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We measured the time and frequency domain characteristics of breath sounds in seven asthmatic and three nonasthmatic wheezing patients. The power spectra of the wheezes were evaluated for frequency, amplitude, and timing of peaks of power and for the presence of an exponential decay of power with increasing frequency. Such decay is typical of normal vesicular breath sounds. Two patients who had the most severe asthma had no exponential decay pattern in their spectra. Other asthmatic patients had exponential patterns in some of their analyzed sound segments, with a range of slopes of the log power vs. log frequency curves from 5.7 to 17.3 dB/oct (normal range, 9.8-15.7 dB/oct). The nonasthmatic wheezing patients had normal exponential patterns in most of their analyzed sound segments. All patients had sharp peaks of power in many of the spectra of their expiratory and inspiratory lung sounds. The frequency range of the spectral peaks was 80-1,600 Hz, with some presenting constant frequency peaks throughout numerous inspiratory or expiratory sound segments recorded from one or more pickup locations. We compared the spectral shape, mode of appearance, and frequency range of wheezes with specific predictions of five theories of wheeze production: 1) turbulence-induced wall resonator, 2) turbulence-induced Helmholtz resonator, 3) acoustically stimulated vortex sound (whistle), 4) vortex-induced wall resonator, and 5) fluid dynamic flutter. We conclude that the predictions by 4 and 5 match the experimental observations better than the previously suggested mechanisms. Alterations in the exponential pattern are discussed in view of the mechanisms proposed as underlying the generation and transmission of normal lung sounds. The observed changes may reflect modified sound production in the airways or alterations in their attenuation when transmitted to the chest wall through the hyperinflated lung.  相似文献   

In the hornet nest of the species Vespa orientalis, there is transmission of information by acoustic means between the larvae and the adults. The rhythmic pattern of the sounds produced by the larvae was recorded and spectrally analyzed for rhythm frequencies by use of the Fast Fourier Transform. The frequency of the "larval activity duration till cessation" was 0.018 Hz whereas the interval between two successive sound productions ranged from 0 to 1.0 Hz. The possible significance of precise signaling by the larvae towards efficient communication in colonies of social insects is discussed.  相似文献   

Shotgun proteomics experiments are dependent upon database search engines to identify peptides from tandem mass spectra. Many of these algorithms score potential identifications by evaluating the number of fragment ions matched between each peptide sequence and an observed spectrum. These systems, however, generally do not distinguish between matching an intense peak and matching a minor peak. We have developed a statistical model to score peptide matches that is based upon the multivariate hypergeometric distribution. This scorer, part of the "MyriMatch" database search engine, places greater emphasis on matching intense peaks. The probability that the best match for each spectrum has occurred by random chance can be employed to separate correct matches from random ones. We evaluated this software on data sets from three different laboratories employing three different ion trap instruments. Employing a novel system for testing discrimination, we demonstrate that stratifying peaks into multiple intensity classes improves the discrimination of scoring. We compare MyriMatch results to those of Sequest and X!Tandem, revealing that it is capable of higher discrimination than either of these algorithms. When minimal peak filtering is employed, performance plummets for a scoring model that does not stratify matched peaks by intensity. On the other hand, we find that MyriMatch discrimination improves as more peaks are retained in each spectrum. MyriMatch also scales well to tandem mass spectra from high-resolution mass analyzers. These findings may indicate limitations for existing database search scorers that count matched peaks without differentiating them by intensity. This software and source code is available under Mozilla Public License at this URL: http://www.mc.vanderbilt.edu/msrc/bioinformatics/.  相似文献   

This study reports the use of a long‐term acoustic recording system (LARS) to remotely monitor white seabass Atractoscion nobilis spawning sounds at three sites along the southern California coastline, adjacent to Camp Pendleton. On the basis of previous studies of A. nobilis sound production relative to periods of known spawning activity, LARS were set to continuously record ambient sounds for a 2 h period around sunset from April to June 2009. Acoustic analyses identified A. nobilis courtship sounds on 89, 28 and 45% of the days at the three locations, respectively. From 474 h of acoustic data, spawning‐related sounds (chants) were detected on 19 occasions in 2009 with an additional 11 spawning chants recorded during a 2007 validation period. Most spawning chants occurred within 30 min of sunset during the months of May and June at a mean ±s.d . surface temperature of 18·2 ± 1·2° C. Consecutive daily spawning activity was not apparent at any sites in 2009. Atractoscion nobilis spawning chants were recorded at all three sites, suggesting that shallow rocky reefs which support kelp forests provide suitable A. nobilis spawning habitat. Results confirm the utility of passive acoustic recorders for identifying A. nobilis spawning periods and locations.  相似文献   

A method is described for rapidly measuring the ethane concentration in exhaled human breath. Ethane is considered a volatile marker for lipid peroxidation. The breath samples are analyzed in real time during single exhalations by means of infrared cavity leak-out spectroscopy. This is an ultrasensitive laser-based method for the analysis of trace gases on the sub-parts per billion level. We demonstrate that this technique is capable of online quantifying of ethane traces in exhaled human breath down to 500 parts per trillion with a time resolution of better than 800 ms. This study includes what we believe to be the first measured expirograms for trace fractions of ethane. The expirograms were recorded after a controlled inhalation exposure to 1 part per million of ethane. The normalized slope of the alveolar plateau was determined, which shows a linear increase over the first breathing cycles and ends in a mean value between 0.21 and 0.39 liter-1. The washout process was observed for a time period of 30 min and was modelled by a threefold exponential decay function, with decay times ranging from 12 to 24, 341 to 481, and 370 to 1770 s. Our analyzer provides a promising noninvasive tool for online monitoring of the oxidative stress status.  相似文献   

Protein labeling with green fluorescent protein derivatives has become an invaluable tool in cell biology. Protein quantification, however, is difficult when cells express constructs with overlapping fluorescent emissions. Under these conditions, signal separation using emission filters is inherently inefficient. Spectral imaging solves this problem by recording emission spectra directly. Unfortunately, linear unmixing, the algorithm used for quantifying individual fluorophores from emission spectra, fails when resonance energy transfer (RET) is present. We therefore sought to develop an unmixing algorithm that incorporates RET. An equation for spectral emission incorporating RET was derived and an assay based on this formalism, spectral RET (sRET), was developed. Standards with defined RET efficiencies and with known Cerulean/Venus ratios were constructed and used to test sRET. We demonstrate that sRET analysis is a comprehensive, photon-efficient method for imaging RET efficiencies and accurately determines donor and acceptor concentrations in living cells.  相似文献   

The influence of breath holding and voluntary hyperventilation on the traditional stabilometric parameters and the frequency characteristics of stabilographic signal was studied. We measured the stabilometric parameters on a force platform (“Ritm”, Russia) in the 107 healthy volunteers during quiet breath, voluntary hyperventilation (20 seconds) and maximal inspiratory breath holding (20 seconds). Respiratory frequency, respiratory amplitude and ventilation were estimated with the strain gauge. We found that antero-posterior and medio-lateral sway amplitude and velocity as well as sway surface during breath holding and during quiet breathing were the same, so breath holding didn’t influence the postural stability. However, the spectral parameters in the antero-posterior direction shifted to the high frequency range due to an alteration of the respiratory muscles’ contractions during breath holding versus quiet breath. Voluntary hyperventilation caused a significant increase of all stabilographic indices that implied an impairment of the postural stability. We also found that the spectral indices shifted toward the high-frequency range, and this shift was much greater compared to that during breath holding. Besides, amplitudes of the spectral peaks also increased. Perhaps, such change of the spectral indices was due to distortion of the proprioceptive information because of increased excitability of the nerve fibers during hyperventilation. Maximal inspiratory breath holding caused an activation of the postural control mechanisms. It was manifested as an elevation of the sway oscillations’ frequency with no postural stability changes. Hyperventilation led to the greatest strain of the postural control and to a decrease of the postural stability, which was manifested as an increase of center of pressure oscillations’ amplitude and frequency.  相似文献   

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