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记述采自江苏南京跃蛃属1新种,老山跃蛃Pedetontinus laoshanensis sp.nov.,通过扩增其线粒体CO Ⅰ基因,与中国已知跃蛹属其它物种进行遗传距离比较,并构建系统发生树,发现其与天目跃蛹P.tianmuensis和武当跃蛹较为接近,这也更加支持了基于形态证据的系统发生关系.并提供了跃蛃属已知19种的检索表.老山跃蛹,新种Pedetontinus laoshanensis sp.nov.(图1~17)体长7.0~9.0mm,复眼长/宽为0.99 ~1.00,中连线/长为0.50 ~0.55,复眼近中连线具浅色白斑,阳基侧突为1+6型,阳茎基节/端节为2.4,阳茎和阳基侧突位于第Ⅸ肢基片的1/2,产卵管初级型,其长略超第Ⅸ腹节的刺突端刺.前产卵管,分49 ~ 50节,后产卵管,分47 ~ 50节.该物种CO Ⅰ基因信息见GenBank No.EU699175~ EU 699177.新种与泰山跃蛹P.songi、天目跃蛃P.tianmuensis和武当跃蛃P.wudangensis相似,但复眼中连线/长、阳茎基节/端节、阳茎和阳基侧突位置、产卵管分节具明显区别.基于CO Ⅰ基因序列构建BI、MP和NJ系统发生树均有效证明老山跃蛃P.laoshanensis为单系群.基于K2p模型,新种与中国跃蛹属其它物种的遗传距离比较,与天目跃蛃P.tianmuensis遗传距离最小9.7%,与栾川跃蛃P.luanchuanensis 遗传距离最大12.1%.结合形态和分子数据证明该物种的有效性.正模♂,江苏南京老山(32°07′N,118°36′E;海拔145m),2004-08-01,李鹏、张加勇采,编号ZJNUSB050.词源:新种种名源自采集地地名.  相似文献   

中国跃蛃属(石蛃目,石蛃科)一新种(英文)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
记述采自福建太姥山跃蛃属1新种,Pedetontinus songi sp.nov.,并列出跃蛃属已知种的检索表.研究标本保存在浙江师范大学生化学院.  相似文献   

中国跃蛃属一新种(石蛃目,石蛃科)   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
描述了采自浙江江山的跃蛃属Pedetontinus 1新种,命名为尹氏跃蛃Pedetontinus yinae sp.nov..描述了新种的形态特征,并同属内近似种进行了比较.模式标本保存于南京师范大学生命科学学院.  相似文献   

中国跳蛃属(石蛃目,石蛃科)两新种   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
记述采自海南五指山和福建太姥山跳蛃属2新种,即Pedetontus hainanensis sp.nov.,Pedetonlm zhoui sp.nov.并列出中国跳蛃属已知种的检索表.研究标本保存在浙江师范大学生化学院.  相似文献   

记述采自江苏南京栖霞山哈蛃属1新种栖霞哈蛃,即Haslundichilis qixiaensis sp.nov.,并重新描述了采自甘肃天水麦积山的赫氏哈蛃。  相似文献   

记述纹石蛾科弓石蛾亚科1新纪录属,美赛弓石蛾属Maesaipsyche,及1新种,即细齿美赛弓石蛾Maesaipsyche serrulata Sun et Yang ,sp.nov.(广西),其阳具缺阳基侧突而与Maesaipsyche mekongensis Mey相似,但新种中附肢背缘近端部具齿突、外侧缘具细齿.并记述绒弓石蛾属Parapsyche 1新种,即北京绒弓石蛾Parapsyche beijingensis Sun et Morse,sp.nov.(北京),该种肛上附肢与第10节完全愈合,阳具特别发达,与Parapsyche kchina Schmid相似;但新种阳茎基背突为1对瘤状突,其上着生短刺,阳茎基背突上方具1兜状结构,背面观时端部膨大成圆盘.新种模式标本保存于南京农业大学昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

研究了中国毛翅目多距石蛾科缺叉多距石蛾属种类,并报道了其中亲缘关系较近的6新种,即端截缺叉多距石蛾Polyplectropus truncatufus sp.nov.,端突缺叉多距石蛾Polyplectropus convexus sp.nov.,斧端缺叉多距石蛾Polyplectropus dolabriformis sp.nov.,颚状缺叉多距石蛾Polyplectropus mandibuliformis sp.nov.,距枝缺叉多距石蛾Polyptectropus rectangulus sp.nov.,喙端缺叉多距石蛾Polyplectropus rostriformis sp.nov..新种模式标本保存在南京农业大学昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

记述曲板叶蝉属Tautocerus Anufriev 1新种,望谟曲板叶蝉Tautocerus wangmoensis sp. nov..新种与齿突曲板叶蝉T. serristleus Zhang,Li et Qi相似,不同点是本新种头冠无黑色圆斑,雄虫尾节侧瓣端腹角有1枚小的乳状突,阳基侧突的外形明显不同.模式标本保存在贵州大学昆虫研究所.  相似文献   

记述采自中国云南省瑞丽市莫里热带雨林景区竹子上的东洋区梯顶飞虱属Arcofacies Muir 1新种,即莫里梯顶飞虱Arcofacies moliensis sp.nov.。文中提供了新种的鉴别特征图和中国现有种类检索表。模式标本保存于贵州大学昆虫研究所。莫里梯顶飞虱,新种Arcofacies moliensis sp.nov.(图1~17)新种与悬竹梯顶飞虱Arcofaciesa mpelocalamus Chen,2007十分近缘,区别在于:额侧脊黄褐色,无白色带纹(后者额侧脊内侧镶有白色带纹);臀节刺突较短,侧面观仅伸达尾节后开口的1/3,后面观刺突斜指向两侧(后者臀节刺突较长,侧面观伸达尾节后开口的1/2,后面观刺突弯向腹面);尾节侧面观后缘凹入,后面观腹缘中央弧圆凹入,无突起(后者尾节侧面观后缘直,后面观腹缘中央具片状突起);阳基侧突端部分叉(后者阳基侧突端部不分叉);阳茎端向渐细,末端较尖(后者阳茎端1/3处明显缢缩,端部膨大,末端钝圆)。正模♂,云南省瑞丽市莫里热带雨林景区,竹子,2009-06-15。杨再华采,副模2♂♂,余同正模。词源:新种以模式标本产地云南莫里(Moli)命名。  相似文献   

记述我国柱角水虻属2新种,即黄跗柱角水虻Beris flava sp.nov.,舟曲柱角水虻B.zhouquensis sp.nov.。模式标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫博物馆和中国科学院动物研究所。1黄跗柱角水虻,新种Beris flavasp.nov.(图1~3)新种与端褐柱角水虻B.fuscipes Meigen近似,但复眼的毛短而稀疏,生殖背板无背侧突,生殖突长钩状。正模♂,宁夏径源龙潭,1880m,2008-07-05,刘经贤。副模1♂,同正模。2舟曲柱角水虻,新种Beris zhouquensis sp.nov.(图4~6)新种与指突柱角水虻B.digitata Li,Zhanget Yang近似,但跗节全黑色,生殖突基部无突起。正模♂,甘肃舟曲沙滩林场,2400m,1999-07-17,王洪建。副模1♂,同正模,1999-07-16,姚建采。  相似文献   

Guglielmino A  Olmi M 《ZooKeys》2011,(130):495-504
Deinodryinus veltenisp. n. is described from middle Eocene Baltic amber. The species differs from other fossil Palaearctic species of Deinodryinus Perkins owing to the shape of the antenna (clavate, with distal part very thickened), the large compound eyes, and the distal part of the stigmal vein much longer than the proximal part. A revision and a key to the fossil Palaearctic species of Deinodryinus Perkins, 1907 is presented.  相似文献   

In the fourth part of the revision of the genus Melamphaes (Melamphaidae) multi-raker species (20 and more rakers at the first gill arch, rarely 19??in M. ebelingi) with eight soft rays in the ventral fin are considered. In this species, temporal spine is absent, there are 15 rays in the pectoral fin, and there are 11 to 12 abdominal vertebrae. M. ebelingi inhabits tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean. A new catch of this rare species in the northeastern part of the ocean is reported. The new species M. occlusus is described from one specimen from the subtropical part of the southwestern part of the Indian Ocean. Still another new species, M. nikolayi, is described from one specimen from the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean (subtropical waters). A table for identification of 15 multi-raker species of the genus Melamphaes is provided.  相似文献   

This is the second part of a revision of the most plesiomorphic genera in the amphipod family Stenothoidae sensu lato (see Krapp-Schickel and Koenemann 2006 for an overview and Krapp-Schickel 2008 for the first part). 41 species not belonging to Metopoides were plotted in a matrix using the same 61 characters as in the first part. The resulting group of Proboloides species (most probably not existing in the Austral-Antarctic region) is discussed, a key for the members given and two new genera erected. Some species described as Proboloides are redescribed and 2 species transferred to Metopoides. A key for all actual members of. The remaining species, i.e. those actually being in the genera Torometopa and Scaphodactylus, will be dealt with in the final part of this series, together with a key to all of them.  相似文献   

A faunistic survey of 67 species of the family Pyraustidae from Buryatia is presented. Twenty species new to the territory investigated, and one species is new to the Asian part of Russia. For each species, data on the collection localities, general distribution, habitats, and host plants are reported.  相似文献   

A new species of Egidemia China, 1927, Egidemia impudica, is described and illustrated from the Department of Magdalena (Colombia). The male genitalia of the new species have a very peculiar, diagnostic feature: the pygofer is considerably reduced and truncate posteriorly, so that part of the aedeagus is exposed. A key to males of all known Egidemia species is provided. Notes comparing Egidemia impudica with the other nine known species of the genus are also given.  相似文献   

The flora of the White Carpathians, a mountain range in the south-east of the Czech Republic, is documented by about 485,000 records of vascular plant occurrences collected since the mid-19th century. A total of 1299 species recorded in 93 grid cells of 2.8 × 3.1 km were used for an analysis of spatial patterns of floristic diversity in the White Carpathians. Multivariate statistical techniques such as ordination and classification were used to reveal the main gradients in floristic composition and species richness, and measured environmental data and Ellenberg indicator values were used to assess underlying environmental factors. There is a striking floristic contrast between the western and eastern part of the study area, which is associated with differences in climate, mean altitude, topographic heterogeneity measured as altitudinal range, and land use. The western part is characterised by thermophilous, continental and calcicolous species of open habitats. In contrast, the more forested eastern part along the state border with Slovakia and the north-eastern part of the area are characterised by acidophilous species with higher moisture requirements. This pattern is consistent with the established phytogeographical division of the Czech Republic into the phytogeographical regions of Thermophyticum and Mesophyticum. The further division of the area into four regions, based on classified grid data, is also similar to the current division into phytogeographical districts, except for the Javorníky district. There are two distinct hot spots of species richness, in the western and the extreme north-eastern part. A poorer flora was found in landscapes with intensive agriculture. Species richness is associated with different environmental factors than species composition, namely with soil types and land-use categories. Alien species are more common in areas with a higher incidence of arable land and built-up areas, and less common in areas dominated by grasslands and forests.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among three species of the genus Apodemus ( A. flavicollis, A. sylvaticus and A. agrarius ) from seven different localities in Serbia were estimated using arbitrarily primed PCR (AP-PCR) profiling, which allowed clear distinction between the sibling species A. flavicollis and A. sylvaticus . Eight oligonucleotide primers out of the 22 screened, gained a total of 397 amplified bands. The average pairwise genetic distances within Apodemus species ranged from 0.51 between A. flavicollis and A. sylvaticus , to 0.74 between A. sylvaticus and A. agrarius. The large genetic distances obtained among populations of A. flavicollis (0.13) indicate that this part of the Balkan Peninsula was probably a refuge during the last glaciation. Furthermore, differences obtained between populations south and north from the river Danube suggest that this species survived the Last Glacial Maximum in at least two separate refuges. Although our data for molecular markers are from a limited number of localities, extended analyses of C-band distribution on chromosomes from previously studied localities south of the rivers Danube and Sava, indicate that distribution of A. sylvaticus is limited to northern Serbia. Therefore, it is possible that this part of the Balkan Peninsula was not a refuge for this species during the last glaciation.  相似文献   

A new species of anoplocephalid cestode, Paranoplocephala gubanovi sp. n. (Cyclophyllidea, Anoplocephalidae), from wood lemmings of Eastern Siberia (Myopus schisticolor) is described. The new species differs from other known species of Paranoplocephala associated with Holarctic lemmings by having unique combination of characters as follows: a few-segmented strobila, superficial suckers sticking out of the scolex, ovary covering practically the whole middle part of the segment, relatively little number of testicles situated in the aporal part of the segment, cirrus bursa crossing the poral excretory vessels, and subspherical spermatheca situated in the middle part of the segment. Comparison of P. gubanovi sp. n. and several closest species, P. fellmani Haukisaimi et Henttonen, 2001, P. serrata Haukisaimi et Henttonen, 2000, and P. arctica (Rausch, 1952) has been carried out. Features distinguishing the new species from Aprostatandrya macrocephala and A. microti have also been studied.  相似文献   

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