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While disease‐induced extinction is generally considered rare, a number of recently emerging infectious diseases with load‐dependent pathology have led to extinction in wildlife populations. Transmission is a critical factor affecting disease‐induced extinction, but the relative importance of transmission compared to load‐dependent host resistance and tolerance is currently unknown. Using a combination of models and experiments on an amphibian species suffering extirpations from the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), we show that while transmission from an environmental Bd reservoir increased the ability of Bd to invade an amphibian population and the extinction risk of that population, Bd‐induced extinction dynamics were far more sensitive to host resistance and tolerance than to Bd transmission. We demonstrate that this is a general result for load‐dependent pathogens, where non‐linear resistance and tolerance functions can interact such that small changes in these functions lead to drastic changes in extinction dynamics.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic modification of the landscape, resultant habitat loss, and decades of persecution have resulted in severe decline and fragmentation of large carnivore populations worldwide. Infectious disease is also identified as a primary threat to many carnivores. In wildlife species, population demography and group persistence are strongly influenced by group or population size. This is referred to as the Allee effect, in which a population or group is at an increased risk of extinction when the number or density of individuals falls below some threshold due to ecological and/or genetic factors. However, in social mammalian species, the relationship between the number of individuals and the risk of extinction is complicated because aggregation may enhance pathogen exposure and transmission. Although theoretical studies of the interaction between infectious disease transmission and Allee effects reveal important implications for carnivore management and population extinction risk, information about the interaction has yet to be synthesized. In this paper, we assess life history strategies of medium to large carnivore species (≥2.4 kg) and their influence on population dynamics, with a special focus on infectious disease. While declining population trends are observed in 73 % of all carnivores (both social and solitary species), infectious disease is identified as a significant cause of population decline in 45 % of social carnivores and 3 % of solitary carnivores. Furthermore, where carnivores suffer a combination of rapid population decline and infectious disease, Allee effects may be more likely to impact social as compared to solitary carnivore populations. These potentially additive interactions may strongly influence disease transmission dynamics and population persistence potential. Understanding the mechanisms that can result in Allee effects in endangered carnivore populations and the manner in which infectious disease interfaces at this nexus may define the outcome of developed conservation strategies.  相似文献   

In sexual organisms, low population density can result in mating failures and subsequently yields a low population growth rate and high chance of extinction. For species that are in tight interaction, as in host-parasitoid systems, population dynamics are primarily constrained by demographic interdependences, so that mating failures may have much more intricate consequences. Our main objective is to study the demographic consequences of parasitoid mating failures at low density and its consequences on the success of biological control. For this, we developed a deterministic host-parasitoid model with a mate-finding Allee effect, allowing to tackle interactions between the Allee effect and key determinants of host-parasitoid demography such as the distribution of parasitoid attacks and host competition. Our study shows that parasitoid mating failures at low density result in an extinction threshold and increase the domain of parasitoid deterministic extinction. When proned to mate finding difficulties, parasitoids with cyclic dynamics or low searching efficiency go extinct; parasitoids with high searching efficiency may either persist or go extinct, depending on host intraspecific competition. We show that parasitoids suitable as biocontrol agents for their ability to reduce host populations are particularly likely to suffer from mate-finding Allee effects. This study highlights novel perspectives for understanding of the dynamics observed in natural host-parasitoid systems and improving the success of parasitoid introductions.  相似文献   

If a healthy stable host population at the disease-free equilibrium is subject to the Allee effect, can a small number of infected individuals with a fatal disease cause the host population to go extinct? That is, does the Allee effect matter at high densities? To answer this question, we use a susceptible-infected epidemic model to obtain model parameters that lead to host population persistence (with or without infected individuals) and to host extinction. We prove that the presence of an Allee effect in host demographics matters even at large population densities. We show that a small perturbation to the disease-free equilibrium can eventually lead to host population extinction. In addition, we prove that additional deaths due to a fatal infectious disease effectively increase the Allee threshold of the host population demographics.  相似文献   

If a healthy stable host population at the disease-free equilibrium is subject to the Allee effect, can a small number of infected individuals with a fatal disease cause the host population to go extinct? That is, does the Allee effect matter at high densities? To answer this question, we use a susceptible–infected epidemic model to obtain model parameters that lead to host population persistence (with or without infected individuals) and to host extinction. We prove that the presence of an Allee effect in host demographics matters even at large population densities. We show that a small perturbation to the disease-free equilibrium can eventually lead to host population extinction. In addition, we prove that additional deaths due to a fatal infectious disease effectively increase the Allee threshold of the host population demographics.  相似文献   

In populations subject to positive density dependence, individuals can increase their fitness by synchronizing the timing of key life history events. However, phenological synchrony represents a perturbation from a population's stable stage structure and the ensuing transient dynamics create troughs of low abundance that can promote extinction. Using an ecophysiological model of a mass-attacking pest insect, we show that the effect of synchrony on local population persistence depends on population size and adult lifespan. Results are consistent with a strong empirical pattern of increased extinction risk with decreasing initial population size. Mortality factors such as predation on adults can also affect transient dynamics. Throughout the species range, the seasonal niche for persistence increases with the asynchrony of oviposition. Exposure to the Allee effect after establishment may be most likely at northern range limits, where cold winters tend to synchronize spring colonization, suggesting a role for transient dynamics in the determination of species distributions.  相似文献   

The effect of biodiversity on the ability of parasites to infect their host and cause disease (i.e. disease risk) is a major question in pathology, which is central to understand the emergence of infectious diseases, and to develop strategies for their management. Two hypotheses, which can be considered as extremes of a continuum, relate biodiversity to disease risk: One states that biodiversity is positively correlated with disease risk (Amplification Effect), and the second predicts a negative correlation between biodiversity and disease risk (Dilution Effect). Which of them applies better to different host-parasite systems is still a source of debate, due to limited experimental or empirical data. This is especially the case for viral diseases of plants. To address this subject, we have monitored for three years the prevalence of several viruses, and virus-associated symptoms, in populations of wild pepper (chiltepin) under different levels of human management. For each population, we also measured the habitat species diversity, host plant genetic diversity and host plant density. Results indicate that disease and infection risk increased with the level of human management, which was associated with decreased species diversity and host genetic diversity, and with increased host plant density. Importantly, species diversity of the habitat was the primary predictor of disease risk for wild chiltepin populations. This changed in managed populations where host genetic diversity was the primary predictor. Host density was generally a poorer predictor of disease and infection risk. These results support the dilution effect hypothesis, and underline the relevance of different ecological factors in determining disease/infection risk in host plant populations under different levels of anthropic influence. These results are relevant for managing plant diseases and for establishing conservation policies for endangered plant species.  相似文献   

Parasite establishment and host extinction in model communities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Studies of host–parasite dynamics usually consider one, or at most two, host species, neglecting the possible effects of other species on the focal hosts and vice versa. To explore the interaction of community structure with host–parasite dynamics, we model the invasion of stable communities of varying size by a parasite. The communities are generated with random interaction coefficients and connectance 0.5. Each community is invaded by parasites with different values of virulence (disease-induced host mortality rate), specificity and transmission rate. The result of each invasion is determined by numerically simulating the dynamics of the community. We classify the outcomes by whether the parasite successfully establishes in the focal host population(s), and, if so, by the proportion of host and non-host species that go extinct as a result of the parasite's introduction. We discuss how the structure of the community and the interaction between hosts and other species affect several important processes of disease ecology: the density threshold for parasite invasion, extinction cascades caused by the parasite, and the frequency of extinctions of hosts and non-hosts. In our simulated communities, non-host species went extinct more frequently than hosts, suggesting the importance of the community context of disease. In some cases, the parasite's invasion induced regular population cycles in the previously stable community.  相似文献   

Many host‐parasite models assume that transmission increases linearly with host population density (‘density‐dependent transmission’), but various alternative transmission functions have been proposed in an effort to capture the complexity of real biological systems. The most common alternative (usually applied to sexually transmitted parasites) assumes instead that the rate at which hosts contact one another is independent of population density, leading to ‘frequency‐dependent’ transmission. This straight‐forward distinction generates fundamentally different dynamics (e.g. deterministic, parasite‐driven extinction with frequency‐ but not density‐dependence). Here, we consider the situation where transmission occurs through two different types of contact, one of which is density‐dependent (e.g. social contacts), the other density‐independent (e.g. sexual contacts). Drawing on a range of biological examples, we propose that this type of contact structure may be widespread in natural populations. When our model is characterized mainly by density‐dependent transmission, we find that allowing even small amounts of transmission to occur through density‐independent contacts leads to the possibility of deterministic, parasite‐driven extinction (and lowers the threshold for parasite persistence). Contrastingly, allowing some density‐dependent transmission to occur in a model characterized mainly by density‐independent contacts (i.e. by frequency‐dependent transmission) does not affect the extinction threshold, but does increase the likelihood of parasite persistence. The idea that directly transmitted parasites exploit different types of host contact is not new, but here we show that the impact on dynamics can be fundamental even in the simplest cases. For example, in systems where density‐dependent transmission is normally assumed de facto, we show that parasite‐driven extinction can occur if a small amount of transmission occurs through density‐independent contacts. Many empirical studies are still guided by the traditional density/frequency dichotomy, but our combined transmission function may provide a better model for systems in which both types of transmission occur.  相似文献   

Sudden catastrophic events like fires, hurricanes, tsunamis, landslides and deforestation increase population densities in habitat fragments, as fleeing animals encroach into these refuges. Such sudden overcrowding will trigger transient fluctuations in population size in the refuges, which may expose refuge populations to an increased risk of extinction. Until recently, detailed information about the operation of density dependence in stage-structured populations, and tools for quantifying the effects of transient dynamics, have not been available, so that exploring the extinction risk of such transient fluctuations has been intractable. Here, we use such recently developed tools to show that extinction triggered by overcrowding can threaten populations in refuges. Apart from situations where density dependence acts on survival, our results indicate that short-lived species may be more at risk than longer-lived species. Because dynamics in local populations may be critical for the preservation of metapopulations and rare species, we argue that this aspect warrants further attention from conservation biologists.  相似文献   

Effects of species diversity on disease risk   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
The transmission of infectious diseases is an inherently ecological process involving interactions among at least two, and often many, species. Not surprisingly, then, the species diversity of ecological communities can potentially affect the prevalence of infectious diseases. Although a number of studies have now identified effects of diversity on disease prevalence, the mechanisms underlying these effects remain unclear in many cases. Starting with simple epidemiological models, we describe a suite of mechanisms through which diversity could increase or decrease disease risk, and illustrate the potential applicability of these mechanisms for both vector-borne and non-vector-borne diseases, and for both specialist and generalist pathogens. We review examples of how these mechanisms may operate in specific disease systems. Because the effects of diversity on multi-host disease systems have been the subject of much recent research and controversy, we describe several recent efforts to delineate under what general conditions host diversity should increase or decrease disease prevalence, and illustrate these with examples. Both models and literature reviews suggest that high host diversity is more likely to decrease than increase disease risk. Reduced disease risk with increasing host diversity is especially likely when pathogen transmission is frequency-dependent, and when pathogen transmission is greater within species than between species, particularly when the most competent hosts are also relatively abundant and widespread. We conclude by identifying focal areas for future research, including (1) describing patterns of change in disease risk with changing diversity; (2) identifying the mechanisms responsible for observed changes in risk; (3) clarifying additional mechanisms in a wider range of epidemiological models; and (4) experimentally manipulating disease systems to assess the impact of proposed mechanisms.  相似文献   

Invasion of an exotic species initiated by its local introduction is considered subject to predator-prey interactions and the Allee effect when the prey growth becomes negative for small values of the prey density. Mathematically, the system dynamics is described by two nonlinear diffusion-reaction equations in two spatial dimensions. Regimes of invasion are studied by means of extensive numerical simulations. We show that, in this system, along with well-known scenarios of species spread via propagation of continuous population fronts, there exists an essentially different invasion regime which we call a patchy invasion. In this regime, the species spreads over space via irregular motion and interaction of separate population patches without formation of any continuous front, the population density between the patches being nearly zero. We show that this type of the system dynamics corresponds to spatiotemporal chaos and calculate the dominant Lyapunov exponent. We then show that, surprisingly, in the regime of patchy invasion the spatially average prey density appears to be below the survival threshold. We also show that a variation of parameters can destroy this regime and either restore the usual invasion scenario via propagation of continuous fronts or brings the species to extinction; thus, the patchy spread can be qualified as the invasion at the edge of extinction. Finally, we discuss the implications of this phenomenon for invasive species management and control.  相似文献   

Most natural ecosystem populations suffer from various infectious diseases and the resulting host-pathogen dynamics is dependent on host's characteristics. On the other hand, empirical evidences show that for most host pathogen systems, a part of the host population always forms a refuge. To study the role of refuge on the host-pathogen interaction, we study a predator-prey-pathogen model where the susceptible and the infected prey can undergo refugia of constant size to evade predator attack. The stability aspects of the model system is investigated from a local and global perspective. The study reveals that the refuge sizes for the susceptible and the infected prey are the key parameters that control possible predator extinction as well as species co-existence. Next we perform a global study of the model system using Lyapunov functions and show the existence of a global attractor. Finally we perform a stochastic extension of the basic model to study the phenomenon of random refuge arising from various intrinsic, habitat-related and environmental factors. The stochastic model is analyzed for exponential mean square stability. Numerical study of the stochastic model shows that increasing the refuge rates has a stabilizing effect on the stochastic dynamics.  相似文献   

Population reduction is often used as a control strategy when managing infectious diseases in wildlife populations in order to reduce host density below a critical threshold. However, population reduction can disrupt existing social and demographic structures leading to changes in observed host behaviour that may result in enhanced disease transmission. Such effects have been observed in several disease systems, notably badgers and bovine tuberculosis. Here we characterise the fundamental properties of disease systems for which such effects undermine the disease control benefits of population reduction.By quantifying the size of response to population reduction in terms of enhanced transmission within a generic non-spatial model, the properties of disease systems in which such effects reduce or even reverse the disease control benefits of population reduction are identified. If population reduction is not sufficiently severe, then enhanced transmission can lead to the counter intuitive perturbation effect, whereby disease levels increase or persist where they would otherwise die out. Perturbation effects are largest for systems with low levels of disease, e.g. low levels of endemicity or emerging disease.Analysis of a stochastic spatial meta-population model of demography and disease dynamics leads to qualitatively similar conclusions. Moreover, enhanced transmission itself is found to arise as an emergent property of density dependent dispersal in such systems. This spatial analysis also shows that, below some threshold, population reduction can rapidly increase the area affected by disease, potentially expanding risks to sympatric species.Our results suggest that the impact of population reduction on social and demographic structures is likely to undermine disease control in many systems, and in severe cases leads to the perturbation effect. Social and demographic mechanisms that enhance transmission following population reduction should therefore be routinely considered when designing control programmes.  相似文献   

Habitat structure increases the persistence of many extinction‐prone resource–consumer interactions. Metapopulation theory is one of the leading approaches currently used to explain why local, ephemeral populations persist at a regional scale. Central to the metapopulation concept is the amount of dispersal occurring between patches, too much or too little can result in regional extinction. In this study, the role of dispersal on the metapopulation dynamics of an over‐exploitative host–parasitoid interaction is assessed. In the absence of the parasitoid the highly vagile bruchid, Callosobruchus maculatus, can maintain a similar population size regardless of the permeability of the inter‐patch matrix and exhibits strong negative density‐dependence. After the introduction of the parasitoid the size of the bruchid population decreases with a corresponding increase in the occurrence of empty patches. In this case, limiting the dispersal of both species decouples the interaction to a greater extent and results in larger regional bruchid populations. Given the disparity between the dispersal rates of the two species, it is proposed that the more dispersive host benefits from the reduction in landscape permeability by increasing the opportunity to colonise empty patches and rescue extinction prone populations. Associated with the introduction of the parasitoid is a shift in the strength of density‐dependence as the population moves from bottom–up towards top–down regulation. The importance of local and regional scale measurements is apparent when the role of individual patches on regional dynamics is considered. By only taking regional dynamics into account the importance of dispersal regime on local dynamics is overlooked. Similarly, when local dynamics were examined, patches were found to have different influences on regional dynamics depending on dispersal regime and patch location.  相似文献   

Emerging infectious diseases have caused many species declines, changes in communities and even extinctions. There are also many species that persist following devastating declines due to disease. The broad mechanisms that enable host persistence following declines include evolution of resistance or tolerance, changes in immunity and behaviour, compensatory recruitment, pathogen attenuation, environmental refugia, density‐dependent transmission and changes in community composition. Here we examine the case of chytridiomycosis, the most important wildlife disease of the past century. We review the full breadth of mechanisms allowing host persistence, and synthesise research on host, pathogen, environmental and community factors driving persistence following chytridiomycosis‐related declines and overview the current evidence and the information required to support each mechanism. We found that for most species the mechanisms facilitating persistence have not been identified. We illustrate how the mechanisms that drive long‐term host population dynamics determine the most effective conservation management strategies. Therefore, understanding mechanisms of host persistence is important because many species continue to be threatened by disease, some of which will require intervention. The conceptual framework we describe is broadly applicable to other novel disease systems.  相似文献   

Population growth can be positively or negatively dependent on density. Therefore, the distribution pattern of individuals in a patchy environment can greatly affect the growth of each subpopulation and thereby of the metapopulation. When population growth presents positive density‐dependence (Allee effect), the distribution pattern becomes crucial, as small populations have an increased extinction risk. The way in which individuals move between patches largely determines the distribution pattern and thereby the population dynamics. Collective movement, in particular, should be expected to increase the potential number of colonisers and therefore the probability of colonising success. Here, we use mathematical modelling (differential equations and stochastic simulations) to study how collective movement can influence metapopulation dynamics when Allee effects are at stake. The models are inspired by the two‐spotted spider mite, a phytophagous pest of recognised agricultural importance. This sub‐social mite displays trail laying/following behaviour that can provoke collective movement. Moreover, experimental evidence suggests that it is subject to Allee effects. In the first part of this study we present a single‐species population growth model incorporating Allee effects, and study its properties. In the second part, this growth model is integrated into a larger simulation model consisting of a set of interconnected patches, in which the individuals move from one patch to the other either independently or collectively. Our results show that collective movement is more advantageous than independent dispersal only when Allee effects are present and strong enough. Furthermore they provide a theoretical framework that allows the quantification of the interplay between Allee effects and collective movement.  相似文献   

Aims To better understand how demographic processes shape the range dynamics of woody plants (in this case, Proteaceae), we introduce a likelihood framework for fitting process‐based models of range dynamics to spatial abundance data. Location The fire‐prone Fynbos biome (Cape Floristic Region, South Africa). Methods Our process‐based models have a spatially explicit demographic submodel (describing dispersal, reproduction, mortality and local extinction) as well as an observation submodel (describing imperfect detection of individuals), and are constrained by species‐specific predictions of habitat distribution models and process‐based models for seed dispersal by wind. Free model parameters were varied to find parameter sets with the highest likelihood. After testing this approach with simulated data, we applied it to eight Proteaceae species that differ in breeding system (monoecy versus dioecy) and adult fire survival. We assess the importance of Allee effects and negative density dependence for range dynamics, by using the Akaike information criterion to select between alternative models fitted for the same species. Results The best model for all dioecious study species included Allee effects, whereas this was true for only one of four monoecious species. As expected, sprouters (in which adults survive fire) were estimated to have lower rates of reproduction and catastrophic population extinction than related non‐sprouters. Overcompensatory population dynamics seem important for three of four non‐sprouters. We also found good quantitative agreement between independent data and most estimates of reproduction, carrying capacity and extinction probability. Main conclusions This study shows that process‐based models can quantitatively describe how large‐scale abundance distributions arise from the movement and interaction of individuals. It stresses links between the life history, demography and range dynamics of Proteaceae: dioecious species seem more susceptible to Allee effects which reduce migration ability and increase local extinction risk, and sprouters seem to have high persistence of established populations, but their low reproduction limits habitat colonization and migration.  相似文献   

Nonhost species can strongly affect the timing and progression of epidemics. One central interaction—between hosts, their resources, and parasites—remains surprisingly underdeveloped from a theoretical perspective. Furthermore, key epidemiological traits that govern disease spread are known to depend on resource density. We tackle both issues here using models that fuse consumer–resource and epidemiological theory. Motivated by recent studies of a phytoplankton–zooplankton–fungus system, we derive and analyze a family of dynamic models for parasite spread among consumers in which transmission depends on consumer (host) and resource densities. These models yield four key insights. First, host–resource cycling can lower mean host density and inhibit parasite invasion. Second, host–resource cycling can create Allee effects (bistability) if parasites increase mean host density by reducing the amplitude of host–resource cycles. Third, parasites can stabilize host–resource cycles; however, host–resource cycling can also cause disease cycling. Fourth, resource dependence of epidemiological traits helps to govern the relative dominance of these different behaviors. However, these resource dependencies largely have quantitative rather than qualitative effects on these three-species dynamics. Given the extent of these results, host–resource–parasite interactions should become more fundamental components of the burgeoning theory for the community ecology of infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Invading infectious diseases can, in theory, lead to the extinction of host populations, particularly if reservoir species are present or if disease transmission is frequency-dependent. The number of historic or prehistoric extinctions that can unequivocally be attributed to infectious disease is relatively small, but gathering firm evidence in retrospect is extremely difficult. Amphibian chytridiomycosis and Tasmanian devil facial tumour disease (DFTD) are two very different infectious diseases that are currently threatening to cause extinctions in Australia. These provide an unusual opportunity to investigate the processes of disease-induced extinction and possible management strategies. Both diseases are apparently recent in origin. Tasmanian DFTD is entirely host-specific but potentially able to cause extinction because transmission depends weakly, if at all, on host density. Amphibian chytridiomycosis has a broad host range but is highly pathogenic only to some populations of some species. At present, both diseases can only be managed by attempting to isolate individuals or populations from disease. Management options to accelerate the process of evolution of host resistance or tolerance are being investigated in both cases. Anthropogenic changes including movement of diseases and hosts, habitat destruction and fragmentation and climate change are likely to increase emerging disease threats to biodiversity and it is critical to further develop strategies to manage these threats.  相似文献   

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