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This study measured SPLs of whistles of wild bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Moray Firth, Scotland, and estimated their active space, i.e. the distance at which another dolphin can perceive the whistle of a conspecific. Whistling dolphins were localized with a dispersed hydrophone array by comparing differences in the times of arrival of a whistle at different hydrophones. The mean source level for whistles was 158 +/- 0.6 dB re. 1 microPa. The maximum was 169 dB re. 1 microPa. The active space of these whistles was calculated taking into account transmission loss, ambient noise, the critical ratios and the auditory sensitivity of this species. The estimated radius of the active space of unmodulated whistles between 3.5 kHz and 10 kHz produced at maximum source level ranged from 20 km to 25 km in a habitat of 10 m depth and at sea state 0. At sea state 4 it ranged from 14 km to 22 km. For whistles of 12 kHz it dropped to 1.5-4 km. The results suggest that whistles can be used to maintain group cohesion over large distances but also that dolphins that researchers consider to belong to separate groups might be in acoustic contact.  相似文献   

The low-frequency, powerful vocalizations of blue and fin whales may potentially be detected by conspecifics across entire ocean basins. In contrast, humpback and bowhead whales produce equally powerful, but more complex broadband vocalizations composed of higher frequencies that suffer from higher attenuation. Here we evaluate the active space of high frequency song notes of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) in Western Greenland using measurements of song source levels and ambient noise. Four independent, GPS-synchronized hydrophones were deployed through holes in the ice to localize vocalizing bowhead whales, estimate source levels and measure ambient noise. The song had a mean apparent source level of 185±2 dB rms re 1 µPa @ 1 m and a high mean centroid frequency of 444±48 Hz. Using measured ambient noise levels in the area and Arctic sound spreading models, the estimated active space of these song notes is between 40 and 130 km, an order of magnitude smaller than the estimated active space of low frequency blue and fin whale songs produced at similar source levels and for similar noise conditions. We propose that bowhead whales spatially compensate for their smaller communication range through mating aggregations that co-evolved with broadband song to form a complex and dynamic acoustically mediated sexual display.  相似文献   

Acoustic harassment and deterrent devices have become increasingly popular mitigation tools for negotiating the impacts of marine mammals on fisheries. The rationale for their variable effectiveness remains unexplained, but high variability in the surrounding acoustic field may be relevant. In the present study, the sound fields of one acoustic harassment device and three acoustic deterrent devices were measured at three study sites along the Scandinavian coast. Superimposed onto an overall trend of decreasing sound exposure levels with increasing range were large local variations in the sound level for all sources in each of the environments. This variability was likely caused by source directionality, inter-ping source level variation and multipath interference. Rapid and unpredictable variations in the sound level as a function of range deviated from expectations derived from spherical and cylindrical spreading models and conflicted with the classic concept of concentric zones of increasing disturbance with decreasing range. Under such conditions, animals may encounter difficulties when trying to determine the direction to and location of a sound source, which may complicate or jeopardize avoidance responses.  相似文献   


Some animals emit sounds usable for acoustic monitoring of their population size. Such signals should be loud, omni-directional and easy to recognise and localise. Eurasian Bittern Botaurus stellaris mating calls (booms) are known to be loud and probably omni-directional but there is no data on acoustic localisation of this species. We made recordings of bittern booms with a 4-element GPS-linked microphone array, calibrated for absolute sound pressure level measurements. Receiver spacing was 65 to 294 m. The source level was 101 ± 3 dB re 20 μPa @ 1 m. The source level did not vary more than 7 dB for the same boom recorded at two different locations, with angular separations of 3°-27° as seen from the source. The geometric transmission loss was close to spherical, and the excess attenuation was much smaller than what was expected from the prevailing temperature and humidity conditions. The prevailing wind conditions caused sound velocity variations of up to 3%. The source location error was 104 ± 113 m (mean ± 1 s.d.). The prevalence of large location errors was probably caused by problems of discerning the direct path from multipath arrivals of the signal at the receivers and by sound velocity variations.  相似文献   


Probably all odontocetes use echolocation for spatial orientation and detection of prey. We used a four hydrophone “Y” array to record the high frequency clicks from free-ranging White-beaked Dolphins Lagenorhynchus albirostris and captive Harbour Porpoises Phocoena phocoena. From the recordings we calculated distances to the animals and source levels of the clicks. The recordings from White-beaked Dolphins were made in Iceland and those from Harbour Porpoises at Fjord & Baelt, Kerteminde, Denmark during prey capture. We used stringent criteria to determine which clicks could be defined as being on the acoustic axis. Two dolphin and nine porpoise click series could be used to track individual animals, which presumably focused on the array hydrophones or a fish right in front of the array. The apparent source levels of clicks in the individual tracks increased with range. One individual White-beaked Dolphin and three Harbour Porpoises regulate their output signal level to nearly compensate for one-way transmission loss while approaching a target. The other dolphin regulated the output differently. For most of the recordings the sound level at the target remains nearly constant and the echo level at the animal increases as it closes on the target.  相似文献   

Abstract: The transmission losses with distance of four pure tones (0.5, 1, 2, 4 kHz) were measured in the air 9 cm above the surface of the coastal waters in the Bay of Fundy. The study was conducted between May and July 1992, on warm days with low winds. The measured transmission losses were as much as 11 dB less than predicted by spherical spreading (6 dB/distance doubled), at 400 m (0.5 kHz). This enhanced sound transmission is probably due to the air temperature profile which increases with height above the water's surface. Such a profile causes sound waves to refract towards the water, thereby reducing spreading losses. High-frequency sound absorption negates enhanced transmission at 4 kHz, at distances over 500 m. On days with low winds and low ambient noise levels, a seal pup calling at 90 dB re 20, μPa at 0.5 kHz should be detectable by the mother up to 1 km away, and may be audibly recognizable up to 140 m away.  相似文献   

The clicks of Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis) from 7 individuals in the tank of Baiji aquarium, 2 individuals in a netted pen at Shishou Tian-e-zhou Reserve and 4 free-ranging individuals at Tianxingzhou were recorded using a broadband digital recording system with four element hydrophones. The peak-to-peak apparent source level (ASL_pp) of clicks from individuals at the Baiji aquarium was 167 dB re 1 μPa with mean center frequency of 133 kHz, -3dB bandwidth of 18 kHz and -10 dB duration of 58 μs. The ASL_pp of clicks from individuals at the Shishou Tian-e-zhou Reserve was 180 dB re 1 μPa with mean center frequency of 128 kHz, -3dB bandwidth of 20 kHz and -10 dB duration of 39 μs. The ASL_pp of clicks from individuals at Tianxingzhou was 176 dB re 1 μPa with mean center frequency of 129 kHz, -3dB bandwidth of 15 kHz and -10 dB duration of 48 μs. Differences between the source parameters of clicks among the three groups of finless porpoises suggest these animals adapt to their echolocation signals depending on their surroundings.  相似文献   

Estimation of Shark Home Ranges using Passive Monitoring Techniques   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
We examined a population of blacktip sharks, Carcharhinus limbatus, within a coastal nursery area to define how individuals use the nursery habitat throughout the summer. We used a series of acoustic hydrophones to passively monitor the movement patterns of sharks for periods up to 167 days. We used passive monitoring data to calculate home range estimates using minimum convex polygon (MCP) and fixed kernel estimators. MCP calculated the extent of an individual's range. Kernel estimates provided information regarding the utilization of space within the home range including core area (50% kernel) and larger excursions outside the core area (95% kernel). Individuals within the nursery area typically used a consistently small core area. All sharks monitored in the study site underwent a home range expansion during the month of July, suggesting a synchronous population-level change in habitat use. This change in habitat use was reflected in all home range calculations. Passive monitoring revealed that young sharks remain within the nursery area for up to 6 months. The long-term use of this nursery area reflects its critical importance to young blacktip sharks.  相似文献   

Simplified electronics have been developed for reducing laser excitation source light intensity fluctuations in flow cytometric axial light loss (extinction) measurements. By continuously monitoring the laser output with a photodiode detector and combining it with the axial light loss signal from a second detector using a high-speed differential amplifier, background interference is reduced 10 to 40 dB. Oscilloscope waveforms and frequency distribution histograms recorded from uniform-size polystyrene latex spheres and human mononuclear blood cells are used to illustrate the noise reduction capabilities.  相似文献   

Tanaka MM  Francis AR  Luciani F  Sisson SA 《Genetics》2006,173(3):1511-1520
Tuberculosis can be studied at the population level by genotyping strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolated from patients. We use an approximate Bayesian computational method in combination with a stochastic model of tuberculosis transmission and mutation of a molecular marker to estimate the net transmission rate, the doubling time, and the reproductive value of the pathogen. This method is applied to a published data set from San Francisco of tuberculosis genotypes based on the marker IS6110. The mutation rate of this marker has previously been studied, and we use those estimates to form a prior distribution of mutation rates in the inference procedure. The posterior point estimates of the key parameters of interest for these data are as follows: net transmission rate, 0.69/year [95% credibility interval (C.I.) 0.38, 1.08]; doubling time, 1.08 years (95% C.I. 0.64, 1.82); and reproductive value 3.4 (95% C.I. 1.4, 79.7). These figures suggest a rapidly spreading epidemic, consistent with observations of the resurgence of tuberculosis in the United States in the 1980s and 1990s.  相似文献   

The acoustic intensity discrimination ability of the oscar (Astronotus ocellatus), a cichlid fish, was investigated using an automated positive reward method. Intensity discrimination thresholds (I, in dB) for 7-s continuous pure tone signals were measured both as functions of sound intensity above thresholds, i.e., sensation levels, (SL)(+10 dB, +20 dB and +30 dB) and frequency (200 Hz, 500 Hz, and 800 Hz). I at 500 Hz for +10 dB, +20 dB, and +30 dB SLs are 8.9, 5.5, and 3.3 dB, respectively. I (at+20 dB SL) for 200 Hz, 500 Hz, and 800 Hz are 4.5, 5.5, and 9.3 dB, respectively. Despite having poor auditory sensitivity (narrow frequency range and high thresholds), the intensity discrimination ability of the oscar follows the general trends of previously studied fish species, however, with higher thresholds.  相似文献   

Vecuronium bromide is a non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent with a rather low therapeutic level. Rapid, sensitive, and selective determination of vecuronium bromide in human blood or plasma was essential for pharmacokinetic study. We developed such a method using HPLC with electrochemical detection. Samples were first acidified, followed by a one-step liquid-liquid extraction. Tubocurarine, which has a structure similar to that of vecuronium, was used as the internal standard. The electrochemical detector, Ag/AgCl electrodes, was operated by setting the working electrodes, W1 and W2, at +0.65 V and +1.05 V, respectively. When vecuronium blood concentration was plotted versus peak area ratios (PAR) of vecuronium over tubocurarine, a linear relationship was observed over the range of 25 ng/mL to 500 ng/mL with a correlation coefficient greater than 0.997. Clinically possible sources of interference, such as atropine, apresoline, droperidol, fentanyl, labetalol, thiopentone, atracurium, and valium, were examined and none showed interference in the assay of vecuronium and tubocurarine. This method has been successfully applied in a preliminary study of the pharmacokinetics of vecuronium in a patient undergoing surgery. The low detection limit of this method in the patient was 3 ng/mL.  相似文献   

The transmission potential of a novel infection depends on both the inherent transmissibility of a pathogen, and the level of susceptibility in the host population. However, distinguishing between these pathogen- and population-specific properties typically requires detailed serological studies, which are rarely available in the early stages of an outbreak. Using a simple transmission model that incorporates age-stratified social mixing patterns, we present a novel method for characterizing the transmission potential of subcritical infections, which have effective reproduction number R<1, from readily available data on the size of outbreaks. We show that the model can identify the extent to which outbreaks are driven by inherent pathogen transmissibility and pre-existing population immunity, and can generate unbiased estimates of the effective reproduction number. Applying the method to real-life infections, we obtained accurate estimates for the degree of age-specific immunity against monkeypox, influenza A(H5N1) and A(H7N9), and refined existing estimates of the reproduction number. Our results also suggest minimal pre-existing immunity to MERS-CoV in humans. The approach we describe can therefore provide crucial information about novel infections before serological surveys and other detailed analyses are available. The methods would also be applicable to data stratified by factors such as profession or location, which would make it possible to measure the transmission potential of emerging infections in a wide range of settings.  相似文献   

Underwater noise of whale-watching boats was recorded in the popular killer whale-watching region of southern British Columbia and northwestern Washington State. A software sound propagation and impact assessment model was applied to estimate zones around whale-watching boats where boat noise was audible to killer whales, where it interfered with their communication, where it caused behavioral avoidance, and where it possibly caused hearing loss. Boat source levels ranged from 145 to 169 dB re 1 μPa @ 1 m, increasing with speed. The noise of fast boats was modeled to be audible to killer whales over 16 km, to mask killer whale calls over 14 km, to elicit a behavioral response over 200 m, and to cause a temporary threshold shift (TTS) in hearing of 5 dB after 30–50 min within 450 m. For boats cruising at slow speeds, the predicted ranges were 1 km for audibility and masking, 50 m for behavioral responses, and 20 m for TTS. Superposed noise levels of a number of boats circulating around or following the whales were close to the critical level assumed to cause a permanent hearing loss over prolonged exposure. These data should be useful in developing whale-watching regulations. This study also gave lower estimates of killer whale call source levels of 105–124 dB re 1 μPa.  相似文献   

Dolphins produce frequency modulated (FM) whistles that are thought to promote the synchrony and coordination of behavior between members of a group. How whistles are used in this regard remains poorly understood. One possibility is that whistles have directionality and thereby convey the orientation and direction of movement of the signaler to nearby listeners. To explore this possibility, whistles from free-ranging Hawaiian spinner dolphins ( Stenella longirostris ) were obtained using a towed, three-hydrophone line array and examined for the presence of directionality. Both the estimated source level and harmonic content of whistles produced by animals traveling with or toward the array were greater than those of animals moving ahead or away from it. In addition, signals produced by animals near the array (within 20 m) were received differently on the three hydrophones spaced 11.5 m apart. These differences were greater than would be expected from transmission loss disparities alone. The results indicate that directivity is present in the transmission pattern of whistles. To infer the form of this directivity, a theoretical whistle beam pattern was established based on the assumption that the dolphin's sound source is approximated by a circular piston transducer (Au 1993). The resulting beam indicates that spinner dolphin whistles become increasingly directional with frequency, especially with respect to harmonics. The orientation-dependent harmonic structure of whistles thus presents a potential cue that listening animals could interpret to infer the direction of movement of signalers. Harmonics are present in the whistles of many dolphin species and may represent an inherent signal design feature that promotes coordination between animals.  相似文献   

We have constructed a replication-competent gammaretrovirus (SL3-AP) capable of using the human G-protein-coupled receptor hAPJ as its entry receptor. The envelope protein of the virus was made by insertion of the 13-amino-acid peptide ligand for hAPJ, flanked by linker sequences, into one of the variable loops of the receptor binding domain of SL3-2, a murine leukemia virus (MLV) that uses the xenotropic-polytropic virus receptor Xpr1 and which has a host range limited to murine cells. This envelope protein can utilize hAPJ as well as murine Xpr1 for entry into host cells with equal efficiencies. In addition, the SL3-AP virus replicates in cells expressing either of its receptors, hAPJ and murine Xpr1, and causes resistance to superinfection and downregulation of hAPJ in infected cells. Thus, SL3-AP is the first example of a retargeted replication-competent retrovirus, with replication characteristics and receptor interference properties similar to those of natural isolates.  相似文献   

We investigate the use of spatially resolved diffuse imaging to track a fluid jet delivered at high speed into skin tissue. A jet injector with a short needle to deliver drugs beneath the dermis, is modified to incorporate a laser beam into the jet, which is ejected into ex vivo porcine tissue. The diffuse light emitted from the side and top of the tissue sample is recorded using high‐speed videography. Similar experiments, using a depth‐controlled fiber optic source, generate a reference dataset. The side light distribution is related to source depth for the controlled‐source experiments and used to track the effective source depth of the injections. Postinjection X‐ray images show agreement between the jet penetration and ultimate light source depth. The surface light intensity profile is parameterized with a single parameter and an exponential function is used to relate this parameter to source depth for the controlled‐source data. This empirical model is then used to estimate the effective source depth from the surface profile of the injection experiments. The depth estimates for injections into fat remain close to the side depth estimates, with a root‐mean‐square error of 1.1 mm, up to a source depth of 8 mm.   相似文献   

We studied the sounds of narwhals ( Monodon monoceros ) foraging in the open waters in Northwest Greenland. We used a linear, vertical array of three hydrophones (depth 10 m, 30 m, 100 m) with a fourth hydrophone (depth 30 m) about 20 m from the vertical array. A smaller fifth hydrophone (depth 2 m) allowed for registering frequencies up to 125 kHz (± 2 dB) when signals were recorded at 762 mm/set on an instrumentation tape recorder. Clicks were the prevalent signals, but we heard whistles occasionally. We separated the clicks into two classes: click trains that had rates of 3-10 clicks/sec and click bursts having rates of 110-150 clicks/sec. The spectra of train clicks had maximum amplitudes at 48 ± 10 kHz and a duration of 29 ± 6 psec. The spectra of burst clicks had maximum amplitudes at 19 ± 1 kHz and a duration of 40 ± 3 psec. By analogy with other dolphin species, narwhals presumably use the clicks for echolocation during orientation and for locating prey. The narwhal click patterns resemble those of insectivorous bats. Click trains might correspond to bat searching signals and click bursts to the bat's terminal "buzz", emitted just before prey capture.  相似文献   

Signal source intensity and detection range, which integrates source intensity with propagation loss, background noise and receiver hearing abilities, are important characteristics of communication signals. Apparent source levels were calculated for 819 pulsed calls and 24 whistles produced by free-ranging resident killer whales by triangulating the angles-of-arrival of sounds on two beamforming arrays towed in series. Levels in the 1–20 kHz band ranged from 131 to 168 dB re 1 μPa at 1 m, with differences in the means of different sound classes (whistles: 140.2±4.1 dB; variable calls: 146.6±6.6 dB; stereotyped calls: 152.6±5.9 dB), and among stereotyped call types. Repertoire diversity carried through to estimates of active space, with “long-range” stereotyped calls all containing overlapping, independently-modulated high-frequency components (mean estimated active space of 10–16 km in sea state zero) and “short-range” sounds (5–9 km) included all stereotyped calls without a high-frequency component, whistles, and variable calls. Short-range sounds are reported to be more common during social and resting behaviors, while long-range stereotyped calls predominate in dispersed travel and foraging behaviors. These results suggest that variability in sound pressure levels may reflect diverse social and ecological functions of the acoustic repertoire of killer whales.  相似文献   

We have isolated a clone of human lymphoblastoid cells that is capable of undergoing the phenomenon of contact-mediated cell spreading in vitro. We have detected this behavior when using both transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and differential interference contrast microscopy. Upon cell-cell contact, cells become loosely adherent and then begin to extend cellular processes that contact other cells and the substrate. We have also selected a variant clone that has lost the capability for cell spreading. The adhesion-defective variant becomes adhesion-positive and appears morphologically identical with the adhesive cells only in response to specific amino sugars. In the presence of those sugars the adhesion response is correlated with a shift in the apparent molecular weight of an iodinatable component. We propose that contact-mediated cell spreading in lymphoblastoid cells is mediated by a non-transferable cell surface-associated glycoconjugate. The synthesis of that glycoconjugate is defective in the non-adhesive clone, unless the cells are grown in glucosamine or mannosamine.  相似文献   

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