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不同寄主植物叶片上蚜虫的形态适应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方燕  乔格侠  张广学 《昆虫学报》2011,54(2):157-178
昆虫对寄主植物之间的形态适应性是两者相互关系的重要组成部分, 本文以植食性蚜虫为研究对象, 研究其对不同种类寄主植物叶片的形态适应。选取寄生于禾本科、 杨柳科、 壳斗科和松科4科7属植物叶片上的26种蚜虫, 基于有翅孤雌蚜和无翅孤雌蚜, 在光学显微镜下观察、 测量并统计比较了37个形态特征及其种内变异。以克隆平均值为基础数据,选取与蚜虫取食和附着于植物表面相关的形态特征(喙末端、跗节Ⅰ、Ⅱ和爪)为变量,分别得出无翅、 有翅孤雌蚜和所有蚜型3个聚类分支图,并将各种蚜虫的寄主植物科、 属分别对应到分支图上。结果表明:体型、腹管和触角的形态在不同蚜虫的科间有一定差别, 喙末端、 跗节Ⅰ、跗节Ⅱ及爪的形态则在不同的寄主植物间存在差异; 在蚜虫种内各形态特征存在一定变异, 变异系数的范围为1.89%~26.08%。3个聚类分析的结果显示,不同种类蚜虫形成的分支基本对应不同科、属的寄主植物;而杨一条角蚜Doraphis populi、三堡瘿绵蚜Epipemphigus imaicus和杨柄叶瘿绵蚜Pemphigus matsumurai则处在较为特殊的分支位置, 那是因为前者为次生寄主型, 后两者均能产生虫瘿。研究结果表明寄生于不同植物相同部位上的蚜虫存在形态特征的明显分异, 对应不同的寄主植物, 蚜虫与寄主植物之间存在着形态适应关系。  相似文献   

竹类植物叶片上八种蚜虫的形态变异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方燕  乔格侠  张广学 《昆虫学报》2006,49(6):991-1001
选取寄生于竹类植物叶片上的3科6属共8种蚜虫,即居竹舞蚜Astegopteryx bambusifoliae Takahashi、小舞蚜Astegopteryx minuta (van der Goot)、居竹坚蚜Cerataphis bambusifoliae Takahashi、林栖粉角蚜Ceratovacuna silvestrii (Takahashi)、塔毛角蚜Chaitoregma tattakana (Takahashi)、竹色蚜Melanaphis bambusae (Fullaway)、竹纵斑蚜Takecallis arundinariae (Essig)和竹梢凸唇斑蚜 Takecallis taiwanus (Takahashi),在光学显微镜下观察并测量了34个形态特征;统计比较了28个形态特征在种内的变异。通过主成分分析筛选形态特征,每两两特征对应统计作图,标出每种蚜虫的95%椭圆置信区间进行分析。结果表明,体形、腹管和触角的形态在不同的科间有较大差别,喙末端、跗节Ⅰ、跗节Ⅱ及爪的形态在科间有较高的趋同性;在种内各形态特征存在一定变异,其中喙末端 (CV=3.73%~7.59%)、跗节Ⅰ (CV=4.16%~12.05%)、跗节Ⅱ (CV=3.10%~8.39%)和爪(CV=2.60%~11.68%)的变异都很小。主成分分析筛选的第一主成分为喙末端、跗节Ⅰ、跗节Ⅱ和爪,不同的椭圆区间范围提示这些特征组合基本处于稳定的范围内。与蚜虫的取食行为和附着于植物表面相关的形态特征,如喙末端、跗节Ⅰ、跗节Ⅱ和爪等在不同类群间存在显著的相似性,暗示了寄生于竹类植物叶片的蚜虫在这些形态特征上的趋同适应。最后结合蚜虫的生物学信息,初步探讨了形态适应的机制。  相似文献   

植物的虫瘿与成瘿昆虫   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虫瘿是植物组织遭受昆虫取食或产卵的刺激后,细胞加速分裂和异常分化而长成的畸形瘤状物或突起,它们是昆虫生活的"房子".介绍了虫瘿的形态多样性和形成过程,成瘿昆虫的多样性、生活史、寄生、食性和寄食现象,成瘿昆虫与寄主植物的关系以及人类对虫瘿的利用.  相似文献   

福建省蚜虫类昆虫多样性研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
在已有标本采集记录和资料的基础上,从分类阶元、寄主植物、寄生方式和寄生部位等角度探讨了福建省蚜虫类昆虫的物种多样性.福建省蚜虫已知9科80属164种,东洋区种类占明显优势;寄主植物种类繁多,涉及60科158属;寄生方式为3种,不形成虫瘿、形成虫瘿和形成伪虫瘿;寄生部位多样化,以叶片、茎、嫩尖、嫩枝为主要寄生部位.福建省植物物种多样性特点决定了福建省蚜虫类物种多样性特点,很好的反映了蚜虫和其寄主植物的密切关系.  相似文献   

扁蚜亚科昆虫虫瘿多样性研究(半翅目,蚜科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虫瘿是蚜虫诱导植物异速生长的结果,虫瘿作为蚜虫重要的延伸特征,对蚜虫系统分类、系统发育关系、以及起源演化等研究具有非常重要的作用.而且虫瘿的形态结构、着生部位等在蚜虫的物种间存在非常丰富的多样性,是蚜虫重要的生物学特征,也是物种鉴定的重要依据之一.本文在已有标本采集记录和资料的基础上,从结瘿的植物、虫瘿着生部位、形态结构及类型等4个方面对扁蚜亚科虫瘿的多样性进行了系统研究.结果表明该亚科蚜虫大多都在原生寄主上形成虫瘿,个别属及种可在次生寄主上成瘿;虫瘿在类型上有虫瘿和伪虫瘿之别;在着生部位上,有叶片、叶脉、叶柄、小枝、粗枝等;虫瘿的形状也十分多样,有管状、袋状、球状、半球形、刺球状、纺锤形、圆锥形、分支状、香蕉束状等;在结构上既有单室、多室之分,也有开放型、封闭型之别.对于虫瘿多样性的研究,可为虫瘿演化规律的探讨提供重要信息,也是基于虫瘿进行物种鉴定的重要基础.  相似文献   

研究中国巢蛾属的工作中,发现巢蛾科一新属一新种,现记录如下。模式标本保存在西北农学院昆虫标本室。天则巢蛾属Choutinea Huang,新属 头顶有二簇竖立的鳞毛;触角各节无纤毛,但有排列整齐的鳞片而呈弱锯齿状;有退化的上顎。各足跗节末端的爪短小(仅略长于爪垫),且又被跗节末端的鳞片复盖住,外观似为“秃爪”。后翅S_c R_1完全愈合。腹部各节背板上的刺毛细小稠密。雄  相似文献   

蚊蝎蛉捕捉足构造   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
谭江丽  花保祯 《昆虫学报》2008,51(7):745-752
依据光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察,对扁蚊蝎蛉Bittacus planus Cheng和缠绕蚊蝎蛉Bittacus implicatus Huang et Hua成虫足的外部形态、肌肉组织及超微结构进行了描述和绘图。蚊蝎蛉成虫三对足结构相似,均为捕捉式,以高度特化的跗节捕捉猎物,各跗分节间具发达的关节、凹槽和爪缩肌肌腱膨大区,第4和5跗分节的齿形成嵌合构造,在昆虫纲中为该类群独有特征。首次发现胫节伸肌b由腿节基部发出的一小块三角形肌肉组织和一条长肌腱组成; 爪缩肌肌腱在第5跗分节凹槽末端有一突起,收缩时突起羁绊于凹槽内的“Y”字形底托。分析了成虫捕食行为与捕捉足构造之间的关系,并简要比较了蚊蝎蛉捕捉足与螳螂捕捉足的结构特点。  相似文献   

拉绒螨属(Lassenia)隶于真螨目(Acariformcs)的约绒螨科(Johnstonianidae),1957年由Newell建立。该属在我国尚属初次报导。拉绒螨属的幼螨栖于潮湿环境,寄生于双翅目昆虫体上。根据以下特征可将它与其他约绒螨幼螨区分开来:躯体背面前部的盾板上有较短的前感毛、较长的后感毛、前侧毛和后侧毛各一对;喙有发达的原喙毛、第二喙毛和第三喙毛;基节Ⅱ前方有发育完好的拉氏器(Lassenia-organ);须肢跗节长圆柱形,后方有感棒一根,末端和亚末端各有荆毛一根;跗节Ⅰ和Ⅱ背荆毛基部有伴毛(Companion seta)一根(Newell,1957)。  相似文献   

瘿绵蚜科虫瘿的多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
是否形成虫瘿及虫瘿的位置、形态等是蚜虫生物学的重要特征.本文在已有标本采集记录和资料的基础上,从形成虫瘿的寄主植物、虫瘿的类型、虫瘿着生的部位和虫瘿的形态结构4方面对瘿绵蚜的虫瘿多样性进行了系统研究.结果表明该科蚜虫的虫瘿在类型上有虫瘿和伪虫瘿之别;在着生部位上,有叶片、侧脉、主脉、叶柄、复叶总轴、嫩枝等不同部位;就虫瘿而言,在形状上有尖椒状、鸡冠状、袋状、球状、黄瓜状、枫叶状和倍花状之分,在结构上有单室和多室两类.同时,基于系统分类及虫瘿多样性研究的结果,初步探讨了瘿绵蚜科虫瘿的演化,为进一步从分子水平深入研究虫瘿演化奠定基础.  相似文献   

植物虫瘿   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
虫瘿是造瘿昆虫诱导植物组织不正常生长产生的,它们通过释放某些酶或者植物激素刺激寄主植物细胞增大或增殖产生了特异形态的虫瘿,而这种特异形态就是造瘿昆虫遗传基因的体外表达。但虫瘿产生的分子机制不是十分清楚,文章主要对目前植物虫瘿的形态特征、形成机制等方面进行综述。  相似文献   

Summary Samples of shoots ofPistacia lentiscus carrying galls of the aphid,Aploneura lentisci, were collected at three localities in Israel. Shoots growing near pruning scars carried more galls than elsewhere on the plant, but these galls weighed less and contained fewer aphids (smaller clones). The proportion of empty galls increased with gall density. Crowding of galls at such sites may be due to the early burst of buds at the time of aphid emergence from the overwintering eggs, and not to active search for preferred sites. Shoots bearing larger numbers of leaves carried heavier galls, which contained larger aphid clones. The position of the galled leaf on the shoot had no effect on gall weight nor on clone size. The physiological condition of the plant may be an important environmental (ecological) factor affecting the variation in clone-size and in aphid morphology among galls.  相似文献   

五倍子蚜共6属12种, 除北美分布1属1种外, 其余分布东亚。本研究采用数值分类和分子系统发育分析方法对北美五倍子蚜Melaphis rhois的形态特点和分类地位进行研究, 以倍蚜6属8种179个有翅孤雌蚜为研究对象, 对其头部、胸部、腹部的直接测量特征48个、量度间比例特征31个及转化为数值的描述特征29个共108个特征进行分析。基于欧氏距离的聚类结果显示, 北美倍蚜M. rhois与倍蚜属关系较近, 五倍子蚜8个种共形成3个大的聚类簇, 北美倍蚜M. rhois与倍蚜属的倍蛋蚜Schlechtendalia peitan和角倍蚜S. chinensis聚为一支; 铁倍蚜属的肚倍蚜蛋铁亚种Kaburagia rhusicola ovogallis和肚倍蚜枣铁亚种K. rhusicola ensigallis与小铁枣蚜属的红小铁枣蚜Meitanaphis elongallis、圆角倍蚜属的倍花蚜Nurudea shiraii和红倍花蚜N. yanoiella与铁倍花蚜属的铁倍花蚜Floraphis meitanensis分别聚为一支。另外, 测定五倍子蚜8个种共16个样本的mtDNA COI基因序列(约1.2 kb), 最大简约法(maximum parsimony, MP)和最大似然法(maximum likelihood, ML)分子系统发育分析结果均显示北美倍蚜M. rhois与倍蚜属的关系密切, 和形态数据得到的结果一致; 但倍蚜8个种之间的聚类总体上与形态学研究结果不太一致, 铁倍花蚜属的铁倍花蚜和小铁枣蚜属的红小铁枣蚜、铁倍蚜属的肚倍蚜枣铁亚种和肚倍蚜蛋铁亚种与圆角倍蚜属的倍花蚜和红倍花蚜分别聚为一支, 彼此之间的关系尚需深入研究。  相似文献   

Illuminating the genetic relationships within soldier-producing aphid colonies is an essential element of any attempt to explain the evolution of the altruistic soldier caste. Pemphigus spyrothecae is a soldier-producing aphid that induces galls on the leaf petioles of its host (trees of the genus Populus). At least a quarter of the aphids within the clonally produced gall population are morphologically and behaviourally distinct first-instar soldiers that defend the gall population from predation. Using field trapping and microsatellites, we investigated the degree of clonal mixing within natural gall populations. Field trapping in the UK showed that all the migrants of P. spyrothecae and of two other Pemphigus species were wingless first-instar soldiers. The average degree of mixing estimated from trapping P. spyrothecae migrants was 0.68% (range = 0-15%). Microsatellite genotyping of 277 aphids from 13 galls collected in Italy revealed an average mixing level of 10.4% (range = 0-59%). Six galls contained more than one clone (range = 2-5 clones). Non-kin aphids were not restricted to the soldier caste but were evenly distributed across instars. An additional gall, from which 527 occupants were genotyped, contained 12 non-kin aphids distributed among nine clones, showing that clonal diversity can be high even when mixing is very low. These observations suggest that although soldiers migrate regularly and can moult and reproduce within foreign galls, clonal mixing in this species is generally low and is unlikely to provide a barrier to the evolution of investment by the aphid clones in an altruistic soldier caste.  相似文献   

Aphis fabae (Homoptera: Aphididae) foundresses were shown to have a clustered distribution on leaves of their primary host, Euonymus europaeus. Two field experiments were carried out to determine the costs or benefits of this clustering behaviour to aphid clones. The first experiment, in spring 1996, excluded predators from colonies formed by single fundatrices or clusters of three. No density-dependent effects on colony growth were observed early in the season, but the total production of migrants per foundress was significantly lower for clustered foundresses. This demonstrated that there was no synergistic effect of group feeding on clonal performance. All colonies were initiated on randomly selected leaves and all grew successfully, therefore clustering was not due to a shortage of feeding sites. The second experiment, in spring 1997, tested whether natural enemies cause selection for selfish herding by the foundress generation. Colonies were initiated by one or three foundresses, but half were left unbagged. If natural enemy attack is a selective force inducing clustering behaviour in foundresses, the costs of clustering should have been reduced or negated in unbagged colonies. Colonies grown from clusters produced significantly fewer migrants per foundress, irrespective of bagging treatment. Other potential factors causing clustering behaviour are discussed. Received: 19 August 1998 / Accepted: 16 November 1998  相似文献   

Differentiation of aphid clones was attempted using AP-PCR which is a simple and rapid method to obtain DNA fingerprints of complex genomes. To establish optimal reaction conditions and examine reproducibility of the method, a laboratory-maintained clone of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum , was used as test material. Under the reaction conditions employed, identical fingerprint patterns were obtained throughout a wide range of template DNA amount, from 5 to 800 ng, and irrespective of aphid instar. No changes in the patterns were seen throughout five parthenogenetic generations. When this method was applied to a wild population of the gall-forming aphid, Ceratovacuna nekoashi , five groups of insects originating from different galls formed on the same twig were successfully differentiated from one another by means of polymorphic fingerprint bands. In contrast, the fingerprints of the insects derived from the subgalls of the same gall were identical. These results indicated that in C. nekoashi : (i) members of a gall constitute a clonal population; (ii) a gall is founded by a single fundatrix; and (iii) intergall migration is absent or at least not frequent.  相似文献   

The suitability of five grain legume species (narrow-leafed lupin, chickpea, faba bean, field pea, lentil) as hosts for three aphid species (green peach aphid, cowpea aphid, bluegreen aphid) was evaluated by measuring the mean relative growth rate (MRGR) and survivorship of nymphs over a 5 day period. For each aphid species, intraspecific (interclonal) variation was also determined by independently measuring the performance of 30 clones collected from a variety of hosts and from different parts of the Western Australia (WA) wheatbelt. The suitability of the grain legumes varied among aphid species. Chickpea was not a suitable host for any of the aphids tested. Averaged over all clones, lentil and faba bean were the most suitable hosts for cowpea aphid, and narrow-leafed lupin was the most suitable host for green peach aphid. Field pea was a suitable host for all three species, but only at a suboptimal level. Cowpea aphid showed the greatest amount of intraspecific variation, with significant variation in MRGR among clones on all hosts except chickpea and significant variation in survivorship on chickpea and lupin. For green peach aphid, there was significant variation in MRGR among clones on field pea and lupin, but in survivorship on lupin only. Bluegreen aphid clones showed significant variation only for MRGR on faba bean and lupin. There were positive correlations in performance of green peach aphid clones on faba bean and lentil, and of cowpea aphid clones on faba bean and lentil. Bluegreen aphid clones showed a negative correlation in performance on field pea and faba bean. These results show the importance of screening cultivars against a wide variety of aphid clones when assessing aphid susceptibility in breeding programmes. The implications of these results on the adaptability of parthenogenetic aphids are discussed.  相似文献   

CorrespondenceProf。E。Tremblay,80055 Por协d(1饭山)殆廿恤todi Entomologia娜护aria血11,U川ve邝就应di NaPoll, Int找峨Uctfon In a stUdy recentlys认址ted on the Par创红tojd comPlex of the large filber七即hidCO,百lobiuma”ella”aes七hrk.(V触名运苗,1953),several明estionse们ne rged (T。Huddieston and P .Star夕扭琢ter招)on the记elltity of a Pra。旅sP。己esw址ch seerr‘to be one of the main parasitoids of the aPhid in severatre廊onsoflt目y。Th贻led us to ar时xar苗川币on of theBr节也hM山eu们。…  相似文献   

The Enemy hypothesis is a theoretical framework for understanding the adaptive nature of galls induced in host plants by insects. Contrary to other gall inducing insects, like Cynipids or sawflies, this hypothesis has not been studied for the gall aphids on pistachio trees in the Middle East. Galls on plants are supposed to protect their inducers from other organisms, including herbivores feeding on the host plant and possibly feeding on the gall tissue. Assuming that among aphid enemies there are numerous insects which have to perforate the gall wall to access the aphids inside, determining whether the gall wall has anti-insect properties should be one of the first steps in dealing with this hypothesis. In the present research using Baizongia pistaciae [L.], an aphid that creates perfectly closed galls in Pistacia palaestina Boiss, laboratory experiments were first conducted on a herbivore, the stored grain pest, Tribolium castaneum Herbst, to assess chemical anti-insect activities of the gall tissue, and an effort was made to understand why these properties do not harm the aphids inside the gall. Addition of fresh gall tissue to food reduced the population growth of flour beetles. Non-polar organic extracts had contact toxicity for larvae of these insects, and an impact on the feeding preferences of the adults. These results indicate chemical anti-insect activities of the gall tissue. The research also reveals that the permeability of the gall wall to non-polar volatile compounds is important to the survival of the aphids inside the gall cavity. These findings do not allow us to reject the Enemy hypothesis in the gall-inducing aphids/Pistacia trees interactions.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in plants is known to influence arthropod assemblages and species interactions. However, these influences may be contingent upon local environmental conditions. Here, we examine how plant genotype-based trophic interactions and patterns of natural selection change across environments. Studying the cottonwood tree, Populus angustifolia, the galling aphid, Pemphigus betae and its avian predators, we used three common gardens across an environmental gradient to examine the effects of plant genotype on gall abundance, gall size, aphid fecundity and predation rate on galls. Three patterns emerged: (i) plant genotype explained variation in gall abundance and predation, (ii) G×E explained variation in aphid fecundity, and environment explained variation in gall abundance and gall size, (iii) natural selection on gall size changed from directional to stabilizing across environments.  相似文献   

Rhus gall aphids (Fordinae : Melaphidini) have a disjunct distribution in East Asia and North America and have specific host plant relationships. Some of them are of economic importance and all species form sealed galls which show great variation in shape, size, structure, and galling‐site. We present a phylogeny incorporating ten species and four subspecies of Rhus gall aphids based on 1694 base pairs of nuclear elongation factor‐1α (EF1α) and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit II (COII) DNA sequence data. The results suggest that Melaphidini is monophyletic and at the genus level, Schlechtendalia, Nurudea, and Floraphis were each monophyletic. Kaburagia and Meitanaphis were not monophyletic and therefore inconsistent with the current classification. The North American sumac gall aphid, Melaphis rhois, was most closely related to the East Asian Floraphis species, although this was poorly supported. The conservation of gall morphology with respect to aphid phylogeny rather than their host plants suggests that gall morphology is largely determined by the aphids. While there is no evidence of strict co‐speciation between the aphids and their primary host plants, switching between recently diverged host plants may be involved in the speciation process in Melaphidini.  相似文献   

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