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G. W. Heil  M. Bruggink 《Oecologia》1987,73(1):105-107
Summary A combination of a removal and fertilization experiment in the field and a replacement experiment in containers in a cold frame was carried out to investigate the role of nutrient supply in the interactions between Calluna vulgaris and Molinia caerulea. It is concluded that the growth of Calluna as well as that of Molinia increased with increasing nutrient availability. However, the increase in biomass of Molinia was much larger than that of Calluna. It is also concluded that increased nutrient availability favours the competitive vigour of Molinia in interaction with Calluna.  相似文献   

Four nitrogen (N) levels, spanning those found naturally, wereestablished in Calluna vulgaris grown in containers in an oceanicclimate for 4 years on the southwest coast of Norway. EstablishedN contents of the plants were 0.7, 0.8, 1.3 and 2.5% of dryweight. Experiments comprising 5000 plants were performed inthe open and in growth chambers. In the open, dry matter accumulationand date of bud burst were recorded at the different N levels.Breaking of winter dormancy was studied under controlled conditions.In October/November, plants needed 1474 day-degrees for budburst at the lowest N level, whereas at the highest level only582 day-degrees were required. The natural start of growth inthe field was on 14 April at the highest N level and on 26 Aprilat the lowest. Freeze testing of the shoots (with the rootsprotected from frost) revealed that Calluna tolerates temperaturesas low as -15 °C as late as the beginning of April. However,plants at the two medium N levels were most tolerant of frost.During the last winter of the experiments, nearly 50% of plantsin the open died at the highest N level, whereas plants at thelower levels survived without damage. The effects of N are discussedin relation to the influence on physiological ageing of theplants, the change in nutrient balance of the plant tissue andthe subsequent increase in susceptibility to biotic and abioticstresses. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Calluna vulgaris, climate stress, growth initiation, nitrogen  相似文献   

Geographic variation and differentiation of the chloroplast DNA haplotypes and morpho-anatomical leaf parameters were assessed in a number of eastern European groups of Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull. populations and in the Pritobolien group of populations of this species in Western Siberia, which have long been isolated from the European populations. Sharply pronounced genetic and phenotypic distances and their gradients between the Pritobolien and European population groups were revealed. These distances were many times higher than those between the relatively homogeneous eastern European groups. The data obtained generally supported the hypothesis on the phenogenetic divergence of the Pritobolien marginal populations of C. vulgaris from the European, probably at the subspecies level.  相似文献   

Experiments are described in which plants of Calluna vulgariswere transferred from a high altitudinal blanket bog to controlledenvironment rooms under a range of conditions, to determinethe type of dormancy mechanism which occurs in this speciesduring the winter months. It was found that in autumn, Callunaexhibits semi-dormancy, bud break not occurring under shortphotoperiods. From December onwards, bud break will occur under short photoperiodsif warm temperatures are applied; at this time the plants arein a state of post-dormancy. Calluna lacks a period of truedormancy since it can always be forced to resume growth by longphotoperiods. Although in autumn, plants will not break dormancy under shortdays, after experiencing the natural outdoor conditions of winter,they will break dormancy equally readily under long and shortdays when brought into warm controlled environment rooms inthe spring. Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull., heather, dormancy, pre-dormancy, post-dormancy, semi-dormancy  相似文献   

There is a concern that Molinia caerulea (L.) Moench may be increasing in upland moorland communities at the expense of Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull and other ericaceous species. In order to develop a strategy for the control of Molinia, laboratory studies were carried out to determine the dose-response relationships of seven graminicides and glyphosate on both Molinia caerulea and Calluna vulgaris. Plants were grown under laboratory conditions and sprayed with increasing doses of herbicide using a precision sprayer. Results were highly variable, indicating the great morphological plasticity of these two species, making determination of the ED50 difficult. Glyphosate, quizalofop-ethyl and sethoxydim successfully reduced various measures of Molinia growth to 50% of control levels (ED50 estimates ranged from 0.41–0.67 kg a.i. ha-1, 0.18–1.20 kg a.i. ha-1and 0.37–0.49 kg a.i. ha-1respectively). In contrast, only glyphosate reduced Calluna growth significantly (ED50s ranged from 0.025–0.45 kg a.i. ha-1), whilst selective herbicides left it undamaged. A comparison of the results for Molinia and Calluna suggests that there is no application rate of glyphosate which will reduce Molinia effectively whilst leaving Calluna undamaged. Recommendations for field testing of selective herbicides are discussed.  相似文献   

生物入侵是全球生物多样性的主要威胁,外来种与本地种的种间竞争能力会影响其能否成功入侵.本研究选用入侵植物空心莲子草和其本地同属种莲子草为对象,探究其专食性天敌莲草直胸跳甲与南方根结线虫对空心莲子草与莲子草的生长及种间关系的影响.结果 表明:与无天敌胁迫相比,线虫处理显著降低了莲子草的株高(28.1%),但显著增加了空心...  相似文献   

M.R. Bakker 《Plant and Soil》1999,206(1):109-121
Fine root distribution, quantities, dynamics and composition were studied in a sessile oak coppice stand in the French Ardennes on an acidic soil (< pH-H2O 4.5), one to five years after lime or gypsum applications. Fine root biomass and length increased and specific root length decreased after lime or gypsum treatments. The treatment responses were strongest four to five years after the applications, but the tendencies after one year were similar. The effects were pronounced in the top 15 cm but also at 30–45 cm four to five years after liming. The latter effect suggests an indirect positive feedback from the aerial parts of the trees into the deeper soil layers. Sequential sampling for two years revealed large differences in total fine root length between the years, and also indicated that fine root turnover was lower after liming or gypsum applications than in the control. This seemed to be related to a lower fine root mortality and higher longevity rather than to increased fine root production. The improved nutrient status of the fine roots corroborates this and coincides with improved foliar nutrition and tree growth. Moderate doses of lime and gypsum appeared effective in enhancing root system uptake function, resulting in increased above ground growth.  相似文献   

M. Johansson 《Oecologia》2000,123(3):418-424
Conversion of European heathlands to grassland has been reported as a response to increased nutrient availability, especially of nitrogen; a direct effect upon mycorrhizal colonization has been proposed as an likely explanation.This hypothesis was tested in a random block experiment with four blocks and four replicates on a Danish inland heath, Hjelm Hede. Ammonium nitrate was applied (0, 35, 50 and 70 kg N ha–1 year–1) to a stand of Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull four times annually for 2 years. Calluna roots were sampled on four occasions in the 2nd year of the nitrogen treatment. The extent of ericoid mycorrhizal colonization was determined by direct observation of the roots using a line-intersection method. The nitrogen content of the current-year shoots of Calluna increased when they were treated with nitrogen. Nitrogen fertilization had no significant effects on ericoid mycorrhizal colonization of Calluna nor on root biomass. The seasonal variation in mycorrhizal colonization of the Calluna roots was highly significant. The spatial variability of mycorrhizal colonization, both in replicated plots and in the two contrasted soil horizons – the mor layer and the bleached sand – within the plots, were considerable. I conclude that heather decline under enhanced nitrogen input is unlikely to be caused by a direct impact on the ericoid mycorrhizae of Calluna. Received: 1 December 1998 / Accepted: 7 December 1999  相似文献   

Chapman  A. R. O. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,204(1):205-209
Fucus spiralis forms a conspicuous belt in the upper intertidal on rocky shores of the NW Atlantic. The objective of this study was to determine whether competition among congeners plays a role in restricting the distribution of F. spiralis to the upper shore. A replacement series design was used to test the growth performance of F. spiralis and F. vesiculosus in monocultures and in mixtures set up in the mid shore level on an exposed rocky coast. For F. spiralis and F. vesiculosus, all individual and relative crowding coefficients were < 1 and > 1, respectively. Hence, F. vesiculosus succeeded relative to F. spiralis in all mixtures tested. This finding was confirmed by graphical analysis. Ratio diagrams showed that the outcome of long term interaction among the species is extinction of F. spiralis. The results lead to the conclusion that interaction among congeners is a major determinant of the restricted distribution of F. spiralis.  相似文献   

Row crops are often inefficient in utilizing soil resources. One reason for this appears to be inefficient rooting of the available soil volume. Five experiments were performed to study the temporal and spatial root development of cauliflower (cv. Plana). The crop was grown with 60 cm between rows, and root development was followed in minirhizotrons placed under the crop rows, 15 cm, and 30 cm from the crop rows. Soil was sampled and analyzed for nitrate content at the final harvest and once during growth. In two of the experiments N fertilizer rate was varied and in two of the other experiments two cultivars were compared (cv. Plana and Siria).The rooting depth of cauliflower was found to be linearly related to temperature sum, with a growth rate of 1.02 mm day-1 °C-1. Depending on duration of growth this leads to rooting depths at harvest of 85–115 cm. Soil analysis showed that the cauliflower was able to utilize soil nitrogen down to at least 100 cm.With Plana differences in root growth between row and interrow soil were only observed during early growth, but with Siria this difference was maintained until harvest. However, at harvest both cultivars had depleted row and interrow soil nitrate equally efficient. Nitrogen fertilizer did not affect overall root development significantly.The branching frequency of actively branching roots was increased in all soil layers from about 6 to 10 branches cm-1 by increasing N fertilizer additions from 130 to 290 kg N ha-1. Increasing N supply increased the number of actively branching roots in the topsoil and reduced it in the subsoil.The average growth rate of the roots was always highest in the newly rooted soil layers, but fell during time. At 74 days after planting very few roots were growing in the upper 60 cm of the soil whereas 70% of the root tips observed in the 80–100 cm soil layer were actively growing. Within each soil layer there was a large variation in growth rate of individual root tips.  相似文献   

Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull is primarily found on acid soils and is generally classified as a calcifuge species. Therefore, its occasional growth in semi-arid grassland on shallow calcareous soils gave rise to the question as to whether special soil conditions, deviating from the typical conditions in calcareous soils, enable this unusual occurrence. In an attempt to answer this question, we analysed selected soil factors, comparing plots where C. vulgaris was growing besides calcicole species (=CF plots) with neighbouring plots where only calcicole species were present (=CC plots). Main emphasis was placed on Fe and P availability because results from growth experiments indicate that the availability of either Fe or P to calcifuges causes calcifuge species to fail on calcareous soils. The results of our investigations do not support the hypothesis that the occurrence of C. vulgaris in semi-arid calcareous grasslands depends on higher Fe and/or P availability. Rather, its growth on carbonate-buffered soils shows that this species is not really calcifuge. Since the CF plots differ from the CC plots either by a lower inclination or by a more northerly exposition, we assume that the primary establishment and this species’ distribution pattern in the investigated semi-arid grassland are not dependent on soil chemical factors, but are governed by topography and its consequences for soil humidity and drought stress.  相似文献   

The effect of application of the fungicide pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB) at levels between 2 and 50 mg kg–1 soil on root growth, mycorrhizal infection and P uptake was studied in pot culture with oats (Avena sativa cv. Alfred) growing in a rendzina soil low in available P. The soil had been partially sterilized by X-ray, and half of the pots were inoculated with spores of the VAM-fungusGlomus mosseae (indigenous species).Soil irradiation (0.5 Mrad) did not decrease the levels of infection by VAM. Application of PCNB decreased the VAM-infected root length, at 50 mg PCNB kg–1 soil VAM-infected root length was about 12% of the controls. Total root length, however, increased to about 126% of control values at PCNB rates up to 20 mg kg–1 soil, but decreased to 89% of the controls at 50 mg kg–1 soil. Total P-uptake decreased with increasing levels of PCNB and was linearly correlated with infected root length (r=0.92).The stimulation of root growth by PCNB at rates up to 20 mg kg–1 soil is regarded as an indirect effect, brought about by suboptimal P-supply due to inhibition of VA-mycorrhiza. Conversely, the reduction of total root length at 50 mg PCNB kg–1 soil is most likely a direct effect. Due to the phytotoxicity of the fungicide, the contribution of the indigenous VA-mycorrhiza to plant P uptake under field conditions cannot be determined by soil application of PCNB at rates sufficient for complete inhibition of VAM.As inhibition or absence of VAM may lead to compensatory root growth, mycorrhizal dependency ought to be calculated from the amounts of P taken up per unit root length in mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal plants, respectively.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if plant roots have to take up nitrate at their maximum rate for achieving maximum yield. This was investigated in a flowing-solution system which kept nutrient concentrations at constant levels. Nitrate concentrations were maintained in the range 20 to 1000 μM. Maximum uptake rate for both species was obtained at 100 μM. Concentrations below 100 μM resulted in decreases in uptake rate per cm root (inflow) for both spinach and kohlrabi by 1/3 and 2/3, respectively. However, only with kohlrabi this caused a reduction in N uptake and yield. Thus indicating that this crop has to take up nitrate at the maximum inflow. Spinach, however, compensated for lower inflows by enhancing its root absorbing surface with more and longer roots hairs. Both species increased their root length by 1/3 at low nitrate concentrations.  相似文献   

We studied Polylepis forests along an elevational transect between 3,650 and 4,050 m a.s.l. at the treeline of the moist eastern cordillera in Bolivia to examine changes in above- and below-ground stand structure, leaf and root morphology, and regeneration in relation to stand microclimate. Field measurements and model predictions indicated relatively cold growth conditions of the Polylepis forests. Tree height, stem diameter, and basal area of the stands decreased markedly while stem density increased with elevation. Leaf morphology differed between the two occurring Polylepis species, and trees at the treeline had smaller leaves with higher specific leaf area. In contrast, fine root biomass increased from 37 g m−2 at the lowermost stand to 234 g m−2 at the treeline. Trees of the uppermost stand had higher specific root surface area and a much higher number of root tips per unit dry mass. Thus, root surface area and total number of root tips per unit ground area increased conspicuously from the lowermost stand to the treeline. Density of young growth inside the forest increased towards the treeline, while density in the open grassland decreased with elevation. Young growth originated from sexual reproduction at the lower forest but was comprised exclusively of root suckers at the treeline stand. We conclude that both the marked change in carbon allocation towards the root system, as well as the changes in root morphology with elevation indicate an adaptation to reduced nutrient supply under cold conditions of these Polylepis stands at the treeline in E Bolivia.
Dietrich HertelEmail:

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