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The interaction of liposomes containing glycophorin, a major sialoglycoprotein of human crythrocytes, with Sendai virus was studied by freeze-fracture and negative staining electron-microscopy. Viral envelopes were absorbed on liposomal membranes at 0°C. When the temperature was shifted up to 37°C, the viral envelopes fused with the liposomal membranes (envelope fusion). Particles representing viral membrane components formed clusters on liposomal membranes after incubation for more than 1 h at 37°C.  相似文献   

We have prepared liposomes containing methotrexate-γ-dimyristoylphosphatidylethanolamine (MTX-DMPE liposomes), to which protein A was covalently coupled, permitting specific association of these liposomes in vitro with murine cells preincubated with relevant protein A-binding monoclonal antibodies. In the absence of antibody the presence of externally-oriented methotrexate (MTX) in MTX-DMPE liposomes did not result in greater binding to cells than liposomes made without MTX-γ-DMPE. Derivation of methotrexate with phospholipid permits enhanced drug-liposome association. These liposomes are more resistant than conventional liposomes to repeated cycles of freezing and thawing. MTX-DMPE liposomes are comparable to antibody-targeted liposomes made with encapsulated water-soluble methotrexate both with respect to specific binding to target cells and drug effect. The inhibitory effects off MTX-liposomes, as well as free MTX, were reversible by either thiamin pyrophosphate (Tpp) or N5-formyltetrahydrofolate (F-THF), while the effects of MTX-DMPE liposomes were reversed only by N5-formyltetrahydrofolate. This suggests that the toxicity of non-targeted MTX-liposomes may be due to leakage of the encapsulated MTX. The absence of an effect of thiamin pyrophosphate on non-targeted MTX-DMPE liposomes indicates that they do not enter into the cell via the normal folate transport system.  相似文献   

The energetics of interactions of cholesterol with phospholipid in simple liposome bilayers were compared with those in the bilayer of the human erythrocyte membrane, by measuring cholesterol distribution between erythrocytes and liposomes prepared from their whole phospholipid extract. With liposomes of a range of initial cholesterol contents, the equilibrium value for r, the ratio of cholesterol/phospholipid in the liposomes to that in the cells, is in the range 1.1–1.2. The closeness of this value to 1.0 indicates that overall cholesterol-phospholipid interaction in the cell membrane is similar to that in liposomes. However, while the deviation from 1.0 is small, and could arise from average cholesterol-phospholipid interactions in the membrane being only 0.06 to 0.1 kcal · mol?1 weaker than in liposomes, it could also result from 10 to 20% of the cell membrane phospholipid being unavailable to mix with cholesterol.  相似文献   

N-terminal Nα-[13C]monomethylamino derivatives for the N-terminal serine and leucine residues of glycophorins AM and AN, respectively, were obtained by reductively 13C-methylating homozygous human erythrocytes (MM, NN). The 13C-labeled glycophorins, AM and AN, were then isolated. A unique structural state was observed in solution reductively 13C-methylated glycophorin AM that was not observed in glycophorin AM derived from 13C-methylated erythrocytes. We attribute this state to the fact that some of the glycophorin AM forms a head-to-head dimer when subjected to reductive 13C-methylation in aqueous solution. The 13C chemical shift data and pH titration data for the N-terminal [13C]dimethylamino and [13C]monomethylamino groups of glycophorin AM and AN derived from reductively 13C-methylated erythrocytes were in agreement with the chemical shift and titration data previously obtained for the N-terminal [13C]dimethylamino groups of solution reductively 13C-methylated glycophorins and related glycopeptides and peptides and N-terminal [13C]monomethylamino groups of related glycopeptides and peptides.  相似文献   

We have used the binding of liposomes conjugated with antifluorescein antibody specific for fluorescein isothiocyanate-modified erythrocytes as a model for multivalent antigen-antibody interactions. We examined a series of liposome preparations which were conjugated to between 0 and 332 active antibodies per liposome. The antigen binding capacity and mean intrinsic affinity of the soluble and conjugated antibody were determined by fluorescence quenching of carboxyfluorescein. Liposome-cell interaction data were fitted with a Scatchard-type equation. Functional affinity of liposomes for cells was up to 1000-fold greater than the intrinsic affinity of the antibody for soluble ligand. Analysis for binding at high cell concentrations revealed that liposome-induced cell agglutination reduces the number of available binding sites per cell.  相似文献   

CaCl2 or MgCl2 but not NaCl enhances the soyabean lectin-induced agglutination of liposomes prepared from total lipids of erythrocyte membranes. The addition of purified phosphatidylserine to the total lipids of erythrocyte membranes before the formation of liposomes inhibits lectin-induced agglutinability of the preparation in the absence of CaCl2, but not in its presence. When preformed phosphatidylserine liposomes are added to liposomes of total lipids of erythrocyte ghosts, they do not inhibit agglutination, indicating that phosphatidylserine does not inhibit the lectin directly. CaCl2 or MgCl2 but not NaCl also stimulates the soyabean lectin-induced agglutination of human erythrocyte membranes.Electron micrographs indicate that the liposome preparations are multilamellar and separate even in the presence of CaCl2. When such liposomes are treated with lectin with or without CaCl2, the electron micrographs show significant agglutination without apparent fusion. The reversal of the agglutination of liposomes by specific sugars followed by turbidimetric and electron microscopic techniques supports the conclusion that CaCl2 stimulated lectin-induced agglutination is unaccompanied by fusion.The stimulation by divalent cations of lectin-induced agglutination of erythrocyte ghosts or of our liposomes may be due to a decrease in apparent surface charge of these membrane systems.  相似文献   

We have obtained equilibrium and rate constants for the interaction of monoclonal IgG and its monovalent Fab fragment with a hapten (fluorescein) attached to the surface of a liposome. Binding was detected at nanomolar hapten concentrations by the quenching of the hapten's fluorescence on antibody binding. The binding parameters were computed from nonlinear least squares fits, using mass-action models. Crypticity of the hapten was observed and interpreted as an equilibrium between two states, extended and sequestered, the latter representing haptens associated with the membrane surface. Depending on the lipid composition of the liposomes, the fraction of sequestered hapten ranged from 0.25 to 0.975; transitions between the two states took place on the time scale of minutes. Fab interactions with extended hapten on the membrane were similar to interactions with water-soluble hapten. The ability of IgG to bind bivalently to membrane gave it an avidity two to six times the affinity for purely monovalent binding. However, the equilibrium constant for the monovalent-bivalent binding equilibrium was effectively four to five orders of magnitude less than that for the initial binding step. This probably reflects steric penalties for the simultaneous binding of two haptens on a membrane.  相似文献   

Calcium ions induced tight binding of massive amounts of liposomes containing cardiolipin, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine to erythrocytes. Initially, liposome-liposome fusion occurred and only subsequently the resulting large structures adhered to cells. Large clumps composed of liposomes and cells were formed. Upon prolonged incubation, the clumps were dissipated spontaneously and excess liposomes were released. A constant amount of phospholipid (15–25 nmol/108 cells) were incorporated into the cell membranes. Upon disaggregation, the cells shed erythrocyte particles. The latter were isolated and shown to contain lipids from both cellular and liposomal origin. The particles lacked spectrins and contained variable amounts of band 3 content. Liposomes induced endocytosis in reticulocytes but not in mature erythrocytes. In most cases, the liposomes themselves were not engulfed by the cells and remained attached to their surface. The relevance of this phenomenon to delivery of liposome contents into cells is discussed.  相似文献   

In order to develop an anti-FMDV A Type monoclonal antibo by (mAb),BABL/c mice were immunized with FMDV A type.Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) 7B11 and 8H4 against Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) serotype A were produced by fusing SP2/O myeloma cells with splenocyte from the mouse immunized with A/AV88.The microneutralization titer of the mAbs 7B11 and 8H4 were 1024 and 512,respectively.Both mAbs contain kappa light chains,the mAbs were IgG1.In order to define the mAbs binding epitopes,the reactivity of these mAbs against A Type FMDV,were examined using indirect ELISA,the result showed that both mAbs reacted with A Type FMDV.These mAbs may be used for further vaccine studies,diagnostic methods,prophylaxis,etiological and immunological research on FMDV.Characterization of these ncindicated that prepared anti-FMDV A mAbs had no cross-reactivity with Swine Vesicular Disease (SVD) or FMDV O,Asial and C Type antigens.Their titers in abdomen liquor were 1:5×106 and 1:2×106,respectively.7B11 was found to be of subtype IgG1,8H4 was classified as IgG2b subtype.The mAbs prepared in this study,are specific for detection of FMDV serotype A,and is potentially useful for pen-side diagnosis.  相似文献   

Incorporation of 8 mol% lactosylceramide in small unilamellar vesicles consisting of cholesterol, dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine in a molar ratio of 5:4:1 and containing [3H]inulin as an aqueous-space marker resulted in a 3-fold decreased half-life of the vesicles in blood and a corresponding increase in liver uptake after intracardial injection into rats. The increase in liver uptake was mostly accounted for by an enhanced uptake in the parenchymal cells, while the uptake by the non-parenchymal cells was only slightly increased. The uptake of both the control and the glycolipid-containing vesicles by the non-parenchymal cell fraction could be attributed completely to the Kupffer cells; no radioactivity was found in the endothelial cells. The effect of lactosylceramide on liver uptake and blood disappearance of the liposomes was effectively counteracted by desialylated fetuin, injected shortly before the liposome dose. This observation supports the notion that a galactose-specific receptor is involved in the liver uptake of lactosylceramide liposomes.  相似文献   

Abstract The specificity of monoclonal antibodies directed against the Salmonella minnesota R595 lipid A and the structural requirements of lipid A epitopes were studied with chemically synthesized lipid A analogues by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and its inhibition test. The results suggest that lipid A has specific and common epitopes, in which the specificities are derived from the chemical and conformational structures of the backbone and/or acyl groups.  相似文献   

A rapid and simple method is described for the incorporation of monoclonal antibody coupled with palmitic acid into liposomes prepared by the reverse-phase evaporation method (Szoka, F. and papahadjopoulos, D. (1978) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 75, 4194–4198). Palmitoyl antibody in 0.15% deoxycholate is added to a liposome suspension after the majority of the organic solvent has been removed by evaporation. Efficient incorporation (over 80%) of palmitoyl antibody occurred without leakage of the encapsulated drug. Native, unmodified antibody did not incorporate under identical conditions. About 50% of the incorporated antibodies could be readily digested by protease, while most of an internal protein marker was not, suggesting that about half of the antibodies were exposed on the outer surfaces of liposomes. Target-specific binding of antibody-liposomes has also been demonstrated in vitro with the RDM-4 lymphoma cells. This method offers a rapid and highly efficient attachment of functional antibody molecules to liposomes with high capture efficiency of drugs, and therefore should be useful in target-specific delivery of drugs mediated by liposomes.  相似文献   

Melittin, the main basic and hydrophobic peptide of bee venom, has been used for solubilizing membrane components of the human erythrocyte ghost. Up to 1.0 mM, it does not extract any phospholipid. Between 0.1 and 1.0 mM, it solubilizes partially glycophorin A and acetylcholinesterase. When the membrane is first degraded by phospholipase A2, the solubilization of both proteins by melittin is total, and 48% of the phospholipids are removed, mainly as lysoproducts, whereas phospholipase A2, by itself, has no solubilizing properties. In its melittin-solubilized state, acetylcholinesterase is in a dimeric form and displays a slow time-dependent irreversible inactivation. Triton X-100 at 1.0% (v/v) interrupts the inactivation. We suggest that melittin binds to the hydrophobic site of acetylcholinesterase which anchors it in the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

The model system for the analysis of targeted liposomes is proposed--the layer of protein antigen adsorbed on polystyrene wells. Antibodies were treated with palmitoyl chloride and liposomes were produced by the cholate dialysis method in the presence of the modified protein (7 X 10(-4) mol protein/mol lipid). Affinity of antibody-bearing liposomes to the antigen on the surface of Multiwell plates was studied, and apparent dissociation constant value was estimated: KD was in the range 1.5 to 5 X 10(-9) M liposomes. Sequential transfers of liposomes in antigen-coated plates revealed that the high-affinity fraction of liposomes is adsorbed first. The bound fraction has 1.7-times-higher protein content. For effective in vivo targeting it would be necessary to have high-affinity liposomes and a high concentration of the target antigen.  相似文献   

Fluorescein-labelled Ricin was entrapped in unilamellar liposomes; 14 μg of protein was entrapped by 1 mg of lipids. Liposomes added to cells in culture in low serum medium can deliver entrapped Ricin to a Ricin-resistant mutant of baby hamster kidney(BHK)cells. Ricin entrapped in unilamellar liposomes inhibits protein biosynthesis at a concentration of 1.75 μg/ml in Ricin-resistant cells. Ricin dissolved in medium at 50 μg/ml does not affect protein synthesis in these cells.  相似文献   

Immunisation of BALB/c mice with seven heat-treated Norwegian clinical isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae of different serotypes elicited mainly monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to pneumococcal surface protein A (PspA). It was remarkable that the fusions resulted only in a few mAbs directed against other protein antigens. Dot blot analysis with 16 mAbs using clinical isolates representing 23 different capsular types and the uncapsulated reference strain R36A showed that some of the mAbs bound to PspA epitopes expressed by a low number of strains whereas others bound to broadly distributed epitopes. On the basis of their reactivities, seven of these mAbs could be divided into two groups recognising different subsets of pneumococci. The three mAbs in the narrow reacting group bound to epitopes found in 21-25% of the strains whereas the four mAbs in the broad reacting group detected more than 57% of the analysed strains. The epitopes for these seven antibodies were surface exposed on live exponential phase grown pneumococci as shown by flow cytometry. The finding that a combination of mAb 180,C-1 (IgG2a) from the first group and mAb 170,E-11 (IgG2a) from the second group detected 94% of the examined strains is interesting because PspA has been reported by others to be a serological highly variable protein.  相似文献   

Liposomes are taken up as intact vesicles by mouse peritoneal macrophages in a process which is temperature sensitive and is affected by inhibitors of glycolytic metabolism and of microfilament activity. Macrophages take up negatively charged vesicles more readily than positively charged vesicles (2-fold) or neutral vesicles (4-fold). Macrophages take up similar amounts of multilamellar liposomes, reversed phase liposomes and small unilamellar liposomes in terms of lipid, however this corresponds to vastly different numbers of particles and amounts of trapped volume. Coating the liposomes with macromolecular ligands capable of interacting with macrophage surface receptors can markedly promote liposome uptake. Thus, formation of an IgG-antigen complex on the liposome surface results in a 102-fold enhancement of liposome uptake, while coating the vesicles with fibronectin results in a 10-fold augmentation of uptake. Uptake via IgG-mediated and fibronectin-mediated processes seem to be independent since excess unlabelled, IgG-coated liposomes will inhibit the uptake of radioactively-labelled IgG-coated liposomes much more effectively than the uptake of radioactively-labelled fibronectin-coated liposomes. Cell-bound liposomes can readily be visualized on and inside of the macrophages using fluorescence microscopy techniques.  相似文献   

This study describes a novel, neutralizing monoclonal antibody (mAb), 11D7, discovered by mouse immunization and hybridoma generation, against the parental Wuhan-Hu-1 RBD of SARS-CoV-2. We further developed this mAb into a chimeric human IgG and recombinantly expressed it in plants to produce a mAb with human-like, highly homogenous N-linked glycans that has potential to impart greater potency and safety as a therapeutic. The epitope of 11D7 was mapped by competitive binding with well-characterized mAbs, suggesting that it is a Class 4 RBD-binding mAb that binds to the RBD outside the ACE2 binding site. Of note, 11D7 maintains recognition against the B.1.1.529 (Omicron) RBD, as well neutralizing activity. We also provide evidence that this novel mAb may be useful in providing additional synergy to established antibody cocktails, such as Evusheld™ containing the antibodies tixagevimab and cilgavimab, against the Omicron variant. Taken together, 11D7 is a unique mAb that neutralizes SARS-CoV-2 through a mechanism that is not typical among developed therapeutic mAbs and by being produced in ΔXFT Nicotiana benthamiana plants, highlights the potential of plants to be an economic and safety-friendly alternative platform for generating mAbs to address the evolving SARS-CoV-2 crisis.  相似文献   

目的利用人源抗狂犬病病毒ScFv噬菌体抗体库,构建单克隆抗体(单抗)轻、重链质粒,瞬时表达,纯化后验证具有高中和活性的单抗。方法以从ScFv噬菌体抗体库中筛选获得特异性抗体为模板,PCR扩增抗体轻、重链可变区序列,构建人源全分子抗体瞬时转染质粒;轻、重链质粒混合后转染HEK293 EBNA1细胞,瞬时表达全分子抗体。采用Mabselect SuRe介质手动亲和纯化抗体,Nano Vue超微量分光光度计测定蛋白质的质量浓度,快速荧光灶抑制试验(rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test, RFFIT)进行体外中和效价验证。结果成功构建22个轻链质粒,15个重链质粒。通过真核细胞瞬时表达后,经手动亲和纯化后,获得22株单抗。除1株抗体外,其余21株抗体的蛋白质量浓度均>300μg/mL;部分抗体纯度均在90%以上。中和活性结果显示,5株在1 500~1 800 IU/mg之间;8株在800~1 500 IU/mg之间;7株在500~800 IU/mg之间;其余2株在500 IU/mg以下。结论成功构建并验证获得20株中和活性>500 IU/mg的人源抗狂犬病病毒单抗,为单抗混合制剂的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Poly(ethylene glycol) 6000 induced a concentration-dependent, time-dependent decrease in the latency of the reaction between Arsenazo III sequestered in liposomes and extraliposomal Ca2+. This was mediated by a gross change in liposomal permeability, i.e. by a release of Arsenazo III from liposomes rather than simply by an entry of Ca2+. The loss of latency was strongly temperature-dependent, and it was markedly diminished on increasing the cholesterol content of the liposomes. It was apparently not due to an osmotic stress of the polymer. The high activation energy found (63 kJ · mol?1) is thought to indicate that the loss of latency resulted from local discontinuities in the lipid bilayers, caused by dehydration, rather than from partial or total lysis. Related microscopy experiments indicated that the polymer also caused the liposomes to fuse, and it is suggested that membrane fusion may have occurred at the sites of dehydration-induced discontinuities in adjacent bilayers, in addition the polymer was found to enhance the permeability of hen erythrocytes to Ca2+ in a manner that was comparable to its effect on liposomal latency, and it is proposed that cell fusion induced by poly(ethylene glycol) may occur at the sites of similarly induced discontinuities in the phospholipid bilayers of two closely adjacent cells.  相似文献   

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