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Troponin T is a central component of the thin filament-associated troponin-tropomyosin system and plays an essential role in the Ca(2+) regulation of striated muscle contraction. The importance of the structure and function of troponin T is evident in the regulated isoform expression during development and the point mutations resulting in familial hypertrophic and dilated cardiomyopathies. We report here that turkeys with inherited dilated cardiomyopathy and heart failure express an unusual low molecular weight cardiac troponin T missing 11 amino acids due to the splice out of the normally conserved exon 8-encoded segment. The deletion of a 9-bp segment from intron 7 of the turkey cardiac troponin T gene may be responsible for the weakened splicing of the downstream exon 8 during mRNA processing. The exclusion of the exon 8-encoded segment results in conformational changes in cardiac troponin T, an altered binding affinity for troponin I and tropomyosin, and an increased calcium sensitivity of the actomyosin ATPase. Expression of the exon 8-deleted cardiac troponin T prior to the development of cardiomyopathy in turkeys indicates a novel RNA splicing disease and provides evidence for the role of troponin T structure-function variation in myocardial pathogenesis and heart failure.  相似文献   

The major goal of this study was to elucidate how troponin T (TnT) dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) mutations in fetal TnT and fetal troponin affect the functional properties of the fetal heart that lead to infantile cardiomyopathy. The DCM mutations R141W and DeltaK210 were created in the TnT1 isoform, the primary isoform of cardiac TnT in the embryonic heart. In addition to a different TnT isoform, a different troponin I (TnI) isoform, slow skeletal TnI (ssTnI), is the dominant isoform in the embryonic heart. In skinned fiber studies, TnT1-wild-type (WT)-treated fibers reconstituted with cardiac TnI.troponin C (TnC) or ssTnI.TnC significantly increased Ca(2+) sensitivity of force development when compared with TnT3-WT-treated fibers at both pH 7.0 and pH 6.5. Porcine cardiac fibers treated with TnT1 that contained the DCM mutations (R141W and DeltaK210), when reconstituted with either cardiac TnI.TnC or ssTnI.TnC, significantly decreased Ca(2+) sensitivity of force development compared with TnT1-WT at both pH values. The R141W mutation, which showed no significant change in the Ca(2+) sensitivity of force development in the TnT3 isoform, caused a significant decrease in the TnT1 isoform. The DeltaK210 mutation caused a greater decrease in Ca(2+) sensitivity and maximal isometric force development compared with the R141W mutation in both the fetal and adult TnT isoforms. When complexed with cardiac TnI.TnC or ssTnI.TnC, both TnT1 DCM mutations strongly decreased maximal actomyosin ATPase activity as compared with TnT1-WT. Our results suggest that a decrease in maximal actomyosin ATPase activity in conjunction with decreased Ca(2+) sensitivity of force development may cause a severe DCM phenotype in infants with the mutations.  相似文献   

The effects of Troponin T (TnT) mutants R141W and DeltaK210, the only two currently known mutations in TnT that cause dilated cardiomyopathy(DCM) independent of familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (FHC), and TnT-K273E, a mutation that leads to a progression from FHC to DCM, were investigated. Studies on the Ca2+ sensitivity of force development in porcine cardiac fibers demonstrated that TnT-DeltaK210 caused a significant decrease in Ca2+ sensitivity, whereas the TnT-R141W did not result in any change in Ca2+ sensitivity when compared with human cardiac wild-type TnT (HCWTnT). TnT-DeltaK210 also caused a decrease in maximal force when compared with HCWTnT and TnT-R141W. In addition, the TnT-DeltaK210 mutant decreased maximal ATPase activity in the presence of Ca2+. However, the TnT-K273E mutation caused a significant increase in Ca2+ sensitivity but behaved similarly to HCWTnT in actomyosin activation assays. Inhibition of ATPase activity in reconstituted actin-activated myosin ATPase assays was similar for all three TnT mutants and HCWTnT. Additionally, circular dichroism studies suggest that the secondary structure of all three TnT mutants was similar to that of the HCWTnT. These results suggest that a rightward shift in Ca2+ sensitivity is not the only determinant for the phenotype of DCM.  相似文献   

The key events in regulating cardiac muscle contraction involve Ca(2+) binding to and release from cTnC (troponin C) and structural changes in cTnC and other thin filament proteins triggered by Ca(2+) movement. Single mutations L29Q and G159D in human cTnC have been reported to associate with familial hypertrophic and dilated cardiomyopathy, respectively. We have examined the effects of these individual mutations on structural transitions in the regulatory N-domain of cTnC triggered by Ca(2+) binding and dissociation. This study was carried out with a double mutant or triple mutants of cTnC, reconstituted into troponin with tryptophanless cTnI and cTnT. The double mutant, cTnC(L12W/N51C) labeled with 1,5-IAEDANS at Cys-51, served as a control to monitor Ca(2+)-induced opening and closing of the N-domain by F?rster resonance energy transfer (FRET). The triple mutants contained both L12W and N51C labeled with 1,5-IAEDANS, and either L29Q or G159D. Both mutations had minimal effects on the equilibrium distance between Trp-12 and Cys-51-AEDANS in the absence or presence of bound Ca(2+). L29Q had no effect on the closing rate of the N-domain triggered by release of Ca(2+), but reduced the Ca(2+)-induced opening rate. G159D reduced both the closing and opening rates. Previous results showed that the closing rate of cTnC N-domain triggered by Ca(2+) dissociation was substantially enhanced by PKA phosphorylation of cTnI. This rate enhancement was abolished by L29Q or G159D. These mutations alter the kinetics of structural transitions in the regulatory N-domain of cTnC that are involved in either activation (L29Q) or deactivation (G159D). Both mutations appear to be antagonistic toward phosphorylation signaling between cTnI and cTnC.  相似文献   

NMR spectroscopy has been employed to elucidate the molecular consequences of the DCM G159D mutation on the structure and dynamics of troponin C, and its interaction with troponin I (TnI). Since the molecular effects of human mutations are often subtle, all NMR experiments were conducted as direct side-by-side comparisons of the wild-type C-domain of troponin C (cCTnC) and the mutant protein, G159D. With the mutation, the affinity toward the anchoring region of cTnI (cTnI 34-71) was reduced ( K D = 3.0 +/- 0.6 microM) compared to that of the wild type ( K D < 1 microM). Overall, the structure and dynamics of the G159D.cTnI 34-71 complex were very similar to those of the cCTnC.cTnI 34-71 complex. There were, however, significant changes in the (1)H, (13)C, and (15)N NMR chemical shifts, especially for the residues in direct contact with cTnI 34-71, and the changes in NOE connectivity patterns between the G159D.cTnI 34-71 and cCTnC.cTnI 34-71 complexes. Thus, the most parsimonious hypothesis is that the development of disease results from the poor anchoring of cTnI to cCTnC, with the resulting increase in the level of acto-myosin inhibition in agreement with physiological data. Another possibility is that long-range electrostatic interactions affect the binding of the inhibitory and switch regions of cTnI (cTnI 128-147 and cTnI 147-163) and/or the cardiac specific N-terminus of cTnI (cTnI 1-29) to the N-domain of cTnC. These important interactions are all spatially close in the X-ray structure of the cardiac TnC core.  相似文献   

We have compared the in vitro regulatory properties of recombinant human cardiac troponin reconstituted using wild type troponin T with troponin containing the DeltaLys-210 troponin T mutant that causes dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) and the R92Q troponin T known to cause hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Troponin containing DeltaLys-210 troponin T inhibited actin-tropomyosin-activated myosin subfragment-1 ATPase activity to the same extent as wild type at pCa8.5 (>80%) but produced substantially less enhancement of ATPase at pCa4.5. The Ca(2+) sensitivity of ATPase activation was increased (DeltapCa(50) = +0.2 pCa units) and cooperativity of Ca(2+) activation was virtually abolished. Equimolar mixtures of wild type and DeltaLys-210 troponin T gave a lower Ca(2+) sensitivity than with wild type, while maintaining the diminished ATPase activation at pCa4.5 observed with 100% mutant. In contrast, R92Q troponin gave reduced inhibition at pCa8.5 but greater activation than wild type at pCa4.5; Ca(2+) sensitivity was increased but there was no change in cooperativity. In vitro motility assay of reconstituted thin filaments confirmed the ATPase results and moreover indicated that the predominant effect of the DeltaLys-210 mutation was a reduced sliding speed. The functional consequences of this DCM mutation are qualitatively different from the R92Q or any other studied HCM troponin T mutation, suggesting that DCM and HCM may be triggered by distinct primary stimuli.  相似文献   

In contrast to skeletal muscles that simultaneously express multiple troponin T (TnT) isoforms, normal adult human cardiac muscle contains a single isoform of cardiac TnT. To understand the significance of myocardial TnT homogeneity, we examined the effect of TnT heterogeneity on heart function. Transgenic mouse hearts overexpressing a fast skeletal muscle TnT together with the endogenous cardiac TnT was investigated in vivo and ex vivo as an experimental system of concurrent presence of two classes of TnT in the adult cardiac muscle. This model of myocardial TnT heterogeneity produced pathogenic phenotypes: echocardiograph imaging detected age-progressive reductions of cardiac function; in vivo left ventricular pressure analysis showed decreased myocardial contractility; ex vivo analysis of isolated working heart preparations confirmed an intrinsic decrease of cardiac function in the absence of neurohumoral influence. The transgenic mice also showed chronic myocardial hypertrophy and degeneration. The dominantly negative effects of introducing a fast TnT into the cardiac thin filaments to produce two classes of Ca(2+) regulatory units in the adult myocardium suggest that TnT heterogeneity decreases contractile function by disrupting the synchronized action during ventricular contraction that is normally activated as an electrophysiological syncytium.  相似文献   

We recently reported that mice deficient in the programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) immunoinhibitory coreceptor develop autoimmune dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), with production of high-titer autoantibodies against a heart-specific, 30-kDa protein. In this study, we purified the 30-kDa protein from heart extract and identified it as cardiac troponin I (cTnI), encoded by a gene in which mutations can cause familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Administration of monoclonal antibodies to cTnI induced dilatation and dysfunction of hearts in wild-type mice. Monoclonal antibodies to cTnI stained the surface of cardiomyocytes and augmented the voltage-dependent L-type Ca2+ current of normal cardiomyocytes. These findings suggest that antibodies to cTnI induce heart dysfunction and dilatation by chronic stimulation of Ca2+ influx in cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

Whether autoimmunity could cause dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) was disputed for more than half a century. Autoantibodies against various cardiac antigens have been found in the sera of patients with DCM but none of these autoantibodies has been shown to have a substantial role in the development of DCM. It was recently reported that the injection of autoantibodies against cardiac troponin I (cTnI) can induce DCM in normal mice. This observation showed that autoantibodies can cause DCM and put an end to the controversy. Clinical trials of immunoglobulin-adsorption therapy for DCM have already started in Germany and the results seem promising. Here, we discuss the recent findings and possibilities of immunoglobulin-adsorption therapy for this deadly disease.  相似文献   

Mutations in the gene encoding human cardiac troponin T can cause familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a disease that is characterized by ventricular hypertrophy and sudden, premature death. Troponin T is the tropomyosin-binding subunit of troponin required for thin filament regulation of contraction. One mutation, a change in the intron 15 splice donor site, results in two truncated forms of troponin T [Thierfelder et al. (1994) Cell 77, 701-712]. In one form, the mRNA skips exon 16 that encodes the C-terminal 14 amino acids; in the other, seven novel residues replace the exon 15- and 16-encoded C-terminal 28 amino acids. The two troponin T cDNAs were expressed in Escherichia coli for functional analysis. Both C-terminal deletion mutants formed a complex with cardiac troponin C and troponin I that exhibited the same concentration dependence as wild-type for regulation of the actomyosin MgATPase. However, both mutants showed severely reduced activation of the regulated actomyosin in the presence of Ca2+, though the inhibition in the absence of Ca2+ and the Ca(2+)-dependence of activation were not altered. The C-terminal deletions reduce the effectiveness of Ca(2+)-troponin to switch the thin filament from the "off" to the "on" state. Both mutant troponin Ts have reduced affinity for troponin I; the shorter mutant is at least 6-fold weaker than wild-type. The low level of activation of the ATPase would be consistent with reduced contractile performance, and the results suggest reduced troponin I affinity may be the molecular basis for the disease.  相似文献   

Resting echocardiography with M-mode technique under the control of bidimensional picture and pulsating Doppler ultra sound and a 24-hour ECG with Holter technique were performed in 19 patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (6 females and 13 males; mean age 46 years, mean duration of the disease 23 months). A group of 7 patients with electrocardiographic features of the left ventricle hypertrophy, according to Sokolov index, was distinguished and compared with a group of patients without ventricular hypertrophy. The symptoms of pulmonary hypertension with progressing dilatation and failure of the right cardiac ventricle were found in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy without coexisting hypertrophy, despite of significant deterioration of the contractive function. Cardiac arrhythmias and thrombotic disorders which are hazardous for life were significantly more frequent (78% and 22%, respectively) in this group. Percentage of sudden deaths in these patients was high (56%).  相似文献   



We have previously demonstrated that propyl gallate has a Ca2 + sensitizing effect on the force generation in membrane-permeabilized (skinned) cardiac muscle fibers. However, in vivo beneficial effects of propyl gallate as a novel Ca2 + sensitizer remain uncertain. In the present study, we aim to explore in vivo effects of propyl gallate.

Main methods

We compared effects of propyl gallate on ex vivo intact cardiac muscle fibers and in vivo hearts in healthy mice with those of pimobendan, a clinically used Ca2 + sensitizer. The therapeutic effect of propyl gallate was investigated using a mouse model of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) with reduced myofilament Ca2 + sensitivity due to a deletion mutation ΔK210 in cardiac troponin T.

Key findings

Propyl gallate, as well as pimobendan, showed a positive inotropic effect. Propyl gallate slightly increased the blood pressure without changing the heart rate in healthy mice, whereas pimobendan decreased the blood pressure probably through vasodilation via inhibition of phosphodiesterase and increased the heart rate. Propyl gallate prevented cardiac remodeling and systolic dysfunction and significantly improved the life-expectancy of knock-in mouse model of DCM with reduced myofilament Ca2 + sensitivity due to a mutation in cardiac troponin T. On the other hand, gallate, a similarly strong antioxidant polyphenol lacking Ca2 + sensitizing action, had no beneficial effects on the DCM mice.


These results suggest that propyl gallate might be useful for the treatment of inherited DCM caused by a reduction in the myofilament Ca2 + sensitivity.  相似文献   

Structure-function relationships in cardiac troponin T   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Regions of rabbit and bovine cardiac troponin T that are involved in binding tropomyosin, troponin C and troponin I have been identified. Two sites of contact for tropomyosin have been located, situated between residues 92-178 and 180-284 of troponin T. A cardiac-specific binding site for troponin I has been identified between residues 1-68 of cardiac troponin T, within a region of the protein that has previously been shown to be encoded by a series of exons that are expressed in a tissue-specific and developmentally regulated manner. The binding site for troponin C is located between residues 180-284 of cardiac troponin T. When isolated from fresh bovine hearts, cardiac troponin T contained 0.21 +/- 0.11 mol phosphate per mol; incubation with phosphorylase kinase increased the phosphate content to approx. 1 mol phosphate per mol. One site of phosphorylation was identified as serine-1; a second site of phosphorylation was located within peptide CB3 (residues 93-178) and has been tentatively identified as serine-176. Addition of troponin C to cardiac troponin T does not inhibit the phosphorylation of this latter protein that is catalysed by phosphorylase b kinase.  相似文献   

Adult cardiac muscle normally expresses a single cardiac troponin T (cTnT). As a potential pathogenic mechanism for turkey dilated cardiomyopathy, the splice-out of a normally constitutive exon generates an additional low molecular weight cTnT with altered conformation and function. We further found that aberrant splicing of cTnT also occurs in several mammals correlating to dilated cardiomyopathy. Skipping of the same exon as that in the turkey was found in the canine cTnT. Splice-out of the adjacent exon 6 occurred in the guinea pig cTnT. Retention of the embryonic exon 5 was found in the cTnT of cat, dog, and guinea pig. These aberrant splicing variants significantly altered the structure of cTnT to sustain functional effects as that in the myopathic turkey cTnT. The genomic sequence of canine cTnT gene shows no specific alterations. However, the alternative splicing patterns of canine cTnT are different in developing cardiac and skeletal muscles, suggesting abnormality of trans-regulatory factors. Transgenic expression of the aberrant cTnT variants resulted in contractile changes in mouse cardiomyocytes. The findings support the hypothesis that thin filament heterogeneity due to the co-expression of alternatively spliced cTnT variants may desynchronize myocardial contraction and contribute to the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of cardiomyopathy and heart failure.  相似文献   

Cardiac muscle contraction is regulated by Ca(2+) through the troponin complex consisting of three subunits: troponin C (TnC), troponin T (TnT), and troponin I (TnI). We reported previously that the abnormal splicing of cardiac TnT in turkeys with dilated cardiomyopathy resulted in a greater binding affinity to TnI. In the present study, we characterized a polymorphism of cardiac TnI in the heart of wild turkeys. cDNA cloning and sequencing of the novel turkey cardiac TnI revealed a single amino acid substitution, R111C. Arg(111) in avian cardiac TnI corresponds to a Lys in mammals. This residue is conserved in cardiac and skeletal muscle TnIs across the vertebrate phylum, implying a functional importance. In the partial crystal structure of cardiac troponin, this amino acid resides in an alpha-helix that directly contacts with TnT. Structural modeling indicates that the substitution of Cys for Arg or Lys at this position would not disrupt the global structure of troponin. To evaluate the functional significance of the different size and charge between the Arg and Cys side chains, protein-binding assays using purified turkey cardiac TnI expressed in Escherichia coli were performed. The results show that the R111C substitution lowered binding affinity to TnT, which is potentially compensatory to the increased TnI-binding affinity of the cardiomyopathy-related cardiac TnT splicing variant. Therefore, the fixation of the cardiac TnI Cys(111) allele in the wild turkey population and the corresponding functional effect reflect an increased fitness value, suggesting a novel target for the treatment of TnT myopathies.  相似文献   

To study the effect of troponin (Tn) T mutations that cause familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (FHC) on cardiac muscle contraction, wild-type, and the following recombinant human cardiac TnT mutants were cloned and expressed: I79N, R92Q, F110I, E163K, R278C, and intron 16(G(1) --> A) (In16). These TnT FHC mutants were reconstituted into skinned cardiac muscle preparations and characterized for their effect on maximal steady state force activation, inhibition, and the Ca(2+) sensitivity of force development. Troponin complexes containing these mutants were tested for their ability to regulate actin-tropomyosin(Tm)-activated myosin-ATPase activity. TnT(R278C) and TnT(F110I) reconstituted preparations demonstrated dramatically increased Ca(2+) sensitivity of force development, while those with TnT(R92Q) and TnT(I79N) showed a moderate increase. The deletion mutant, TnT(In16), significantly decreased both the activation and the inhibition of force, and substantially decreased the activation and the inhibition of actin-Tm-activated myosin-ATPase activity. ATPase activation was also impaired by TnT(F110I), while its inhibition was reduced by TnT(R278C). The TnT(E163K) mutation had the smallest effect on the Ca(2+) sensitivity of force; however, it produced an elevated activation of the ATPase activity in reconstituted thin filaments. These observed changes in the Ca(2+) regulation of force development caused by these mutations would likely cause altered contractility and contribute to the development of FHC.  相似文献   

Xu L  Sun AJ  Ge JB 《生理科学进展》2010,41(1):72-74
心脏钠通道基因SCN5A突变可以导致多种心律失常,近年研究发现该基因突变与扩张型心肌病也有关,但致病机制不甚清楚。本文通过比较与扩张型心肌病有关的多个已发现SCN5A突变的电生理特点,提出该基因突变可能通过改变细胞内钠浓度来影响细胞内钙稳态而导致扩张型心肌病;新近发现的A1180V突变携带者表现出的异常心电图,很可能为某些扩张型心肌病患者进行早期诊断,提供一种有效而简便的方法。  相似文献   

Gu R  Bai J  Ling L  Ding L  Zhang N  Ye J  Ferro A  Xu B 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e31279


Integrin-linked kinase (ILK) is a multifunctional kinase linking the extracellular matrix to intracellular signaling pathways, whose activation in the heart gives rise to a number of functional consequences. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the therapeutic and survival benefit of cardiac ILK overexpression in a rat model of dilated cardiomyopathy.

Methods and Results

The dilated cardiomyopathy model was generated in rats by intraperitoneal administration of six equal doses of doxorubicin over a 2 week period. Five weeks after the first injection, echocardiographic analysis demonstrated impaired cardiac function and, at that point, recombinant adenoviral vector harboring ILK cDNA or vehicle was injected into the myocardium, and the rats re-studied 4 weeks later. Compared with vehicle injection, ILK treatment ameliorated inflammatory cell infiltration and cardiomyocyte degeneration, as well as left ventricular dilation and dysfunction. ILK treatment was also associated with a reduction in apoptosis and an increase in proliferation of cardiomyocytes, as well as decreased oxidative stress and autophagic vacuole accumulation. Importantly, mortality was lower in rats following ILK treatment than in those following vehicle injection. In cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes, we also found that ILK overexpression protected against doxorubicin-induced apoptosis, giving rise to an increase in their proliferation.


These data demonstrate for the first time that ILK gene therapy improves cardiac function and survival in a model of dilated cardiomyopathy, and this may be mediated through suppression of inflammation, prevention of ventricular remodeling, inhibition of cardiomyocyte apoptosis and autophagy, and stimulation of cardiomyocyte proliferation.  相似文献   

The role of apoptosis in the development and function of T lymphocytes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Apoptosis plays an essential role in T cell biology. Thymocytes expressing nonfunctional or autoreactive TCRs are eliminated by apoptosis during development. Apoptosis also leads to the deletion of expanded effector T cells during immune responses. The dysregulation of apoptosis in the immune system results in autoimmunity, tumorogenesis and immunodeficiency. Two major pathways lead to apoptosis: the intrinsic cell death pathway controlled by Bcl-2 family members and the extrinsic cell death pathway controlled by death receptor signaling. These two pathways work together to regulate T lymphocyte development and function.  相似文献   

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