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Root proliferation into nutrient rich zones is an important mechanism in the exploitation of soil nutrients by plants. No studies have examined atmospheric CO2 effects on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) root distribution as affected by localized phosphorus (P). Cotton plants were grown in a Troup sand (loamy, thermic Grossarenic Kandiudults) using 17.2-l containers placed in open top field chambers (OTC) under ambient (360 mol mol–1) or enriched (720 mol mol–1) atmospheric CO2 concentrations for 40 days. Equivalent amounts of P were added (150 mg P per kg of soil) to 100, 50, 25, 12.5, and 6.25% of the total soil volume; control containers with no added P were also included. Under extremely low P (controls), cotton was unresponsive to CO2 enrichment. In treatments with both fertilized and unfertilized soil volumes, root proliferation was greater in the unfertilized soil under elevated CO2 conditions. Stimulation of root growth occurred in the P-fertilized soil fraction; the pattern of stimulation was similar under both CO2 levels. Under ambient CO2, cotton plant response was positive (shoot mass, and total root mass and length) when soil P was confined to relatively small proportions of the total soil volume (6.25 and 12.5%). However, elevated CO2 grown plants tended to respond to P regardless of its distribution.  相似文献   

《Global Change Biology》2017,23(9):3501-3512
We evaluated the effect on soil CO2 efflux (FCO2) of sudden changes in photosynthetic rates by altering CO2 concentration in plots subjected to +200 ppmv for 15 years. Five‐day intervals of exposure to elevated CO2 (eCO2) ranging 1.0–1.8 times ambient did not affect FCO2. FCO2 did not decrease until 4 months after termination of the long‐term eCO2 treatment, longer than the 10 days observed for decrease of FCO2 after experimental blocking of C flow to belowground, but shorter than the ~13 months it took for increase of FCO2 following the initiation of eCO2. The reduction of FCO2 upon termination of enrichment (~35%) cannot be explained by the reduction of leaf area (~15%) and associated carbohydrate production and allocation, suggesting a disproportionate contraction of the belowground ecosystem components; this was consistent with the reductions in base respiration and FCO2‐temperature sensitivity. These asymmetric responses pose a tractable challenge to process‐based models attempting to isolate the effect of individual processes on FCO2.  相似文献   

The objective of this investigation was to quantify the differences in soil carbon stores after exposure of birch seedlings (Betula pendula Roth.) over one growing season to ambient and elevated carbon dioxide concentrations. One-year-old seedling of birch were transplanted to pots containing C4 soil derived from beneath a maize crop, and placed in ambient (350 L L–1) and elevated (600 L L–1) plots in a free-air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) experiment. After 186 days the plants and soils were destructively sampled, and analysed for differences in root and stem biomass, total plant tissue and soil C contents and 13C values. The trees showed a significant increase (+50%) in root biomass, but stem and leaf biomasses were not significantly affected by treatment. C isotope analyses of leaves and fine roots showed that the isotopic signal from the ambient and elevated CO2 supply was sufficiently distinct from that of the C4 soil to enable quantification of net root C input to the soil under both ambient and elevated CO2. After 186 days, the pots under ambient conditions contained 3.5 g of C as intact root material, and had gained an additional 0.6 g C added to the soil through root exudation/turnover; comparable figures for the pots under elevated CO2 were 5.9 g C and 1.5 g C, respectively. These data confirm the importance of soils as an enhanced sink for C under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations. We propose the use of C4 soils in elevated CO2 experiments as an important technique for the quantification of root net C inputs under both ambient and elevated CO2 treatments.  相似文献   

Standing dead and green foliage litter was collected in early November 1990 from Andropogon gerardii (C4), Sorghastrum nutans (C4), and Poa pratensis (C3) plants that were grown in large open-top chambers under ambient or twice ambient CO2 and with or without nitrogen fertilization (45 kg N ha−1). The litter was placed in mesh bags on the soil surface of pristine prairie adjacent to the growth treatment plots and allowed to decay under natural conditions. Litter bags were retrieved at fixed intervals and litter was analyzed for mass loss, carbon chemistry, and total Kjeldahl nitrogen and phosphorus. The results indicate that growth treatments had a relatively minor effect on the initial chemical composition of the litter and its subsequent rate of decay or chemical composition. This suggests that a large indirect effect of CO2 on surface litter decomposition in the tallgrass prairie would not occur by way of changes in chemistry of leaf litter. However, there was a large difference in characteristics of leaf litter decomposition among the species. Poa leaf litter had a different initial chemistry and decayed more rapidly than C4 grasses. We conclude that an indirect effect of CO2 on decomposition and nutrient cycling could occur if CO2 induces changes in the relative aboveground biomass of the prairie species.  相似文献   

The importance of arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) in plant and ecosystem responses to global changes, e.g. elevated atmospheric CO2, is widely acknowledged. Frequently, increases in AM root colonization occur in response to increased CO2, but also the lack of significant changes has been reported. The goal of this study was to test whether arbuscular mycorrhizae (root colonization and composition of root colonization) respond to plants grown in elevated CO2 as a function of soil depth. We grew Bromus hordeaceus L. and Lotus wrangelianus Fischer & C. Meyer monocultures in large pots with a synthetic serpentine soil profile for 4 yr in an experiment, in which CO2 concentration was crossed factorially with NPK fertilization. When analyzing root infection separately for topsoil (0–15 cm) and subsoil (15–45 cm), we found large (e.g., about 5-fold) increases of AM fungal root colonization in the subsoil in response to CO2, but no significant changes in the corresponding topsoil of Bromus. Only the coarse endophyte AM fungi, not the fine endophyte AM fungi, were responsible for the observed increase in the bottom soil layer, indicating a depth-dependent shift in the AM community colonizing the roots, even at this coarse morphological level. Other response variables also had significant soil layer * CO2 interaction terms. The subsoil response would have been hidden in an unstratified assessment of the total root system, since most of the root length was concentrated in the top soil layer. The increased presence of mycorrhizae in roots deeper in the soil should be considered in sampling protocols, as it may be indicative of changed patterns of nutrient acquisition and carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

The effect of elevated CO2 on growth of wheat plants (Triticum aestivum cv. Minaret) and soil protozoan and bacterial populations was investigated in soil pots placed in open top chambers fumigated with ambient air or air enriched with CO2 (ambient + 320 l L–1 CO2). We harvested plants two times during the growing season and measured the biomass and the C and N content of roots and shoots. The soil was divided into bulk and rhizosphere soil and the number of bacteria (colony-forming units, CFU) and protozoa was determined. There was no effect of atmospheric CO2 content on the number of bacteria, but the total number of bacterivorous protozoa was higher in pots from the elevated CO2 treatment. This increase was mainly due to an increase in the number of protozoa in the bulk soil. Density of protozoa in the rhizosphere was not affected by elevated CO2. This suggests that the increase in protozoan numbers was a result of a general increase in rhizodeposition, presumably caused by increased root production, and not to an increased root exudation per root mass. After harvest, soil from the two treatments was incubated with and without roots and the respiration rate was estimated at intervals for 200 days. During the first 55 days, the specific root induced respiration rate was not affected by the CO2 level at which the plants had been grown, indicating that the quality of the easily decomposable components of the roots was not affected by CO2 level.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine reciprocal effects of low to high doses of nitrogenous fertilizer (N30, N40, N50, N60 and N70 — 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 kg ha−1 respectively) and CO2 enriched environment on C and N partitioning in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merril cv JS-335). Plants were grown from seedling emergence to maturity inside open top chambers under ambient, AC (350±50 mol mol−1) and elevated, EC (600±50 mol mol−1) CO2 and analyzed at seedling, vegetative, flowering, pod setting and maturity stages. Soybean responded to both CO2 enrichment and N supply. Leaves, stem and root reserves at different growth stages were analyzed for total C and N contents. Consistent increase in the C contents of the leaf, stem and root was observed under EC than in AC. N contents in the different plant parts were found to be decreased under EC-grown plants specially at seedling and vegetative stage despite providing N doses to the soil. Significant increase observed for C to N dry mass ratio under EC in the root, stems and leaves at seedling and vegetative stage was decreased in the middle and later growth stages possibly due to combined impact of N doses to the soil and increased N2 fixing activities due to EC conditions. Critical analysis of our findings reveals that the composition and partitioning of C and N of soybean under variable rates of N supply and CO2 enrichment alter according to need under altered metabolic process. These changes eventually may lead to alteration in uptake of not only N but other essential nutrients also under changing atmosphere.  相似文献   

In nitrogen (N)-limited systems, the response of symbiotic N fixation to elevated atmospheric [CO2] may be an important determinant of ecosystem responses to this global change. Experimental tests of the effects of elevated [CO2] have not been consistent. Although rarely tested, differences among legume species and N supply may be important. In a field free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment, we determined, for four legume species, whether the effects of elevated atmospheric [CO2] on symbiotic N fixation depended on soil N availability or species identity. Natural abundance and pool-dilution 15N methods were used to estimate N fixation. Although N addition did, in general, decrease N fixation, contrary to theoretical predictions, elevated [CO2] did not universally increase N fixation. Rather, the effect of elevated [CO2] on N fixation was positive, neutral or negative, depending on the species and N addition. Our results suggest that legume species identity and N supply are critical factors in determining symbiotic N-fixation responses to increased atmospheric [CO2].  相似文献   

Soil N availability may play an important role in regulating the long-term responses of plants to rising atmospheric CO2 partial pressure. To further examine the linkage between above- and belowground C and N cycles at elevated CO2, we grew clonally propagated cuttings of Populus grandidentata in the field at ambient and twice ambient CO2 in open bottom root boxes filled with organic matter poor native soil. Nitrogen was added to all root boxes at a rate equivalent to net N mineralization in local dry oak forests. Nitrogen added during August was enriched with 15N to trace the flux of N within the plant-soil system. Above-and belowground growth, CO2 assimilation, and leaf N content were measured non-destructively over 142 d. After final destructive harvest, roots, stems, and leaves were analyzed for total N and 15N. There was no CO2 treatment effect on leaf area, root length, or net assimilation prior to the completion of N addition. Following the N addition, leaf N content increased in both CO2 treatments, but net assimilation showed a sustained increase only in elevated CO2 grown plants. Root relative extension rate was greater at elevated CO2, both before and after the N addition. Although final root biomass was greater at elevated CO2, there was no CO2 effect on plant N uptake or allocation. While low soil N availability severely inhibited CO2 responses, high CO2 grown plants were more responsive to N. This differential behavior must be considered in light of the temporal and spatial heterogeneity of soil resources, particularly N which often limits plant growth in temperate forests.  相似文献   

Jastrow  J.D.  Miller  R.M.  Owensby  C.E. 《Plant and Soil》2000,224(1):85-97
We determined the effects of elevated [CO2] on the quantity and quality of below-ground biomass and several soil organic matter pools at the conclusion of an eight-year CO2 enrichment experiment on native tallgrass prairie. Plots in open-top chambers were exposed continuously to ambient and twice-ambient [CO2] from early April through late October of each year. Soil was sampled to a depth of 30 cm beneath and next to the crowns of C4 grasses in these plots and in unchambered plots. Elevated [CO2] increased the standing crops of rhizomes (87%), coarse roots (46%), and fibrous roots (40%) but had no effect on root litter (mostly fine root fragments and sloughed cortex material >500 μm). Soil C and N stocks also increased under elevated [CO2], with accumulations in the silt/clay fraction over twice that of particulate organic matter (POM; >53 μm). The mostly root-like, light POM (density ≤1.8 Mg m-3) appeared to turn over more rapidly, while the more amorphous and rendered heavy POM (density >1.8 Mg m-3) accumulated under elevated [CO2]. Overall, rhizome and root C:N ratios were not greatly affected by CO2 enrichment. However, elevated [CO2] increased the C:N ratios of root litter and POM in the surface 5 cm and induced a small but significant increase in the C:N ratio of the silt/clay fraction to a depth of 15 cm. Our data suggest that 8 years of CO2 enrichment may have affected elements of the N cycle (including mineralization, immobilization, and asymbiotic fixation) but that any changes in N dynamics were insufficient to prevent significant plant growth responses. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

T. Otani  N. Ae 《Plant and Soil》1993,150(2):255-262
A method for collecting low volumes of soil gas from a small region, and a technique for determining small concentrations of ethylene using an enrichment process are described. Using these methods, it was found that ethylene and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations of soils varied considerably depending on the presence or absence of a rhizosphere. Ethylene was much higher (31–375 nL L–1; mean: 207) in non-cropped areas (i.e., soils without rhizosphere) than in the rhizosphere region (8–136 nL L–1; mean: 38) of a field in which maize or soybean were grown. On the other hand, CO2 concentrations were higher in rhizosphere than in non-rhizosphere soil, especially in pot experiments. The rate of ethylene decomposition was, however, much greater in rhizosphere soil (55 nL g–1 day–1) than in non-rhizosphere soil (34 nL g–1 day–1). Higher microbial activity was presumed to result in the decrease of ethylene concentration and the increase in CO2 in rhizosphere regions. The implications of these results in relation to the influence of ethylene in rhizosphere on plant growth, and the role of soil microbes on decomposition of ethylene is discussed.  相似文献   

Growing cotton in a greenhouse with 12-h of supplemental light [8,608 lux (800 ft-c) from combination of mercury and Lucalux® lamps] resulted in 2 × to > 3 × greater reproduction of Meloidogyne incognita and Belonolaimus longicaudatus as compared to natural light alone. Rate of increase of Hoplolaimus galeatus was affected little in this experiment. In a second experiment under controlled conditions in a phytotron, light source and intensity had greater influence on the reproduction of Heterodera glycines and Pratylenchus penetrans on soybean than on B. longicaudatus. Fluorescent plus incandescent and metal halide light sources resulted in the greatest nematode reproduction. Lucalux lamps resulted in much lower rates of nematode increase than other light sources. Rates of nematode increase on soybean under the different light sources in the phytotron generally were positively related to plant growth.  相似文献   

van Ginkel  J.H.  Gorissen  A.  van Veen  J.A. 《Plant and Soil》1997,188(2):299-308
The effect of elevated CO2 on the carbon and nitrogen distribution within perennial ryegrass (L. perenne L.) and its influence on belowground processes were investigated. Plants were homogeneously 14C-labelled in two ESPAS growth chambers in a continuous 14C-CO2 atmosphere of 350 and 700 L L-1 CO2 and at two soil nitrogen regimes, in order to follow the carbon flow through all plant and soil compartments.After 79 days, elevated CO2 increased the total carbon uptake by 41 and 21% at low (LN) and high nitrogen (HN) fertilisation, respectively. Shoot growth remained unaffected, whereas CO2 enrichment stimulated root growth by 46% and the root/soil respiration by 111%, irrespective of the nitrogen concentration. The total 14C-soil content increased by 101 and 28% at LN and HN, respectively. The decomposition of the native soil organic matter was not affected either by CO2 or by the nitrogen treatment.Elevated CO2 did not change the total nitrogen uptake of the plant either at LN or at HN. Both at LN and HN elevated CO2 significantly increased the total amount of nitrogen taken up by the roots and decreased the absolute and relative amounts translocated to the shoots.The amount of soil nitrogen immobilised by micro-organisms and the size of the soil microbial biomass were not affected by elevated CO2, whereas both were significantly increased at the higher soil N content.Most striking was the 88% increase in net carbon input into the soil expressed as: 14C-roots plus total 14C-soil content minus the 12C-carbon released by decomposition of native soil organic matter. The net carbon input into the soil at ambient CO2 corresponded with 841 and 1662 kg ha-1 at LN and HN, respectively. Elevated CO2 increased these amounts with an extra carbon input of 950 and 1056 kg ha-1. Combined with a reduced decomposition rate of plant material grown at elevated CO2 this will probably lead to carbon storage in grassland soils resulting in a negative feed back on the increasing CO2 concentration of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Elevated CO2, rhizosphere processes,and soil organic matter decomposition   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Cheng  Weixin  Johnson  Dale W. 《Plant and Soil》1998,202(2):167-174
The rhizosphere is one of the key fine-scale components of C cycles. This study was undertaken to improve understanding of the potential effects of atmospheric CO2 increase on rhizosphere processes. Using C isotope techniques, we found that elevated atmospheric CO2 significantly increased wheat plant growth, dry mass accumulation, rhizosphere respiration, and soluble C concentrations in the rhizosphere. When plants were grown under elevated CO2 concentration, soluble C concentration in the rhizosphere increased by approximately 60%. The degree of elevated CO2 enhancement on rhizosphere respiration was much higher than on root biomass. Averaged between the two nitrogen treatments and compared with the ambient CO2 treatment, wheat rhizosphere respiration rate increased 60% and root biomass only increased 26% under the elevated CO2 treatment. These results indicated that elevated atmospheric CO2 in a wheat-soil system significantly increased substrate input to the rhizosphere due to both increased root growth and increased root activities per unit of roots. Nitrogen treatments changed the effect of elevated CO2 on soil organic matter decomposition. Elevated CO2 increased soil organic matter decomposition (22%) in the nitrogen-added treatment but decreased soil organic matter decomposition (18%) without nitrogen addition. Soil nitrogen status was therefore found to be important in determining the directions of the effect of elevated CO2 on soil organic matter decomposition.  相似文献   

The effects of elevated CO2 and N-fertilization on the architecture of Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex P. Laws & C. Laws fine roots and their associated mycorrhizal symbionts were measured over a 4-year period using minirhizotron tubes. The study was conducted in open-top field-exposure chambers located near Placerville, Calif. A replicated (3 replicates), 3×3 factorial experimental design with three CO2 concentrations [ambient air (354 mol mol–1), 525 mol mol–1, and 700 mol mol–1] and three rates of N-fertilization (0, 100 and 200 kg ha–1 year–1) was used. Elevated CO2 and N treatment had contrasting effects on the architecture of fine roots and their associated mycorrhizae. Elevated CO2 increased both fine root extensity (degree of soil exploration) and intensity (extent that roots use explored areas) but had no effect on mycorrhizae. In contrast, N-fertilization had no effect on fine root extensity or intensity but increased mycorrhizal extensity and intensity. To better understand and model the responses of systems to increasing CO2 concentrations and N deposition/fertilization it is necessary to consider these contrasting root architectural responses.  相似文献   

Canopy CO2-exchange rates (CER), air temperatures, and dew points were measured throughout ten days during the 1987 growing season for cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), grain sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench], and five soybean [Glycine max (L) Merr.] cultivars, and throughout seven days in 1988, on maize (Zea maize L.). The objective was to determine if the decline in CER per unit light during the afternoon is associated with a vapor pressure deficit (VPD) increase. Some of the soybean and maize plots were kept as dry as possible. A VPD term significantly contributed (P0.05) to a canopy CER regression model in 54 of 80 data sets in 1987. Grain sorghum was less sensitive than the well-watered soybean genotypes to an increasing VPD (P0.05) on three of the ten measurement days and less sensitive than cotton (P0.05) on only one day. Cotton demonstrated less VPD sensitivity than soybean (P0.05) on one day. The moisture stressed soybean plots showed a greater CER sensitivity to VPD (P0.05) than the well-watered soybean plots. In 1988, the frequently irrigated maize plots were less sensitive to VPD (P0.05) than the rain-fed plots early in the season, before the rain-fed plots were excessively damaged by moisture stress. These results indicate that the afternoon declines in canopy CER found in a number of different species are associated with increases in the VPD; recent work of others suggests that this may be due to partial stomatal closure.Abbreviations CER carbon dioxide exchange rate - VPD vapor pressure deficit - PPFD photosynthetic photon flux density - DAP days after planning  相似文献   

Responses of soil biota to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
Increasing concentrations of atmospheric CO2 could have dramatic effects upon terrestrial ecosystems including changes in ecosystem structure, nutrient cycling rates, net primary production, C source-sink relationships and successional patterns. All of these potential changes will be constrained to some degree by below ground processes and mediated by responses of soil biota to indirect effects of CO2 enrichment. A review of our current state of knowledge regarding responses of soil biota is presented, covering responses of mycorrhizae, N-fixing bacteria and actinomycetes, soil microbiota, plant pathogens, and soil fauna. Emphasis will be placed on consequences to biota of increasing C input through the rhizosphere and resulting feedbacks to above ground systems. Rising CO2 may also result in altered nutrient concentrations of plant litter, potentially changing decomposition rates through indirect effects upon decomposer communities. Thus, this review will also cover current information on decomposition of litter produced at elevated CO2. Summary Predictably, the responses of soil biota to CO2 enrichment and the degree of experimental emphasis on them increase with proximity to, and intimacy with, roots. Symbiotic associations are all stimulated to some degree. Total plant mycorrhization increases with elevated CO2. VAM fungi increase proportionately with fine root length/mass increase. ECM fungi, however, exhibit greater colonization per unit root length/mass at elevated CO2 than at current atmospheric levels. Total N-fixation per plant increases in all species examined, although the mechanisms of increase, as well as the eventual benefit to the host relative to N uptake may vary. Microbial responses are unclear. The assumption that changes in root exudation will drive increased mineralization and facilitate nutrient uptake should be examined experimentally, in light of recent models. Microbial results to date suggest that metabolic activity (measured as changes in process rates) is stimulated by root C input, rather than population size (measured by cell or colony counts). Insufficient evidence exists to predict responses of either soil-borne plant pathogens or soil fauna (i.e., food web responses). These are areas requiring attention, the first for its potential to limit ecosystem production through disease and the second because of its importance to nutrient cycling processes. Preliminary data on foliar litter decomposition suggests that neither nutrient ratios nor decomposition rates will be affected by rising CO2. This is another important area that may be better understood as the number of longer term studies with more realistic CO2 exposures increase. Evidence continues to mount that C fixation increases with CO2 enrichment and that the bulk of this C enters the belowground component of ecosystems. The global fate and effects of this additional C may affect all hierarchical levels, from organisms to ecosystems, and will be largely determined by responses of soil biota.  相似文献   

Walker  R.F.  Geisinger  D.R.  Johnson  D.W.  Ball  J.T. 《Plant and Soil》1997,195(1):25-36
Interactive effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment and soil N fertility on above- and below-ground development and water relations of juvenile ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) were examined. Open-top field chambers permitted creation of atmospheres with 700 µL L-1, 525 µL L-1, or ambient CO2 concentrations. Seedlings were reared from seed in field soil with a total N concentration of approximately 900 µg g-1 or in soil amended with sufficient (NH4)2SO4 to increase total N by 100 µg g-1 or 200 µg g-1. The 525 µL L-1 CO2 treatment within the intermediate N treatment was excluded from the study. Following each of three consecutive growing seasons, whole seedlings of each combination of CO2 and N treatment were harvested to permit assessment of shoot and root growth and ectomycorrhizal colonization. In the second and third growing seasons, drought cycles were imposed by withholding irrigation during which predawn and midday xylem water potential and soil water potential were measured. The first harvest revealed that shoot weight and coarse and fine root weights were increased by growth in elevated CO2. Shoot and root volume and weights were increased by CO2 enrichment at the second harvest, but growth stimulation by the 525 µL L-1 CO2 concentration exceeded that in 700 µL L-1 CO2 during the first two growing seasons. At the third harvest, above- and below-ground growth increases were largely confined to the 700 µL L-1 CO2 treatment, an effect accentuated by high soil N but evident in all N treatments. Ectomycorrhizal formation was reduced by elevated CO2 after one growing season, but thereafter was not significantly affected by CO2 and was unaffected by soil N throughout the study. Results of the xylem water potential measurements were variable, as water potentials in seedlings grown in elevated CO2 were intermittently higher on some measurement days but lower on others than that of seedlings grown in the ambient atmosphere. These results suggest that elevated CO2 exerts stimulatory effects on shoot and root growth of juvenile ponderosa pine under field conditions which are somewhat dependent on N availability, but that temporal variation may periodically result in a greater response to a moderate rise in atmospheric CO2 than to a doubling of the current ambient concentration.  相似文献   

Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Williams 82 and A3127] plants were grown in the field under long-term soil moisture deficit and irrigation to determine the effects of severe drought stress on the photosynthetic capacity of soybean leaves. Afternoon leaf water potentials, stomatal conductances, intercellular CO2 concentrations and CO2-assimilation rates for the two soil moisture treatments were compared during the pod elongation and seed enlargement stages of crop development. Leaf CO2-assimilation rates were measured with either ambient (340 l CO2 l–1) or CO2-enriched (1800 l CO2 l–1) air. Although seed yield and leaf area per plant were decreased an average of 48 and 31%, respectively, as a result of drought stress, leaf water potentials were reduced only an average of 0.27 MPa during the sampling period. Afternoon leaf CO2-assimilation rates measured with ambient air were decreased an average of 56 and 49% by soil moisture deficit for Williams 82 and A3127, respectively. The reductions in leaf photosynthesis of both cultivars were associated with similar decreases in leaf stomatal conductance and with small increases in leaf intercellular CO2 concentration. When the CO2-enriched air was used, similar afternoon leaf CO2-assimilation rates were found between the soil moisture treatments at each stage of crop development. These results suggest that photosynthetic capacity of soybean leaves is not reduced by severe soil moisture deficit when a stress develops gradually under field conditions.Abbreviations Ci intercellular CO2 concentrations - Aa rates of CO2 assimilation measured with ambient air - Ae rates of CO2 assimilation measured with CO2-enriched air - gs stomatal conductances - RuBPCase ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase  相似文献   

Stimulated plant production and often even larger stimulation of photosynthesis at elevated CO2 raise the possibility of increased C storage in plants and soils. We analysed ecosystem C partitioning and soil C fluxes in calcareous grassland exposed to elevated CO2 for 6 years. At elevated CO2, C pools increased in plants (+23%) and surface litter (+24%), but were not altered in microbes and soil organic matter. Soils were fractionated into particle size and density separates. The amount of low-density macroorganic C, an indicator of particulate soil C inputs from root litter, was not affected by elevated CO2. Incorporation of C fixed during the experiment (Cnew) was tracked by C isotopic analysis of soil fractions which were labelled due to 13C depletion of the commercial CO2 used for atmospheric enrichment. This data constrains estimates of C sequestration (absolute upper bound) and indicates where in soils potentially sequestered C is stored. Cnew entered soils at an initial rate of 210±42 g C m–2 year–1, but only 554±39 g Cnew m–2 were recovered after 6 years due to the low mean residence time of 1.8 years. Previous process-oriented measurements did not indicate increased plant–soil C fluxes at elevated CO2 in the same system (13C kinetics in soil microbes and fine roots after pulse labelling, and minirhizotron observations). Overall experimental evidence suggests that C storage under elevated CO2 occurred only in rapidly turned-over fractions such as plants and detritus, and that potential extra soil C inputs were rapidly re-mineralised. We argue that this inference does not conflict with the observed increases in photosynthetic fixation at elevated CO2, because these are not good predictors of plant growth and soil C fluxes for allometric reasons. C sequestration in this natural system may also be lower than suggested by plant biomass responses to elevated CO2 because C storage may be limited by stabilisation of Cnew in slowly turned-over soil fractions (a prerequisite for long-term storage) rather than by the magnitude of C inputs per se.  相似文献   

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