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Using 3-D searching techniques based on algorithms derived from graph theory we have established a striking structural similarity between the structure of bovine carboxypeptidase A and that of the C-terminal domain of bovine leucine aminopeptidase. There is no significant sequence homology between the aminopeptidases and the carboxypeptidases but the strong structural relationship detected in this complex fold suggests that there may be a very remote divergent evolutionary relationship between these two enzyme classes.  相似文献   

Backbone cluster identification in proteins by a graph theoretical method   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A graph theoretical algorithm has been developed to identify backbone clusters of residues in proteins. The identified clusters show protein sites with the highest degree of interactions. An adjacency matrix is constructed from the non-bonded connectivity information in proteins. The diagonalization of such a matrix yields eigenvalues and eigenvectors, which contain the information on clusters. In graph theory, distinct clusters can be obtained from the second lowest eigenvector components of the matrix. However, in an interconnected graph, all the points appear as one single cluster. We have developed a method of identifying highly interacting centers (clusters) in proteins by truncating the vector components of high eigenvalues. This paper presents in detail the method adopted for identifying backbone clusters and the application of the algorithm to families of proteins like RNase-A and globin. The objective of this study was to show the efficiency of the algorithm as well as to detect conserved or similar backbone packing regions in a particular protein family. Three clusters in topologically similar regions in the case of the RNase-A family and three clusters around the porphyrin ring in the globin family were observed. The predicted clusters are consistent with the features of the family of proteins such as the topology and packing density. The method can be applied to problems such as identification of domains and recognition of structural similarities in proteins.  相似文献   

The architecture of the intact cellulosome of Clostridium thermocellum, a huge extracellular multi-polypetide bacterial enzyme complex engaged in degradation of cellulose, was investigated by electron microscopy. This was done because former electron microscopic studies aimed at elucidation of the structure of polycellulosomes and cellulosomes were restricted by the fact that data on macromolecular details could only be derived from deformed or disrupted enzyme complexes, or by application of cryo preparation and imaging techniques yielding insufficient resolution. The shape of well-preserved cellulosomes was more or less spherical, often similar to that of an olive fruit with a cavity. Therein, multiple fibrillar structures could be visualized, interpreted to be the proximal stretches of copies of the fibrillar protein Cip A ('scaffoldin'), the nonenzymatic scaffolding protein known to function as attachment site for the enzymatic subunits, as well as fibrillar parts of anchoring proteins. The enzymatic subunits were depicted to be attached, in a repetitive fashion, to the distal stretches of the Cip A proteins. The enzymatic subunits were seen, in the intact cellulosome, to form a shell-like complex substructure surrounding the cavity. Obviously, this kind of architecture makes sure that the catalytic domains of the enzymatic subunits are exposed to the environment, and, hence, to the substrate, the cellulose fibrils. Attempts were made to demonstrate the alternating occurrence of coiled domains and fibrillar stretches along the elongated protein Cip A previously characterized by sequencing, X-ray, and NMR studies. To this end, Cip A molecules, with adhering enzymatic subunits, were partially removed from their native location within the cellulosome, "stretched" by hydromechanical forces directly on the electron microscopic support film, negatively stained, and depicted by electron microscopy. The alternating occurrence of presumed coiled domains and fibrillar stretches along Cip A could be visualized, together with detached enzymatic subunits found on the support film.  相似文献   

A number of eubacterial species contain methyl-accepting taxis proteins that are antigenically and thus structurally related to the well-characterized methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins of Escherichia coli. Recent studies of the archaebacterium Halobacterium halobium have characterized methyl-accepting taxis proteins that in some ways resemble and in other ways differ from the analogous eubacterial proteins. We used immunoblotting with antisera raised to E. coli transducers to probe shared structural features of methyl-accepting proteins from archaebacteria and eubacteria and found substantial antigenic relationships. This implies that the genes for the contemporary methyl-accepting proteins are related through an ancestral gene that existed before the divergence of arachaebacteria and eubacteria. Analysis by immunoblot of mutants of H. halobium defective in taxis revealed that some strains were deficient in covalent modification of methyl-accepting proteins although the proteins themselves were present, while other strains appeared to be missing specific methyl-accepting proteins.  相似文献   

Levenson R  Zhou H  Dahlquist FW 《Biochemistry》2012,51(25):5052-5060
The binding of the soluble cytoplasmic protein FliG to the transmembrane protein FliF is one of the first interactions in the assembly of the bacterial flagellum. Once established, this interaction is integral in keeping the flagellar cytoplasmic ring, responsible for both transmission of torque and control of the rotational direction of the flagellum, anchored to the central transmembrane ring on which the flagellum is assembled. Here we isolate and characterize the interaction between the N-terminal domain of Thermotoga maritima FliG (FliG(N)) and peptides corresponding to the conserved C-terminal portion of T. maritima FliF. Using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and other techniques, we show that the last ~40 amino acids of FliF (FliF(C)) interact strongly (upper bound K(d) in the low nanomolar range) with FliG(N). The formation of this complex causes extensive conformational changes in FliG(N). We find that T. maritima FliG(N) is homodimeric in the absence of the FliF(C) peptide but forms a heterodimeric complex with the peptide, and we show that this same change in oligomeric state occurs in full-length T. maritima FliG, as well. We relate previously observed phenotypic effects of FliF(C) mutations to our direct observation of binding. Lastly, on the basis of NMR data, we propose that the primary interaction site for FliF(C) is located on a conserved hydrophobic patch centered along helix 1 of FliG(N). These results provide new detailed information about the bacterial flagellar motor and support efforts to understand the cytoplasmic ring's precise molecular structure and mechanism of rotational switching.  相似文献   

Ion binding is a term that assumes that the ion is included in the solvation sphere characterising the biomolecule. The binding forces are not clearly stated except for electrostatic attraction; weak forces (hydrogen bonds and Van der Waals forces) are likely involved. Many publications have dealt with ion binding to proteins and the consequences over the past 10 years, but only a few studies were performed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC: ion exchange, reversed phase without the well-identified immobilised metal affinity chromatography) and capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE). This review focuses on the binding of proteins and DNAs mainly to the oxyanions (phosphate, borate, citrate) and amines used as buffers for both the HPLC eluent and the background electrolyte of CZE. Such specific ion adsorption on biomolecules is evidenced by physico-chemical characteristics such as the mobility or retention volume, closely associated with the net charge, which differ from the expected or experimental data obtained under the conditions of an indifferent electrolyte. It is shown that ion binding to proteins is a key parameter in the electrostatic repulsion between the free protein and a fouled membrane in the ultrafiltration separation of a protein mixture.  相似文献   

A 1.2kb DNA fragment was cloned from Synechococcus sp. PCC7942, which is able phenotypicalty to complement a phoRcreC Escherichia coli mutant for the expression of alkaline phosphatase. A 2.5kb DNA fragment encompassing the putative gene was then cloned and its complete nucleotide sequence determined. Nucleotide sequencing revealed that the intact gene encodes a protein of 46389 Da, and that the deduced amino acid sequence shows a high degree of homology to those of the bacterial sensory kinase family. In the determined nucleotide sequence, another gene was adjacently located, which encodes a protein of 29012Da. This protein shows a high degree of homology to those of the response regulator family. Thus, we succeeded in the cloning of a pair of genes encoding the sensory kinase and response regulator, respectively, in a cyanobacterium. Mutant strains that lack these genes were constructed, and demonstrated to be defective in their ability to produce alkaline phosphatase and some inducible proteins in response to phosphate-limitation in the medium. These results imply that the gene products identified in this study are probably involved, either directly or indirectly, in the signal-transduction mechanism underlying regulation of the phosphate regulon in Synechococcus sp. PCC7942. Hence, the genes encoding the sensory kinase and response regulator were designated as sphS and sphR, respectively (S ynechococcusph osphate regulon). The SphS protein was demonstrated in vitro to undergo phosphorylation in the presence of ATP.  相似文献   

Pentavalent complex of 99Mo with ascorbic acid binds in vitro to the plasma membranes of human, rabbit, rat and mouse red cell membranes and to bovine synaptic and rat intestinal brush border membranes. Red cell spectrins and spectrin-like proteins from non-erythroid cells were determined as the molybdenum-binding proteins in the membranes. Specificity of this binding among all membrane proteins suggests structural analogy in this group of proteins.  相似文献   

Abstract The periplasmic Yersinia pestis molecular chaperone Caf1M belongs to a superfamily of bacterial proteins for one of which (PapD protein of Escherichia coli ) the immunoglobulin-like fold was solved by X-ray analysis. The N-terminal domain of Caf1M was found to share a 20% amino acid sequence identity with an inclusion body-associated protein IbpB of Escherichia coli . One of the regions that was compared, was 32 amino acids long, and displayed more than 40% identity, probability of random coincidence was 1.2 × 10−4. IbpB is involved in a superfamily of small heat shock proteins which fulfil the function of molecular chaperone. On the basis of the revealed homology, an immunoglobulin-like one-domain model of IbpB three-dimensional structure was designed which could be a prototype conformation of sHsp's. The structure suggested is in good agreement with the known experimental data obtained for different members of sHsp's superfamily.  相似文献   

ERM (ezrin/radixin/moesin) proteins recognize the cytoplasmic domains of adhesion molecules in the formation of the membrane-associated cytoskeleton. Here we report the crystal structure of the radixin FERM (4.1 and ERM) domain complexed with the ICAM-2 cytoplasmic peptide. The non-polar region of the ICAM-2 peptide contains the RxxTYxVxxA sequence motif to form a beta-strand followed by a short 3(10)-helix. It binds the groove of the phosphotyrosine-binding (PTB)-like subdomain C mediated by a beta-beta association and several side-chain interactions. The binding mode of the ICAM-2 peptide to the FERM domain is distinct from that of the NPxY motif-containing peptide binding to the canonical PTB domain. Mutation analyses based on the crystal structure reveal the determinant elements of recognition and provide the first insights into the physical link between adhesion molecules and ERM proteins.  相似文献   

The two tryptophan residues of ferredoxin from Halobacterium of the Dead Sea differ in their fluorescence characteristics. One of these tryptophan residues (class 1) absorbs more to the red and is thus probably in a more apolar environment than the other (class 2). Upon removal of the ferric ions, i.e., in the apoferredoxin, a 2.2-fold increase in the quantum yield of fluorescence is observed. A double exponential decay of the fluorescence is found for ferredoxin, reduced ferredoxin, as well as for the apoferredoxin. The longer decay time assumes a constant value of 6.9 ns in all three cases, indicating that it originates in a tryptophan residue which is not affected by changes in the Fe3+ binding site (class 2 tryptophan). The shorter decay component increases gradually from 0.55 ns in oxidized ferredoxin, through 0.80 ns in the reduced ferredoxin to 1.24 ns in the apoprotein. This decay component is thus assumed to be largely due to the second tryptophan residue of the protein (class 1) located close to the Fe3+ binding site. On the other hand, the relative decay amplitude of the class 2 tryptophan is doubled upon formation of apoferredoxin. It is concluded that the class 1 tryptophan is quenched by the active site ferric ions and that the class 2 tryptophan is partially exposed to a polar environment. Whereas class 1 tryptophan may be similar to the single nonfluorescent tryptophan of spinach ferredoxin, class 2 tryptophan is found in a peptide which is present only in halophilic ferredoxins. Conformational changes occur in the molecule upon removal—but not reduction—of the ferric ions, causing the environment of the class 2 tryptophan to become more hydrophobic. It is possible that the class 1 tryptophan is associated with the occurrence of a higher redox potential in this ferredoxin, when compared with chloroplast-type ferredoxins.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric guanine-nucleotide-binding proteins (G proteins) act as molecular switches in signaling pathways by coupling the activation of heptahelical receptors at the cell surface to intracellular responses. In the resting state, the G-protein alpha subunit (Galpha) binds GDP and Gbetagamma. Receptors activate G proteins by catalyzing GTP for GDP exchange on Galpha, leading to a structural change in the Galpha(GTP) and Gbetagamma subunits that allows the activation of a variety of downstream effector proteins. The G protein returns to the resting conformation following GTP hydrolysis and subunit re-association. As the G-protein cycle progresses, the Galpha subunit traverses through a series of conformational changes. Crystallographic studies of G proteins in many of these conformations have provided substantial insight into the structures of these proteins, the GTP-induced structural changes in Galpha, how these changes may lead to subunit dissociation and allow Galpha and Gbetagamma to activate effector proteins, as well as the mechanism of GTP hydrolysis. However, relatively little is known about the receptor-G protein complex and how this interaction leads to GDP release from Galpha. This article reviews the structural determinants of the function of heterotrimeric G proteins in mammalian systems at each point in the G-protein cycle with special emphasis on the mechanism of receptor-mediated G-protein activation. The receptor-G protein complex has proven to be a difficult target for crystallography, and several biophysical and computational approaches are discussed that complement the currently available structural information to improve models of this interaction. Additionally, these approaches enable the study of G-protein dynamics in solution, which is becoming an increasingly appreciated component of all aspects of G-protein signaling.  相似文献   

The traditional Fourier-Bessel approach to three-dimensional reconstruction from electron microscopic (EM) images of helical polymers involves averaging over filaments, assuming a homogeneous structure and symmetry. We have used a real-space reconstruction approach to study the EspA filaments formed by enteropathogenic E. coli. In negative stain, the symmetry of these filaments is ambiguous, and we suggest that such ambiguities may be more prevalent than realized. Using cryo-EM of frozen-hydrated filaments, we find that these filaments have a fixed twist with 5.6 subunits per turn but an axial rise per subunit that varies from about 3.6 A to 5.6 A. Reconstructions at approximately 15 A resolution show a switching between the more compressed and extended filaments in the packing of putative alpha helices around the hollow lumen. Outside of a crystal, where there is nothing to maintain long-range order, the structural polymorphism in helical polymers may be much greater than has been assumed.  相似文献   

Immobilized antibody microarrays were compared to the Luminex flow cytometry system that utilizes suspensions of polystyrene microbeads covalently coupled with capture antibodies. The two immunoassays were performed for comparison of reproducibility, limits of detection and dynamic range. The Luminex system showed lower limits of detection and increased dynamic range among samples whereas the protein microarrays could be more amenable to miniaturization. Both technologies were capable of sensitive multiplexed detection.  相似文献   

The regulatory protein system in the skeletal muscle thin filaments is known to exhibit three discrete states, called "off" or "blocked" (no Ca2+), "on" or "closed" (with Ca2+ alone) and "potentiated" or "open" (with strongly bound myosin head) states. Biochemical studies have shown that only weak interactions with myosin are allowed in the second state. Characterization of each state is often difficult, because the equilibria among these states are readily shifted by experimental conditions. To overcome this problem, we chemically cross-linked the skeletal muscle thin filament in the three states with the zero-length cross-linker 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC), in overstretched muscle fibers. The state of the regulatory proteins was monitored by measuring the intensity of the second actin layer-line (2nd LL) reflection in X-ray diffraction patterns. Structurally, the thin filaments cross-linked in the three states exhibited three corresponding discrete levels of 2nd LL intensities, which were not Ca2+-sensitive any more. Functionally, the thin filament cross-linked in the "off-blocked" state inhibited strong interaction with myosin head (subgfragment-1 or S1). The thin filament cross-linked in the "potentiated-open" state allowed strong interaction and full ATPase activity of S1 as described previously. The thin filament cross-linked in the "on-closed" state allowed strong interactions with S1 and actin-activated ATPase without enhancing the 2nd LL to the level of "potentiated-open" state, contrary to the expectations from the biochemical studies. The results demonstrate the potential of EDC as a tool for studying the states of calcium regulation, and the apparent uncoupling between the 2nd LL intensity and the function provides a new insight into the mechanism of thin filament regulation.  相似文献   

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