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Prangos fedtschenkoi (Regel & Schmalh.) Korovin and P. lipskyi Korovin (Apiaceae) are rare plant species endemic to mountainous regions of Middle Asia. Both are edificators of biotic communities and valuable resource plants. The results of recent phylogenetic analyses place them in Prangos subgen. Koelzella (M. Hiroe) Lyskov & Pimenov and suggest they may possibly represent sister species. To aid in development of molecular markers useful for intraspecific phylogeographic and population‐level genetic studies of these ecologically and economically important plants, we determined their complete plastid genome sequences and compared the results obtained to several previously published plastomes of Apiaceae. The plastomes of P. fedtschenkoi and P. lipskyi are typical of Apiaceae and most other higher plant plastid DNAs in their sizes (153,626 and 154,143 bp, respectively), structural organization, gene arrangement, and gene content (with 113 unique genes). A total of 49 and 48 short sequence repeat (SSR) loci of 10 bp or longer were detected in P. fedtschenkoi and P. lipskyi plastomes, respectively, representing 42–43 mononucleotides and 6 AT dinucleotides. Seven tandem repeats of 30 bp or longer with a sequence identity ≥90% were identified in each plastome. Further comparisons revealed 319 polymorphic sites between the plastomes (IR, 21; LSC, 234; SSC, 64), representing 43.8% transitions (Ts), 56.1% transversions (Tv), and a Ts/Tv ratio of 0.78. Within genic regions, two indel events were observed in rpoA (6 and 51 bp) and ycf1 (3 and 12 bp), and one in ndhF (6 bp). The most variable intergenic spacer region was that of accD/psaI, with 21.1% nucleotide divergence. Each Prangos species possessed one of two separate inversions (either 5 bp in ndhB intron or 9 bp in petB intron), and these were predicted to form hairpin structures with flanking repeat sequences of 18 and 19 bp, respectively. Both species have also incorporated novel DNA in the LSC region adjacent to the LSC/IRa junction, and BLAST searches revealed it had a 100 bp match (86% sequence identity) to noncoding mitochondrial DNA. Prangos‐specific primers were developed for the variable accD/psaI intergenic spacer and preliminary PCR‐surveys suggest that this region will be useful for future phylogeographic and population‐level studies.  相似文献   

Various mutant screens have been undertaken to identify constituents involved in the transmission of signals from the plastid to the nucleus. Many of these screens have been performed using carotenoid-deficient plants grown in the presence of norflurazon (NF), an inhibitor of phytoene desaturase. NF-treated plants are bleached and suppress the expression of nuclear genes encoding chloroplast proteins. Several genomes uncoupled (gun) mutants have been isolated that de-repress the expression of these nuclear genes. In the present study, a genetic screen has been established that circumvents severe photo-oxidative stress in NF-treated plants. Under these modified screening conditions, happy on norflurazon (hon) mutants have been identified that, like gun mutants, de-repress expression of the Lhcb gene, encoding a light-harvesting chlorophyll protein, but, in contrast to wild-type and gun mutants, are green in the presence of NF. hon mutations disturb plastid protein homeostasis, thereby activating plastid signaling and inducing stress acclimatization. Rather than defining constituents of a retrograde signaling pathway specifically associated with the NF-induced suppression of nuclear gene expression, as proposed for gun, hon mutations affect Lhcb expression more indirectly prior to initiation of plastid signaling in NF-treated seedlings. They pre-condition seedlings by inducing stress acclimatization, thereby attenuating the impact of a subsequent NF treatment.  相似文献   

We have constructed a tobacco psbA gene deletion mutant that is devoid of photosystem II (PSII) complex. Analysis of thylakoid membranes revealed comparable amounts, on a chlorophyll basis, of photosystem I (PSI), the cytochrome b6f complex and the PSII light-harvesting complex (LHCII) antenna proteins in wild-type (WT) and Δ psbA leaves. Lack of PSII in the mutant, however, resulted in over 10-fold higher relative amounts of the thylakoid-associated plastid terminal oxidase (PTOX) and the NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (NDH) complex. Increased amounts of Ndh polypeptides were accompanied with a more than fourfold enhancement of NDH activity in the mutant thylakoids, as revealed by in-gel NADH dehydrogenase measurements. NADH also had a specific stimulating effect on P700+ re-reduction in the Δ psbA thylakoids. Altogether, our results suggest that enhancement of electron flow via the NDH complex and possibly other alternative electron transport routes partly compensates for the loss of PSII function in the Δ psbA mutant. As mRNA levels were comparable in WT and Δ psbA plants, upregulation of the alternative electron transport pathways (NDH complex and PTOX) occurs apparently by translational or post-translational mechanisms.  相似文献   

We have isolated cDNA clones encoding a novel factor (PAP-I) that is a component of a multi-subunit poly(A) polymerase from pea seedlings. The encoded protein, when isolated from appropriately engineered Escherichia coli, was active as a poly(A) polymerase, either with an associated RNA binding cofactor (PAP-III) or with free poly(A) as an RNA substrate. The latter observation indicates that PAP-I is in fact a poly(A) polymerase. PAP-I bore a striking resemblance to an as yet uncharacterized cyanobacterial protein. This observation suggested a possible chloroplast localization for PAP-I. This hypothesis was tested and found to be substantiated; immunoblot analysis identified PAP-I in chloroplast but not nuclear extracts. Our results suggest that PAP-I is a component of the machinery that adds poly(A) to chloroplast RNAs.  相似文献   

Applications of chloroplast engineering in agriculture and biotechnology will depend critically on success in extending the crop range of chloroplast transformation, and on the feasibility of expressing transgenes in edible organs (such as tubers and fruits), which often are not green and thus are much less active in chloroplast gene expression. We have improved a recently developed chloroplast-transformation system for tomato plants and applied it to engineering one of the central metabolic pathways in fruits: carotenoid biosynthesis. We report that plastid expression of a bacterial lycopene beta-cyclase gene results in herbicide resistance and triggers conversion of lycopene, the main storage carotenoid of tomatoes, to beta-carotene, resulting in fourfold enhanced pro-vitamin A content of the fruits. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of engineering nutritionally important biochemical pathways in non-green plastids by transformation of the chloroplast genome.  相似文献   

Plastids of glaucocystophytes are termed cyanelles and retain primitive features, such as a peptidoglycan wall. We isolated a full‐length prokaryotic plastid division gene, FtsZ, from the glaucocystophyte alga Cyanophora paradoxa Korshikov (CpFtsZ‐cy). CpftsZ‐cy has a chloroplast‐targeting signal at the N‐teminus. Immunofluorescence microscopy showed that CpFtsZ‐cy forms a ring‐like structure at the division plane of cyanelles.  相似文献   

Transgene expression from the plant's plastid genome represents a promising strategy in molecular farming because of the plastid's potential to accumulate foreign proteins to high levels and the increased biosafety provided by the maternal mode of organelle inheritance. In this article, we explore the potential of transplastomic plants to produce human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antigens as potential components of an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) vaccine. It is shown that the HIV antigens p24 (the major target of T‐cell‐mediated immune responses in HIV‐positive individuals) and Nef can be expressed to high levels in plastids of tobacco, a non‐food crop, and tomato, a food crop with an edible fruit. Optimized p24‐Nef fusion gene cassettes trigger antigen protein accumulation to up to approximately 40% of the plant's total protein, demonstrating the great potential of transgenic plastids to produce AIDS vaccine components at low cost and high yield.  相似文献   

The parentage of polyploid Sorbus species in the British Isles was investigated using plastid DNA microsatellites. Four hundred and fifty-three samples from 30 taxa were screened using six microsatellite fragments, which gave 28 haplotypes. The haplotypes formed groups clearly related to the ancestral diploids Sorbus aria , Sorbus aucuparia , and Sorbus torminalis . Species in the Sorbus aria group all had Aria haplotypes (with the exception of one English S. aria ), species in the Sorbus anglica group had an Aucuparia haplotype, and species in the Sorbus latifolia group had a Torminalis haplotype. Sorbus intermedia had an Aucuparia haplotype. This indicated that the hybridization events that led to the formation of species in the S. anglica and S. latifolia groups usually did so with S. aria s.l . as the pollen-donating (paternal) parent. The polyploids S. anglica , Sorbus bristoliensis , Sorbus croceocarpa , Sorbus decipiens , Sorbus devoniensis , Sorbus hibernica , Sorbus lancastriensis , Sorbus leptophylla , Sorbus leyana , Sorbus minima , Sorbus rupicola , Sorbus subcuneata , Sorbus vexans , Sorbus whiteana , Sorbus wilmottiana , and three unnamed taxa may each be derived from a single maternal lineage. The polyploids Sorbus eminens , Sorbus porrigentiformis , and S. latifolia have multiple maternal lineages. The two primary diploid hybrids S . ×  thuringiaca and S . ×  vagensis have arisen many times independently.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 154 , 291–304.  相似文献   

 A plastid phylogeny of the genus Ilex based on three different loci (the atpB-rbcL spacer, trnL-trnF and rbcL) is compared with its nuclear phylogeny based on two different loci (the ribosomal ITS and the 5S RNA spacer). These two sets of molecular data are then compared to geographical and temporal data from the fossil record. The plastid phylogeny is strongly correlated with the geographic distribution of extant species. However, the nuclear phylogeny is strongly incongruent with the plastid phylogeny, suggesting frequent interlineage hybridizations. Moreover, the comparison of the ribosomal ITS tree and the 5S RNA spacer tree indicates also possible lineage sorting. Particularly interesting is the finding of two different Ilex lineages in the plastid American clade showing different biogeographic patterns in South America. One of them has a simple North American/South American biogeographical relationship. The other has complex biogeographical relationships, some species showing direct Asian/South American biogeographical relationships. During its history, the genus Ilex probably experienced frequent lineage sorting and interlineage hybridization with subsequent nuclear or cytoplasmic introgression, making the study of its history very complex. Received September 24, 2001; accepted August 19, 2002 Published online: November 28, 2002 Addresses of the authors: Jean-Fran?ois Manen (e-mail: manen@cjb.ville-ge.ch), Yamama Naciri-Graven, Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques, Impératrice 1, CH-1292 Chambésy/Genève, Switzerland. Michael C. Boulter, Palaeobiology Research Unit, University of East London, Romford Road, London E15 4LZ, UK.  相似文献   


Key message

Two intercistronic regions were identified as functional intercistronic expression elements (IEE) for the simultaneous expression of aphA-6 and gfp in a synthetic operon in the chloroplast of C. reinhardtii.


Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, a biflagellate photosynthetic microalga, has been widely used in basic and applied science. Already three decades ago, Chlamydomonas had its chloroplast genome transformed and to this day constitutes the only alga routinely used in transplastomic technology. Despite the fact that over a 100 foreign genes have been expressed from the chloroplast genome, little has been done to address the challenge of expressing multiple genes in the form of operons, a development that is needed and crucial to push forward metabolic engineering and synthetic biology in this organism. Here, we studied five intercistronic regions and investigated if they can be used as intercistronic expression elements (IEE) in synthetic operons to drive the expression of foreign genes in the chloroplast of C. reinhardtii. The intercistronic regions were those from the psbB-psbT, psbN-psbH, psaC-petL, petL-trnN and tscA-chlN chloroplast operons, and the foreign genes were the aminoglycoside 3′-phosphotransferase (aphA-6), which confers resistance to kanamycin, and the green fluorescent protein gene (gfp). While all the intercistronic regions yielded lines that were resistant to kanamycin, only two (obtained with intercistronic regions from psbN-psbH and tscA-chlN) were identified as functional IEEs, yielding lines in which the second cistron (gfp) was translated and generated GFP. The IEEs we have identified could be useful for the stacking of genes for metabolic engineering or synthetic biology circuits in the chloroplast of C. reinhardtii.

The dinoflagellate Gymnodinium mikimotoi Miyake et Kominami ex Oda possesses an anomalously pigmented plastid which contains 19′‐hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin, 19′‐butanoyloxyfucoxanthin and fucoxanthin instead of peridinin as the major carotenoids. Previously, we have shown that the plastid of G. mikimotoi belongs to the rhodoplast lineage as inferred from phylogenetic analyses based on the amino acid sequences deduced from psbA and psaA and the nucleotide sequence of the plastid small subunit ribosomal RNA. Furthermore, in the present study, we cloned and sequenced an additional representative plastid gene, rbcL, encoding the large subunit of ribulose 1–5 bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO LSU) from G. mikimotoi. The amino acid sequence deduced from the rbcL gene of G. mikimotoi apparently revealed the conventional form I RuBisCO LSU, which is present in most photosynthetic organisms, and not the divergent form II existing in typically pigmented dinofl age Nates with plastids containing peridinin as the main carotenoid. This finding supports the hypothesis that the origins of the plastids in G. mikimotoi and peridinin‐type dinoflagellates are not related to each other. Molecular phylogenetic analysis based on the amino acid sequence deduced from the rbcL gene further showed that the plastid of G. mikimotoi belongs to the rhodoplast lineage. In particular, G. mikimotoi clustered with haptophytes in the phylogenetic tree. From this result, two hypotheses with respect to the origin of the plastid in G. mikimotoi can be proposed: G. mikimotoi may have engulfed a haptophyte‐like cell (tertiary symbiosis) or englulfed a rhodophyte‐like cell that was closely related to the origin of the plastid in the haptophyte (secondary symbiosis).  相似文献   

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