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Equilibrium constants for the binding of azide to the ferric heme c octapeptide in 50% ethylene glycol 50% buffer were measured spectrophotometrically. The equilibrium constant for azide binding at 20 degrees C and pH* 7.4 is 29.2, which is approximately 3 to 4 orders of magnitude lower than that observed for azide binding to various ferric hemeproteins. The equilibrium constant was indepent of pH* in the range from 7 to 8. Equilibrium constants at several temperatures exhibited an apparent van't Hoff relationship yielding thermodynamic values of delta H0 = -26,100 J/mol (-6240 cal/mol) and delta S0 = -61.5 J/0K mol (-14.7 e.u.). Comparison of these values to the values for the heme proteins enables one to explain the differences in equiliberium constants in terms of differences in the polarity of the heme environments. The results are consistent with the concept that the oxygen affinity of heme complexes increases with the polarity of the heme environment. The data also suggest that an increase in the polarity of the heme environment should result in a corresponding increase in the susceptibility of ferrous heme dioxygen complexes toward oxidation by the dioxygen.  相似文献   

Yeast cytochrome c peroxidase and horse heart cytochrome c have been cocrystallized in a form suitable for x-ray diffraction studies and the structure determined at 3.3 A. The asymmetric unit contains a dimer of the peroxidase which was oriented and positioned in the unit cell using molecular replacement techniques. Similar attempts to locate the cytochrome c molecules were unsuccessful. The peroxidase dimer model was subjected to eight rounds of restrained parameters least squares refinement after which the crystallographic R factor was 0.27 at 3.3 A. Examination of a 2Fo-Fc electron density map showed large "empty" regions between peroxidase dimers with no indication of cytochrome c molecules. Electrophoretic analysis of the crystals demonstrated the presence of the peroxidase and cytochrome c in an approximate equal molar ratio. Therefore, while cytochrome c molecules are present in the unit cell they are orientationally disordered and occupy the space between peroxidase dimers.  相似文献   

The extent of exposure of heme to solvent in horse heart cytochrome c and Rhodospirillum rubrum c2 was investigated to determine whether a correlation exists between the properties of these oxidation-reduction proteins and their heme environments. Solvent perturbation absorption difference spectra were measured using ethylene glycol, glycerol, and sucrose at concentrations between 0 and 30%. Cytochrome c appears to exhibit a somewhat greater extent of heme exposure than cytochrome c2 for both the oxidized and reduced states. These results suggest that the lower oxidation-reduction potential of cytochrome c may in part be due to a greater extent of exposure of the heme. The oxidized state of both proteins appears to exhibit a greater exposure than that of the reduced state which is consistent with a more favorable environment for the charge on the ferric heme coordination center.  相似文献   

The two products from the reaction of horse heart ferricytochrome c with Chloramine-T, the FIII and FII CT-cytochromes, contain modification of the methionines to methionine sulfoxides, but they are distinct in their physiological functions. Conformational and heme-configurational characterization of the two CT-cytochromes has been carried out by using absorption, circular dichroism, fluorescence, proton magnetic resonance, and resonance Raman spectroscopy. The pH-absorption spectroscopic behavior, thermal stability, and ionization of the phenolic hydroxyls have also been reported. Spectroscopic studies of the heme c fragment, H8, in the presence of dimethylsulfoxide, as a model for CT-cytochrome heme configuration, were also conducted. The ferric and the ferrous CT-cytochromes above pH 7.5 have similar, yet distinct, spectroscopic properties, absorption, CD, resonance Raman, and PMR spectra, typical of low-spin hexacoordinated hemes, but distinct from those of the unmodified protein. The ferric spectrum lacks the 695-nm band, and the reduced spectrum contains an additional inflection at about 400 nm, a feature also observed in the spectra of ferrous H8-DMSO systems. The CD, resonance Raman, and PMR spectra are typical of a cytochrome with a loosened heme crevice and altered coordination configuration. The Methionine-80 proton resonances are absent in the uupfield PMR spectra of both the CT-ferricytochromes. The ferrous spectra, on the other hand, contain all the Met-80 resonances, but with smaller upfield shifts than those of the native protein. Both CT-ferric cytochromes are less stable in the acid region and convert to high-spin forms with a two-step transition and with a distinct set of pK a values. The overall conformation is nearly identical to that of the native protein, but it is less stable to thermal unfolding. All the factors differentiating the modified preparations from the unmodified protein are more pronunced in the case of FII, with FIII being the closest to the unmodified form. The two functionally distinct CT-cytochromes are two conformational isomers; conformationally and heme configurationally, they are spectroscopically very similar, yet distinct. Both contain an altered heme iron coordination configuration. The sulfur of Met-80 is repalced by the oxygen of Met-80 sulfoxide of a different configuration, R or S. Both contain a loosened heme crevice and are conformationally less stable than the native protein, FII CT-cytochrome c being the most deranged.  相似文献   

High-resolution three-dimensional structure of horse heart cytochrome c   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The 1.94 A resolution three-dimensional structure of oxidized horse heart cytochrome c has been elucidated and refined to a final R-factor of 0.17. This has allowed for a detailed assessment of the structural features of this protein, including the presence of secondary structure, hydrogen-bonding patterns and heme geometry. A comprehensive analysis of the structural differences between horse heart cytochrome c and those other eukaryotic cytochromes c for which high-resolution structures are available (yeast iso-1, tuna, rice) has also been completed. Significant conformational differences between these proteins occur in three regions and primarily involve residues 22 to 27, 41 to 43 and 56 to 57. The first of these variable regions is part of a surface beta-loop, whilst the latter two are located together adjacent to the heme group. This study also demonstrates that, in horse cytochrome c, the side-chain of Phe82 is positioned in a co-planar fashion next to the heme in a conformation comparable to that found in other cytochromes c. The positioning of this residue does not therefore appear to be oxidation-state-dependent. In total, five water molecules occupy conserved positions in the structures of horse heart, yeast iso-1, tuna and rice cytochromes c. Three of these are on the surface of the protein, serving to stabilize local polypeptide chain conformations. The remaining two are internally located. One of these mediates a charged interaction between the invariant residue Arg38 and a nearby heme propionate. The other is more centrally buried near the heme iron atom and is hydrogen bonded to the conserved residues Asn52, Tyr67 and Thr78. It is shown that this latter water molecule shifts in a consistent manner upon change in oxidation state if cytochrome c structures from various sources are compared. The conservation of this structural feature and its close proximity to the heme iron atom strongly implicate this internal water molecule as having a functional role in the mechanism of action of cytochrome c.  相似文献   

 In the frame of a broad study on the structural differences between the two redox forms of cytochromes to be related to the electron transfer process, the NMR solution structure of horse heart cytochrome c in the reduced form has been determined. The structural data obtained in the present work are compared to those already available in the literature on the same protein and the presence of conformational differences is discussed in the light of the experimental method employed for the structure determination. Redox-state dependent changes are analyzed and in particular they are related to the role of propionate-7 of the heme. Also some hydrogen bonds are changed upon reduction of the heme iron. A substantial similarity is observed for the backbone fold, independently of the oxidation state. At variance, some meaningful differences are observed in the orientation of a few side chains. These changes are related to those found in the case of the highly homologous cytochrome c from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The exchangeability of the NH protons has been investigated and found to be smaller than in the case of the oxidized protein. We think that this is a characteristic of reduced cytochromes and that mobility is a medium for molecular recognition in vivo. Received: 8 June 1998 / Accepted: 13 October 1998  相似文献   

Spectral studies of horse heart porphyrin cytochrome c   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Removal of the heme iron from cytochrome c to generate porphyrin cytochrome c relieves the quenching of porphyrin fluorescence and enhances the fluorescence of the single tryptophan residue and the 4 tyrosine residues. The intensity of the porphyrin fluorescence is not perturbed by denaturation of the protein at neutral pH using either urea or guanidine hydrochloride. However, the amplitude of tryptophan fluorescence is increased by these denaturants from 5 to about 85% of a model tryptophan residue using solutions of 2 microM tryptophan. In contrast to cytochrome c, the tryptophan fluorescence amplitude of denatured porphyrin cytochrome c is independent of pH over the range pH 3.0 to 7.4. Acidification of solutions of either native or denatured porphyrin cytochrome c markedly alters both the visible absorbance and fluorescence of the protein consistent with protonation of two pyrrole nitrogens on the porphyrin. Preliminary analysis of the spectral changes occurring in the acid transition suggests the presence of an intermediate form having only one of these two pyrrole nitrogens protonated.  相似文献   

Equilibrium constants for the binding of cyanide to the ferric heme c octapeptide in 20% ethylene glycol, 50% buffer were measured spectrophotometrically. The equilibrium constant for cyanide binding at 20 degrees C and pH 7.4 is 3.47 X 10(7), which is approximately 15-fold lower than that observed for cyanide binding to methemoglobin or metmyoglobin. Equilibrium constants at several temperatures exhibited an apparent van't Hoff relationship, yielding thermodynamic values of delta H degrees = -79,000 J/mol (-18,900 cal/mol) and delta S degrees = J/degrees K mol (-30.1 e.u.). Comparison of the ratio of equilibrium constants for cyanide ligation to methemoglobin the heme octapeptide with the ratio of equilibrium constants for azide ligation to methemoglobin and the heme octapeptide suggests that cyanide binding to the methemoproteins is much smaller than expected by comparison to azide binding. The differences in the ratios, the thermodynamic values, and the preferred binding geometries suggest that CN- ligation, like CO ligation, is sterically hindered. A comparison of these ratios to similar ratios for CO, O2, and NO binding suggests that the Fe-CN bond angle is less subject to distortion than the Fe-CO bond and/or additional binding interactions contribute to N3- but not to CN-binding to the protein.  相似文献   

A solution synthesis of Z-Gly-Thr-Lys (Tfa)-Met-Ile-Phe-Ala-Gly-Ile-Lys (Tfa)-Lys (Tfa)-NHNH-Boc corresponding to the sequence 77-87 of horse heart cytochrome c is described. The protected undecapeptide was obtained from intermediate hepta- and tetrapeptide fragments by an azide coupling.  相似文献   

Proton NMR spectra of a model of low-spin cyanide complexes of ferric hemoproteins indicate that two broad single-protein resonances from the axial imidazole can be resolved outside the diamagnetic spectral region. Upon deprotonation of the imidazole in the model, the upfield resonance shifts dramatically to higher field, suggesting that its position may reflect the degree of hydrogen bonding or proton donation of the imidazole. Met-cyano myoglobin reveals a pair of such broad peaks in the regions expected for an essentially neutral axial imidazole. In the cyano complexes of horseradish peroxidase and cytochrome c peroxidase, a pair of single-proton resonances are located which are assigned to the same imidazole protons on the basis of their linewidth and shift changes upon altering the heme substituents. The upfiled proton, however, is found at much higher field than in metMbCN. The upfield bias of this resonance is taken as evidence for appreciable imidazolate character for the axial ligand in these heme peroxidases.  相似文献   

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