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Two hundred and eighty one soil samples from different provinces of Kenya were examined for dermatophytes by the hair baiting technique. Dermatophytes were recovered from 84 samples. Microsporum gypseum constituted 75.8% of the total isolates while Keratinomyces ajelloi and M. cookei formed 21% and 3.2%, respectively. The distribution of the dermatophytes was influenced by soil pH, being more prevalent in acidic than in alkaline soils.  相似文献   

The main polysaccharide fractions from cell wall material of several geophilic dermatophyte species were characterized as a glucomannan (F1S) which amounted to 4.0–6.5% and a glucan-chitin complex representing 44.2–71.0%. The neutral sugar content of fraction F1S in these species was mannose (38.7–78.2%), galactose (0.3–7.3%) and glucose (3.2–8.2%) except inM. fulvum (21.9%) andE. stockdaleae (12.5%). Small proportions of xylose, about 1%, were found in this fraction except inM. fulvum which reached 7.8% and inM. nanum which lacked xylose. The main products detected after Smith degradation were glycerol and glucose. From fraction F1S ofM. fulvum a glucan (18.3%) and a mannan (41.5%) were obtained. These two polysaccharides could be used as chemotaxonomic characters for the definition of this group of fungi.  相似文献   

Summary Growth response to griseofulvin has been studied in 24 strains of 16 species of geophilic dermatophytes and related keratinophilic fungi. Based on their sensitivity to griseofulvin these fungi fall into three groups: (1) Resistant group includesKeratinomyces ajelloi, Trichophyton terrestre andTrichophyton evolceanui which can grow upto 40µg per ml concentration of griseofulvin. (2) Fairly resistant group comprisingMicrosporon cookei, Microsporon vanbreuseghemii, a strain ofMicrosporon gypseum andTrichophyton sp., with growth occurring upto 8–16µg per ml concentration. (3) Sensitive group includes species ofTrichophyton, Keratinophyton, Microsporon, Nannizzia, Chrysosporium andCtenomyces which are completely inhibited at 4–8µg or lower griseofulvin concentrations. Griseofulvin inhibited formation of cleistothecia inK. terreum, delayed pleomorphic growth inT. indicum andN. incurvata, and influenced pigment production in several strains.  相似文献   

Summary Keratinophilic fungi have been isolated from 178 (71.3 %) out of 250 soil samples taken from different sites in the surroundings of Berlin. The pH-values of the soils recorded vary within a range from 3.0 to 8.0. Most of the soils with the lowest pH (3.0–4.5) do not yield keratinophilic fungi while almost all of them with a pH higher than 5 do contain 1 to 6 kerationphilic species. The average pH of soils negative for these fungi is pH 4.1, the average pH of positive samples is 5.8. The distribution of individual species is also influenced by the pH of the soil. OnlyKerationmyces ajelloi is recovered in the same rate from soils with pH lower and higher than 6, the other species more frequently occur in weakly acid to weakly alkaline reacting soils. The development of keratinophilic and keratinolytic fungi generally seems to be favoured under nearly neutral to weakly alkaline conditions. A similar range of pH has proved to be the most favourable to several metabolic activities of these fungi. The pH-optima of enzymes excreted by dermatophytes have been found to be within this range. Enzyme activity is inhibited if the pH of the substrate decreases below 4.0. The absence of keratinophilic fungi in strongly acid soils may therefore be due to the inhibition of enzyme activities under these conditions.
Zusammenfassung Aus 178 von 250 in der Umgebung von Berlin gesammelten Bodenproben wurden keratinophile Pilze isoliert (71,3%). Die untersuchten Böden wiesen pH-Werte zwischen 3,0 und 8,0 auf. Es bestanden enge Beziehungen zwischen dem pH-Wert des Bodens und dem Vorkommen keratinophiler Pilze. In den meisten Proben mit pH-Werten unter 4,5 fehlten diese Pilze, während in fast allen Proben mit pH-Werten über 5,0 mindestens eine, oft mehrere keratinophile Arten nebeneinander vorkamen. Der Durchschnitts-pH-Wert aller Proben, die keine keratinophilen Pilze aufwiesen, betrug 4,1, der entsprechende Wert für solche Pilze enthaltende Proben 5,8. Die einzelnen Arten zeigten eine unterschiedlich starke Bevorzugung der schwach sauer bis schwach alkalisch reagierenden Böden. NurKeratinomyces ajelloi war in Böden mit pH-Werten unter und über 6,0 gleichmäßig verteilt, während alle anderen Arten in fast neutralen Böden gehäuft auftraten. Wachstum und Stoffwechsel keratinophiler und keratinolytischer Pilze werden anscheinend grundsätzlich unter neutralen bis schwach alkalischen Bedingungen gefördert. Die pH-Optima von Dermatophyten ins Nährmedium ausgeschiedener Enzyme liegen auch in diesem Bereich. Sinkt der pH-Wert des Substrates unter pH 4,0, wird die Aktivität dieser Enzyme fast völlig unterbunden. Das Fehlen keratinophiler Pilze in stark sauren Böden läßt sich daher wahrscheinlich auf eine Hemmung iher für den Aufschluß des Keratins notwendigen Ektoenzyme zurückführen.

Lipolytic activity of dermatophytes was tested by the method generally used forCandida lipolytica. Most of the freshly isolated strains ofMicrosporum canis, M. gypseum, Epidermophyton floccosum andTrichophyton mentagrophytes gave positive reactions, whereas, only few strains ofT. schoenleini, T. violaceum, T. megnini, T. rubrum andT. tonsurans yielded such reactions. Among subcultured strains, it was found a decreased lipolytic activity inMicrosporum species and an increased lipolytic activity inEpidermophyton and someTrichophyton species.Part of this work was performed at Serviço de Doenças Infecto-Contagiosas (Secção de Dermatologia), Hospital de Curry Cabral - Lisboa.  相似文献   

皮肤癣菌体外蛋白水解酶活性测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的观察皮肤癣菌的体外蛋白水解酶活性;比较分离自不同感染部位的红色毛癣菌的体外蛋白水解酶活性。方法实验菌株包括来自不同感染部位的红色毛癣菌22株、须癣毛癣菌3株、犬小孢子菌5株,进行体外培养,并利用9-羟基乙酚噻唑标识的酪蛋白和酶标仪检测真菌细胞外蛋白水解酶的活性。结果须癣毛癣菌的体外蛋白水解酶活性高于红色毛癣菌和犬小孢子菌(P〈0.05),而红色毛癣菌和犬小孢子菌之间无差异(P〉0.05)。红色毛癣菌的细胞外蛋白水解酶活性在分离自浅部感染部位的菌株之间无差异(P〉0.05),但高于引起毛癣菌肉芽肿的菌株(P〈0.05)。结论不同的皮肤癣菌体外蛋白水解酶活性可能不同;分离自不同感染部位的同一菌种的体外蛋白水解酶活性也有可能不同。  相似文献   

Screening the keratinolytic activity of dermatophytes in vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A case of rhinofacial zygomycosis with of years duration, caused by Conidiobolus coronatus is described. The patient, a 72-years-old woman, presented with a bilateral distortion of the subcutaneous tissue and disfigurement of the face. Treatment with ketoconazole and potasium iodide did not prevent several relapses. At present she is still under treatment with fluconazole with clinical healing. Histopathological and mycological examination confirmed the dermatological diagnosis. An increasing number of cases of zygomycosis caused by fungi of the order Entomophthorales have also been reported in the Northern and Northeastern States of Brazil.  相似文献   

The essential oil and the aqueous, hexane and methanolic fractions from Hyptis ovalifolia leaves were evaluated for their antifungal activity in vitro against 60 strains of dermatophytes: 10 strains of Microsporum canis, 10 of M. gypseum, 20 of Trichophyton rubrum and 20 of T. mentagrophytes. The extracts inhibited growth of the dermatophytes tested at different concentrations. The most biologically active was the essential oil from the leaves which inhibited 57 isolates (95%) at a concentration of 500 g/ml.  相似文献   

On the newer trend of classification of dermatophytes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Mechanisms of realization of Vibrio cholerae hemolytic activitywere analyzed using summarized own results and data from the literature. It has been shown that lectin receptor, which coded by hlyA gene, participates in lysis of sheep erythrocytes, but not of rabbit erythrocytes, as well as interact with D-galactose with selectivity to 3 anomers. Lectin nature of HlyA can determine formation of its complexes with lypopolysaccharides (LPS) and enzymes, which promote realization of hemolysis (by lipase, lecitinase, neuraminidase). It has been determined that lipase activity correlates with hemolytic activity of nonepidemic variants of V. cholerae. Lipase is considered as the enzyme marker of sheep erythrocytes hemolysis. It is assumed that LPS and lipase play shaperon-like role during interaction of HlyA with lipids, which promote denaturation of hemolytic active monomer in hemagglutinating oligomer.  相似文献   

A collection of various Staphylococci was screened for their anti-Legionella activity. Nine of the tested strains were found to secrete anti-Legionella compounds. The culture supernatants of the strains, described in the literature to produce hemolytic peptides, were successfully submitted to a two step purification process. All the purified compounds, except one, corresponded to previously described hemolytic peptides and were not known for their anti-Legionella activity. By comparison of the minimal inhibitory concentrations, minimal permeabilization concentrations, decrease in the number of cultivable bacteria, hemolytic activity and selectivity, the purified peptides could be separated in two groups. First group, with warnericin RK as a leader, corresponds to the more hemolytic and bactericidal peptides. The peptides of the second group, represented by the PSMα from Staphylococcus epidermidis, appeared bacteriostatic and poorly hemolytic.  相似文献   

The thiobarbituric acid (TBA)-reactants have been measured in the circulating red blood cells (RBC) and RBC trapped in the spleens of normal and phenylhydrazine-treated rats. There was significant TBA-reactivity in the circulating RBC of phenylhydrazine-treated rats which was increased 3-fold in RBC obtained from the spleen. Since lipid peroxidation accompanies formation of TBA-reactive malonyldialdehyde, it is suggested that phenylhydrazine induces anemia as a consequence of peroxidation of RBC membrane lipids and this effect may be a result of the autoxidation of the drug and the interaction of oxygen radicals with membrane lipids.  相似文献   

1. The rate of red blood cell lysis by the hemolytic agent in adult worm homogenates of Schistosoma mansoni is slowed in the presence of added sugars (50 mM). 2. Trisaccharides were the most effective in slowing and reducing lysis. Disaccharides were more effective than monosaccharides. 3. The addition of sodium, potassium or lithium chloride salts (25 mM) stimulated hemolysis by the S. mansoni agent. 4. Hemolysins with known mechanisms were tested to determine the effects of added sugars (50 mM) or salts (25 mM). 5. The S. mansoni hemolytic agent responds to the addition of sugars and salts in a manner similar to small membrane pore formers.  相似文献   

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