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Microbat studies are uncommon in the Wet Tropics of north-east Queensland, despite the group comprising 20% of the bioregion's mammal fauna. The significance of fragmentation and habitat connectivity to the echolocating insectivore group is unknown. Over a 12-month period in 2021–2022, microbat presence was recorded in a 25-year-old restored wildlife corridor 1.2 km in length. We deployed Anabat detectors in the restored corridor, in adjacent open paddocks and in mature rainforest at either end of the corridor. Species in reference forest and corridor vegetation were consistently ‘clutter-adapted’ bats, with low aspect ratio wings; there was little overlap with high aspect ratio species of the open pasture. Low aspect ratio microbats appear to respond to the similarity in structure between restored and adjacent natural vegetation. Re-establishing structural and functional connectivity may improve the local persistence of ‘clutter-adapted’ microbats.  相似文献   

Restoration of ecological communities that can withstand future climate and land use changes requires information on species responses to various natural disturbances. Frost is an important disturbance that regulates plant species distributions, and although rare in tropical rainforest, it can occur in upland areas, especially where deforestation has occurred. We report the impacts of a severe frost that occurred in June and July 2007 on the Atherton Tablelands, Queensland, Australia and caused extensive damage to riparian restoration plots of upland rainforest species. We estimated proportion foliage retention to (1) compare impacts across 45 species; (2) examine the influence of plant height on frost effects; and (3) determine if plantings under shelterbelts of mature trees received less damage. Species exhibited different levels of foliage retention. Species that were particularly frost resistant included those from riparian habitats and a conifer. Some heavily impacted species are deciduous and may survive frost by shedding leaves; this warrants further investigation. Plant canopy height above ground level was only weakly correlated to foliage retention. Sheltered plants were much less damaged than unsheltered conspecifics, suggesting a useful way to mitigate frost impacts. These principles should help guide the development of resilient ecological communities in frost‐prone areas.  相似文献   

Lumholtz's tree-kangaroo (Dendrolaguslumholtzi) is one of two species oftree-kangaroo resident in the tropicalrainforests of north-eastern Australia. Thespecies is confined to the Wet Tropics region,with its distribution centred on the AthertonTablelands. While D. lumholtzi wasexposed to periodic large-scale climaticfluctuations during the Quaternary that haveeffectively acted as natural fragmentationevents, the species is currently under pressurefrom anthropogenic disturbance and habitatfragmentation. This study aimed to assess thelevel of genetic diversity in D.lumholtzi by examining hypervariablemicrosatellite loci and the control region ofmitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in 21 individualsfrom a single 20 ha forest fragment, and from afurther 24 animals collected throughout theAtherton Tablelands. Results suggest that D. lumholtzi has relatively low levels ofgenetic diversity which is uniformlydistributed throughout the Atherton Tablelands;a pattern congruent with data from many othervertebrates endemic to the Australian WetTropics. It is suggested that Pleistoceneclimatic fluctuations, which resulted inlarge-scale rainforest contractions, haveimposed an ancient population bottleneck on theancestral D. lumholtzi population. Theapparent over-riding influence of thesenatural, historical effects on the geneticstructure of D. lumholtzi populations,will complicate attempts to assess the geneticimpact of current anthropogenic habitat lossand fragmentation.  相似文献   

The threat of anthropogenic climate change has seen a renewed focus on understanding contemporary patterns of species distribution. This is especially the case for the biota of tropical mountains, because tropical species often have particularly narrow elevational ranges and there are high levels of short-range endemism. Here we describe geographic patterns of ant diversity and distribution in the World Heritage-listed rainforests of the Australian Wet Tropics (AWT), revealing seasonal moisture stability to be an important environmental correlate of elevational patterns of species composition. We sampled ants in leaf litter, on the litter surface and on tree trunks at 26 sites from six subregions spanning five degrees of latitude and elevation ranges from 100–1,300 m. A total of 296 species from 63 genera were recorded. Species richness showed a slight peak at mid elevations, and did not vary significantly with latitude. Species composition varied substantially between subregions, and many species have highly localised distributions. There was very marked species turnover with elevation, with a particularly striking compositional disjunction between 600 m and 800 m at each subregion. This disjunction coincides with a strong environmental threshold of seasonal stability in moisture associated with cloud ‘stripping’. Our study therefore provides further support for climatic stability as a potential mechanism underlying patterns of diversity. The average height of orographic cloud layers is predicted to rise under global warming, and associated shifts in seasonal moisture stability may exacerbate biotic change caused by rising temperature alone.  相似文献   

In the northern Gulf of Mexico (GOM), reefs built by eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica, provide critical habitat within shallow estuaries, and recent efforts have focused on restoring reefs to benefit nekton and benthic macroinvertebrates. We compared nekton and benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages at historic, newly created (<5 years) and old (>6 years) shell and rock substrate reefs. Using crab traps, gill‐nets, otter trawls, cast nets, and benthic macroinvertebrate collectors, 20 shallow reefs (<5 m) in the northern GOM were sampled throughout the summer of 2011. We compared nekton and benthic assemblage abundance, diversity and composition across reef types. Except for benthic macroinvertebrate abundance, which was significantly higher on old rock reefs as compared to historic reefs, all reefs were similar to historic reefs, suggesting created reefs provide similar support of nekton and benthic assemblages as historic reefs. To determine refuge value of oyster structure for benthic macroinvertebrates compared to bare bottom, we tested preferences of juvenile crabs across depth and refuge complexity in the presence and absence of adult blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus). Juveniles were more likely to use deep water with predators present only when provided oyster structure. Provision of structural material to support and sustain development of benthic and mobile reef communities may be the most important factor in determining reef value to these assemblages, with biophysical characteristics related to reef location influencing assemblage patterns in areas with structure; if so, appropriately locating created reefs is critical.  相似文献   

The effects of urban pollution from Hanoi city on the benthic diatom communities of the Nhue–Tolich river system were studied during the 2003 dry season. Benthic diatoms were allowed to grow on glass slides suspended in the water flow for 4 weeks. To reveal the relationship between water quality and diatom communities, Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used on data concerning relative abundances of diatom species and environmental variables. Two diatom indices, IPS and DAIpo, were applied to evaluate water quality in the three rivers. A total of 291 diatom taxa were found in the Red, Nhue and Tolich Rivers. These were mainly cosmopolitan taxa, with some tropical, subtropical and endemic taxa. The most abundant taxa at the Red site were Aulacoseira granulata, Achnanthidium minutissimum, Encyonema minutum, Navicula recens and other halophilous taxa such as Nitzschia kurzii, Seminavis strigosa, Entomoneis paludosa, Bacillaria paradoxa. Diatom assemblages at the Tolich site consisted mainly of Nitzschia umbonata, Nitzschia palea and Eolimna minima. Diatom density ranged from 660 to 30,000 cells/cm2. Environmental variables and diatom assemblage composition at all sites were significantly correlated. Two diatom indices gave similar results and indicate the Tolich River with the lowest values as a highly polluted site.  相似文献   

Elevational patterns of species richness, local abundance and assemblage structure of rainforest birds of north‐eastern Australia were explored using data from extensive standardized surveys throughout the region. Eighty‐two species of birds were recorded with strong turnover in assemblage structure across the elevational gradient and high levels of regional endemism in the uplands. Both species richness and bird abundance exhibited a humped‐shaped pattern with elevation with the highest values being between 600 and 800 m elevation. While much of the variability in species richness could be explained by the species–area relationship, analyses of net primary productivity (NPP) and total daily energy consumption of the bird community (energy use) suggest that ecosystem energy flow or constraints may be a significant determinant of species richness. Species richness is positively correlated with local bird abundance which itself is closely related to total energy use of the bird community. We suggest the hypothesis that lower NPP limits bird abundance and energy use in the uplands (>500 m) and that low bird energy use and species richness in the lowlands is limited by a seasonal bottleneck in available primary productivity and/or a species pool previously truncated by an extinction filter imposed by the almost complete disappearance of rainforest in the lowlands during the glacial maxima. We suggest that some of the previously predicted impacts of global warming on biodiversity in the uplands may be partially ameliorated by increases in NPP because of increasing temperatures. However, these relationships are complex and require further data specifically in regard to direct estimates of primary productivity and detailed estimates of energy flow within the assemblage.  相似文献   

The impacts of land use change on biodiversity and ecosystem functions are variable, particularly in fragmented tropical rainforest systems with high diversity. Dung beetles (Scarabaeinae) are an ideal group to investigate the relationship between land use change, diversity and ecosystem function as they are easily surveyed, sensitive to habitat modification and perform many ecosystem functions. Although this relationship has been investigated for dung beetles in some tropical regions, there has been no study assessing how native dung beetles in Australia's tropical rainforests respond to deforestation, and what the corresponding consequences are for dung removal (a key ecosystem function fulfilled by dung beetles). In this study we investigated the relationship between dung beetle community attributes (determined through trapping) and function (using dung removal experiments that allowed different dung beetle functional groups to access the dung) in rainforest and cleared pasture in a tropical landscape in Australia's Wet Tropics. Species richness, abundance and biomass were higher in rainforest compared to adjacent pasture, and species composition between these land use types differed significantly. However, average body size and evenness in body size were higher in pasture than in rainforest. Dung removal was higher in rainforest than in pasture when both functional groups or tunnelers only could access the dung. Increased dung removal in the rainforest was explained by higher biodiversity and dominance of a small number of species with distinct body sizes, as dung removal was best predicted by the evenness in body size of the community. Our findings suggest that functional traits (including body size and dung relocation behaviour) present in a dung beetle community are key drivers of dung removal. Overall, our results show that deforestation has reduced native dung beetle diversity in Australian tropical landscapes, which negatively impacts on the capacity for dung removal by dung beetles in this region.  相似文献   

1.  We examined the effects of physical and chemical habitat variables and ecoregions on species occurrence and fish assemblage structure in streams of the Paraíba do Sul basin, in southeast Brazil.
2.  Fish and environmental data were collected from 42 sites on 26 first to fourth order streams (1 : 50 000 map scale) in three ecoregions. The sites occurred in one valley and two plateau ecoregions at altitudes of 40–1080 m and distances of 0.1–188 km from the main channel of the Rio Paraíba do Sul. Physical habitat (substratum, riparian cover, habitat types) and water quality (dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature and conductivity) variables were measured at each sampling site.
3.  A total of 2684 individuals in 16 families and 59 species were recorded.
4.  Ecoregion was a better predictor of the fish assemblage than the other environmental variables, according to the differences between the mean within-class and mean between-class similarities in assemblage data.
5.  Differing landscape characteristics were associated with differing local variables and thereby with differing fish assemblage structures. Riffles, shrub, grass, dissolved oxygen, conductivity and temperature were closely related to fish assemblage structure.
6.  Fish assemblages in sites far from the main river and at higher altitudes also differed from those near the Paraíba do Sul main channel, presumably as a result of differences in connectivity, covarying environmental factors and anthropogenic influence.
7.  These results reinforce the importance of understanding how stream communities are influenced by processes and patterns operating at local and regional scales, which will aid water resource managers to target those factors in their management and rehabilitation efforts.  相似文献   

为了解荷木对土壤水分利用的干湿季差异,利用热消散探针法(TDP)连续监测荷木(Schima superba)液流密度(Js),基于测定的叶片水势(Ψ_L)、叶面积指数(LAI)及胡伯尔值(A_S∶A_L)等参数,结合同步监测的环境因子,分析整树水力导度(K_L)、冠层气孔导度(GS)和蒸腾有效储存水量(Q)的干湿季变化。结果表明,干季荷木林出现土壤水分亏缺,使荷木对水分吸收和传输的阻力增加。但G_S对水汽压亏缺(VPD)的敏感性较高,使干湿季正午叶片水势(Ψ_(L-mid))、土壤-叶片水势差(ΔΨ_(S-L))保持相对稳定;干季荷木通过降低LAI、K_L和G_S有效调控蒸腾;增加Q对日蒸腾的贡献率及单位叶面积的Q以部分补偿水分胁迫。这些适应性调节使荷木在光热资源仍然充足的干季保持旺盛的蒸腾活动,维持与湿季相似的单位叶面积蒸腾量。因此,K_L和G_S的调节作用、Q的水力补偿效应以及自身水力特征在一定程度上解释了荷木干湿季单位叶面积的水分利用呈常数状态,并且SWC对蒸腾无明显的限制作用的原因。  相似文献   

This study was designed to characterize benthic communities and physical habitat in both an urban (Kirker Creek) and residential (Pleasant Grove Creek) stream in California in late spring of 2006 and 2007. Concurrent water quality evaluations, physical sediment parameters, pyrethroids, bulk metals, and SEM/AVS ratios were also measured during both years of this study. The relationship of various benthic metrics to physical habitat metrics, pyrethroids, and metals was evaluated for each stream using stepwise multiple linear regressions with both years combined for each stream, as well as both years and both streams combined, to increase the statistical power for determining significant relationships. Physical habitat was determined to be poor in each stream during both years of sampling. More than 100 benthic taxa were reported annually for both streams based on 2006 and 2007 sampling. A significant result from the stepwise regression analysis combining data for 2 years across both streams is that when habitat metrics and to a lesser degree metals are considered in the statistical models pyrethroids do not display any significant relationships to the benthic metrics. In summary, it is apparent from this analysis that the health of benthic communities in both streams is primarily affected by habitat metrics.  相似文献   

We used null model analyses to investigate the existence of structure in lizard assemblages from open vegetation enclaves in Rondónia, southwestern Amazonia, in relation to species richness, species co‐occurrence, diet, and size overlap. These enclaves presumably have been isolated since the Holocene, providing a history of long‐term isolation. We assumed that the presence of structure in lizard assemblages from the Rondónia enclaves is consistent with the notion that extinctions are a deterministic process, some species being more prone to extinction than others. We grouped enclaves into four categories: latosoil cerrado, sandy cerrado, transitional forest, and rocky field. We collected 14 Cerrado lizard species, consisting of five families in all sampled areas. Analyses of species richness, co‐occurrence, diet overlap, and size overlap patterns suggested lack of organization in the assemblages. The assemblages from the rocky fields of Guajarí–Mirim and the sandy cerrados in Vilhena were significantly structured in diet overlap, whereas the remaining assemblages lacked structure. This probably resulted from phylogenetic inertia and not from ecological interactions. Our results suggest that extinctions proceeded in a stochastic fashion and that historical factors had a dominant role in shaping lizard assemblages in detriment of present‐day ecological factors. In addition, we identified endemic species in the enclaves as well as a tight association between unique ecogeographic features of the landscape and species occurrences. We propose that conservation measures in the region must adequately preserve these features to ensure the survival of the species.  相似文献   

Habitat complexity is an important factor structuring local faunal assemblages. Many invasive plant species alter vegetation complexity because they are both functionally and structurally different from native flora. This study investigated the effects of an invasive grass (Andropogon gayanus Kunth.), which is invading undisturbed savannas in northern Australia. Although A. gayanus is a similar lifeform to that dominant in the native understory (i.e., a C4 grass), it is structurally different and significantly alters habitat complexity. We, therefore, hypothesized that there would be a substantial effect of the invasive grass on ant, spider, and other invertebrate assemblages. Contrary to our hypothesis, there was no effect of A. gayanus on ant species richness, abundance, or composition, nor were spiders or other invertebrates affected. Instead the change in weather conditions with season was more important in structuring the local invertebrate assemblages. Change in habitat complexity was most pronounced vertically, rather than horizontally at ground level, thus although there was a clear difference in the vertical structure between invaded and noninvaded habitats, the limited invertebrate response to different A. gayanus densities suggests some invertebrates are less sensitive to vertical changes in vegetation structure.  相似文献   

The importance of epibiosis in Antarctic benthic communities is highlighted here considering the specific diversity of sponges living on shells of the scallop Adamussium colbecki and on spines of the cidaroid urchin Ctenocidaris perrieri. Scallops are from three different areas along the Victoria Land [Tethys Bay (TB), New Harbour (NH), Dunlop Island (DI)], while cidaroid urchins are from NH but not present in the two other stations. Homaxinella balfourensis is the commonest species both on the scallops and cidaroid urchins. Other common species on scallops are Myxilla (Myxilla) asigmata, Lissodendoryx (Ectyodoryx) nobilis and Iophon unicorne at NH, Iophon unicorne at DI, and Iophon radiatum, Haliclona sp. 1, Iophon unicorne and Lissodendoryx (Ectyodoryx) nobilis at TB. The highest number of sponge species we found on a single scallop was ten and the sample was collected at NH. On the spines of C. perrieri, Isodictya erinacea, Iophon unicorne and Haliclona (Rhizoniera) dancoi are present too. A. colbecki and C. perrieri, generally living on soft bottoms, represent important substrata for several sponge species. In this way, sponges may increase their dispersal exploiting valves and spines as stepping stones.  相似文献   

We examined the impact of small-scale commercial forestry on the structure and function of 6 headwater streams in the North Carolina Piedmont. During 2001–2003 terrestrial organic matter inputs, temperature, macroinvertebrate community composition and tolerance, leaf breakdown rate, and food web structure were quantified for 2 streams draining mature stands of managed loblolly pine, 2 streams draining mature hardwood forests, and 2 streams draining 3-year-old clear cuts, which had been replanted with loblolly pine. Streams in the clear-cuts and pine plantations were bordered by a 15 m hardwood buffer. Despite differences in watershed land-use, there were no significant differences in the organic matter supply or temperature between streams draining different forest types. However, algal biomass was significantly higher in clear-cut sites than forested sites, and was also higher in hardwood sites than pine sites. Streams draining the clear-cut sites contained lower macroinvertebrate richness and diversity, and fewer intolerant species, than streams draining pine and hardwood stands. Despite the differences in macroinvertebrates community composition, there was no difference among forest types in leaf-pack breakdown rates. Analysis of δ15N and δ13C natural abundance of functional feeding group indicated that the shredders and predators collected from streams draining clear-cuts had a δ15N value that was enriched relative to the macroinvertebrates of streams draining pine and hardwood forests. This difference in δ15N signature appears to be the result of the incorporation of riparian grass species in the clear-cuts, which have a higher δ15N, into the diet of shredders. Pine sites had similar food webs to natural hardwood sites. Our results suggest that clear-cutting changes both the trophic dynamics and macroinvertebrate composition of low-order Piedmont streams in North Carolina despite the presence of hardwood buffers. However, large differences were not found between older pine and hardwood stands, indicating rapid recovery following re-growth of forest vegetation, when hardwood buffer strips were present.  相似文献   

Aim To determine the potential combined effects of climate change and land transformation on the modelled geographic ranges of Banksia. Location Mediterranean climate South West Australian Floristic Region (SWAFR). Methods We used the species distribution modelling software Maxent to relate current environmental conditions to occurrence data for 18 Banksia species, and subsequently made spatial predictions using two simple dispersal scenarios (zero and universal), for three climate‐severity scenarios at 2070, taking the impacts of land transformation on species’ ranges into account. The species were chosen to reflect the biogeography of Banksia in the SWAFR. Results Climate‐severity scenario, dispersal scenario, biogeographic distribution and land transformation all influenced the direction and magnitude of the modelled range change responses for the 18 species. The predominant response of species to all climate change scenarios was range contraction, with exceptions for some northern and widespread species. Including land transformation in estimates of modelled geographic range size for the three climate‐severity scenarios generally resulted in smaller gains and larger declines in species ranges across both dispersal scenarios. Including land transformation and assuming zero dispersal resulted, as expected, in the greatest declines in projected range size across all species. Increasing climate change severity greatly increased the risk of decline in the 18 Banksia species, indicating the critical role of mitigating future emissions. Main conclusions The combined effects of climate change and land transformation may have significant adverse impacts on endemic Proteaceae in the SWAFR, especially under high emissions scenarios and if, as expected, natural migration is limiting. Although these results need cautious interpretation in light of the many assumptions underlying the techniques used, the impacts identified warrant a clear focus on monitoring across species ranges to detect early signs of change, and experiments that determine physiological thresholds for species in order to validate and refine the models.  相似文献   

Since its discovery more than a decade ago [Wu et al., 1982; Rozengurt et al., 1983], the 80-87 kDa myristoylated a lanine-rich C-kinase substrate (80K/MARCKS) protein has attracted a great deal of attention from researchers interested in cell growth and tumour progression. However, despite its ubiquitous distribution, a definitive functional role for 80K/MARCKS has not been found. The purpose of this review is to describe the properties, distribution and regulation of 80K/MARCKS and to discuss some of the most recent findings, both from our laboratory and from others, that have suggested a functional role for this protein in modulating cell growth and tumour progression. Furthermore, I will present data from our laboratory that implicates 80K/MARCKS as a novel tumour suppressor in cells of melanocyte origin.  相似文献   

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