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The arteries in the encephalon base have been investigated by Koelle's and Falck's methods in Teleostei (Anarhichas lupus, Eleginus navaga, Leuciscus brandti, Pelingas), amphibians (Rana temporaria, Rana semiplicata, Bufo bufo) and in reptiles (Testudo horsfieldi, Trionyx chinensis). Cholin- and adrenergic nerve fibres of the encephalic arteries have been revealed in all the vertebrates studied, but their concentration is far from being equal. In fishes and reptiles neural conductors from scarse plexus with wide loops. Concentration of effector neural fibres only in Bufo bufo exceeds that of fishes. In some cases, the arteries of frogs have equal or less density of cholin- and adrenergic neural conductors as compared with those of Pelingas. Certain individual peculiarities are noted in distribution of the effector neural fibres of the encephalic arteries of the vertebrates. In reptiles, the neural apparatus of the encephalic blood vessels reaches a considerable development; it is definitely differentiated into two plexuses - superficial and deep, having a close interconnection. The development of the effector vascular plexus in vertebrates corresponds to increasing mass of the brain and the vascular diameters. Taking into consideration structural peculiarities of the neural conductors and their concentration, it should be recognized that the role of the neural factor in regulation of the cerebral circulation increases in the following order: fishes - amphibians - reptiles.  相似文献   

By means of roentgenography and preparation methods 145 specimens of the hepatic arteries filled with roentgenopaque latex have been studied. An essential individual changeability is peculiar for the celiac trunk structure and for formation of the hepatic arteries. A "typical" structure of the celiac trunk is observed in 66%. In other cases either "noncompleteness" of the celiac trunk, or increasing number of the branches up to 4-6 are observed. As a rule, the common hepatic artery gets of the celiac trunk (93%), but sometimes it can take its origin from the aorta, the superior mesenteric artery and some other sources (7%). The hepatic artery proper only in 73% divides into the right and left branches, in other observations the latter have their independent formation. It is necessary to distinguish the independent separation of the right and left lobar hepatic arteries from some sources and presence of additional arteries. The additional arteries are the branches that are formed from any arteries when there is present the hepatic artery proper, or substituting it independent right and left branches. The additional arteries appear from the left gastric, superior mesenteric, gastro-duodenal arteries, from the aorta, the right renal artery and other sources. The peculiarities of formation of the hepatic arteries discussed can be used in clinical practice and can make the terminology more precise.  相似文献   

As a result of detailed studies of the dog anatomy, the authors have concluded that besides generally accepted subdivision of these animals into flabby, rough, strong, lean and gentle types, it is reasonable to subdivide them according to the type of their habitus (brachy-, meso- and dolichomorphous types). In 95 fresh and fixed anatomical preparations, peculiarities of topographic-anatomical relations and morphometric indices of magistral arteries and their large branches have been studied in the pelvic girdle and a free hind extremity in mongrel dogs according to the type of their habitus. In dogs of mesomorphous type of habitus, quantitative parameters of the diameter and length of magistral arterial trunks in the hind extremity, as a well as the distance between their branches occupy an intermediate place when comparing the animals of brachy- and dolichomorphous types. The authors have come to the conclusion that dogs of the mesomorphous type of habitus are the most suitable to perform experiments on transplantation of extremities and for modelling different pathophysiologic conditions in the organ.  相似文献   

A comparative investigation has been performed on structural peculiarities of muscle arteries having various caliber in the lower extremities and in the anterior thoracic wall (section material, 40 observations). An essential predominance of the muscle tunic thickness and deterioration of blood supply has been stated in the arterial wall and in the distal parts of the lower extremities. The structural peculiarities revealed in the arteries of the extremities are connected with functional conditions of blood supply in the zone at the vertical position of the human body (orthostatic arterial hypertension).  相似文献   

In 30 mammalian species specific peculiarities of the arterial structure has been revealed and their dependence on the type of the brain blood supply has been demonstrated. The architectonics of the blood supply sources is correlated with the structure of the wall in the arteries, immediately participating in dumping the blood stream during its transport to the brain.  相似文献   

In mature dogs ultrastructural peculiarities of elastogenesis in femoral and anterior tibial arteries have been studied at various stages of the bone elongation after Ilizarov method. From the end of the 1st week of distraction, metabolic activation of intimal smooth muscle cells is revealed, from the 2d week--in the middle tunic, and on the 5th-6th week--fibroblasts of adventitia of the arteries investigated, directed to biosynthesis of intracellular predecessors of elastin and microfibrils of the elastic fibers. This results in activation of elastogenic processes, elastic structures in all three tunics of the arteries are observed to newly form and rearrange. The factor that stimulates and maintains elastogenesis is strain of extension, that occurs in the vessels during the experiment. Elastogenesis in the major arteries, when the extremity is elongated, has much in common with development of elastic components in the vascular wall in animals during the process of physiological growth.  相似文献   

Using certain morphological methods, relief peculiarities of the cardiac ventricle chambers, form and extent of the intertrabecular spaces, connections with the myocardial blood bed have been studied in 92 human hearts. Foramina, fissurae and excavations on the internal surface of the ventricles are the beginnings of the intertrabecular spaces, in their deep parts elements of the microcirculatory blood bed of the myocardium have openings. As demonstrate serial sections, there are not any immediate anastomoses between the myocardial arteries, veins and the intertrabecular spaces. This fact does not confirm the existing opinion that the smallest cardiac veins (Viessen-Thebesian vessels) belong to the arterio-venous anastomoses. A propose is made to use the term "the smallest cardiac veins" only to the veins that directly open into the auricular chambers.  相似文献   

Changeability of major + arteries and their main branches has been studied in 159 preparations of the upper extremities of fetuses, newborns and children of suckling age with trisomies of 13, 18, and 21 chromosomes, anencephaly in newborns, died at asphyxia or birth injury without any visible developmental defects. Manifestation of anatomical changeability in the human being is under an essential influence of peculiarities of genotypes. In morphogenesis of the upper extremity arteries genes of 13, 18 and 21 chromosomes participate. Trisomies of 13, 18 chromosomes cause more manifested and specific changes in morphogenesis of some structures, and trisomy 21 and mutant genes, producing anencephaly , only increase variability of their structure.  相似文献   

The comparative morphological investigation of endothelium (E) of femoral arteries in old and young rabbits has revealed quantitative differences in the content of cells differing in their structure and function, and a four-fold increase in the number of cells having some signs of malfunction or injury in the E of old vs. young animals. These peculiarities, as well as different initial functional state of groups of cells, their location in the intima and degree of their compression during a 30 min vasoconstriction induced by angiotensin II (0.5 microgram/kg-1.min-1) predetermine a different degree of injury of endothelial cells. A phasic response of endothelial cells to angiotensin II administration, as well as slow restoration of permeability and autolysis of part of the injured endothelial cells in old animals are revealed. A peculiar pattern of the endothelial injury in old animals at a sharp increase of the blood pressure may account for the causes of the accelerated formation of fibrous-muscular thickenings and lipid strips in arteries of old rabbit at chronic hypertension.  相似文献   

Using the preparation method, roentgenoangiography by means of contrast lead mass and polychromic injection of the coronary vessels, vascularization of the interventricular septum (IVS) and the septal papillary muscles (SPM) has been studied on 49 preparations of human hearts (age 19-89) The data are presented on distribution pattern of the IVS and SPM of the coronary arteries branches at various types of the cardiac blood supply. Angioarchitectonics of the IVS is described along its whole length. Topographic peculiarities of the SPM blood supply on dependence of their position on the IVS are noted.  相似文献   

In dynamics of the experimental hypercholesterolemia in rabbits, peculiarities of endothelial regeneration have been studied. Comparison of proliferative activity level in endotheliocytes with structural-functional state of the endothelial monolayer at atherogenesis makes it possible to consider, that the lesion of the endothelium cannot be regarded as an initiating factor for formation of atherosclerotic lesions. Formation of the lesions in the internal lining of the arteries is preceded by certain disorders in permeability of the endothelial barrier at increasing concentration of cholesterin in blood plasma, accompanying with a sharp activation of the cell proliferative activity. When lipid plates and atherosclerotic plaques are already formed, the processes of the endothelial damage and regeneration occur in parallel. The regeneration is ensured with an intensive proliferation and growth of endotheliocytes onto deendotheliolized areas of the damaged intima.  相似文献   

Structural peculiarities and topography of the ophthalmic artery and its branches have been studied in 105 mature persons. Owing to the topogapho-anatomical peculiarities, three parts of the ophthalmic artery have been detected; their form, size and interconnections with the surrounding formations are determined by the form of the skull and that of the orbit. The topography, structure and places where the ophthalmic artery branches get off are variable and have correlative connections with the orbital form.  相似文献   

Periarterial nerve plexuses were studied at branching points of arteries with intraluminal cushions. Serial sections were prepared from mouse kidney, pancreas and tongue, and studied by means of catecholamine fluorescence and staining for acetylcholinesterase. The periarterial nerve plexuses did not show any peculiarities at the branching points. The intraluminal cushions, as well as the tunica media of both the parent trunk and the collateral branches, were found to be free of vegetative nerves. It is concluded that the shape of intra-arterial cushions is passively altered, following the alterations of vascular geometry, and not in response to direct nervous stimulation.  相似文献   

By means of combined morphological methods blood vessels have been studied in 54 uterine tubes of child-birth women. The main pathways for carrying and distribution of blood to corresponding parts of the tube are sector arteries. They are situated in the subserous tela along the anterior and posterior semicircles of the organ. The microcirculatory bed (MCB) of the uterine tube is presented by serous, subserous, muscular and mucosal plexuses. The MCB of the serous tunic is characterized by vascular compositions--modules. Angioarchitectonics of the mucosal tunic is determined with differences in vascularization of complex and simple folds. Organospecific for small arteries and veins of the tubes is presence of vascular mechanisms, regulating the blood stream (intimal cushions, muscular-elastic constrictors, valves and others). Blood capillaries of the mucosal tunic possess a number of ultrastructural peculiarities: thickened peripheral part of endotheliocyte cytoplasm, that contains fenestrae; wide continuous basal membrane with pericytes in its duplication; three types of pericytic-endothelial contacts etc.  相似文献   

Basing on numerous facts, obtained during last years at investigation of the immune system organs, a definite idea has been formed on peculiarities of their structure during certain stages of human ontogenesis. The immune organs appear early in embryogenesis and by birth they have reached their morphological maturation. This is evident as formation of diffuse lymphoid tissue in lymphoid noduli, that can have germinative centers, where young cells of the lymphoid line are formed. The immune system organs develop especially quickly after birth during first years of the postnatal ontogenesis. The peak in development of the organs of immunogenesis, amount and size of the lymphoid noduli occurs during the childhood and adolescent age. Each immune organ has its peculiarities that are determined by their place in the organism, value and intensity of antigenic effect. Beginning from the adolescence and youth amount of the lymphoid tissue and lymphoid noduli in the organs decreases, in their place connective and adipose tissue grows out.  相似文献   

Femoral arteries in mature dogs have been studied electron microscopically at various stages of the shin lengthening performed after G. A. Ilizarov method. Certain ultrastructural signs demonstrating biosynthetic and secretory activation of myocytes directed to intensification of elastogenetic processes have been revealed. Immature elastic fibers are forming around myocytes as aggregations of microfibrils, later accumulations of amorphous material appear in them. On the 28th, 42d days of distraction, hyperproduction of intra- and extracellular vesicles is noted, as well as that of intracellular matrix. Cytoplasmic islets of myocytes and intercellular connections increase in number. In the subintimal layer, of the tunica media and at its border with adventitium, longitudinally situating fasciculi of smooth muscle cells are forming. The myocytic ultrastructural peculiarities noted, the new formations of elastic elements depend, at early stages of the experiment, on changes of regional hemodynamics, and at advanced stages - also on the effect of longitudinally acting tension stress.  相似文献   

By Falck's method monoaminocytes of the arteries in the encephalon base were studied in Teleostei (Anarhichas lupus, Eleginus navaga, Leuciscus brandti Liza soiuy in amphibians (Rana temporaria, Rana semiplicata, Bufo bufo), in reptiles (Testudo horsfiedli, Trionyx chinensis) and in birds (blue rock pigeon, hen). Specific and individual peculiarities in chromaffinocyte, labrocyte and melanophore distribution were revealed in the vertebrate cranial arteries. In all the animals studied chromaffin cells are more frequent in the lateral olfactory artery. Their concentration decreases towards cranial, caudal branches of the internal carotid artery, the main and internal carotid arteries. The greatest amount of chromaffinocytes was found in the cranial arteries of Anarhichas lupus, then comes Eleginus navaga, Leuciscus brandti and Liza soiny Concentration of melanophores in fishes increases with enlargement of the vascular diameter; these cells are more abundant in the arteries of Anarhichas lupus and in less amount in Eleginus navaga, Leuciscus brandti and Liza. Pigmented cells are more abundant in the internal carotid artery and its cranial and caudal branches than in lateral, olfactory and main arteries of fishes. On the contrary, in amphibians, the main artery contains a maximal concentration of melanophores. In the tortoise cranial arteries, there are only single cells of this type, and birds have no such cells. Labrocytes occur in the greatest concentration in the tortoise cranial arteries and in other vertebrates they are scarce or absent. As a whole, the role of the local endocrine link in regulation of the brain arteries mobility decreases in the following way: fishes--amphibians--reptiles--birds.  相似文献   

Study on the morphology and morphogenesis of wing membranes in bats has revealed some peculiarities in their structure and development. Understanding the embryogenesis of these animals, as well as attraction of data obtained on their molecular genetics and paleontology, allows one to single out some factors that could have initiated evolutionary modifications in development programs. A scenario of the key morpho-functional transformations in the forelimbs during the evolution of chiropterans is given.  相似文献   

Genotypes of B-locus of blood groups in cattle have been studied for peculiarities of their formation. Studies of different populations have shown that some parental alleles have an advantage during formation of the descendant genotype for the above mentioned locus.  相似文献   

This work is dedicated to the study of anatomo-physiological peculiarities of the construction and cerebrovascular circulation of the vestibulo-ocular formations of the brain stem of the human cerebrum. The analysis of anatomo-physiological data enable to convince that the arches of the vertical and horizontal vestibulo-ocular reflexes include many structures of the brain stem of the human cerebrum, which are located along its longitude from the superior colliculi to caudal sections of brain stem. There is an existence of separate mechanisms of horizontal and vertical vestibulo-ocular interaction. The peculiarity of cerebrovascular circulation of main vestibulo-ocular structures is their profuse vascularisation chiefly by branches of the vertebro basilar system of arteries, which widely connected between each other, providing sufficiently profuse circulation in normal conditions of vital activity. The anatomical information above has great importance for the correct interpretation of the symptoms of infarctions in vertebro-basilar pool of the cerebrum, diagnostics and expert appreciation of these pathological states.  相似文献   

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