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The effect of honey and sucrose on lactic acid bacteria in vitro and in rat gut was studied to determine whether these organisms were affected differently by honey compared with sucrose. Under in vitro conditions, the number of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus plantarum counts increased 10-100 fold in the presence of honey compared with sucrose. Feeding of honey to rats also resulted in significant increase in counts of lactic acid bacteria. Although there was no significant difference in the counts of lactic acid bacteria in the small and large intestines of different groups, the honey-fed group showed a significant increase (P<0.05) in counts over the control and sucrose-fed animals. The results support the fact that consumption of honey has a beneficial effect on the physiological constitution of animals fed with it.  相似文献   

Generation of peroxynitrite (ONOO-) as a result of altered redox balance has been shown to affect cardiac function; however, inconsistencies in the data exist, particularly for myocardial contractility. The hypothesis that the cardiac impact of ONOO- formation depends on its site of generation, intravascular or intramyocardial, was examined. Cardiac contractility was assessed by pressure-volume analysis to delineate vascular versus cardiac changes on direct infusion of ONOO- into the right atria of conscious dogs both with normal cardiac function and in heart failure. Additionally, ONOO- was administered to isolated murine cardiomyocytes to mimic in situ cardiac generation. When infused in vivo, ONOO- had little impact on inotropy but led to systemic arterial dilation, likely as a result of rapid decomposition to NO2- and NO3-. In contrast, infused ONOO- was long lived enough to abolish beta-adrenergic (dobutamine)-stimulated contractility/relaxation, most likely through catecholamine oxidation to aminochrome. When administered to isolated murine cardiomyocytes, ONOO- induced a rapid reduction in sarcomere shortening and whole cell calcium transients, although neither decomposed ONOO- or NaNO2 had any effect. Thus, systemic generation of ONOO- is unlikely to have primary cardiac effects, but may modulate cardiac contractile reserve, via blunted beta-adrenergic stimulation, and vascular tone, as a result of generation of NO2- and NO3-. However, myocyte generation of ONOO- may impair contractile function by directly altering Ca2+ handling. These data demonstrate that the site of generation within the cardiovascular system largely dictates the ability of ONOO- to directly or indirectly modulate cardiac pump function.  相似文献   

We described the use of a new chemical substance Sodium nucleinate (SN) as an immunomodulatory substance exhibiting antiinflammatory properties. Sodium nucleinate (SN) registrated in Russian Federation as Tamerit, is 2-amino-1,2,3,4-tetrahydrophthalazine-1,4-dione sodium salt dihydrate, derivative of well known chemical substance luminol. To comprehend the mechanisms of SN immunomodulatory activity, we examined the SN modulation of the innate inflammatory cytokine response of human PBMC stimulated with LPS in vitro. Furthermore, we studied the immunomodulatory effects of SN in mice challenged with E. coli LPS in vivo to investigate a possible novel approach to therapy of excessive inflammation that interfere with the response to endotoxin and inflammatory mediators. Our results demonstrated that SN is an efficient inhibitor of sepsis development in mice model of LPS-induced sepsis. The changes induced by SN include decreased mice plasma inflammatory cytokine production. Simmilary we demonstrated a decreased TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma and IL-6 response in human LPS-stimulated PBMNCs. SN was therefore shown to be a promising inhibitor of multiple inflammatory cytokine secretion.  相似文献   

In vitro versus in vivo genetic divergence in potato   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 The objective of this study was to compare the genetic divergence pattern in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) under in vitro and in vivo conditions. Twenty two potato genotypes were evaluated for ten morphological characters under four in vitro conditions, and for 20 characters under four in vivo seasons. Mahalanobis’ generalized intra- and inter-group genetic distances, and the distribution of genotypes into different clusters, led to the same conclusions under both in vitro and in vivo conditions: (1) genetic diversity was not related to geographic diversity, (2) genetic distances were higher between Tuberosum and Andigena than within Tuberosum and Andigena, and (3) present-day Indian varieties have more resemblance to Tuberosum than to the Andigena group. The in vitro approach was more effective than the in vivo approach for differentiating the genotypes per se, although its effectiveness for cross prediction is known to be low. Received: 15 September 1997 / Accepted: 15 July 1998  相似文献   

Mouse interferon preparations significantly suppress the in vivo antibody response to sheep red blood cells (SRBC), a thymus-dependent antigen, and to Salmonella typhimurium lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a thymus-independent antigen. It is also possible to effect the late responses of antigen sensitive "memory" cells observed during secondary immunization by administration of interferon prior to primary immunization. The immunosuppressive activity of interferon was time- and dose-dependent. Maximum suppression was produced when animals were given 1.5 times 10-5 units of interferon between 4 and 48 hr before antigenic stimulation. These findings suggested that interferon affects some early event(s) in the process of antibody synthesis which might be related to the general inhibitory effect of interferon on rapidly dividing cells and viral m-RNA translation. In addition, the use of nonadherent spleen cell cultures from interferon-treated mice, immunized in vitro with a thymus-independent antigen, indicated that in this situation the inhibitory effect of interferon was due to an action on B lymphocytes. A variety of soluble "suppressive" factors are secreted by T cells as a consequence of activation by mitogens or specific antigens in vitro. Since T cells are recognized as one of the sources of interferon, it is suggested that interferon should be investigated as a suppressor T cell-produced lymphokine which can regulate B cell expression.  相似文献   

To assess the effect of alteration of membrane structure on the enzymic activities related to phospholipid synthesis in microsomal membrane, the effects of several organic solvents have been studied in an in vitro system, in which the cytoplasmic extract prepared from rat liver incorporated [14C]choline or [14C]CDP-choline into phosphatidycholine (lecithin). The optimum conditions for the incorporation were determined. Among several organic solvents examined, n-alkanes such as n-hexane, n-octane, and n-tetradecane stimulated the incorporation. It was shown that n-alkanes stimulated one of three enzymic steps of lecithin biosynthesis from choline; that is, the formulation of CDP-choline catalyzed by CTP: cholinephosphate cytidyltransferase [EC], an enzyme on the microsomal membrane. It was further shown that the same enzyme was also stimulated by preincubation of microsomes in the absence of substrate. It is suggested that alteration of the lipid environment of the microsomal membrane induced by n-alkanes caused activation of this enzymic step.  相似文献   

Normal mouse lymphocytes are not capable of mounting a primary cytotoxic T cell response to Mls encoded, non H-2, allodeterminants, although a strong lymphoproliferative response is observed in primary MLR between Mls incompatible cells. In this study it is reported that in the supernatant of primary cultures between AKR macrophages and CBA/H lymphocytes (H-2 identical, incompatible for Mls and other minor antigens) a suppressor of T cell proliferation in MLR is detected. By contrast, a suppressor is not detected in supernatants from primary cultures between BALB/C macrophages and CBA/H lymphocytes (H-2 incompatible, Mls identical), B10.BR macrophages and CBA/H macrophages and CBA/H lymphocytes (syngeneic) suggesting that the production of the suppressor factor occurs only when an Mls incompatibility exists. The suppressive activity of the Mls incompatible culture supernatant upon MLR between incompatible macrophages and lymphocytes is neither antigen specific nor Mls or H-2 restricted, nor is it due to an irreversible toxic effect on T lymphocytes or macrophages. The inhibition of T cell proliferation could be explained by inhibition of IL 2 production, by blocking its union to T cells or by a combination of both effects. Our findings could help explain previous observations that lymphocytes from mice preimmunized with Mls incompatible cells have a depressed proliferative response as well as depressed cytotoxicity against alloantigens.  相似文献   

Endothelial-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) is secreted by different endothelia in vivo. It is synthesised by endothelial NO-synthase (eNOS). Despite numerous works, its identity is not fully understood. Here the production of NA, a nitroso-arginine, which was shown to be synthesised by brain NO-synthase (bNOS), was studied in eNOS preparations. NA was quantified by reductive differential pulse voltammetry (RDPV) during its irreversible electrochemical transformation to N-hydroxy-arginine (NHA). Using microelectrodes, NA and nitrite were simultaneously measured in pure recombinant eNOS giving similar enzyme activity. NA was detected at the surface of human endothelial cells (HUVEC) and disappeared when D-arginine was introduced in the culture medium. NA production by endothelium tissue was studied in rat corpus cavernosum using voltammetric microelectrodes. NA concentration at the endothelium surface was linked to vasodilatation measured by laser Doppler induced by acetylcholine injection. LNMA ic injection induced NA disappearance. These preliminary new experiments suggested that NA could be the endogenous nitroso-compound presented early as EDRF.  相似文献   

Effects of acetylcholine (Ach) and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on immunoreactive corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) release from the rat hypothalamus were examined using a rat hypothalamic perifusion system and a rat CRF RIA in vitro. Ach stimulated CRF release in a dose-dependent manner (1 pM-1 nM). One nM Ach-induced CRF release was inhibited by atropine in a dose-dependent manner (1-100 nM), but was inhibited by only a high concentration (100 nM) of hexamethonium. In addition, such Ach-induced CRF release was inhibited by norepinephrine. GABA did not influence basal CRF release. These results suggest that Ach stimulates CRF release mainly through muscarinic receptors at least under our conditions.  相似文献   

The present study examined the ultrastructural appearance of porcine embryos from the four-cell stage to the blastocyst grown either in vivo or in vitro. Embryos were collected at slaughter from superovulated gilts and were fixed for transmission electron microscopy either immediately or after various periods of in vitro culture. In general, the morphology of in vivo and in vitro grown embryos was similar. In vivo grown four-cell stages contained dense fibrillar nucleoli. At the eight-cell stage the nucleoli possessed increasing amounts of chromatin and granules. In both stages the mitochondria were spherical or ovoid in shape and had only few cristae. In morulae and blastocysts the nucleoli were mainly of the fibrillogranular type, and the mitochondria were filamentous and possessed more cristae, of which many were tubular. Two major ultrastructural deviations were observed in about half of the in vitro cultured embryos. First, nucleolus-like structures were found outside the nuclei in the cytoplasm of blastomeres. These structures were spherical and composed of chromatin-like material containing characteristically a single large and several small vacuoles. The structures were frequently associated with profiles of smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER). A second type of deviation was aggregates of SER appearing as spiral coils or multiangular complexes. Some embryos displayed both types of deviations. The physiological significance of these deviations remains speculative. They may be involved in the considerably reduced capability of porcine embryos to develop to piglets following in vitro culture.  相似文献   

Soy isoflavone aglycones (IFAs) have a wide range of biological actions. We investigated in this study the effect of IFAs on myeloid cells. The cell surface expression of both CD80 and CD86 was up-regulated by treating myeloid cells with IFAs in vitro and in vivo. The findings suggest that IFAs could modulate the myeloid cell function.  相似文献   

Menaquinone-7, which is vitamin K2 (menatetrenone) with seven isoprene units, is highly contained in the fermented soybean. The effect of menaquinone-7 (MK-7) on osteoblastic bone formation was investigated. Femoral-diaphyseal and metaphyseal tissues of young male rats (4 weeks old) were cultured for 48 h in a medium containing either vehicle or MK-7 (10–7–10–5 M). Calcium content, alkaline phosphatase activity, and deoxyribonuclic acid (DNA) content in the diaphyseal and metaphyseal tissues was significantly increased in the presence of MK-7 (10–6 and 10–5 M). The effect of MK-7 in increasing the diaphyseal and metaphyseal calcium content and alkaline phosphatase activity was completely prevented in the presence of cycloheximide (10–6 M), an inhibitor of protein synthesis. Moreover, osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells after subculture were cultured for 24 h in a serum-free medium containing MK-7 (10–7–10–5 M). Protein content, alkaline phophatase activity, osteocalcin and DNA content in the cells was significantly increased in the presence of MK-7 (10–6 and 10–5 M). The effect of MK-7 in increasing protein content, alkaline phosphatase activity, and osteocalcin production in the cells was completely blocked by cycloheximide. This study demonstrates that MK-7 has an anabolic effect on bone tissue and osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells in vitro, suggesting that the compound can stimulate osteoblastic bone formation.  相似文献   

Effects of epidermal growth factor (EGF) on the development of mouse 2-cell embryos cultured in vitro were investigated. The addition of EGF at a concentration of 0.5 ng/ml enhanced the development of 2-cell embryos during 24 h of incubation. As expected, EGF stimulated the synthesis of DNA in the 2-cell embryos about 4-fold over the control. The growth-promoting effect of EGF seemed to be specific in that other growth factors, such as transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-alpha), transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), nerve growth factor (NGF) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) had no effect on the embryonal development. The addition of EGF also increased the rate of RNA synthesis in a dose-related manner between 0.1 and 50 ng/ml. However, protein synthesis was unaffected by EGF. These results raise the possibility that EGF may participate in the process of early embryogenesis in vivo.  相似文献   

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