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徐晓峰 《生物技术》1995,5(6):38-39
本文介绍了835氨基酸分析仪使用调试技术,采用标准样和各种不同样品,对仪器进行多次使用调试,各项技术指标均合要求。将其试验数据与其它型号氨基酸分析仪相比比较,结果基本一致。说明测定数据准确可靠,仪器运转性能良好。  相似文献   

本文介绍了日立835-50型氨基酸分析仪日常维修和保养的一些作法,以供操作和维修人员参考。  相似文献   

给出日立835-50型氨基酸分析仪使用过程中出现的六种故障现象及判断排除方法  相似文献   

给出日立835-50型氨基酸分析仪使用过程中出现的六种故障现象及判断排除方法  相似文献   

银屑病是皮肤病中最为常见的疾病之一。主要病理变化是角朊细胞角化兴一。本研究以银屑病患者的鳞和为研究对象,测定其水解物中的氨基酸含量,从而探索银屑病的氨基酸含量并进行比较,从而银屑病的氨基酸代谢变化规律,为银的诊治提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Summary The relative abundances among the amino acids, which are functionally similar to one another, were explained by random partition of a unit interval.  相似文献   

Summary A model of molecular evolution in which the parameter (intrinsic rate of amino acid substitution) fluctuates from time to time was investigated by simulating the process. It was found that the usual method of estimation such as Poisson fitting underestimates this variation of the parameter when remote comparisons are made. At the same time, four distance measures (minimum base difference, Poisson fitting, random nucleotide substitutions and negative binomial fitting) were tested for their accuracy. When the substitution rate is not uniform among the amino acid sites, the negative binomial fitting gives most satisfactory results, however, one needs to know the parameter beforehand in order to use this method. It was pointed out that the fluctuation of the evolutionary rate is expected if the nearly neutral but very slightly deleterious mutations play an important role on molecular evolution.Contribution No. 1087 from the National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Shizuoka-ken, 411 Japan.  相似文献   

SLC6A14, also known as ATB(0,+), is an amino acid transporter with unique characteristics. It transports 18 of the 20 proteinogenic amino acids. However, this transporter is expressed only at low levels in normal tissues. Here, we show that the transporter is up-regulated specifically in estrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast cancer, demonstrable with primary human breast cancer tissues and human breast cancer cell lines. SLC6A14 is an estrogen/ER target. The transport features of SLC6A14 include concentrative transport of leucine (an activator of mTOR), glutamine (an essential amino acid for nucleotide biosynthesis and substrate for glutaminolysis), and arginine (an essential amino acid for tumor cells), suggesting that ER-positive breast cancer cells up-regulate SLC6A14 to meet their increased demand for these amino acids. Consequently, treatment of ER-positive breast cancer cells in vitro with α-methyl-DL-tryptophan (α-MT), a selective blocker of SLC6A14, induces amino acid deprivation, inhibits mTOR, and activates autophagy. Prolongation of the treatment with α-MT causes apoptosis. Addition of an autophagy inhibitor (3-methyladenine) during α-MT treatment also induces apoptosis. These effects of α-MT are specific to ER-positive breast cancer cells, which express the transporter. The ability of α-MT to cause amino acid deprivation is significantly attenuated in MCF-7 cells, an ER-positive breast cancer cell line, when SLC6A14 is silenced with shRNA. In mouse xenograft studies, α-MT by itself is able to reduce the growth of the ER-positive ZR-75-1 breast cancer cells. These studies identify SLC6A14 as a novel and effective drug target for the treatment of ER-positive breast cancer.  相似文献   

This report describes a new, automated chromatographic procedure eliminating carbohydrates from amino acid samples prior to their analysis by anion-exchange chromatography and integrated amperometric detection. In the first step, a sample is brought onto a short cation-exchange column (trap column) in hydrogen form. Carbohydrates are passing through this column, while only amino acids are retained. Subsequently, the cation-exchange column, holding the amino acid fraction, is switched in-line with the gradient pump and separator column. The mobile phase used at the beginning of the separation (NaOH; pH 12.7) transfers amino acids from the trap column onto the anion-exchange column and the amino acid separation is completed without any interference by carbohydrates. All common amino acids are recovered following the carbohydrate removal step. The average value of their recovery is 88.1%. The calibration plots were tested between 12.5 and 500 pmol (amounts injected). The mean value of correlation coefficients of calibration plots was calculated as 0.99. The mean value of relative standard deviations from five replicates was 3.9%. The usefulness of the method is illustrated with two chromatograms of a carrot juice sample obtained before and after the in-line removal of carbohydrates.  相似文献   

(1) The active uptake of different amino acids by growing cells of Streptomyces hydrogenans was shown to be correlated with the physiological age of the cells. During the lag phase of growth the transport capacity increased and attained its highest level when the growth rate was maximum. During further growth the transport capacity declined progressively. The lowest transport activity was observed when the culture shifted into the stationary growth phase. (2) Such modulation of transport capacity was independent on the presence or absence of amino acids in the growth medium of the cells. (3) The size and the composition of the pool of free intracellular amino acids was also undergoing substantial variations during the growth cycle of the culture. In the lag phase, the levels of all amino acids decreased markedly and attained their lowest values at the end of this phase. During further growth the pool size was slowly replenished. (4) Removal of the pool resulted in a considerable gain of transport capacity. Therefore, it was concluded that active amino acid transport in growing Streptomyces hydrogenans is under feedback control by intracellular amino acids. (5) Quantitatively, the modulation of the pool size could not fully account for the variation of the transport capacity. Since a pool-independent stimulation of transport was found to be correlated with the increase of the growth rate of the cells, the possibility is discussed that the stimulation of transport is either due to increased levels of distinct RNA species, which might provide positive feedback signals for transport, or by increased rates of de novo synthesis of transport limiting proteins.List of Abbreviations AIB 2-aminoisobutyric acid - CM complete medium - MM mineral medium  相似文献   

Summary All the codons of the genetic code can be arranged into the closed one-step mutation ring, containing three periods of the same sequence of mutations (2,3,3,3,1,3,3,3,1,3,3,3,1,3,3,3,2,3,3,3). The codons of Gly play a role of the connecting element between the end of the third, and the beginning of the first period of the genetic code. The reactivity of amino acids, expressed by the reaction rates of aminolysis reaction of N-hydroxysuccinimide esters of protected amino acids with p-anisidine, changes periodically with the respect to the mutation periods of the genetic code. Chou-Fasman P as well as P conformational parameters of amino acids, and also the compositional frequencies of amino acids in proteins, demonstrate the pseudosymmetry pattern with respect to the center of one-step mutation ring, which is situated between Thr ACY and ACR codons.  相似文献   

A number of methyl and ethyl esters of naturally occurring amino acids exert a potent stimulatory effect on the cotransport system responsible for the absorption of most essential amino acids along the midgut of the silkworm Bombyx mori. L-Leucine methyl ester (Leu-OMe), one of the most effective activators, induces a large increase of the initial rate of leucine uptake in midgut brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) from the anterior-middle (AM) region, and a small effect in BBMV from the posterior (P) region. Nonetheless, the methyl ester causes in both regions a relevant K(+)-, Deltapsi- and pH-independent increase of the intravesicular accumulation of the amino acid. The activation by Leu-OMe proves that amino acid absorption can be modulated all along the B. mori larval midgut and that the AM region, where the ability to transport and concentrate the substrate is very low, is more susceptible than the P region. Leucine uptake in AM-BMMV can be activated by amino acid methyl esters with definite structural requisites, with the following order of potency: L-leucine>L-phenylglycine>L-methionine>L-phenylalanine>L-norleucinez.Gt;L-isoleucine. The activation is stereospecific and occurs also with some ethyl esters (e.g. leucine and phenylalanine). No activation was observed with esters of amino acids with short hydrophobic or polar side-chains. The activation mechanism here described plays a fundamental role in larval growth since silkworms reared on artificial diets supplemented with leucine or methionine methyl esters reach maximum body weight 12-18 h before control larvae and spin cocoons with a larger shell weight. This novel regulatory mechanism of an amino acid transport protein appears to be widespread among lepidopteran larvae.  相似文献   

System A is a secondary active, sodium dependent transport system for neutral amino acids. Strictly coupled with Na,KATPase, its activity determines the size of the intracellular amino acid pool, through a complex network of metabolic reaction and exchange fluxes. Many hormones and drugs affect system A activity in specific cell models or tissues. In all the cell models tested thus far the activity of the system is stimulated by amino acid starvation, cell cycle progression, and the incubation under hypertonic conditions. These three conditions produce marked alterations of cell volume. The stimulation of system A activity plays an important role in cell volume restoration, through an expansion of the intracellular amino acid pool. Under normal conditions, system A substrates represent a major fraction of cell compatible osmolytes, organic compounds that exert a protein stabilizing effect. It is, therefore, likely that the activation of system A represents a portion of a more complex response triggered by exposure to stresses of various nature. Since system A transporters have been recently cloned, the molecular bases of these regulatory mechanisms will probably be elucidated in a short time.  相似文献   

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