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OBJECTIVE: To explore data from a set of cases of adrenal cortical adenomas with different endocrine syndromes and carcinomas to determine whether quantitative image analysis of nuclear features might be used to separate the groups. STUDY DESIGN: Fifteen adrenal cortical tumors in which clinical information and optimally preserved, paraffin-embedded tissue were available were used. There were 10 adenomas and 5 carcinomas. Among the adenomas, five were associated with primary hyperaldosteronism (Conn's syndrome) and five with Cushing's syndrome. Five-micrometer-thick sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. In each case 50 nuclei were measured, and a number of morphometric and densitometric features were extracted. The data were subjected to multivariate analysis. RESULTS: Quantitative analysis showed that nuclei from adrenal carcinomas are larger than those from adenomas. Total optical density (OD) had a near-diploid distribution in the adenomas, while it was clearly aneuploid in the carcinomas. The pixel OD histograms were almost identical for all groups. Differences in nuclear chromatin texture were found between adenomas and carcinomas and also between the two adenoma categories. Multivariate analysis showed good discrimination between carcinomas and adenomas (Wilks lambda = .628, P < .0001) and between adenomas. However, based on Bayesian decision boundaries, 20-25% of carcinoma nuclei could be expected to be in the range of adenoma, and about 12% of Cushing's adenoma nuclei and 15% of Conn's adenoma nuclei would be classified as carcinoma. CONCLUSION: Computer-assisted analysis of nuclear characteristics proved useful in identifying and describing differences between groups of tumors arising in the adrenal cortex.  相似文献   

Orexin-A and -B are hypothalamic peptides derived from a precursor called prepro-orexin and related with the regulation of the energy balance and arousal. They act on G protein receptors named orexin receptor 1 (OX1R) and orexin receptor 2 (OX2R). In the present study, we used immunohistochemical techniques to detect the distribution of OXR in normal human adrenal gland and adrenal tumours (adrenocortical adenomas and pheochromocytomas). OX1R was expressed in the cortex of the normal human adrenal gland (glomerulosa, fasciculata and reticular zones) and OX2R was located in the medulla (epinephrine and norepinephrine cells). By the double immunofluorescence techniques, we demonstrated that virtually all medullar cells (epinephrine and norepinephrine cells) expressed OX2R. As was expected, according to the results obtained in normal tissues, cortical tumours (adrenocortical adenomas) were positive for OX1R but not for OX2R and conversely, medullar tumours (pheochromocytomas) expressed only OX2R.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of four aldosterone secreting adenomas and of the adjacent zona glomerulosa has been described by the use of stereological techniques. Adenomatous cells (about 2800 microns 3 in volume) invariably displayed a striking abundance of lipid droplets, which occupied about 30% of the cytoplasm. Mitochondria prevalently contained tubulo-lamellar or lamellar cristae, but some cells exhibited organelles with vesicular cristae. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) was not very abundant. Small lipofuscin-pigment granules were frequently seen and in a few cells they were exceedingly numerous. Zona glomerulosa cells were smaller (about 950 microns 3 in volume) and possessed mitochondria with typical tubulo-lamellar cristae, a plentiful SER and few lipid droplets. They showed the ultrastructural features of elements actively engaged in steroid synthesis. The possible origin of aldosteronoma cells from the zona glomerulosa is discussed.  相似文献   

Introduction: Adrenal tumor is a relatively common tumor. The discrimination between adrenal cortical adenoma (ACA) and adrenal cortical carcinoma (ACC) is crucial as these two diseases have distinct prognosis. ACA is a benign tumor curable by surgical excision, while the prognosis of ACC is extremely poor, with a 5-year mortality of 75–90%. Therefore, previous proteomic studies focused on markers allowing the differentiation between ACA and ACC.

Areas covered: Several proteomic approaches based on the analysis of various samples such as human tissues, urine, and cell lines. In this review, we focused on proteomic studies performed to improve adrenal tumor diagnosis and identify ACC therapeutic targets.

Expert commentary: The rapid development of cancer genomics provided a lot of information, which affects functional proteomics. In practice, differentially expressed proteins between ACA and ACC have been suggested in several proteomic studies and had a biologic implication in ACC.  相似文献   


Purpose: Examine the association between bulky DNA adduct levels in colon mucosa and colorectal adenoma prevalence, and explore the correlation between adduct levels in leukocytes and colon tissue.

Methods: Bulky DNA adduct levels were measured using 32P-postlabelling in biopsies of normal-appearing colon tissue and blood donated by 202 patients. Multivariable logistic regression was used to examine associations between DNA adducts, and interactions of DNA adduct-DNA repair polymorphisms, with the prevalence of colorectal adenomas. Correlation between blood and tissue levels of DNA adducts was evaluated using Spearman’s correlation coefficient.

Results: An interaction between bulky DNA adduct levels and XPA rs1800975 on prevalence of colorectal adenoma was observed. Among individuals with lower DNA repair activity, increased DNA adduct levels were associated with increased colorectal adenoma prevalence (OR?=?1.41 per SD increase, 95%CI: 0.92–2.18). Conversely, among individuals with normal DNA activity, an inverse association was observed (OR?=?0.60 per SD increase, 95%CI: 0.34–1.07). Blood and colon DNA adduct levels were inversely correlated (ρ?=??0.20).

Conclusions: Among genetically susceptible individuals, higher bulky DNA adducts in the colon was associated with the prevalence of colorectal adenomas. The inverse correlation between blood and colon tissue measures demonstrates the importance of quantifying biomarkers in target tissues.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe baseline status of trace metals in adrenal tissue is unresolved, while the elemental profile for any adrenal pathology has not been examined so far. This study aimed to determine the baseline status of important toxic (Ni, As, Cd, Pb, Th, U) and essential trace elements (Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, Se) in healthy adrenal tissues (HATs) as well as to examine whether there are alterations in the elemental composition of adenomatous adrenal tissues (AATs). Furthermore, this study aimed to find potential trace metals that could play a role in the pathogenesis of adrenal adenoma (AA).MethodsThe study included 45 patients diagnosed with AA. Impacts of relevant parameters such as gender, age, smoking habits and nodular sizes were considered. All samples were subjected to microwave digestion and the trace elements were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).ResultsThis is the first study that provided an insight into the elemental status of HATs. It was also shown that AATs had altered trace metal contents. Compared to HATs, the most significant findings were related to the high content of essential (Cu, Mn, Se, Zn) and Pb as a non-essential metal. Although gender, age and smoking habits had a modest effect on metal profiles, the most significant alterations were related to the nodular diameter above 4 cm, indicating that the growth of benign tumor could influence changes in elemental composition.ConclusionFor the first time the baseline contents of essential and toxic trace metals in HATs were determined. The results of this study may highlight the role of toxic and essential trace metals in AAs and could provide new insights into the molecular basis of pathophysiological changes caused by the hazardous effects of trace metals on adrenal structure and function.  相似文献   

The adrenal glands (AGs) are endocrine organs essential for life. They undergo a fetal to adult developmental maturation process, occurring in rats during the first postnatal month. The molecular modifications underlying these ontogenic changes are essentially unknown. Here we report the results of a comparative proteomic analysis performed on neonatal (Postnatal day 3) versus adult (Postnatal day 30) AGs, searching for proteins with a relative higher abundance at each age. We have identified a subset of proteins with relevant expression in each developmental period using 2‐DE and DIGE analysis. The identified proteins belong to several functional categories, including proliferation/differentiation, cell metabolism, and steroid biosynthesis. To study if the changes in the proteome are correlated with changes at the mRNA level, we have randomly selected several proteins with differential expression and measured their relative mRNA levels using quantitative RT‐PCR. Cell‐cycle regulating proteins (retinoblastoma binding protein 9 and prohibitin) with contrasting effects on proliferation are expressed differentially in neonatal and adult AG. Progesterone metabolizing enzymes, up‐regulated in the neonatal gland, might contribute to the hyporesponsiveness of the adrenal cortex characteristic of this developmental period. We have also observed in the adult gland a marked up‐regulation of enzymes involved in NAD(P)H production, thus providing the reducing power necessary for steroid hormone biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Each adrenal gland of the Axolotl consists of a strip lying all along the medio-lateral edge on the ventral surface of the kidney. The gland is composed of interrenal cells (IC) and chromaffin cells (CC). The IC contained a great number of pleomorphic lipid droplets, smooth endoplasmic reticulum and elongated mitochondria with tubulo-vesicular cristae. Two types of CC, always disposed in clusters and exhibiting long cytoplasmic processes were described according to the electron density, size and shape of granules distributed in their cytoplasm; noradrenaline cells (NA) and adrenaline cells (A). The innervation and ultrastructural differences from the adrenal gland of other Anurans were discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the adrenal cortex of the domestic fowl has been studied from the 14th day of embryonic life to 980 days after hatching, using the electron microscope.Many mitochondria and vacuoles, round or oval, are observed in all cortical cells. The cristae mitochondriales are not laminar but villous. In the embryo, the mitochondria, whose cristae are not as well developed as those in chick and hen, are very low in electron density. Cytoplasmic vacuoles, either rough or smooth-surfaced, and with a homogeneous content of low electron density, are enclosed by a similar limiting membrane. Some of them are formed by the outer nuclear membrane and are characterized by many small particles on their outer surfaces. These vacuolated structures are perhaps parts of the endoplasmic reticulum. In the 980 day old hen, a number of osmiophilic droplets, round or irregularly shaped, are seen. Some of these are formed by mitochondria, while others accumulate within or around cytoplasmic vacuoles. In the embryo and in the chick, such droplets are never seen. It is assumed that the droplets are substances related to ageing, and that the lipid implicated in cortical hormone is not osmiophilic in the young chick and the embryo. It is perhaps produced in the cytoplasmic vacuoles with the aid of mitochondria. A perisinusoidal space and interparenchymatous cell spaces similar to those described for mammals by other workers, are observed in the adrenal gland of the domestic fowl. I assume that the secretory substance of the cortical and the medullary cell is first secreted into these spaces and then infiltrates into the capillary lumen.  相似文献   

Summary The adrenal medulla appears to exert a regulatory influence on adrenocortical steroidogenesis. We have therefore studied the morphology of rat, porcine and bovine adrenals in order to characterize the contact zones of adrenomedullary and adrenocortical tissues. The distribution of chromaffin cells located within the adrenal cortex and of cortical cells located within the adrenal medulla was investigated. Chromaffin cells were characterized by immunostaining for synaptophysin and chromogranin A, both being considered specific for neuroendocrine cells. Cortical cells were characterized by immunostaining for 17-hydroxylase, an enzyme of the steroid pathway. Cellular contacts of chromaffin cells and cortical cells were examined at the electron microscopical level. In rat and porcine adrenals, rays of chromaffin cells, small cell clusters and single chromaffin cells or small invaginations from the medulla could be detected in all three zones of the cortex. Chromaffin cells often spread in the subcapsular space of the zona glomerulosa. In porcine and bovine adrenals, 17-hydroxylase immunoreactive cells were localized within the medulla. Single cortical cells and small accumulations of cells were spread throughout this region. At the ultrastructural level, the chromaffin cells located within the cortex in pig and rat adrenals formed close cellular contacts with cortical cells in all three zones. Our morphological data provide evidence for a possible paracrine role of chromaffin cells; this may be important for the neuroregulation of the adrenal cortex.  相似文献   

The adrenal gland is of critical importance for a plethora of biological processes. We performed the first systematic analysis of adrenal gland growth using unbiased stereological methods in male and female mice from weaning to adulthood (weeks 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11) at the organ, compartment, and cellular levels. Adrenal weights increased from week 3 to week 7 in male and female mice, remained at this level in females, but decreased by 25% between week 7 and week 9 in males. Female adrenal glands displayed a higher weight at any stage investigated. The volume of the zona fasciculata was consistently higher in female vs. male mice. In both genders, the number of zona fasciculata cells reached a maximum at the age of 7 wk and decreased significantly until week 9. Serum corticosterone concentrations decreased from 3 to 11 wk of age both in male and female mice. However, the estimated total amounts of corticosterone in the circulation were similar in 3- and 11-wk-old mice. Furthermore, total circulating corticosterone was higher in females than in males at an age of 5 and 11 wk. In the zona glomerulosa and in the X-zone, time- and gender-dependent growth effects were observed. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that growth and function of the adrenal glands are markedly influenced by gender and age. These factors require careful consideration in studies aiming at the functional dissection of genetic and environmental factors affecting adrenal growth and function.  相似文献   

The activities of hexokinase, citrate-cleavage enzyme, ;malic enzyme' and NADP-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase have been measured in the adipose tissue, testes and adrenals of normal rats, hypophysectomized rats and hypophysectomized rats treated with either thyroxine or thyroxine plus luteinizing hormone. Hypophysectomy reduced the activity of all four enzymes in all three tissues. Thyroxine alone restored the activity of all four enzymes in adipose tissue towards normal but failed to do so in either testes or adrenals. Thyroxine and luteinizing hormone restored the citrate-cleavage enzyme activity of testes and increased the activity of hexokinase from the low value after hypophysectomy. Neither ;malic enzyme' nor isocitrate dehydrogenase was increased by thyroxine or thyroxine and luteinizing hormone in testes. The differential stimulation of enzyme activity by thyroxine in the different tissues suggests thyroxine as having a special significance in adipose-tissue lipogenesis.  相似文献   

The interscapular brown adipose tissue in male, white Wistar rats in the 1,3,6,15,30, and 60th day of regeneration of adrenals after their enucleation weas investigated. The tissue slides were stained with H and E, with Masson's triple stain and with Sudan B. The activity of the following dehydrogenses was evaluated: Succinic dehydrogenase, delta 5,3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and the activity of the following enzymes; monoaminooxidase (MAO), Alkaline phosphatase (AlPh) and acid phosphatase (AcPh) was studied. Between the first ad 30th day of regeneration of adrenals morphochemical changes were observed; a great number of cells with eosinophylic cytoplasm appeared and with minute vacuols in their cytoplasm, the blood vessels became more numerous and enlarged and the activity of the enzymes tested was enhanced, instead sudanophilia was weaken and the reaction of corticosteriods significantly intensified. The changes observed may indicate on an enhanced hormonal activity. The brown adipose tissue may function as an endocrine gland which supports the regenerating adrenals of the white rat, enables survival and preservation of homeostasis during the insufficiency of the adrenal cortex after adrenal enucleation. The initiation of the endocrine activity of the brown adipose tissue in the course of regeneration of the adrenals proceeds probably without the direct participation of catecholamines originating from the adrenals.  相似文献   

Genes that modulate the action of hormones and cytokines play a critical role in stress response, survival, and in growth and differentiation of cells. Many of these biological response modifiers are responsible for various pathological conditions, including inflammation, infection, cachexia, aging, genetic disorders, and cancer. We have previously identified a new gene, BRE, that is responsive to DNA damage and retinoic acid. Using multiple-tissue dot-blotting and Northern blotting, BRE was recently found to be strongly expressed in adrenal cortex and medulla, in testis, and in pancreas, whereas low expression was found in the thyroid, thymus, small intestine and stomach. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemical staining indicated that BRE was strongly expressed in the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal cortex, which synthesizes and secretes the mineralocorticoid hormones. It is also highly expressed in the glial and neuronal cells of the brain and in the round spermatids, Sertoli cells, and Leydig cells of the testis, all of which are associated with steroid hormones and/or TNF synthesis. However, BRE expression was downregulated in human adrenal adenoma and pheochromocytoma, whereas its expression was enhanced in abnormal adrenal tissues of rats chronically treated with nitrate or nitrite. These data, taken together, indicate that the expression of BRE is apparently associated with steroids and/or TNF production and the regulation of endocrine functions. BRE may play an important role in the endocrine and immune system, such as the cytokine-endocrine interaction of the adrenal gland.  相似文献   

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