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Genetic variation in domestic reindeer and wild caribou in Alaska   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reindeer ( Rangifer tarandus tarandus ) were introduced into Alaska 100 years ago and have been maintained as semidomestic livestock. They have had contact with wild caribou ( R. t. granti ) herds, including deliberate crossbreeding and mixing in the wild. Reindeer have considerable potential as a domestic animal for meat or velvet antler production, and wild caribou are important to subsistence and sport hunters. Our objective was to quantify the genetic relationships of reindeer and caribou in Alaska. We identified allelic variation among five herds of wild caribou and three herds of reindeer with DNA sequencing and restriction enzymes for three loci: a DQA locus of the major histocompatibility complex ( Rata-DQA1 ), K-casein and the D-loop of mitochondrial DNA. These loci are of interest because of their potential influence on domestic animal performance and the fitness of wild populations. There is considerable genetic variation in reindeer and caribou for all three loci, including five, three and six alleles for DQA , K-casein and D-loop respectively. Most alleles occur in both reindeer and caribou, which may be the result of recent common ancestry or genetic introgression in either direction. However, allele frequencies differ considerably between reindeer and caribou, which suggests that gene flow has been limited.  相似文献   

Understanding the response of terrestrial ecosystems to climatic warming is a challenge because of the complex interactions of climate, disturbance, and recruitment across the landscape. We use a spatially explicit model (ALFRESCO) to simulate the transient response of subarctic vegetation to climatic warming on the Seward Peninsula (80 000 km2) in north‐west Alaska. Model calibration efforts showed that fire ignition was less sensitive than fire spread to regional climate (temperature and precipitation). In the model simulations a warming climate led to slightly more fires and much larger fires and expansion of forest into previously treeless tundra. Vegetation and fire regime continued to change for centuries after cessation of the simulated climate warming. Flammability increased rapidly in direct response to climate warming and more gradually in response to climate‐induced vegetation change. In the simulations warming caused as much as a 228% increase in the total area burned per decade, leading to an increasingly early successional and more homogenous deciduous forest‐dominated landscape. A single transient 40‐y drought led to the development of a novel grassland–steppe ecosystem that persisted indefinitely and caused permanent increases in fires in both the grassland and adjacent vegetation. These simulated changes in vegetation and disturbance dynamics under a warming climate have important implications for regional carbon budgets and biotic feedbacks to regional climate.  相似文献   

Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) and caribou (Rangifer tarandus granti) use body stores (capital) and food intake (income) for survival and reproduction. Intakes of low-nitrogen (N) food declined in winter and increased in spring (51-83 g dry matter kg(-0.75) d(-1)). Reindeer calved before regaining food intake, whereas caribou calved 28 d later. Body N was conserved by minimizing oxidation of amino acid N to urea. Maternal protein stored from early winter was used for 96% of fetal growth in reindeer but only 84% of fetal growth in later-birthing caribou. Both subspecies rely on maternal body protein for 91% of the protein deposited in the neonate via milk over the first 4 wk. All females lost body protein over winter, but lactating females continued to lose protein while nonreproductive females regained protein. Net costs of lactation above maintenance were greater for N (110%-130%) than for energy (40%-59%). Large fat stores in reindeer spare body protein from oxidation in winter, whereas in caribou, less fat with the same body protein favors migration when food is inadequate. The resilience of Rangifer populations to variable patterns of food supply and metabolic demand may be related to their ability to alter the timing and allocation of body protein to reproduction.  相似文献   



The reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) industry in Alaska began with animals imported from Siberia (Russia) in the 1890's. Cervid herpes virus 2 (CvHV2) is endemic in reindeer in Scandinavia. We sought to determine if the same virus, or similar herpesviruses, were circulating in Alaskan reindeer and caribou (Rangifer tarandus granti). Serum samples from 292 reindeer were collected during annual reindeer handlings (1988-2005) near Nome, Alaska. In 2005, swab samples were collected from 40 calves from this herd, near Nome, Alaska. In 2007, ocular and nasal swab samples were collected from 30 apparently healthy reindeer calves near Wales, Alaska. Samples of plasma and white blood cells were collected from three Alaskan caribou herds, Mulchatna (n = 24), Teshekpuk (n = 34) and the Western Arctic (n = 87) in 2009.  相似文献   

Infestations of winter ticks (Dermacentor albipictus) on two captive reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) are reported and may be associated with increased grooming and alopecia. Over 400,000 ticks were recovered from one reindeer. Few ticks (less than 25 ticks/animal) were found on three free-ranging woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou).  相似文献   

Lesions were noted in 7.0 and 4.4% of mandible pairs collected from the Western Arctic caribou herd of northwestern Alaska in 1959-61 and 1975-77, respectively. The prevalence of mandibular lesions in the 1959-61 collection is believed to be the highest reported in wild caribou herds of North America. The frequency of occurrence of mandibular lesions was highest in caribou 7 years of age and older, and there was a higher prevalence in adult males than in adult females. Trauma, dental abscesses, and periodontal disease were the probably cause of most lesions. Pathogenic bacteria were not isolated from mandibular lesions from an 11 year-old female. Thirty-three of 98 (33.7%) mandibles with lesions were missing one tooth, while ten (10.2%) were missing more than one tooth. The first molar (M1) was the most common tooth lost in association with lesions, although the loss of two or more teeth was more common among premolars than among molars.  相似文献   

The Kachemak tradition was established by ca. 3000 B.P. in Kachemak Bay. Probably somewhat later a variant termed Riverine Kachemak, with a population adapted to salmon and terrestrial resources, appeared on the northern Kenai Peninsula. The Kachemak tradition people seem to have abandoned Kachemak Bay by ca. 1400 B.P. Seven of 12 available Kachemak tradition dates predate 1400 B.P. even at two sigma. Scattered younger dates are thus suspect outliers. The end of Riverine Kachemak tradition has been placed at ca. 1000 B.P., at which time the population was supposedly replaced by in-migrating groups ancestral to the Dena'ina Athapaskans. Close examination of the numerous available radiocarbon dates shows that most Riverine Kachemak dates cluster in the early centuries of the First Millennium A.D. and most Dena'ina dates substantially postdate 1000 A.D. Probably the Riverine Kachemak and Dena'ina peoples never met on the Kenai River. However, the correspondence in date ranges between Kachemak Bay and Riverine Kachemak is striking, suggesting their fates were linked. Both traditions collapsed by 1400-1500 B.P. The causes are probably multiple but do not include cultural replacement.  相似文献   

Free ranging reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) are driven into corral systems and handled each summer on the Seward Peninsula (Alaska, USA). During June and July of 1995-96 reindeer calves were inspected for injury, handled, weighed, and randomly treated with long-acting oxytetracycline. Calves that returned to subsequent handlings within the same year, received treatment only if they had been treated during their first handling. The effects of prophylactic antibiotic treatment and other factors, including weight, handling related injury, and sex on post-handling survival in reindeer calves were evaluated. Return rates of yearlings in 1996 and 1997 were analyzed using logistic regression. Weight change of calves between handlings was examined using a general linear model. Calf weight and handling injury were the only factors that significantly affected calf survival. No factor had a significant effect on calf weight change between handlings. Apparently, long-acting oxytetracycline was not an effective prophylactic treatment for this capture operation. The benefits of prophylactic antibiotic treatment have not been quantified and further studies of the effects and efficacy of prophylactic treatments are recommended. Ineffective treatments should be avoided because they may add additional stress to the captured animal. Managers should evaluate the potential effectiveness of a prophylactic treatment before indiscriminately applying one. Preventing calf injuries was the most effective method of reducing post-handling mortality in this study and should be given a high priority in the design of capture operations.  相似文献   

内蒙古荒漠草原牧户对气候变化的感知和适应   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
Han Y  Hou XY 《应用生态学报》2011,22(4):913-922
荒漠草原是气候变化影响的脆弱和敏感地区.荒漠草原的牧户主要依赖天然草原维持生计,正面临着严峻的气候变化挑战.本文采用问卷调查的实证分析方法,在获取内蒙古苏尼特右旗荒漠草原牧户对气候变化和极端气候事件感知和适应的第一手资料基础上,分析了荒漠草原牧户对气候变化趋势和极端气候事件感知和适应的现状与行为特征.结果表明:在降水稀少、气象灾害频繁发生的荒漠草原,干旱是影响范围最广、影响程度最深、发生频率最高的极端气候事件;牧户不仅对干旱的敏感度远高于其他极端气候事件,而且对大风、沙尘暴和大雪等极端气候事件的深刻感知伴随着对干旱的感知而产生;相对于长期气候变化的感知,牧户对短期气候变化趋势的感知更深刻、准确,并主要依据近10年气候变化的感知结果来判断较长期气候变化的总体趋势;牧户认为,气候变化在很大程度上影响了牲畜健康和草场产量,但牧户应对气候变化的行为相对单一,且多为自发性被动适应,缺乏行之有效的主动适应.  相似文献   

Research on impacts of human activity and infrastructure development on reindeer and caribou (Rangifer tarandus) is reviewed in the context of spatial (m to many km) and temporal (min to decades) scales. Before the 1980s, most disturbance studies were behavioral studies of individual animals at local scales, reporting few and short-term (min to h) impacts within 0–2 km from human activity. Around the mid 1980s, focus shifted to regional-scale landscape studies, reporting that Rangifer reduced the use of areas within 5 km from infrastructure and human activity by 50–95% for weeks, months or even years and increased use of remaining undisturbed habitat far beyond those distances. The extent could vary with type of disturbance, sex, terrain, season, and sensitivity of herds. Of 85 studies reviewed, 83% of the regional studies concluded that the impacts of human activity were significant, while only 13% of the local studies did the same. Accurate assessment of impacts from human activity requires regional-scale studies, a pattern confirmed in a few long-term (decades) pre- and post-development studies. Such long-term studies are needed to improve understanding of both temporal and spatial patterns.  相似文献   

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