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B, alpha beta T, and NK lymphocytes establish immunological synapses (IS) with their targets to enable recognition. Transfer of target cell-derived Ags together with proximal molecules onto the effector cell appears also to occur through synapses. Little is known about the molecular basis of this transfer, but it is assumed to result from Ag receptor internalization. Because human gamma delta T cells recognize soluble nonpeptidic phosphoantigens as well as tumor cells such as Daudi, it is unknown whether they establish IS with, and extract molecules from, target cells. Using flow cytometry and confocal microscopy, we show in this work that Ag-stimulated human V gamma 9/V delta 2 T cells conjugate to, and perform molecular transfer from, various tumor cell targets. The molecular transfer appears to be linked to IS establishment, evolves in a dose-dependent manner in the presence of either soluble or cellular Ag, and requires gamma delta TCR ligation, Src family kinase signaling, and participation of the actin cytoskeleton. Although CD45 exclusion characterized the IS performed by gamma delta T cells, no obvious capping of the gamma delta TCR was detected. The synaptic transfer mediated by gamma delta T cells involved target molecules unrelated to the cognate Ag and occurred independently of MHC class I expression by target cells. From these observations, we conclude that despite the particular features of gamma delta T cell activation, both synapse formation and molecular transfer of determinants belonging to target cell characterize gamma delta T cell recognition of Ags.  相似文献   

In a recently developed mouse model for neurocysticercosis, the immune response was characterized by a massive influx of gammadelta T cells and a type 1 pathway of cytokine expression. To understand the role of gammadelta T cells during this infection, the cellular and cytokine response was analyzed in mice that lack gammadelta T cells (TCRdelta(-/-)). In TCRdelta(-/-) mice, Mesocestoides corti metacestodes preferentially invaded the extraparenchymal areas of the brain. Furthermore, parasites were able to escape from the brain and establish a systemic infection with liver and peritoneal involvement. Immunopathological studies indicated that TCRdelta(-/-) mice develop little inflammatory response and less neurological symptomatology. Significantly reduced numbers of T cells, macrophages, dendritic cells, and mast cells were present in the brain. The cytokine response in the brain of TCRdelta(-/-) mice appears to be a mixed type1/type 2 response with low levels of IL-2, IL-4, IL-10, IL-12, IL-13, IL-15, and IFN-gamma. To further investigate the immunological significance of this cell population, gammadelta T cells were adoptively transferred into intracranially infected TCRdelta(-/-) mice. gammadelta T cells were specifically recruited into the CNS in response to this parasitic infection, and they were able to target the infected brain within 12 h after transfer. These results suggest that gammadelta T cells are key players in the immune response elicited during this CNS infection and direct a type 1 response in wild-type mice upon infection.  相似文献   

mAb directed against the TCR/CD3 complex activate resting T cells. However, TCR/CD3 signaling induces death by apoptosis in immature (CD4+CD8+) murine thymocytes and certain transformed leukemic T cell lines. Here we show that anti-TCR and anti-CD3 mAb induce growth arrest of cloned TCR-gamma delta + T cells in the presence of IL-2. In the absence of exogenous IL-2, however, the very same anti-TCR/CD3 mAb stimulated gamma delta (+)-clones to proliferation and IL-2 production. In the presence of exogenous IL-2, anti-TCR/CD3 mAb induced the degradation of DNA into oligosomal bands of approximately 200 bp length in cloned gamma delta + T cells. This pattern of DNA fragmentation is characteristic for the programmed cell death termed apoptosis. These results demonstrate that TCR/CD3 signaling can induce cell death in cloned gamma delta + T cells. In addition, this report is the first to show that apoptosis triggered by TCR/CD3 signaling is not restricted to CD4+CD8+ immature thymocytes and transformed leukemic T cell lines but can be also observed with IL-2-dependent normal (i.e., TCR-gamma delta +) T cells.  相似文献   

We examined the severity of experimental colitis induced by dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) using immunologically manipulated mice. C57BL/6 mice showed more severe colitis than BALB/c mice, but mice of both strains recovered fully from the disease after the removal of DSS from their drinking water. The infiltrated cells at the lesions were mainly granulocytes in normal littermates. However, C.B-17 scid, IL-7Ralpha deficient, and TCR-Cbetadelta double-deficient mice showed severe colitis and did not recover from the disease even after the removal of DSS. It was found that the infiltrated cells at the lesions in the lethal strains were monocytes. Although both TCR-Cdelta(-/-) and TCR-Cbeta(-/-) mice showed severe colitis phenotypes, infiltration in the former is monocyte-dominant while that in the latter is granulocyte-dominant. Thus the type of cells that infiltrate at the lesions of DSS-induced experimental colitis may be controlled by functional T cell subsets. Immunohistological and RT-PCR analyses of the inflamed colon revealed that the murine homologue of human GROalpha released by some cells under the control of gammadeltaT cells is a possible candidate determining the severity of DSS-induced experimental colitis.  相似文献   

Although the mechanisms that determine TCR-alpha beta V gene repertoire are well studied, the genetic influences involved in TCR-gamma delta repertoire development are unclear. Unlike the TCR-gamma delta populations that localize in epithelial tissues, the circulating peripheral TCR-gamma delta V region repertoire is quite diverse. Previous studies have shown that three TCR-gamma chains and at least six TCR-V delta genes are expressed by splenic TCR-gamma delta cells. However, the relative frequency of individual gamma delta subsets among genetically diverse mice has not been determined. Therefore, the repertoire of TCR-gamma delta cells was examined using anti-TCR V region specific mAb against V gamma 2 and V delta 4 on TCR-gamma delta + cells from total splenocytes. We found that there was a strain-specific variation in TCR-gamma delta usage. The frequency of V gamma 2 expression in different strains varied from 54 to 12%, and the frequency of V delta 4 expression in different strains varied from 38 to 10%. However, the level of V delta 4 and V gamma 2 expression for an individual strain was highly consistent from experiment to experiment. F1 analysis between parental strains that differed in relative frequency of either V gamma 2+ or V delta 4+ cells revealed that high expression was genetically dominant, suggesting that positive selection events play a major role in the peripheral gamma delta repertoire. Variations in the levels of V gamma 2+ cells and V delta 4+ cells was not associated with Mls or MHC haplotype. Analysis of recombinant inbred strains revealed that high V delta 4 expression mapped to the TCR-gamma locus, while high V gamma 2 expression was influenced by the TCR-delta locus. Back-cross analysis confirmed that the TCR loci dominantly influenced the level of V delta 4+ cells and V gamma 2+ cells; however, there was clear evidence that multiple genes affect the TCR-gamma delta repertoire.  相似文献   

In this study, we used monoclonal antibodies to the murine IL 2 receptor (IL 2R) termed 3C7 and 7D4, which bind to different epitopes on the murine IL 2R, to develop an ELISA to measure soluble murine IL 2R. Surprisingly, stimulated murine spleen cells not only expressed cell-associated IL 2R, but also produced a considerable level of cell free IL 2R in the culture supernatant fluid. To assess the fine specificity of this response, myoglobin-immune murine T cell clones were stimulated with appropriate or inappropriate antigen and syngeneic or allogeneic presenting cells. Proliferation, measured by [3H] thymidine incorporation, and levels of soluble IL 2R were determined at day 4. The production of soluble IL 2R displayed the same epitope fine specificity, genetic restriction, and antigen dose-response as the proliferative response. Indeed, in some cases there was sharper discrimination of epitope specificity and genetic restriction with the soluble IL 2R levels. There was also reproducible clone-to-clone variation in the amount of soluble receptor produced in response to antigen among 12 T cell clones and lines tested. In time course experiments, proliferation was greatest at day 3, whereas soluble IL 2R levels continued to rise in subsequent days. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of release or secretion of soluble IL 2R by murine T cells, and the first demonstration of the fine specificity and genetic restriction of the induction of soluble IL 2R by specific antigen.  相似文献   

V gamma 9V delta 2 T cell response to colon carcinoma cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
During analysis of CD8 T cells derived from ascites of a colon cancer patient, we isolated a Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cell clone showing strong reactivity against autologous tumor cell lines. This clone killed a large fraction of allogeneic colon carcinoma and melanoma cell lines, but did not affect a normal colon cell line, colon fibroblasts, or melanocytes. Tumor cell recognition was TCR and NKG2D dependent and induced TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma secretion by the clone; accordingly, tumor targets expressed several NKG2D ligands, such as MHC class I chain-related gene A and UL16-binding protein molecules. Colon tumor recognition by Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells was highly dependent on isopentenyl pyrophosphate production and ICAM-1 expression by target cells. Finally, similar reactivity patterns against colon carcinoma cell lines were observed using polyclonal Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells of various origins, and Vgamma9Vdelta2 lymphocytes were present in the majority of colon tumor samples studied. Together, these results suggest that Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells contribute to the natural immune surveillance against colon cancers. Therefore, this study provides a strong rationale for the use of Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cell agonists in immunotherapies targeting colon tumors.  相似文献   

This study evaluated T cell immune responses to purified protein derivative (PPD) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) in health care workers who remained free of active tuberculosis (HCWs w/o TB), health care workers who went on to develop active TB (HCWs w/TB), non-health care workers who were TB free (Non-HCWs) and tuberculosis patients presenting with minimal (Min TB) or advanced (Adv TB) disease. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were stimulated with Mtb and PPD and the expression of T cell activation markers CD25+ and HLA-DR+, intracellular IL-4 and IFN-gamma production and cytotoxic responses were evaluated. PBMC from HCWs who developed TB showed decreased percentages of cells expressing CD8+CD25+ in comparison to HCWs who remained healthy. HCWs who developed TB showed increased gammadelta TCR+ cell cytotoxicity and decreased CD3+gammadelta TCR- cell cytotoxicity in comparison to HCWs who remained healthy. PBMC from TB patients with advanced disease showed decreased percentages of CD25+CD4+ and CD25+CD8+ T cells that were associated with increased IL-4 production in CD8+ and gammadelta TCR+ phenotypes, in comparison with TB patients presenting minimal disease. TB patients with advanced disease showed increased gammadelta TCR+ cytotoxicity and reduced CD3+gammadelta TCR- cell cytotoxicity. Our results suggest that HCWs who developed TB show an early compensatory mechanism involving an increase in lytic responses of gammadelta TCR+ cells which did not prevent TB.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that recognition of melanoma by cytotoxic T lymphocytes may be restricted by HLA-A1, A2 and other HLA antigens. The present study examined the cytotoxic specificity and major histocompatibility complex restriction of cloned cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) isolated from a patient with the HLA phenotype A3,31 who had been immunized with a vaccine prepared from HLA-A1,3 melanoma cells. Cytotoxic assays against HLA-typed allogeneic melanoma cells indicated that cloned CTL from the patient were able to kill allogeneic melanoma cells expressing HLA-A1 but not other HLA-A1-positive cells. Studies on a representative clone indicated that proliferation and cytokine (tumour necrosis factor ) production in response to melanoma cells was also associated with HLA-A1 on melanoma cells. Response to the melanoma cells was associated with interleukin-4 (IL-4) rather than IL-2 production. The antigen recognized in the context of HLA-A1 on allogeneic melanoma cells was detected in cytotoxic assays on cells from 9 of 12 HLA-A1+ melanoma cell lines and did not appear to be the product of the MAGE-1 or-3 genes. These findings suggest that T cells can recognize melanoma antigens in the context of alloantigens and that allogeneic vaccines containing immunodominant alloantigens may generate CTL that are ineffective against autologous melanoma. The study does not, however, exclude the possibility that CTL with specificity to the latter may be activated by allogeneic vaccines, and further studies are needed to answer this question.  相似文献   

Cutaneous immune responses to contact sensitizers such as picryl chloride or oxazolone, are classical manifestations of T cell-mediated immunity in vivo. In fact, the first documentation of T cell-mediated immunity was the ability to adoptively transfer contact sensitivity (CS) responses. Although it is now clear that Ag/MHC-restricted alpha beta TCR positive effector T cells are responsible for 24 to 48 h CS responses, other subsets of Thy-1+ cells in mice also participate in the elicitation of CS. Thus, Thy-1+, CD5+, CD3-, B220+, hapten-specific, non-MHC-restricted early-acting cells are required to initiate CS responses by leading to local serotonin release, which allows for extravascular recruitment of the late-acting, alpha beta TCR+, CS effector T cells. This study describes another T cell population that is needed for the adoptive transfer of CS by alpha beta T cells. In vitro treatment of a mixture of CS effector cells with hamster mAb to gamma delta TCR, together with rabbit complement, or by panning on anti-hamster Ig-coated dishes, diminished substantially the subsequent transfer of CS reactivity without affecting either CS-initiating cells, or the later-acting, alpha beta TCR+ CS effector T cells. Immune cells treated with anti-alpha beta TCR mAb, or recovered as adherent cells from petri dishes after anti-gamma delta TCR panning (i.e., gamma delta TCR-enriched cells), reconstituted the ability of anti-gamma delta TCR-treated immune cells (i.e., alpha beta TCR-enriched cells) to transfer 24-h CS responsiveness. The phenotype of the gamma delta T cells that assisted CS effector alpha beta T cells was: CD3+, CD4-, and CD8+. The gamma delta T cells that assisted alpha beta T cells were not Ag-specific since anti-alpha beta-TCR-treated cells (gamma delta T-enriched) from picryl chloride immunized donors aided alpha beta T cells (anti-gamma delta TCR-treated) from oxazolone-immunized donors, and conversely gamma delta T cells from oxazolone-immunized donors aided alpha beta T cells from picryl chloride immunized donors. Furthermore, the CS-regulating gamma delta T cells were not MHC-restricted because gamma delta T cells from H2d or H2b donors could assist alpha beta T cells from H2k donors. It was concluded that a regulatory population of non-Ag specific, non-MHC-restricted gamma delta T cells was needed to assist immune effector, Ag/MHC-specific alpha beta T cells in the adoptive transfer of CS.  相似文献   

Interferon-gamma has been shown to be important for the resolution of inflammation associated with CNS autoimmunity. Because one of the roles of gamma delta T cells is the regulation of inflammation, we asked whether gamma delta T cells were able to regulate CNS inflammation using the autoimmune disease mouse model experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). We show that the presence of gamma delta T cells was needed to promote the production of IFN-gamma by both CD4 and CD8 T cells in the CNS before the onset of EAE. This regulation was shown to be independent of the ability of gamma delta T cells to produce IFN-gamma, and was specific to T cells in the CNS, as no alterations in IFN-gamma production were detectable in gamma delta T cell-deficient mice in the spleen and lymph nodes of mice with EAE or following immunization. Analysis of TCR gamma delta gene usage in the CNS showed that the only TCR delta V gene families present in the CNS before EAE onset are from the DV7s6 and DV105s1 gene families. We also show that the primary IFN-gamma-producing cells in the CNS are the encephalitogenic T cells, and that gamma delta T cell-deficient mice are unable to resolve EAE disease symptoms like control mice, thus exhibiting a long-term chronic disease course similar to that observed in IFN-gamma-deficient mice. These data suggest that CNS resident gamma delta T cells promote the production of IFN-gamma by encephalitogenic T cells in the CNS, which is ultimately required for the recovery from EAE.  相似文献   

Frozen sections from normal and pathologic human tissues were immunostained by the APAAP technique with three mAb directed against different epitopes of the TCR gamma delta; TCR delta 1 which binds to all cells bearing the TCR gamma delta; BB3 and delta TCS1 which, by immunoprecipitation studies, appear to react respectively with the disulfide-linked and nondisulfide-linked form of the TCR gamma delta. In normal thymus, TCR delta 1+ cells accounted for approximately 2% of the CD3+ thymocytes and were about three times more numerous in the medulla than in the cortex. TCR delta 1+ cells were mostly constituted by the delta TCS1 reactive subset (average ratio delta TCS1/BB3: 3.7). In the tonsil, the TCR delta 1+ cells (about 3% of CD3+ elements) were mainly located in the interfollicular area, where they frequently tended to arrange around high endothelium venules. In most samples, TCR delta 1+ cells were distributed beneath to the tonsil epithelium. Unlike thymus, the majority of TCR delta 1+ cells were usually constituted by the BB3-reactive subset (average BB3/delta TCS1 ratio: 2.0). A similar predominance of BB3+ over delta TCS1+ cells was also observed in normal peripheral blood. The spleen was the organ with the highest concentration of TCR delta 1+ cells that, like in the thymus, were mostly represented by delta TCS1+ elements. Noteworthy, the TCR delta 1+ cells were preferentially located in the splenic sinusoids while TCR alpha beta-bearing lymphocytes mostly occupied the periarteriolar sheaths of penicilliary arteries. The majority of neoplastic T cell proliferations studied lacked to express the TCR gamma delta. Two cases of beta F1-(TCR alpha beta-) T lymphoblastic lymphoma, however, were TCR gamma delta+ (delta TCS1+/BB3-). Both of them showed a stage II cortical phenotype, e.g., CD1+/CD3+/CD4+/CD8+/TCR delta 1+. Among inflammatory conditions, an increase of BB3+ cells was observed in close association with necrotic areas in cases of Kikuchi's and tuberculous lymphadenitis. The significance of this finding is under study.  相似文献   

Proliferation of antigen-specific T-cell populations was induced in cultures stimulated with antigen and a suitable source of antigen-presenting cells. Soluble (keyhole limpet hemocyanin) and particulate (horse red blood cells) antigens were presented by irradiated spleen cells and by a variety of B-lymphoma-cell lines, providing support for antigen-specific H-2-restricted T-cell responses. A marked heterogeneity was demonstrated, however, in the capacity of T-cell lines to proliferate in response to antigen presented by the B-lymphoma cells. T-cell populations were prepared from the lymph nodes of antigen-primed mice and restimulated in vitro in the presence of antigen and irradiated spleen cells. During the first six in vitro restimulations, these T-cell populations maintained the capacity to respond to antigen presented either by irradiated spleen cells or by B-lymphoma cells. Continued growth of these T-cell populations, again in the presence of antigen and irradiated spleen cells, resulted in the generation of T-cell lines which had lost the ability to respond to antigen presented by B-lymphoma cells. These lines however, fully retained the capacity to proliferate in the presence of antigen and irradiated spleen cells. T-cell clones derived from one of these lines were also unable to respond to antigen presented by B-lymphoma cells but again proliferated in the presence of antigen and irradiated spleen cells. Supernatants containing high levels of IL-1, IL-2, or IL-3 activity failed to reconstituted the antigen-specific response of T-cell lines which had lost the capacity to respond to antigen presented by B-lymphoma cells. Furthermore, titrated numbers of irradiated spleen cells, while having the capacity to support T-cell proliferation themselves, failed to synergize with B-lymphoma cells in the support of antigen-specific T-cell proliferation. Thus we have defined populations of antigen-specific, H-2-restricted T cells which do not recognize antigen presented by B-lymphoma cells and can therefore discriminate between different antigen-presenting cell types.  相似文献   

Immunodominance controls the generation of CTL in the C57BL/6By (B6) anti-BALB.B H-2b-matched strain combination. Despite the potential of responding to numerous individual minor histocompatibility (H) Ag on BALB.B APC, the focus of the CTL response is largely specific for only a limited number of target Ag. These minor H Ag could be distinguished by their differential expression on a panel of target cells from the CXB recombinant inbred strains, the E, G, I, J, and K (all H-2b), which express different composites of the original BALB minor H Ag. A hierarchy was observed in which first-order immunodominant Ag were present on both CXBK and CXBG cells, whereas second-order dominant Ag were found on CXBE, CXBJ, and CXBI cells. To test whether immunodominance also plays a role in the development of lethal graft-vs-host disease (GVHD) directed to multiple minor H Ag, B6 T cells were transplanted along with T cell depleted bone marrow, to irradiated (825 rad) recipients of either the BALB.B or CXB recombinant inbred strains. The results indicate that a hierarchy of immunodominance does exist in GVHD, but it differs from that predicted from the in vitro CTL studies. GVHD was observed in BALB.B, CXBE, CXBI, and CXBJ recipients, but not in CXBG and CXBK recipients. Presensitization of B6 donor mice to CXBG or CXBK splenocytes 3 wk before transplant did not significantly increase the overall GVHD potential in the corresponding CXBG or CXBK recipients. Evidence for second-order immunodominance was provided by the transfer of CXBE T cells and ATBM to irradiated CXBG and BALB.B recipients with resultant, potent GVHD.  相似文献   

A viral oncogene carrying well-defined K(b)/D(b)-restricted epitopes was expressed in a heat shock protein (hsp)-associated or nonassociated form in the murine tumor cells P815 and Meth-A. Wild-type SV40 large T-Ag (wtT-Ag) is expressed without stable hsp association; mutant (cytoplasmic cT-Ag) or chimeric (cT272-green fluorescent fusion protein) T-Ag is expressed in stable association with the constitutively expressed, cytosolic hsp73 (hsc70) protein. In vitro, remnants from apoptotic wtT-Ag- or cT-Ag-expressing tumor cells are taken up and processed by immature dendritic cells (DC), and the K(b)/D(b)-binding epitopes T1, T2/3, and T4 of the T-Ag are cross-presented to CTL in a TAP-independent way. DC pulsed with remnants of transfected, apoptotic tumor cells cross-presented the three T-Ag epitopes more efficiently when they processed ATP-sensitive hsp73/cT-Ag complexes than when they processed hsp-nonassociated (native) T-Ag. In vivo, more IFN-gamma-producing CD8+ T cells were elicited by a DNA vaccine that encoded hsp73-binding mutant T-Ag than by a DNA vaccine that encoded native, non-hsp-binding T-Ag. Three- to 5-fold higher numbers of T-Ag (T1-, T2/3-, or T4-) specific, D(b)/K(b)-restricted IFN-gamma-producing CD8+ T cells were primed during the growth of transfected H-2(d) Meth-A/cT tumors than during the growth of transfected Meth-A/T tumors in F(1)(b x d) hosts. Hence, the association of an oncogene with constitutively expressed, cytosolic hsp73 facilitates cross-priming in vitro and in vivo of CTL by DC that process material from apoptotic cells.  相似文献   

B cells encounter both soluble Ag (sAg) and membrane-associated Ag (mAg) in the secondary lymphoid tissue, yet how the physical form of Ag modulates B cell activation remains unclear. This study compares actin reorganization and its role in BCR signalosome formation in mAg- and sAg-stimulated B cells. Both mAg and sAg induce F-actin accumulation and actin polymerization at BCR microclusters and at the outer rim of BCR central clusters, but the kinetics and magnitude of F-actin accumulation in mAg-stimulated B cells are greater than those in sAg-stimulated B cells. Accordingly, the actin regulatory factors, cofilin and gelsolin, are recruited to BCR clusters in both mAg- and sAg-stimulated B cells but with different kinetics and patterns of cellular redistribution. Inhibition of actin reorganization by stabilizing F-actin inhibits BCR clustering and tyrosine phosphorylation induced by both forms of Ag. Depolymerization of F-actin leads to unpolarized microclustering of BCRs and tyrosine phosphorylation in BCR microclusters without mAg and sAg, but with much slower kinetics than those induced by Ag. Therefore, actin reorganization, mediated via both polymerization and depolymerization, is required for the formation of BCR signalosomes in response to both mAg and sAg.  相似文献   

Treatment of tumor-bearing mice with a stimulatory Ab to glucocorticoid-induced TNFR family-related receptor (GITR) has previously been shown to elicit protective T cell responses against poorly immunogenic tumors. However, the role of GITR stimulation on CD8 T cells and the nature of tumor rejection Ags have yet to be determined. In this study, we show that a stimulatory mAb to GITR (clone DTA-1) acts directly on CD8 T cells, but not on CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T (T(reg)) cells, in B16 tumor-bearing mice to induce concomitant immunity against secondary B16 tumors, as well as protective memory following surgical excision of the primary tumor. Melanoma growth itself induced GITR expression on tumor-specific CD8 T cells, providing a mechanism whereby these cells may respond to stimulatory anti-GITR. Unexpectedly, in contrast to T(reg) cell depletion therapy with anti-CD4, GITR stimulation induced very weak CD8 T cell responses to melanocyte differentiation Ags expressed by the tumor, and did not induce autoimmune vitiligo. Accordingly, GITR-stimulated hosts that were primed with B16 melanoma rejected B16, but not the unrelated JBRH melanoma, indicating that tumor rejection Ags are tumor-specific rather than shared. In support of this, we show that GITR stimulation induces CD8 T cell responses to a tumor-specific Ag, and that these responses are of higher functional avidity compared with those induced by T(reg) cell depletion. We conclude that stimulation of GITR on effector CD8 T cells results in high-avidity T cell responses to tumor-specific Ags, thereby inducing potent antitumor immunity in the absence of autoimmunity.  相似文献   

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