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杨超  佐佐木均 《昆虫学报》2019,62(10):1212-1227
【目的】利用日本北海道虻类评估和验证外生殖器在分类学上的意义。【方法】将虻类成虫标本浸渍在生理盐水中并置于双目显微镜下通过针和镊子在培养皿中进行解剖并绘图,观察第9背板、第10背板、尾叶、第8腹板、受精囊、受精囊管及生殖叉器的形态特征。【结果】在日本北海道共记录了虻科(Tabanidae) 3亚科7属38种。我们观察并描述了3亚科其中的6属24种的雌性外生殖器的主要特征。亚科之间存在明显差异;然而在一般情况下属之间很难建立一种方法来确定共同点;种之间只有在斑虻属Chrysops中有相似之处,其他属中则比较多样化。因此,亚科鉴定根据第9背板、第8腹板及受精囊足以进行区分,属及种鉴定需要结合第9背板、第10背板、尾叶、第8腹板、受精囊、受精囊管及生殖叉器各自的特征组合在一起才能区分开来。我们也制作了虻类外生殖器的检索表。【结论】和许多其他昆虫一样,外生殖器是虻科的重要分类特征,对于促进分类学和系统学的发展具有重要意义。本研究首次对分布在日本北海道的虻科雌性外生殖器进行了系统研究。  相似文献   

试图根据成虫形态学证据探讨长足虻科各亚科之间的系统关系,同时检验各个亚科的单系性.在比较形态学研究基础上,同时参考前人有关长足虻科高阶元分类的研究结果,筛选出42个来自头部、胸部(包括足和翅)、腹部、雌性和雄性外生殖器在亚科水平的分类特征,为了考察亚科的单系性,也包括亚科的自有衍征;运用支序分类的方法,首次分析并讨论了世界长足虻科17个亚科之间的系统发育关系.结果表明,长足虻科是一个严格的单系群,其支持的共同衍征为体色金绿,亚前缘脉端部与第1径脉中部愈合,前缘脉接近肩横脉处有1个缺刻,第2基室与盘室愈合,臀室短小、终止于径脉分叉点之前,雄性外生殖器明显向下或向前弯折,生殖背板具生殖孔,下生殖板与第9背板愈合.金长足虻亚科Sciapodinae腋瓣发达,中脉分叉,为最基部的支系,是最原始的亚科;而长足虻科的其他亚科构成一单系群,其共同衍征为腋瓣不明显,中脉不分叉.斜脉长足虻亚科Plagioneurinae也比较原始,是靠基部的支系,支持其单系性的特征为腹部第7~8节膜质化,生殖孔基位.异长足虻亚科Diaphorinae和锥长足虻亚科Rhaphiinae以及斯长足虻亚科Stolidosomatinae和合长足虻亚科Sympycninae分别构成姊妹群关系,斯长足虻亚科Stolidosomatinae的两个属Pseudosympycnus和Stolidosoma系统地位还有待进一步研究.此外,巴长足虻亚科Babindellinae、聚脉长足虻亚科Medeterinae和寇长足虻亚科Kowmunginae构成单系群,其共同衍征为臀脉短或不明显,无后顶鬃.研究所用标本大部分保存在中国农业大学昆虫标本馆,包括与美国史密森研究院和澳大利亚博物馆交换而来的标本,部分标本保存在比利时皇家科学院.  相似文献   

<正>蜂虻,英文名:Bee Fly,为双翅目(Diptera)蜂虻科(Bombyliidae)昆虫,全世界已知有16亚科221属5 000余种,中国已知有5亚科28属233种,因很多种类拟态熊蜂、胡蜂和姬蜂,故得名蜂虻。蜂虻成虫喙长而突出,用以吸食花蜜和恫吓敌害,幼虫寄生或捕食其他昆虫,因此,蜂虻可以作为传粉昆虫和天敌资源昆虫研究,具有十分重  相似文献   

褛网蛛科(Psechridae)蜘蛛,多居岩隙深处,采捕不易,雄蛛尤其难得;种类很少,我国迄今记载七种,世界上也仅记录十余种。 在雌性褛网蛛的鉴定中,作为分类主要依据的生殖厣(epigynum,腹部生殖开口及其周围骨化部份的统称,也称外雌器)的形态结构,在其个体发育中,变化极大。尤其在发育早期的形态,不少种类有着惊人的相似性,后期才出现较大的变化;且与众不同的是其亚成蛛的生  相似文献   

以透明骨骼双色法对挂榜山小鲵(Hynobius guabangshanensis)成体和亚成体舌器的形态特征进行观察和详细描述。结果表明,在成体中,下舌软骨中部交叉;角舌软骨末端被第一下鳃骨和第一角鳃骨的愈合体遮盖;具有基鳃软骨角状突;第二角鳃骨骨化;尾舌骨骨化,呈"一"字形。在亚成体中,下舌软骨中部未交叉;第一下鳃骨和第一角鳃骨单独存在;无基鳃软骨角状突;第二角鳃骨未骨化;具有第三、第四对角鳃骨,且均为软骨;尾舌骨未骨化,成"1"字形。这些形态特征的改变可能由舌器在成体和亚成体阶段的功能所引起。  相似文献   

刘维德 《昆虫学报》1959,(4):388-392
一、序言 黄虻亚属(Subgenus Ochrops Szil.)隶属双翅目的虻科虻属(Tabanus,Tabanidae),主要分布于旧北区,已知约30余种,本亚属虻类具有以下几个特征;1.体色黄绿、灰黑或近金黄色;2.复眼中部有一条显著而细窄的黑带;3.额板(Callus)一般不大,中额板(middle callus)与之远离,额板和中额板的轮廓常不固定;4.触角各节都呈黄色;5.盾片无纹饰;6.r_4脉皆有坿枝。本亚属的虻类中有几种  相似文献   

本文记述了糙尾螨属1新种:长白糙尾螨Trachytes changbaiensis sp.nov.,模式标本保存于辽宁省沈阳农业大学植物保护学院.新种与吉林糙尾螨Trachytes jffinensis Ma,2001相近,但新种雌螨腹面生殖板前缘两侧有角状突,前有倒漏斗状结构;而后者雌螨腹面生殖板前缘两侧无角状突,前无倒漏斗状结构.正模♀,副模7♀♀,吉林省长白山自然保护区土壤,1993-06,08,09,殷绥公,贝纳新采.  相似文献   

文章首次记述了采自云南省临沧市沧源县勐角镇翁丁村南滚河自然保护区的蟋螽科Gryllacrididae小蟋螽属Microlarnaca长突小蟋螽M.dicrana的雌性,其与M.fansipan雌性较相似:下生殖板横宽,突起表面具不规则的骨化横褶,腹瓣基部具1对小圆叶;主要区别:前者下生殖板突起端部钝圆,后者突起的端部角形凹入。检视标本保存于大理大学昆虫生物医药研究院。  相似文献   

报道了中国蛩螽亚科新纪录属和新纪录种,即三岛螽属Tamdaora Gorochov,1998和大三岛螽Tamdaora magnifica Gorochov,1998,并首次描述了该种的雌性。大三岛螽雄性肛上板分为左、右两叶,每叶具1短的上突和1较长的下突,左、右上突基部愈合。雌性产卵瓣背、腹缘光滑,腹瓣稍长于背瓣,端部尖;下生殖板长卵圆形,基缘弧形凹入,侧缘向腹面卷,后缘微凹。  相似文献   

报道了中国蛩螽亚科新纪录属和新纪录种,即三岛螽属Tamdaora Gorochov,1998和大三岛螽Tamdaoramagnifica Gorochov,1998,并首次描述了该种的雌性.大三岛螽雄性肛上板分为左、右两叶,每叶具1短的上突和1较长的下突,左、右上突基部愈合.雌性产卵瓣背、腹缘光滑,腹瓣稍长于背瓣,端部尖;下生殖板长卵圆形,基缘弧形凹入,侧缘向腹面卷,后缘微凹.  相似文献   

许升全  郑哲民 《昆虫学报》2002,45(5):700-704
从20世纪60年代至今的一些研究已基本肯定了蝗虫雌性下生殖板的分类价值。本文选择了中国剑角蝗科6属10种蝗虫对其雌性下生殖板进行了形态学和演化分析。结果表明雌性下生殖板的形态在研究的6属内都是稳定的,属间差异明显。这6个属的系统发育关系为:(卡蝗属((佛蝗属,戛蝗属),(菊蝗属(蝗属,剑角蝗属)))),这一结果和形态分类是一致的,支持长腹蝗亚科从剑角蝗科分开。文中还分析了剑角蝗科雌性下生殖板各性状的演化方向。  相似文献   

领春木茎次生木质部中导管穿孔板的变异   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
领春木Euptelea pleiosperma Hook. f. &; Thoms.隶属领春木科Eupteleaceae。该科为东亚特有的单型科,其系统位置一直颇有争议。本文对中国产领春木茎次生木质部中导管穿孔板的变异进行了观察,以期为它的系统位置提供进一步的解剖学证据。结果表明,领春木茎次生木质部中包括无明显穿孔板的管胞状导管和典型的导管两种类型。在无明显穿孔板的导管中,穿孔中的纹孔膜全部或部分消失,但穿孔无规则排列或聚集,不形成具典型的形态特征的穿孔板;在典型的导管中,穿孔板形态变异较大,包括几个类型:网状穿孔板(含麻黄式穿孔板)、网状和梯状混合型穿孔板、梯状穿孔板、梯状穿孔板向单穿孔板的过渡。在上述导管穿孔板类型中,只有梯状穿孔板的穿孔中可以观察到纹孔膜的残余。在领春木次生木质部中也观察到了端壁多穿孔板及侧壁穿孔板。根据观察结果,我们认为领春木次生木质部导管穿孔板的许多特征说明该科可能处于毛茛目中比较原始的系统位置。  相似文献   

A comparative study of male and female genitalia was carried out in thirty‐seven Libyan species representing twenty genera of the family Acrididae. An attempt has been made to describe and illustrate the different structures, namely, epiphallus, aedeagus, subgenital plate, supra‐anal plate and cerci of the male, and spermatheca, ovipositor, subgenital plate, supra‐anal plate and cerci of the female, in Acridids, with an aim to discover their significance in order to make the identification of genera and species, together with other generic characters, more perfect and convenient. Distinct family characters are shield or bridge‐shaped condition of epiphallus; presence or absence of dorso‐lateral appendices, oval sclerites and lophi on epiphallus; divided, undivided or flexured condition of aedeagus; presence or absence of gonopore process on aedeagus; condition of apical and pre‐apical diverticula of spermatheca; presence or absence of glandular pouches of Cornstock and Kellog on female subgenital plate; and rudimentary or well developed condition of egg‐guide. Stable characters for separating the subfamilies are taken to be presence or absence of ancorae on epiphallus, long or short condition of aedeagal sclerites; elongate, slender or short and broad condition of ovipositor valves: presence or absence of Jannone's organs and setae on posterior margin of female subgenital plate; and shape of diverticula of spermatheca. Useful generic characters are shape of male subgenital plate, supra‐anal plate and cerci, broad or narrow condition of bridge, presence or absence of branch of bridge connecting lophi with bridge of epiphallus; mono‐, bi‐ or tri‐lobate condition of lophi of epiphallus, length and upcurved or downcurved condition of apical valve of aedeagus, shape of posterior margin of female subgenital plate, presence of setae on the whole posterior margin or confined to lateral margins only; and toothed, tuberculate or smooth condition of ovipositor valves, length of the lateral apodeme in relation to the dorsal valves. Specific characters are shape of egg‐guide of female subgenital plate, shape of ovipositor valves and apical tips, shape of male supra‐anal plate and cerci, size of anterior and posterior lobes of lophi of epiphallus, size and shape of ancorae, shape of apical valves of aedeagus; and size of apical and pre‐apical diverticula and presence of protuberance on pre‐apical diverticulum.  相似文献   

A new species of Psychodidae, Syntomoza amaliae is described from Nicaragua and compared to all the type material of this genus. Besides head and wing structures, the subgenital plates provide taxonomic characters by which the ♀ ♀ can be determined. Drawings of the respective details are presented for 4 neotropical Syntomoza species.  相似文献   

Mejdalani G  Silva RS  Garcia C 《ZooKeys》2011,(160):59-71
Tacora johanni, a new species from Rondônia State, North Brazil, is described and illustrated. The new species can be recognized by the male genital features, especially the subgenital plates with the basal half distinctly expanded and with outer lateral margin round, the long and slender preapical pygofer process, and the styles with apical half strongly curved. Also, the genus is recorded for the first time from Venezuela, based on specimens of Tacora saturata Young, 1977, while the female of this species (here described in detail for the first time) shows two unusual features of the genitalia. A key to males of all known Tacora species and a map showing the known distribution of the genus are provided.  相似文献   

Three new species of the leafhopper genus Curtara DeLong & Freytag, 1972, C. mejdalanii spec. nov., C. maricaensis spec. nov., and C. restingalis spec. nov., are described from Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. They belong to the Notanda group of the subgenus Curtara because of the presence of only two subapical processes in the aedeagal shaft. C. mejdalanii spec. nov. seems to be more closely related to C. rugara DeLong & Freytag, 1976 because of the shape of the subapical aedeagal processes but differs from it by the enlarged apical area of the aedeagus, the absence of ventral pre-apical saliency of style, the rounder apex of the subgenital plate, and the longer pygofer, with a fold accompanying the whole lateral margin. C. maricaensis spec. nov. and C. restingalis spec. nov. seem to be closely related to C. esona DeLong & Freytag, 1976, as suggested by the general shape of internal genital parts, but differ from it by the shape of the apex of basal processes of the aedeagus, the apex of subgenital plates and the absence of an outer fold on the ventral margin of the pygofer.  相似文献   


In this work we have considered the features of thecal plates of some mediterranean species of Podolampas. The thecal plates have pores different in size and distribution according to their position and to the species considered. We have found some constant structures: kind of perforations of the apical, preequatorial and postequatorial thecal plates. The antiapical thecal plates have both constant and distinctive specific features.  相似文献   

A new species of Euragallia Oman, 1938 from Peru (Pasco Department) is described and illustrated. Euragallia batmanisp. n. can be distinguished from the other species of the genus by the very posteriorly pronounced male pygofer, with an apical hook-like projection, and by the well-developed dorsal area of the aedeagal base, resembling the open wings of a bat. With the addition of Euragallia batmani sp. n., the number of Euragallia species is increased to 21. Only one additional species of the genus is recorded from Peru (Euragallia prion Kramer, 1976). A comparison between the new species and Euragallia prion is provided. A conspicuous structure, which connects the subgenital plates to the styles, is described in detail and named.  相似文献   

Tettigonia ussuriana and T. dolichopoda maritima differ in the length of tegmina, details in venation, and in females in details of the subgenital plate. The two species of the genus Tettigonia have the same number and morphology of autosomes but a different morphology of the X chromosome: in T. ussuriana it is metacentric, whereas in T. dolichopoda maritima acrocentric. In both species, euchromatic zones and breaks of one or to chromatids during meiosis and mitosis in the X chromosome were observed. Additionally, B chromosomes were noted in most individuals of both species.  相似文献   

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