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The zona pellucida is an extracellular matrix consisting of three glycoproteins that surrounds mammalian eggs and mediates fertilization. The primary structures of mouse ZP1, ZP2, and ZP3 have been deduced from cDNA. Each has a predicted signal peptide and a transmembrane domain from which an ectodomain must be released. All three zona proteins undergo extensive co- and post-translational modifications important for secretion and assembly of the zona matrix. In this report, native zonae pellucidae were isolated and structural features of individual zona proteins within the mixture were determined by high resolution electrospray mass spectrometry. Complete coverage of the primary structure of native ZP3, 96% of ZP2, and 56% of ZP1, the least abundant zona protein, was obtained. Partial disulfide bond assignments were made for each zona protein, and the size of the processed, native protein was determined. The N termini of ZP1 and ZP3, but not ZP2, were blocked by cyclization of glutamine to pyroglutamate. The C termini of ZP1, ZP2, and ZP3 lie upstream of a dibasic motif, which is part of, but distinct from, a proprotein convertase cleavage site. The zona proteins are highly glycosylated and 4/4 potential N-linkage sites on ZP1, 6/6 on ZP2, and 5/6 on ZP3 are occupied. Potential O-linked carbohydrate sites are more ubiquitous, but less utilized.  相似文献   

The hamster egg's extracellular coat, or zona pellucida, consists of three glycoproteins, designated hZP1, hZP2, and hZP3, that exhibit extensive heterogeneity on SDS-PAGE. hZP1 is a relatively minor component of hamster zonae pellucidae, as compared with hZP2 and hZP3. In the presence of reducing agents, hZP1, 200,000 apparent Mr, migrates on SDS-PAGE with an apparent Mr of 103,000. This suggests that hZP1, like mouse ZP1, is composed of two polypeptides held together by intermolecular disulfides. When purified hamster ZP glycoproteins were tested at relatively low concentrations in an in vitro competition assay, employing either hamster or mouse gametes, only hZP3 (56,000 apparent Mr) exhibited sperm receptor activity (i.e., inhibited binding of sperm to eggs). Thus, apparently hZP3 is the hamster counterpart of mouse ZP3, the mouse egg receptor for sperm. Furthermore, at relatively high concentrations, solubilized hamster egg ZP preparations induced both hamster and mouse sperm to undergo the acrosome reaction in vitro. hZP3 is encoded by a relatively abundant ovarian mRNA that is detected by a mouse ZP3 cDNA probe and is the same size, about 1.5 kb, as mRNA encoding the mouse sperm receptor, ZP3 (83,000 apparent Mr). Like mouse ZP2, hZP2 undergoes limited proteolysis following artificial activation of hamster eggs in vitro. Results of in vitro assays employing intact eggs and isolated zonae pellucidae demonstrate that hamster eggs possess a ZP2-proteinase which has a substrate specificity similar to that of the mouse enzyme. These observations are discussed in terms of structural and functional relationships that may exist between hamster and mouse zona pellucida glycoproteins.  相似文献   

The zona pellucida (ZP) is the extracellular coat surrounding the mammalian egg. Numerious evidence supports the role of ZP carbohydrate residues as the specific sperm receptors. In this study we used lectins to study different distribution patterns of carbohydrate residues in the rat ZP, and to follow changes at fertilization. ZP were collected from follicular, ovulated, and fertilized eggs, incubated with one of 11 different biotin-labeled lectins, followed by avidin-fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) complex, and visualized by epifluorescent microscopy. For electron microscope (EM) histochemistry, eggs were embedded in LR white and ultrathin sections were stained with the complexRicinus communis lectin (RCA-1)-colloidal gold. Some lectins (RCA-I,Glycine max) bound to the entire ZP while others were restricted to the inner or outer zones [Griffonia simplicifolia, Concanovalia ensiformis, Triticum vulgaris (WGA), succinyl-WGA]. Other lectins (Lens culinaris, Ulex europhaeus) were totally excluded. The RCA-1 binding pattern changed following sperm penetration, from homogeneous in ZP of ovulated eggs (57%) to uneven in ZP of fertilized (71%) or activated (68%) eggs. Our results demonstrate an uneven distribution of different sugar residues in the rat ZP, and a post-fertilization change in the distribution of β-galactose, which is specifically recognized by RCA-I, presumably correlated with other changes in the ZP that lead to the block to polyspermy. This work is in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the PhD degree of Tamar Raz at the Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University  相似文献   

Interactions between sperm and zona pellucida (ZP) during mammalian fertilization are not well characterized at the molecular level. To identify sperm proteins that recognize ligand ZP3, we used sonicated sperm membrane fractions as competitors in a quantitative binding assay. Sonicated membranes were density fractionated into 4 fractions. Bands 1-3 contained membrane vesicles, and band 4 contained axonemal and midpiece fragments. In competitive binding assays, bands 1, 2, and 3 but not band 4 were able to compete with live, capacitated, intact sperm for soluble 125I-ZP binding. Affinity-purified ZP fractions consisting of a ZP3-enriched fraction (125I-ZP3) and a fraction enriched for ligands ZP1 and ZP2 and depleted of ZP3 (125I-ZP1/2) were obtained by antibody affinity purification of ZP3. In competitive binding assays, bands 2 and 3 competed for 125I-ZP3 binding, but band 1 did not interact with enriched 125I-ZP3. None of the membrane fractions competed for 125I-ZP1/2 binding. These results demonstrate that band 2 and band 3 contain sperm components that interact with ZP3 alone and that components in band 1 interact with ZP3 in conjunction with either ZP1 or ZP2. These data indicate that there must be at least 2 unique sperm plasma membrane components that mediate intact sperm interactions with ZP glycoproteins in mouse. Bands 2 and 3 are likely to contain a primary ZP-binding protein because they interacted directly with ZP3, whereas band 1 may contain sperm proteins involved in later interactions with the ZP, perhaps transitional interactions to maintain sperm contact with the ZP during acrosomal exocytosis.  相似文献   

Zona pellucida (ZP), the extracellular glycocalyx that surrounds the mammalian egg plasma membrane, is a relatively simple structure consisting of three to four glycoproteins. In the mouse, the ZP is composed of three glycoproteins, namely ZP1 (200 kDa), ZP2 (120 kDa), and ZP3 (83 kDa). Extensive studies in this species have resulted in the identification of primary (mZP3) and secondary (mZP2) binding sites for spermatozoa. The two zona components are highly glycosylated containing N-linked and O-linked glycan units. In an attempt to characterize N-linked glycan units, mZP2 and mZP3 were purified and the N-linked carbohydrate chains were released by exhaustive digestion with N-glycanase. The released oligosaccharides (OSs) were radiolabeled by reduction with NaB3H4 and resolved by gel filtration on a column of Bio-Gel P-4. The OSs separated into several peaks indicating the presence of a variety of N-linked glycans. Interestingly, the radioactive peaks resolved from mZP2 and mZP3 were quite different, a result suggesting qualitative and quantitative differences in the glycans. The [SH]-labeled glycans present in mZP2 and mZP3 were pooled separately and fractionated by serial lectin chromatography. Experimental evidence included in this report strongly suggests that mZP3 (but not mZP2) contains polylactosaminyl glycan with terminal, nonreducing alpha-galactosyl residues. The mZP3 glycans eluted from the immobilized lectin columns were further characterized by lectin and sizing column chromatography before or after digestion with endo-/ exo-glycohydrolases. Data revealed the presence of a variety of OSs, including poly-N-acetyllactosaminyl, bi-, tri-, and tetraantennary complex-type, and high-mannose-type glycans. Taken together, these results provide additional evidence on the complex nature of the glycan chains present on mZP glycoconjugates.  相似文献   

For sperm to fertilize eggs, they must first bind to the thick zona pellucida (ZP) that surrounds the plasma membrane of all unfertilized mammalian eggs. An extensive literature suggests that mouse sperm recognize and bind to a specific ZP glycoprotein called mZP3. However, the role of individual ZP glycoproteins in binding of mouse sperm to eggs has been called into question by recent transgenic experiments with null mice. Results of such experiments have been interpreted to mean that binding of sperm depends on the supramolecular structure of the ZP, not on an individual ZP glycoprotein. Here, it is argued that results of these transgenic experiments actually are consistent with the prevailing view of gamete recognition that implicates a specific ZP glycoprotein in both binding of mouse sperm to eggs and induction of the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

The morphologic and biochemical effects on the structure and constituent glycoproteins of the zona pellucida (ZP) by a specific sperm enzyme, acrosin, and a nonsperm enzyme, trypsin, have been evaluated. Intact porcine ZP matricies, exposed to either acrosin or trypsin, were analyzed microscopically. Changes in specific glycoproteins were monitored by high-resolution two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) and the silver-based color stain, GELCODE. Although these enzymes did not alter the macroscopic properties of the ZP matrix, the 2D-PAGE ZP protein patterns were markedly altered. The high molecular weight glycoprotein families (II and III) were sensitive to proteolytic digestion, whereas the major glycoprotein family (I) of the porcine zona was only partially proteolyzed by acrosin and trypsin. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that acrosin had unique substrate specificity compared to that of trypsin, since the ZP peptide patterns were found to be different. These studies are the first to demonstrate which integral glycoproteins of the native porcine ZP matrix are specifically proteolyzed by acrosin from the homologous species and that this proteolysis occurs without the dissolution of the native porcine matrix.  相似文献   

This study was designed to explore the composition of the equine zona pellucida (EZP) by one- and two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (1D- and 2D-PAGE), silver staining and immunoblotting techniques. Antral follicles palpable on frozen-thawed equine ovaries were aspirated with a needle and syringe, and the resultant follicular fluid, cellular material and oocytes were pooled. Oocytes were placed in Petri dishes, moved by narrow-bore pipette to droplets of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and mechanically cleaned of cumulus cells. The EZP from these collected oocytes was solubilized, and then analysed by 1D- and 2D-PAGE. Silver stained 2D-PAGE of the EZP revealed the presence of three EZP glycoprotein families of apparent molecular mass ranges of 93-120 kDa, 73-90 kDa and 45-80 kDa. Immunoblot analysis of EZP glycoproteins resolved by 2D-PAGE using rabbit antisera against pig zonae pellucidae (R alpha HSPZ) confirmed the presence of three EZP glycoprotein families and established the existence of common epitopes between equine and porcine ZP glycoproteins. Further immunodetection using 2D-PAGE-separated glycoproteins illustrated that the 45-80 kDa family is recognized by the monoclonal antibody R5, developed against the porcine ZP glycoprotein of molecular mass 55-120 kDa. Guinea-pig antiserum against endo-beta-galactosidase-treated rabbit ZP 55 kDa glycoprotein (R55K), which specifically recognizes the rabbit ZP glycoprotein with the lowest molecular mass, also recognized the EZP 45-80 kDa glycoprotein family. Guinea-pig polyclonal antisera developed against total heat-solubilized rabbit ZP (GP alpha HSRZ) recognized the 73-90 kDa EZP glycoprotein family exclusively. After heat solubilization and treatment of EZP with endo-beta-galactosidase to remove polylactosaminoglycans, silver stained 1D-PAGE again demonstrated the presence of three glycoproteins with apparent molecular masses of 60, 75 and 90 kDa. The partially deglycosylated 60 kDa equine glycoprotein is recognized on immunoblot by the monoclonal antibody R5; the 75 kDa EZP glycoprotein is recognized by GP alpha HSRZ; and all three EZP glycoproteins separated by 1D-PAGE are recognized by R alpha HSPZ. These data add further support to the concept of cross-species zona pellucida glycoprotein antigenicity.  相似文献   

Egg zona pellucida glycoproteins mZP3 and mZP2 serve as primary and secondary sperm receptors, respectively, during initial stages of fertilization in mice [Wassarman (1988) A. Rev. Biochem. 57, 415-442]. These receptors interact with complementary egg-binding proteins (EBPs) located on the sperm surface to support species-specific gamete adhesion. Results of whole-mount autoradiographic experiments suggest that purified egg mZP3 and mZP2 bind preferentially to acrosome-intact (AI) and acrosome-reacted (AR) sperm heads, respectively [Bleil and Wassarman (1986) J. Cell Biol. 102, 1363-1371]. Here, we used purified egg mZP2, egg mZP3 and fetuin, which were coupled directly to colloidal gold ('gold-probes'), to examine binding of these glycoproteins to membrane compartments of AI and AR sperm by transmission electron microscopy. mZP3 gold-probes were found associated primarily with plasma membrane overlying the acrosomal and post-acrosomal regions of AI sperm heads. They were also found associated with plasma membrane overlying the post-acrosomal region of AR sperm heads. mZP2 gold-probes were found associated primarily with inner acrosomal membrane of AR sperm heads, although some gold was associated with outer acrosomal membrane of AI sperm that had holes in plasma membrane overlying the acrosome. Fetuin gold-probes, used to assess background levels of binding, were bound at relatively low levels to plasma membrane and inner acrosomal membrane of AI and AR sperm, respectively. None of the gold-probes exhibited significant binding to sperm tails, or to red blood cells and residual bodies present in sperm preparations. These results provide further evidence that mZP2 and mZP3 bind preferentially to heads of AR and AI sperm, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The zona pellucida, a transparent envelope surrounding the mammalian oocyte, comprises three glycoproteins, ZPA, ZPB and ZPC, and plays important roles in fertilization. We have previously reported that apparent relative molecular masses of bovine zona glycoproteins on SDS/PAGE under nonreducing conditions after removal of poly N-acetyllactosamine at the nonreducing portion of sugar chains with endo-beta-galactosidase are 72 000, 58 000 and 45 000 [Noguchi, S., Yonezawa, N., Katsumata, T., Hashizume, K.,Kuwayama, M., Hamano, S., Watanabe, S. & Nakano, M. (1994) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1201, 7-14]. The N-terminal amino-acid sequences and crossreactivity to antibodies specific to each porcine zona component show that the bovine components correspond to porcine ZPA, ZPB and ZPC, respectively. In this study, we deduced amino-acid sequences of bovine ZPA and ZPB by cDNA cloning and sequencing. Identities in amino-acid sequences between bovine and porcine counterparts were 77% for ZPA and 75% for ZPB, whereas between bovine and murine counterparts identities were 57% for ZPA and 37% for ZPB. The positions of Cys were completely conserved in bovine ZPA and ZPB compared with counterparts of other mammalian species. Bovine ZPA was processed between Ala and Asp on fertilization, suggesting that the consensus motif for the processing is Ala-Asp-Asp/Glu. We purified bovine zona components and examined their sperm-binding activity with an in vitro competition assay and sperm-bead-binding assay. As a result, ZPB showed the strongest sperm-binding activity among the components. ZPC also showed sperm-binding activity and the activity per molecule was about one-sixth that of ZPB according to the result of the sperm-bead-binding assay. We could not determine if ZPA has significant sperm-binding activity, but the activity may be much lower than that of ZPB even if ZPA has significant activity. Thus, ZPB may play a major role in sperm binding in bovine zona.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the synthesis of the mouse oocyte zona pellucida was studied using light microscope autoradiography after intrabursal injection of (3H) -fucose. Zona accretion occurred continuously from the inside, demonstrating that the oocyte itself elaborated all the raw material of the zona. The duration of zona synthesis corresponded to that of the oocyte growth phase. Zona secretion stopped one week before ovulation and there was no renewal of its material.  相似文献   

Bovine zone pellucida (ZP) glycorproteins from ovarian egg emerged as three bands with molecular mass of 78 kDa, 64 kDa and 21 kDa in SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions. Endo-β-galactosidase (EβG) digestion of the glycoproteins yielded five products with molecular mass of 76 kDa (EβG-76), 68 kDa (EβG-68), 63 kDa(EβG-63), 47 kDa (EβG-47) and 21 kDa (EβG-21) under the same conditions. The N-terminal amino acid sequences of EβG-76 and EβG-21 were identical. This fact together with the results of diagonal SDS-PAGE indicated that EβG-21 (N-terminal region) is linked to EβG-63 (C-terminal region) through disulfide bond to form EβG-76. Immunoblot analysis using anti-pig ZP protein antibodies revealed that bovine EβG-76, EβG-68 and EβG-47 correspond to pig PZP2, PZP3α and PZPEβ glycoproteins, respectively. The EβG-76 and EβG-68 components were shown to be specifically cleaved during fertilization.  相似文献   

Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) contains proteins derived from various pulmonary cell types, secretions and blood. As the characterization of the BALF proteome will be instrumental in establishing potential biomarkers of pathophysiology in the lungs, the objective of this study was to contribute to the comprehensive collection of Mus musculus BALF proteins using high resolution and highly sensitive micro-capillary liquid chromatography (microLC) combined with state-of-the-art high resolution mass spectrometry (MS). BALF was collected from ICR and C57BL/6 male mice exposed to nose-only inhalation to either air or cigarette smoke. The tandem mass spectra were analyzed by SEQUEST for peptide identifications with the subsequent application of accurate mass and time tags resulting in the identification of 1797 peptides with high confidence by high resolution MS. These peptides covered 959 individual proteins constituting the largest collection of BALF proteins to date. High throughput monitoring profiles of this extensive collection of BALF proteins will facilitate the discovery and validation of biomarkers that would elucidate pathogenic or adaptive responses of the lungs upon toxic insults.  相似文献   

The minimal requirements and characteristics of epididymal sperm binding to the zona pellucida of the mouse egg were investigated using a new stop-fix centrifugation technique. This assay provided a precise physical definition of the association between the spermatozoon and the zona and permitted quantitation of the binding reaction at short time intervals. The results demonstrated that Ca2+ is an essential physiological component required for binding to occur. Sperm preincubated for 60 min in a simplified medium lacking Ca2+ did not acquire the ability to bind to eggs. In contrast, if sperm preincubation occurred in this medium supplemented with 1.7 mM Ca2+, binding was identical to that observed following sperm preincubation in the complete culture medium which supports both capacitation and fertilization in vitro. The Ca2+-dependent binding reaction was rapid, reversed by EGTA, specific for Ca2+, and did not require the transport of Ca2+ into the cell. Sperm bound to the zona surface following preincubation with Ca2+ were capable of fertilization in vitro when the eggs were subsequently transferred to the culture medium. It is proposed that this binding reaction represents a part of capacitation and not the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

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