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In order to identify biomotor structures in elite female handball players, factor structures of morphological characteristics and basic motor abilities of elite female handball players (N = 53) were determined first, followed by determination of relations between the morphological-motor space factors obtained and the set of criterion variables evaluating situation motor abilities in handball. Factor analysis of 14 morphological measures produced three morphological factors, i.e. factor of absolute voluminosity (mesoendomorph), factor of longitudinal skeleton dimensionality, and factor of transverse hand dimensionality. Factor analysis of 15 motor variables yielded five basic motor dimensions, i.e. factor of agility, factor of jumping explosive strength, factor of throwing explosive strength, factor of movement frequency rate, and factor of running explosive strength (sprint). Four significant canonic correlations, i.e. linear combinations, explained the correlation between the set of eight latent variables of the morphological and basic motor space and five variables of situation motoricity. First canonic linear combination is based on the positive effect of the factors of agility/coordination on the ability of fast movement without ball. Second linear combination is based on the effect of jumping explosive strength and transverse hand dimensionality on ball manipulation, throw precision, and speed of movement with ball. Third linear combination is based on the running explosive strength determination by the speed of movement with ball, whereas fourth combination is determined by throwing and jumping explosive strength, and agility on ball pass. The results obtained were consistent with the model of selection in female handball proposed (Srhoj et al., 2006), showing the speed of movement without ball and the ability of ball manipulation to be the predominant specific abilities, as indicated by the first and second linear combination.  相似文献   

In order to identify biomotor systems that determine performance of competitive gymnastics elements in elementary school female sixth-graders, factor structures of morphological characteristics and basic motor abilities were determined first, followed by relations of the morphological-motor system factors obtained with a set of criterion variables evaluating specific motor skills in competitive gymnastics in 126 female children aged 12 years +/- 3 months. Factor analysis of 17 morphological measures yielded three morphological factors: factor of mesoendomorphy and/or adipose body voluminosity; factor of longitudinal body dimensionality; and factor of transverse arm dimensionality. Factor analysis of 16 motor variables produced four motor factors: general motoricity factor (motor system); general speed factor; factor of explosive strength of throwing type (arm explosiveness); and factor of arm and leg flexibility. Three significant canonical correlations, i.e. linear combinations, explained the association between the set of seven latent variables of the morphological and basic motor system, and five variables evaluating the knowledge in competitive gymnastics. The first canonical linear combination was based on a favorable and predominant impact of the general motor factor (a system integrating whole body coordination, leg explosiveness, relative arm strength, arm movement frequency and body flexibility) on performance of gymnastics elements, cartwheel, handstand and backward pullover mount in particular, and to a lesser extent front scale and double leg pirouette for 180 degrees. The relation of the second pair of canonical factors additionally explained the role of transverse dimensionality of arm skeleton, arm flexibility and explosiveness in performing cartwheel and squat vault, whereas the relation of the third pair of canonical factors explained the unfavorable impact of adipose voluminosity on the performance of squat vault and backward pullover mount.  相似文献   

In order to identify the biomotor systems that determine performance of competitive gymnastics elements in elementary school male sixth-graders, factor structures of morphological characteristics and basic motor abilities were determined first, followed by relations of the morphological-motor system factors obtained with a set of criterion variables evaluating specific motor skills in competitive gymnastics in 110 male children aged 12 years +/- 3 months. Factor analysis of 17 morphological measures produced three morphological factors: factor of mesoectoendomorphy (general morphological factor) and factor of pronounced endomorphy, i.e. excessive adipose tissue, along with low skeleton longitudinality. Factor analysis of 16 motor variables yielded four motor factors: factor of general motoricity; factor integrating leg flexibility and arm explosiveness; factor juxtaposing body flexibility and repetitive leg strength; and factor predominantly defining leg movement frequency. Three significant canonical correlations, i.e. linear combinations, explained the association between the set of six latent variables of the morphological and basic motor system, and five variables assessing the knowledge in competitive gymnastics. The first canonical linear combination was based on the favorable and predominant impact of the general motor factor (a system integrating leg explosiveness, whole body coordination, relative arm and trunk strength, and arm movement frequency), along with unfavorable effect of morphological factors on the gymnastics elements performance, squat vault and handstand in particular The relation of the second pair of canonical factors pointed to the effects of leg flexibility and arm explosiveness on the cartwheel and backward pullover mount performance, whereas the relation of the third pair of canonical factors showed a favorable impact of the general morphological factor and leg movement frequency regulator on the forward shoulderkip from increase, cartwheel and handstand performance.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to define biomotor characteristics that determine playing performance and position in female handball. A battery of 13 variables consisting of somatotype components (3 variables), basic motor abilities (5 variables) and specific motor abilities (5 variables) were applied in a sample of 52 elite female handball players. Differences in biomotor characteristics according to playing performance and position of female handball players were determined by use of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and discriminative analysis. Study results showed the high-quality female handball players to predominantly differ from the less successful ones in the specific factor of throw strength and basic dash factor, followed by the specific abilities of movement without and with ball, basic coordination/agility and specific ability of ball manipulation, and a more pronounced mesomorphic component. Results also revealed the wing players to be superior in the speed of movement frequency (psychomotor speed), run (explosive strength) and speed of movement with ball as compared with players at other playing positions. Also, endomorphic component was less pronounced in players at the wing and back player positions as compared with goalkeeper and pivot positions, where endomorphic component was considerably more pronounced.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to identify motor structures that determine high performance in karate. The study included a group of 85 karateka aged 18-29 years, competing as senior category athletes within the Croatian Karate Society. A battery of 22 motor tests (9 basic motoricity tests and 13 specific motoricity tests) were used. Factor analysis of the basic motor variables pointed to the existence of three significant factors: coordination, explosive strength and movement frequency; whereas factor analysis of the specific motoricity area indicated two significant factors, i.e., factor of technical efficiency and factor of specific agility. Canonical correlation analysis showed the isolated set of basic motor factors to significantly determine both technical efficiency and specific agility-mobility of the karateka, with a predominance of the explosive strength (force) factor, followed by the speed and coordination factors.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess the basic motor abilities that determine top performance in women's handball, and to identify test panel for primary selection at handball school. The study included 155 female attendants of the Split Handball School, mean age 12.5 years. Differences in the basic motor abilities between the subjects that developed into elite handball players after 7-year training process and those that abandoned handball for being unable to meet the competition criteria were evaluated by use of discriminative analysis. The former were found to have also been superior initially in all variables analyzed, and in arm coordination, overall body coordination, throw and jump explosive strength, arm movement frequency and repetitive trunk strength in particular. Motor superiority based on the abilities of coordination, explosive strength and speed determines performance in women's handball, qualifying these abilities as reliable selection criteria. Based on this study results, a new model of selection in women's handball, with fine arm coordination as the major limiting factor of performance, has been proposed.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to examine the influences of specially programmed physical education lessons on biomotor development in boys, as well as the influence of those changes on relations between the set of morphological and motor variables and athletic variables for the assessment of sprint and throw abilities. For this purpose, an overall sample of 325 primary school first grade pupils from the city of Split area, aged 6-8 years, was divided into control group of subjects (N=140) attending regular physical education lessons and experimental group attending specially programmed lessons based on athletics, sports gymnastics and games elements as well as on general preparatory exercises. The relations between the predictor set of variables composed of 4 morphological measurements and 6 motor tests with the criteria of sprint and ball throwing were established by the regression correlation analysis at the beginning and at the end of the academic year Both groups of subjects achieved positive quantitative resultant shift between the two points of measurements, whereas this shift was more significant in the experimental group in relation to the control group, especially in motor abilities coordination of flexibility, movement frequency and of explosive, repetitive and static strength. The number of significant predictors for criteria variables of sprint and ball throwing increased in the final measurement in relation to the first one in both groups of subjects. While in the control group the best results predictor in sprint were the motor abilities of explosive strength and trunk strength, the best results predictor in sprint in the experimental group were coordination, trunk strength, flexibility and explosive strength. As far as the morphological characteristics are concerned muscle mass has a positive and body mass a negative effect on the sprint result. The best results predictor in ball throwing are explosive strength and trunk strength which, in the experimental group of pupils are additionally followed by coordination development as well as the overall body mass development. By comparison of these and the earlier obtained results, a new work model for the disciplines of sprint and throws within the athletic sport school, has been proposed.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the relation between motor abilities and belly dance performance in elementary school fifth- and sixth-grade female students. A battery of 19 motor tests was used in a sample of 96 students twice, i.e. at the beginning (initial measurement) and at the end (final measurement) of the academic year. On initial measurement, five factors were isolated by the motor space factor analysis: first factor of muscular-aerobic endurance; second factor integrating the strength of legs, coordination of foot and hand movement, and agility; third factor integrating explosive strength of the arms with speed and body coordination; fourth factor defined by flexibility (muscle tone regulation); and fifth factor integrating explosive strength of legs with equilibrium. On final measurement, five factors were isolated as well: first factor as a general one integrating coordination abilities, explosive strength of legs and flexibility; second factor defined by repetitive strength of the trunk and legs; third factor defined by rhythm coordination accompanied by flexibility; fourth factor predominantly defined by equilibrium (accompanied by explosive strength of throwing type and speed); and fifth factor predominantly defined by static strength of arms and legs (accompanied by arm movement frequency). On initial measurement, fourth factor responsible for muscle tone regulation and second factor integrating the strength of legs, coordination of movement frequency of arms and legs, and agility were found to be the best predictors of belly dance performance. In this setting, the tests of forward bow (flexibility) and sit-ups (repetitive strength of abdominal musculature) proved superior in differentiating high performance students and those less successful in belly dance. On final measurement, third factor named rhythm coordination (accompanied by muscle tone regulation) and second factor defined by repetitive strength of the trunk and legs were the best predictors of belly dance performance. In this setting, the tests of rhythm coordination, flexibility tests, tests of repetitive strength of the trunk and legs, and test of aerobic endurance proved superior in differentiating high performance and less successful students in belly dance.  相似文献   

Differences in motor and psychologic variables according to playing positions were analyzed in a sample of 53 elite female handball players, members of junior and senior national team. Motor status included 8 variables for assessment of explosive strength of landing and throwing, agility, speed strength, movement frequency, and flexibility. Psychologic status was analyzed through 4 dimensions according to Eysenck: extroversion, psychotic behavior, neurotic behavior, and lie. The anthropologic features analyzed showed statistically significant differences. Considering motor abilities, differences were recorded in the variables for assessment of speed strength, agility and leg movement frequency, where wings predominated, whereas goalkeepers showed predominance in flexibility. In psychologic status, differences were present in the variable for assessment of extroversion, which was most pronounced in wings, whereas psychotic behavior was more expressed in those at pivot position. The differences were primarily consequential to the selection of players of a specific anthropologic profile for particular playing positions. The hypothesis of the impact of kinesiologic specificities of a particular playing position on the formation of the players' anthropologic profile should be scientifically tested. Study results may found application in training and contest practice, especially in forming anthropologic models for particular positions during the process of player selection.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine motor and morphological factors, and to assess their impact on specific motor skill performance in rhythmic gymnastics (RG). Experimental training process aimed at learning and improving basic movement structures of rhythmic gymnastics was performed for nine months in a sample of 50 female rhythmic gymnastics novices (mean age 7.1 +/- 0.3 years). Seven dimensions in total were isolated by factorial analysis of 13 motor, 11 morphological, and 20 specific rhythmic gymnastics tests. The factors of flexibility (Beta = 0.26; p < 0.05), explosive strength (Beta = 0.25; p < 0.05) and adipose voluminosity (Beta = -0.42; p < 0.001) explains 41% of the success in performing RG basic body elements--jumps, rotations, balance and flexibility (R = 0.64), while the frequency of movement (Beta = 0.44; p < 0.001) and non-adipose voluminosity (Beta = 0.26; p < 0.05) explains 26% of RG-specific manipulations with the apparatus--club, ribbon and ball wrist manipulation (R = 0.52; p < 0.01). According to study results, the RG-training process intended for rhythmic gymnastics novices should be programmed, with preset objectives for the development of flexibility and explosive strength, speed and peripheral joint strength and adipose tissue reduction.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess the development of motor abilities in elementary school fifth- to eighth-graders (age 11-14 years) according to sex, age and physical activity. Study sample included 312 subjects divided according to age and sex into four groups: male subjects aged 11-12 (n = 93) and 13-14 years (n = 84); and female subjects aged 11-12 (n = 65) and 13-14 years (n = 70). Then, differences in basic motor abilities between children included (experimental group) and those not included (control group) in swimming training were analyzed. In male fifth- and sixth-graders, experimental group was superior to control group in the variables of trunk repetitive strength, sprint, flexibility and coordination, while in male seventh- and eighth-graders experimental group showed better performance than control group in agility, aerobic endurance and explosive throw and jump strength. In female fifth- and sixth-graders, experimental group proved superior to control group in the variables of explosive strength, coordination, trunk strength and aerobic endurance, whereas in female seventh- and eighth-graders experimental group had better performance in coordination, endurance, explosive strength, speed and flexibility. Discriminative analysis of motor variables between male and female subjects revealed male subjects to be superior in explosive strength, throw strength in particular, coordination and aerobic endurance, whereas female subjects showed better performance in the variables of flexibility and movement frequency, leg movement in particular. Study results showed the formation of appropriate motor system determining achievement of top results in swimming to be influenced by swimming training from age 11 to 14. In male children, motor system was found to integrate coordination/agility, aerobic endurance and explosive strength, whereas in female children it integrated coordination in terms of cortical movement regulation, aerobic endurance, explosive strength and psychomotor speed.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess the effect of programmed physical education on biomotor changes in girls, and the impact of these changes on relations between the set of morphological and motor variables, and athletic variables evaluating the sprint and throw abilities. Study sample included 310 six- to eight-year-old girls, elementary school first-graders from the Split area, divided into control group (n = 138) attending regular physical education classes and experimental group (n = 172) attending programmed physical education classes based on the elements of athletics, apparatus gymnastics, games and general preparatory exercises. Relations between the predictor set of variables consisting of 4 morphological measures and 6 motor tests, and the sprint and ball throw criteria were determined by regression correlation analysis at the beginning and at the end of the academic year. Both groups achieved favorable quantitative result improvement between the two measurement points, however, the improvement was considerably more pronounced in experimental group, especially in the motor abilities of coordination, flexibility, movement frequency, and explosive, repetitive and static strength. On final measurement, the number of significant predictors for the criterion variables of sprint and ball throw increased from the initial measurement in both experimental and control group of subjects. In control group, trunk strength, explosive strength and movement frequency as motor abilities and body height as a morphological characteristic were found to be the best result predictors in sprint. In experimental group, coordination, flexibility, static arm strength and trunk strength as motor abilities were the best result predictors in sprint. In the study sample as a whole, explosive strength and trunk strength were identified as the best predictors of ball throw as a criterion variable. In experimental group, it was accompanied by muscle mass development and adipose tissue reduction. Based on comparison of these results and those obtained in previous studies, a new model of work in the athletics events of sprint and throw in elementary school physical education is proposed.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to identify the motor structures that determine achievement of top results in karate. The study included a sample of 85 karateka aged 18-29 years, competing as senior category athletes of the Croatian Karate Society. Fourteen motor tests (9 basic motor tests and 5 specific motor tests) were used to assess technical efficiency; fighting efficiency was estimated on the basis of results achieved at a number of contests. Factorial analysis of the basic set of motor variables indicated the presence of three major factors of coordination, explosive strength, and movement frequency. Factorial analysis of pooled basic and specific motor variables also pointed to three major factors of speed (basic and specific), controlled power (explosive strength and specific agility), and basic coordination. Regression analysis showed the isolated basic factors to significantly determine both technical and fighting efficiency of the karateka, with the major role of the factor of explosive strength (power). Regression analysis of pooled basic and specific factors revealed the factors of controlled speed and controlled power to predominantly determine the karateka fighting and technical efficiency. In the set of tests used to assess specific motor abilities in karate, the speed of blockade, the speed of moving in multiple directions, and frequency of foot kicking were found to be the best predictors of technical efficiency, whereas the speed of moving in multiple directions, the speed of blockade, and frequency of foot kicking were the best predictors of fighting efficiency.  相似文献   

The effects of six-month athletic training on improving motor abilities in 7-year-old schoolgirls were assessed. Analysis of the results of 12 motor tests showed significant improvement in the study group (n = 38) in comparison with control group (n = 140) subjected to conventional physical education classes only. The improvement referred to the variables of aerobic endurance (3-min run), flexibility (forward bow), explosive strength (ball throwing and 20-m run), keeping balance (bench standing), static strength (bent arm hang), and repetitive strength (sit-ups). These are probably adaptive changes brought up by discriminant functions. The varimax factor and discriminative function correlations indicated that all four factors of changes contributed significantly to the explanation of discriminative function. An almost equally high correlation of varimax factors and discriminative function was obtained on the basis of differences in the third factor responsible for changes in the frequency of movements and in the explosive strength of the jump type; in the second factor responsible for changes in coordination with changes in the repetitive strength of the body; and in the fourth factor responsible for changes in the explosive strength of the throw and sprint types with changes and endurance.  相似文献   

Critical to multidimensional sport conditioning is a systematic knowledge of the interactions between fitness components, as well as the transference relationships to performance. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the relationships between lower body muscular strength and several fundamental explosive performance measures. Fifty-four men and women collegiate athletes were tested to determine (a) lower-body muscular strength (1 repetition maximum barbell back squat), (b) countermovement vertical jump height and peak power output, (c) standing broad jump distance, (d) agility (cone T-test time), (e) sprint acceleration (m.s(-2)), and (f) sprint velocity (m.s(-1)). Analyses were performed using Pearson r correlations to examine these relationships. Partial correlations tested for relationships between performance measures while controlling for muscular strength. T-tests were performed to assess the difference between men and women. Correlation data demonstrated that significant (p < 0.01) strong linear relationships were indicated between muscular strength and power, as well as every sport-performance field tests. However, when controlling for strength with partial correlation, each of these relationships appreciably diminished. Significant differences (p < 0.05) were found between men and women for each of the performance tests. Muscular strength, peak power output, vertical jumping ability, standing broad jump, agility, sprint acceleration, and sprint velocity were all shown to be very highly related. Further examination demonstrated that body mass-adjusted muscular strength is more highly related to performance measures than is absolute muscular strength. Current correlation data provide a quantified look at the interaction between muscular fitness components, as well as the transfer relationship to several athletic-specific performance measures.  相似文献   

Is agility related to strength qualities?--Analysis in latent space   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study we examined an influence of leg extensor strength qualities on agility performance in a latent space. Male physical education students (N = 168) were tested with three standard agility performance tests (lateral stepping, 20-yard shuttle run, and slalom run). Nine measures of leg extensor strength qualities including explosive strength, elastic strength, and maximal strength, were also assessed. As expected, factor analysis of all tests revealed four relatively independent factors: explosive strength, elastic strength, agility, and maximal strength. All three extracted strength factors were included into a regression analysis as predictors to evaluate their influence of the agility factor (i.e. criterion). Although the regression analysis revealed significant multiple correlation between predictors and the criterion (R = 0.41; p < 0.001), the amount of explained variance of agility performance by the strength factors was rather low (17%). We conclude that the leg extensor strength qualities are poor predictors of agility performance in physically active men.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess the impact of motor abilities and morphological characteristics on junior judoka performance. A set of 14 morphological parameters and a set of 14 motor tests as predictor variables, and 3 variables evaluating judo performance as criteria were applied in a sample of 40 judoists aged 17 years +/-6 months. Three factors were isolated by factor analysis in morphological area: factor of muscle mass and bone volume (muscle and bone mass mesoectomorphy), factor of longitudinal skeleton dimensionality, and factor of subcutaneous adipose tissue (endomorphy). Four factors were isolated by factor analysis in motor area: factor of coordination and strength (regulated force), factor of movement frequency (speed), factor of muscular and cardiovascular endurance (endurance), and factor of tonus regulation and synergy regulation (flexibility/balance). Canonical correlation analysis between latent morphological and motor variables, and variables for assessment of competitive performance of junior judoists yielded two linear combinations, i.e. two pairs of canonical factors. Correlation in the first pair of canonical factors was underlain by the favorable impact of coordination/strength, speed, flexibility and balance, along with above-average muscle mass and bone volume, and above-average skeleton longitudinality on performance in judo. Correlation in the second pair of canonical factors was based on positive determination of above-average endurance along with moderate coordination/strength and speed, and below-average muscle mass and bone volume and skeleton longitudinality upon judo performance as expressed by the fight winning score.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the relation of motor abilities and belly dance performance in female high school students, 1st to 4th graders aged 15-18 years. A battery of 19 motor tests were used and nine belly dance elements evaluated in the study sample that included 148 students aged 15-16 (1st and 2nd graders) and 123 students aged 17-18 (3rd and 4th graders). Factor analysis of the motor space isolated six factors in either study group: in 1st and 2nd graders, the first factor integrated coordination, trunk strength, aerobic and muscle endurance, and speed of lower extremity movements; second factor defined explosive strength; third factor defined flexibility; fourth factor defined rhythm coordination; fifth factor defined equilibrium; and sixth factor defined back musculature strength; in 3rd and 4th graders, the first factor integrated coordination and lower extremity explosive strength; second factor defined flexibility; third factor integrated trunk strength and aerobic-muscular endurance; fourth factor defined equilibrium; fifth factor defined rhythm coordination; and sixth factor defined lower extremity strength. Factor analysis of the scores allocated to particular belly dance elements isolated only one factor as a factor of the general specific ability for belly dance performance. Regression analysis in the latent space indicated the factor of flexibility, which is responsible for muscle tone regulation, to be the best predictor of belly dance performance in 1st and 2nd graders. In 3rd and 4th graders, the factor of rhythm coordination was found to be superior in predicting belly dance performance, followed by the factor of trunk strength and aerobic-muscular endurance, the factor integrating coordination and lower extremity strength, and factor of equilibrium.  相似文献   

Despite being addressed in a number of previous studies, the controversy regarding the generality vs. specificity of jumping, sprinting, and change-of-direction speed (CODS) abilities still remains unresolved. Here, we tested the hypotheses that jumping, sprinting, and CODS represent separate and specific motor abilities, and that the jumping ability based on concentric and slow stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) is relatively independent of the same ability based on fast SSC. Eighty-seven male college athletes performed 3 concentric/slow SSC and 3 fast SSC jump tests, 4 sprint tests, and 3 CODS tests. The hypotheses were tested by means of the principal component factor analysis (PCA). The applied procedure reduced the greater number of manifest variables to a smaller number of independent latent dimensions or factors and, thereafter, assessed the relationships among them. The PCA revealed a relatively simple and consistent structure consisting of 4 separate factors that explained nearly 80% of variance of the applied tests. The factors appeared to correspond to the sprinting ability, concentric/slow SSC jumping ability, fast SSC jumping ability, and CODS ability. Further analyses revealed that the extracted factors were mainly independent, because they shared only between 6 and 23% of the common variance. These results supported our hypotheses regarding the specificity of jumping, sprinting, and CODS abilities, and specificity of the concentric/slow SSC and fast SSC jumping abilities. Coaches and strength and conditioning professionals should, therefore, use separate performance tests for the assessment of the studied abilities.  相似文献   

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