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Viral glycoproteins gB and gD of the swine alphaherpesvirus pseudorabies virus (PRV), which is closely related to human herpes simplex virus and varicella-zoster virus, are able to drive internalization of antibody-antigen complexes that may form at the cell surface of infected monocytes, thereby protecting these cells from efficient antibody-mediated lysis. We found earlier that gB relies on an endocytosis motif in its cytoplasmic domain for its function during this internalization process. Here, we report that the PRV gD protein also contains a functional endocytosis motif (YRLL) in its cytoplasmic domain that drives spontaneous endocytosis of gD from the cell surface early in infection and that acts in concert with the endocytosis motif in gB to contribute to efficient internalization of antibody-antigen complexes in PRV-infected monocytes.  相似文献   

The cell surface expression of the envelope glycoproteins (Envs) of primate immunodeficiency viruses is, at least in part, regulated by endocytosis signal(s) located in the Env cytoplasmic domain. Here, we show that a membrane proximal signal that directs the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) Env to clathrin‐coated pits, and is conserved in all SIV and human immunodeficiency virus Envs, conforms to a Yxxø motif (where x can be any amino acid and Ø represents a large hydrophobic residue). This motif is similar to that described for a number of cellular membrane proteins. By surface plasmon resonance we detected a high affinity interaction between peptides containing this membrane proximal signal and both AP1 and AP2 clathrin adaptor complexes. Mutation of the tyrosine in this membrane proximal motif in a SIV Env with a prematurely truncated cytoplasmic domain leads to a ≥25‐fold increase in Env expression on infected cells. By contrast, the same mutation in an Env with a full‐length cytoplasmic domain increases cell surface expression only 4‐fold. We show that this effect results from the presence of additional endocytosis signals in the full‐length cytoplasmic domain. Chimeras containing CD4 ecto‐ and membrane spanning domains and a full‐length SIV Env cytoplasmic domain showed rapid endocytosis even when the membrane proximal tyrosine‐based signal was disrupted. Mapping experiments indicated that at least some of the additional endocytosis information is located between residues 743 and 812 of Env from the SIVmac239 molecular clone. Together, our findings indicate that the cytoplasmic domain of SIV Env contains multiple endocytosis and/or trafficking signals that modulate its surface expression on infected cells, and suggest an important role for this function in pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Pseudorabies virus (PRV), a swine alphaherpesvirus, is capable of causing viremia in vaccinated animals. Two mechanisms that may help PRV avoid recognition by the host immune system during this viremia are direct cell-to-cell spread in tissue and antibody-induced internalization of viral cell surface glycoproteins in PRV-infected blood monocytes, the carrier cells of the virus in the blood. PRV glycoprotein B (gB) is crucial during both processes. Here we show that mutating a tyrosine residue located in a YXXPhi motif in the gB cytoplasmic tail results in decreased efficiency of cell-to-cell spread and a strong reduction in antibody-induced internalization of viral cell surface glycoproteins. Mutating the dileucine motif in the gB tail led to an increased cell-to-cell spread of the virus and the formation of large syncytia.  相似文献   

Line of Brown leghorn chickens free of RAV-O-type endogenous proviruses was obtained by selection under blot hybridization control. A set of dispersed sequences distantly related to avian leukosis virus genome was found in DNA of these chickens by means of hybridization in non-stringent conditions. Different restriction fragments were detected by gag, pol and env hybridization probes.  相似文献   

Preparations of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) can form an infectious viral-antibody complex with antibodies raised against the major glycoprotein, gp85, isolated from avian myeloblastosis virus and Prague-RSV subgroup C. Binding of anti-gp85 antibodies to RSV can be demonstrated by the inhibition of focus-forming activity after addition of goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulin and by a shift in density of virions treated with anti-gp85 serum. Group- rather than subgroup- specific regions of viral gp85 appear to be the site of binding for infectious complex.  相似文献   

Bisulfite mutagenesis techniques have been used to introduce single-point mutations within a region of the Rous sarcoma virus src gene defined by a BglI restriction endonuclease cleavage site. The mutants of Rous sarcoma virus that are produced by these techniques encode src proteins which contain single amino acid changes within a highly conserved amino acid sequence encompassing residues 430 to 433. DNA from the mutants CHpm26 ( Ala430 to Val), CHpm9 ( Pro431 to Ser), CHpm6 ( Glu432 to Lys), and CHpm65 ( Ala433 to Thr) each failed to transform chicken cells upon transfection, whereas DNA from CHpm59 (a third base alteration in the codon for Glu432 ) readily transformed chicken cells. Analysis of immune complexes containing the altered src proteins indicates that these proteins have decreased tyrosine protein kinase activity in vitro. In vivo labeling of cells infected with the mutant virus revealed diminished levels of the tyrosine-phosphorylated 34,000-molecular-weight protein. These data indicate that mutations within the sequence Ala430 - Pro431 - Glu432 - Ala433 lead to alterations in pp60src-specific tyrosine protein kinase activity and a concomitant loss of transforming potential of the mutant virus.  相似文献   

We have utilized a lambda Charon 4A human genomic library to isolate recombinant clones harboring a highly conserved c-src locus containing nucleotide sequences homologous to the transforming gene of Rous sarcoma virus (v-src). Four overlapping clones spanning 24 kilobases of cellular DNA were analyzed by restriction endonuclease mapping. Human c-src sequences homologous to the entire v-src region are present in a 20-kilobase region that contains 11 exons as determined by restriction mapping studies utilizing hybridization to labeled DNA probes representing various subregions of the v-src gene and by preliminary DNA sequencing analyses. A considerable degree of similarity exists between the organization of the human c-src gene and that of the corresponding chicken c-src gene with respect to exon size and number. However, the human c-src locus is larger than the corresponding chicken c-src locus, because many human c-src introns are larger than those of chicken c-src. alu family repetitive sequences are present within several human c-src introns. This locus represents a highly conserved human c-src locus that is detectable in human cellular DNAs from various sources including placenta, HeLa cells, and WI-38 cells.  相似文献   

Previously we described the B-Z junctions produced in oligomers containing (5meCG)4 segments in the presence of 5.0 M NaCl or 50 uM Co(NH3)6+3 [Sheardy, R.D. & Winkle, S.A., Biochemistry 28, 720-725 (1989); Winkle, S.A., Aloyo, M.C., Morales, N., Zambrano, T.Y. & Sheardy, R.D., Biochemistry 30, 10601-10606 (1991)]. The circular dichroism spectra of an analogous unmethylated oligomer containing (CG)4, termed BZ-IV, in 5.0 M NaCl and in 50 uM Co(NH3)+3 suggest, however, that this oligomer does not form a B-Z hybrid. BZ-IV possesses Hha I sites (CGCG) in the (CG)4 segment and an Mbo I site (GATC) at the terminus of the (CG)4 segment. BZ-IV is equally digestible in the presence and absence of cobalt hexamine by Hha I, further indicating that the structure of BZ-IV is fully B-like under these conditions. The Mbo I cleavage site at the juncture between the (CG)4 segment and the adjacent random segment displays enhanced cleavage by both Mbo I and its isoschizomer Sau3AI in the presence of cobalt hexamine. In addition, exonuclease III digestion of BZ-IV is inhibited at this juncture. Actinomycin inhibits Mbo I activity in the presence of cobalt hexamine but not in the absence. Together, these results suggest that enzymes recognize the interfaces of (CG)n and adjacent random sequences as altered substrates even in the absence of a B-Z junction formation.  相似文献   

Human herpesviruses enter cells by fusion with target membranes, a process that requires three conserved glycoproteins: gB, gH, and gL. How these glycoproteins execute fusion is unknown. Neural network bioinformatics predicted a membrane alpha-helix contained within the ectodomain of herpes simplex virus (HSV) gH, positionally conserved in the gH of all examined herpesviruses. Evidence that it has attributes of an internal fusion peptide rests on the following lines of evidence. (i) The predicted membrane alpha-helix has the attribute of a membrane segment, since it transformed a soluble form of gD into a membrane-bound gD. (ii) It represents a critical domain of gH. Its partial or entire deletion, or substitution of critical residues inhibited HSV infectivity and fusion in the cell-cell fusion assay. (iii) Its replacement with the fusion peptide from human immunodeficiency virus gp41 or from vesicular stomatitis virus G partially rescued HSV infectivity and cell-cell fusion. The corresponding antisense sequences did not. (iv) The predicted alpha-helix located in the varicella-zoster virus gH ectodomain can functionally substitute the native HSV gH membrane alpha-helix, suggesting a conserved function in the human herpesviruses. We conclude that HSV gH exhibits features typical of viral fusion glycoproteins and that this property is likely conserved in the Herpesviridae family.  相似文献   

In this study we addressed the targeting requirements of peroxisomal ABC transporters, in particular the human adrenoleukodystrophy protein. This membrane protein is defective or missing in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy, a neurodegenerative disorder predominantly presenting in childhood. Using adrenoleukodystrophy protein deletion constructs and green fluorescent protein fusion constructs we identified the amino acid regions 1-110 and 67-164 to be sufficient for peroxisomal targeting. However, the minimal region shared by these constructs (amino acids 67-110) is not sufficient for peroxisomal targeting by itself. Additionally, the NH2-terminal 66 amino acids enhance targeting efficiency. Green fluorescent protein-labeled fragments of human peroxisomal membrane protein 69 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pxa1 corresponding to the amino acid 67-164 adrenoleukodystrophy protein region were also directed to the mammalian peroxisome. The required region contains a 14-amino-acid motif (71-84) conserved between the adrenoleukodystrophy protein and human peroxisomal membrane protein 69 and yeast Pxa1. Omission or truncation of this motif in the adrenoleukodystrophy protein abolished peroxisomal targeting. The single amino acid substitution L78F resulted in a significant reduction of targeting efficiency. The in-frame deletion of three amino acids (del78-80LLR) within the proposed targeting motif in two patients suffering from X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy resulted in the mislocalization of a green fluorescent protein fusion protein to nucleus, cytosol and mitochondria. Our data define the targeting region of human adrenoleukodystrophy protein containing a highly conserved 14-amino-acid motif.  相似文献   

Cystinosis is a lysosomal transport disorder characterized by an accumulation of intra-lysosomal cystine. Biochemical studies showed that the lysosomal cystine transporter was distinct from the plasma membrane cystine transporters and that it exclusively transported cystine. The gene underlying cystinosis, CTNS, encodes a predicted seven-transmembrane domain protein called cystinosin, which is highly glycosylated at the N-terminal end and carries a GY-XX-Phi (where Phi is a hydrophobic residue) lysosomal-targeting motif in its carboxyl tail. We constructed cystinosin-green fluorescent protein fusion proteins to determine the subcellular localization of cystinosin in transfected cell lines and showed that cystinosin-green fluorescent protein colocalizes with lysosomal-associated membrane protein 2 (LAMP-2) to lysosomes. Deletion of the GY-XX-Phi motif resulted in a partial redirection to the plasma membrane as well as sorting to lysosomes, demonstrating that this motif is only partially responsible for the lysosomal targeting of cystinosin and suggesting the existence of a second sorting signal. A complete relocalization of cystinosin to the plasma membrane was obtained after deletion of half of the third cytoplasmic loop (amino acids 280-288) coupled with the deletion of the GY-DQ-L motif, demonstrating the presence of the second signal within this loop. Using site-directed mutagenesis studies we identified a novel conformational lysosomal-sorting motif, the core of which was delineated to YFPQA (amino acids 281-285).  相似文献   

Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) encodes a cell surface Fc receptor, glycoprotein gE. VZV gE has previously been shown to display several features common to nonviral cell surface receptors. Most recently, VZV gE was reported to be tyrosine phosphorylated on a dimeric form (J. K. Olson, G. A. Bishop, and C. Grose, J. Virol. 71:110-119, 1997). Thereafter, attention focused on the ability of VZV gE to undergo receptor-mediated endocytosis. The current transient transfection studies demonstrated by confocal microscopy and internalization assays that VZV gE was endocytosed when expressed in HeLa cells. Endocytosis of gE was shown to be dependent on clathrin-coated vesicle formation within the cells. Subsequent colocalization studies showed that endocytosis of VZV gE closely mimicked endocytosis of the transferrin receptor. The gE cytoplasmic tail and more specifically tyrosine residue 582 were determined by mutagenesis studies to be important for efficient internalization of the protein; this tyrosine residue is part of a conserved YXXL motif. The amount of gE internalized at any given time reached a steady state of 32%. In addition, like the transferrin receptor, internalized gE recycled to the cell surface. The finding of gE endocytosis provided insight into earlier documentation of gE serine/threonine and tyrosine phosphorylation, since these phosphorylation events may serve as sorting signals for internalized receptors. Taken together with the previous discovery that both human and simian immunodeficiency virus envelope proteins can undergo endocytosis, the gE findings suggest that endocytosis of envelope components may be a posttranslational regulatory mechanism among divergent families of enveloped viruses.  相似文献   

We have investigated the specificity of the proteolytic cleavage of the Rous sarcoma virus glycoprotein precursor by introducing two mutations into the putative cleavage region (Arg-Arg-Lys-Arg). We show that neither a deletion of the cleavage sequence nor a glutamic acid for lysine substitution altered intracellular transport or surface expression of the env gene products. However, both the four-amino-acid deletion and the glutamic acid substitution block processing of the env precursor. Susceptibility of the glutamic acid-substituted env precursor to proteases indicated that tertiary protein structure was unaffected. While inhibitor experiments suggested that more than one endopeptidase might be capable of mediating the proteolytic cleavage, the results presented here point to the presence in the Golgi apparatus of a novel endopeptidase, required for retroviral glycoprotein cleavage, that has a high specificity for lysine-containing peptides.  相似文献   

The Bordetella type III secretion system (T3SS) effector protein BteA is necessary and sufficient for rapid cytotoxicity in a wide range of mammalian cells. We show that BteA is highly conserved and functionally interchangeable between Bordetella bronchiseptica, Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis . The identification of BteA sequences required for cytotoxicity allowed the construction of non-cytotoxic mutants for localization studies. BteA derivatives were targeted to lipid rafts and showed clear colocalization with cortical actin, ezrin and the lipid raft marker GM1. We hypothesized that BteA associates with the cytoplasmic face of lipid rafts to locally modulate host cell responses to Bordetella attachment. B. bronchiseptica adhered to host cells almost exclusively to GM1-enriched lipid raft microdomains and BteA colocalized to these same sites following T3SS-mediated translocation. Disruption of lipid rafts with methyl-β-cyclodextrin protected cells from T3SS-induced cytotoxicity. Localization to lipid rafts was mediated by a 130-amino-acid lipid raft targeting domain at the N-terminus of BteA, and homologous domains were identified in virulence factors from other bacterial species. Lipid raft targeting sequences from a T3SS effector (Plu4750) and an RTX-type toxin (Plu3217) from Photorhabdus luminescens directed fusion proteins to lipid rafts in a manner identical to the N-terminus of BteA.  相似文献   

We show that the open reading frame transcribed from the unr gene (immediately upstream of N-ras) in mammals consists of multiple repeats similar to the cold-shock domain (CSD), a putative DNA-binding motif found in prokaryotic cold-shock proteins, and eukaryotic DNA-binding proteins. Alignment of the CSD sequences of unr with those from other proteins reveals a core of similarity for which a consistent secondary structure prediction can be derived. This prediction suggests that the CSD consists primarily of beta-sheet, in contrast to most known eukaryotic DNA-binding proteins. Sequence analysis of the 3' end of the guinea pig unr gene shows that the core of one CSD repeat is encoded in a single exon, consistent with the modular assembly of the gene from ancestral CSD-coding units.  相似文献   

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