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The features of spatial and temporal Hox gene collinearity along the anteroposterior and secondary axes of vertebrate development have been extensively studied. However, the understanding of these features remains problematic. Some genetic engineering experiments were performed and the consequent modifications of the Hoxd gene expressions in the vertebrate limb and trunk were presented. A two-phases model was proposed to describe the above results but still many data cannot be explained. In the present work a different mechanism is put forward in order to deal with the above experiments. This alternative mechanism (coined biophysical model), is based on the hypothesis that physical forces decondense and 'loop out' the chromatin fiber causing the observed Hox gene collinearity phenomena at the early stages of axonal development. The two models are compared in detail. The biophysical model adequately explains the data even in cases where the results are characterized as unexpected. Furthermore, the biophysical model predicts that the Hox gene expressions are entangled in space and time and this coupling is compatible with the data of the early developmental stages. Additional experiments are proposed for a direct test of this model.  相似文献   

During vertebrate limb development, Hoxd genes are transcribed in two temporal phases; an early wave controls growth and polarity up to the forearm and a late wave patterns the digits. In this issue of Developmental Cell, Tarchini and Duboule (2006) report that two opposite regulatory modules direct early collinear expression of Hoxd genes.  相似文献   

The Hox gene cluster has a crucial function in body patterning during animal development. How and when this gene cluster originated is being clarified by recent data from Cnidaria, a basal animal phylum. The characterization of Hox-like genes from Hydra, sea anemones and jellyfish has revealed that a Hox gene cluster is extremely ancient, having originated even before the divergence of these basal animals.  相似文献   

Evolution of the echinoderm Hox gene cluster   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SUMMARY Extant echinoderms are members of an ancient and highly derived deuterostome phylum. The composition and arrangement of their Hox gene clusters are consequently of interest not only from the perspective of evolution of development, but also in terms of metazoan phylogeny and body plan evolution. Over the last decade numerous workers have reported partial Hox gene sequences from a variety of echinoderms. In this paper we used a combined methods approach to analyze phylogenetic relationships between 68 echinoderm Hox homeodomain fragments, from species of five extant classes—two asteroids, one crinoid, one ophiuroid, one holothuroid, and three echinoids. This analysis strengthens Mito and Endo's (2000) proposition that the ancestral echinoderm's Hox gene cluster contained at least eleven genes, including at least four posterior paralogous group genes. However, representatives of all paralogous groups are not known from all echinoderm classes. In particular, these data suggest that echinoids may have lost a posterior group Hox gene subsequent to the divergence of the echinoderm classes. Evolution of the highly derived echinoderm body plan may have been accompanied by class-specific duplication, diversification and loss of Hox genes.  相似文献   

Hox and other Antennapedia (ANTP)-like homeobox gene subclasses - ParaHox, EHGbox, and NK-like - contribute to key developmental events in bilaterians [1-4]. Evidence of physical clustering of ANTP genes in multiple animal genomes [4-9] suggests that all four subclasses arose via sequential cis-duplication events. Here, we show that Hox genes' origin occurred after the divergence of sponge and eumetazoan lineages and occurred concomitantly with a major evolutionary transition in animal body-plan complexity. By using whole genome information from the demosponge Amphimedon queenslandica, we provide the first conclusive evidence that the earliest metazoans possessed multiple NK-like genes but no Hox, ParaHox, or EHGbox genes. Six of the eight NK-like genes present in the Amphimedon genome are clustered within 71 kb in an order akin to bilaterian NK clusters. We infer that the NK cluster in the last common ancestor to sponges, cnidarians, and bilaterians consisted of at least five genes. It appears that the ProtoHox gene originated from within this ancestral cluster after the divergence of sponge and eumetazoan lineages. The maintenance of the NK cluster in sponges and bilaterians for greater than 550 million years is likely to reflect regulatory constraints inherent to the organization of this ancient cluster.  相似文献   

Gene expression is a result of the interplay between the structure, type, kinetics, and specificity of gene regulatory interactions, whose diversity gives rise to the variety of life forms. As the dynamic behavior of gene regulatory networks depends on their structure, here we attempt to determine structural reasons which, despite the similarities in global network properties, may explain the large differences in organismal complexity. We demonstrate that the algebraic connectivity, the smallest non-trivial eigenvalue of the Laplacian, of the directed gene regulatory networks decreases with the increase of organismal complexity, and may therefore explain the difference between the variety of analyzed regulatory networks. In addition, our results point out that, for the species considered in this study, evolution favours decreasing concentration of strategically positioned feed forward loops, so that the network as a whole can increase the specificity towards changing environments. Moreover, contrary to the existing results, we show that the average degree, the length of the longest cascade, and the average cascade length of gene regulatory networks cannot recover the evolutionary relationships between organisms. Whereas the dynamical properties of special subnetworks are relatively well understood, there is still limited knowledge about the evolutionary reasons for the already identified design principles pertaining to these special subnetworks, underlying the global quantitative features of gene regulatory networks of different organisms. The behavior of the algebraic connectivity, which we show valid on gene regulatory networks extracted from curated databases, can serve as an additional evolutionary principle of organism-specific regulatory networks.  相似文献   

Sea urchin Hox genes: insights into the ancestral Hox cluster   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We describe the Hox cluster in the radially symmetric sea urchin and compare our findings to what is known from clusters in bilaterally symmetric animals. Several Hox genes from the direct-developing sea urchin Heliocidaris erythrogramma are described. CHEF gel analysis shows that the Hox genes are clustered on a < or = 300 kilobase (kb) fragment of DNA, and only a single cluster is present, as in lower chordates and other nonvertebrate metazoans. Phylogenetic analyses of sea urchin, amphioxus, Drosophila, and selected vertebrate Hox genes confirm that the H. erythrogramma genes, and others previously cloned from other sea urchins, belong to anterior, central, and posterior groups. Despite their radial body plan and lack of cephalization, echinoderms retain at least one of the anterior group Hox genes, an orthologue of Hox3. The structure of the echinoderm Hox cluster suggests that the ancestral deuterostome had a Hox cluster more similar to the current chordate cluster than was expected Sea urchins have at least three Abd-B type genes, suggesting that Abd-B expansion began before the radiation of deuterostomes.   相似文献   

The Hox genes play a central role in regulating development and are involved in the specification of cell fates along the anteroposterior axis. In insects and vertebrates, these genes are clustered and organized in an arrangement that is largely conserved across evolutionary lineages. By exploiting the sequence conservation of the homeobox, orthologues of the Hox genes Sex combs reduced (Scr), fushi tarazu (ftz), Antennapedia (Antp), Ultrabithorax (Ubx), and abdominal-A (abd-A) have been isolated from the malaria vector mosquito, Anopheles gambiae. These genes were first identified in Drosophila, where they achieve a high level of functional complexity, in part, by the use of alternative promoters, polyadenylation sites, and splicing to generate different protein isoforms. Preliminary analyses of the Anopheles Hox genes suggest that they do not achieve their functional complexity in the same manner. Using a combination of in situ hybridization to polytene chromosomes and chromosome walking, the Anopheles Hox genes have been localized to a single cluster in the region 19D-E on chromosome 2R, a situation distinct from that of Drosophila where the Hox complex is split into two clusters. This study, therefore, provides a framework for future comparative analyses of the structure, organization, and expression of developmental regulatory genes between the lower and higher Diptera. Moreover, the genes that have been isolated enhance the genetic and physical maps of chromosome 2R in this medically important mosquito species.  相似文献   

Among their various functions, the members of the cerato-platanin family can stimulate plants' defense responses and induce resistance against microbial pathogens. Recent results suggest that conserved loops, also involved in chitin binding, might be a structural motif central for their eliciting activity. Here, we focus on cerato-platanin and its orthologous cerato-populin, searching for a rationale of their diverse efficiency to elicit plants' defense and to interact with oligosaccharides. A 3D model of cerato-populin has been generated by homology modeling using the NMR-derived cerato-platanin structure as template, and it has been validated by fitting with residual dipolar couplings. Loops β1-β2 and β2-β3 have been indicated as important for some CPPs members to express their biological function. When compared to cerato-platanin, in cerato-populin they present two mutations and an insertion that significantly modify their electrostatic surface. NMR relaxation experiments point to a reduced conformational plasticity of cerato-populin loops with respect to the ones of cerato-platanin. The different electrostatic surface of the loops combined with a distinct network of intra-molecular interactions are expected to be factors that, by leading to a diverse spatial organization and dissimilar collective motions, can regulate the eliciting efficacy of the two proteins and their affinity for oligosaccharides.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic reconstruction of vertebrate Hox cluster duplications   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
In vertebrates and the cephalochordate, amphioxus, the closest vertebrate relative, Hox genes are linked in a single cluster. Accompanying the emergence of higher vertebrates, the Hox gene cluster duplicated in either a single step or multiple steps, resulting in the four-cluster state present in teleosts and tetrapods. Mammalian Hox clusters (designated A, B, C, and D) extend over 100 kb and are located on four different chromosomes. Reconstructing the history of the duplications and its relation to vertebrate evolution has been problematic due to the lack of alignable sequence information. In this study, the problem was approached by conducting a statistical analysis of sequences from the fibrillar-type collagens (I, II, III, and IV), genes closely linked to each Hox cluster which likely share the same duplication history as the Hox genes. We find statistical support for the hypothesis that the cluster duplication occurred as multiple distinct events and that the four-cluster situation arose by a three- step sequential process.   相似文献   

Evolutionarily conserved non-coding genomic sequences represent a potentially rich source for the discovery of gene regulatory regions. Since these elements are subject to stabilizing selection they evolve much more slowly than adjacent non-functional DNA. These so-called phylogenetic footprints can be detected by comparison of the sequences surrounding orthologous genes in different species. Therefore the loss of phylogenetic footprints as well as the acquisition of conserved non-coding sequences in some lineages, but not in others, can provide evidence for the evolutionary modification of cis-regulatory elements. We introduce here a statistical model of footprint evolution that allows us to estimate the loss of sequence conservation that can be attributed to gene loss and other structural reasons. This approach to studying the pattern of cis-regulatory element evolution, however, requires the comparison of relatively long sequences from many species. We have therefore developed an efficient software tool for the identification of corresponding footprints in long sequences from multiple species. We apply this novel method to the published sequences of HoxA clusters of shark, human, and the duplicated zebrafish and Takifugu clusters as well as the published HoxB cluster sequences. We find that there is a massive loss of sequence conservation in the intergenic region of the HoxA clusters, consistent with the finding in [Chiu et al., PNAS 99 (2002) 5492]. The loss of conservation after cluster duplication is more extensive than expected from structural reasons. This suggests that binding site turnover and/or adaptive modification may also contribute to the loss of sequence conservation.  相似文献   

To help elucidate the cluster organization of Hox genes in echinoderms, we amplified a homeobox region by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and cloned and sequenced the PCR products for the comatulid crinoid Oxycomanthus japonicus and the ophiuroid Stegophiura sladeni. The crinoid had at least three anterior, four medial, and four posterior genes, and the ophiuroid had at least one anterior, three medial, and six (one of which being a possible trans-paralog) posterior genes. The survey of the crinoid detected all three anterior complements (PG1-3 genes). It was inferred that the Hox genes of each species are organized into a single cluster and that a novel cognate group of echinoderm posterior genes (tentatively termed HboxP9) exists among echinoderms in addition to the known posterior genes Hbox4, Hbox7, and Hbox10. The results, combined with the data of other echinoderm classes, strongly suggest that the presence of a single Hox gene cluster is a common feature among echinoderms and that the cluster has the general features of the deuterostome Hox gene cluster, i.e., the anterior conservation and posterior expansion. The results of the ophiuroid imply that the posterior genes in this class diversified after the phylum Echinodermata had been established.  相似文献   

Large-scale gene amplifications may have facilitated the evolution of morphological innovations that accompanied the origin of vertebrates. This hypothesis predicts that the genomes of extant jawless fish, scions of deeply branching vertebrate lineages, should bear a record of these events. Previous work suggests that nonvertebrate chordates have a single Hox cluster, but that gnathostome vertebrates have four or more Hox clusters. Did the duplication events that produced multiple vertebrate Hox clusters occur before or after the divergence of agnathan and gnathostome lineages? Can investigation of lamprey Hox clusters illuminate the origins of the four gnathostome Hox clusters? To approach these questions, we cloned and sequenced 13 Hox cluster genes from cDNA and genomic libraries in the lamprey, Petromyzon marinus. The results suggest that the lamprey has at least four Hox clusters and support the model that gnathostome Hox clusters arose by a two-round-no-cluster-loss mechanism, with tree topology [(AB)(CD)]. A three-round model, however, is not rigorously excluded by the data and, for this model, the tree topologies [(D(C(AB))] and [(C(D(AB))] are most parsimonious. Gene phylogenies suggest that at least one Hox cluster duplication occurred in the lamprey lineage after it diverged from the gnathostome lineage. The results argue against two or more rounds of duplication before the divergence of agnathan and gnathostome vertebrates. If Hox clusters were duplicated in whole-genome duplication events, then these data suggest that, at most, one whole genome duplication occurred before the evolution of vertebrate developmental innovations.  相似文献   

Two burgeoning research trends are helping to reconstruct the evolution of the Hox cluster with greater detail and clarity. First, Hox genes are being studied in a broader phylogenetic sampling of taxa: the past year has witnessed important new data from teleost fishes, onychophorans, myriapods, polychaetes, glossiphoniid leeches, ribbon worms, and sea anemones. Second, commonly accepted notions of animal relationships are being challenged by alternative phylogenetic hypotheses that are causing us to rethink the evolutionary relationships of important metazoan lineages, especially arthropods, annelids, nematodes, and platyhelminthes.  相似文献   

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