期都没有观察到攻击行为。本研究的结果支持了“繁殖竞争假说”。  相似文献   

The challenge hypothesis (J. C. Wingfield, R. E. Hegner, B. G. Ball, and A. M. Duffy, 1990, Am. Nat. 136, 829-846) proposes that in birds, reptiles, and fish, "the frequency or intensity of reproductive aggression as an effect of T[estosterone] is strongest in situations of social instability, such as during the formation of dominance relationships, the establishment of territorial boundaries, or challenges by a conspecific male for a territory or access to mates" (p. 833). To determine the extension of this hypothesis to mammalian species, we tested predictions of the hypothesis in a nonpaternal, seasonal breeding, prosimian primate (ring-tailed lemurs, Lemur catta). Semi-free-ranging males were studied during periods of social stability (premating period) and instability (mating period). The annual mating season consists of several days during which males fight for access to promiscuous group females as each individually becomes sexually receptive for 1 day. Male rates of aggression were compared to fecal testosterone levels within premating and mating periods. In the premating period male rate of aggression was not significantly correlated with testosterone level. By contrast, during the mating season testosterone and aggression levels were positively and significantly correlated. However, on days just preceding estrus, male rate of aggression was not significantly correlated with testosterone, but on days of estrus, when aggressive challenges peaked sharply, testosterone and aggression were highly positively correlated. These results suggest that the challenge hypothesis applies to mammals as well as to birds, reptiles, and fish. In addition, elevations in testosterone were tightly circumscribed around days of estrus, suggesting a compromise between costs and benefits of elevated testosterone levels.  相似文献   

Male magnificent frigatebirds (Fregata magnificens) possess a seasonally expressed skin ornament, namely the red and inflatable gular pouch, and are, therefore, a convenient model for the study of some theories related to the evolution of possible testosterone-dependent sexual skin coloration. Here we report the findings of a study performed over four consecutive mating seasons in the Mexican national park Isla Isabel. We investigated differences in testosterone level and gular pouch coloration in courting males in relation to the categories: age-class, visited status and blood parasite infection. Gular pouch color saturation increased with age-class. Investigated frigatebirds were infected only with Haemoproteus iwa (Haemosporida, Haemoproteidae), with an overall prevalence infection of 15.5%. Prevalence of the infection increased with birds' age-class. Testosterone levels were significantly higher in infected males, who also had lighter colored gular pouches. In non-infected males, those visited by a female had higher testosterone levels than non-visited males. Gular pouch lightness and redness were negatively correlated but only redness in non-visited non-infected males was positively correlated with testosterone levels. Gular pouch saturation in visited and infected males was positively correlated with body mass, which also increased with age-class. Mated males had lower testosterone levels and lighter, less red and saturated gular pouch coloration than courting males. In summary, we found that coloration of the male skin ornament could reflect age-class (saturation), parasite infection (lightness) and mated status (all), together with indications of condition and testosterone dependency of ornament expression.  相似文献   

Plasma testosterone and progesterone concentrations were measured in captive woolly opossums, a didelphid marsupial originating from neotropical forests in French Guyana. Although not exposed to cyclic environmental conditions as in the field, both sexes exhibited spontaneous circannual changes in sexual hormones. Males showed synchronous variations in plasma testosterone characterized by significant elevated concentrations during April and September (8.6 +/- 1 ng/ml, N = 5) and lower levels from May to July (3.6 +/- 0.4 ng/ml). In females, synchronous periods of 2-3 successive oestrous cycles occurred. Between these periods, females remained acyclic. The oestrous cycle, determined by urogenital smears, lasted 28-45 days (n = 14) and included a 20-day spontaneous luteal phase in which progesterone concentrations reached 30-40 ng/ml plasma. Even though testosterone concentrations in paired males increased significantly in response to oestrous periods of the paired females, spontaneous circannual rhythms of sexual activity were not well synchronized between the sexes in captivity. When compared to field data, sexual activity of captive animals followed a pattern similar to that in wild animals, without any changes in males but with a delay of 3 months in females.  相似文献   

Squirrel monkeys (Saimiri spp.) are thought to undergo a unique pattern of seasonal weight change among the Primates that reflects a fatted male phenomenon. But many male mammals, including rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta), undergo circannual weight changes concurrent with mating season activity. Four adult male rhesus macaques living in a heterosexual social group in an outdoor enclosure were studied over a 2-year period in order to ascertain potential mechanisms underlying seasonal weight changes. Alterations in weight were significantly correlated with changes in abdominal fat levels and in body mass index. Neither testosterone nor estradiol fluctuations were correlated with weight changes, but estradiol levels were significantly correlated with body mass index. The annual profile of changes in abdominal fat level reflected the annual profile of variation in circulating estradiol levels. The fatted male phenomenon appears to characterize circannual weight fluctuations in rhesus macaques. Seasonal weight changes resulting from fat deposition are suggested to provide a substrate for adipose tissue aromatization that yields elevated estradiol levels and enables males to forego feeding and concentrate their energy budgets on activities directly related to mate acquisition and retention.  相似文献   

In primate species exhibiting seasonal reproduction, patterns of testosterone excretion in adult males are variable: in some species, peaks correlate with female receptivity periods and heightened male-male aggression over access to estrous females, in others, neither heightened aggression nor marked elevations in testosterone have been noted. In this study, we examined mean fecal testosterone ( f T) levels and intermale aggression in wild adult male ring-tailed lemurs residing in three groups at Beza Mahafaly Reserve, Madagascar. Results obtained from mating and post-mating season 2003 were compared to test Wingfield et al. [1990. Am Nat 136:829-846] "challenge hypothesis", which predicts a strong positive relationship between male testosterone levels and male-male competition for access to receptive females during breeding season. f T levels and rates of intermale aggression were significantly higher during mating season compared to the post-mating period. Mean f T levels and aggression rates were also higher in the first half of the mating season compared with the second half. Number of males in a group affected rates of intermale agonism, but not mean f T levels. The highest-ranking males in two of the groups exhibited higher mean f T levels than did lower-ranking males, and young males exhibited lower f T levels compared to prime-aged and old males. In the post-mating period, mean male f T levels did not differ between groups, nor were there rank or age effects. Thus, although male testosterone levels rose in relation to mating and heightened male-male aggression, f T levels fell to baseline breeding levels shortly after the early mating period, and to baseline non-breeding levels immediately after mating season had ended, offsetting the high cost of maintaining both high testosterone and high levels of male-male aggression in the early breeding period.  相似文献   

Patas monkeys ( Erythrocebus patas ) have aquamarine-coloured scrota, but data are unavailable regarding the potential connection between changes in scrotal coloration and testicular function. In the rhesus monkey ( Macaca mulatta ), seasonality of mating is accompanied by an intensification of red colour of the scrotum and a doubling of testicle size. A one-year study of male patas monkeys was undertaken in order to examine potential seasonal correlates of testicular function and scrotal colour. Increases in testosterone concentrations and testicular volume occurred during the mating season in adult males, but scrotal colour was fairly uniform throughout the year. Neither age, body weight, nor health influenced scrotal colour. These findings contradict the suggestion that the sex skin of seasonally breeding primates will become more intense during the mating season as a result of elevations in steroid hormone levels. Evidence from field studies in Africa suggest that the colour is part of a constellation of traits involved in male competition for mates.  相似文献   

Male animals of many species use conspicuous coloration to attract mates. Among mammals, primates possess the most brilliant secondary sexual coloration. However, whether colour plays a part in primate female mate choice remains unknown. Adult male rhesus macaques undergo a hormonally regulated increased reddening of facial and anogenital skin during their mating season. We experimentally investigated whether red male facial coloration is preferred by simultaneously presenting female rhesus macaques (n = 6) with computer-manipulated pale and red versions of 24 different male faces. The duration and direction of gaze were measured to discern visual preferences. Females exhibited preferences for the red versions of male faces. It is proposed that male coloration might provide a cue to male quality.  相似文献   

In 6 isolated adult male lesser mouse lemurs, concentrations of testosterone in plasma were determinated at 6-h intervals over a 24-h period. Blood samples were collected at monthly intervals and for a period of 12 months under natural photoperiod. In this nocturnal prosimian, there were no apparent diurnal changes in testosterone concentrations during the non-breeding season (autumn). During seasonal sexual activity (January-August), diurnal changes in testosterone concentrations were characterized by a significant rise during the light phase. The daily testosterone peak occurred about 8.5 h after sunrise from February to July, but at the beginning (January) or at the end (August) of the breeding season, the daily testosterone peak was displaced to the morning. A circannual testosterone rhythm occurred with the highest testosterone values in May/June and the lowest values 6 months later. The dramatic fall in testosterone concentrations after the summer solstice may be associated with a change in the peripheral metabolism of testosterone.  相似文献   

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