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Rates of Cell Division in the Shoot Apical Meristem of Pisum   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
LYNDON  R. F. 《Annals of botany》1970,34(1):1-17
The relative rates of cell division in different regions ofthe pea shoot apical meristem were obtained by measuring theincrease in the numbers of metaphases following applicationof colchicine to the plants. Absolute values for the rates ofcell division could be calculated since the average rate ofcell division for the whole apex was known. Measurements ofthe rates of cell division were obtained at defined intervalsduring the course of a single plastochron. Within each regionof the apex the rate of cell division did not change more thanabout two-fold throughout the plastochron. There was very littleor no increase in the rate of cell division associated withleaf initiation. The formation of a leaf primordium and thesubsequent growth of the apical dome apparently result fromchanges in the direction of growth rather than changes in therates of growth. Three main regions were discernible withinthe apical meristem: a region with a slow rate of cell divisionin the apical dome, a region of a faster rate of cell divisionat the base of the apical dome and at the site of initiationof procambial strands, and a region of an intermediate rateof cell division in the newly initiated leaf primordium andthe adjacent part of the shoot axis.  相似文献   

LYNDON  R. F. 《Annals of botany》1982,49(3):281-290
In the apical dome of the pea shoot apex the axis of growthof the epidermal cells becomes predominantly longitudinal inthe I1 region one plastochron before a leaf is initiated, andthis orientation persists into the young primordium. In contrast,in the underlying, non-epidermal cells the growth axis in theI1 region becomes randomized half a plastochron before leafinitiation, but in the young primordium it becomes the sameas in the epidermis. The initiation of a leaf primordium thereforetakes place without any major change in the orientation of growthaxes in the epidermis. A controlling role for the epidermisis therefore suggested. No marked reorientation of the growthaxis occurs on the sides of the newly initiated primordium.The shape of the young primordium can be related to the differentialrates of growth and division within it rather than to changesin growth orientation. Pisum sativum, pea, shoot apex, meristem, growth, epidermis, polarity  相似文献   

By following the movement of carbon particle markers on theexposed surface of a cultured tomato apex it has been shownthat a leaf primordium is formed by growth on the flank of theapex raising the tissue upwards and outwards to form the leafbuttress. The whole of the apical surface is in an active stateof cell division and expansion except in the axillary regionabove the primordium. The data provide direct estimates of therates of division in the outer layer of cells. The distribution of blocked metaphase figures following treatmentwith colchicine, shows that in the early stages of primordiumformation cell divisions are concentrated in what appears tobo a ‘growth centre’ in the corpus to one side ofthe apical dome. As the bulge of the primordium develops, thegrowth centre spreads out and splits into two parts continuingthe growth of the dome (proximal side) and the primordium (distalside). Between these two regions of active division there arisesa small pocket of cells in the axil, whose rate of divisionrapidly declines. Cuts made in the apical surface in the early stages of primordiumformation immediately gape widely, apparently as a result ofpressure exerted on the outer layers from within by divisionsin the corpus. Once the upper surface of the primordium becomesraised above the dome, the axillary cells seem to become compressedbetween the two zones of active division. In the axil at thisstage (a) cuts do not gape but close up after exuding cell sapand (b) the carbon particle markers move slightly together.  相似文献   

KIRBY  E. J. M. 《Annals of botany》1977,41(6):1297-1308
The growth of the floral main shoot apex of spring barley wasstudied during the period of ear initiation (that is, from initiationof the collar primordium until maximum primordium number wasattained). While floral primordia were being initiated the relativelength growth rate of the shoot apex was low. After maximumprimordium number there was about a twofold increase in relativelength growth rate. Estimates of the volume, fresh and dry weightof the floral apex indicated that the relative weight growthrate was also low at first and increased after maximum primordiumnumber. The rates of growth and the size at initiation of thefloral primordia was affected by their position on the floralshoot apex. The relative volume growth rate increased acropetallyfrom the first initiated (collar) primordium. The collar wasthe smallest and each subsequently-initiated primordium increasedin length. The diameter of the newly-initiated primordium alsoincreased until more than half the primordia had been initiatedand then it declined. The apical dome increased in both lengthand diameter and both were at a maximum at the time of the double-ridgestage and then both measurements declined. Length and diameterwere at a minimum at maximum primordium number. Subsequentlythere was an increase in the length of the dome, after whichboth the dome and some of the last formed, distal primordiadied. The period of spikelet initiation therefore is a stage duringwhich the relative growth rate of the floral shoot apex is low,there are changes in the size of the dome and the primordiashow a progression of increasing relative growth rates acropetallyalong the shoot apex. These changes produce the embryo ear inwhich the most advanced spikelets are in the lower mid-partof the ear. Changes in size of the apical dome prior to maximumprimordium number may be related to the subsequent death ofspikelet primordia and therefore also to grain number in themature ear.  相似文献   

The Effects of Vernalization on the Growth of the Wheat Shoot Apex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
he effect of vernalization on the growth of the wheat shootapex was examined by comparing three genetic lines of ChineseSpring (CS) wheat having strong [CS (Hope 5D)], medium (CS Euploid),or no [CS (Hope 5A)] vernalization requirement. The mean volumeof the apical dome increased gradually in all lines, and thenthe apical dome enlarged rapidly as its relative growth rate(RGR) increased prior to double ridge formation. Phytomer volumeat initiation remained constant, so that the ratio of phytomerto apical dome at primordium initiation decreased in successiveplastochrons. In CS Euploid and in unvernalized CS (Hope 5D),the RGR of the apical dome tended to decrease at least untilinitiation of the collar primordium. The rate of primordiuminitiation at double ridge formation increased in proportionto the RGR of the apex at that time; i.e. it increased greatlyin CS (Hope 5A) and vernalized CS (Hope 5D), less so in CS Euploid,but no increase was observed in unvernalized CS (Hope 5D). Thetime of formation of double ridges seemed to be independentof the growth rate or size of the apical dome. The number oftillers present at ear emergence was inversely proportionalto vernalization requirement and was reduced by vernalization.Vernalization resulted in a decrease in the RGR of the newly-initiatedleaf primordia in relation to the RGR of the apical dome andthe axial part of the phytomer. Transfer of plants from longto short days at various times during growth showed that vernalizationincreased the number of labile primordia which could developinto either leaf, collar or spikelet. Vernalization thereforeseems to alter the ability of the apex to respond to subsequentphotoperiod rather than to affect its growth directly. Triticum aeslivum, wheat, chromosome substitution lines, shoot apex growth, vernalization  相似文献   

During the growth of a single developing vegetative apex ofVinca major, both the orientation and frequency of cell divisions,and the pattern of cell expansion, were observed using a non-destructivereplica technique. Micrographs taken at daily intervals illustratethat the central region of the apical dome remains relativelyinactive, except for a phase of cell division which occurs after2 d of growth. The majority of growth takes place at the proximalregions of the dome from which develop the successive pairsof leaves. The developing leaf primordia are initiated by aseries of divisions which occur at the periphery of the centraldome and are oriented parallel to the axis of the subsequentleaves. The cells which develop into the outer leaf surfaceof the new leaves undergo expansion and these cells divide allowingfor the formation of the new leaf. This paper describes thefirst high-resolution sequential study of cell patterns in asingle developing plant apex. Sequential development, cell division, expansion patterns, SEM, Vinca major, apical dome, leaf primordium, leaf initiation  相似文献   

Growth and development of the shoot apex in seedlings of threebarley cultivars was examined in two daylengths (8, 16 h) andat two mineral nutrient levels (x 1, x 0.1). Production of primordiawas greater at the higher nutrient level and in the longer days.The rate of production varied with cultivar but in all casesthe plastochron shortened with transition to spike formation.Early flowering (cv. Clipper) was associated with a high rateof primordial production and early transition to spike formation,late flowering (cv. Proctor) with a low rate of production anda longer vegetative phase. The cultivar Akka showed intermediatecharacteristics. The volume of the apical dome increased linearlywith increasing numbers of primordia, the rate of increase varyingwith cultivar and treatment. Enlargement of the dome was duemainly to increase in cell number. The transition of the apexto produce spikelet primordia occurred with widely differingvolumes of the apical dome, thus invalidating the hypothesisthat transition is dependent upon attainment of a critical domesize. Although both the rate of production of primordia andenlargement of the dome were markedly affected by photoperiod,both were unaffected when the photoperiodic treatment was givendirectly to the shoot apex. It is considered that the fate of a primordium once initiatedis determined by competition for available metabolites betweenit, other primordia and the apical dome. Hordeum vulgare L, barley, apical dome, primordia, plastochron, cell division  相似文献   

A mathematical model of flowering in Chrysanthemum morifoliumRamat. is described which may be used to predict quantitiessuch as the number of primordia initiated by the apex, plastochronduration and apical dome mass before, during and after the transformationof the apical meristem from vegetative to reproductive development.The model assumes that primordial initiation is regulated byan inhibitor present in the apical dome. Within each plastochronthe apical dome grows exponentially, and the inhibitor concentrationdeclines through chemical decay and dilution. When the inhibitorconcentration falls to a critical level a new primordium isinitiated. There is instantaneous production of inhibitor, anda decrease in dome mass corresponding to the mass of the newprimordium. The process continues until the apical dome attainsa particular mass when the first bract primordium is produced.Subsequent primordia compete with the apical dome for substrates,and the specific growth rate of the dome declines with successiveplastochrons. Eventually, the net mass of the dome starts todecline until it is entirely consumed in the production of floralprimordia. Chrysanthemum morifoliumRamat, flowering, primordial initiation  相似文献   

The movement of carbon-particle markers on the surface of acultured pea apex resembled that previously found for the tomatoapex. In the pea the primordium originated lower down on theside of the apical dome than in the tomato, and its generaldirection of growth was more upright. The results accord wellwith existing data on the rates and directions of cell divisionin the pea apex, and show that the primordium is formed by increasedcell division on the flank of the apex in a growth centre (orregion) analagous to that found in the tomato apex. Becauseof the distichous phyllotaxis of the pea it appears that inlongitudinal section two such growth centres at different stagesare visible, whereas in the tomato, which has spiral leaf arrangement,only one is apparent. It is concluded that, while a change indirection of division inevitably occurs in the primordium asit begins to bulge outwards away from the centre of the apex,its initiation can be traced to a local increase in the rateof division some 2 plastochrons before the bulge is well formed.  相似文献   

WARDLAW  C. W. 《Annals of botany》1956,20(1):121-132
An account is given of experiments in which young primordiaand primordium sites at the apex of Dryopteris aristata wereisolated basally and laterally by undercutting and deep radialincisions. The treatments had the effect of destroying or severingthe incipient vascular tissue underlying the primordium on itsabaxial and lateral sides. Provided the shoot apex had not beendamaged during treatment, neither buds nor centric (or radial)leaves were induced as a result of the experimental procedureemployed. On the contrary leaves with distended bases, showingan abnormally rapid rate of growth, were usually produced. Theresults obtained are against the view that a leaf-trace, differentiatingacropetally in advance, determines the formation of a primordium;but they support the thesis that the apical cell group exercisesa regulative effect on the growth and morphogenetic activitiesof the apical meristem and young primordia. The evidence alsosupports the view that the incipient vascular tissue is importantin morphogenesis in that it affords a pathway for the translocationof nutrients and hormonal substances.  相似文献   

The growth rates of the shoot apex during and after floral inductionwere measured in Silene, a long-day plant. Plants were inducedto flower with 4 or more long days (LD) but not with 3 longdays or with short days (SD). The rate of increase of cell numberin the apical dome, above the youngest leaf pair, was exponentialand in plants given 3 LD remained the same as in plants in SD.In plants induced to flower with 7 LD, until the end of theinductive period the rate of increase of cell number in theapical dome remained the same as in plants in SD. Only whenthe apex began to enlarge as the first stage in the formationof the flower did the growth rate of the apical dome increase.The rates of increase of cell numbers in the apex correspondedto mean cell generation times of 20 to 33 h for plants in SD,for plants given 3 LD, and during the 7 days of induction forplants given 7 LD, and 6 to 8 h for induced plants when flowerformation was beginning. The distribution of cell division in the apex was examined bytreating plants with colchicine and noting in sections the positionsof the resulting metaphases. In vegetative apices and also inapices undergoing transition to flowering the whole of the apicaldome appeared to consist of cells dividing at a similar rate. The rate of leaf initiation during induction was the same asin vegetative, non-induced plants.  相似文献   

Two kinds of size change occur in the apical dome of Agropyronrepens during development of the shoot. A cyclic increase anddecrease in size results from the production of a new stem segmentand associated leaf primordium during each plastochron. A progressiveincrease and then decrease in size, which occur over a periodof several plastochrons, is attributable to discrepancies betweenthe size increment during each plastochron and the size of thestem segment formed at the end of the plastochron. The volumedoubling time of the dome remains constant at approximatelyone plastochron. Fluctuations in mean cell generation time correlatewith changes in mean cell volume and do not contribute to thesize changes of the dome. Agropyron repens (L.), Beauv, couch grass, shoot apex, cell growth, cell divisions  相似文献   

A curvilinear, orthogonal coordinate system, which resembles the pattern of periclines and anticlines in the cellular network of root apices, is presented. The system makes possible an analysis of the dynamics of apical growth: the relationship between growth rates and tensile stresses in cell walls. In this paper the coordinate system is used in modeling the growth and cell partitioning in the apical domes. The symplastic growth is described by means of the growth tensor which is assumed to have diagonal form in the system, so its coordinate lines represent the principal directions of growth rate. The coordinate system and the growth tensor in diagonal form assure temporal stability of form and cellular structure of the modeled apex including transition from the dome to the cylindrical part of the apex. The spatial and temporal aspects of the dome part of two types of root apices—one with maximum of volumetric relative growth rate at the center region of the apex, and another with minimum of the rate (quiescent center)—are described. The maximum of the rate at the center results in the cellular pattern with an apical cell and merophytes, the minimum results in ribs of cells (inside the root proper) converging toward the quiescent center.  相似文献   

Planes of Cell Division and Growth in the Shoot Apex of Pisum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
LYNDON  R. F. 《Annals of botany》1970,34(1):19-28
The planes of cell division and growth were examined in thecourse of a single plastochron in the shoot apical meristemby observing the orientations of mitotic spindles. In the I1region of the apical dome, cell divisions were at first anticlinalbut 30 h before a leaf primordium emerged at this site 20 percent of the cell divisions became periclinal. These periclinaldivisions were found only in the corpus. Periclinal divisionsin the tunica were coincident with the appearance of the primordiumas a bulge. The change in the direction of growth in I1 at thesite of the incipient leaf primordium occurred without any changein the rate of growth in this region of the meristem.  相似文献   

LYNDON  R. F. 《Annals of botany》1968,32(2):371-390
The length of the ninth plastochron in shoot apices of Pisumsativum was measured and found to be almost 46 h. This singleplastochron was divided into 11 morphologically recognizablestages and the time taken to reach each stage was measured.The cell number and cell volume of five regions of the apexwas measured at each stage of the plastochron. Although theapex as a whole grew exponentially, growth during the first30 h of the plastochron was predominantly in the primordiumand the adjacent tissues, whereas in the last 16 h growth wasmainly in the apical dome. Since the mean cell volume remainedconstant, different rates of growth were due to different ratesof cell division. The data suggested that the apex probablygrows by the formation of growth centres on alternate sidesof the apex, the beginning of each new growth centre being apparentas an increased rate of growth in the apical dome 16 h beforethe beginning of the next plastochron. The inception of a newprimordium may therefore precede its appearance as a bump byabout 16 h, and precede the first periclinal division in thetunica by 26 h. A central zone of larger cells with lightly-stainingnuclei was found at the extreme apex. This central zone becamereduced in size or disappeared at the time at which a new primordiumwas about to become visible.  相似文献   

Shaw SL  Dumais J  Long SR 《Plant physiology》2000,124(3):959-970
Fluorescent microspheres were used as material markers to investigate the relative rates of cell surface expansion at the growing tips of Medicago truncatula root hairs. From the analysis of tip shape and microsphere movements, we propose three characteristic zones of expansion in growing root hairs. The center of the apical dome is an area of 1- to 2- microm diameter with relatively constant curvature and high growth rate. Distal to the apex is a more rapidly expanding region 1 to 2 microm in width exhibiting constant surges of off-axis growth. This middle region forms an annulus of maximum growth rate and is visible as an area of accentuated curvature in the tip profile. The remainder of the apical dome is characterized by strong radial expansion anisotropy where the meridional rate of expansion falls below the radial expansion rate. Data also suggest possible meridional contraction at the juncture between the apical dome and the cell body. The cell cylinder distal to the tip expands slightly over time, but only around the circumference. These data for surface expansion in the legume root hair provide new insight into the mechanism of tip growth and the morphogenesis of the root hair.  相似文献   

HUSAIN  I.; ASPINALL  D. 《Annals of botany》1970,34(2):393-407
The formation of new primordia on the apical meristem of barley(Hordeum vulgare L.) was inhibited at levels of soil water potential(-1 bar and less) which had little or no effect on growth ofthe plant. Both leaf growth and morphogenesis of lateral spikeletson the developing ear proceeded at reduced rates at water-potentiallevels which completely suppressed primordium formation. Thissensitivity of the apex to stress was unaffected by floral initiationand was apparently not due to changes in water potential inthe apical tissues. Primordium formation was inhibited eventhough apical water potential was unchanged. Water stress suppressedthe response of the apical meristem to an increase in the photoperiodto which the plant was exposed. In some circumstances, however,the photoperiodic response was displayed after the stress wasrelieved. During an episode of moderate water stress it waspossible to observe an increase in the rate of primordium formationin response to an increase in light intensity.  相似文献   

Arrangements of cortical microtubules (MTs) and of cellulose microfibrils at the surface of the vegetative shoot apex ofVinca major L. were examined by immunofluorescence microscopy and polarizing microscopy, respectively. Cortical MTs adjacent to the outermost walls of the apex were arranged more or less randomly in individual cells: especially in cells in the central region of the apex the arrangement was almost completely random. However, in the peripheral region MTs tended to show parallel alignment in individual cells, and an overall pattern that was roughly concentric around the apical dome was discerned. Observations of birefringence of cell walls indicated that cellulose microfibrils in the peripheral region of the apex were also arranged in a pattern which was roughly concentric around the apical dome. These patterns of arrangements of MTs and microfibrils are understood to be perpendicular to the radial cell files observed in the peripheral region of the apex, and can be related to the radial expansion of the surface of the apex.  相似文献   

Hodick D 《Planta》1994,195(1):43-49
The unicellular protonema of Chara fragilis Desv. was investigated in order to establish a reaction chain for negative gravitropism in tip-growing cells. The time course of gravitropic bending after stimulation at angles of 45 degrees or 90 degrees showed three distinct phases of graviresponse. During the first hour after onset of stimulation a strong upward shift of the tip took place. This initial response was followed by an interval of almost straight growth. Complete reorientation was achieved in a third phase with very low bending rates. Gravitropic reorientation could be completely abolished by basipetal centrifugation of the cells, which lastingly removed conspicuous dark organelles from the protonema tip, thus identifying them as statoliths. Within minutes after onset of gravistimulation most or all statoliths were transported acropetally from their resting position 20-100 micrometers from the cell apex to the lower side of the apical dome. This transport is actin-dependent since it could be inhibited with cytochalasin B. Within minutes after arrival of the statoliths, the apical dome flattened on its lower side and bulged on the upper one. After this massive initial response the statoliths remained firmly sedimented, but the distance between this sedimented complex and the cell vertex increased from 7 micrometers to 22 micrometers during the first hour of stimulation and bending rates sharply declined. From this it is concluded that only statoliths inside the apical dome convey information about the spatial orientation of the cell in the gravitropic reaction chain. After inversion of the protonema the statoliths transiently arranged into a disk-shaped complex about 8 micrometers above the vertex. When this statolith complex tilted towards one side of the apical dome, growth was shifted in the opposite direction and bending started. It is argued that the statoliths intruding into the apical dome may displace a growth-organizing structure from its symmetrical position in the apex and may thus cause bending by bulging. In the positively gravitropic Chara rhizoids only a more stable anchorage of the growth-organizing structure is required. As a consequence, sedimented statoliths cannot dislocate this structure from the vertex. Instead they obstruct a symmetrical distribution of cell-wall-forming vesicles around the structure and thus cause bending by bowing.  相似文献   

Cell division contributing to longitudinal growth of the shoot apex was investigated inChenopodium rubrum in segments marked by the axils of leaf primordia. Plants treated with two short days (16h of darkness and 8h of light) were compared with two non-induced controls (cultivated in continuous light or treated by alternations of 8 h of darkness and 4 h of light for two days). During the short-day treatments the rate of cell division contributing to the longitudinal growth decreases in all segments of the shoot apex irrespective of whether the darkness was given in inductive or non-inductive photoperiods. The rate of cell division contributing to longitudinal growth increases in the upper internodes of the shoot apex after the termination of the photoperiodic treatment and transfer of the plants to continuous light. However, cell division remains inhibited in the lowest segment of the shoot apex. This inhibition in the differentiating parts of the shoot apical meristem is a direct consequence of photoperiodic induction. It is supposed that this inhibition is related to evocation similarly as the well-known phenomenon of stimulation of cell division in the apical dome.  相似文献   

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