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Synopsis The brown trout in the Søre Osa river system are isolated from the lake above by a dam. They are generally of a small size, but their condition coefficient is high. They reach sexual maturity at an early age and have a short life span. The substratum in the Søre Osa mainly consists of large stones covered with a dense mossy vegetation that creates good fish cover. A high biomass of zoobenthos gives an adequate food supply throughout the year. The trout spawn mainly in tributaries, where the water level is unpredictable, some years being too low to permit successful spawning for the migrating individuals in the stock. The life history of these fish depends on the amount of food available in the habitat and on reproduction in unstable environments where density-independent mortality factors appear important. Many young migrate to the main stream during their first year. In the tributaries, there is an excess of resident males and it is hypothesized that a population structure with small resident males and large migratory males is maintained by partial inbreeding and kin selection. In the main stream the trout are larger and they have higher growth rates in the upper part than farther downstream. This is probably so because the food particles that are flushed down from the lake above provide a better supply of zoobenthic food.  相似文献   

The energy demand of running on a treadmill was studied in different groups of trained athletes of both sexes. We have not found any significant differences in the net energy cost (C) during running (expressed in J.kg-1.m-1) between similarly trained groups of men and women. For men and women respectively in adult middle distance runners C = 3.57 +/- 0.15 and 3.65 +/- 0.20, in adult long-distance runners C = 3.63 +/- 0.18 and 3.70 +/- 0.21, in adult canoeists C = 3.82 +/- 0.34 and 3.80 +/- 0.24, in young middle-distance runners C = 3.84 +/- 0.18 and 3.78 +/- 0.26 and in young long-distance runners C = 3.85 +/- 0.12 and 3.80 +/- 0.24. This similarity may be explained by the similar training states of both sexes, resulting from the intense training which did not differ in its relative intensity and frequency between the groups of men and women. A negative relationship was found between the energy cost of running and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) expressed relative to body weight (for men r = -0.471, p less than 0.001; for women r = -0.589, p less than 0.001). In contrast, no significant relationship was found in either sex between the energy cost of running and VO2max. We conclude therefore that differences in sports performance between similarly trained men and women are related to differences in VO2max.kg-1. The evaluation of C as an additional characteristic during laboratory tests may help us to ascertain, along with other parameters, not only the effectiveness of the training procedure, but also to evaluate the technique performed.  相似文献   

Eye movements were monitored in 16 women and 20 men during completion of a standard diagram-based test of mental rotation ability to provide measures of cognitive function not requiring conscious, decisional processes. Overall, women and men allocated visual attention during task performance in very similar, systematic ways. However, consistent with previous suggestions that sex differences in attentional processes during completion of the mental rotation task may exist, eye movements in men compared to women indicated greater discrimination and longer processing of correct alternatives during task performance. Other findings suggested that androgens may enhance cognitive processes that are recruited differentially by women and men as a function of the task. Specifically, smaller (i.e., more masculine) digit ratios were associated with men's shorter fixations on distracters, suggesting that perinatal androgen action may influence brain systems that facilitate the identification of relevant task stimuli. In women, higher circulating testosterone levels appeared to contribute to more general processes engaged during task performance, for example higher levels of visual persistence. It is possible that variability in the relative contribution of such hormone sensitive cognitive processes to accuracy scores as a function of different sample characteristics or assessment methods may partially account for the inconsistent findings of previous research on hormonal factors in mental rotation ability.  相似文献   

Objectives: The aim of this study was to test the hypotheses: (1) there is a negative correlation between protein and lipid oxidative damage following maximal-intensity exercise, and oxygen uptake and work intensity (%VO2max) at the respiratory compensation point (RCP) in women and men; (2) nitro-oxidative stress following maximal-intensity exercise results from the intensification of anaerobic processes and muscle fibre micro-damage.

Methods: Study participants comprised 20 women (21.34±1.57 years) and 20 men (21.97±1.41 years) who performed a treadmill incremental test (IT); VO2max: 45.08?±?0.91 and 57.38?±?1.22?mL?kg?1?min?1 for women and men, respectively. The oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL), 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT) concentration and creatine kinase (CK) as well as lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity were measured in the blood serum, and total antioxidative capacity (TAC) and lactate concentration (Lac) were determined in blood plasma before and after IT.

Results: After the IT, increases in ox-LDL, 3-NT, CK, and LDH were seen in both groups (P?P?P?Conclusions: The gain of ox-LDL and 3-NT following maximal-intensity exercise is independent of VO2max, oxygen consumption and exercise intensity at RCP. This increase of ox-LDL and 3-NT is indicative of similar lipid and protein damage in women and men. A significant increase in TAC in women following maximal-intensity exercise is the result of muscle fibre micro-injuries.  相似文献   

Previous studies have examined testosterone's role in regulating the processing of facial displays of emotions (FDEs). However, the reciprocal process – the influence of FDEs, an evolutionarily ancient and potent class of social signals, on the secretion of testosterone – has not yet been studied. To address this gap, we examined the effects of emotional content and sex of facial stimuli in modulating endogenous testosterone fluctuations, as well as sex differences in the endocrine responses to faces. One hundred and sixty-four young healthy men and women were exposed, in a between-subjects design, to happy or angry same-sex or opposite-sex facial expressions. Results showed that in both men (n = 85) and women (n = 79), extended exposure to faces of the opposite sex, regardless of their apparent emotional content, was accompanied by an accumulation in salivary testosterone when compared to exposure to faces of the same sex. Furthermore, testosterone change in women exposed to angry expressions was greater than testosterone change in women exposed to happy expressions. These results add emotional facial stimuli to the collection of social signals that modulate endocrine status, and are discussed with regard to the evolutionary roles of testosterone.  相似文献   

Men and women exhibit different neural, genital, and subjective arousal responses to visual sexual stimuli. The source of these sex differences is unknown. We hypothesized that men and women look differently at sexual stimuli, resulting in different responses. We used eye tracking to measure looking by 15 male and 30 female (15 normal cycling (NC) and 15 oral contracepting (OC)) heterosexual adults viewing sexually explicit photos. NC Women were tested during their menstrual, periovulatory, and luteal phases while Men and OC Women were tested at equivalent intervals, producing three test sessions per individual. Men, NC, and OC Women differed in the relative amounts of first looks towards, percent time looking at, and probability of looking at, defined regions of the pictures. Men spent more time, and had a higher probability of, looking at female faces. NC Women had more first looks towards, spent more time, and had a higher probability of, looking at genitals. OC Women spent more time, and had a higher probability of, looking at contextual regions of pictures, those featuring clothing or background. Groups did not differ in looking at the female body. Menstrual cycle phase did not affect women's looking patterns. However, differences between OC and NC groups suggest hormonal influences on attention to sexual stimuli that were unexplained by subject characteristic differences. Our finding that men and women attend to different aspects of the same visual sexual stimuli could reflect pre-existing cognitive biases that possibly contribute to sex differences in neural, subjective, and physiological arousal.  相似文献   

Previous research indicates that birth order is a strong predictor of familial sentiments, with middleborns less family-oriented than first- or last-borns. In this research, effects of sex and birth order on the actual frequency of contact with maternal and paternal kin were examined in two studies. In Study 1, one hundred and forty undergraduates completed a questionnaire relating to the amount of time they spent in contact with specific relatives, while in Study 2, one hundred and twelve undergraduates completed the same questionnaire with the addition of two questions relating to the subjects’ parents’ birth orders. Subjects were more likely to have frequent contact with maternal, as opposed to paternal, kin and women experienced more frequent contact than men with relatives in general. The birth order of subjects did not appear to have a significant influence on contact but the birth order of the subjects’ parents did, with the offspring of middleborn mothers having relatively little contact with maternal grandparents and the offspring of middleborn fathers having relatively little contact with paternal grandparents. These sex and birth order differences are discussed in relation to possible differences in how women and men use kinship ties and in terms of how birth order may influence parental solicitude. Catherine Salmon recently received her Ph.D. in psychology from McMaster University in Hamilton Ontario. Her interest in kinship and family relationships has grown out of her own large extended family and many visits to Utah as well as exposure to evolutionary thinking about the family in the lab of Martin Daly and Margo Wilson. Her other current research interests focus on female sexuality and the evolutionary study of literature.  相似文献   

In the present study, we aimed to provide a robust comparison of the fatigability of the knee extensors following isometric (ISO) and concentric (CON) tasks. Twenty young adults (25 ± 4 yr, 10 women) randomly performed the ISO and CON quadriceps intermittent fatigue test, consisting of ten (5 s on/5-s off, ISO) or one-hundred (0.5-s on/0.5-s off, CON) contractions with 10 % increments per stage until exhaustion. Performance fatigability was quantified as maximal isometric (MVIC) and concentric (MVCC) torque loss. Voluntary activation and contractile function (peak-twitch) were investigated using peripheral nerve stimulation. Number of stages (6.2 ± 0.7 vs. 4.9 ± 0.8; P < 0.001) and torque-time integral (20,166 ± 7,821 vs. 11,285 ± 4,933 Nm.s; P < 0.001) were greater for ISO than CON. MVIC, MVCC and voluntary activation decreased similarly between sessions (P > 0.05) whereas peak-twitch amplitude decreased more for CON (P < 0.001). The number of contractions was similar across sexes (ISO: men = 62 ± 8, women = 61 ± 5; CON: men = 521 ± 67, women = 458 ± 76, P > 0.05). MVCC was more reduced in women for both sessions (all P < 0.05), while MVIC loss was similar between sexes. We concluded that, despite greater torque-time integral and duration for ISO, both sessions induced a similar performance fatigability at exhaustion. Contractile function was more altered in CON. Finally, sex-related difference in fatigability depends on the contraction mode used during testing.  相似文献   

We investigate an instance of conflict between mates over the sex ratio of their brood. We construct a kin-selection model for the evolution of the sex ratio assuming local resource competition (LRC) among females. We explore two basic scenarios: (a) the case where parents make simultaneous sex-ratio decisions (the simultaneous allocation model); and (b) the case where parental sex-ratio decisions occur one after the other (the sequential allocation model). In the simultaneous investment model, resolution of the conflict between mates depends on the extent to which relative paternal contribution influences the brood sex ratio. In the sequential allocation model, fathers determine primary sex-ratio through fertilization bias; then mothers modify the paternal sex-ratio decision by adjusting the level of investment of some resource that contributes to offspring survival. Under the sequential model, a compromise is always achieved; however this compromise favours one perspective or the other, depending on the extent to which maternal investment influences offspring survival.  相似文献   

Patterns of human kinship commonly involve preferential treatment of relatives based on lineal descent (lineages) rather than degree of genetic relatedness (kindreds), presenting a challenge for inclusive fitness theory. Here, we examine effects of lineage and kindred characteristics on reproductive success (RS) and number of grandchildren for 130 men and 124 women in a horticultural community on Dominica. Kindreds had little effect on fitness independently of lineage characteristics. Fitness increased with the number of lineal relatives residing in the community but decreased beyond an apparently optimal lineage size, suggesting resource enhancement and competition among kin. Female-biased patrilineage sex ratio was positively associated with men’s fitness, while male-biased matrilineage sex ratio was positively associated with women’s fitness. Number of brothers in the community was negatively associated with men’s, but not women’s, fitness. Parents and number of sisters had no effect on either male or female reproduction; however, women with younger sisters had higher RS, suggesting benefits of kin support for childcare. In sum, imposed norms for lineage social organization may enhance lineal ancestors’ inclusive fitness at a cost to individual inclusive fitness. Research was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation (BNS 8920569 and SBR 9205373); the University of Missouri Research Board to MVF; the Earthwatch Center for Field Research to MVF, Marsha B. Quinlan, and RJQ; and the B.S.U. Center for International Programs and Office of Academic Research and Sponsored Programs to RJQ. Marsha Quinlan and Napoleon Chagnon provided valuable advice on earlier drafts. Ed Hagen gave generous help with Descent software for kinship analysis. Many friends, teachers, and consultants in Bwa Mawego contributed generously to this study: the Durand clan—Juranie, Jonah, Elford, Induria, Margelia, Eugenia, Lillia, Elquimedo, Zexia, Delfine, Wilford, Nathalie, and Sarah; the Warringtons—Martina, Amatus, Onia, Belltina, Zabius, Sarah-Gene, and Heckery; the Laudats—Eddie, Benedict, and Dellie; the Laurents—Aron and Tito; the Lewises—Eddie, Melanie, Eulina, Spliffy, Ganjala, Julina, Jalina, and Marietta; Franklin Vigilante; Lawrence Prosper; Edmund Sanderson; Alex and Tita Alie; and especially Mistress Didi and Mr. McField Coipel. Rob Quinlan is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Ball State University. His main interests include human evolutionary ecology, reproductive development, parental care, kinship, and medical anthropology. He has conducted fieldwork in Dominica since 1993. Mark Flinn is Associate Professor of Anthropology and Psychological Sciences at the University of Missouri-Columbia. His main interests include evolutionary theory, childhood stress, family relationships, and health. He has conducted fieldwork in Dominica every year since 1987.  相似文献   

Many plant species show limited dispersal resulting in spatial and genetic substructures within populations. Consequently, neighbours are often related between each other, resulting in sibling competition. Using seed families of the annuals Capsella bursa-pastoris and Stachys annua we investigated effects of spatial pattern (i.e. random versus aggregated) on total and individual performance at the level of species and seed families under field conditions. At the level of species, we expected that inferior competitors increase, while superior competitors decrease their performance within neighbourhoods of conspecifics. Thus, we expected a species by spatial pattern interaction. Sibling competition, however, might reduce the performance of competitors, when genetically related, rather than non-related individuals are competing. Therefore, aggregations at the level of seed families could decrease the performance of competitors. Alternatively, if the opposite outcome would be observed, kin selection might be hypothesized to have occurred in the past. Because heavy seeds are expected to disperse less than light seeds, we further hypothesized that kin selection might be more likely to occur in superior competitors with heavy, locally dispersed seeds (e.g. Stachys) compared to inferior competitors with light, more distantly dispersed seeds (e.g. Capsella). We found a significant species by spatial pattern interaction. Indeed, the inferior competitor, Capsella, showed increased reproductive biomass production in aggregated compared to random patterns. Whereas, the performance of the superior competitor, Stachys, was to some extent decreased by intraspecific aggregation. Although statistically not significant, effects of intrafamily aggregations tended to be rather negative in Capsella but positive in Stachys. Our results confirmed that spatial patterns affect growth and reproduction of plant species promoting coexistence in plant communities. Although, we could not provide strong evidence for sibling competition or kin selection, our results suggested that competition among relatives was more severe for Capsella (lighter seeds) compared to Stachys (heavier seeds).  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that being partnered is associated with lower testosterone (T) in men and women. To address how multiple partners may be associated with T, we examined 47 men and 48 women who were single, monoamorously partnered (partnered), polyamorous (having multiple committed relationships), or in a polyamorous lifestyle but not currently multipartnered. Men who were partnered had lower T than all other men, and polyamorous men had higher T than single men. Polyamorous women had higher T than all other women. Measures of sociosexual orientation (SOI) and sexual desire differed in women by relationship type, but not in men. Findings are interpreted in light of 'competitive' and 'bond-maintenance' relationship orientations and statuses.  相似文献   

Eating and anxiety disorders are more prevalent in females, increase during adolescence, and are associated with early pubertal development. This study examined whether timing of puberty onset is associated with disordered eating and anxiety in a large sample of postpubertal male and female undergraduate students. Self-report questionnaires assessed timing of puberty, disordered eating, anxiety, alcohol use, personality, and sensation seeking. Females scored significantly higher on measures of disordered eating (binge eating, dietary restraint, eating concerns, and weight and shape concerns) and anxiety (state and trait anxiety) than did males. In addition, early maturing women and men scored significantly higher on measures of disordered eating and anxiety than on time or late maturing women and men. Measures of alcohol use, sensation seeking, and personality characteristics differed in males and females but did not vary with pubertal timing. Findings suggest that early puberty is associated with disordered eating and anxiety, and this association may be due to an organizational effect of pubertal hormones. Despite important differences in body fat composition, both males and females experiencing early puberty had an increased incidence of disordered eating. The fact that early puberty was associated with increased eating and anxiety symptoms in both sexes suggests that puberty may influence these symptoms through both biological and psychosocial mechanisms.  相似文献   

Sex differences in running economy (gross oxygen cost of running, CR), maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), anaerobic threshold (Than), percentage utilization of aerobic power (% VO2max), and Than during running were investigated. There were six men and six women aged 20–30 years with a performance time of 2 h 40 min over the marathon distance. The VO2max, Than, and CR were measured during controlled running on a treadmill at 1° and 3° gradient. From each subject's recorded time of running in the marathon, the average speed (v M) was calculated and maintained during the treadmill running for 11 min. The VO2 max was inversely related to body mass (m b), there were no sex differences, and the mean values of the reduced exponent were 0.65 for women and 0.81 for men. These results indicate that for running the unit ml·kg–0.75·min–1 is convenient when comparing individuals with different m b. The VO2max was about 10% (23 ml·kg–0.75·min–1) higher in the men than in the women. The women had on the average 10–12 ml·kg–0.75·min–1 lower VO2 than the men when running at comparable velocities. Disregarding sex, the mean value of CR was 0.211 (SEM 0.005) ml·kg–1·m–1 (resting included), and was independent of treadmill speed. No sex differences in Than expressed as % VO2max or percentage maximal heart rate were found, but Than expressed as VO2 in ml·kg–0.75·min–1 was significantly higher in the men compared to the women. The percentage utilization of f emax and concentration of blood lactate at v M was higher for the female runners. The women ran 2 days more each week than the men over the first 4 months during the half year preceding the marathon race. It was concluded that the higher VO2max and Than in the men was compensated for by more running, superior CR, and a higher exercise intensity during the race in the performance-matched female marathon runners.  相似文献   

Humans as social beings often have to perform complex social cognitive tasks while under stress (e.g., during a social conflict). Previous research has established that the brain regions responsible for social cognitive tasks are target regions for stress hormones. However, little experimental research has been done testing the acute effects of stress on social cognition. Here, we investigated whether stress exposure and the ensuing glucocorticoid (i.e., cortisol) elevations affect social cognition. Thirty-two men and 32 women were exposed to either a psychosocial stress or a non-stressful control test before assessing their social cognition using the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test (RMET) and the Movie for the Assessment of Social Cognition (MASC). Results showed differential effects of stress-induced cortisol responses among men and women for the MASC, but not the RMET. Among men, high cortisol responders displayed elevated MASC scores compared with low cortisol responders. Moreover, for stressed men a positive association between the magnitude of the cortisol responses to the stressor and MASC scores emerged. Among women, enhanced MASC scores were found for low cortisol responders relative to high cortisol responders and non-stressed controls. A strong negative association between cortisol reactivity and MASC scores was found among women. These results imply sex specific effects of glucocorticoids on social cognition and partially support the idea of sex differences in biobehavioral stress responses, with men engaging in fight-or-flight responses while women may react to stress with tending and befriending behavior.  相似文献   

On the evolution of clonal plant life histories   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Clonal plant life histories are special in at least four respects: (1) Clonal plants can also reproduce vegetatively, (2) vegetative reproduction can be realised with short or long spacers, (3) and it may allow to plastically place vegetative offspring in benign patches. (4) Moreover, ramets of clonal plants may remain physically and physiologically integrated. Because of the apparent utility of such traits and because ecological patterns of distribution of clonal and non-clonal plants differ, adaptation is a tempting explanation of observed clonal life-history variation. However, adaptive evolution requires (1) heritable genetic variation and (2) a trait effect on fitness, and (3) it may be constrained if other evolutionary forces are overriding selection or by constraints, costs and trade-offs. (1) The few studies undertaken so far reported broad-sense heritability for clonal traits. Variation in selectively neutral genetic markers appears as pronounced in populations of clonal as non-clonal plants. However, neutral markers may not reflect heritable variation of life-history traits. Moreover, clonal plants may have been sampled at larger spatial scales. Empirical information on the contribution of somatic mutations to heritable variation is lacking. (2) Clonal life-history traits were found to affect fitness. However, much of this evidence stems from artificial rather than natural environments. (3) The relative importance of gene flow, inbreeding, and genetic drift, compared with selection, in the evolution of clonal life histories is hardly explored. Benefits of clonal life-history traits were frequently studied and found. However, there is also evidence for constraints, trade-offs, and costs. In conclusion, though it is very likely, that clonal life-history traits are adaptive, it is neither clear to which degree this is the case, nor which clonal life-history traits constitute adaptations to which environmental factors. Moreover, evolutionary interactions among clonal life-history traits and between clonal and non-clonal ones, such as the mating system, are not well explored. There remains much interesting work to be done in this field – which will be particularly interesting if it is done in the field.  相似文献   

Testosterone (T) may be associated with enhanced spatial navigation in a number of rodent species, although the nature of the relation is equivocal. Similarly, numerous studies in humans generally have found that T is associated with enhanced spatial ability on a variety of paper and pencil tasks that may relate to navigational ability. However, relatively few studies have reported effects of T on navigational ability in humans. We investigated the relationship between endogenous T and performance on a virtual water maze (vWM) and mental rotations test (MROT). ELISA for T was performed on salivary samples that were obtained from participants before and after completion of both spatial tasks. Results indicated that women with low T required more time to locate the hidden platform in the vWM than either group of men or women with high T. Significant negative correlations were found for the entire sample between vWM performance and T, and between vWM latency to escape and MROT. Similar significant correlations were found in women but not men. Thus, our data support the position that T improves performance in the vWM in a linear fashion, most strongly in women. However, further work is needed to confirm this hypothesis in humans.  相似文献   

Testosterone (T) has been argued to modulate mating and parenting behavior in many species, including humans. The role of T for these behaviors has been framed as the challenge hypothesis. Following this hypothesis, T should be positively associated with the number of opposite sex partners a male has. Indeed research in humans has shown that T is positively related to the number of opposite sex partners a young man has had. Here we test, in both men and women, whether this relationship extends to the lifetime number of sex partners. We also explored whether or not T was associated with current marital status, partnership status and whether or not the participant remarried. Using a large sample of elderly men and women (each sample n > 700), we show that T is positively and sizably associated with the number of opposite sex partners in men. When controlling for potential confounding variables such as educational attainment, age, BMI, ethnicity, specific use of a medication and time of sampling this effect remained. For women, the relationship between T and number of opposite sex partners was positive but did not prove to be robust. In both men and women there was no evidence for an association between T and current marital status and partnership status (being in a relationship or not). However, remarriage was positively associated with T, but only in males. Results are discussed with reference to the literature on T and sex partners, remarriage and more broadly the challenge hypothesis.  相似文献   

This study investigates changes in sexual motivation over the duration of a partnership in a population sample stratified by age. The results replicate and extend the findings of a previous study that was based on a sample of college students. In the samples of 30- and 45-year-olds, male sexual motivation remains constant regardless of the duration of the partnership. Female sexual motivation matches male sexual motivation in the first years of the partnership and then steadily decreases. In the sample of 60-year-olds, male sexual motivation always exceeds female sexual motivation, and both are little affected by duration of the partnership. This pattern is clearly evident for some measures of sexual motivation and less so or not at all for others. Interpretations of the current results from social constructivism or from mainstream psychology are difficult to conceive. The results seem more intelligible from an evolutionary perspective as reflections of evolved design for sexual motivation, fine-tuned to the different conditions governing the reproductive success of males and females. In this view male sexual motivation promotes a constant frequency of copulation in order to guard against cuckoldry. Female sexual motivation, in contrast, promotes copulation to solve the adaptive problem of procuring male resources by establishing and maintaining a pair bond. Dr. Dietrich Klusman is a psychologist at the Institute of Medical Psychology, University Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany. His research focus is sexual motivation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the very disparate positions that various actors have taken towards the argument of subversion from within (a classical argument against the evolution of altruism by group selection) in a set of related debates on group selection, altruism and the handicap principle. Using this set of debates as a case study, this paper argues that different applications of epistemic values were one of the factors behind the disagreements between John Maynard Smith and Amotz Zahavi over a number of important evolutionary issues. The paper also argues that these different applications were connected to important epistemological differences related in part (but not solely) to their disciplinary background. Apart from conflicting evolutionary views concerning the theoretical feasibility of the handicap effect, these antagonists both differed in the confidence they ascribed to mathematical modeling and over the hereditary basis for altruistic behavior.  相似文献   

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