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We evaluated phylogenetic clustering of bacterial and archaeal communities from redox-dynamic subtropical forest soils that were defined by 16S rRNA and rRNA gene sequences. We observed significant clustering for the RNA-based communities but not the DNA-based communities, as well as increasing clustering over time of the highly active taxa detected by only rRNA.  相似文献   

The present study describes the analysis of bacterial communities on historical window glass by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of PCR-amplified 16S rDNA fragments. So far, only a few studies have been published in which the microflora and the corrosion mechanisms of glass surfaces have been investigated. Some microorganisms, especially fungi, have been isolated from different glass samples in the past. However, our results demonstrate that bacterial communities on biodeteriorated glass surfaces are much more complex than previously believed. In addition, bacteria were identified, which have never been isolated from glass samples before.  相似文献   

The PCR is used widely for the study of rRNA genes amplified from mixed microbial populations. These studies resemble quantitative applications of PCR in that the templates are mixtures of homologs and the relative abundance of amplicons is thought to provide some measure of the gene ratios in the starting mixture. Although such studies have established the presence of novel rRNA genes in many natural ecosystems, inferences about gene abundance have been limited by uncertainties about the relative efficiency of gene amplification in the PCR. To address this question, three rRNA gene standards were prepared by PCR, mixed in known proportions, and amplified a second time by using primer pairs in which one primer was labeled with a fluorescent nucleotide derivative. The PCR products were digested with restriction endonucleases, and the frequencies of genes in the products were determined by electrophoresis on an Applied Biosystems 373A automated DNA sequencer in Genescan mode. Mixtures of two templates amplified with the 519F-1406R primer pair yielded products in the predicted proportions. A second primer pair (27F-338R) resulted in strong bias towards 1:1 mixtures of genes in final products, regardless of the initial proportions of the templates. This bias was strongly dependent on the number of cycles of replication. The results fit a kinetic model in which the reannealing of genes progressively inhibits the formation of template-primer hybrids.  相似文献   

Systematic computer alignment of mycoplasmal 16S rRNA sequences allowed the identification of variable regions with both genus- and species-specific sequences. Species-specific sequences of Mycoplasma collis were elucidated by asymmetric amplification and dideoxynucleotide sequencing of variable regions, using primers complementary to conserved regions of 16S rRNA. Primers selected for Mycoplasma pneumoniae, M. hominis, M. fermentans, Ureaplasma urealyticum, M. pulmonis, M. arthritidis, M. neurolyticum, M. muris, and M. collis proved to be species specific in the polymerase chain reaction. The genus-specific primers reacted with all mycoplasmal species investigated as well as with members of the genera Ureaplasma, Spiroplasma, and Acholeplasma. No cross-reaction was observed with members of the closely related genera Streptococcus, Lactobacillus, Bacillus, and Clostridium or with any other microorganism tested. On the basis of the high copy number of rRNA, a highly sensitive polymerase chain reaction assay was developed in which the nucleic acid content equivalent to a single organism could be detected.  相似文献   

Systematic computer alignment of mycoplasmal 16S rRNA sequences allowed the identification of variable regions with both genus- and species-specific sequences. Species-specific sequences of Mycoplasma collis were elucidated by asymmetric amplification and dideoxynucleotide sequencing of variable regions, using primers complementary to conserved regions of 16S rRNA. Primers selected for Mycoplasma pneumoniae, M. hominis, M. fermentans, Ureaplasma urealyticum, M. pulmonis, M. arthritidis, M. neurolyticum, M. muris, and M. collis proved to be species specific in the polymerase chain reaction. The genus-specific primers reacted with all mycoplasmal species investigated as well as with members of the genera Ureaplasma, Spiroplasma, and Acholeplasma. No cross-reaction was observed with members of the closely related genera Streptococcus, Lactobacillus, Bacillus, and Clostridium or with any other microorganism tested. On the basis of the high copy number of rRNA, a highly sensitive polymerase chain reaction assay was developed in which the nucleic acid content equivalent to a single organism could be detected.  相似文献   

The human intestinal tract harbors a complex microbial ecosystem which plays a key role in nutrition and health. Although this microbiota has been studied in great detail by culture techniques, microscopic counts on human feces suggest that 60 to 80% of the observable bacteria cannot be cultivated. Using comparative analysis of cloned 16S rRNA gene (rDNA) sequences, we have investigated the bacterial diversity (both cultivated and noncultivated bacteria) within an adult-male fecal sample. The 284 clones obtained from 10-cycle PCR were classified into 82 molecular species (at least 98% similarity). Three phylogenetic groups contained 95% of the clones: the Bacteroides group, the Clostridium coccoides group, and the Clostridium leptum subgroup. The remaining clones were distributed among a variety of phylogenetic clusters. Only 24% of the molecular species recovered corresponded to described organisms (those whose sequences were available in public databases), and all of these were established members of the dominant human fecal flora (e.g., Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, Fusobacterium prausnitzii, and Eubacterium rectale). However, the majority of generated rDNA sequences (76%) did not correspond to known organisms and clearly derived from hitherto unknown species within this human gut microflora.  相似文献   

16S rRNA from seven different Vibrio anguillarum strains was partially sequenced and compared. From this sequence information we could design a 25-base-long oligonucleotide and use it as a specific probe for identification of V. anguillarum. This was determined by RNA-DNA colony hybridization and slot-blot hybridization. Strong, specific hybridization to the probe was observed for all V. anguillarum strains tested. Furthermore, no cross-hybridization could be seen against five other bacterial species. The detection limit was 5 x 10(3) bacteria per ml. It was even possible to detect V. anguillarum, by slot-blot hybridization, directly in a homogenized kidney from a fish that had died of vibriosis. The partial sequence information revealed small but significant differences between strains of the same species. These sequence differences are sufficiently significant to allow serotyping on the RNA level. Comparing strains of different serotypes revealed a 10-base and an 11-base difference in V. anguillarum serotypes O8 and O9, respectively, in a 122-base partial sequence.  相似文献   

Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences generated from Xerocomus pruinatus and Scleroderma citrinum ectomycorrhizospheres revealed that similar bacterial communities inhabited the two ectomycorrhizospheres in terms of phyla and genera, with an enrichment of the Burkholderia genus. Compared to the bulk soil habitat, ectomycorrhizospheres hosted significantly more Alpha-, Beta-, and Gammaproteobacteria.  相似文献   

A set of PCR primers targeting 16S rRNA gene sequences was designed, and PCR parameters were optimized to develop a robust and reliable protocol for selective amplification of Escherichia coli 16S rRNA genes. The method was capable of discriminating E. coli from other enteric bacteria, including its closest relative, Shigella. Selective amplification of E. coli occurred only when the annealing temperature in the PCR was elevated to 72 degrees C, which is 10 degrees C higher than the optimum for the primers. Sensitivity was retained by modifying the length of steps in the PCR, by increasing the number of cycles, and most importantly by optimizing the MgCl(2) concentration. The PCR protocol developed can be completed in less then 2 h and, by using Southern hybridization, has a detection limit of ca. 10 genomic equivalents per reaction. The method was demonstrated to be effective for detecting E. coli DNA in heterogeneous DNA samples, such as those extracted from soil.  相似文献   

We describe a new molecular approach to analyzing the genetic diversity of complex microbial populations. This technique is based on the separation of polymerase chain reaction-amplified fragments of genes coding for 16S rRNA, all the same length, by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). DGGE analysis of different microbial communities demonstrated the presence of up to 10 distinguishable bands in the separation pattern, which were most likely derived from as many different species constituting these populations, and thereby generated a DGGE profile of the populations. We showed that it is possible to identify constituents which represent only 1% of the total population. With an oligonucleotide probe specific for the V3 region of 16S rRNA of sulfate-reducing bacteria, particular DNA fragments from some of the microbial populations could be identified by hybridization analysis. Analysis of the genomic DNA from a bacterial biofilm grown under aerobic conditions suggests that sulfate-reducing bacteria, despite their anaerobicity, were present in this environment. The results we obtained demonstrate that this technique will contribute to our understanding of the genetic diversity of uncharacterized microbial populations.  相似文献   

16S rRNA from seven different Vibrio anguillarum strains was partially sequenced and compared. From this sequence information we could design a 25-base-long oligonucleotide and use it as a specific probe for identification of V. anguillarum. This was determined by RNA-DNA colony hybridization and slot-blot hybridization. Strong, specific hybridization to the probe was observed for all V. anguillarum strains tested. Furthermore, no cross-hybridization could be seen against five other bacterial species. The detection limit was 5 x 10(3) bacteria per ml. It was even possible to detect V. anguillarum, by slot-blot hybridization, directly in a homogenized kidney from a fish that had died of vibriosis. The partial sequence information revealed small but significant differences between strains of the same species. These sequence differences are sufficiently significant to allow serotyping on the RNA level. Comparing strains of different serotypes revealed a 10-base and an 11-base difference in V. anguillarum serotypes O8 and O9, respectively, in a 122-base partial sequence.  相似文献   

There are at least nine, and probably ten, ribosomal RNA gene sets in the genome of Bacillus subtilis. Each gene set contains sequences complementary to 16S, 23S and 5S rRNAs. We have determined the nucleotide sequences of two DNA fragments which each contain 165 base pairs of the 16S rRNA gene, 191 base pairs of the 23S rRNA gene, and the spacer region between them. The smaller space region is 164 base pairs in length and the larger one includes an additional 180 base pairs. The extra nucleotides could be transcribed in tRNAIIe and tRNA Ala sequences. Evidence is also presented for the existence of a second spacer region which also contains tRNAIIe and tRNA Ala sequences. No other tRNAs appear to be encoded in the spacer regions between the 16S and 23S rRNA genes. Whereas the nucleotide sequences corresponding to the 16S rRNA, 23S rRNA and the spacer tRNAs are very similar to those of E. coli, the sequences between these structural genes are very different.  相似文献   

rRNA-based studies, which have become the most common method for assessing microbial communities, rely upon faithful amplification of the corresponding genes from the original DNA sample. We report here an analysis and reevaluation of commonly used primers for amplifying the DNA between positions 27 and 1492 of bacterial 16S rRNA genes (numbered according to the Escherichia coli rRNA). We propose a formulation for a forward primer (27f) that includes three sequences not usually present. We compare our proposed formulation to two common alternatives by using linear amplification-providing an assessment that is independent of a reverse primer-and in combination with the 1492 reverse primer (1492r) under the PCR conditions appropriate for making community rRNA gene clone libraries. For analyses of DNA from human vaginal samples, our formulation was better at maintaining the original rRNA gene ratio of Lactobacillus spp. to Gardnerella spp., particularly under stringent amplification conditions. Because our 27f formulation remains relatively simple, having seven distinct primer sequences, there is minimal loss of overall amplification efficiency and specificity.  相似文献   

Our study aimed to provide a comprehensive characterization of changes in porcine intestinal Lactobacillus populations around the time of weaning based on 16S rRNA gene amplification and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). DNA was extracted from the ileal contents of piglets at weaning (28 days of age) and after 1, 2, 5 and 11 days. PCR amplicons (V2-V3 fragments of 16S rRNA genes) were separated using DGGE. Predominant bands were excised and sequenced after reamplification. A band corresponding to Lactobacillus salivarius was present 1 and 2 days post-weaning (pw), while Lactobacillus crispatus was detected only 1 and 11 days pw. Lactobacillus sobrius gave the most dominant band in all animals. The number of bands decreased from 13+/-3 at weaning to 9+/-1 at 5 days pw, but the species richness had recovered by 11 days pw. The similarity of profiles between sampling days was high for 1 and 2 days pw (>91%), but was low for 5 and 11 days pw (<59%). The diversity of the profiles was lower 5 days pw, based on the Shannon diversity index (0.83+/-0.076 vs. 1.02+/-0.127 at weaning, P=0.042), but had recovered to preweaning values by 11 days pw. The application of group-specific DGGE showed that the Lactobacillus community within the porcine ileum undergoes dramatic, partly reversible changes as a consequence of weaning.  相似文献   

Archaeal communities in mangrove soil characterized by 16S rRNA gene clones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An archaeal 16S rRNA gene library was constructed from mangrove soil. Phylogenetic analysis revealed archaea in mangrove soil including the Crenarchaeota (80.4%) and Euryarchaeota (19.6%) phyla. The archaeal community in mangrove soil appears to be a mixture of organisms found in a variety of environments with the majority being of marine origin.  相似文献   

Large restriction fragments from the DNA of Mycoplasma gallisepticum S6 and PG31, which were prepared by digestion with BglI, BssHII, SmaI, or XhoI and which were separated by pulsed-field electrophoresis, were hybridized with probes containing most, or different parts, of an rRNA operon of Mycoplasma capricolum. The results showed that the genomes contained three widely separated rRNA loci. One locus contained genes for all three rRNA species and another contained 23S and probably 5S rRNA genes, whereas the third appeared to have only a 16S rRNA gene.  相似文献   

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